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Implants and others.

1. Single tooth implants.

2. Procedure for endosteal implants.
3. Dental implants.
4. Surgical endodontics.
1. Describe surgical anatomy of cavernous sinus and the spread of the infection to
cavernous sinus.
2. Sub-massetric space infection.
3. Describe peripharyngeal space. What are the serious complications associated with
infection of these spaces.
4. Describe the surgical anatomy of the floor of the mouth and discuss the
complications of ludwigs angina.
5. Cavernous sinus thrombosis.
6. Discuss fungal infection that may affect the oral cavity. Add a note on their
7. Describe various causes of necrosis of bone. Discuss their prevention and
management with relation to OMFS.
8. Discuss superficial and deep venous drainage of the face and give its significance
in the spread of infection.
9. Enumerate various spaces where infection from lower third molars might spread.
Discuss the principles in management of space infection.
10. Septicaemia (gram +ve and ve.)
11. Prevention and control of infection in surgical patient with special reference to
infections in grafts.
12. Bact, protozoal, viral, fungal infections of orofacial region.

13. Osteoradionecrosis- pathology, rationale for different modalities for management

and newer concepts and hyperbaric O2 therapy.
14. Principles of management of oro-facial infection with emphasis on the rationale for
antibiotic therapy.
15. Diagnostic imaging and lab techniques in diagnosis of oro-facial infection.
16. The changing oral microflora and its complications in host immune response.
17. Soft tissue infection in maxillo-facial and neck region with emphasis on necrotizing
fascitis and ludwigs.
18. Hepatitis A,B,C and HIV.
19. Osteomyelities: histology of bone, pathology, rationale for different modalities of
management and newer concepts.
20. Complications in OMF infections with reference to ophthalmic, neurological
considerations and airway management.
21. Oral microbial flora and host immune response.
22. Microbiology of head and neck infections.
23. Factors affecting establishment and spread of infections host factors, microbial
24. Routes of spread of infection from maxilla and mandible.
25. Spaces involved (boundaries and contents) - maxilla and mandible.
26. Clinical features of various odontogenic space involvements.
27. Management of patient with odontogenic space infection (principles).
28. Antibiotics classification, mechanism of action, principles of antibiotic therapy,
adverse effects.
29. Management of complications of oro-facial infections- ludwigs angina, cavernous
sinus thrombosis, pharyngeal space infection.
30. Non-odontogenic bacterial infections (briefly).
31. Viral infections imp-herpes
32. Fungal infections- candidiasis.
33. Actinomycotic infections (briefly).

34. Blood borne infections HIV, Hbs Ag

35. Osteomyelitis def, types, clinical features, principles of management.
36. Osteoradionecrosis def, pathophysiology, principles of management, HBO
therapy, prevention.
37. ANUG and necrotizing fascitis.

Cysts and Tumors

1. Describe the various multilocular lesions of the mandible. Discuss differential
diagnosis and its management.
2. Surgical modalities used for treatment of OSMF.
3. Discuss hemimandibulectomy procedure.
4. Management of Aneurysmal bone cyst.
5. Discuss differential diagnosis of fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws and mention the
various methods of management.
6. Classify benign tumors of the jaw bones. Give differential diagnosis and
histopathological picture of Ameloblastoma. How will you treat a case of
ameloblastoma involving complete body of mandible?
7. Give DD of multilocular lesions of mandible. Discuss pathology and clinical
features and treatment of OKC.
8. Short note on Haemangioma.
9. Discuss pathogenesis and growth of odontogenic cyst with reference to OKC.
10. Discuss in brief tumors of hard palate. Discuss the management of pleomorphic
adenoma of hard palate.
11. Discuss the surgical pathology of giant cell lesions of jaw and their management.
12. Classify osteogenic tumors of the jaws. How will you diagnose a case of
chondrosarcoma. Discuss its DD.

13. How will you diagnose and manage a large invasive tumor of maxillary antrum.
14. Classify fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws. How will you manage a case of
monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the maxilla in a young patient?
15. Discuss the differential diagnosis of radioluscent lesions at the angle of mandible
and briefly describe their management.
16. Management of odontogenic cysts.

1. Healing of jaw #s and various concepts in its management.
2. Describe metabolic response of body to traumatic injuries.
3. Describe surgical anatomy of the orbit and discuss blow out #s and its management.
4. Discuss the controversies in management of orbital blow out #s.
5. A patient reports to you with a complaint of numbness of left lower lip of 3 weeks
duration. Discuss: A) the differential diagnosis of the same. B) Various invasive and
non-invasive investigations available to confirm the diagnosis.
6. Discuss the current concepts in management of condylar fractures.
7. Discuss the management of condylar fracture varies in children and adults.
8. Discuss indications of tracheostomy. And justify the need of tracheostomy as
elective procedure in RTA.
9. Discuss various methods of internal fixation of Mandibular fractures.
10. CSF rhinorrhea.
11. Discuss management of Le-fort II fractures.
12. Management of fractured zygomatic arch.
13. Discuss neurological complications of facial injuries.
14. How will you treat a case of malunited Le-fort #.
15. Discuss priorities in the primary care of a patient with severe maxillo-facial injuries.
16. Dynamic compression plates in the treatment of facio-maxillary fractures.
17. Discuss fractures of middle third of the face.

18. Discuss various causes of pathological fractures of the mandible and discuss one of
them in detail.
19. Maxillofacial injuries.
20. Discuss various neurological complications of maxillo-facial surgery and their
21. Bio-resorbable plates and screws.
22. Evaluation and management of patient with orbital fracture.
23. Complications of condylar fractures.
24. Dento-alveolar fractures.
25. Surgical anatomy of the mandible and principles in treatment of mandibular
26. Clinical features and management of mandibular fractures (atrophic, paediatric,
condylar and pathological fractures.
27. Surgical anatomy of mid-face (including orbits and zygomas).
28. Classification of midface fractures.
29. ATLS and management of mid-face fractures.
30. Zygomatic complex fractures and their management.
31. Naso-orbito-ethmoidal complex fractures.
32. Orbital fractures.

Exodontia and Anesthesia

1. Complications of L.A.
2. Use of Buccal pad of fat in oral surgery.
3. Describe pain pathway from oral and maxillo-facial region . mention various
theories of pain and discuss gate control theory in detail.
4. Replantation of teeth.

5. Discuss oro-antral fistula and various methods of repair and selection criteria.
6. What are the adjuvants used in general anesthesia? Discuss their role in facilitating
smooth induction.
7. Discuss in detail the surgical anatomy of maxillary antrum. Give the line of
treatment for carcinoma of antrum in brief.
8. Mode of action of local anaesthetic agents.
9. Radiological assessment of impacted lower 3rd molar.
10. Trans-alveolar extraction.
11. Discuss in detail management of anxiety among patient requiring oral surgical
12. How will you investigate and treat a case of chronic oro-antral fistula.
13. Discuss the body response to various suture materials used in OMFS.
14. Mechanism of action of local anesthetics and role of premedication in local
15. Technique used in vestibuloplasty.
16. Describe anatomy of maxillary antrum. Discuss the role of Caldwell luc operation
in OMFS.
17. Describe how you will proceed to extract a tooth in a haemophilic patient.
18. Discuss toxic complications caused by lignocaine hydrochloride.
19. Canine impaction.
20. Pre-prosthetic surgery.
21. Root in maxillary sinus.

Minor surgery
1. Principles of surgery : Asepsis and sterilization
2. Principles of minor oral surgery and exodontias
3. Evaluation and management of impacted teeth.
4. Anatomy of trigeminal nerve.

5. Pain pathways and applied nerve physiology.

6. Mechanisms of action of local anesthetics.
7. Suture materials used in maxillo-facial surgery and principles of suturing.
8. Pharmacology of local anesthetic drugs
9. Mandibular nerve blocks.
10. Maxillary nerve blocks
11. Complications of local anaesthetics.
12. Management of syncope, anaphylaxis and adrenal crisis.
13. Management of cardiac arrest, status epilepticus and status asthamaticus.
14. Management of OMFS patient with ischemic heart disease and hypertension.
15. Management of OMFS patient with CHD and valvular disease.
16. Management of OMFS patient with diabetes and thyroid disorders
17. Management of OMFS patient with bleeding disorders
18. Management of OMFS patient with hepatitis and HIV.
19. Management of OMFS patient with Anaemia
20. Shock and its management.
21. Principles of blood transfusion.
22. Fluid and electrolyte balance
23. Use of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs OMFS patients.

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