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Meeting 1
Date: 15/9/14
Time: 3.00 PM - 5.00 PM
Venue: Singapore Polytechnic
Present: Brandon, Daphne, Paing
Absent: Justin
Written by: Brandon, Daphne, Paing

Items Covered

Suggested Targeted Audiences

- Elderly (visit OFH and Nursing homes)
- People who are Intellectually Disabled
( Visit the schools)
- Orphans (Visit the orphanages)
- Community ( HDB, Parks )

Types of community events (Suggested)

Elderly / Orphanage/People who are Intellectually Disabled
1) Entertainment
- Play some games : Draw something, Bingo, name that tune
(Refer to suggested games)
- Lucky draw
- Give gifts for Christmas
- Perform : Sing, tell stories, act out a skit
- Teach them something : origami, computer
- Cook food for them
People involved: Volunteers
2) Cleaning up of the area
- Do some clean up at their resting area, dining area, toilet, and kitchen.
People involved: Volunteers

1) Entertainment
- Play some games: Draw something, Bingo, name that tune?? ( Refer to
suggested games)
- Perform: Sing, tell stories, act out a skit
- Teach them something: origami, computer?
- Cook food for them

Action to be taken by
Brandon, Daphne,

Brandon, Daphne,

People involved: Volunteers

2) Cleaning up of the area
- Do some clean up at their resting area, dining area, toilet,
parks.( Pick up rubbish, etc.)
- Collection of recycled materials
People involved: Volunteers, or entire related community (Make entire
community be part of the programme.)

Alternative ideas
1) Make the people in need be part of learning and helping themselves.
People involved: Volunteers, or entire related community (Make entire
community be part of the programme.)

Suggested organisations/venues

Agenda for next meeting

1) Attendance
2) Finalise the type of event (Final one or final three)
3) State the risks
4) List down the potential risks of final event
5) State the potential risks
6) List down the potential organisations
7) If time permits: Logistics
8) Agenda for the next meeting : Things to be discussed, next meeting date,



Meeting 2
Date: 22/9/14
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: Present: Daphne Tang, Brandon Hong, Paing
Absent: Justin
Written by: Daphne Tang, Brandon Hong, Paing
Items Covered

Finalised Events

Action to be taken by
Brandon, Daphne, Paing

Elderly / Orphanage
1) Entertainment
- Play some games : Draw something, Bingo,
name that tune
(Refer to suggested games)
- Lucky draw
- Give gifts for christmas
- Perform : Sing, tell stories, act out a skit
- Teach them something : origami, computer
- Cook food for them
People involved: Volunteers
2) Cleaning up of the area
- Do some clean up at their resting area, dining
area, toilet, and kitchen.
People involved: Volunteers

Risk (General)
might be psychologically affected ( feel sad
and not do the activities effectively)
Risk of getting diseases/ ill
The volunteers might fall sick due to large
amount of dust collected (eg. nose
May not be able to speak dialect and at
times a different language :) eg. Hokkien,
teochew, cantonese, bahasa Melayu, Tamil
Older people will feel loss of control when
strangers are involved
People may slip and fall if the floor is wet
Accident may happen such as volunteer fall
from a chair when cleaning the fan.
Hard at times for volunteers to control the
elderly if they are cranky, stubborn?

Brandon, Daphne, Paing

Activities are hard for elderly to

do/understand hence may not like/enjoy it.
The elderly might fall sick too due to large
amount of dust collected (eg. nose
Activities no feasible to be done due to the
elderly present

Orphans / People who are Intellectually Disabled

Not cooperative

Potential Logistics
- Cloth
- Rags
- Buckets
- Water
- Antiseptic Disinfectant Liquid
- Plastic bags
- Mask
- Others: mop, duster, broom?

Brandon, Daphne, Paing

Games: Refer to game logistics

Lucky draw/ gifts: Refer to gift logistics
Performances: Refer to performance logistics

Suggested games :
Drawing Game 1 (Elderly)
One person has a flip chart in front of them, while
another holds an object and tells the person behind
the flipchart how to draw it, without saying what the
object is Draw a straight line from left to right
for example, and so on.
When the picture is finished the person drawing has
to guess what they have drawn. The person drawing
must either have their back to the others or the
object must be hidden from them somehow. The
rest of the group can enjoy the fun by watching.
Anyone who wishes can have a go.
This game is fun and is a good means of promoting
listening and working out how to describe
something of manual dexterity. Others can join in
with instructions and all can work together as well.
It is also a lesson in recognition.


Drawing Game 2 (Elderly)

Another fun game involves writing words on small
pieces of paper. This can be a team game. One
person chooses a piece of paper and then has to
draw a simple picture to represent the word and the
others have to guess what the word is it could be
something intangible like summer or a place like
the zoo or something more simple depending on
how capable the residents are.
This is good for stimulating thought in how to
communicate ideas and for others to concentrate on
thinking what the subject could be.

Wear a Hat tell a Story

The idea of the game is that the wearer of the hat
tells the story of where they would wearthis hat and
what would they do. This often helps them to recall
an old memory or fantasize about something they
would like to do.
Equipment needed

A range of different kinds of hats,

preferably a hat for each person taking part




Let each person select a hat.

Then the organiser can start by having their
turn first. My name is.. and I am going to
a wedding in my hat. Then you can ask
Where? Who with? What will you be
doing? How? Etc.
Sometimes the prompts are not needed
and the person will easily tell their story
others will need a lot of help to tell a story.
Dont dwell too long on a person who has
difficulty telling a story help them to make
one up take their picture and praise them
then pass to the next person

Make a set of activity cards for exercises. Each card

has a movement on with the number of repetitions
(do them to music) Each person is dealt a card and
you work round the group.

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