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How to Write a Book: 4 Simple Steps to Getting Started

Step 1. Develop a Kick-Ass Idea

All book writing has to start somewhere, and the best place to kick off your manuscript is by coming up
with a great idea. Book ideas come in all shapes and sizes and can be found anywherean article you
read from your local newspaper, a conversation you overheard at Starbucks, a recent experience you
during a vacation, etc. Youre overall idea should be narrowed down to one-to-two paragraphs, similar
to the back cover copy you find on most books. When writing books, idea is king. Always remember

Step 2. Create 3-Dimensional Characters

How to start writing a book begins with an idea, but your idea needs to be carried out with welldeveloped characters. This doesnt just mean fictional charactersmemoirs and nonfiction book still
have characters, even if those characters are based on real people. When you write your own book,
you must ask yourself what makes this character unique, what is the No. 1 thing this character wants
and what obstacles must he or she overcome to reach it. Readers love flawed, yet relatable characters.
Strive to make your characters as interesting as possible.

Step 3. Give Yourself Deadlines

Maybe the most pivotal step in the steps to writing a book, setting a deadline and sticking to it is
essential. Its the difference between serious writers and those who are merely dreamers. Too many
writers say they are going to write a book and, after starting strong, find excuses as to why they
stopped (or are on a super-long pause from writing books). There are definitely legitimate reasons that
could prevent you from book writinghelp needed in the family, a health issue, etc. But if youre
serious about writing a book, you have to make time for it. Deadlines will push you to do just that. (The
free download below offers advice on how to help set reasonable deadlines and stick to them).

Step 4. Sit Your Butt Down and Write

You can spend as much time as you want reading tips for writing a book, how to write books and how
to edit your noveland you should spend some time doing that. You should invest in studying the craft
and learning how to write a bestseller. But youll never write a book if you dont spend time writing. Do

it during your lunch break. Do it while waiting for the kids at soccer practice. Do it after everyone goes
to bed. Theres no official book writing template, theres just you, a pen and a paper (or a computer, of
Now that youve read the basics steps to writing a book, its time to further your writing career by
diving deeper into deadline (a writers worst enemy and best friend, all at the same time!). Get your
copy of the free download to learn the secret to setting effective deadlines.


M u ngy mi vi mt s cm ng t rt hay v cc k hu ch c bit l trong IELTS SPEAKING
nh mem yu.
1. unwind (v): to relax after a stressful activity
Examiner: What do you think of vacations?
Candidate: I think its important to get away at least once a year. Holidays give you a chance to unwind.
2. pass away: die, in a polite way
Eg: Describe your favorite person in the family.
My granddad, who was my biggest influence growing up, passed away peacefully at 83 in his sleep
3. pick on: choose someone to treat unkindly, blame, punish, bully
Eg: Describe yourself emotionally.
Im the type of meanie who loves picking on people I adore. Its a bad trait I guess, but thats who I am
4. boil down to: be summarized as
Eg: Describe a sport event that you have watched.
In the end, it boiled down to the question of who was going to win, not how was that win achieved..
5. get something across/over: make understandable or communicate
Eg: What do you consider the best means of communication?
Well I think it depends on who you ask. Personally, I prefer emails as I can spend as much time as I want
to perfect all the words to get my point across in the best possible way.
6. get away: to go on holiday/vacation
Eg: What do you think of vacations?
I think its important to get away at least once a year. Holidays give you a chance to unwind.
7. Have a get together: social meeting
Eg: How often do you see your friends?
My friends and I usually have a get together every Sunday. Well just meet for some food and have a chat.
8. get back into: become interested in something again
Eg: What kind of music do you like?
I stopped listening to jazz music for many years, but Ive got back into it again recently.

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