Special Events, December 2014

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Sunday Advent Worship Coming!

November 30

Coming in the Clouds

December 7

Coming on the Highway

December 14

Coming in the Water

December 21

Coming in Flesh and Blood

Midweek Advent Worship Blessed and Called Out of Poverty

Reflections on Jesus teachings in Matthew 5, the Beatitudes
As Jesus meets us in our poverty, we are called to meet others in their poverty.
Each week we will have opportunities to help local families.

Meal and Table Talk @ 6:00 p.m.Family-Friendly Hands-On Serving @ 6:30 p.m.Worship @ 7:00 p.m.

December 3 @ St. John

Hands-on Service Make invitations for Christmas Eve Worship to give out
*Sharing as you can Bring for Holiday Bureau Mitten Tree (+hats, scarves, socks)

December 10 @ St. Paul Hands-on Service Make Noisy Offering jars to save at home
*Sharing as you can Bring for Toys for Tots
December 17 @ St. John Hands-on Service Tie blankets for Ruth Anns House (domestic abuse shelter)
*Sharing as you can Bring donations of cleaning supplies for Ruth Anns House

Christmas Eve Worship

5:00 p.m. at St. Paul For families and kids of all ages; puppets, carols, communion
7:00 p.m. at St. John Candlelight, Carols, Communion
10:30 p.m. at St. Paul Music starts at 10:00, Candlelight, Carols, Communion

Special Events, cont.

Eagle Scout Project Invitation


Sunday, Dec. 14th, after worship at St. Paul

Christmas Party

Hello, I am building a shed for the parsonage at St.

Paul for my Eagle Scout project. I am looking for
donations to help offset the cost of building
materials. Please join me for refreshments after
worship, where a free-will offering will be received.
All money collected will go towards this project, and
any extra will be donated to the Pastors
Discretionary Fund. My goal is to have the entire

December 1st - 4th

If you want to experience the true meaning of
Christmas, consider helping us take Christmas
joy into homes and nursing care centers, as
part of our Blessing Cup Team Ministry.
A schedule is posted at each church to help
with your planning. Please join us for one
visit, for all visits, or for anything in between.

Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, December 7, 12:00 p.m.

Sunday School

at the Victorian Inn

Christmas Program

St. John women (WELCA) invite both congregations to their

annual Christmas Luncheon. Enjoy a jump-start to the
Christmas season with this festive meal, joyous conversation,
and fun time. Tickets are $12.00 each. Reservations may be
made by calling the church offices or through Myra Prokop
or Linda Merckens at St. John and Louise Rogers at St. Paul
by Dec. 1st

The Kings Birthday

Directed by Vicky Doski

Sunday, December 14th

6:30 pm at St. Paul
Followed by our

Toys for Tots

St. Paul has a drop-box for Salvation Armys annual
collection of toys. There is need in Ottawa County for
all ages, but the need for gifts for teens is estimated at
400. You are encouraged to bring any unwrapped toys
or gifts to St. Paul on or before our December 10th
Joint Midweek Advent Worship at St. Paul.

Wreaths Across America

Thanks to those who have donated, and to Charlie Scott for
being our local contact. We are happy to be part of a
national movement to put a wreath on each Veterans
grave in America in December, including those in St.
Pauls Cemetery.

Birthday Party for Jesus!

Everyone is invited!

Ruth Anns House

Cleaning supplies is the most current need to help
those moving into transitional housing. Buckets
will be provided at St. John and both
congregations are invited to help fill them with
cleaning supplies on or before our December 17th
Joint Midweek Advent Worship at St. John.

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