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The anorexia and bulimia are mental illness and nutritional desirder that makes

that a person to lose weight in excessive way, all this is related to the sociocultural
influence that there are in the world, as women increasingly want to be thin to look
"beutiful". Don't forget that the not only the women's are affected by this disorder,
the men's are affected too mostly in adolescence and adulthood.
Now we will describe each one of them:
The anirexia it is an eating disorder that does not alter the relationship of the
person with the food. It is characterized by an obsession with losing weight. The
individual limits overly food intake to the point of her life in danger. It also suffers
from distortion of the perception: the person with anorexia is overweight, despite
being well below the healthy range.
The anorexia is not just a problem with the food, but also, hides an inability to deal
with other problems of stress or anxiety. The control exercised over the meal calm
momentarily these tensions.
The risk factors that contribute to the disease are:
- The social models of beauty away from healthy parameters.
- The influence of family and friends that emphasize these models.
- The lack of affection and/or the presence of other affective conflict.
- The sexual abuse. - Low self-esteem.
- The difficulty of dealing with stress.
The bulimia is an illness in which a person has regular episodes of overeating feels
a loss of control. The person then uses different ways, such as vomiting or
laxatives, to prevent weight gain.
With the bulimia, can present episods with a frequency of sometimes at day, during
many moths.oftentime, the person eat big amounts of food rich in calories, on
secret. During this episodes, the person feels without control about the food.
Binges lead to self-disgust, which causes purging to prevent weight gain. Purging
may include:
Forcing oneself to vomit
Excessive exercise
Using laxatives, enemas, or diuretics.
After describing these two diseases we realize that the society in which we live has
made the people have less self-esteem, this is their way of dressing, eating, to
meet others with his slender body, regardless of the consequences of these

On the other hand, the compulsive overeating people are all the contrary to
anorexy and bulimia because they are obsessed with food and typically eat when
they are not hungry. They devote excessive amounts of time and thought to food
and secretly plan to eat or fantasize about doing so. Compulsive overeaters
engage in frequent episodes of uncontrolled eating, or binge eating. The term
binge eating means eating an abundance of food while feeling that one's sense of
control has been lost.

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