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6. Caci Atrraction .

caci a dangerous game and multi combination between skills to attack and to
hold on, song, dance. Caci accompanied by traditional dancwe of the manggarai , caci held in in
a village party or penti, celebrating of new mbru gendang ( a main house of a village aldest live
), Caci also could be held in celebrating of independence day of Indonesia.
Caci is fighting dance between two men to show their strengthen, skills, singing, even their
There have been many players dead on the field of caci, and there is no punishment if it is caused
Normally the player dont know each other. if they are friends they would not hit each other.
Tools used in playing caci:
Larik or whip;made of strong wood skinned with buffalo leather,the hard could be like knife or
nail.used by players to whip the opposite (other player) if the players got whipped could be
injured,even death.the player given only one whip in a chance.normally,each players only have 3
chance in a day of fest,sometimes 4 or even 6 chances.
Agang, made of upper ends of bamboo,to protect their body
Nggiling, round shield;made of buffalo skin also to protect their body
Rules in this dangerous games are:
One chance only once whip,
It is forbidden to whip under the stomach
There is no punishment if it is caused blind,injured or even death
Omaments :
Panggal,look like hat used to protect head.made of buffallo eather wrapped by sarong and
beautify by horses tail or goats herd
Sapu:to protect face
Tubi Rapa:look like herd,to beautify the players
Lalong Ndeki:put in the back also to beautify the caci player
Selendang :to tie the Sarong
Songke : Sarong also to protect under part of body
White trousers
The players forbidden to use shoes or sandals
The players known by their alias not by their real name

Komodo Adventure and Manggaraian New Year Cultural

Event at Rakas-East Manggarai 7D/6N
The Tour Starts on January 2-8 Every Year

Day 01. Bali Labuan Bajo Ruteng (2nd of January

Morning flight from Bali about one hour and then you will arrive at the airport of Labuan Bajo
West -Flores. Upon arrival, you will be picked up by our local guide and driver to depart to
Ruteng. It takes for 5 hours driving from Labuan Bajo to Ruteng. En route, we will stop at
several places for picturing of west-Flores wonderful landscape, view of the mountain range and
amazing panorama of rice-field terraces. Stop at Cancar village to see the unique agriculture
system of Manggaraian. It is called Lodok to local inhabitant, which looks like Giant spiders
web or well-known as Spiders Web Rice-Field. Continue your trip to the cool mountain
breeze of Ruteng town for overnight at Santa Maria monastery which closed the gate at 21.00
PM. In the afternoon If time permits, we will visit Ruteng Puu village to see the unique shape
of the traditional house of Manggaraian, then we will drive to the north side of Ruteng town to
visit Natural Archeological Rock Cave as a place of discovering of Homo Floresiensis fossil
or its nickname is Flores hobbit which found by two Australian archeologist in September
Day 02. Ruteng Rakas village East Manggarai District (3rd of January).
Breakfast at the monastery, and today you will be ready to start your impressive off a beaten
track adventure journey to visit Rakas village which is well-known for the Pure & Unique
Culture Heritage Village which is still hidden among the west Flores famous tourist attraction
or Lost Paradise Culture Village that never been explored by visitors throughout the island
and there is nothing touristic-developed activity in this village. Here, you will be amazed by the
friendly local inhabitants who will come and congregate around you as tourist is their attraction.
From Ruteng you take a bench-seat wooden truck. On the way trip, you will be admired by the
beautiful landscape, rugged mountain, and stop at some places to chat to the local people to
know their life style. Stop at Cingcoleng Cave where you can see the huge crystal rock cave
with the Holy Merry statue in it, and it is also shrine place for Catholic religion. After that we
will continue the trip to Rakas for about one hour. On your arrival, the villagers will welcome
you by doing the short ceremony at the village-heads house or Mbaru Teno. This is called
Acara Tuak Tiba agu Manuk Kapu, Guest Welcoming Ceremony. This short and small
ceremony is aimed to express that the villagers would like to welcome you from their own
deepest heart. After doing the welcome ceremony then you will be invited to participate with
many adult people to go to Lodok as Circle Farm Land agriculture system that looks like
Spiders web. It is called Acara Isong Lodok. This ceremony will bring you into the deep
insight about the culture relation between the human being and Natural life. They will make an
offerings to the natural spirit by slaughtering the chicken or pig in the central of Lodok, the blood
and roasted liver from sacrificed-animal on this ceremony should be placed on the flat stone

provided. Afterward you will come back while you are singing the folk song, till in the villageheads house. The next offering ceremony will be done at source of water spring to express the
thanks giving to the natural spirit that already gave them so much water and to say forgiveness
for having the spirits troubled and done something wrong around the watering place during
previous year. This ceremony called Acara Barong Wae Teku. After doing this ceremony we
will come back while singing of the folksong till to the village-heads house. The next ceremony
is Acara Hang Dampa. It will be held in the middle of the village yard. The main goal of this
ceremony is to invite and give offerings to the all of the spirit of nature in order to ask full of
grace and abundance of crops. Another ceremony is Acara Takung Naga/Compang Beo. The
major function of this ceremony is to express the feeling of grateful to the village-guardian
which already protected the villagers during the previous year. White cock is slaughtering on that
time and liver and the fresh-blood will place on the middle of the Compang sort of Megalithic
stone for offerings. The following ceremony is also having great time for you to see and to make
the Bamboo Sticky Rice Process or local name is Acara Tapa Kolo which is so symbolic sticky
rice where the local people will put the rice and water into the bamboo tube and roasting it in the
camp fire-like in front of their house-yard. The night activity program is that, you will be invited
by the villagers to join the Mbata Adat Manggarai. It is the folksong which always
accompanied by the melodious traditional music equipment Drum and kind of Gamelan to create
the cheerfulness of village situation before celebrating of this great New Year event on the next
day. The meaningful of this ceremony are togetherness, loyalty, or unity of the villagers. On this
occasion the villagers will also teach you how to play the traditional music equipment and
traditional round dancing called Sanda Rame Tanah Dance. These, will make your experience
is really pleasant and unforgettable trip memory. Commonly, the villager will do this till in the
morning. (you can also join them till in the morning if you want).
Day 03. Rakas village main point of the traditional culture New Year Event (4th of
Breakfast at the village and today is the special and extremely meaningful-day for you where all
the ceremonies will be held to celebrate the great New Year in traditional way. Before doing the
main ceremony, If you want, you can make a trekking to take you to the Liang NiKi Bat
Cave, and it will take about 1 hour to trek down through the many sort of cash- crops plantation
such as coffee, cacao, vanilla, candle-nut, cashew-nut and etc. On your arrival at this cave you
will be admired by the fabulous stalagmites and stalactites, countless of fruit bats, and if you are
lucky sometimes is python-reticulate will be seen. Torch, flash-light, are important to be taken a
along with you to get easy exploring the cave. The cave has three levels and according to the
myth, in the past, people who lived around the area used this cave as the hiding place when the
war happened and to escape from invading of the enemies. After exploring the cave, we will trek
uphill to get back to the village. In the midday, we will follow the most important and
extraordinary-cultural ceremony, called Acara Lando Lima & Kiru Lontang. The main goal
of this ceremony is to invite the all super natural-spirits and the soul of the ancestors to be given
the mass-offerings and to ask them a lot lucky, blessing, as well as the good harvesting in the
coming year. Pig and white cock will be sacrifice on this ceremony. You will also witness one of
the ceremony-members to lead the traditional praying and followed by all participants to sing
traditional religious folksong while slaughtering the pig. After doing this sacred and memorable
ceremony, the rest of the afternoon will be a free program or do the tour activity to walk around
the village to meet and to see their daily way of life and have a nice interaction with them to

share your life experience as the local people are always willing to know the western world life
style. In the evening, we will enjoy and have a fun together for the night life with a local people
by doing the circle-dance which followed by folksong called Danding Cama Laing as
symbol of the loyalty, togetherness among the villagers and to create the great relationship
between you and the local people. It will make your trip experience is unforgettable.
Day 04. Rakas Ruteng Labuan Bajo
Breakfast at the village and today we would say good bye to the villagers, and then depart to
Ruteng for 4 hours. Lunch will be done at local restaurant and drive to Labuan Bajo for 5 hours,
and on the way will stop at several places for photo stopping. In the afternoon will arrive in
Labuan Bajo.
Day 05. Labuan Bajo Rinca Kambing island Snorkeling Komodo Island
After having breakfast you will be transferred to the harbor to catch a wooden motorized boat
leaving for Rinca for approx. 2 hours you will reach on the island of Rinca. Afterward, doing
round trek to explore Rinca Island to see Komodo dragon on their natural habitat. Komodo
dragon is a Giant monitor Lizards on earth which is about 100 kg weight, and more than 3 meter
its length. Rinca Island is also home for wild water Buffaloes, Timor deer, long tail macaques,
wild pig, and sometimes is wild horse. Keep your eyes up to the trees, if you are lucky
sometimes you will small dragon on the trees to protect themselves from adult dragon and other
predators. After trekking on Rinca Island will get back to the boat and head to Kambing Island
for snorkeling and refreshing and swimming. In the afternoon we will boat to Komodo Island.
Lunch will be provided on the boat. Dinner & Overnight are also on the boat near Komodo
Day 06. Komodo island Pink beach Labuan Bajo (Breakfast, Lunch).
After having breakfast on the boat, then trekking to explore the Island of Komodo. Along your
trekking you will be entertained by beautiful concert of many kind of the birds. This island of
Komodo is also home for Timor deer, Wild board and also good for birds watching spot. After
having trek will get back to the boat and direct boating for 30 minutes to spectacular white sandy
beach Of Pantai Merah for snorkeling, swimming and relaxing. Afterward, depart to Labuan
Bajo for about 4 hours. In the afternoon will arrive at Labuan Bajo pier then you will be
transferred to hotel for overnight stay. Lunch will be served on the boat. Dinner and overnight
are also on the boat.
Day 07. Labuan Bajo Bali or next destination
Breakfast at the hotel, and free program while waiting for your check out time

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David Edison
Mahasiswa STF Driyarkara Jakarta. Tertarik dengan masalah humanitas Karena Manusia pada
Kenyataan Asalinya merupakan Subjek selengkapnya

Jadikan Teman | Kirim Pesan

Mengenal Upacara Penti dalam Budaya Manggarai

REP | 01 April 2012 | 20:48

Dibaca: 2924

Komentar: 0

1.1. Latar Belakang
Sebagai suatu kelompok masyarakat, orang-orang
Manggarai memiliki kebiasaan yang
bernilai tertentu. Kebiasaan itu telah diwariskan secara turun-temurun. Kita dapat mengatakan
hal itu sebagai kebudayaan. Salah satu budaya Manggarai adalah budaya syukur yang
diungkapkan dalam suatu upacara meriah yaitu penti.
1.2.Tujuan Penulisan
Hal yang menarik berkaitan dengan upacara penti adalah bahwa orang-orang Manggarai
berusaha memelihara kebiasaan itu. Sayangnya, tidak semua kampung di Manggarai
menjalankan upacara itu oleh karena beberapa hal. Hal ini mengundang minat pemakalah untuk
membahas upacara itu.
Dalam makalah ini, pemakalah, yang adalah para putra Manggarai, hendak membahas upacara
itu. Tujuannya adalah agar para pembaca mengenal meski serba sedikit tentang upacara penti.
Pemakalah berharap dengan bertambahnya pengetahuan anak-anak bangsa akan budaya daerah,
semakin dikembangkanlah sikap menghargai kekayaan budaya nasional. Harapan selanjutnya
adalah semoga para putra bangsa mengembangkan sikap pluralis dan penghargaan terhadap
perbedaan yang tak terbantahkan dalam konteks kebangsaan kita.
2.1. Letak Geografis

Secara geografis, Manggarai terletak di Flores bagian barat. Bagian utara berbatasan dengan laut
Flores, bagian selatan berbatasan dengan laut Sawu, bagian timur berbatasan dengan kabupaten
Ngada, bagian barat berbatasan dengan kabupaten Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Saat ini, wilayah Manggarai terbagi dalam tiga kabupaten yaitu:
a. kabupaten Manggarai dengan ibukota Ruteng
b. kabupaten Manggarai Barat dengan ibukota Labuan Bajo
c. kabupaten Manggarai Timur dengan ibukota Borong.
Secara topografis, tanah Manggarai merupakan tanah berbukit-bukit dan juga memiliki dataran
lapang yang merupakan daerah yang cocok untuk area persawahan.

2.2. Orang Manggarai

Orang Manggarai adalah orang-orang pribumi yang tersebar dari perbatasan timur, barat, utara,
selatan wilayah Manggarai. Salah satu kekhasan Manggarai sebagai suku bangsa adalah adanya
berbagai kesamaan dalam bahasa dan watak.
3.1. Arti dan Tujuan
Upacara penti adalah upacara syukur. Kata itu sendiri merupakan kata yang kurang familiar
dalam bahasa harian orang-orang Manggarai . Ketika seseorang menyebut kata penti dalam
budaya Manggarai, orang-orang Manggarai akan mengarahkan pikirannya pada suatu upacara
syukur meriah.
Penti dilakukan sebagai tanda syukur kepada Mori Jari Dedek (Tuhan Pencipta) dan kepada
arwah nenek moyang atas semua hasil jerih payah yang telah diperoleh dan dinikmati, juga
sebagai tanda celung cekeng wali ntaung (musim yang berganti dan tahun yang beralih). Upacara
ini biasa dilakukan setelah semua panenan rampung (sekitar Juni-September). Jikalau sanggup,
acara ini dilakukan setiap tahun tetapi seringkali tiga atau lima tahun sekali. Ada keyakinan
bahwa jika acara ini tidak dilakukan, akan membuat Mori Jari Dedek marah. Kalau hal itu
terjadi, akan ada bencana-bencana yang menimpa masyarakat Manggarai.

Kata belis adalah sebuah istilah budaya Manggarai yang tidak bisa
dipisahkan dari ritual adat (sakral) Manggarai dalam proses perkawinan,
selain proses nikah menurut konsep agama. Jika dilihat asal muasal kata
belis ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebuah adiluhung yang bermaksud
membudayakan penghargaan terhadap perempuan dan perkawinan itu
sendiri. Itu sebabnya, perkawinan bagi mereka tidak kenal istilah kawin
kebetulan. Soal kawin harus direncanakan dengan matang dan proses yang
berbelit-belit tetapi apik-jelas, (Fidel Hardjo). Filosofis inilah yang menjadi
pijakan nenek moyang Manggarai sehingga kata belis ini pada akhirnya
menjadi sebuah warisan budaya yang sakral dalam proses perkawinan ala
Perkawinan menurut adat budaya Manggarai belumlah valid jika prosesnya
hanya sampai diproses nikah agama, lalu disempurnakan oleh ritual korban
(material) berupa belis yang wajib dipenuhi oleh pihak laki-laki. Padahal
sejatinya, belis diberlakukan untuk menghargai kedua pihak. Baik pihak
keluarga laki-laki maupun pihak keluarga perempuan berjumpa dengan
penghargaan tertinggi yaitu cinta lewat ritual belis. Tetapi maknanya
bukan barter. Sebab belis merupakan awal pertalian kekeluargaan yang
terjalin antara kedua pihak keluarga.
Di era modern sekarang ini, budaya ini menjadi momok tersendiri bagi
generasi muda Manggarai yang hendak menikah. Modal cinta, rasa kasih
sayang, suka sama suka tidaklah cukup untuk membawa hubungan
keplaminan, akan tetapi untuk melengkapi itu semua adalah persiapan
material yang kemudian dimaknai dengan kata belis. Atau singkatnya model
itu tidak cukup tetapi harus dibarengi dengan modal, baru top markotop.
Prahara ini, menjadi sebuah kegalauan massal masyarakat Manggarai
khususnya genarasi muda. Hal ini karena di latar belakangi oleh adanya
keresahan masyarakat mengenai kata belis tersebut. Belis yang dulunya
ditekankan pada hewan dan juga tanah, sekarang sudah dikonversi dengan
uang. Hal ini yang menyebabkan semakin tingginya jumlah belis yang
diminta oleh pihak keluarga perempuan yang ingin menikahkan anaknya.
Hal ini menyebabkan, belis yang sediakalanya ritual penghargaan dan
sekarang mengalami degradasi nilai menjadi urusan harta. Segala sesuatu
yang berkaitan dengan persiapan pernikahan dikalkulasikan sedemikian
rumit untuk mendramatisir nominal belis.
Pergeseran nilai atau bentuk belis dalam perkawinan adat Manggarai
setidaknya ada tiga faktor, yaitu kemajuan pendidikan, gengsi orang tua,
dan pola hidup masyarakat yang semakin modern. Dampak yang terjadi

karena pergeseran makna tersebut maka akan timbul penafsiran yang

berbeda dalam masyarakat. Disatu sisi dengan diuangkannya belis maka,
dengan begitu pihak perempuan dapat meminta jumlah uang sebesar 50
juta untuk pendidikan SMA, 100 juta untuk pendidikan S1 dan seterusnya.
Semakin tinggi pendidikannya maka semakin tinggi pula belisnya.
Sedangkan untuk pendidikan di bawah SMA semakin rendah sesuai dengan
pendidikannya. Dengan perinsip sewajarnya anak perempuan yang
berpendidikan tinggi dan kedudukan sosial tinggi mendapatkan belis atau
penghargaan tinggi. Pada saat yang sama, dengan permintaan belis semakin
tinggi, maka akan menimbulkan akibat yang fatal yaitu pencegahan
perkawinan dan bahkan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga setelah menikah

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