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The Constitution of

We the people of Tasmani, in order to form a more perfect society, establish
Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves
and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Monarchy
of Tasmani.

Article I-Executive Branch

The government of the Empire will be a Constitutional Monarchy. Head of State
will be manifested in the form of Admiral, who will serve for life or until
resignation. He/She will be succeeded by his or her first born child, unless
he/she decides otherwise. The Monarchs will be the highest authority in the
Nation and be the heads of state, with the power to declare war or martial
law, create executive orders, mediate treaties between provinces, levy
military and police forces, and appoint or remove federal officials. All
necessary offices of the government shall be appointed by the Monarchs. The
Prime Minister is chosen by the Monarch, and will be the head of government
and manage the day-to-day affairs of the Nation. The Prime Minister will
preside over the inter-regional diplomacy. The Prime Minister shall receive
ambassadors and other public ministers. The Prime Minister will serve for
duration of the term of the Monarch that appointed them, unless the Monarch
decides otherwise. Any officials appointed by the Monarchs for special tasks
will also be members of the Executive.

Article II-Judicial Branch

Let it be known that Tasmani shall follow a system of statutory law using the
inquisitorial system of justice. The Judiciary shall be composed of one High
Courts; the Supreme Court. The court shall be composed of 10 members. A
Chief Justice shall preside over the court. The Supreme Court shall be the
highest criminal court in the Nation. All cases not settled by local and
regional courts shall be brought before the Supreme Court. Justices on the
Supreme Court shall be appointed by the Monarch. Justices shall serve for
life, unless the Monarch decides otherwise. Let it be known that the
punishment for all forms of treason is death and only death. Also let it be
known that the courts have an “eye for an eye” stance with punishment
decisions for crimes.

Article III-Legislative Branch

The legislative branch will be composed of the Council of Governors and will
consist of the governors of each province. Governors will be elected every 10
years by each province. In the event of a vacancy in a position, the provinces
shall conduct elections to fill the vacancy. No person shall be a Governor who
shall not have attained to the age of 25 years, and been 10 years a citizen of
Tasmani. The powers enumerated to the Council shall be to levy taxes,
regulate international and interprovincial commerce, coin money, make rules
for government regulation of the military and economy, regulate the Imperial
treasury, and create uniform laws for the Empire. The Monarch, however, can
veto these decisions, except in a case of a unanimous decision. The Monarch
also has the power to remove a justice from the Courts. Every bill which shall
have passed shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the Monarchs; if
the Monarch approves they shall sign it. It shall then become a law.

Article IV-Basic Rights and Freedoms

All of these rights are guaranteed by this Constitution and may not be denied to
anyone without the approval of the Courts, whose job it is to interpret this
document. The Monarch has the power to suspend certain rights for a period
of time.
1. Freedom of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
2. Freedom of Speech
3. Freedom of Press
4. Freedom of and from Religion
5. Freedom of Assembly
6. Freedom of Market
7. Freedom from Fear
8. Freedom from Oppression
9. Freedom from Slavery
10. Freedom from Discrimination
11. Freedom from Unlawful Conviction
12. Freedom from Quartering of Troops
13. Right to Equal Representation
14. Right to Bear Arms
15. Right to a Due Process Fair Trial

Article V-General Provisions

The Monarchs will be the supreme rulers of all provinces. This constitution
guarantees the basic human rights of all citizens living within it, in each and
every province. No province shall have any law or ordinance conflicting what
is written in this Constitution. No province shall enter into a private contract
with another province or sovereign state. No province shall maintain its own
militia. No province shall be granted the legal right to secede from this
Nation. If a province wishes to bring up grievances, it may do so freely in the
Supreme Court. This Constitution, and the laws of the Nation which shall be
made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made,
under the authority of the Monarch, shall be the supreme law of the land; and
the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution
or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

Article VI-Amendments
Amendments may be proposed by anyone in the federal government. Any
amendments for this constitution must be approved by a 75% majority in the
Council of Governs and approved by the executive branch and judicial branch
before becoming law.

Article VII-Ratification
This constitution shall come into effect by its ratification in a two-thirds majority
of the provinces of the Tasmani. Once ratified this Constitution will take effect
immediately and may not be repealed.
Tasmanien Government Hierarchy

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