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Pokemon Learning League

Simple Machines

Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Ash, Pikachu, Serena,

Clemont, Bonnie and Dedenne coming into a forest
somewhere in the Hoenn on a partly cloudy day
with tall trees against the sky, vines growing and
hanging from some of them. Clemont nonchalantly
speaks to the audience.)
Clemont: Oh, hi, guys.
Serena: Hello.
Ash: Hey.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Bonnie: Hey.
Dedenne: Dedenne.
Serena: So, Ash, what do you think Iris wants to
show us?
Ash: I dont know. Well have to see when we get
(They continue on through the forest. A few
minutes later, they find Iris waiting for them with
Axew and Gible. Axew is in her hair and she holds
Gible in her arms.)
Iris: Hey, guys.
Axew: Axew.

Ash: Hey, Iris. Howve you been?

Iris: Im great.
(They shake each others hands.)
Clemont: So, Iris, is this what you wanted to show
(He points to Gible.)
Iris: Yep. This is Gible.
Gible: Gible.
(Bonnie walks up to him.)
Bonnie: Hey, Gible. Im Bonnie.
(She tries to touch him, but he snaps his jaws at
Bonnie: Whoa!
Iris: Sorry about that, Bonnie. He can pretty feisty.
(A little sternly.) Gible, dont do that, and be nice.
(Bonnie tries again. She gently touches his fin and
then slowly strokes it. Gible smiles.)
Gible (happily): Gible.
Bonnie: Now, that feels good, doesnt it?
Gible: Gible.

Bonnie: Oh, good.

Iris: So, Ash, you up for a battle?
Ash: Oh, you bet.
(Moments later, they find a secluded spot and Ash
and Iris get into their places.)
Clemont: This battle between Ash and Iris will now
Iris: All right, Gible, lets go!
Gible: Gible!
Ash: Hawlucha, I choose you!
(He gets out his Pokeball, tosses it into the air, and
Hawlucha emerges from it.)
Hawlucha: Hawlucha!
Iris: Gible, use Iron Head!
Gible: Gible!
(He lowers his head and the fin on his head turns
into iron from the base of it. It then jumps into the
air and flies at Hawlucha.)
Ash: Dodge it!
Hawlucha: Hawlucha!

(It leaps up out of the way and narrowly misses

Gibles attack.)
Ash: Now use Karate Chop!
(Hawluchas claw and wing glow white and strikes
Gible with the side of it wing, hitting it and dealing
some damage.)
Iris: Now, Gible, use Shadow Claw!
(One of his hands becomes surrounded by a black
aura with a purple outline. It then takes the form
of a claw and Gible slashes Hawlucha with it, doing
some damage to it.)
Ash: Counter with Flying Press!
(It flies above Gible. Then, it becomes outlined in
white energy and dives at it, directly hitting Gible
and doing a lot of damage.)
Iris (complementing): I have to say, Ash that was a
really good move.
Ash: Thanks. Do it again, Hawlucha!
(It flies above Gible again. It becomes outlined in
white energy and dives at it.)
Iris: Dodge and use Aerial Ace!

(He jumps out of the way and Hawlucha slams into

the ground. Then, its body becomes surrounded
by white streaks and flies into Hawlucha, hitting it
and dealing damage.)
Serena: Gibles really tough.
Bonnie: Yeah, it is.
Pikachu: Pika.
Dedenne: Dede.
(As they continue watching, we cut to the point of
view of something watching them from the
branches of a tree. Cut back to the battle.)
Iris: Now use Flamethrower!
Gible: Gible!
(It fires a red-orange stream of fire from its mouth
at Hawlucha.)
Ash: Dodge and use High Jump Kick!
Hawlucha: Hawl!
(It jumps up into the air and narrowly dodges the
attack. Then, one of its legs glow white, dives
down and hits Gible dealing serious damage.)
Ash: Great job! Now, finish it with Karate Chop!

(Both of its wings glow white and strikes Gible with

Iris: Quick, dodge it!
(It quickly moves out of the way and narrowly
misses the first chop. Then suddenly, Hawlucha
jumps behind it and strikes it with the second
chop, doing damage and knocking it out.)
Clemont: Gible cannot continue. Hawlucha wins,
and victory goes to Ash.
Ash: Way to go, Hawlucha!
Hawlucha: Hawlucha!
(Iris comes over to Gible and picks it up.)
Iris (gently): Gible, you all right?
Gible: (nods its head.) Gible.
Iris (gently): Thats good. You did really well out
Axew: Axew.
Gible: Gible.
(They come over to Ash.)
Ash: What is it?

Iris (meaningfully): Ash, I just wanted to say your

Hawlucha is amazing.
Ash (appreciatively): Thanks, Iris.
(Gibles stomach grumbles loudly.)
Gible: Gible.
Iris: You getting hungry there?
(It nods its head.)
Ash: Well, then. Lets have lunch.
Pikachu: Pika.
(They start setting up their eating area. As they
are, we zoom in on a nearby bush and cut to the
P.O.V of something watching them from within it.
Minutes later, they and their Pokemon have crumbtopped banana muffins, candied carrots, blueberry
cobbler, apple turnovers, spaghetti, honey almond
fingers, macarons and fruit smoothies.)
All (satisfied): Mmm.
Pikachu (satisfied): Pika.
Braixen (satisfied): Braix.
Axew (satisfied): Axew.
Dedenne (satisfied): Dede.

Serena: This is delicious.

Ash: Yeah.
Clemont: Thanks, guys.
Gible (satisfied): Gible.
Bonnie: You like that, Gible?
Gible (confirming): Gible.
Bonnie: Thats good. (She turns over to Iris.) Hey,
Iris, could you tell us how you caught Gible?
Dedenne: Dede.
Iris: Well, sure. Well, it happened back in
Blackthorn City, when he was using Dig and
wrecked everything. Everyone there thought he
was a bad Pokemon, but I defended him and told
them Id try to reason with him.
Clemont: I see. Go on.
Iris: Then, he got stuck on a clock tower. After I
saved him from falling off, I found out that he was
confused because he had gotten lost from his
Ash: All right, what happened afterwards?

Iris: Well, during a battle Clair and I were having,

he showed up and started attacking Axew, so I had
to put a stop to it.
Serena: Ahh, and then what?
Iris: After that, I was thinking about what to do next
and then, Gible came back again. It turned out he
wanted to come with me, so l caught him. And
then, we saw the legendary Rayquaza.
Ash: Thats really cool.
Iris (fondly): Yeah, it sure was.
Ash: Pikachu and I saw Rayquaza once too.
Serena: Really? Thats cool.
Ash: Yep.
Bonnie: Hey, you want some more, Dedenne?
(She takes off a small piece of a muffin and gives it
Dedenne. But, when she looks down, she sees
Dedennes disappeared.)
Bonnie: Huh? What the?
(She looks around the area.)
Clemont: Whats wrong, Bonnie?
Bonnie (worried): Dedennes gone.

(She holds up her empty satchel.)

Clemont (reassuring): Dont worry, Bonnie. Well
find it.
Ash: Yeah. Lets go.
(They all start looking around the area. Ash and
Serena look thoroughly through the bushes, Iris
looks up through the trees and Bonnie & Clemont
look around the field.)
Ash: Nothing. You find it, Serena?
Serena: No.
Ash: How about you, Pikachu? Pikachu?
(He looks to the side and see that hes gone.)
Ash: What the?
(They others regroup.)
Bonnie: Did you find him?
Ash: No, and now Pikachus disappeared.
Iris: Thats weird. Axew and Gible have also
Serena: Yeah, Braixen, too.
Clemont: Where do you think they couldve gone

Serena: I dont know.

(They all think for a brief moment.)
Iris: Lets look over there.
(She points down a narrow path to the mountains.)
Ash: Okay. Lets get going.
(They pack up their things and head on down the
path, all the while looking around for any signs of
them. Moments later, they come across a large
opening in between two cliff walls, where they
find a barricade of tall titanium/chromium walls
and strong titanium/tungsten/chromium plating
covering the ground.)
Serena: Where did this come from?
Clemont: I dont know, but I have a good idea
whos behind this.
Serena: Okay, how can we get through this?
(They all think for a minute.)
Iris: Hmm. How about we fly over them?
Bonnie: Yeah.
(Ash looks up to the top.)
Ash: Uh, I dont think so.

Iris: Huh? Why?

Ash: Look up there.
(They look to the top of the cliffs. Pan up to see
motion-sensing electric shocks.)
Iris (understanding): Oh, okay.
Serena: Well, lets try going under it.
Clemont: All right, then. Bunnelby, come on out!
(He tosses up his Pokeball and Bunnelby comes
Bunnelby: Bunnelby.
Clemont: Bunnelby, use Dig to make a tunnel.
(It jumps up in the air, spins and, using its ears,
tries to dig through the plating, but it doesnt
break through at all. It stops spinning and falls to
the ground.)
Bunnelby (tired): Bunnel.
Clemont: Thats all right, Bunnelby. You did well.
Bonnie: Now what?
Ash: Well, theres one other way: well have to try
breaking them down. Clemont, you have any
gadgets that could help out?

Clemont: Of course I do.

Iris: All right, but which ones will work here?
(The others shrug and exchange a confused look.)
Serena: Maybe Siara could help with this. (She
pulls out the Pokepilot, turns it on and calls Siara,
who is working on a story.)
Siara: Hello, guys. Hows it going?
Iris: Were fine, Siara. Uh, what are you writing
Siara: Oh, Im working on a fairy tale spoof.
Serena: Thats pretty good.
Siara: Oh, it will be. Anyway, what are you up to?
Iris: Pikachu and the others have disappeared and
were looking for them.
Siara: Ooh, thats terrible. What else?
Ash: We came to a barricade and were trying to
break it down. Now, we need to use the right tools
for this, so do you know which ones will work here?
Siara: Of course. You can use the ones that are
based around the simple machines.
Serena: Really?

Siara: Sure. There are six kinds of them and they

all make work a lot easier.
Bonnie: Like what?
Siara: For starters, theres the lever. Its made up
of three parts: the fulcrum, a force or effort and
resistance. When you apply enough force to one
end of the lever, itll be able to lift or push loads on
the other end. Scissors, tongs and your own arm
are good examples. Oh, and by changing the
distance between the force, the fulcrum and the
load, the amount of effort you need is decreased.
(As she explains it, the images are animated to
what shes saying.)
Bonnie: Oh, thats good. Whats next?
Siara: Next is the wheel & axle. By draping a rope
or a steel cable around a grooved wheel, itll help
you lift loads or move them around. Doorknobs,
gears and cranks commonly utilize them.
Serena: Thats pretty interesting. What else?
Siara: Then, theres the inclined plane. They help
by increasing the distance the load has to be
moved. Yes, its strange, but it decreases how
much force is needed to move something. Prime
examples of this include slides, ramps and stairs.

Ash: I see. Now what?

Siara: Next up is the screw. Because of their selflocking properties, they can be used as linkages to
transfer power, be used to move material, and of
course, hold objects together. As you can see, the
threads that wound around the shank is what does
Iris: All right, whats the next one?
Siara: Then, theres the wedge. These tend to be
used to separate two objects or portions of them,
lift them or hold them in place, like keeping a door
in place using with a doorstop. Knives, axes and
scissors are other good examples.
Bonnie: Okay, whats the last one?
Siara: Lastly, theres the pulley. A system of them
can be used to lift objects, apply forces and
transmit power. Theyre made up of rope or belt
wrapped around wheels and attached to brackets
so they can turn freely. When you add more of
them to the system, it cuts down on the amount of
effort needed.
Serena: I guess using any of them really will do it.
Siara: They sure can. Oh, yeah, when you use two
or more of them, this is called a compound

machine. All right, guys, Im going to show you

guys something.
Clemont: Okay, Siara.
(Pan down to a lower panel, which shows six
different situations. Each one has three different
tools showing.)
Siara: Okay, you guys ready?
Ash: You bet.
Siara: Very well, then. Here, this group is working
on a bike stop and they need to put in a bike rack
into place. Which tool will work the best here?
Clemont: Hmm, they should use a drill for this.
Siara: All right, Clemont. Here, theyre working on
the road and they have to move this boulder out of
the way. Which of these will have the most effect?
Iris: A crane would do it.
Siara: Very good, Iris. Now, this man is trying to get
a Shinx out of this hole. Which tool will work the
best here?
Ash: He should use a winch.
Siara: You got it, Ash. You guys did great so far.
Serena: Thanks, Siara.

Siara: Youre welcome, Serena. Now, I better get

back to this story. See you guys later, and good
luck getting your Pokemon back.
Serena: See you, and thanks.
(Serena turns the Pokepilot off and puts it away.)
Clemont: Okay, guys, Ill get to work on some of
the gadgets.
Ash: Okay, Clemont. Well, what do you guys think
we should do?
(They briefly think for a minute.)
Serena: How about we finish up what we were
doing before?
Iris: All right, then but lets see if the viewers want
to do it.
Bonnie: Okay. (She turns to the audience.) You
guys up for it? (She nonchalantly waits for an
answer from the viewers for one second.) Oh,
(Cut to the situations that remain.)
Serena: All right, this woman is trying to open this
crate full of rare candies. Which of these would be
the best one for her to use? (She casually waits for

an answer from the viewers for one second.) A

crowbar. Okay, then.
Bonnie: This girl is trying to get this load of
Pokemon food down to the truck quickly. Which of
these would be the right one? (She casually waits
for an answer from the viewers for one second.) A
slide. Okay.
Iris: Finally, this man and his Ivysaur are trapped
behind a steel wall and have no way out. Which of
these would be the best one to use? (She casually
waits for an answer from the viewers for one
second.) A splitting wedge and a blade. Very
(Cut back to them and Ash casually speaks to the
Ash: Way to go, guys.
(Pan over to see Clemont finishing up the gadgets.)
Clemont: All right, theyre ready to go.
Serena: Thats great, Clemont.
Clemont: All right, lets get going.
(He places a grey box near the wall. He presses a
button and stairs start assembling. Once it
reaches the top, a platform extends out and

another set of stairs assembles on the other side.

They all walk up it and to down to the other side.
Clemont presses a button on the bottom step and
the whole thing retracts itself back in.)
Serena: That was pretty good, Clemont.
Clemont: Thanks.
(They come to the next one. Clemont pulls out a
winch with a suction cup on it. He backs up a few
steps and fires it at the top of the wall. He starts
to crank it back and the wall comes down to the
Others (impressed): Whoa!
(They go over the toppled wall and come to the
third wall. Clemont pulls out what looks like a laser
pointer. He pushes the button and it turns into a
long pole with a wedge-shaped end. He jams it
into the side of the wall and pushes against it and
it slightly moves.)
Ash: You need any help?
Clemont: Yes.
(He pushes it with Clemont, moving it more until it
creates an opening large enough for them to get
through. Clemont retracts the pole and they all go

through. Moments later, they come to the next

barricade. Clemont pulls out a special blade with a
hook on the end. He sets it into place and he and
Iris push against the cliff wall and it moves,
creating an opening on the side.)
Clemont: Thanks, Iris.
Iris: No problem, Clemont.
(He puts the pole away and they go through the
opening. Now, they get to the second-to-last
barricade. Clemont sets up a stand in place.)
Bonnie: So, how is this going to help out?
Clemont: Just watch.
(He presses a button. It rises up and assembles
itself into a crane. He places the hooks into the
bottom of the barricade and latches it up. He
pushes the button and the crane raises it up from
the bottom, causing it to topple over to the ground.
The crane retracts and they go over it and get to
the last barricade. Clemont pulls out a drill and
creates a hole in the wall. He then pushes a
button and a circular sheet of metal wraps around
the drill bit. It expands from the inside and bores
the hole, making it bigger. He puts the drill away

and they each crawl through the hole to the other

Ash: Way to go, Clemont.
Bonnie: Yeah, you did great.
Clemont (appreciatively): Thanks, guys.
(Serena scans the area for any signs of the
Serena: Where could they be around here?
Ash: Dont worry, I got this. Talonflame, I choose
(He tosses up his Pokeball and Talonflame comes
Talonflame: Talonflame!
Ash: Talonflame, search for any signs of Pikachu
and the others.
(It takes off and scopes out the forest. Just then, it
spots what looks like a hot-air balloon down below
and two figures load things into it. It quickly flies
back to Ash and the others.)
Ash: You find something?
(It affirmatively nods it head.)

Ash: All right, show us the way.

(Talonflame flies off, and they follow it. Now, we
dissolve to them coming to the spot, where they
see Team Rocket putting their Pokemon, who are
in attack/sound-proof containers with blue glass,
into the balloon.)
James: Everything ready to go?
Meowth: Yep. All set.
James: Well, lets go before the twerps show up.
All (O.S.): Team Rocket!
(They turn around to see Ash and the gang.)
Ash: We figured it was you behind this. Let the
Pokemon go!
Jessie: Ha! Well, then you better prepare for
James: Yeah, and make it double!
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
James: To unite all peoples within our nations!
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth: Meowth! That's right!
Iris: Let our Pokemon go!
Jessie: Not on your life, twerps!
(They get into their balloon and take off.)
Ash: No, you dont. Talonflame, stop them!
(It takes off and goes after them.)
Meowth: Try to catch us with this!
(He presses a button and rocket boosters come out
from under the balloon basket and activates,
making them go faster.)
Ash: Talonflame, use Flame Charge!
(Talonflame becomes surrounded in red flames and
gets faster. It catches right up to the balloon and
bursts it, causing them to come crashing down.
The gang comes running to them.)
Ash: Way to go, Talonflame!
Talonflame: Talonflame!

Ash: Now, give our Pokemon back, or else!

Meowth: No way!
Jessie: Yeah, if you want them back, youll have to
get through us.
Bonnie: Oh, yeah? Well show you, you old hag!
(Cut to a close-up of an anger cross on the temple
of Jessies forehead. She also has a glaring stare,
her eyebrows down & together and her lips narrow
& quiver with anger.)
Jessie (enraged): WH-what did you call me?!
Grrr!!! (Angrily screams.) AHHHH!!!!!
Meowth: Whoa!
James: That was really scary.
Jessie (shouting): Well, what are you waiting for?!
James: Okay. Inkay, go!
(He tosses up his Pokeball and Inkay comes out.)
Inkay: Inkay!
Jessie: Lets go, Gourgeist!
(She tosses up her Pokeball and Pumpkaboo comes
Gourgeist: Gourgeist!

(Ash twists his hat back.)

Ash: All right, go, Talonflame!
Talonflame: Talon!
Iris: Come on out, Clefairy!
(She tosses her Pokeball up and Clefairy comes
Clefairy: Clefairy!
James: Inkay, use Tackle!
Jessie: Use Shadow Ball, Gourgeist!
(Inkay charges through the air towards Fletchinder.
Pumpkaboo forms a ball of black and purple
energy with black static around it and fires it at
Ash: Dodge that, Talonflame!
Iris: Clefairy, counter with Thunderbolt!
Talonflame: Talon!
Clefairy: Clefairy!
(Talonflame flies up and dodges Inkays attack.
Then, Clefairy leaps up into the air and fires a
powerful bolt of yellow electricity from his body at

the Shadow Ball, colliding with it and cancelling it

Ash: Now use Steel Wing!
(Its wings flow a metal-gray color and hits Inkay
with them, dealing some damage.)
Bonnie: That was a good move.
Serena: Yeah.
James: Inkay, counter with Foul Play!
(Inkay grabs Fletchinder, turns it around and
throws it to the ground, doing some damage.)
Iris: Use Flamethrower!
(He fires a red-orange stream of fire from his
mouth at Pumpkaboo, doing serious damage.)
Jessie: Come on, Gourgeist! Use Shadow Ball!
(It forms a ball of black and purple energy with
black static around it and fires it at Clefairy, hitting
him and doing some damage.)
Jessie: Now use Dark Pulse!
Gourgeist: Gourg!

(It forms a pink orb in front of itself and then fires a

beam of purple circles at Talonflame, doing
damage to it.)
James: Use Psybeam, Inkay!
Inkay: Inkay!
(Inkay flips upside down and fires a streaky blue
beam with pink circles inside it from its mouth at
Clefairy, doing some damage to him.)
Meowth: These guys are doing very well here.
Ash: Talonflame, Razor Wind!
Iris: Clefairy, Psyshock!
Talonflame: Talon!
(Talonflames wings glow bright white and
repeatedly waves them, creating bright white,
crescent-shaped energy waves and fires them at
Inkay, doing damage.)
Clefairy: Clefairy!
(He leaps up into the air and closes his eyes. Three
thick masses of light blue, blue and purple energy
form in front of his body, and fires them at
Gourgeist, dealing some damage and sends it
flying towards Jessie, who gets knocked down to

the ground and the keys to the containers fall off

her waist and on to the ground.)
Ash: That was a good move, Iris.
Iris: Thanks, Ash.
(Meowth walks over and picks the keys up.)
Jessie: Grrr, all right, that does it! Gourgeist, use
Dark Pulse!
James: Inkay, Psybeam!
(It forms a pink orb in front of itself and then fires a
beam of purple circles. Then, Inkay flips upside
down and fires a streaky blue beam with pink
circles inside it from its mouth. Both attacks
combine into one, and it hits Clefairy and
Talonflame, dealing serious damage to them.)
Ash: Come on, Talonflame, dont give up! Use
Steel Wing!
(Talonflames wings flow a metal-gray color and
hits Pumpkaboo with them, dealing some damage
and knocking it out.)
Iris: Now Clefairy, Thunderbolt!

(He leaps up into the air and fires a powerful bolt

of yellow electricity from his body at Inkay, doing
serious damage and knocking it out.)
Both: Uh-oh.
Iris: Now use Meteor Mash!
Ash: Use Flame Charge!
(A silhouette of a golden meteor appears around
Clefairys hand and throws it at them. Then,
Talonflame becomes surrounded in red flames and
charges at them. Both attacks collide, send them
flying into the air and knock the keys out of
Meowths paws.)
All: Team Rockets blasting off again!
(They fly off into the distance. Serena goes over
and gets the keys off the ground. They unlock the
containers and free their Pokemon.)
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
Gible: Gible!
Axew: Axew!
Dedenne: Dede!
Braixen: Braixen!
Ash: Pikachu, glad to see youre all right!

(He nods his head.)

Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(Iris picks Axew and Gible up.)
Iris: Oh, I was so worried about you two.
Axew: Axew.
Gible: Gible.
(She hugs them. Now, we pan over to Bonnie)
Bonnie (relived): Dedenne!
Dedenne: Dede!
(It runs up Bonnies shoulder and snuggles her on
the cheek.)
Serena (happily): Oh, Braixen, I was so worried
about you.
(She hugs her.)
Braixen: Braixen.
Clemont: Well, everythings back to normal.
Ash: Yep, you said it, Clemont.
(They all turn to the audience.)
All: Thanks a lot, guys.
Pikachu: Pika.

Axew: Axew.
Gible: Gible.
Dedenne: Dedenne.
(Cut back to them back at the part of the forest
they were in before. The Pokemon are playing
with each other.)
Iris: That was an intense episode. Did you enjoy it?
(She nonchalantly waits for an answer from the
viewers for one second.) Oh, okay. Then, well see
you later.
Axew: Axew.
(They all casually wave goodbye to the viewers
and they all continue chatting with each other. It
then fades to black, ending the episode.)

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