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1) which of the following belongs to essential elements of joints

a)articular meniscus
b) articular labrum
c) articular disk
d) articular capsule
2) which from the list does not belong to extraperitoneal organs
a) adrenal glands
b) urethers
c) kidneys
d) cecum
3) which artery branch is a.vertebralis
a) a. gastricadextra
b) a. caroticaexterna
c) a. subclavia
d) a. caroticainterna
4) Branches of the glossopharyngeal n. are all except
a) r.rtonsillares
b) n.musculistylophamgei
c) r.rlinguales
d) chorda tympani
5) Knee joint is :
a) pivot
b) biaxial
c) triaxial
d) monoaxial
6) which of the following is not an anatomical structure of the first cervical vertebrae
a)lateral masses
b) vertebral body
c) transverse foramen
d) anterior and posterior arches
7) cerebral aquaduct connects
a) III ventricle with lateral ventricles
b) III and IV ventricles
c) IV ventricle with central canal of spinal cord
d) I and II ventricles
8) tarsal bones consists of
a) capitate
b) lumate
c) Cuboid
d) scaphoid
9) all of the following are parts of the stomach except
a) corpus ventriculli
b) pars ascendens
c) pars cardiac
d) pars pylorica

10) which of the following is not part of the occipital bone

a) petrous part
b) squamous part
c) basilar part
d) condylar parts
11) all of the following are linings of stomach wall except
a) submucossal
b) serosal
c) mucosal
d) adventitial
12) which of the following is the intracapsular ligament of the hip joint:
a) ligpubofemorale
b) liglliofemorale
c) ligcapitis femoris
d) ligischiofemorale
13) Nuclei of gray matter of the medulla oblongata are all except:
a) nucleus leminiscilateralis
b) olivary nucleus
c) nucleus olivarisaccesorius et dorsalis
d) nucleus tractusspinalis n. trigemini
14) parts of the cerebellum are:
a) vermis and hemisferes
b) thalamuses
c) gyruses of precuneus
d) gyruscinguli
15) Maxilla consists of
a) palatine process
b) jugular foramen
c) internal auditory meatus
d) external auditory meatus
16) sexual maturation is inhibited by
a) vasopressin
d) oxytocin
17) which opening called region olfactoria
a) nasal lower opening
b) nasal common opening
c) nasal upper opening
d) nasal upper and middle opening
18) long branches of lumbar plexus are all except
a) n. obturatorius
b) n. cutaneous
c) n. femorallis
d) n. ischiadicus

19) which element from the list does not contain ovaries
a) tunica albuginea
b) medulla
c) apex
d) cortex
20) the vagus nerve emerges from the cranial cavity thought the
a) jugular foramen
b) foramen rotundum
c) foramen lacerum
d) fissure orbitallis superior
21) the proximal row of carpus consists of
a) capitate
b) trapezium
c) lunate
d) hamate
22) which of the following is part of the parenchyma of the kidney
a) columns
b) pelvis
c) acinus
d) hepatocyte
23) by which foramen are IV ventricles and subventricular space connected
a) foramen interventriculare
b) aperturae laterals et aperture medianaven
c) aquaductuscerebri
d) canaliscentralis
24) tarsal bones consist of
a) capitate
b) scaphoid
c) lunate
d) cuboid
25) sulci and gyri of the occipital lobe are all,except
a) precuneus
c) sulcus occipitalistransversus
d)calcarine sulci
26) in which intestine are located aggregative lymphoid follicles
a) jejunum
b) duodenum
c) ileum
d) rectum
27) The ophthalmic nerve emerges from the cranial cavity through the
a) fissure orbitalissuperios
b) jugular foramen
c) foramen rotundum
d) foramen lacerum

28) which of the following if ligament of the uterus

a) round ligament
b) falciform ligament
c) suspensory ligament
d) coronary ligament
29) which from the list belongs to short branches of lumber plexus:
a) n. gluteus superior
b) n. illohypogastricus
c) n. gluteus superior
d) n. phrenicus
30) Heart feeding is permited by all, except:
a) thoracic aorta
b) coronary arteries
c) internal thoracic arteries
d) pulmonic arteries
31) all of the following belongs to middle intestine except:
a) ileum
b) jejunum
c) duodenum
d) parotid gland
32) biceps coracobrachial and tracheal muscles are innervated by
a) n. medianus
b) n. axillaris
c) n. musculocutaneus
d) n. radialis
33) which artery branch is a. gasatroepiloicasinistra
a) a. linealis
b) a. gastricadextra
c) a. gastricasinistra
d)a. gastroduodenallis
34) teeth cavity consists
a) dentium
b) enamelum
c) periodontum
d) pulpadentis
35) posterior wall of ventriculiquarti is formed :
a) cerebellum
b) medulla oblongata
c) vellum medullare superior et inferior
d) pons
36) which from the list does not belong to extraperitoneal organs
a) urethra
b) adrenal glands
c) stomach
d) kidneys

37) Lateral abdominal muscles are all of the following except

a) transversus muscle
b) external oblique
c) psoas major
d) internal oblique
38) which from the following is part of uterine tubes
a) infundibulum
b) germinal epithelium
c) tunica albuginea
d) perimetrium
39) all of the following are braches of a. caroticaexterna a. anterior except:
a) a, facialis
b) a. thyroidea superior
c) a. sternocleidomastoidea
d) a. lingualis
40) the rib consists of
a) lesser trochander
b) manubrium
c) neck
d) styloid process
41) which from the following belongs to additional elements of joings
a) articular capsule
b) articular cavity
c) articular labrum
d) articular surface
42) which of the following is not anatomical structure of the second cervical vertebrae
a) facet for articulation with the ribs
b) vertebral body
c) dens
d) spinous process
43) all of the following are mesoperitoneal organs except
a) duodenum
b)colon sigmoideum
c) colon ascendens
d) colon descendens
44) which of the following is not an anatomical structure of the ischium
a)ischial tuberosity
b) ischial spine
c) superior ramus
d) sciatic notch
45) all of the following are large intestines except:
a)intestinum ileum
b) colon
c) jejunum
d) rectum

46) all of the following are parts of the pancreas except

a) corpus pancreatis
b) caput pancreatic
c) caudia pancreatic
d) lobusdexter
47) which of the following is part of the parenchyma of the kidney
b) hepatocyte
c) medulla
d) pelvis
48) in abdominal cavity kidneys are located
a) retroperitoneally
b) extraperitoneally
c) intraperitoneally
d) mesoperitoneally
49) which of the following is hormone of hypophisis
a) noradrenalin
b) thyroxin
c) thyreotropin
d) thryreacalcitonin
50) which of the following is anatomical structure of the hip bone
a) manubrium
b)styloid process
c) acetabulum
d) neck
51) all of the following are branches of the axillaris except:
a) a. thoracica superior
b) a. thoracoacromialis
c) a. sternocleidomastoidea
d) a. subscapularis
52) branches of the glossopharyngeal n. are all except
b) n. petrosus major
c) n. tympanicus
d) r. sinus carotici
53) all of the following are linings of uterus except
a) perimetrium
b) endometrium
c) myometrium
d) endocardium
54) The distal row of carpus consists of
a) hamate
b) cuboid
c) lunate
d) pisiform

55) Trochlear noch is located on the

a) femor
b) radius
c) humerus
d) ulna
56) all of the following are middle intestinal organs except
a) jejunum
b) duodenum
c) gastrum
d) ileum
57) which of the following is not located on the temporal bone
a) tegment tympani
b) carotic groove
c) arcuate eminence
d) trigeminal impression
58) all of the following are mezoperitoneal organs except
a) duodenum
b) liver
c) colon descendens
d) colon ascendens
59) which of the following is not located on the distal end of the humerus
a) olecranon fossa
b) capitulum
d) anatomical neck
60) skin of the neck is supplied by all, except
a) n.n. supraclavicularies
b) n. occipitalis minor
c) n. transversuscolli
d) n. suprascapularis
61) The rhomboid fossa is located
a) on ventral side of medulla oblongata
b) on ventral side of pons
c) on dorsal sides of medulla oblongata and pons
d) on the floor of the cerebellar aquaduct
62) the heart wall got
a) 5 linings
b) 4 linings
c) 2 linings
d) 3 linings
63) which ligament does not take part in formation of greater omentum
a) lig. gastriocolicum
b) lig. gastrolienalis
c) lig. gastrophrenicum
d) lig. hepatograstricum

64) all of the following belongs to middle intestine except:

a) jejunum
b) duodenum
c) ileum
d) liver
65) greateromentum conists all of the following ligaments except
a)lig. hepatocolicum
b) lig. gastrolinale
c) lig. phrenicocolicum
d) lig. gastriophrenicum
66) sulci and gyri of the frontal bole are all except
a) gyrusprecentralis
b) sulcus precentralis
c) sulcus postcentralis
d) gyrusfrontalis superior, medius et inferior
67) which of the following is hormone of the thyroid gland
a) melatonin
b) somatotrophic hormones
c) thyroxin
d) tryreotrophucal hormones
68) the basal ganglia of the hemisperes are all except:
a) tuber cinereum
b) corpus stigdaloideum
c) corpus striatum
d) clautrum
69) the proximal end of the humerus consists of
a) styloid process
b) head
c) trochlea
d) deltoid tuberocity
70) inginal ligament is formed by
a) m. rectus abdominis
b) external oblique
c) transvertus muscle
d) internal oblique
71) the middle cerebellar peduncles connects cerebellum with
a) hypothalamus
b) medulla oblongata
c) tactal lamina
d) pons
72) all of the following are parts of pancreas except
a) corpus pancreatis
b) caput pancreatic
c) cauda pancreatic
d) lobus dexter

73) which of the following is part of the parenchyma of the kidney

b) pyramids
c) pelvis
d) icinus
74) topographicaly and functionaly the parts of thalamencephalon are all, except:
a) thalamus
b) metathalamus
c) hypothalamus
d) epithalamus
75) all of the following are hormones of anterior part of hypophisis except
a) adrenocorticotrophical hormones
b) somatotrophic hormones
c) thyreotrophical hormones
d) melatonin
76) the internal surface of the floor of the cranium contains
a) condyles
b) mastoid process
c) pterygoid process
d) clivus
77) Diapgragm is supplied
a) n.n. practoralesmediales et laterals
b) n. phrenicus
c) n. subscapularis
d) n. thoracicuslongus
78) all of the following are parts of the nephron except
a) convituted tubule
b) loop
c) pelvis
d) collecting duct
79) the type of the synarthroses is
a) cliding joint
b) hing joint
c) suture
d) knee joing
80) how many roots got maxillar main big teeth
a) 1
b) 3
d) 4
81) the parts of the diaphragm are all of the following except
a) pars lumbalis
b) pars costalis
c) pars stemalis
d) pars abdominalis

82) which from the list is middle intestinal organ

a) duodenum
b) gaster
c) esophagus
d) rectum
83) the mylohyoid groove is located on the
a) maxilla
b) mandible
c) xomer
d) lacrimal bone
84) suprahyoid muscles are all of the following except
a) m. sternocleidomastoideum
b) m. mylohydeus
c) m. digastrieum
d) m. stylohyoideus
85) what kind of fiberes forms on the ventral side of medulla decusatoppyramis
b) descending motor pyramidal fiberes
c) Decusatioleminiscorum
d) leminiscuslateralis
86) which phases contain air exchange full process
a) air transportation
b) internal breathing
c) all of the above are true
d) external breathing
87) which elements from the list does not contain ovaries
a)facies inferior
b) mergolibera
c) facieslateralis
d) faciesmedialis
88) which elements from the the list does not contain ovaries
a) tunica atuginea
b) medulla
c) cortex
d) ampulla
89) which from the following is not located on the proximal end of the ulna
a) head
b) coronoid process
c) trochlear notch
d) olecranon
90) bifurcatilo trachea is located
a) throracic VI vertebrae level
b) thoracic III vertebrae level
c) thoracic II vertebrae level
d) thoracic V vertebrae level

91) which of the following is the anatomical structure of the knee joint
a) prepatellar bursa
b) articular disc
c) articular labrum
d) ligcapitisfemoris
92) branches of the vagus n are all except
a) n. laryngeysreccurens
b) rami cardiac cervicales superiors
c) n. larungeus superior
d) n. petrosus major
93) which of the following uterinal linings consist plicapalmatae
a) myometrium
b) perimetrium
c) parametrium
d) endometrium
94) which of the following gis hormone of the pineal gland
a) melatonin
b) somatotrophic hormones
c) thyroxin
d) thyreotrophical hormones
95) lateral abdominal muscles are all of the following except
a) external oblique
b) psoas minor
c) transversus muscle
d) internal oblique
96) all of the following are parts of duodenum except
a) pars pylorica
b) pars horizontalis
c) pars descendens
d) pars superior
97) nuclei of the facial nerve are all, except
a) nucleus salivatorius inferior
b) nucleus salivatorius superior
c) nucleus motorius n. facialis
d) nucleus tractussolitarii
98) all of the following belongs to middle intestinal organs except
a) duodenum
b) jejunum
c) ileum
d) colon
99) which of the following is anatomical structure of radiocarpal joint
a) sesamoid bone
b) articular meniscus
c) articular disk
d) intraarticular ligament

The mandible consists of
a) zygomatic process
b) alveolar part
c) frontal process
d) pterygoid process

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