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Monograph on my

Advancement along the

Rosicrucian Path

Copyright 2011 Michael Peter Yarnold

All rights reserved.

I am dedicating this book to the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC in acknowledgement of the great advances in my
adult life due to the lessons taught to me through the monthly monographs.

DEDICATION .......................................................................................................................................................... iii
CONCURRENCE ...................................................................................................................................................... vi
1 MY EARLY YEARS.................................................................................................................................................. 1
My birth .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Sacred Heart College and the spiritual influence of the Jesuit Priests. ................................................................ 1
2 WORK .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
First identifiable decision along the path of life .................................................................................................. 4
3 MY ARMY YEARS 1959 - 1968 .............................................................................................................................. 5
4 MY NEVER-ENDING SEARCH FOR FULFILMENT OF MY DESIRE TO HELP OTHERS ................................................. 7
So, what is my role? ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Joining the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes not quite what I want! ...................................................... 8
5 LEAVING THE ARMY AND GOING TO WORK IN LONDON ..................................................................................... 9
Chapter II .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Those Laws which the Founder of this Fraternity prescribed to the R.C. are all good and just. ........................ 10
6 DECISION TO PETITION TO BECOME A MEMBER OF AMORC ............................................................................. 11
1980 .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
7 LODGE ATTENDANCE EXPERIENCES ................................................................................................................... 13
8 GARY L. STEWART IMPERATOR 1987 - 1990 .................................................................................................... 15
Christian Bernard becoming Imperator 1990 .................................................................................................... 15
Decision to join CR+C and later OMCE .............................................................................................................. 15
Petition to return to AMORC ............................................................................................................................. 16
9 MOVED TO LIVE IN PER ................................................................................................................................... 17
Current position ................................................................................................................................................ 17
10 IN CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Finally ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
SO MOTE IT BE! QUE SI SEA! ............................................................................................................................... 20
ABOUT THE AUTHOR ............................................................................................................................................ 21


The path leading to mystical illumination is long and arduous and requires objective commitment and
It is not something which a person who wishes to satisfy his curiosity, or the person who seeks thrills, or even
for those looking for a way out of their problems in todays world.
It is a standard principle for those who want to promise to dedicate their whole heart and mind for the growth
and expression of the soul within, in order to develop an ability to serve and for advancing humanity to higher
spiritual levels.
The Native American people, as well as natives all over the world held very strong spiritual beliefs which
demonstrate how their mystical development has developed well beyond normal society as we know it today. I
have had the privilege of sharing part of my life with some of the Lakota people and digesting the myths of the
Hopi nation as well as observing the customs of the Navajo nation. I wish to share a few words which typify the
Native American view of the world and of the Great Spirit.

Native Americans celebrated death, knowing that it was an end to life on Earth, but, believing it to
be the start of life in the Spirit World.
Symbolic healing rituals and ceremonies were often held to bring participants into harmony with
themselves, their tribe, and their environment. Healing includes beliefs and practices that
combine religion, spirituality, herbal medicine, and rituals, which are used for both medical and
emotional conditions. From their perspective, medicine is more about healing the person than curing a
disease. Traditional healers worked to make the individual whole, believing that most illnesses stem
from spiritual problems.
Numerous tribes practiced the rite known as the Vision Quest, which was often taken by older
children before puberty to find themselves and their life's direction. How the rite was taken, its length
and intensity, and at what age varied greatly from tribe to tribe. In most cases the vision quest was a
supernatural experience in which the individual seeks to interact with a guardian spirit, usually an
animal, to obtain advice or protection.
Oh, Great Spirit
Whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me, I am small and weak, I
need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my Spirit may come to you without shame.
- Chief Yellow Lark - Lakota -

"Native American isnt blood; it is what is in the heart. The love for the land. The respect for it, those
who inhabit it; and the respect and acknowledgement of the spirits and the elders. That is what it is to be
White Feather
Navajo Medicine Man



My birth
I was born on the 3rd of February 1940 in Warrington, Lancashire. The 2nd World War had started in September of
1939. My father was in the Royal Navy at that time and I dont know my mothers occupation. I dont remember too
much of my early childhood, and am relating what my family told me in later years.
During the war we went to live in Southampton, Hampshire, probably because my father was stationed there. In
September of 1940 there were massive German air raids on London, Southampton, Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool and
Manchester. I can remember being in a tin shelter in the garden. It was called an Anderson Shelter and was often buried
under the soil in the back garden.

I could hear the screaming of the bombs and the bangs and vibrations of the explosions. At that time I was 7
months old and it stuck in my memory.
One of my aunts told me in my adult life that my mother had gone to the shelter leaving me in the house while the
bombing was taking place. He rushed me to the shelter and the house was hit by a bomb!
This is the first time that my life was not destined to be taken from me.

My aunt also pointed out marks on my wrists which are quite plain to see even now. She told me that my mother
had cut my wrists wanting to kill me but once again for the second time I was not destined to die.
Apparently my father had met another woman with whom he had a love affair. I was sent to live with my aunts and
my grandfather. My grandfather put his foot down and told my father to take responsibility for me. The result of this
was that my father was stationed in Lossiemouth in Scotland and took me with him and my new Mother. Our house
was in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. It was there that my half-sister was born in 1944.
After the war, we moved to Manchester and then to Grappenhall, Cheshire followed by Stockton Heath, Cheshire. I
lived with my father and mother (a very good step-mother who I loved a lot).
I started my schooling in Paisley, Scotland. I have only one memory of this because, Scotland being so far North had
very cold winters. One day it had been snowing and an unknown person took me to School on his shoulders as the
snow cover was way over my head. In Grappenhall I attended a primary school and was then taken away from there.
Sacred Heart College and the spiritual influence of the Jesuit Priests.
I suddenly found myself being taken from Grappenhall School and placed in a Boarding School in Droitwich
Worcestershire. The school was run by Jesuit priests and, in addition to the normal school subjects, I was singled out to
be an Altar boy, assisting at masses. At that time, the Catholic Church services were held in the Latin language. I was
taught Latin and learned most of the religious ceremonies by heart.


I had to get up in the morning for the 6am mass then the Angelus at 6pm followed by 10pm prayers. All in Latin,
all with great pomp and circumstances.
I was left in the boarding school and would see my mom and dad for two weeks in summer for summer holidays.
My schoolmates told their parents and I was sometimes invited to go to their homes for school holidays as I was alone
in the dormitory. Christmas spent with other families or with the priests!
This allowed me to meditate at my young age (between 5 and 11 years old) and I found a spiritual awakening which
was inside me giving me strength to go on and be independent at an early age.
One priest in particular, a Father Harrison, SJ, was particularly kind and helpful in awakening my spiritual belief.
At this point the reader should be aware that I did not know my Grandparents, my aunts and uncles as all family
connections had been kept from me.
Even in later years I never knew them until I was 40 years old and the stories began to come out.
At the age of 11 years, schoolchildren at that time, would take an examination known as the 11+. This was the end
of primary education and decisions made about which primary school one will attend until the age of 16.


And so I was taken back home to live with my father and mom.

I was enrolled in the North Cestrian Grammar School in Altrincham, Cheshire.

Here we were taught Maths, Algebra, Science, Geography, English Language and Literature, French, Greek and
Latin! Lots of sport, cricket, football, tennis and Gymnastics.
I had to travel 11 miles to school on the bus each day. One day the conductor asked me are you Peter Yarnold?
to which I replied Yes. Then the bombshell hit! Im your mother she said. When I got home I was distressed and
told my mom what had happened. My mom had always been my Mother and I did not know any different. It was
all hushed up and I really did not get to know anything more.
Again stating that I did not know any other family members other than my moms parents whom I thought were
my Grandparents. I never met my real Grandparents on my Fathers or my Mothers side. Not a normal childhood
upbringing but I wasnt sad as I didnt know any different. We would go out visiting friends who I later found out
were my Uncles and Aunts.
When I began studying my family history I found out that I had Uncles and Aunts all over the place. England,
Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Peru and who knows where else. One of my dear aunts who gave me the lowdown
on things said she had a brother living somewhere in Australia. Could I find out where for her? I did some searching
and found him and his telephone number and brought them together once more. He told me that my father stole my
mum from him and didnt speak highly of my father. He had immigrated to Australia because of that.
So all-in-all it was a rather lonesome life for me. Because of that I would go to the library and study General
Knowledge and Language books. I had a thirst for knowledge which I would understand when it came to fruit in later


After leaving Grammar School at the age of 16 my father decided that I was going to be an engineer and obtained
an apprenticeship for me at the place where he had a top management job.
The apprenticeship entailed practical training from the beginning in all aspect of engineering. At night I would
attend night school a technical college which teaches the theoretical aspects of the job mathematics, algebra,
technical drawing etc. I always remember my first payslip - 5-2s-6p. I would pay my mom for my food and keep and
still have money left over for me to go out to the local coffee shop at the weekend and meet all the other youngsters of
my age group. Saturday night was dance night. This is where girlfriends were met, where we danced to rock-and-roll and
drank coffee!
I had a strict time to arrive home at night. We lived near the Manchester Ship Canal and if a large vessel was
coming up from Liverpool to Manchester the bridge crossing the canal had to be opened for the boat to pass. One
night I got caught up in this and so I was a few minutes late home and I found the doors locked and nobody replied to
my knocking. So I returned to my girlfriend and asked her parents if I could stay the night and they kindly put me up.
This, along with other incidents made me decide that I did not want to be a part of it anymore. My father would take off
his belt and beat me with the buckle until you are black and blue!! He also mistreated my mom beating her and I
tried to protect her from him.
First identifiable decision along the path of life
And so I (unwittingly) took my first decision along lifes path there and then and applied to join the British Army
and get away from all this hate. It would provide me with Food, Clothing, a Home and Training.


3 MY ARMY YEARS 1959 - 1968

It was the 13th January 1959. In 2 weeks time I shall be 19 years old. I went to Liverpool, declared my oath to
serve my Queen and Country, received the Queens shilling and travel tickets, and went to the Royal Engineers barracks
in Aldershot for my initial training (brainwashing some would say!) I learned how to march and stamp my feet, accept
being called a horrible little worm by the drill sergeant, how to peel potatoes by the ton, how to make my boots shine,
how to blanco my webbing, and how to paint coal white so it didnt offend the generals when they came to make their
inspections. In truth, I was taught how to look after myself, be self-sufficient, look after my comrades and obey the laws
of the British Army.
I also learned how to drive and got my first driving licence. We were given a magic word called WOFLTB,
pronounced Waffle Tee Bee which signified the daily care and maintenance to be carried out on my vehicle. Water, Oil,
Fuel, Lights, Tyres, Body check them all for any problems and correct them.
I later went on to become a driving instructor and helped to push other members of the tribe through the Army
rites for correct driving discipline.
I was stationed in Aldershot until 25th September 1960. I was shipped off to Western Germany by train and boat and
train and arrived at my barracks on the 26th September 1960. I was stationed in Hohne Barracks in Bergen/Belsen
which became a source of my feeling for other less fortunate people. Just down the road was the site of the Belsen
concentration camp. That was a complete spiritual experience to visit. It was in woods near to our barracks which had
been the German barracks during the war.
Belsen had been set up as a memorial and all around were large mounds with signs stating 20,000 Jews buried
here. There were areas which appeared to be swimming pools but were in fact where the dead bodies of the Jewish
people were put and covered with lime to burn off their flesh. The grass in the area was coloured RED! No animals or
birds entered and there was a reverent silence about the place. I shall NEVER forget the place. Nowadays it has been
made into a proper memorial and has lost much of its spiritual vibrations of the past.
Whilst in Hohne I learned other skills, Radio Operator, Armoured vehicle driver for example (as well as peeling
potatoes, polishing my boots, ironing my kit, etc.!!!!).
I then went to Nienburg Weser where I learnt other skills. One day there was a notice pinned up for a volunteer to
fill a post in the Medical Centre. I applied and was accepted. I was an assistant to the Medical Officer interviewing sick
soldiers and diagnosing their minor ailments. This was very satisfying for me and at times saddening. Soldiers who had
been so drunk that they lay down at the roadside and froze to death in the -20C temperatures. Cot deaths.
Sometimes I was required to transport sick persons by ambulance to the Military Hospital in Hanover.
A very satisfying experience where I was able to demonstrate my abilities for caring. I had a strange ability where all
around me were panicking, I was overcome by a certain calmness and was able to take command of the situation.
These are the moments that, when you look back on the key decisions you have taken, you are able to observe what
is known as your calling in life.
On another occasion a notice was posted that an Air Troop was to be set up and, once more, volunteers were
required. I applied and was accepted.
The Air Troop consisted of 2 helicopters, 2 pilots, 1 technical sergeant, 2 engineers one of whom was from the
Royal Navy, 2 driver/radio operators.


We were moved to Verden Aller where the hangars for the helicopters were located. The 1st Division Engineers Air
Troop was headed by Major Neville Edwards who was a veteran from WWII and was one of the pilots. He was an
exceptional person to work with. You can understand when they say people are sent to guide us!
My tasks involved driving the Land Rover, operating the radios, Air Traffic Control and Observer. Basically all tasks
vital for providing help to others.
I enjoyed my time from 1965 to 1968 in this troop.
My time with the Regular Army ended in January 1968 and was followed by 3 years on the Army Reserve available to
be called away from my work at a moments notice if there was a threat to the country.



The person who lives life fully, glowing with lifes energy, is the person who lives a successful life.
~Daisaku Ikeda.
The Ancient Greek aphorism "know thyself" (Greek: , transliterated: gnthi seauton), is one of the
Delphic maxims and was inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi according to the Greek
periegetic (travelogue) writer Pausanias. I have a book from my early youth in which I inscribed ain
aristeein Ever to Excel. The source of this saying is the sixth book of Homer's Iliad, (Iliad 6. 208) in a speech Glaucus
delivers to Diomedes:
"Hippolocus begat me. I claim to be his son, and he sent me to Troy with strict instructions: Ever to excel, to do
better than others, and to bring glory to your forebears, who indeed were very great ... This is my ancestry; this is the
blood I am proud to inherit."
I identified some of my spiritual desires in life in my early teens. They include:
To have some clarity of mind;
To know myself;
To live with intention and purpose;
To have a greater level of spiritual joy that raises me above our human burdens;
To feel each day more nearer to my inner self, be centred.
To be able to say I made a positive change that had a major effect on a large community (leaving the world
better off somehow);
To know that I am on the path to finding and following my calling;
To live with intention and purpose;
To live my life so as to grow my soul through the lessons learned;
To understand lifes purpose;
To be totally connection with my spirit;
To find a way to earn a living doing something that contributes to others, yet doesnt rob my soul;
To zero in on the essence of what my talent or gift is;
To make a positive difference for people close to me.
One great question underlies our experience, whether we think about it consciously or not: What is the purpose of
Spiritual Enlightenment conveys a level of wisdom and knowledge about life and the universe that is unparalleled.
The concept of enlightenment implies complete understanding of life and the universe, which usually is accompanied by
a detachment of all things impermanent and a complete awareness of everything that is, at the moment that it is.
So, what is my role?
Everything I have done in this incarnation has been part of my role and that includes every hardship, aches and
pains, as well as every moment of happiness and bliss.
Every choice I have made in life has led me to where I am now.


Some people are unsure of what their role entails. They have a feeling like they are supposed to be doing something
specific, yet they are unsure of what that role might be.
They might be comparing themselves to other peoples achievements and perhaps feel like they are not doing
enough. We all play a role in this awakening and while some roles are larger than others, NO ROLE is any less
My goal is to experience as many things in life as possible that help to enrich my spirit. Some of these things might
bring sorrow and pain which allow me to grow spiritually by learning from these experiences, but it is within these vast
life experiences that I find happiness. When I look back at my current incarnation during a review of my life which I
often perform I am able will see how fulfilled I have been during the time that I have been here.
I have a mission, a role and a purpose in my life. If anyone is not sure of what their role or purpose is in life, they
shouldnt worry too much about it. As has been the case with me and many others who have been before me, it will
come when the time is right.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin stated most eloquently: We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual
beings on a human journey. That really puts our lives into perspective. Many of us dont even realize how spiritually
divine we ALL are! We easily forgot the unconditional divine pureness that we felt when we were back with Source and
how beautifully perfect we ALL are! I began my spiritual journey through the seeking of truth. I asked myself how it is
that the church tells us that God forgives all things yet the church believes that it is greater than God and does not
forgive people who are divorced. They cannot receive communion. Who is right? God or the church?
As we learn how to understand and control our materialistic ways we begin to surround ourselves with like-minded
people who share similar views and thoughts about making this world a better place for all of us. Many of these people
are brought into our lives through the Law of Attraction or have soul contracts to meet with you at a specific time in
your life. These contracts were made in the ethereal realms and can include literally millions of people.
I have met ordinary people during my lifes journey who have said things to me which I only understood the real
meaning of their words once I was on the path. It is something which is difficult to explain. The way they look youre
your eyes deep down into your soul and say something which is quite innocent to someone standing in the same group
yet has much deeper meaning to you. Then they walk away and disappear from your life forever.
Joining the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes not quite what I want!
While I was in the Army I joined the RAOB which had a lodge in our barracks. For those of you who do not know
the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes is a Philanthropic Organization which is active, not only in its local
community, but, at all levels of Society. It is non-political, nor does it look to religion to inspire participation. It does,
however, inspire members to commit to a peaceful and meaningful way of life. It is often described as an extended
family, a social organization or a mutually supportive group of like-minded people;
I enjoyed my time in this Secret society but did not receive the spiritual fulfilment that I desired.
Chapter 5 will shed more light on what I have said above about chance meetings.


I finished my 9 years of service for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 1st February 1968 (9 years and 20 days after
Now I was without a home, food, or regular income. I quickly found lodgings as well as work. I always advise
people who complain that they dont have a job to accept a job which gives one enough to live on until a job better
suited to ones skills can be found. My first job was in the packing department and I worked at that for 4 months until I
found a job which was in the offices of a prestigious international company and for which I felt I was well suited. That
job I held for 1 year.
Meeting my wife and moving to Wolverhampton, Staffordshire.
It is important to explain the reason why I only stayed for such a short time.
When I retired from Army service I was single aged 28. I scanned magazines for like-minded ladies searching for
their partner. I eventually met someone suitable and left my London job to go and work in Wolverhampton where she
Her father was a genial and I found it easy to talk with him. I had two beautiful daughters by my wife. Sometime
during this period I became interested in the Native American people. We have customs in England to hold fairs and
ftes at specific times. At one of these there were a group of people who dressed in Indian costumes and sang Indian
songs whilst performing their dances. [A demonstration of how things come along at the appropriate moment for ones
development]. I spoke with them and so became a part of the group. We didnt just dress-up, we also studied the ways
of the Native People mainly the Lakota nation. This led down the path to a study of Native Spiritualism and their
beliefs in Creator and nature. NOW I was getting somewhere! This was what I had been looking for and I was able to
learn much about Native Peoples spiritualism their love of Mother Earth and the Great Spirit.
My father-in-law began taking a deeper interest in me. Asking me for my opinion on various things. At the time I
didnt understand why he was doing this. Eventually he came around to the subject of AMORC and Rosicrucianism. We
would go shopping together and he would enter into a shop to buy something while I waited outside for him. When he
did not re-appear I would enter the shop and he was not there! He had disappeared! I would walk down the street and
he would suddenly appear at my side once more with a smile on his face.
My wife had grown tired of our marriage and found someone else. She asked for a divorce which I reluctantly gave
her. I spoke to her father about it and he had known about it but had not said anything. There was no anger in me.
Appearance of adverts for AMORC in various publications
Around the time of my marriage breakup, I started to become aware of the advertisements in various publications
inviting people to send for a book about controlling your life. It was by AMORC in San Jose. I mentioned this to my
father-in-law and it was then that he told me that he was a Rosicrucian. He was looking for a person to be his successor
after his death. I thought that was strange until I obtained a copy of Michael Maiers book THEMIS AUREA the LAWS
of the FRATERNITY of the ROSIE CROSSE. Written in Latin by Count MICHAEL MAIERUS printed in the English
translation in London in 1656.


If you have not read this book I include part herewith in the original spelling of English at that time. Note - represents
the letter s as it was used at that time with s only occurring at the end of words:
Chapter II
Those Laws which the Founder of this Fraternity prescribed to the R.C. are all good and just.
As no Rational man can deny the abolute neceity of good Laws; o it is mot fit that uch Laws hould have their due
praie and commendations; that the luggard hereby might be pricked on to Vertue, and the diligent might have his
deerved reward.
Seeing therefore that thee Poitions or Laws, laid down by the Father of the honourable Fraternity are worthy of
pecial view, we hall truly according to their nature, and the advantages men may receive from them, Crown them with
due commendations, counting them not onely worthy of acceptance, but an Encomium.
Firt it is mot reaonable that every Society if it be good, hould be governed by good Laws; if otherwie, by bad:
but that this Society is good and lawful, we do not onely uppoe, but may gather from particular circumtances to
which their Poitions are agreeable.
Something may be aid concerning their number of ix, which hath very much of perfection in it; o that the
Society by an abundance of Laws is not in confuion, nor yet by the paucity and fewnee tied up from all liberty. When
there are multitudes and great diverity of Laws, we may probably conjecture that there will happen many crimes and
enormities: for he that leighteth the treight path of Nature and Reaon, will certainly be miled into many windings and
labyrniths before he comes to his journeys end. From thee inconveniences our Laws are free, as well in quality as
number; they are voluntary, and uch to whom all may eaily aent as most Rational.
They follow in their order.
1. That every one of them who hall travel, mut profee Medicine and cure Gratis.
2. That none of them, notwithtanding their being of the Fraternity, hall be enjoyned one habit; but may uit
themelves to the Cutome and Mode of thoe Countries in which they reide.
3. That each Brother of the Fraternity hall every yeare upon the day C. make his appearance in the place of
the holy Spirit, or ele ignifie by Letters the true caue of his Abence.
4. That every Brother hall chue a fit peron to be his Succeour after his deceae.
5. That the word R. C. hall be their Seale, Character, or Cogniance.
6. That this Fraternity hall be conceald an hundred years.
As you can see, Law number 4 fits what my father-in-law intended for me.



After much debate, I decided to send a request for the booklet Mastery of Life.
When it finally arrived (the international postal system was very slow in those days), I opened it and read.
I liked what it said yet still not immediately jump in. It was some time before I came to the decision to petition for
membership. I filled in all the details of who, why, what, where and posted it off to San Jose.
The year was 1980, an eventful year for me personally. There is an old saying in England that life begins at 40. This
notion that 'life begins at forty' is a 20th century one; prior to that it was more accurate to say 'death begins at forty' as
most people didn't live much beyond that age. Life expectancy in mediaeval England was around 25 years and only
reached forty sometime around the turn of the 20th century. By the 1930s many, in western societies at least, could
expect a decent spell of reasonably affluent retirement, free from work and the responsibilities of childcare. Household
gadgets like washing machines and vacuum cleaners were becoming more widely used and had begun to relieve
women's drudgery and offer them increasing amounts of leisure time as compared to their Victorian mothers.
As I was born on the 3rd February 1940 my birthday in 1980 was my 40th. I phoned my sister to ask her how my
father and mom were getting on as my father would not speak to me. She reluctantly told me that mom was in
hospital seriously ill. Our father had told her not to say anything to me. As soon as I could I travelled the 2 hour journey
to visit my mom in hospital. Father was not pleased but allowed me to sit and talk with my mom. She actually
discussed the subject of death with me. She had cancer of the fallopian tubes which had burst and spread the cancer
into her body cavity. As we talked she was very calm and she told me she had seen sparkling lights in the corner of the
room. Her eyes were sunken in their sockets. I spoke about how close they were to coming to call her to better things.
She was so peaceful about it. I have found that about others who I have had the honour of helping to cross.
I went home, saddened but so glad that we could talk after such a long time. The following day was my 40th birthday
and I received notice that she had gone through transition that morning.
Eventually I received a letter from the Imperator, Ralph M. Lewis confirming my acceptance into the Order. My
heart was filled with joy and waited for the promised monograph to arrive.
When I received my first posting which contained Mandamus 1, Liber 777 and Liber 888 I carefully read each
paragraph often repeating them again and again until I had finished Mandamus 8.
The experiments worked sometimes but not always. I was still to learn that when one is ready to perform the
experiments in full they will happen. These were early days.
My 1st Neophyte Initiation took place on 20th December 1980.
The 2nd on 28th March 1981 3rd on 2nd September 198.
My first temple degree initiation took place on 16th January 1982 up to the 12th in 1987.
I have since been initiated in the 1st Temple Degree in a lodge in Lima, Peru on the 28th April 2007
At the end of the Mandamuses there was the first initiation procedure. I prepared my home sanctum from which I
worked and tried the experiments for each Monograph.



Then the moment came when I was to perform the 1st Degree Initiation. For me this was a most profound
experience as I found myself standing in front of an altar with people all around me in the shadows. I could only see
black figures without any detail. Sometime later I came across a photograph of the Kings Chamber in the Great
Pyramid of Khufu and realised that that was where I had taken the 1st degree initiation.
My home sanctum was in a special room set aside for it. I was always able to retire to my sanctum and study in peace
and quiet without interruptions.



When the time for the first degree initiation came around, I was informed of the Lodges in the UK that I could
attend. The most local lodge to me was in Birmingham and I decided that I would take the 1st degree initiation there in
order to be able to be accepted into the lodge. It is always an uplifting experience when one takes an initiation in a
Lodge with others around you to help you through the experience and to understand the meaning of the ceremony that
was being performed.
I found that there are two different types who attend lodges and with my experiences in England and in Peru it
would seem the same the world over. There is the type who helps you and listens to you and guides you in the right
direction and there is the great I am type of person. These people seem to think that they are above everyone else and
they should be treated like royalty. You have no place in the lodge. You dont know anything and your presence is a
threat to their position within the lodge. I presume this is the same in other societies but I never found it to be like that
in the RAOB.
You are questioned as to why YOU have got something and they have not. In Peru the officers of the lodge were
members of the Freemasons and elected each other ignoring other members who were suitable for the office only
because they did not fit in with their social lives. The result of this is that I made many friends as well as enemies. I
eventually stopped going to lodge.
The Imperator during this period was Ralph Maxwell Lewis who had an aura about him which is hard to explain.
The following is a brief biography of facts taken from the Rosicrucian Manual printed on December 1, 1937
Ralph Maxwell Lewis was born in New York City, New York, on Sunday, February 14, 1904, at 10:30 A.M.
Ralph M. Lewis received his early education in New York City and a military academy of New Jersey. In 1918, his
family moved to San Francisco, California. In 1919, he joined them, and later studied law and accountancy there, while
engaged in clerical and other pursuits for a livelihood.
His abhorrence of routine detail caused a mental restlessness, and a search for a profession which would allow his
imagination the necessary freedom. Having reached a point in his law studies where he would soon have been prepared
for the bar examination, he abandoned his interest in law as a profession, because its logic and required research alone
continued to appeal to him. Abstract subjects began to engross him more and more. He read works on oceanography,
archaeology, and geology, especially those topics which entered the realm of speculation. His discussions with his father
led his interest into the fields of ontology, metaphysics, and mysticism.
His father never urged him to become a Rosicrucian member or student. However, the answers he received to his
questionsand which were not available through any other source of knowledge aroused his admiration for the
Rosicrucian teachings, and he crossed the Threshold of the Order by a special dispensation while still a youth. The
Rosicrucian teachings touched a responsive chord and satisfied a previously misunderstood yearning. He progressed
through the Degrees of the Order in the San Francisco Lodge, and began as well a conscientious and systematic study
of the principal philosophic thought of the centuries.
In 1924, the American Supreme Council of the A.M.O.R.C. elected him Supreme Secretary of the Rosicrucian Order
of North America, to fill a vacancy created by retirement. He was responsible for a number of drastic changes in the
AMORC administration policies and the expansion of the Sanctum membership. He advocated a centralization of all
the Order's activities in the Supreme Lodge, with the subordinate activities deriving their power and direction through
the central body alone. This caused uniformity in function and a consequent unity which strengthened AMORC


He was an American delegate on several occasions to the F. U D. O. S. I. conferences (a federation of the authentic
arcane orders of Europe) held in Brussels, Belgium. He was received by the Imperator of the Rose Croix of Europe,
with honours due his rank, and had other Rosicrucian Degrees conferred upon him in Brussels. In 1936, he was initiated
into the Rose-Croix Kabalistique Order and into the Traditional Martinist Order of Europe.
On August 12, 1939, following the transition of Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, further high powers of the office of
Imperator were transferred to him, and he was duly and legally elected by the Board of Directors of the Supreme Grand
Lodge of the A.M.O.R.C. as Imperator for this jurisdiction.
In the early part of 1940, the Supreme Council of the Traditional Martinist Order of the world transferred to him the
title of Sovereign Grand Master of the Martinist Order of the World, with authority to perpetuate it. Until his transition.
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis had held this authority.
In March of 1940, Mr. Lewis was elected President of the International Supreme Council of the Order Rosae Crucis.
He has spoken at Rosicrucian Conclaves (Conventions) in nearly every land in which the A.M.O.R.C. is established.
He finalized the reestablishment of the A.M.O.R.C. of France and installed its incumbent Grand Master, Frater
Raymond Bernard, in 1959. He also brought into existence the Grand Lodges of Brazil, Germany, and Japan, and in
general has expanded the Order to its present worldwide extent.
Ralph Maxwell Lewis passed through transition on January 12th, 1987.




When Ralph Maxwell Lewis passed through transition, despite being only 34 years of age, Gary L. Stewart was
elected Imperator with the support of Raymond Bernard, the leader of the French-speaking branch of AMORC.
This change did not make any noticeable difference to me as the monographs kept coming and I kept studying.
There was a noticeable difference in Lodge as the Imperators Message did not give the same feeling as the Messages
from Ralph Lewis.
Then we heard that for some reason Imperator Stewart has been accused of embezzlement and had been ousted as
leader by the AMORC board of directors. Nothing more was said which demonstrates AMORCs respect for the
individual, not spreading rumours or accusations against the person.
Christian Bernard becoming Imperator 1990
After the departure of Gary L. Stewart Christian Bernard, the son of Raymond Bernard was installed as Imperator
on April 12th, 1990 and is the current Imperator (November 2014).
Again not much appeared to be changed. However, over time the monographs were being revised and updated to
bring the teaching into the 20th Century. These change entailed, I understand, using modern language and adding
current findings which were not in the original monographs. Nothing was removed, only added to.
A full biography can be found on:
I continued with my studies at home visiting the Lodge each session. As I mentioned before, I had many lovely
friends in the Lodge and at one point in time I was invited to join the CR+C. They had apparently been members for
some time.
Decision to join CR+C and later OMCE
I had been going through a hard time around then and had written to the Council of Solace for help. There was an
AMORC presence in the UK by then so I wrote there. I received a reply to my request for help You should help
yourself! This made me reconsider my position with AMORC feeling that it was not the reply that should have been
given. I was helping myself but needed more spiritual aid.
I had taken the step to join CR+C and was receiving their monographs as well as AMORCs monographs. I was
required to begin from the beginning which is never a bad thing as review always bring new things things that had
been missed first time round.
Due to the reply received from the Council of Solace I offered my resignation from AMORC.
I then continued with CR+C eventually being admitted to the OMCE.
I took the 1st Degree Initiation in the CR+C lodge on 2nd November 2002. The difference with CR+C and
AMORC is that to be enabled to be initiated into a degree one must pass a written test as well as an oral test on what
has been learned in the previous degree. I took the 9th Degree Initiation on the 20th November 2004.



Petition to return to AMORC

I enjoyed my studies with CR+C and OMCE but eventually I felt something inside telling me there was something
not quite right FOR ME. I applied to AMORC for re-admission which was accepted and I continued my studies from
where I had left off.




When I retired from work at the age of 65, I moved to be close to a branch of my family who lived there.
I transferred my AMORC membership to the USA. For a time I was with the Spanish speaking jurisdiction but the
monographs were difficult for me to understand so I returned to the English monographs from San Jos.
I received a letter in 2008 stating that the system of monographs had been changed. I was offered the option of
continuing with the new monographs from my current monograph or of beginning again at any point that I wish. I
chose to re-start at the 6th Degree to see if there had been any changes and also to review them for the 2 nd time (once
with CR+C). This was accepted and I received a letter from the Imperator confirming completion of my studies as well
as a letter of welcome to the Ordo Summum Bonum.
It is interesting to know that shortly before this I had written to my Class Master that I had been receiving messages
about the Ordo Summum Bonum. I said I knew it was only by invitation but these dreams were so strong that I felt I
should at least report the occurrence.
Current position
I have now reached a point where I have written my Affirmation of the Twelfth Degree.

In my soul and conscience:

I reiterate my commitment to the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, as well as to the philosophical

and ethical ideals it perpetuates in the modern world.

I am convinced that AMORC is a school of wisdom that contributes to the raising of awareness, and I

consider it an honour and privilege to be a member.

I affirm that the Rosicrucian teachings have provided me with much on all levels and that they are a great

source of inspiration and Peace Profound for me.

I promise to defend the Order against any act or intention that imperils its integrity or existence, and also to

inform the Grand Lodge of any malicious actions directed against it.
I pledge to work each day on the spiritual level, thus assisting all those who suffer or who, for whatever

reason, are in need of assistance.

I promise to study and apply conscientiously the teachings of the Order not only for my own well-being, but

for the well-being of others.

I pledge to behave in a way that is as dignified as is humanly possible and to honour our Order by my way of

thinking, speaking, and acting.



At this point in my Rosicrucian advancement and in my present life, and as proof of my faith in the Order and in
the Divine, I put into words on this day the following vows for my next incarnation:
I will be happy to rediscover the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC and to follow the Rosicrucian path once again,

so as to perfect my spiritual evolution.

I wish to live in whatever place the Cosmic may decide that my evolution will be best served.
I would like to pursue the profession which will be the most useful to not only my personal well-being, but

more importantly to the well-being of others.

I would like to remember how happy I have been in this incarnation serving others and helping them in their

time of most need.

On this day and always, may the Divine help me to respect these affirmations, and if such is Divine Will, may the
Divine grant me the privilege of satisfying these vows once again. Under the auspices of the Rose-Cross, So Mote It Be!



The years are passing by and I am getting older. In February 2015 I shall celebrate my 75 th birthday. Although I feel
like I did at the age of 40 I am aware that the time is drawing ever near when I will have to pass through transition. I
have no fear of that passing as I have had experiences in the past of going through transition. One time was when I had
a gone through a fairly simple operation which affected me deeply. I was unable to get out of bed for 3 months and
hardly ate any food. Then one night I felt that the moment had come for me to pass through transition. During the
night I was awoken by a very bright light in the room and a voice saying You are going to be alright Mike. The next
morning I awoke refreshed, got out of bed, took a bath and went to the doctor. He said it was a miracle and the next day
I was back at work as if nothing had happened. These type of experiences awaken us to the knowledge that there really
IS something other than the here and now.
The 2 nd occasion was more recent. I had been suffering pains in my lower colon on the left side of my body. My
doctor in England kept saying that it was only gasses a usual response! When I came to Peru the pain continued and I
went to see a lady doctor here. She reiterated that it was only gases! The pain continued and I returned to her a month
later. She sent me for a scan and when I returned with the plates she said (in Spanish of course) Oh my God!
immediately picked up the phone and called a specialist. She told my wife what it was and she met me at the Hospital
where the specialist consulted. Luckily he spoke English as my Spanish was very limited. He looked at the plates and said
that I needed an operation immediately as I would be dead by the weekend. My Aorta had am embolism and it was 9cm
(3.5) or more wide over a length of 19cm (almost 8 inches).
Arrangements were made for me to be admitted and the operation was performed. It took some 8 hours to
complete and I was taken to Intensive Care. BUT there was a blood leakage and I went back for another 5 hours before
returning to Intensive Care. A lot of blood was needed and luckily my family members were of the right type and
donated enough for the operation 4 pints I believe.
I awoke the next day with a great array of drips above my bed, oxygen being pumped into my nose and my waif
clearly upset by my side. A priest gave me the last rites.
I was in Intensive Care for a week on a diet of chicken and rice. Every time I awoke there was a nun sitting at my
side holding my hand. I asked where she was from and she replied Germany. This went on for several days. There was
a patient in another bed who was suffering a lot of pain and I said to her that he needed her care much more than I did.
She went over to him and helped him. When I asked the nurses who the nun was they said What nun? there has been
no visitors except your wife. My Guardian Angel I remember her to this day with tears in my eyes.
It is important to remember that each of us are on our own journey. Some people are fully aware of the search that
they are undertaking and feel a passion within themselves calling them to fulfill their desire to give direction to their
lives. However this can lead to a change in our sense of values, placing meaning and values into perspective.
At some point in our lives we may feel an inner call. It takes us some time to understand how to approach it and
take it by the hand to leads us forward. My inner call began with hearing a Buddhist Temple bell tinkling in my left ear.
Then the doors began to open and as I took courage to step through I was greeted by the Master Within who has always
been with me. Once the door has been opened, then you can start to talk to the Master and ask questions to be
answered. Seeking enlightenment. As I have stated previously, my questions were answered by coming across someone
who was able to silently guide me in the right direction. It is akin to wanting to travel from London to Vladivostok but
dont know how to do it. We talk to our friends (representative of the Master Within) and ask them if they have any
idea. They may point us in the direction of a travel agent or even to one of their friends who has made the same journey.
Once we know how to do this journey it is much easier to do other journeys in the future.


Once we are on our spiritual journey we begin to respect the right of others to be different. It is by studying these
differences that we begin to learn the affect that their freedom of expression has upon their life. As I stated before, this
understanding gave to me the ability to help others, to be calm and to speak in a soothing voice to those who are in
need. The road is long and I have been given many tests in life, each one becomes easier to bear from knowing that you
are being tested, and learning the lesson from it, which eases the weight and duration of the test. Accepting it finishes
the test. Then you can await the next test knowing that it should not be ignored but accepted, observed, analyzed, to be
learned from and filed away in your memory to be used to develop within our society.
Through the teachings of AMORC I have gradually become fully aware of what my purpose is in life. I am able to
use that purpose to ensure that I can give service, show patience and understanding, kindness, compassion and love to
my fellow beings, so that I may set an example for others to follow.
I have learnt when and how to ask for help, how to protect myself from harm should it ever come, how to be a
useful member of society and how to observe so that I can learn and recognize when the Cosmic is speaking.





Michael Peter Yarnold was born on February 3 rd 1940 in the Old Warps Home in the urban district of Warrington,
Lancashire, United Kingdom. His father born on 22 nd July 1912 was Cyril George Peter Yarnold an aircraft inspector,
and his mother Phyllis Yarnold formerly Brown. They were living at 76, Hallfields Road, Warrington.
In 1940 the Second World War was in its early days. His father was an Acting Pilot Officer in the Training Branch
of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. His father entered the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve on 1 st June 1942 and
was released on the 29 th November 1946 after the war had ended. It was this war work which took his father to various
locations in the UK. The main ones where Michael lived at that time were Eastleigh in Hampshire in November 1942
and Lossiemouth in Scotland in November 1946.
His father passed through transition in Warrington General Hospital on 22 nd March 2003 in his 91st year.
At an early age Michael showed an interest in how things work. Always looking for answers to his questions
and, if there were no answers, investigating the possible reasons why they work. This thirst for knowledge included
research into the source of languages spoken throughout the world. He has a special interest in the Ancient Egyptians
and is always searching for ways to add to his knowledge.
He took an interest in Native American people and became interested in their spiritual views. He found that they
coincided in many ways with the Rosicrucian teachings.
He has travelled over most of Western Europe on business and has always been unwittingly close to sites which are
sacred to the Rosicrucian Order by their historical links with the order.
He has learned through the teachings of AMORC to regularly review his life and observe the happenings in his life.
Why did I make that choice of the options placed before me? Where did that choice take me? How has that affected me
spiritually? Much of the choices offered have taken Michael on the path to being a teacher, a helper, a comforter, a
friend and companion.
Now in his 75 th year his thoughts are on whether he has been able to satisfy the questions that the Cosmic placed
before him. Has he been a good example to others worthy of being followed? Has he done enough to warrant being
called a Rosicrucian Illuminati and to have earned the status of Ordo Summum Bonum? What else can he do to fulfil his
lifes mission before transition?


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