The Battle of Gettysburg

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The Battle of Gettysburg-An Alternate History

It is hard to imagine that the tiny Pennsylvanian town of Gettysburg, with a population of
only 7,000 in 2010, was the site of the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War. The Battle of
Gettysburg remains the largest battle ever fought in the Western Hemisphere, with over 150,000
participants. From the 1st to the 3rd of July 1863, the Union and Confederate Armies clashed, the
end result being the beginning of the end for the South. The final day of fighting proved to be
decisive as the well prepared Union mowed down the Confederates. In this alternate history, the
Confederates manage to cunningly avoid mass slaughter, overrun the Union defenses and capture
the town of Gettysburg.
Night of Day 2 (Union Perspective)
After enduring two failed Confederate assaults on both flanks of the Union line, General
Meade of the Union Army held a council of war meeting to predict General Lees next attack.
I believe that Lee will attack your division tomorrow, General Gibbon said Meade.
Youre saying he plans to go through the center? How do you know that? asked a
perplexed Gibbon.
My years of experience and my gut tell me so. Now stop arguing and deploy your men.
snapped Meade.
Gibbons men took shelter behind fences and stone walls and prepared their weapons for
the upcoming fight. General Meade went to bed confident that his prediction would win the
battle for the Union.
Night of Day 2 (Confederate Perspective)
General Lee also held a meeting to discuss his plans for the next day. Two days of
pitched battle had diminished his armys strength, so the next days battle would be a make or
break moment. He called in Generals Ewell and Longstreet to tell them of his intentions.
Generals, you are to mount an all out assault on the center of the Union line Lee told
But sir, surely they would expect that! We couldnt breach the line from the left or right,
so the logical choice would be to attack from the center protested General Ewell.
We cant afford another mistake. We can only absorb so many casualties added
Just then, the cavalry commander, Jubal Early, burst in and reported what he discovered
on his reconnaissance of the Union Army.

General Lee, I have spied on the Union camp and I overheard Meade saying that youll
most likely attack the center of his line Early said.
Indeed, I plan to do just that. Why do you bother? asked Lee.
Well, Meade concentrated most of his men and artillery at the center to counter your
planned assault. In other words, hes completely exposed on the two flanks replied Early.
Ok. Theres been a change of plan. Longstreet, you take your men and go up the right
flank. Ewell, you take your men save one division and attack the left flank ordered Lee.
Yes sir! replied the Generals and made to exit.
Oh, and by the way, said Lee, send in Pickett to see me he told Ewell.
George Pickett came in moments later and discovered he would be leading the charge up
the center, just to fool Meade.
That is madness! cried Pickett.
Dont worry, consoled Lee, Ill have artillery support for your men.
The Army of Northern Virginia, especially Picketts division, spent the night preparing
for a mass slaughter.
Day 3-The Battle
General Meade raised the binoculars to his eyes and scanned the trees on the edge of the
battlefield. Sure enough, he could just make out the grey uniforms of the Confederates. Standing
up, he turned with his back towards the enemy to deliver a speech to his troops.
Men, the battle is approaching. Today is the day we break the enemys will to fight.
Soon the enemy will march from the cover of the forest and attempt to breach the center of our
line. Dont fire until they are within 100 meters of your position. Each of you must kill 10 of the
enemy before you die. May the Almighty look down upon us with favor and grant us victory.
Just as he finished speaking, the Confederates began a massive artillery barrage of the
Union lines in support of the upcoming assault. Shells rained down and kicked up dirt just meters
from the General. He was forced to take shelter in a bombproof dugout. Union artillery, although
vastly outnumbered, began reply. For over two hours, the two sides exchanged shells. Most of
Union shells landed right in the middle of the waiting Confederates, killing or maiming many.
Confederate shells, on the other hand, missed their intended targets and instead exploded in a
field next to the Union headquarters. Meade sat in his bunker contemplating what to do, while
the bunker shook with each near miss. Finally, he made up his mind.

Tell the artillery battalion to cease fire, but do so gradually. I want the impression that
our batteries were knocked out by the Confederate fire he ordered.
Lee, however, anticipated Meade resorting to such a trick and actually stopped the
shellfire 15 minutes before Meade made his decision, to conserve ammunition. He ordered the
range to be adjusted to hit the Union lines this time around.
General Pickett, it is time to lead your suicidal, I mean heroic charge across the center of
the enemy line.
3,000 Confederates abandoned the safety of the woods and marched in a column a half
mile wide and a mile long. General Meade emerged from his bunker to watch the spectacle.
When the Confederates were 200 yards away, Union artillery raked them with grapeshot while
Union troops opened up with breech-loading rifles. The devastating fusillade cut down scores of
men, but they simply closed ranks and continued to advance. Soon, the Norths artillery reserves
were expanded and so ceased fire. Pickett led his decimated division back to the forest where
Lee confronted him.
You have done well Major Pickett. Your division has caused the Federals to waste their
precious ammunition said Lee.
Why was I chosen to be the scapegoat? sobbed Pickett, Because of your so called
brilliant plan, I have lost 85% of my division!
We may have lost a division, but the Union will have lost a field army once the main
attack begins consoled Lee.
Tell Generals Longstreet and Ewell to prepare to attack the right and left flanks
respectively. Meanwhile, the artillery battalions are to split into two groups with one supporting
Longstreet and the other Ewell. We must exploit our advantage while we still can ordered Lee.
The main attack force crept out and ran towards the Union line under heavy covering fire.
Meade saw what was happening and ordered his men to cover the left and right flanks. However,
it was too little, too late. By the time the reinforcements arrived, the Confederates were already
in complete control of the flanks. The fight to regain the lost territory raged on all afternoon with
the Union finally repulsed by sunset. General Meade finally understood the futility of the current
situation his army was in.
Men, it is time to retreat to our last line of defense. If we can hold out for just a few
more hours, reinforcements will arrive. Then well whip the rebels bloody said Meade.
However, his soldiers refused to cooperate, opting instead to lay down their weapons and
raise the white flag. Seeing this, Meade decided that any further resistance was futile and the
only way out of the situation was to surrender.

Hey you! he called out to a soldier, Walk over there to the Confederate lines and tell
General Lee that I wish to surrender.
Minutes later, the two generals were meeting in the middle of an open field still strewn
with bodies to discuss the terms of surrender.
You have fought valiantly and I admire that. You and your men shall walk free today
and I will not pursue you Lee told Meade.
God, I wish this stupid war would be over now so we could all go back to our lives
Meade replied. And just like that, the bloodiest battle ever fought in the Western Hemisphere
was over.
July 4th 1863
Abraham Lincoln paced the floor of the Oval Office. Oh, what a sad 4th of July this will
be. How will we ever stop the Confederate advance towards our nations capital?
Sir, I believe I have your answer General Ulysses S. Grant said.

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