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26th November 2014


Raid on Bahrain
cleric home, regimes
act of revenge
A human rights activist says
the raid by Bahraini security
forces on the home of
prominent Shia cleric
Ayatollah Isa Ahmed
Qassem was carried out in
revenge for the low turnout
in the recent regimesponsored elections, Press
TV reports.
Sheikh Maytham al-Salman
from the Bahrain Human
Rights Observatory in
Bahrain, said in an

Two police injured in

terror blast in
Two policemen were
wounded in a home-made
bomb blast Tuesday night in
a local village, APA reports
quoting Xinhua.

interview with Press TV on

Tuesday, This attack
comes 72 hours after the
clear failure of the
government of Bahrain in
convincing the people of
Bahrain to participate in the
elections. So its also seen
as an act of revenge
against Ayatollah Isa
Ahmed Qassim for standing
with the mass-majority of
Bahrainis in their prodemocratic movement.
He added, This clearly
indicates that the authorities
are continuing their
sectarian violations against
the majority of Bahrainis.

New Arab Human

Rights Court is
Doomed from the
In September 2014 a
ministerial meeting of the
Arab League approved the
statute of a future Arab
Court for Human Rights. It
will be several years before
the court is ready to
formally open its doors but
it's not too early to evaluate
whether the court is likely to
be part of the human rights
solution in the Arab world or part of the problem.

The idea of a regional

human rights court in the
Arab Middle East is of
course attractive. In a
region where officials enjoy
impunity galore despite
serious abuses, such a
court could provide a
chance to press for some
degree of accountability. It's
been a decade since the
Arab Charter set out the
important rights people of
the Middle East should
expect to have, including
freedom from torture,
equality before the law, and
the right to liberty and
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The Northern Governorate
Police general director said
that police were on duty
when the explosion
happened, adding the
injured were taken to
hospital for treatment.
"Preliminary information
indicates that the terror act
happened after terrorists
detonated a homemade
bomb," he said.
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Widespread unrest
continues in Bahrain
Bahrani troops have
attacked people protesting
the Al Khalifa regime
security forces' storming of
a prominent clerics home,
amid an ongoing crackdown
on dissent.
On Tuesday, the regimes
forces used rubber bullets
and teargas to disperse
protesters gathered on the
streets of Diraz and Sadad,
denouncing the raid on the
house of Shia cleric

Ayatollah Sheikh Issa

Ahmed Qassem on
Witnesses said the regime
forces took photos of the ID
cards of all those present in
the house in Diraz, west of
the capital Manama.
The regimes recent move,
which has also been
condemned by Lebanon's
Hezbollah, happened just
days after people voted in
an alternative election held
by the main opposition
parties of Bahrain.
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