Vs. Bernabe Macasinag) : (G.R. No. 74075 May 12, 1989, People

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It is a basic principle of constitutional law that the

accused shall be presumed innocent until the contrary

is proved, and this by the most convincing evidence
constituting proof beyond reasonable ground. Lacking
such certainty, the trial court has the duty to render a
verdict of acquittal indeed even if the prisoner on the
dock utters not a word on his behalf on the equally
well-known precept that the strength of the
prosecution lies not in the weakness of the defense.
The prosecution must rely on its own evidence to
prove its case and stand on its own two feet, so to
speak, to sustain a conviction. If it cannot, the charge
released.(Emphasis Supplied) (G.R. No. 74075 May 12, 1989, People

For many times I encountered the abovementioned principle it is only

recent that it struck me and made me realize a lot of things. I am struggling to
pass all my subjects for a year and a half now in law school, but I am still in
doubt if I will reach another year for this course or even another semester. Few
days from now will be the final exams week for this semester, before every
exam I do an essay to help me ease up and de-clog my mind.
This very moment I felt something changed within, compared to last
midterm exams, I am happy not because of my grades but something pushed
more motivation for me to pull myself to move forward.
Everything has reasons that reasons may not know, hmm, something
familiar? I got that line from another Supreme Court report. Seriously, I cannot
explain what happened but it was really amazing. God let me feel that I am
loved and there is perfect time for everything and I have to do my part to help
myself reach the unreachable.
Each of us must realize that we are all equal because everybody has issues
and it is never ending, it just has different forms, modes, and timing for each of
In facing all our issues we can apply the abovementioned principle, let us
put ourselves into the prosecutions side, and our issues in the defense. Our
success in surviving all our challenges in life must not rely on how hard or

complicated these challenges are but our success must depend on our own
strategy, on our own will and on our faith in facing such challenges.
This is what I realized, our law professors does not just terrorize our daily
lives just to have fun but they want us to build a strong attitude towards facing
tough challenges. The life of a law student does not stop from passing the bar; it
is just the start of a never ending war. To become a lawyer means to be a lifetime
soldier in the battle field, and a lifetime student of law.
We cannot escape from a laymans belief that lawyers are like fortune
tellers that knows the answer for their every question. The study of law is
complicated because it is not perfect, it has loopholes. Hence, there exist two
sides the prosecution and the defense. Our professors want us to invest more in
our knowledge bank so that if someone asked us, we can say something worth
their time. And sadly, it is what I fear of, I am investing a lot in my knowledge
bank but when I am asked, I cannot find anything, it seems like my bank was
Although this is what I feel, I still keep on investing in my knowledge
bank hoping that someday I will find out that my bank is not actually robbed but
it has a secret door which absorbed all my invested knowledge and was just
timed locked and will release all my investment already with huge interest at the
right time.
I have lots of issues in my daily life, if you are really my friend you
perhaps know that. At this very moment, I can say that I moved a day from Day
0. I am already in day 1 of my journey in reaching the unreachable. I now have a
crazy vision of a scene in which I am in a court room in front of the honorable
judge saying these lines;
Your Honor, after the long period of struggling
to prove that anyone can reach the standards set
for students of law by the professors and law
practitioners, here I stand before you to offer
and present myself as evidence that a nobody
who knows nothing can make the impossible be
possible when s/he believes in what s/he can do
and see every positive side of the negative and
harsh challenges given to him/her. And when
s/he realizes that everybody is born equal, that

the success of one depends on how s/he handles

every challenge and stress in her/his daily life.
Here I am now your honor to prove that after
all the sarcasms I ate, all the anxieties I felt, I
did not give up and I took your challenge. I am
a clear proof that the defense did not establish
their contention that the study of law is only for
those who are inherently gifted. And that our
law professors and those other people who
doubted my capacities is guilty for their
negative impressions against us.
Thus, I
deserve a favourable judgment from this
honorable court.

It sounds crazy but it is what I see for the future, that someday I can prove
wrong those people who doubted that I can reach the unreachable. Anyone can
make a move to prove everyone who doubted their capacities to make something
This essay may remind me that at some point of my life I am confident
that I can reach the unreachable and that I did this essay full with positivity.

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