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Sanchez: The Man, The Moustache

By: David “ Call Me Kitty”Page

The next feature of San- out answers from its grasp. I hope now
I find that the most puzzling to science?” The most obvious
chez that should be dealt with you are beginning to form a picture of
question that any new frosh to the answer is of course it relates to the
is of course the round and open how Sanchez encompasses the very es-
Science faculty at Western should be people.
mouth, ready to speak the words sence of Science.
asking is why we have a mustached Scientists are by nature
of the great prophets of science,
sex doll filled with sand, wearing very unkempt people; most of
including: Albert Einstein, Niels The last part of Sanchez I will discuss
tighty-whities as our mascot. their time is occupied by the study
Bohr, and the inventor of the is the underwear. Now I understand that
Well let me tell you my of unimportant, but nonetheless
Fleshlight, the invention that has underwear represents nothing itself, it
friends, this is no mere sex doll, it is time consuming activities. This
kept frosh company for months, is what is contained within the uncom-
a raging icon of science, a figure we leaves very little time for personal
and roommates scarred for de- fortable elastic bindings that should be
should all look up to and be inspired hygiene and grooming. Young
cades. discussed. It is underneath those tighty-
by. To try to explain the origins of scientists are often referred to
Now surely you must be whities that dwells a force so furious
Sanchez would be an exercise in as “nerds” or “geeks” from their
confused as to how a dark and that even 1,000 burning suns could not
futility, for you read this upon mere peers.
gaping hole, nay, chasm, like the match its force. Tales have been told
paper, not leather bound manuscript, However, as nerds age into
mouth of Sanchez could possibly of young frosh glimpsing a sight of
as the correct story deserves. I can, scientists and begin to grow facial
symbolize science. However, what lays underneath the underwear
however, highlight each of Sanchez’s hair to accompany their rich musky
to ask that would be foolish, it and going blind instantly. Although not
features in a possibly witty and smell, they gain respect from their
represents the mystery that drives the heart of Sanchez, he does contain a
clever manner relating to science. peers. While male scientists may
all of science. Many a person has destructive element to him, in the same
Let us begin at the most want to model their own facial hair
stared into that empty and open way that Science often contains a de-
noticeable feature of Sanchez. You after Sanchez, female scientists
hole of Sanchez’s and wondered structive element. Therefore I urge you
know which part I refer to, the part may want to consider growing a
how deep it goes, four inches, in your studies to become the underwear
without which no male sex doll thinner and gentler moustache. So
six, or is it bottomless? Only of Sanchez, in a metaphorical sense of
would be complete. I speak of course you see, Sanchez’s moustache the
the brave attempt to answer that course. Always ask yourself whether the
of the porn star moustache. Now essence of science; the scientists,
question, and they are scientists. knowledge you gain would be better for
you may be thinking: “How could without which no science would be
Science constantly stares into the everyone, or should be kept safe and out
a simple moustache possibly relate possible.
darkness and unknown, and pulls of harm’s way.

Show me your genitals: My summer in a bio lab
By: Mat Hall fruit flies she takes it doggy-style. in the science world. It was a sum- at one protein and how deletions in
I bet they didn’t teach you mer full of wonder, merriment, certain domains affected its ability
I could tell he wanted her that in genetics. science, fly cocks, and fly vaginas. to develop some fly parts. What this
from the way he throbbed. I could This summer I have had the It would be my fine pleasure to amounted to was me growing some
tell she wanted him from the way pleasure of seeing fine examples tell you all about it. Join me, wont flies, and forcing them to do it with
she stared. He approaches her and of fly copulation like this every you? other flies. So how do you mate flies?
she turns away, occupying herself once in a while. It always makes My lab specializes in de- Well my colourful first paragraph
with some food. He moves in from me happy. First because all love is velopment. Learning how one cell outlines one way. I call that “the
behind, eyes burning red lust. She beautiful; even small scale, kinda becomes a fully functioning organ- easy way”. I like to throw on some
is ready. She is ripe. His gingerly ism. Think about that... Led Zeppelin and turn off the lights
dirty fly love. It
caress startles her at first. She is just think about it. (when they are nice enough to do
also makes me
nervous. He mounts her and she Invoke your that). Sometimes it’s not as awesome.
squirms. His arms press into her back happy on a very profes-
inner nerd Then you have to do what I like to
and grip a little too tightly. She tries sional level because it
means the genes I want and I hope call “priming the engine”. You grab
to get away but he is already inside are moving to where I he/she lets one male and one female fly by the
of her. His face is expressionless, need them to go. Yes you know wings. This is probably the trickiest
this is all business. He fills her with how fuck- part because they’re pretty small…
his seed and she can’t even close her my summer was spent in a genetics and wily. Once that is done you have
lab working with the little critter ing cool that actu-
eyes... because she has no eyelids. to stimulate the male organ. It’s best
known as Drosophila melanogaster ally is. My project
Because she is a fruit fly. And like all to use something soft to rub on it. I
dealt with looking
A Letter From the Desk of the
President Meet The
Welcome Back to Western Science!
Whether or not this is your first time
of experiencing the energy of a new
school year here at UWO, there is •Release of new Science merchandise in A Message from the Execs:
Exec! something going on – whether your
no question that you already (or September! interests lie in academics, social
will very shortly) realize that there •Science Homecoming on October 3! Welcome to first year! nights, and current events or just
couldn’t be a better place to be. •Science Formal on November 27!
On behalf of the Science Students’
We’re so happy that you’ve making new friends.
•Western’s very own Science Games! decided to be a part of the Sci- The calendars in the first
Council (SSC), I want to welcome all •Science Carnival trip to Montreal in
of you to this family that we know January! ence family here at Western! year guide will give you a brief
as Western Science. Let me assure •Various Academic Seminars throughout Now, since you’re stuck here for idea of our programming. Lis-
you that you have made one of the the Second Semester! the next three years (at the very ten for ads in classes, posters and
best decisions you will ever make, •Sporadic ‘Nights Out on Richmond Row ‘ least) you have two options: The check out the display in the Nat
as you are now a part of one of the and Coffeehouses throughout the year!
most highly valued Science programs first is to make the most of this Sci lobby designed for the express
of the universities in Canada. As experience, get involved, and purpose of keeping you in the loop.
the Science Students’ Council, one These events are meant to not only en- meet tons of awesome, like- You can always visit us at our of-
of our primary goals is to voice this hance your academic careers, but to offer minded people. fice in Natural Science on the main
fact, but we also work in many ways an outlet to escape the classroom, and in The second is...well, floor. We’d be happy to answer all
to ensure that our faculty continues some cases, forget about it all together.
to grow and evolve constantly.
we don’t like to talk about the your questions! You can even find
Throughout the school year, you can visit second, but it ends in regret. more information on www.uwosci-
Our commitment to stu- for updates and
dents begins in the classroom with more information regarding these events. Isn’t ‘regret’ such a lame word? or email us at SSC@uwo.
extensive representation throughout Other than that, there is not much else to Lucky for you, our job as the ca for more specific queries.
the university in order to ensure be said... but I just want to again congrat- Science Students’ Council (SSC Want to be a part of the
each student has access to the ulate each of you for choosing Science for short) is to make it super dream team? We’ll be accepting
information necessary to succeed here, and to welcome all of our first year
as a student here. Members of the easy for you to achieve option nominations for first year rep start-
students that are new to our campus.
Science Students’ Council strive to 1! We have tons of jam-packed ing in O-week and will be hosting
This will truly be one of the most exciting
ensure that individual needs of the journeys you will partake in. I look for- programming that will keep you elections for those interested. Come
students are catered to; working ward to seeing all of you throughout the involved and interested with the by the Science Council Office in
to ensure that each student under- school year, and always feel free to visit happenings of the Science Com- the main floor of Nat Sci to find out
stands that we are here to work for us at our office in Nat Sci 108.
you! Just some of the events that
munity at Western. From Sep- more!
Be easy, tember to April, there’s always
you can be sure to look forward to Tyler Coupal
include... President, Science Students ‘ Council
Business - 3

A Message From Your

Soph Team
Well it’s about fucking time. - going to events to the thousands of people who O-Week. It’s a big cliché to say “be
(What time is that mister guy?) It’s - using the bathroom when you don’t know and you’ll be an out- yourself,” but that is what O-Week is
time for UWO and Science to show have to cast for the rest of the year. I had all about. Find yourself and do it hard.
you what we’re all about, and it’s - showing spirit the same worries, everyone does. You’ll have lots of support along the
time for you to show UWO and Sci- - getting involved But what I have learned is the cool way. GET INVOLVED. Your council
ence what you’re all about. And how - meeting new friends! Yay friends! people aren’t the ones who sleep is here for you. Your sophs are here for
do we do that? With O-Week, that’s - making new “friends” ;) in through events, fold their arms you. Your friends are here for you. UWO
how. during cheers, and go out during is not a big scary place and I think this is
What chu wanna know about from Harry Potter, but “help will always
O-Week, Science O-Week that is. The biggest worry you prob- be there for those who ask for it.” Either
Basically this week is your big ably have is that you won’t look cool that or I made it up or I picked up from a
chance to experience everything that shitty movie or facebook bumper sticker.
UWO has to offer, and your sophs The last thing I want to say to
are there to facilitate your experi- you is I personally am here for every
ence. So basically what this is going single one of you. As head soph I am
to be is my advice for this week to responsible for each science frosh and
make sure it’s the perfect start to each science soph, and that means I
your Western career. want to help you with anything. Please
The best advice I can give say what’s up during O-Week, myself
you is do not be shy. Do not be shy and my whole team is repping for each
about: one of you, and I want to meet as many
of you as I can. For serious. My last 3
- being loud words for you are:
- asking questions
- approaching anyone, including a Cheer fucking loud.
soph Your Head Soph,
- talking to strangers George W.

Financing Your
By: Meilene Lam

University Education
After applying to OUAC and then So what next? Tuition means that $7000) or the Interest Relief program will diminish the amount of admis-
filling out the supplementary ap- you’ll be running up, at least, a four (which may allow students to suspend sion bursary assistance you are
plications: the Ivey AEO packages, thousand dollar tab. A price tag that their OSAP payments if they cannot receiving.
McMaster Health Sci essays, the doesn’t even include residence, let make them).
Queens personal statements (which alone textbooks (or beer). Selling Your Body
were all useless anyway cause you Textbook and Technology Grant
realized, five essays about leader- To help you all out, I’ve investigated Think of this option as you would a
ship and involvement later, that you a few viable ways of obtaining some OSAP also provides the TTG which is, touchy second cousin during prom
weren’t the scum of the earth), you quick cash. essentially, a $150 government hand- season: a last, last resort when all
made it. You got in, you chose your out to every student. It is possibly the else fails (something that makes
courses…and then they sent you the OSAP easiest free money you will ever come you feel conflicted because on the
bill. by. Do not forget to apply to the TTG. one hand, you could get some pretty
Those who meet the OSAP loan eligi- Though $150 offsets the cost of ap- easily, but on the other hand, the
And, like the girl you’ll want to bility criteria are able to take out these proximately one quarter of a textbook, whole situation is definitely wrong
forget hooking up with during O- interest-free loans while students are anything helps, right? and pretty illegal).
week, it’s a HEFTY one. attending post-secondary institution.
Once finished school, they are then Western Financial Services Now I know what some of you are
made to pay back the thinking, you’re thinking, “But
loans over a period In addition to a plethora of its own I’m homely…and my skin has a
that can be as long as scholarships, financial aid and bursa- rough, scale-like quality to it. No
15 years at low inter- ries, Western also offers some flex- one would pay me to service them!”
est rates. There are ibility in its payment options, allowing Not to worry, my friends, there is
also lots of ways that students to pay in easier to swallow hope. A guy once told me that he
the government helps small installments (for a $52.00 fee). only wanted me for my body. I took
to support students offence to the comment until he
even after they start Western Work Study apologized and explained himself,
having to pay their telling me that he’d only meant that
loans back. Depend- Generally not offered to first year my organs might be valuable.
ing on financial need, students, Western Work Study is a
some students may program that allows students to work And let me tell you, my new iPod
qualify for the On- part-time on campus in jobs that are touch? Totally worth it. Only suck-
tario Student Oppor- similar to their field of study. Financial ers need two kidneys.
tunity Grant (which need is a requirement of this program
limits yearly debt to and your acceptance into the program
100 things to do
before graduat ing
1) Get it on somewhere on campus By: Justin Bondy 78) Decorate your house with stolen street
(Rez rooms do not count) signs
sculpture on your front lawn
50) Get a poster
2) Stay in the UCC overnight from the poster 79) Try out for a Soph team
27) Attend a class you don’t
3) Leave something in your rez belong in 80) Throw macaroni down someone’s cleav-
room for the next tenants to find 51) Eat every meal on campus age at Ceeps
28) Hit on a TA during exams Sledgehammer
4) Join a club Bingo on Tues-
29) Meet your old floormates for din- 52) Drink so hard you forget just day’s
5) Check out Rick McGhee’s sexy ner at the Wave failing that exam
bod 81) Pull a
53) Dress up as a slutty fireman/ prank on your
6) Take the Spoke Beer Challenge maid/condom/water bottle etc. for roommate (Bo-
Halloween nus if it scars
7) Attend a homecoming pancake them forever)
kegger 54) Attend Super Psych with Dr
Mike 82) VOLCANO size your margarita at Un-
8) Cure a hangover with a Chris- der the Volcano on Mondays
tina’s Pub breakfast 55) Cook a meal that doesn’t
come from a box 83) Ride the bull at Cowboy’s
9) Hit up a frat party
56) Be drunk by noon 84) Grow a Decembeard (Bonus if you’re a
10) Take a road trip girl)
57) Class-it-up at Martini bar on
11) Play an intramural sport a Monday 85) Get on WesternTV

12) Make some bad decisions on 58) Ruin your laundry (IT HAS 86) Rediscover the joys of the Pizza Hut
spring break TO BE SEPERATED!) Lunch Buffet

13) Go to a varsity sports game 59) Pull an all nighter 87) WRITE ANOTHER ARTICLE FOR
30) Eat in the library (You sneakster THE ABSOLUTE ZERO
14) Spend a Saturday watching you) 60) Wake up at 7am to grab a
“How it’s Made” cubicle at Taylor during exams 88) Create a signature drink for yourself
31) Dance on the platform with the
15) Get dressed up for a casual pole at Jim Bob’s 61) Participate in Roll Up the Rim 89) Be student of the day in Mel Usselman’s
night Orgo class
32) Consume Jell-O Shots 62) Catch Black Belt Jones at
16) Catch a flick at Western Film Brass Door on Thursdays 90) Engage in floorcest
33) Purchase some UWO apparel
17) See a concert at the JLC 63) Walk through a drive-in 91) Regret floorcest
34) Talk shit about another university
18) Do a keg stand 64) Get passed by a full bus dur- 92) Make fun of a music/MIT student
ing the winter and HATE THEM (you’ve probably done this already)
35) Go to class…commando
19) Attend a theme party SO MUCH
93) Take a hot date to Science Formal
36) Experience the walk of shame
20) Play some flip cup 65) Check out Barney’s patio in
the summer 94) Discover the underground tunnels be-
37) Treat yourself to a Checker Cab,
21) Better yet, Beer Pong tween buildings in winter
you deserve it
66) Wear the same clothes three
22) Spend 2 hours in a bar line-up times during exams 95) Take a road trip to Grand Bend
38) Get kicked out of a bar

23) Pass out on someone’s couch 67) Experience Ceep’s Brew 96) Work out at Campus Rec
39) Walk all the way home from the
(Bonus if you do not know them) bar
24) Down some green beer on St 68) Get an ‘incident report’ in rez 97) Donate blood at the blood clinic on Mon-
Patty’s day, Tuesday and Wednesdays
40) Pre-drink during an exam or lab
41) Give your house a title 69) Go to the homecoming parade
25) Sled down UC Hill on a stolen 98) Get 100 on a midterm
caf tray 42) Watch the UWO porn (College 70) Porch Climb
99) Watch an entire series off of DC++
Invasions 4)
26) Construct a naughty snow 71) WRITE AN ARTICLE FOR
43) Make your own porn 100) Be true to yourself.
44) Attend a toga party 101) Just kidding. That one was lame. Try
72) Streak
having a drink with a professor instead (Bo-
45) Eat some Marble Slab nus if he or she buys
73) Get into a serious argument
ice cream yours for you)
regarding the rules of ‘shotgun’
46) Karaoke
74) Piece together what happened
last night using facebook pictures
47) Get a noise complaint
(“The Hangover” Style!)
from your neighbours
75) Relive the magic of an old
48) Vote in an election
school Nintendo
49) Join a residence/faculty
76) Throw up on the sidewalk
Things - 5

Show Me Your Genitals

walk briskly away and immedi-
ately call the authorities. room under a high powered microscope
Once the flies I wanted that burned my retinas in a slow, meander-
(Cont. From Front) were grown up I had to decapitate ing way. I got some data, put it in a graph,
and heard from my supervisor that the data
usually like to get volunteers to … Just kidding. That would them. And did I ever decapitate
was “not reproducible”. In science speak
rub some felt on their downstairs have been ridiculous and probably them. Wave upon wave of fruit fly
he basically said it was garbage, meaning
but sometimes I’m alone with my borderline illegal. What you really perished under my razor blade.
Bits of goo flew hither and thither that I probably need to do the whole thing
hands full and I have to use my do is put females and males into
again. And that, ladies and gentleman, was
mouth. This can get pretty gross the same tube and hope they get it while I worked, eyes gleaming,
my summer and that’s where I am as I
but you get used to it. You just on… slightly less exciting I know. under the flat microscope light-
write this.
have to keep telling yourself “It’s It amounts to sedating the flies and ing. One group of flies were
engineered with legs so weak Am I mad that my whole summer
all for science… yeah it’s all for spending many hours in front of
they couldn’t escape from their of work can be represented in a graph that
science. Shhh fly it’s going to be a microscope turning them over,
says effectively nothing? A little bit. But
ok, daddy’s here… shh I’ll take looking at their junk, and separat- cocoons (yes flies have cocoons,
my summer highlights the quintessential
care of you. You like that? Yeah ing males from females. You end up it goes maggot > cocoon > fly).
truth of research. If you try something and
you like that don’t you… ohh… looking at a lot of fly genitalia. And I In this case I had to use small,
it works the first time your farts probably
mmm… science…” You get a mean a LOT. Let me put it this way. pointy forceps to tear open the
smell like iron from all the horseshoes up
pretty good sense of when the fly Think of how many sets of genitals case and wrench the weak, trem-
there. You find out what doesn’t work,
is going to fire the missiles after you have seen in your whole life, on bling fly out, decapitating it while
you make mistakes, you troubleshoot.
a while. Once we reach critical any of God’s creatures, multiply that it squirmed. Yes I did some pretty
unforgivable things to these flies. You change things and change things and
mass you can quickly insert Harry by 300 and you might be close to
try again. And sometimes you get really
Potter into the Chamber of Secrets the number I’m at right now. There But before you condemn me as
frustrated. But nature doesn’t give up her
et voila, pregnant female. But like is a catch though; the females have a monster, consider this: without
secrets easily. You try your best and if you
all things worth doing you have to be virgins. This means you have me these flies wouldn’t even ex-
are smart and stubborn enough, maybe
to work your way through a few to collect them within 12 hours of ist in the first place. I bred them,
you’ll find out something no one else in
facials before you really get good hatching or else they start bringing infusing life where there was none
the world has ever known. After I found
at timing it. So that was basically all the boys to the yard. So next time before. Mat giveth, and Mat taketh
out my graph was useless I went and had
my summer. I hope you’re a little you overhear someone say “I have away.
some beers in the Grad Club with my lab
more interested in research and a to go collect virgins tonight”, don’t I mounted these heads onto
mates. Then I went home and read a good
little less interested in whatever be alarmed. Unless it is some sort of microscope slides and spent the
book on my front porch in the sunshine. In
else you thought you were doing Brian Peppers looking hobo with a rest of the summer measuring dif-
the end it was a pretty good day, and it was
with your life. stink eye and bleeding gums. If it is ferent parts of their faces in a dark
a pretty good summer.

Balls, Balls, Balls

By: Justin Bondy

This summer I was lucky things such as sand, kool aid mix, ence works some times. You don’t Right, my job. Even if I have a day where
enough to be selected for a NSERC the salt for your margaritas, stuff always see the practical applica- nothing goes right I still know I have
(Natural Sciences and Engineering like that. My job is to measure tion right away, sometimes you’re the most amazing summer job I could
Research Council of Canada) grant the forces acting on different just interested in the properties imagine, especially when I compare it
to do research in the physics depart- types of spheres being pulled of something you observe in the to the automotive factory I used to work
ment. The grant is an award open out of big tubes filled with tiny world. I definitely hope that my at. Working in this lab has been a great
to any student looking to do some balls of glass. The glass beads I work can be of some use to some- experience that I will never forget, and
research with a supervising profes- work with range in size from half one in the future, but even if it I encourage all of you to look into it for
sor over the summer, and is primarily a centimeter across, all the way isn’t, I’ve learned so much about next summer. So get out there and start
awarded based on marks. Basically to being so small I have to wear being a scientist with this experi- talking to any professors you may be
the grant is the government paying a gas mask when using them so ence. It basically feels like I’ve interested in working with, they aren’t as
the school to hire me, and boy, do they don’t get into my lungs. My been paid to take a really awesome scary as they look. As for me, I’ll just be
they ever pay well. The perks of get- average day consists of submerg- class. I’ve also enjoyed work- sitting here playing with my balls.
ting a NSERC grand are many, but ing the intruding ball into a tube ing together with my professor,
I would have to say the best is the of beads, activating a motor to John DeBruyn, and
flexibility it offers me in my sched- pull the sphere out of the contain- the other students in
ule. Since I have a set salary for the er, and measuring the force of the my lab. Seeing my
summer instead of being paid hourly, sphere 5.57 times per second with instructors and peers
I don’t have to worry about sitting a load cell and multimeter. After in action has given
around till 5 o’clock after I am done the data is taken I analyze it on a me a great sense of
all my work just so I can be paid for a computer using a great program pride in my faculty.
full 8 hours. Instead, I come it to the called Matlab. Using Matlab I can Everything is not
lab, finish what I need to do that day, do things like rescale the data and always gum drops
and leave. Another perk is simply the do non-linear least squared fitting. and unicorn giggles
fact that being the recipient of one of I’ve done this hundreds of times though. Some days
these awards looks quite bitchin’ on a over the summer by changing the everything I tried
resume, as they are very prestigious. parameters such as ball size, bead seemed to go wrong
Long story short, if you have the size, extraction speed, and tube and I would become
opportunity to apply for an NSERC shape. so frustrated I’d
grand, DO IT! When I tell my friends want to burn down
Now that we have the most and family about my job the first the school, BURN
important thing about a job, pay- question everyone asks is “what IT DOWN TO THE
ment, out of the way let’s talk about are you trying to accomplish with GROUND.
what I actually do. My lab studies this?” and to be honest, I don’t Sorry, what were we
granular material, which includes really know. But that’s how sci- talking about?
XKCD How To Survive
By: Jason Lam Bio 1222
Welcome to one of West- other first years, you will direct your at-
ern’s biggest classes: Bio tention to 3 brilliant professors, each with
1222. To attend these their own style of teaching. Since we at
lectures, you will be in Western are all friendly people and want
NCB-101 (North Campus everyone to succeed (unlike U of T…),
Building), one of the big- we’ve even given you the lowdown on how
gest classrooms Western to ace this class.
has. In it, amongst 800

Greek Inks Mel Wright

Comics - 7

You Do The Math of many different organizations and

volunteers which were directly from
and the UWO Math depart-
By: Joanne Colling petition. These math competi- the science student body right here at
ment we were able to run 4
tions promoted teamwork and Western.
competitions throughout the
Hey everyone, my name is creativity, encouraging students
to work together to entire year. The re- We hope that with this New
Joanne Colling. I was the Science
solve math puzzles sponse from high schoolsYear we will be able to further expand
Student Council Applied Math and
and problems. around London was the number of schools that partici-
Pure Math Representative last year
and will retain my role this year. phenomenal, with LML pate as well as get more organizations
being able to host involved with LML. If you would like
Last year with the help of Working
over ten teams to learn more about LML or would like
Science Student Council, I started with the
from seven differ- to become involved with LML please
an initiative, the London Math public and
ent schools. check out our website http://www.math.
League (LML), to provide high catholic
school students the opportunity to
Now the success of LML was math_league_2009.html
compete in an interactive math com- school boards within London,
the Science Student Council not possible without the help

Z, !
Sc h e du le

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