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Dear Media,

I have a story I would like to share with you and whoever else is
interested in the well being of children. Although this is my story,
similar stories are taking place all over the United States, even as I
write this letter. Each and every day over 1,000 children are being taken
by Child Protection Services. Many of these children come from good homes
and are not abused or neglected. I am sharing with you this story because
people have the right to know where their tax dollars are really going.
Many child protection agencies are kidnapping children and are committing
fraud by Racketeering and misappropriating Federal Funds.

Here's our story:

My daughter, Jennifer Taylor Dearinger was 16 1/2 at the time she was
illegally abducted by Child Protection Services. Jenny is my only child.
I raised her alone since she was 6 months old. I divorced Jenny's father
because he was abusive towards me. My ex-husband moved out of state and
rarely saw his daughter until she was 10 years old and always avoided
paying his child support. He worked for his parents who would lie about
his income so Jenny and I struggled when she was a baby. Through the
years I worked very hard to make a nice life for us. I managed to be a
stay at home Mom by starting up a daycare center, and later got into real
estate and bought a few self storage business that would allow me to
continue being home for my daughter. I was fairly successful and I
managed to get off welfare and food stamps. I was very proud of my
accomplishments, for although the cards were stacked against me I was
determined to make a nice life for my daughter, even without the help of
the father. My ex-husband was always bitter towards me for having to pay
child support and his wages were garnished by the State. At one point his
child support lowered to 168.00 a month by committing fraud, which was
hardly enough to pay for my daughter and her friends Mc Donalds "Happy
meals". I turned his attorney in and she was repremanded by the Supreme
Court. Afterwards, the Judge ordered my husband to pay child support
arrearages, but he never did. Instead, he successfully used Child
Protection Services to get custody of our daughter and this has turned
our lives upside down. It is because of this experience that I became
aware of the extreme corruption that is going on within Child Protection

Jenny was taken by CPS in December of 2007 after her and I had a spat
over a juvenile delinquent whom my daughter was dating at the time. Jenny
was ditching school and was beginning to have sex. This boy was
physically abusive towards my daughter. He slapped her around and flushed
her cell phone down the toilet. I forbid her to see him but she kept
sneaking out. After catching him in her bedroom I took the door off her
room. All summer long we fought about her seeing this boy. After I took
the door off Jenny would put the door back on. I removed the lock but she
put it back on. After doing this all summer long I was getting very
weary. I bought some self help books at Barnes and Noble to help me deal
with my hormonal daughter. Even though Jenny was legally old enough to be
allowed to stay at home alone I was worried about her getting pregnant
and since I am very protective of my daughter I rarely left her home
alone. I contacted Atascadero high School and asked them to remove the
boy from my daughter’s class so she would stop ditching school, but they
refused. They told me “Jenny just needs to get over it”, the relationship
I assume. My daughter was infatuated with this boy since he was her
“first”, so she was not going to get over it.

I wanted to take my daughter Christmas shopping but once again she snuck
out to see "Adam". This went on for 3 weeks. Finally, I had enough so I
grounded my daughter and ordered her to go with me shopping for I was not
about to leave her home alone. On this particular day Jenny was out with
friends earlier but had agreed to accompany me shopping, so we made plans
to leave around 1:00pm after he friends left. Upon arriving home she put
on her pajamas and crawled in bed, claiming to be sick. I knew this
wasn‘t true for I had overheard her talking on the phone with the boy
"Adam", and they were making plans for him to come to the house once I
left. I told Jenny to get dressed so we could leave, but she refused. She
proceeded to lock her bedroom door and she wouldn't come out. I went
around to the balcony sliding glass door and banged on it but she ignored
me. She finally opened the door and I went to pick out her clothes. She
suddenly kicked me in the chest and I went into a major asthma attack. I
went downstairs to lay down on the couch and recover. 30 minutes later I
went back up to her bedroom to see if she was ready to leave. Once again
she locked the door and was being rebellious. I tried to open the latch
and take the hinges off the door using scissors for it's all I had but
they wouldn't work.

Out of out of complete frustration I ended up damaging the door. I did

NOT abuse my daughter as CPS states in their exaggerated report. This was
simply a cat-fight, and was not unlike most disputes that parents have
with their teenager. This was a door to a home that I owned and I was
simply trying to get my daughter to go with me Christmas shopping so I
could keep her away from the abusive boyfriend. There was another reason
I wanted Jenny to go with me that day. I had received a threatening phone
call from one of my customers. At my mini storage facility one of my
customers storage unit was in foreclosure. When Jenny was around 11 years
old she and another little boy were being mischievous and they had
smashed the windshields on two vehicles that were being stored at my
facility. The kids thought that the vehicles which were old and
dilapidated were abandoned. It turns out that one of these vehicles
happened to belong to a customer, and this customer also had a storage
unit that recently went in foreclosure for non payment. Over a three day
period I had several conversations with "Mr. Issacs" who threatened to
come to my house; telling me he was owed money for the damage that my
daughter did over 5 years prior. Even though I had already compensated
this customer for the old ice cream truck that was, in my opinion, not
worth more than $50. He was angry about the foreclosure and said he was
going to get even with me and my daughter, so there was no way I was
going to leave Jenny home alone that day so this is why I insisted she
come with me. The self help book I was reading at the time said “don’t be
afraid to contact Law Enforcement when your child misbehaves”. It was a
tough love approach to child rearing, and since I was a single Mother who
was sick at the time I though I was making the right decision to contact
Law Enforcement. Boy was I was wrong.
While Jenny and I had our squabble I told her that if she “didn’t get in
the car I would call the Police and they would make her“, so she called
the Police for me. Bad move! The officers called the house back after the
complaint and I told them I was leaving to go shopping. While I was gone
they showed up, knowing my daughter would be home alone. Jenny had made
an officer angry the month before because she hung up on the officer
after I called the police to report that Jenny had snuck out past curfew
to be with Adam. Officer Wyatt Kasfelt warned my daughter that if she
didn’t straighten up he would “make her life a complete hell”, so while I
was out shopping this same officer showed up. He took my daughter and
placed her into foster care to teach her a lesson. The following day I
was visited by Social Worker Karen Arrona. Her and I spoke in the car
while I went to the store. I overheard her conversation. She was talking
to someone at CPS and said to someone “but I like the Mother”, apparently
trying to intercept for she probably knew in advance that I was going to
be arrested. Shortly afterwards, Officer Kasfelt showed up at my house
and I admitted to damaging the door. The Social Worker and the Police
Officer went outside to have a private a conversation. They were outside
for a long while. When they returned I was handcuffed and arrested. I was
thrown in jail and given a 100,000 bail. Whew! I had no idea it was a
crime to damage my own property. I wonder what the bail would have been
if I had damaged a wall instead! I bailed out, but later on I discovered
that Karen Arrona’s husband was on one of the Children's non profits. I
also discovered that the Atascadero Police had a new "youth non profit"
that was set up in 2006 and they were being given Grants under the COP
and CIS (Cops in School) program. In fact, one of the San Luis Obispo
Board of Supervisors were listed on the Police Departments non profit,
which I felt was is a conflict of interest, especially since they later
refused to meet with me. The Board of Supervisors are supposed to be
unbiased and should take parent complaints and investigate. Instead they
blocked me from attending any of the meetings that are open to the
public, and they refused to talk to me. My daughter told me that the
officer bruised her arm while forcing her into his vehicle. Jenny tells
me she was taking a bath when the officer arrived at our home and that
the officer wouldn't leave the bathroom so she could get dressed in
private. Instead, he watched her and yanked her out of the tub,
apparently bruising her arm. She was taken forcefully, against her will,
without a warrant which is required by law. Later on I met with a female
officer named Linda who was present during the removal. She told me that
she not feel my daughter should have been taken but was instructed to
take Jenny, by whom she didn’t say.

So this is how CPS came into our lives.

I went to court and my bail was dropped. My daughter was returned 5 days
later. Things were fine at home and Jenny and I were getting along great.
There wasn’t any other reoccurrences or fights with my daughter. Over the
Christmas holiday’s I rented a limousine for the kids and we stayed in a
$300 dollar a night room at the Madonna Inn. We had a nice dinner and
were chauffeured around town so we could view the Christmas lights. We
had a blast. CPS assigned Social Worker Amy Sensenbaugh to our case and
she ordered Jenny and I to attend "Therapy". She wanted us to have
"Separate therapy", which I felt was odd. Amy also insisted that Jenny
see a "certain" therapist and my daughter reports that therapist Kristy
Ross was attempting to put negative thoughts into her head. I asked my
daughter if she wanted to choose another therapist and she replied “yes”,
so I contacted another therapist that was on the County's list, a man by
the name of Bob Mcaffee. When Amy Sensenbaugh found out she became angry.
She went to my daughter's school and coerced her into going back to see
the same therapist. She even made an appointment for my daughter. I
complied with all of CPS's requests. Both my daughter and I had 730
mental evaluations and I went to see the therapist that CPS recommended.
I was ordered to attend random Drug and Alcohol testing and was placed
into their program even though I didn't have a substance abuse problem.
It was a requirement I was told. I know now that these programs are
completely voluntary, but CPS in San Luis Obispo forces parents to enter
into these programs so they can obtain additional Federal Funds and use
these slanderous reports to justify the removal of children. All of my
tests were clean, yet they made false and misleading reports that were
outright slanderous lies. The same thing occurred with the Mental Health
Evaluator, Dr. Wiley, both therapists, and two Doctors who are all paid
for by the County of San Luis Obispo. Dr. Wiley gave both me and my
daughter a false Mental Condition while Catherine Cascadden and Christi
Ross lied in their reports (See notes about evidence). Doctor Sigmund
wrote lies about me in my medical chart, suggesting that I was “bipolar”.
This occurred during our second meeting and right after he was faxed
documents by CPS, I assume from Social Worker Amy Sensenbaugh. Dr.
Sigmund then communicated with my new Heart Doctor, who then wrote
slanderous lies in my file. I didn’t know either of these two Doctors
prior to becoming involved with CPS, and I had only met each Doctor one
time. Both Doctors were very nice during my initial office visit, however
their demeanor immediately changed right after their contact with CPS. I
don’t know what the Social worker told them, but whatever it was it must
have been horrible.

Never before have I had any Doctor tell me I have a mental condition,
either before or after the CPS fiasco, so I feel certain *individuals
within CPS is responsible for the smear of my character. By then it was
becoming quite obvious that CPS were having Medical professionals lie on
reports so that they can bring in more funding into the County of San
Luis Obispo. *While living in Europe after my daughter was abducted I
dated a psychiatrist who confirmed I don’t have any mental disorder. He
said that all of the criminals who were involved should be in jail for
fraud. My daughters private therapist has the same sentiments.

The only reason I went to see Dr. Sigmund was because I had been feeling
very fatigued in the months leading up to the fight with my daughter.
There is no way I could have abused her, especially in the shape I was
in. I had been sleeping quite a bit, and some days I couldn’t even get
out of bed. My daughter and I are about the same size, except she’s much
stronger than I am, so all of the statements Amy made were complete lies.
The fabricated reports submitted to the Court made me appear to be a
“monster”, and these reports were all written and prepared by Social
Worker Amy Sensenbaugh. What’s interesting to note is the fact that Amy
not only removed my daughter from school, but she also went on a “witch
hunt”, and slandered me to others while attempting to coerce witnesses
into making false statements. She prepared all of the Court documents
from beginning to end. Despite my efforts to have Amy Sensenbaugh
removed, CPS kept her assigned and ignored my continued requests. I
suppose Amy must be one their best child snatchers.

At the time my daughter was removed I didn‘t know I had anemia for I was
in the process of looking for a new primary care Doctor since I was new
to the area. I was feeling very weak and fatigued and was hooked up to an
oxygen tank at night to help my symptoms. I had been diagnosed with early
stage emphysema, COPD and Asthma a few years earlier while living in a
different county, so I hadn’t seen a Doctor for a while, so I thought my
condition might be worsening. It turns out all I needed was a high dose
of Iron. CPS knew that I was sick during the time they removed Jennifer,
yet they forced me to attend their programs without first allowing me to
see a Doctor. Even my daughter told them “you can’t take me because my
mother is sick” but they didn’t care. I wasn’t too sick to take care of
my daughter for she was older, but I was too sick to fight back against
CPS - and they knew it. I was forced into attending therapy, random drug
testing, and endured 7 long hours of mental tests that I could barely
stay awake for. They used my illness as a reason to slander me, stating
that it took me a long time to complete the tests. They also scheduled
court hearings around this same time knowing that I would be too sick to
attend. I asked them several times to allow me to see a Doctor before
being forced into all of their programs - but they denied my requests. It
is highly unethical to force a sick person to undergo a series of mental
tests, and it is against the law to take a child away because of a
parent’s illness or disability. CPS, of course, violates all of these
laws. They attack vulnerable people and they knew that in order to get my
daughter they would have to take Jenny while I was sick. After I went to
see a Hematologist and was diagnosed with Anemia the Doctor placed me on
1100 milligrams per day. Within a few months I was doing great and was
back to my former self, however, by that time CPS had already done their
damage. They proceeded to have the Court hear my case without me present.

With the exception of the Hematologist, all of the Medical professionals

during this time obstructed me from being able to receive proper medical
care. They were more interested in giving me a false mental condition for
CPS than treating my symptoms of chronic fatigue. When I tried to find a
Doctors I was repeatedly denied without a reason. Even my Pulmonologist
cancelled me as a patient. Therapists Catherine Cascadden and Kristi
Ross, Dr. Sigmund, and others refused to give me my medical records even
though I put my requests in writing. Dr. Sigmund claimed that my records
were in storage, however, since I was a new patient I knew this was
false. Months later I discovered the truth when I finally obtained my
records from a storage facility. In there were the faxed documents from
Social Workers at CPS. I turned Doctor Sigmund into Heath and Human
Services because of his indiscretion and very unprofessional conduct.

Jenny was taken a second time from school 45 days after she was returned
home. My daughter was taken in January 2008. On the morning that Amy
removed my daughter we had a conversation. I told her my business wasn’t
doing too well and asked if we could transfer the case to Mt. Shasta
where my business was since CPS wanted us to attend therapy. She told me
she didn’t think this would be a problem and that I could make this
request at the hearing the following day. She told me she was
recommending that the case be closed out and Jenny remain with me.
However, Amy lied.

Amy Sensenbaugh removed my daughter from school within 2 hours after our
conversation. Jenny was taken in the morning, yet Therapist Catherine
Cascadden made a false mandated report in the afternoon - after she was
removed. There is no doubt that Amy and Catherine worked in collusion.
The paperwork states that it was an “Emergency removal” yet this too was
a lie. The truth is I had contacted this Therapist the previous day
expressing concerns about Social Worker Amy Sensenbaugh. Amy kept going
to my daughter’s school and she was upsetting and embarrassing my
daughter who she kept pulling out of class. Jenny was so upset by what
Amy was telling her that she would come home after school and lock
herself in the room. When I noticed a scab on my daughters arm I asked
her how it got there. She told me about Amy and that she cut herself with
a razor while in Math Class because Amy upset her. This is when I called
CPS and asked that they please stop having Amy go to my daughter’s school
and I asked if Amy could be removed from our case. It appears that once
CPS became aware that Jenny and I planned to leave the County they
decided to snatch my daughter, apparently so she would provide income for
the County of San Luis Obispo. As a result I was unable to attend to
business matters for I had to stay and fight for my daughters return
while appeasing CPS by completing my “case plan”.

While reviewing the Court paperwork I noticed two things, one that my ex-
husband and Amy were sending emails back and forth to one another, the
other was a document which stated my daughter was still in foster care.
Amy had written that Jenny was in “placement” when in fact she was back
home with me. The reason Amy did this was to avoid obtaining a Police
warrant because she did not have a justifiable reason to remove my
daughter. My ex-husband who had lost two prior custody battles was more
than willing to cooperate with the Social Worker. He sent slanderous
emails that the Social worker never even confirmed or investigated. In
fact, during one of my conversations with Amy she stated “I’m concerned
about your drinking problem and your stability” to which I responded “oh,
you must be talking to my ex-husband”. He had already used these lies in
Court and certainly the blood tests proved this to be false. When I told
Amy I rarely drank and encouraged her to come to my home her response was
“oh, that’s not necessary”. Jenny removed shortly afterwards with out any
investigation, any visit to my home from a Social Worker and based solely
upon hearsay. WOW! From there the nightmare continued……….

My daughter was placed in 6-7 different foster homes over a period of 6

months. Jenny’s cell phone was taken away and she wasn’t allowed to have
any contact with me. Social Workers threatened, bribed and coerced my
daughter, promising in and out hamburgers if she didn’t attempt to
contact me. Jenny and I hid 3 different cell phones and tried to stay in
contact. When the School or Social Workers found out she was severely
punished. Each home she was placed into got worse, until eventually they
placed her with run chaperones 24 hours a day - to ensure that she didn’t
run back home. Although I was allowed 1 hour visits once per week, these
visits were always sporadic for the social worker made excuses for
canceling our visits. They would lie on the court reports about our
visits; stating that I acted “inappropriate” whenever I hugged my
daughter to comfort her. They scheduled my daughters “therapy” on the
same day as our visits and she appeared to be emotionally traumatized as
time went on. My daughter admits that the therapists told her lies about
me and repeated over and over “your mother is crazy”. What a cruel thing
to do a child and this is what caused my daughter to begin cutting
herself. She had cuts on her wrists, her arms, her legs and was very
distraught. During some visits my daughter would just sit and stare. Once
I witnessed her acting very childlike; coloring with crayons like a 5
year old. It was very sad to see my daughter in this state and I felt
helpless as I was unable to get her out of foster care.

The school played a very important role in the deception for they
assisted social workers in keeping my daughter away from me. I didn’t
have any negative experiences with the school prior to CPS, so there was
no reason why they would act this way. Jenny met with the school
counselor, Ms. Rogers, and cried, telling her she wanted to go home but
Ms. Rodgers told her she had to stay in foster care. Jenny begged the
chaperones to help her escape. A few times Jen and I would meet secretly
and once we had lunch in the bathroom of a restaurant. The whole
situation was very creepy. While in foster care Jenny became depressed
and was suicidal. She began cutting on herself but CPS covered it up.
Even though Jenny had a lawyer, a Guardian Ad Litum (GAL) named Gerald
Carrasco, he was being paid for by the county so naturally he sided with
CPS. When Jenny became suicidal Gerald wanted to send Jenny home. He
promised that he was going to ask the Judge to return her and I called
County Counsel to let them know. Big mistake. The attorney for County
Counsel responded “no he’s not”. Sure enough during our next court
hearing, the following Monday the GAL had done a 180.

CASA is the Court Appointed Special Advocate. They are supposed to meet
with children to determine whether or not they are abused. State
Legislators instituted CASA to ensure unbiased opinions, however, they
too have become corrupt. I called CASA numerous times to ask when they
were going to evaluate my daughter but was told they had a 6 month
waitlist, so I volunteered. I even called United Way and a number of
other children organizations to see if they could help out. I spoke with
a member of City Counsel in Atascadero who told me of another child who
was recently seen by CASA, yet this child was placed in foster care after
my daughter. This is when I realized CASA was purposely not meeting my
daughter for they knew in advance that she wasn’t abused and that she
wanted to go home. CASA was listed on our court paperwork and were
compensated by the Federal Government yet though they never met my

All of the people who were involved in abducting my daughter were either
on children charities, were being paid for by the County of San Luis
Obispo or were profiting in some way off my daughter. This included the
School Superintendent Julian Crocker, Social Worker Karen Arrona,
Director of CPS Leland Collins, his assistant Tracy Buckingham, Lisa Figg
with Family Care Connection and others. Not one person would help me get
Jenny out of foster care, despite the fact that she was suicidal and
wanted to come home. I contacted the State Foster care Ombudsman Karen
Grace Kaho but she avoided me and refused to meet. I made a visit to Lisa
Figg’s house, with Family Care Connection. Lisa just so happened to live
on my street - and my daughter just so happened to be placed in her
program (Cha-ching-cha-ching), so they weren’t any help. I went to the
Atascadero Police Department and showed them pictures of the cuts all
over my daughters wrists and arms, but they were unsympathetic. Before
leaving an officer asked me if I planned on attending the Family
Preservation Rally in Washington DC. I responded back saying “I wouldn’t
miss it for the world”. The very next day the Police gave me a false DUI
so I couldn’t leave the State of California. There was no test, no
booking. No nothing. They handed me a piece of paper and told me I had a
DUI. The Police must have known I planned on being a speaker for
apparently they were reading my website:
After I sat down with an officer and showed him all the money that was
being made off children in SLO the Police Chief made sure all of my calls
were routed to Lt. Brian Dana, who has since been demoted to Sergeant. It
was Dana who took my cell phone and kept it in his desk drawer for a week
instead of booking it into evidence. The social worker recovered it from
the school and my phone was dropped off with the Atascadero Police
instead of being returned back to me. Soon afterwards both my home line
and cell phones were tapped. I wasn’t able to call certain numbers and
other times my voice was distorted. I knew I couldn’t tell anyone at the
time because they would probably think I was crazy. When I asked Chief
Mulhill if he was tapping my phone lines he didn’t deny it, instead he
told me the Patriot Act gave him the authority. I paid a visit to Lois
Capps, Assemblyman Blakeslee, and contacted many different agencies. I
also attempted to speak before the Board of Supervisors, but was I was
restricted from speaking. I contacted David Edge and spoke with his
assistant who advised me to “Comply with whatever CPS wants and I could
have my child back“. It was incredulous, the way San Luis Obispo County
was keeping my child for “Ransom” and I was amazed at how deep the
corruption ran. It was like everyone stuck together to create one big lie
- all at the tax payers expense.

I set up a meeting with CPS Director Lee Collins. My daughter was present
during this meeting. I brought with me all of the State Laws. I had a
huge portable file with me. When I began to recite all of the violations
CPS had made by removing my daughter Lee suddenly stopped me, looked at
me right in the eyes and said slowly “I don’t care about the laws”. I
responded back almost yelling “The Judge will”. At that point he got
close to my face and smiled and said “The Judge is my friend”. I snapped
back “we’ll see about that”. Lee then yelled at my daughter “your Mother
had a DUI” and Jenny responded “that was years ago”. I have no doubt that
it was Mr. Collins who arranged for me to be given a false DUI by the
Atascadero Police so he could keep my daughter in foster care and use
this false “evidence” against me. After the meeting concluded I was
stopped by Social Worker Louise Tobin who told me “you will be escorted
home now”. I told her I wasn’t getting in the car with any of them and I
ran the hell out of there as fast as I could. I was literally shaking
because what took place in that room was quite scary. Upon leaving I
could see them putting my daughter in the room with Lee and closing the
door behind them.

There were several raids on my home by the Police who knew I was
investigating CPS and the children charities. Only once did they obtain a
warrant. One day they claimed that my daughter was missing and that I was
at my daughters school that day. This was not true for I hadn’t even left
my house. Jenny wasn’t picked up by the foster mother so she went for a
walk at the part. The Police came to home and barged in and handcuffed me
to the front of my house. They proceeded to search my home, going through
drawers and reading my letters to State Senators. There was 6 cop cars
and two detectives. One of the detectives made the remark to my friend
“why is she writing to Senator Maldonado? He’s not going to help her. My
friend who was at my house during the raid was the cameraman for “On
Second Thought TV” so he witnessed the whole event that he later
recounted on TV.

During the next court hearing I subpoenaed the CPS Director, Lee Collins
to court. I told the Judge “Here’s your ‘friend’ Mr. Collins, your honor.
Perhaps he would like to tell the court why he has kidnapped my child”.
The Judge got angry and denied any improprieties. Judge Picquet, however,
kept my daughter off the stand every time she wanted to testify. He
violated all of Jenny’s rights. My daughter later told me the Judge acted
“sadistic” towards her. Right before our last court hearing Jenny had ran
home. The Police raided my home again but Jenny hid up a tree for two
hours. She spent the night and the following day I was bold enough to
take her with me to Court. I was worried about getting arrested, but I
took the chance for I was not going to give up the fight. Right before
our hearing we went to the DA's office together hoping they would help
us. Instead, the lady at the front desk refused to let Jenny talk to the
DA. She had a disgusted look on her face. At the hearing the Judge spoke
to my daughter ‘off the court record.’ He met with her and her attorney
in Judges chambers. The Judge taunted my daughter saying “I could send
you home today if I wanted to…but I’m not going to. You are going to be a
good little girl and get on the plane”. Jenny about fell apart after the
hearing and cried uncontrollably while a Social Worker forced her into
her car. Jenny was sent back to foster care. Within two days she was
shipped out of state against her will - in the middle of the night. Once
she arrived at her Fathers house the phone was disconnected and she was
unable to leave the home. Jenny and I were not allowed to have any
contact. Social Worker Louise Tobin flew to Iowa a month later to prevent
my daughter from returning to California. On paper she stated that my
daughter chose to stay in Iowa but the messages placed on my daughter’s
“My Space” page told a very different story. Jenny had placed a CPS
reform video on her web page along with a picture of a “noose” with the
words “I love my mother and I want to go home. It was horrible what CPS
put my daughter though in order to make money. The Social worker found my
daughter a job working for a daycare center. She did this so Jenny would
be kept busy and so she would miss her own court hearings. I confirmed
from the owner of the daycare center that they were receiving Federal
funds for my daughter.

Most of the time Children are not allowed to attend their own hearings,
especially if they want to go home. Even though Governor Schwarzenegger
did an executive order on July 22nd 2008 making it mandatory that
children be allowed to testify rarely do CPS agencies comply. Children
are only allowed on the stand once they testify to what CPS wants them to
say. Usually they have their court appointed therapists present to coach
the children. Many kids are drugged and those children who resist, like
mine did, are placed into “negative therapy“ and then multiple foster
homes until they become unstable enough to give up. After children are
alienated from their parents, drugged and given regular “therapy” only
then are they then ready to testify. If people could actually see for
themselves what really goes on inside those secret court rooms they would
be appalled! The injustices that are occurring within those walls in San
Luis Obispo and many other counties are atrocities within our Judicial
system. Many State and Federal laws are broken but CPS is rarely held
accountable. They don’t play by the rules of the court and this is why so
many attorney’s don’t like taking on CPS cases. The one’s that do are
usually receiving “kickbacks”. Its very difficult to find an “honest”
attorney, especially now that the State has begun pulling the licenses of
attorney’s who try to help families. Some attorney’s have actually left
the Country. One in particular, Barbara Johnson, who recently published a
book entitled “Behind the Black Robles : Failed Justice”. In one Chapter
some of my writings are published ( I believe I am mentioned in Chapter
12). I plan on ordering a copy of the book this week.

I was determined to find out everything I could about CPS. I stayed up

late at night researching, reviewing cases, speaking with other victims
and soon it became clear. Almost all of the victims I spoke to had
similar stories to share. They named off the same set of individuals who
were involved; Doctors, Lawyers, Therapists, Judges, and State/County
contracted vendors. I watched over 20,000 You Tube videos from other
parents, who like myself were trying to expose the truth. If it hadn’t of
happened to me I wouldn’t have believed it either. I wondered to myself
‘how can you have so many people be involved in such a huge conspiracy
and still keep it quiet from the general public‘? The answer was quite
simple. Jailing parents and placing ‘gag orders’ on them is actually
quite effective. Especially when you have County paid doctors give out
false mental conditions. They almost always give parents a false mental
condition, this way if one gets out of line they simply lock them up.
Many parents are locked up in Mental Institutions - simply for fighting
to get their children back. CPS placed an illegal Gag order on me. They
also ordered me to take down my websites and to contact the Media in
writing and tell them to take down any material covering our case. When I
refused they tried to charge me with “Contempt of Court”. I went on
William Wagener’s On Second Thought TV based out of Santa Maria and on
Dave Congalton's show, KVEC.

Before, during, and after the KVEC broadcast County workers called into
the station. They attempted to humiliate me by using common CPS methods
of intimidation and slander; hoping to silence the truth. One Social
Worker called in to state that there is “Standing Review Board” committee
that oversees parents complaints. He also mentioned the Civil Rights
department within CPS. That’s right - EVERYTHING is completely internal -
- and that’s the problem. The “Secret Courts” that are supposed to
protect the children are actually being used to protect the guilty. This
is why CPS wants everything kept ‘confidential‘. Dave received
threatening telephone calls from County officials after his broadcast so
I felt terrible because I know how vindictive CPS is and how they
harasses people. I suppose Dave was intimidated into taking down the pod
cast for I noticed it was taken down soon after.
Here is my recent post to Dave Conglaton's Website in response to David
Edge's firing :

"Now that David Edge is suing the County I wonder if he's ready to start
talking about all the money laundering that's going in San Luis Obispo
involving CPS and Children Charities. Edge is an old college buddy of CPS
Director, Leland Collins, who is a suspected pedophile. Collins and his
assistant Tracy Buckingham went running to David Edge’s office the day
after being accused of taking children in order to boost quotas so the
Country could fraudulently obtain Federal Funds. In 2006 The New Times
reported that Collins abused his power, manipulated reports, back dated
documents, and was vindictive towards parents. To view this article
visit: I suspect there's much more to
the story than what is being told to the general public. The sex story is
probably just the tip of the iceberg. A recent comment on Dan Blackburn’s
website SLO Uncovered stated that it’s probably a cover up. As Finance
Director David Edge was responsible for overseeing the distribution of
millions of dollars of Government Grants, including cash flow management,
banking relationships, and financial reporting. Edge was in direct
communication with many of the individuals who are listed on children non
profits. Collins is the Director of Children’s Health Initiative while
Tracy Buckingham is part of the operations committee. They are involved
in Mental Health, which is a direct conflict of interest due to their
influence over cases involving children removals. Board of Supervisor
K.H. “Katcho” Achadjian is also listed on several children charities as
well as Julian Crocker, SLO County Superintendent of Schools. Some of the
Board of Directors are listed on Law Enforcement “youth non profits”,
which is also a conflict of interest. For more information visit: For a full list of children
charities operating within San Luis Obispo County or to view 990 tax
returns visit: To perform an advanced search enter
keywords “Children” “foster care” “mental health”."

At the suggestion of a friend I paid a visit Senator Maldonado’s house.

He was away in Sacramento on business but I met with his wife. She was
very nice and assured me that once the Senator returned he would meet
with me. I went to his office the following week to drop off evidence of
corruption. The Senator was in his office but the secretary lied and told
me he was not there. I had gotten into his office by a mail carrier who
told me to go before him. Prior to this short meeting I had made several
attempts to speak to the Senator but they never answered the door. I
could see cars in the driveway but the door was always locked. On the
outside of the door was instructions to leave signed authorizations for
the Senator to review CPS case files. On the day I was allowed entry I
gave the secretary some tape recordings. I had dropped of
Recordings the week before so I asked her if she wanted more takes. She
said “no, that will be all Ms. Dearinger” and she rushed me out the door.
On my way out I said something like “I believes CPS needs a referral to
the joint legislative audit committee”. She pushed me out. No sooner did
I cross the street when I was surrounded by the CHP. oops. Rut roh. They
wanted to know if I was harassing the Senator. “Nope” I said. “I’m just
here trying to get my child back from CPS”. The officers said things to
me that repeated the lies CPS had created. They asked if I had a mental
disorder and if I was taking any medication. I was amazed at how CPS
could not only create these lies but actually spread these lies to the
Senator and all over town. I left rather quickly, realizing at that point
that the corruption had probably spread to the legislative level. I later
confirmed this information with a Chief of Staff who I can‘t mention in
this letter.

The following week I found business cards under my door mat from the CHP.
They said they were with the Senators office and wanted to meet with me.
I avoided them like the plague but they kept coming back. I had no
curtains on my windows so I hid out in my office in the basement. I sent
an email to the person on the card asking what he wanted; telling him I’d
rather communicate in writing. He said he’d give me a week. I told him I
wasn’t talking to anyone until I had an attorney. The following week I
received a “visit” from Sacramento. Senator Maldonado had sent people to
my home to investigate me to see if I was a terrorist. Imagine me, a
single Mom who is fighting for her daughter actually a “terrorist”? Oh
please! This story was getting stranger and stranger. Along with the
investigator for Maldonado. Special Agent Pete Day was Mike from Governor
Schwarzenegger’s office. They showed up early in the morning and wanted
to come in to talk. I didn’t know what to think at that point. I was
sleep deprived and all I wanted was answers. I let them in hoping they
would help me get my daughter back. Although Mike and Pete were nice
enough they told me they couldn’t get involved due to the “Separation of
State“, which I didn’t quite believe. Once they confirmed I wasn’t a
terrorist they left, but not before reminding me that it was a crime to
tape record someone in the State of California. Hummmm……. How else was I
going to provide that CPS in SLO had kidnapped my daughter and was
breaking many laws? I wondered whether Governor Schwarzenegger was part
of the child abduction racket, and could this be why CPS agencies all
over California were getting away with kidnapping kids? Was he using the
money to finance his aspirations to become President? I looked at the
Block Grants that were coming into California and noticed that they were
higher than any other state. I knew I didn’t want to stick around for
fear that I would be locked up. Somehow I got the feeling that the more I
fought for my daughter the more enemies I was making. I knew people
wouldn’t believe my story unless I had some sort of proof - but how was I
going to get it? Since the Police harassment was going on full scale by
that time - I decided to leave the State. I thought it was better to
leave before they tried to lock me up over the false DUI. I went to
Hawaii because it carried different laws and I felt safe since it was an
ocean away.

While in Hawaii I continued my investigations into CPS. During this time

I was in occasional communication with my daughter through her My Space
page which she frequently used to send me messages since her dad didn’t
allow her to email me or call. I printed them out and faxed them to
Schwarzeneggers office but they didn‘t do anything to help. I was also in
communication with several Senators from other states and other members
of Congress. There were some honest Politicians, but not in California,
unfortunately. Some were very nice but couldn’t help because they were
not in my jurisdiction. They did however agree that something should be
done about CPS. A few members made calls on my behalf but CPS didn’t
care. They have all the power and they know it. Too much Power corrupts
and this is what has happened to CPS through the years for they abuse
their power and since there is no accountability or oversight they are
able to get away with it.

Soon after I left my home was broken into and my new bookkeeper, Joy
Wilde, who I had hired to handle the accounting while I fought for my
daughter’s return embezzled from me. I met Joy through a bookkeeping
agency called System 42 which is located in Atascadero. She broke into my
online bank account and transferred 20,000 from my 100,000 line of
credit, transferred the money into my business checking and then forged a
number of checks. She worked with an accomplice by the name of Don Mc
Naughton. Together they worked out an elaborate scheme where he pretended
he was hired to remodel my home. The bookkeeper wrote up a lease
agreement giving the squatter free rent for 1 year so they could empty
out my bank account. She wrote the squatter and his workers checks, which
were cashed and the money was split. I had no knowledge that any of this
was going on, and certaintly I never hired anyone to remodel my home. The
last thing I was thinking about was remodeling while I was fleeing
California. Joy and Don basically they took advantage of my situation and
they stole many of my valuables, including my company truck that was
found a year later abandoned on the side of the road. The Atascadero
Police knew about the situation from beginning to end. They even went to
the house of the man who stole my truck and to the storage unit which
contained the stolen items. They covered it up. Since the District
Attorney was involved in the CPS case he wouldn’t prosecute. To this day
the Police and the DA ignore my calls. Bank of America will not refund my
money because of the Police. Since I couldn’t get the squatter out of my
home or the bank to reimburse me my home went into foreclosure. Bank of
America cut off my line of credit and closed out my business accounts. I
have sent a certified letter to both the Atascadero Police and the
Attorney General requesting their assistance. My contact with the
Atascadero Police is Detective Pflum who tells me there is no crime. He’s
lying. I believe that its possible the cover up might be because my
daughter might have been placed into low income programs that she wasn’t
qualified for. I am in the process of researching the 4E Program
eligibility & reimbursements. I have placed the proof online at
Included is a letter from my CPA, copies of the forged checks, proof that
Joy broke into my online banking and changed my password and email
notifications, text messages & emails between me and Joy, emails between
Joy and my CPA, tape recordings of the accomplices admitting their
involvement, a copy of the forged rental agreement, letter from a worker
admitting Joy sent her a “bonus check” using my online account, and other

Everytime I call the DA's office to request an investigation into the

embezzlement I get the same receptionist. She is rude to me and refuses
to let me talk to a DA. She hangs up on me. When I call City Hall
attempting to speak with Wade McKinney my calls are rerouted to his
secretary. I never receive a return telephone call or a response to my
emails. City Counsel appoints the Police Chief and improprieties by his
department are supposed to be investigated by City Hall. Not in
Atascadero for they ignore all of my written complaints. I have no doubt
that had it not been for the CPS case the individuals who embezzled from
me would have been punished and ordered to make restitution. Why does the
County cover up the crime? They already made their money off my daughter,
so why are they continuing to purposely causing us harm? There must be
some reason........

Upon investigating CPS Director Leland Collin's financial documents I

noticed that he is flipping real estate. He is partners with his wife and
others who appear to be on other children charities. I wonder where he's
getting the money to buy and flip all of these properties. Are they the
homes of CPS victims? Also, it appears that Mr. Collins is "Assigning
rents" to other people so that he doesn't have to claim income. This
information came right from his elected official form. The California
Fair Political Practices is supposed to Govern Elected officials to
ensure that there is no "Financial Conflict of interest". Their website

I fled Hawaii after the Chief of Police Jim Mulhill told me he was
tracking my whereabouts through my cell phone. I don’t know if this was
true or not - but it worked. I knew that the Police had it out for me
since I was exposing the Racketeering, however, I had no idea at the time
that they were involved. Since I knew the false DUI would eventually turn
into a warrant I decided it was time to leave the country, while I still
could. I did not want to be turned into a criminal by ‘a criminal
enterprise . I felt that if I could get to Europe I would be able to help
other victims by filing motions on their behalf in the International
Court of Justice at the Hague in the Netherlands. I first landed in
Prague to attend Obama’s speech. While in Prague I did two TV interviews,
one with a Dutch TV station and the other I believe with local TV. When
asked if I had a message for the President I responded “Yes, Obama open
up the Secret Courts so we can stop the corruption that is going on
within Child Protection Services”, then I briefly told our story. Soon
afterwards the Secret Service approached me. He asked me what I was doing
there so I told him. He said he didn‘t believe that CPS was corrupt or
really doing those terrible things to families, so I looked at him and
just shook my head. I knew that Obama was aware of the problem because
one of my contacts had personally spoken to Obama right after he won
election. We were instructed to contact a certain person at the
Whitehouse and to write out our stories without involving the media.
Since I was in Europe I never did get an update from on whether Obama
reviewed the information he was sent. I handed the Secret Service my
website address which gave the details of my case. Within two days I had
a visitor who came to my secured entry apartment. They wanted to see my
passport. They spoke in Czech, so I don’t know who they were or what they
wanted. Soon after I decided to leave Prague. I headed to Greece where
there are many Islands; thinking families could escape there.

The whole scenario of CPS reminds me of Nazi Germany during the

Holocaust. It’s sad, but a true reality of what CPS has become in America
today. They are like the Gestapo in many ways. CPS uses slander, anti
Semitism, and Propaganda to create prejudice much in the same way Hitler
did when he persecuted the Jews. CPS also uses the Media to solicit
sympathy for donations while running stories about child abuse. Rarely,
however, does the media cover stories involving CPS kidnapping children
for Federal Funds, stories of children being abused in foster care, or
stories involving Government officials being involved in money laundering
and Racketeering. Most of the time the public only hears what the
Government wants them to hear, and while stories about Human Trafficking
sometimes surface, almost always the story involves children from other
countries, and the stories involving American Children are almost always
suppressed. When I attempted to contact the media with our story there
was a complete “black out“; some even hung up on me. Recently, my
Families Unite 4 Children’s Rights website was taken down along with my
email account. My face book has been shut down a number of times while my
Space page has been broken into. My you tube videos showing my daughter
happy at home have been flagged and deemed “inappropriate” so people
don’t learn the truth. I’ve had people from the Government on my Facebook
page, watching what I write; people making malicious remarks about me on
my blog. These comments come from people I don’t even know. This is all
part of the social ‘conditioning’ that’s going on in America today, and I
have no doubt that the authors are Government paid workers. Have I done
anything to deserve this kind of treatment? Do I have a criminal
background? Do I use drugs? Do I have a perverse set of beliefs? Am I
different from anyone else? The answer to all of the above is NO. I am a
Mother who spoke out, who fought for her child and who exposed the
corruption. That’s all I had to do to become a “Target”. I became a thorn
in the side of San Luis Obispo County for demanding accountability for my
daughter’s kidnapping.

While researching I learned more and more about the sinister wrong doings
of CPS. For starters, they are actually a Government ‘Eugenics Agency‘.
The American Eugenics registry was discontinued in 1971 and Child
Protection Services was formed in 1974 by Walter Mondale. Is this a
coincidence? I think not. Child “Protection” Services does not protect
children, in fact it’s quite the opposite. Many of the children who are
being taken are placed into Mental Institutions and are given powerful
drugs that are not even FDA approved. Parents can’t protect them because
they don’t allow parents access to their children’s medical records. Many
children have been used as lab rats in clinical studies by the NIH,
National Institute of Health and VERA confirms reports that many children
have died during these studies - yet there are no autopsies revealing the
cause of death. Many States won’t cooperate with these studies and refuse
to answer questions. What about accountability? With CPS there simply is
none. Revealing all of what I’ve learned would make quite a thick book.
CPS is an agency that has mislead and betrayed the American public for
over 35 years. Of course, there are some children that CPS helps; but
this number is roughly between 24-29%. In reality, CPS hurts more
families than they actually “help”. The children that do need services
are often overlooked or ignored because CPS is more concerned with
meeting quotas than helping abused children. They want children that are
desirable and easy to adopt out, so their preference is blond haired blue
eyed children, like my daughter, or babies. Each year the Government
‘increases’ the number of children entering foster care by at least 10%.
This was set up by President Clinton who in 1996 established the Welfare
Reform Act. In 1996 Clinton stated that he wanted to "double" the number
of children in the system by the year 2002. In 2003 ASFA, The Adoption
Safe Families Act was born. Today there are more than 4 times more
children in foster care than there was 12 years ago and the corruption
has become rampant. Remember Hillary Clinton said “It takes a Village to
raise a child“? I don’t think the Government raised her kid! {{wink,
It is fact that more children are abused and neglected in foster care
than with their biological families. Most parents love their children and
would do anything to protect them. True cases of serious physical child
abuse is actually less than 2% according to State records, and the
majority of CPS cases involving child removal are usually based on
"neglect". What is neglect in the eyes of the State? A parent who home
schools, a parent who doesn't believe in giving dangerous vaccinations or
drugging their children? A parent who is going through a custody battle?
All of these situations are true. Each County relies on Federal Funds in
order to balance out their budgets. Children are removed based upon the
Coun ty's need to generate income. Placing Families and children in
various programs brings in money to the County who are given "Block
Grants" based upon the number of children they have in the system. Many
removals are being done to meet these quotas as the Federal Government
gives advances to Counties based upon "projections". If the number of
children in the system is less than the projection and they don't meet
their quota then the advancement of funds must be returned. Rarely does
CPS return Federal funds for the money has already been spent on luxuries
and other extravagant at the expense of taxpayers. If there is a
"shortage" of children then Counties must look for children to place into
the system. Social Workers hang around schools literally looking for
children to take. This is how many families get trapped into becoming CPS
victims - all by greedy individuals; some who have political aspirations,
and much of the tax-free money being generated is being used to finance
their Political careers. California has the most amount of children non
profit agencies in the nation and is also one of the most corrupt. There
is no limit to the amount of funds a children’s charity can generate and
since audits are rarely performed these funds are being used by special
interest groups for other causes. Only 50 audits have been performed on
CPS agencies as of 2007 and ALL of them have failed! Can you imagine? No
accountability from the state for our tax dollars or donations? Why do
our Politicians look the other way? As long as Pharmaceutical companies
are making campaign contributions to Politicians and are giving kickbacks
to Doctors the corruption will continue. Congress won’t pass laws to
create accountability of CPS or stop the over drugging of children
because this is what is keeping them in office. To view donations from
Big Pharma and other profiteers, visit:

One website exclaims "People often complain about “lazy parents” that
don’t take care of their kids and live off the “system” with taxpayers’
dollars. However, it is clear by the funding figures provided , that only
13% of funding is from TANF (aka Welfare). It is also amazing that 70.8%
is for foster care and adoption assistance, but only 4.2% is to promote
safe and stable families. Perhaps if our government promoted family
preservation instead of family destruction it would make crime rates go
down, decrease inmate population, decrease the homeless population,
decrease unemployment rates, and decrease the amount of welfare
recipients, it would probably decrease the amount of children that are
abused and/or neglected."

Foster Care Statistics (taken from the *Casey Foundation)

· 80% of the US prison inmate population was in the foster care system
(US Dept. of Justice, 2005)

· 70% of California's inmates have been in the foster care system

(Sacramento Bee article by John Burton [chairman of the CA Democratic
Party and chairs the John Burton Foundation for Children Without Homes)

· Children are 11 times more likely to be abused in State care that they
are in their own homes. (National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect

· 90% increase of children and youth in the US foster care system since
1987. (Casey Family Programs National Center for Resource Family Support

· 3 out of 10 of the nations homeless are former foster children. (Casey


· Children in foster care are 3 to 6 times more likely to have emotional,

behavioral, and developmental problems including:

· Conduct disorders

· Depression

· Difficulties in school

· Impaired social relationships (Casey Foundation*)

· Approximately 30% of foster children have marked or severe emotional

problems. (Casey Foundation*)

· Children and youth in foster care tend to have limited education and
job skills and perform poorly in school compared to children NOT in care.
(Casey Foundation*)

· Children in foster care lag behind their education by at LEAST one year
and have lower educational attainment than the general population. (Casey

· Children in foster care are 5.25 times more like to die as a result of
abuse than children in the general population. (CPS Watch Inc.)

· 2.1 % of ALL CHILD FATALITIES took place in foster care.

**Since "state care is supposed to be a 'safe-haven', the number of

fatalities should have been less than the child fatalities of the general
population (less than 0.4%). However, child fatalities that occurred
while in foster care were 5.25 times greater than that amount." (CPS
Watch Inc.)

My daughter who is now 18 years old is finally back home. I flew back to
America the day before her 18th birthday and I booked a hotel room. Jenny
snuck out to see me. Within 24 hours both of us were on a plane headed
back to California. Jenny stayed up all night packing and she wanted to
leave while her Father was at work so he wouldn’t find out. She left her
car at the hotel with the keys under the seat and left a note for her Dad
which he found when he returned. By the time he called Jenny and I were
ready to board the plane. The song “The Sweet Escape” by Gwen Stefani
played over and over in my head as the adrenalin rushed through me. I’m
so happy to have my daughter back home, and I hope by sharing our story
we can help others. Jenny was recently a guest on William Wagener’s show,
“On Second Thought TV” where she revealed much of the same information I
am sharing with you here.

There is much more to our story, but hopefully this will give you some
insight of how our life was affected by a corrupt CPS agency. Jenny and I
are still on the mend and are slowly picking up the pieces of our life.
Our house in Atascadero is now gone and my horse that I loved so much was
taken by a Police officer. Much of our personal possessions have been
stolen and the Atascadero Police continue to cover up the embezzlement.
We continue to struggle financially because of the crimes committed by
the County of San Luis Obispo.

I formed my Children’s Foundation, Families Unite 4 Children’s Rights

while fighting for my daughter whose rights were violated. It is my hope
that I can influence Legislation to create oversight and accountability
of Child Protection agencies by establishing a fraud hotline so that
complaints will be investigated and guidelines enforced. Currently, I am
working on providing transitional housing for foster children who are
aging out of the system. The County tells me they don’t have enough
funding, however, if child protection agencies were held to stricter
standards then monies wouldn’t be misappropriated. Then perhaps they
would be able to assist those in need.

Thank you for allowing me to share with you our story. My statement is
true and correct, although I may have inadvertently left out some painful
parts. The memories of what we had to endure is something I will never
forget for I will always struggle with the question of how Child
Protection Services and others were allowed to commit these atrocious
crimes against me and my daughter. Perhaps, in my own way of seeking
resolution I find comfort in helping other sufferers who too were
unfairly targeted. My daughter tries to forget about her experience in
foster care and she rarely mentions it. It’s too painful for her to talk
about so she blocks her memories and tries to think about happier things.
She has told me bits and pieces and I can only imagine what she went
through. I’m not sure she even fully understands. Jenny has expressed an
interest in helping other children and she wants to become a special
education teacher. She starts college this year.

In closing, I would like to say these words:


Although we have moved away from San Luis Obispo it still pains me
knowing that CPS is continuing their trail of destruction and broken
hearts upon many other families. I know all too well the lies,
fabrications and perjury Social Workers and other are committing in court
and the helplessness the families must feel.

It would mean a lot to me if you would consider running a story about

this serious situation so that people will get involved and help us
change Child Welfare Laws. It would also mean a lot to the families who
are victimized by CPS and I know they would find great comfort in knowing
that there is someone out who shares their pain and who cares.

Sincerely yours,

Kathleen Dearinger
Families Unite 4 Children’s Rights Foundation (This site was shut down by someone. My email

account was also deleted)
Tweet at twitter. Join "fu4childrights" Feed with both my facebook posts
and tweets:

Ps. Here is a picture of Jenny while she was in foster care. Does she
look happy to you?:

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