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Chapter One

Jonas sat in his chair, sand between his toes, sun beating down. The white beach and blue
water stretched out to the horizon. He was relaxed and calm, something he was not used to. On
occasion someone would walk by, if it was a pretty girl he would smile and nod On any other
day he may even try to approach and say hello, but not today. Today was all about relaxing.
Then the strange humming noise started. It was far off at first, barely noticeable. He
didnt concern himself. He just sat back and soaked up the sun, his skin soaking up the warmth.
The humming became louder, more of a beeping now. Distressed he sat up in the char and looked
around. No one else on the beach seemed to notice it, and it grew louder, more incessant. In a
panic he stood and looked in all directions, the sound was all around him. His body tensed as the
realization hit him what the sound was.
Groggily Jonas opened his eyes and reached for his phone, clumsily sliding his finger
over the screen to turn off the alarm. It was Monday, it was 6:00am and he had been dreaming.
Lazily he rolled his head back onto the pillow and debated the merits of returning to the beach.
My life hurts, he mumbled out loud to no one as he threw off his covers and stumbled to the
bathroom to get ready for work.
A hour later, a pop tart in one hand, a travel mug of coffee in the other and steering wheel
lodged between them he began his commute into the office. The radio blared 80s metal at an
unnatural loudness that only made the dull ache in his head worse. It wasnt that he liked the
music, but it served the purpose of making him drive faster to try and get away from it. Fortyfive minutes later he pulled into the parking lot of FutureTeck, his place of employment and
somewhere he spent more time than the apartment he paid rent on. His beaten up Chevy Cavalier
found his assigned parking spot almost on its own. Like a good horse she knew where her stable
was. Jonas looked at his watch and saw that he had fifteen minutes to cross the parking lot and
make it to the time clock. Getting out of the car he grabbed his go-bag and started towards his
Jonas! He heard the voice from behind and turned. Half running, half speed walking
was Miguel. Jonas didnt stop walking, but stared at Miguel for a minute. He was younger than
Jonas by about five years, dark hair that he wore about shoulder length and while not sloppily
dressed, was hardly dressed for success as one may say. Hey Jonas, wait up. Miguel implored
Nope, you catch up. Jonas turned and responded, but didnt break stride. You know
the saying about the time clock. Miguel pulled into stride beside him.
Yeah, sure. The time clock is like a woman, it doesnt appreciate being forgotten about
and you always have to check in with it. He was out of breath, but they were close to the door

Exactly. See, working here will get you ready for marriage yet. Jonas smiled as held up
his id card to RFID reader by the door. It slid open and the entered. How is Josie by the way?
Good, good. She was asking about you the other day. Miguel held out his ID card to the
guard by the elevator. Jonas, looked at his watch, they had five minutes.
Yeah, she getting ready to leave you. I told you shes not my type. Jonas smiled as the
elevator doors slid open.
No, nothing like that, she has a friend that
Uh-uh. Jonas cut him off.
Why not? Miguel watched the digital display change as floors slid by. Ive meet the
friend, shes pretty hot.
Nope. Not after the last time. That girl was crazy, what was here name? The elevator
arrived at the fifteenth floor and the door opened.
Margo, yeah ok. She was. But this one, man cmon. They reached the door to
FutureTeck and entered the lobby. The receptionist smiled and playfully tapped her watch. Jonas
shrugged and slid through the next door. Miguel hot on his heels.
Whats her name? The new girl at the front desk? Jonas stood in front of the time clock
and swiped his id card with a full minute to spare.
Her? Miguel motioned back in the direction of the lobby with his head as he swiped his
card. No idea, they never hang around long up there. They walked through the office and
headed back to their area in the cube farm. So, Josies friend.
Will you let it go. I like Josie but she has terrible taste in women, Jonas watched the
heads popping up from the cubicles like prairie dogs reacting to noises and laughed to himself.
Which I guess is a good thing for your actually. He smiled at his friend and playfully jabbed
him with his elbow. They had turned the corner and were in their home away from home.
There area of the cube farm was made up of four desks, each with its own little corner of
the massive cubicle. One window on the back wall provided a little bit of natural light, which
was taken advantage of by a small fern sitting on a table. Jonas dropped his go bag next to his
desk and pulled out his chair. The voice mail light on his phone was already blinking, never good
this early on a Monday morning. He sat in the chair and turned on his computer. Looking over
kitty corner he watched Miguel do the same. The other two desks were vacant. One because the
previous tenant had been let go on Friday, the other, because the owner was late.
How can Dave be late every Monday and no one ever says anything? Miguel gripped
as he waited for the login screen to come up. Every Monday Jonas.

I know, but what can you do? Jonas logged into his machine and fired up his email. The
first half hour of every morning was spent clearing his in box and prioritizing the support tickets
he had to sort through for the day. At eight thirty Dave slipped into his desk quietly. Miguel
shook his head and went back to work. Nice of you to join us.
Dave turned and grinned. Sorry, I had was out late last night and well, had a difficult
time getting on the road this morning. His grin widened into his, I was with a woman smile.
Have I missed anything?
How? How do you get away with this? Miguel spun in his chair. Every Monday, you
come in late. Pete was here every day on time and yet hes gone and youre here.
Hey, Pete had issues, the same issue we all had, Dave turned to face his accuser.
Besides he didnt have one of these. Dave held up a small black box about the size of a cell
phone. This is how, and if you are nicer to me, I may build one for you.
What is it? Miguel held out his hand, Dave handed it over.
That Miguel, Jonas turned to join the conversation is how he beats the time clock.
Dave just smiled.
OK, but how? Miguel flipped the device over and over in his hand.
Dave? Jonas grabbed the box from Miguel. Arduino?
Homebrew linux flavor?
RFID? Jonas studied the box. No, Bluetooth.
Got it.
Im lost? Miguel was having trouble keeping up. What does it do?
Jonas, do you want to explain it? Dave was beaming. Jonas waved him off. OK,
Miguel. Its really kind of simple. When I hold this device up to the time clock, it resets the
internal clock, registers my id card as swiped and then sets the clock back. Pretty snazzy. He
beamed at his own ingenuity.
At no one has caught on? Miguels amazement was evident. I mean, dont the serves
log the time changes?

No, see thats the genius. It actually kills the network connection for about twenty
seconds and does the changes off line. The system polls each device on the network on a thirty to
forty five second cycle.
So as long as he times it right, Jonas handed the device back, the servers never even
know the device has been modified. How do you time it?
That was the trick. Dave grabbed a pad and pen from his desk and started drawing on
it. See, he pointed to a series of squares. I thought that the system polling was random, which
would have been the way to do it. But its rolling. So I took the address of the time clock, that I
was to determine through pinging and found the device right in front of it, which is the printer
over by the break room. I turned the printer off and waited for the ticket to come through. He
pointed to his screen and the list of support tickets that had come up. Doing this a couple of
times basically told me when the printer is normally polled, and thus when the time clock will be
polled. So I have it times out, as long as I hit the time clock on a five, Im good.
On a five? Miguel was doing his best to follow.
Yeah, 8:15, 8: 25, 8:35. As long as it is a five the device has enough time to make its
You know, Jonas turned back to his computer, you could also just try and show up at
work on time.
Wheres the fun in that? Dave smiled as his phone rang, Time to make the

Chapter Two

Yes, sir. I know. I have to ask, Dave took a deep breath. Did you try turning it off and
back on? Jonas and Miguel both snickered and the old trope made famous in an old British
show about an IT department. What made it even more special was that it actually worked most
of the time. OK, great. No problem. Thanks for calling, Ill update and close the ticket. Dave
hung up the phone and looked around. His cube mates were both involved in remote support
sessions. Hey, Jonas. Phone or chat?
Jonas looked over. Chat.
Who? Dave rolled his chair over to look at Jonass screen.
McKenzie and Waters.
The law office?
No the circus troop. Yes, the law office. One of the partners got infected and I am just
about done getting it cleaned.
Are they at the machine?
Just curious. Dave smirked. Jonas did not like it when Dave smirked like that. To his
credit Dave knew he had been caught thinking evil thoughts. OK, OK. I have a cousin going
through a divorce. Her jerk of a husband is using McKenzie and Price, I thought that since we
were in we may poke around and see if we can find his files.
What? Jonas tried to sound indignant. No, you know that is against the rules and
regulations of FutureTeck, Inc. He kept his voices steady and almost robotic. Hang on. Isnt
that an incredible coincidence?
What? That one of the law firms we support just happens to have something to do with a
someone I now that can get the email address of one of the partners which may include a link to
an infect website that I was almost sure they would click on. Dave took a deep breath. Nope.
Just a coincidence.
Jonas sighed. So was your plan to catch the call and poke around?

But I caught the call.

Looks like it.
OK, I am going to go with no. Jonas closed his remote session and spun around in his
chair to face Dave. Not when I was the one logged in. If they ever caught us snooping
What? We would get fired? Dave shrugged. Would that be such a tragedy?
It would be tragic for me, Miguel chirped in, What with the wedding and Josie being
pregnant? No man, I need this job.
No one asked you Michael. Dave shot back.
Its Miguel.
No, no its not. Its Michael, you are lily white my friend. Dave smacked him on the
back of the head. You only started by Miguel when you found out Josie had a crush on Antonio
ANYWAY, Jonas raised his voice. Your cousin is not worth me getting fired over. So
no. He turned back around and looked at the tickets sitting in his queue. Besides. The job is not
really that bad, we have a lot of regular customers that we support, almost all are things that can
be done remotely so its not like the old days when we would spend hours driving around from
job to job.
Someone has bought the company line, Dave went back to his desk. At least back then
you actually go to meet people and get to know them. Now everyone is just a name on the
Maybe, Miguel spoke, but I would rather be doing this than any of the engineer work.
Did you guys hear about Chuck?
Both men turned around, Jonas spoke first. What about Chuck?
Oh man, this was epic. Miguel turned around now. He was putting a huge virtual server
configuration for a school district. I mean huge. Would have been fifty hosts machines, two
hundred virtual machines, hundreds of new switches, brand new infrastructure everything.
OK, Chuck does those all the time. Jonas egged him on.
Yeah, he was one of the best, we got the bid and the project got scheduled.
Hang on was this the West Charlotte bid? Dave asked.

OK, Im drawing a blank keep going. Jonas thought he could remember now but was
fuzzy on details.
Yeah all the hardware is ordered, Chuck and his team start the install and they find out
that the bios on the new switches are not compatible with the schools brand spanking new phone
system. Miguel shook his head. Chuck missed that part on the bid.
So, just upgrade the bios? Dave said.
Uh-uh. Turns out the switches were flat out incompatible with the phone system.
Holy crap. What did they do? Jonas chimed in.
The team had to pull everyone of the switches and replace them with a new model. The
bid was tight and we had no choice but to find a way to make it all work.
Let me guess. They fired Chuck. Dave snorted. Miguel nodded. Cmon who double
check the bid for him? Someone in management dropped the ball and Chuck pays the price.
Dave snacked his desk for emphasis.
Well, that is sort of par for the course. Jonas shook his head. Back when the Taylors
owned the company it never would have happened.
Yeah, I miss those guys. Dave shared. We were small but really knew what we were
That was before my time guys, Miguel had finished with his story and was back to
working on his syste. From the way you guys make it sound it was a paradise around here.
Not a paradise per se. Everything just worked. Jonas paused for a second to let the
nostalgia wash over him. I mean the Taylors werent perfect, but they were leaders. They had
the company on a course that we all had a say in. You felt like part of team, not just a cog in the
Jonas, do you remember the weekly meetings? Dave talked as he was chatting with a
remote user.
Yeah, those were fun.
Oh, Michael. Every Friday the entire support staff, there were seven techs like us back
then, would meet with Jim Taylor. He was the techie owner. During the week he would make a
list of everything he heard or read about tech wise. New viruses, net technology. Announcements
from Apple or Microsoft. We would meet in the conference room and he would go down the list
and asked every single one of us what we thought and how it may change what we do.

Jonas took over the story. If anything caught his eye he would give us assignments to do
in our spare time to research things. Then we would send him emails telling what we found.
That sounds pretty cool. Miguel said.
It was, Dave replied. What do we get now? A monthly newsletter? Maybe a mass
email telling us about changes in the company? I mean I know that the Taylors had to sell, but it
would have been nice if they had realized who they were selling to.
Be fair Dave, Jonas chided him. FutureTeck has seven branches all over the US. Sure
they are bigger than we are used to, but look at the resources we have now that we didnt
Like what?
Jonas wasnt prepared to be challenged, Well, I mean, look at how much easier we have
it with these remote calls. You know the Taylors struggled to get that part of the business going.
OK, but you do realize that was a cost cutting measure right? Dave wrapped up hi
remote session and turned back around. When we were going out of the building on calls we
were paid per billable hour, yeah?
Yeah. Jonas agreed.
And if we had a real busy day, four or five calls, we made a good chunk of change,
And what are we now?
Salary. Miguel answered.
Thats right. So if you have a real busy day now, Jonas, Miguel, do you make the same
or less than if you were on the road?
Less, they both said at once.
OK, then you have the management issue.
Here we go, Jonas rolled his eyes.
No, no, no, Dave stammered, he was obviously preparing to go on a roll. Everyone
over us I this department is an accountant or worse yet an MBA. None of the original
management team is still here. So now we answer to a bunch of people that are more worried
about length of calls and hitting our metrics than if the customer is actually getting serviced. He

stopped to catch his breath, but the pause did not last long. Now look at our customers. How
many of the original one do we have left now? Jonas, how many?
I dont know, four or five. He had heard this part of the spiel before, but at this point
Miguel was fully transfixed.
OK, four or five of the hundred or so we had for years. And where did they go, Jonas?
To smaller, more personal firms that treat customers like people and not commodities.
His answer was well rehearsed.
Exactly. Any who do we have left now. Miguel, this one os for you. Look at at your
remote sessions and tell me what you see?
Hang one. Miguel turned back to his screen and hit a couple of keys to bring a list of
the systems he had remoted into. OK, so far today. Bank, bank, lawyers office, accounting
office, the county government, and two money managers.
Big customers? Dave was smiling again.
Yeah all pretty good size.
See? We have become nothing more than corporate shills helping the big guys and
leaving the small guys to the competition.
Dave, Jonas figured this had gone on long enough. Is this where you try and get us to
start a competing company again?
No, Jonas, that ship has sailed. I had a talk down with Mandy in legal and the noncompetes we were forced to sign after the buyout are pretty damn ironclad. Dave shook his
head. No, I am thinking of something else.
Dave, if youre not happy why not just find another job? Miguel was the pragmatist of
the group, or at least that is what he thought.
And leave you guys behind? Dave was scary when he faked sentimentality. Besides, I
think I can do well by all of us.
What are you talking about? Jonas was half way between curious and terrified.
Miguel, read back that list of remotes again.
OK. Bank, bank, lawyers office, accounting office, the county government, and two
money managers. Miguel ran through the list a little faster this time.
Jonas, would you say your list is about the same? I know mine is?

Yeah, pretty much. A few retail stores. Jonas answered a little more gingerly than
And what do they all have in common? Dave had put on his best snake oil salesman
voice, he was performing now and it was quite a show.
Servers, desktops, laptops, Miguel was closing his eyes trying to make out the list,
wireless, data, switches, routers
Stop. Go back. Dave made a rewind motion with his hand.
Wireless? Data?
BINGO. Dave shouted. Data. He did a little jazz hand flourish.
OK, Jonas was getting caught up in the show now. What about data?
Well, all these customers, these big soulless corporations, have data that comes in and
out, over and around, and that is locked down and kept as safe as possible from all sorts of
people. Dave was standing up now and standing with his hands on his hips.
Yeah, Miguel said. Protected from hackers, crackers, phreakers and black hats of all
And whay is that Michael?
Whatever. Dave broke his character for just a split second. Why is it protected?
Jonas was not liking where this was going, but played along. Its protected because other
people want it.
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. Dave made the charades gesture of taping his nose
and pointing at Jonas. Now, the fifty thousand dollar question. Who is it NOT protected from?
Us. The word escaped from Jonas before he even realized it.

Chapter Three

A well timed call put an end to the conversation and once the moment was past, none of
the three quite knew how to broach the subject again. Still the thought lingered with Jonas as he
worked during the rest of the day. Every call he took, every time he logged into a machine
remotely he fought the urge to dig and find whatever secrets he may find. Why it had never
dawned on him before he still could not figure out. Finally the day wound down and the calls
began to subside.
Hey, Jonas, Dave tapped him on the shoulder.
Jonas looked up at the clock it was four thirty. Yeah? He did not turn around.
I have an appointment, can you cover for me? He could feel Daves smile on the back
of his neck.
Sure. Jonas shrugged, no one ever really came down to check on them. In more ways
than one the time clock was their only supervisor.
OK, cool. Jonas expected Dave to walk away at that point but he could tell he was still
standing there. Look man, all I am saying is that all that data-
Stop. Jonas cut him off. What you are talking about is illegal, and immoral. All that
data you think is sitting there free for us, it belongs to people. Every file on that lawyers server is
a person. Every account at the bank is a person. Every retirement account is a person. He turned
now and stood up, each questions punctuated with a finger in the chest. Why? Why Dave? Tell
me right now why we would steal from them?
Dave pushed Jonas back slightly, just to gain some space. Why not? Most of the data is
insured, most of the people have some sort of identity fraud insurance. Bank accounts are
covered by the Fed. Why cant we use our connections and skills to come off a little better than
we are now. Who will really get hurt?
Sorry guys. Do I get to be a part of this? Miguel was still in his chair watching his two
Yeah, man. Sure. Dave said. What do you think?
How would we make sure we dont get caught? He spoke a little quite, obviously he
had been thinking about it since earlier. I mean, is there a way to not get caught?
Miguel, cmon. Jonas was taken aback.

No, Jonas, hes right. We have to make sure we dont get caught. Dave was smiling
We are not going to do this!
Miguel stood up, the three of them now facing each other in the center of the cubicle.
You know how you fool the time clock Dave? He said, gears turning.
Can you do that on a remote machine?
Yeah, I should be able to.
So you do that when we copy the data, make it look like the breach was done days, or
even weeks away from when it does.
You cant be serious? Jonas was watching the two masterminds at work. Look, if a
bunch of our customers all start experiencing data breaches, eventually they will figure it out.
Regardless of the time logs. Judging by the faces of his compatriots he felt he had scored a
victory. Now are we done?
No. Dave started pacing. No. See here is the thing. If anyone notices the breach, we
will probably be the first people they call. At that point we can make it look like the attacks came
from the outside.
That doesnt help. Jonas was getting exasperated. Too many customers with problems
is still a problem.
OK, how would you fix that? Miguel asked.
Jonas thought about it for a minute, going through a number of scenarios. Use the
Im intrigued, go on. Dave sat back down.
We tell the media that we found an exploit in some competitors software, one of their
remote suites. Didnt we just take Accuteck Accounting from those guys, SM3?
Uh-huh, go on.
So we tell the media that when this customer came over, we did some digging into the
monitoring software that SM3 used and found that it had a major exploit and offer all their
customers a free evaluation.

Then when our customers start reporting breaches, we spin it to make it look like SM3 is
counter attacking against our customers. Miguel finished the thought.
Wow, that is incredible convoluted and has almost zero chance of working. I like it.
Dave stood back up and patted Jonas on the shoulder. I knew you could figure it out. Does that
mean you are in?
Sorry, no. Jonas turned and started packing up his things, Like I said, I wont hurt the
people. That is pretty much that.
OK, so we dont target the people. Dave said it so matter-of-factly, so breezily that it
caught Jonas off guard.
What do mean?
Easy, we only go after company data, no individuals. All of these places do business
with other places, we go after those accounts and those secrets. We leave the individuals out of
What are we looking for out of this. What makes this worth it?
Money, my friend. Cold hard cash. People pay for secrets.
And I suppose you know where to sell it?
I do. We can use the Dark Net to get connected to the Deep Web. From there you can
buy and sell almost anything.
You just made that up.
No he didnt Miguel. Its real and very dangerous to go playing in. Jonas had watched
as all of his arguments had been dismantled. What Dave wanted to do could be done and there
was even a chance they could get away with it. Jonas looked at his two friends and realized that
regardless of what he said, they were going to move forward. At least if he took part he might be
able to stop things from getting out of hand. Famous last words, he mumbled to himself.
What was that? Dave looked like a puppy waiting for someone to throw a ball for him
to fetch.
OK. We can try it once. Just once.
Alright. Dave pumped his fist. Very good. Hey I have to go. Tomorrow lets starting
picking out some targets, I have a few ideas. Later tonight Ill ping some of the Dark Net nodes
and make sure we have a fence when the time comes. You guys will not regret this! He grabbed
his bag off the floor and headed to the front door.

Well, Miguel, Jonas turned to his other friend. Are you ready to become a cybercriminal? He placed the emphasis on the last part of the word, hoping that itself would be
enough to jar some sense into him.
Miguel stood for a second then smiled. Hey man, weddings are expensive. Lets do
this! He offered up a fist bump but Jonas waved him off shaking his head. Miguel shrugged,
grabbed his bag and headed out.
Jonas sat at his desk and turned the events of the last few minutes over and over in his
head. As a kid when he first fell in love with computers he dreamed of being a hacker, one of the
cool guys that could get you free long distance or that could break into a bank using just a
modem and a phone line. As he got older and the technology changed he suddenly found himself
hip deep in a culture where the hackers were heroes, sticking it to the man and living by their
own rules. He went to school and learned the basics, but it was on the job training and being
around other people like him where he learned the most about computers. Once he had the
knowledge the romance faded, rather than be the anti-hero gunslinger that burst onto the scene,
cracked the password or penetrated the firewall, he had become the play it safe sheriff that tried
to keep the law and order. Maybe Dave had a point. He thought to himself as he started up a
game of solitaire. He always thought better when his mind was active. He heard a noise behind
him and out of reflex hit his boss key.
Your good, keep playing.
He turned around and the receptionist was standing there. She was a little taller than
average height, she was not skinny but almost athletic. Her long blonde hair was very lightly
styled but seemed to fit her face well. She was wearing a knee length green and blue dress that fit
well. Jonas though was transfixed by her smile and wondered why he had never noticed it before.
Hey, eyes are up here buddy, She laughed.
God, I am so sorry, I just thought I was alone, you surprised me. He stood up and held
out his hand. Jonas Goodson.
Beth Turnbolt. She grabbed his hand and gave it a slight shake. She had a firm grip that
took Jonas by surprise.
Volleyball? He reluctantly pulled his hand back for fear of coming off creepy.
Yeah, I played in high school and college. How did you know? Beth crossed her arms
in front of her, a little defensive.
Just a guess. Strong grip, athletic, obviously played some sport. Your height would mean
either basketball or volleyball, I took a guess. He shrugged. It was fifty-fifty.

Wow, OK. He noticed she kept her arms crossed. I just noticed you were still here,
Im going to lock the front door and wanted to see if you need anything?
No, Ill be leaving in a bit. He looked her up and down, something didnt seem right.
How long have you worked here Beth?
A couple of weeks. Why?
Its just that I work late a lot, and this is the first time you have come over.
Oh, well, I just thought it was time to introduce myself. She took one of her hands and
rubbed the back of her neck. I mean everyone else has said hi, or stopped by the desk. That
friend of yours Dave, I think he would sit up there with me all day if he could get away with it.
Beth started fidgeting with her hair, something not lost on Jonas.
Yeah, I just wanted to say hi.
Jonas started at her for a second and finally put the pieces together. You overheard us
didnt you?
What? Her eyes widened, they were blue and suddenly very big. No, I dont know
what youre talking about.
Seriously, trying to use the big eyes? He laughed at her, not loud, just a little harrumph.
How much did you hear?
Beths demeanor changed immediately. Gone was the doe eyed, fidgeting girl. She tensed
and almost seemed to grow a couple of inches as she drew herself up straight. All of it. You
guys are pretty stupid to talk about it so loud.
OK, Ill give you that. Did anyone else hear anything?
A couple of the sales people stopped a couple of times, but I paged them. So they never
were able to get more than bits and pieces.
And you?
Oh, I heard it all. Dave isnt the only one that that can stalk a cubical. I know about his
time clock hack and figured that if I ever wanted to get out off the reception desk, I would need
to learn a few things. Who better to learn it from?
Jonas dropped back into his chair and motioned her to sit in Daves. So you want to be a

I want to be more than that, she sat down. I know a little about hacking, just some real
script kidde stuff.
Jonas smiled, everyone with a search engine thought they could hack a little. So you can
download and run a script, anyone can do that.
Sure, but everyone starts somewhere. I dont want to answer phones and be hit on by
depressed sales people all my life. I said I need to learn, not that I was already Kate Libby. She
crossed her arms again.
Did you just drop a Hackers references on me?
So how much of what you heard did you understand?
Enough to probably get all three of you arrested. She smiled the smile of someone who
had just played their trump card.

Chapter Four

The next day Jonas drove into the office early. He had spent all night trying to talk
himself out of what they were going to do but never quite got the point where he could. Instead
of blasting music on the commute he sat in silence, the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the
other. He had spent about an hour talking with Beth, both trying negotiate from a position of
perceived strength, a tricky game indeed. In the end she promised to not turn them in, and Jonas
promised to let her watch. If nothing else he figured if she did ever flip on them at least she
would be an accessory. Now all he had to do was tell the guys and hope he didnt have a mutiny
on his hands. It was just after six and the traffic was light so he made good time and entered the
building without even a second glace from security. They were used to the guys coming and
going at all hours, one of the great things about working for an IT company.
Jonas was a planner, and he was good at it. Vacations were always prepared well in
advance, his paychecks were budgeted before they were received, he always knew what he
would be doing for dinner before he had lunch in the microwave. Planning a cyber heist was not
something he had ever tackled before. So this morning, before the guys showed up he was going
to do some research. He walked through the lobby doors, hit the time clock and made his way to
his cubicle. Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw next.
What the Hell are you doing here? He stared a Dave who was sitting at his desk
playing some kind of web based game.
You are sooooo predictable my friend. Dave closed out the window and brought up his
list of work orders. I knew you would be here early, you do that when you are anxious.
Yeah, well it isnt every day I plan to commit a felony. He threw his go bag on the floor
next to his desk and stood behind Dave, looking at the screen.
Are you sure its a felony? Dave asked wistfully.
Yep. US Code Title 17 Chapter 5 Section 506, 1201. Title 18 Chapter 27 sections 545,
13414, 1343, 1831, 2318, 2319 and 2320. Jonas recited. Although I think is actually about
smuggling an endangered species, it was a little unclear.
Looked it up last night, eh?
Oh yeah. Jonas watched as the work orders flashed by as Dave scrolled. You looking
for anything in particular?

Uh-huh. I did some research of my own last night. Dave stopped scrolling. Here. This
is what I was looking for.
Jonas leaned in. Up on the screen was a work order for the Office of Planning and Grants
for the local county. OK. Looks like their backups failed.
Sure did, thats because I made them fail. Dave pulled out a piece of paper from his
You cant sabotage AND steal from the same people Dave.
Sure I can, the logs are going to get reset. Just relax. He unfolded the paper and held it
up. This is our first target.
Jonas took the paper and looked it over. It was a series of dates and what appeared to be
random numbers. What am I looking at?
Dave had logged into the County server now and was typing away. You are seeing the
file names of the rough drafts of the Humbolt County Annual Action Plan. He pulled a usb flash
drive out of his desk and put in his machine. A second later a window popped up and he started
typing again. See, I meet this woman a couple of days ago that works for the county. Shes a
graphic designer. He stopped talking and grimaced. Got it.
Cmon Dave, talk and work.
Yeah. He pounded the keyboard some more. Anyway a graphic designer. You know it
really says something about government waste when they feel they need a graphic designer on
staff. Really, what does she actually do anyway?
Yeah, yeah. He pushed back from the desk and spun his chair. So she was going on
about how she was finalizing the cover for the Annual Action Plan. Do you know what that is?
No. Civics was never my thing.
Except for US Civil code, eh?
Ha. Anyway
Yeah so, the action plan is a list of all the county projects that they are going to work on
over the next year. I mean everything from housing, economic development, any work on public
facilities or any public service activities. Basically everything the county is going to spend
money on in the coming year.
OK, two questions.

Isnt that public information? Jonas looked at the piece of paper. I mean it isnt done
in the dark of night and kept secret or anything. Right?
You are correct sir! Dave tried to do an Ed McMahon impression but fell short. Heres
the thing. It wont be coming out for another month. She, damned if I can remember her name,
said she had to be done a month in advance so it can go to the printers.
OK, so early. What good is it?

Well, there is a lot of money at stake. Grants from the state and feds, bids on the work,
contracts to be won. If you know what is on the agenda a month before everyone else you know
whose palms to grease, whose babies to kiss, and it nothing else gives you time to get your
paperwork in order, well before everyone else.
Wow. That is some sneaky stuff. Jonas was honestly impressed. And you found all
this out on your own?
Dave for once was not smiling. Do you trust me Jonas?
Hell no. The response was automatic, like a snap shot from a pistol. You know better
than that, Jonas tried to soften the repudiation of his friend.
An honest answer, buddy. Dave hit the ds hard. I went on the Dark Net like we talked
about and started asking around. I found a bounty system where people hire people like us to do
things like we are about to do.
So what, its like Craigs List for hackers?
Yeah, sort of. You have to be careful though. There are just as many Feds as honest hard
working thieves on the sites.
How can you tell the difference?
Gut instinct mainly.
No really.
Most of the Feds have their IPs tagged the second they get on the site. They work really
hard to build these really intricate covers, then log in from the office. Idiots.
Yeah well. So you have a buyer already lined up?
Sure do.
How much?

In theory.
Well, that sort of gives a different perspective on things. Jonas stared at the screen, he
could see that Dave had something running on the remote machine. OK, so what are you
Dave turned back to the screen. Yeah, so, I have the script running that is changing the
logs here, he pointed to a windows on the screen. Over here, he pointed to another window, I
have a script that is looking for the file, when it finds it the file will be copied to my flash drive.
So the data never touches our server?
Nope, never a byte touches our pristine systems. Dave started typing. Found it. He
watched the screen flash and the light on the flash drive followed suit. He pulled the drive out of
the computer and held it out to Jonas. Ever held fifty grand in your hand?
No. Jonas took the drive and stared at it. Fix your back up issue and scrub the logs.
Already doing it.
How do we collect? Jonas was turning the drive over and over in his hand. At this point
it was not too late to back out.
Ill let them know we have it and then set up the dead drop. Dave closed out all the
windows on the screen and closed the remote connection. All set.
Yeah, alright. Jonas looked at the clock, it was a couple minutes before eight. He sat
down at his desk and took a deep breath. I think I need a nap, felonys are exhausting.
Tell me about it. Dave leaned back in his chair.
He guys! Miguel entered the cubical way to peppy for so early in the morning. Looks
likes you guys have been here for a bit. Whatd I miss?

Chapter Five
Man, I cant believe that you guys pulled the job without me. Miguel still held a grudge
even after a couple of days.
Dont worry. There will be plenty more. Dave said as he played with the flash drive.
The three were sitting in Daves car outside the local mall. How they made it through the rest of
the week to Saturday no one knew, but no one talked about it. The closest was the next morning
when Dave came in and said he had arranged for the drop on Saturday.
So how does this work? Jonas was sitting in the back seat trying to act cool, but really
only acting very nervous.
Dave stared out the window then at his watch. OK, its 10:30am now. In about fifteen
minutes I go in that entrance and there is a planter right by the door. I leave the drive there and
thats it.
Thats it? Miguel asked.
Yep, pretty easy. What I need you guys to do though is scout things out. Jonas, you go
in before me and see if anything looks suspicious.
Like what?
I dont know. Someone wearing sunglasses inside or people that look shady. Dave
shrugged. Go with your gut man. Youve seen enough of those spy movies.
And what if I see something?
Text me and well call it off.
What about me? Miguel was anxious to not be left out again.
When I go in you stay out here. Let me know if I was followed or anything. If
something looks weird just text me.
Ok. Miguel nodded. When do we get the money?
Yeah, you didnt say anything about the money. Jonas nudged the back of the seat.
We should see it right away. They are sending it to an anonymous Bitcoin account I set
Really? Jonas leaned up between the seats now. We are getting paid in Bitcoin?

Yeah, you should be glad.

Why is that?
Its almost completely anonymous. All we see is a transaction, no idea who or where it
came from, and all they see is an account. No names, not contact information. Then once we
have it in the account I can work out a couple more transfers and it is almost clean. Dave recited
as if he was doing a homework assignment, when he finished he smiled like he expected a gold
Hey guys, not to be that guy, but whats Bitcoin? Miguel worked in the industry, but he
was not really a hobbyist, he knew enough to do his job well, but didnt stray too far off the
beaten path.
Dave looked at him exasperated. Bitcoin is electronic money. It is generated by mining,
basically doing a lot of real intensive math to solve equations. When an equation is solved, it
generates a block, that block has a value based on an exchange rate that is determined by the
So its not real money? Miguel asked.
It is as real as any other money, it just has no physical form. People mine for the blocks,
then use the blocks to buy things. So there is a real economy. Heck some big online chains have
even started accepting Bitcoin as payment.
Right, Jonas jumped in, like he said. It is really secure and really anonymous. If they
paid us with cash or bank transfer or something there would be a trail to follow, With Bitcoin,
there is still a trail, but it is much, much harder to follow.
Hey, Jonas, time to go. Dave tapped his watch. Jonas nodded and left the car. He was
still feeling nervous but had it under control. The walk to the door only took a minute and once
inside the mall he felt time slow to a crawl. He could see about a dozen people in his immediate
field of vision. It looked like a typical Saturday morning crowd, lots of teenagers along with
some parents. The occasional older person using the mall for a waling track. All in all it looked,
normal. He sighed and walked along the store fronts.
When he got to the planter he instinctively looked into with a sideways glance, but didnt
see anything. After a few minutes he found a bench where he could sit and get a good angle on
the planter, the door and the area between the two. Causally he picked his phone out of his
pocket and texted Dave the all clear. Then he waited, playing on his phone, trying not to be
noticed. After a couple of minutes he looked up and saw Dave walk in from the outside.
Jonas watched as Dave meandered from store front to store front. He occasionally would
glance down at his phone or pick something up from a shelf. For Jonas, watching the long walk

from the door to the planter was like watching paint dry. Mercifully Dave made it to the planter
and stopped, picked up his phone and causally reached into his pocket for the drive, fished it out
and reached into the planter. With one hand on his phone and the other inside a fake fern he
froze. Jonas saw Dave look at his phone, pull his hand back from the planter and start walking
directly towards him. This was not part of the plan. Dave closed the distance in fewer steps than
Jonas thought possible.
Dude, we have to go. Dave was almost out of breath. Like many IT guys, exercise was
not high on his list.
Whats wrong? Jonas stood up from the bench and they started walking.
Dave was looking around, all pretense was lost. Miguel texted me. A couple of minutes
after I walked in he said two guys walked in wearing suits.
On a Saturday morning? Two guys in suits go to the mall? Seem a little off to you?
Dave was walking faster than Jonas now and reached back and grabbed his arm. Over here. He
pulled him into a Bed Bath & Beyond, past the registers and down the aisles.
Jonas shook the hand off his arm and followed closely. It was an anchor store so it had an
outside exit, which is where he guessed Dave was heading. Did you drop the drive? He said
Yeah. Its there. Lets go. He turned the corner and found the door they were looking
for, once outside in the mid morning air they started to slow down. Dave would take a few steps
and look back. They had come out the far side of the mall from where the car was so it was a
fairly long walk. Eventually Dave was satisfied they werent being followed. They could see the
car now and Miguel sitting in the front seat. As soon as he saw them he jumped out and walked
towards them.
Did you see them? Miguel asked as soon as he got close enough.
No, once I got the text I took off. Dave leaned against the car out of breath. Now what
did you see?
OK, so, you went in, then a couple of minutes later tow guys carrying suits walked in
and it looked like they were-
Hang on, Jonas cut him off. They were wearing suits or carrying suits?
Carrying them.
Why did you say wearing them? Dave asked.

No, man, no, I typed carrying, Miguel took out his phone and looked. Oh. Damn
Why? Why would you even mention the guys carrying suits? Dave was a little upset.
You said to let you know if I saw anything weird, that was weird. Miguel defended
himself and looked over to Jonas for support. Right, man? Thats what he said.
You did say that Dave. Jonas laughed as Dave looked on. Finally Dave stood straight
You know what Miguel? I hope you die a fiery death someday.
You dont mean that man, Miguel was a little hurt by the words.
Dave smiled his big smile and held his arms open wide. No, of course not. Now give me
a hug! He stepped towards Miguel.
Youre all sweaty man, quit playing. He pushed Dave away and Dave pretended to
chase him. Everyone was laughing as the pressure from the previous moment dissipated. Then
just as quickly the joviality stopped as Daves phone started buzzing.
Whats that? Jonas asked stepping over to see the phone.
Dave touched the phone and swiped his finger across the screen. After a second his nig
grin spread even wider than usual. That my friends is us getting paid. 148 Bitcoins are sitting in
our account right now.
That doesnt seem like a lot, Miguel shook his head. I thought there would be more.
Miguel, Jonas got his attention. That is just over fifty thousand dollars.
Oh, OK. That works. Now what?

Chapter Six

So, do you guys have cool hacker names now? Beth was sitting at the empty fourth
desk. After the mall the guys decided to go their separate ways for the weekend. This morning
they arrived at their cubical they found Beth had laid out a plate of doughnuts for them. They all
eyed her suspiciously, but accepted the doughnuts like lost members of the their tribe.
No, but that would be so awesome, Dave mumbled through a mouthful of tribe
member. I could be like, Batman, or something. Dave lowed his voice and added a raspiness.
I will avenge my parents by stealing all your digital data.
You cant be Batman, Dave. Thats not a hacker name. Miguel was indignant over the
suggestion. Comic books were his thing and he always got ruffled when the guys tried to play in
his play ground. A hacker name would be something cool, like Cutr or Walz. He took another
bite of doughnut and barely swallowed before talking again. Besides, Batman was a good guy,
maybe you could be something like Th3 Jok3r. He drew the name on a piece of paper and
showed everyone. That would be cool.
So all you have to do is replace some letters with numbers and that makes it cool, Beth
picked over one of the pastries and ended up passing. I was thinking something like Blade or
Razor, something dangerous.
Dangerous maybe, Beth, but we arent a street gang here. Jonas managed between
bites. We are just robbing from the rich You know like Robin Hood.
Someone sure has had a change of heart, Dave laughed. I notice you left out the giving
to the poor.
Hey, I was poor and I gave to myself, now I am less poor. He wiped his hands on his
pants and reached for another doughnut.
Speaking of which, Miguel finished of his last one, when do we get the money?
Like we said, Dave swallowed, That money is sitting safe for now. Lets give things
time and see what happens. If we get caught now we claim ignorance. If we caught and have a
crap load of money in our bank accounts, it will be harder to play dumb.
Yeah, Ok, I was just thinking that I could use my share for the wedding. There were
some things Josie wanted that we couldnt afford now we can.
Sorry Miguel, no way. Jonas jumped in.
What do you mean?

Even when we get the money, you cant just drop a big wad like that. How would you
explain it?
Yeah, go with that and let word get around. Next thing you know the IRS is banging on
the door, Dave interjected, And they are the real crooks.
So its like Goodfellas. Beth spoke up and everyone looked at her. You know they
stole all that money and werent supposed to spend it, but the one guy bought a car and new
Yeah, sort of like that. Jonas nodded. Look Miguel, you can use some of it, but just be
OK, I just wanted to do something for Josie.
You are buddy, but you have to be around to enjoy her gratitude.
All at once a couple of support calls came in that tied up Dave and Miguel. Jonas
motioned to Beth to walk with him. They left the cubical and walked toward the reception area.
Thanks for the doughnuts, he said in a really low voice.
Beth smiled. No problem. Least I could do since you went and pulled the caper without
Hardly a caper.
A job then.
Well, it was sort of a spur of the moment thing. We got lucky that Dave happened to
know the right people.
You think it was luck?
What do you mean?
I dont know, it just seems to me that things moved real quick from a hypothetical to a
Maybe a little, there was certainly a momentum to events.
Yeah, or maybe it was planning.
Jonas stared at her for a second before he answered. Dave?
She shrugged. I havent known him for that long, but he does seem like a douche.

King size. Like for elephants. Jonas agreed with her. But if he had that job planned
why did he need us?
Maybe he didnt for that one. She twirled her hair, Or maybe he just need the extra
push. You know him better than I do.
Well, I guess it doesnt matter at this point. They walked back towards the cubical, the
guys were wrapping up their calls, but seemed to be fairly minor. Beth cleaned up the remnants
of the doughnut massacre and went back to her station.
Jonas, my friend, I dont know what she sees in you, but you sir are a dog, Dave held
his fist out looking for a bump. Jonas left him hanging.
Not like that, he said out of reflex. He honestly had not thought about Beth like that,
until of course right at that moment. We just need to keep her happy so she doesnt say
anything. Both guys nodded. So, what is the next job?
Look at the eager beaver, Dave smiled. I am so proud of you.
Seriously. Any of your Dark net friends have anything? Jonas pulled his chair over to
Daves desk, Miguel joined him.
No, I thought we would try something different this time.
Like what?
A flash auction.
Easy, we pull some data, nothing major, and post the description on one of the sites, start
the clock and see how much money we can get in ann hour.
Have you dont this before? Jonas asked.
No, but I watched a couple. If we get the stuff, he made a whistle noise, it could be
worth more than the last one.
Alright, Miguel liked the sound of that. So what do we steal?
Dave sat there with the other two staring at him. Have either of you guys used a money
Both shook their heads.
OK, so what these guys do is manage your money by investing it in the stock market
and other investments.

Following, Jonas said. Keep going.

Well, these people do a of research. I mean they need to. If their customer makes money
they make money. If they lose money, well, they lose money. Dave turned to his computer and
brought up a list. We have seven money managers on our client list. Now the market is not a
twenty four hour thing, so what happens is these guys will queue up a bunch of trades after hours
and have them run as soon as the market opens. He stopped to make sure everyone was on the
same page.
So, Miguel spoke slowly, you want to rip of the stock market?
No, well, yes, but not like your thinking. Dave brought up a website that was showing
real time market activity. What we do, and we all need to do this to time it right, is get a list of
those trades that our seven customers are queuing up.
A light dawned in Jonass head. So we see what they are going to buy, and if they are all
buying the same thing, it should be sure bet.
Exactly. Dave shot Jonas with a finger gun. We sell the sure things in the auction. If
however buys them plays it right, they could make a ton of money.
Dave, you were a born criminal. Miguel complimented his friend. So how do we do
Jonas? This one is all you. Dave sat back in his chair and crossed his hands behind his
Jonas thought for a second, running through different scenarios. The trades are going to
be set to execute in their brokerage software, so we cant just log onto the machine and see what
is going on. So we need to install keyloggers to capture their logins and passwords to the secure
We can do that from our monitoring software and they would never know. Miguel was
helping out.
Right, once we have that we can get into their software. Which will log the sessions
when we sign in.
Not a prob, my scripts can spoof those logs, Dave chimed.
OK, OK. So we are in the system and the brokerage software, the trades will be queued
in there, so we just have to looks for a scheduled task and see what it launches. That will point us
to the transactions. Jonas was lost in his own world right now trying to sort the details. They
will have to be encrypted, that is the only way the system would receive them.

What if we trigger the task, have it send the transactions, then we have the files and half
the encryption key? Daves mind was working along the same lines.
The we just need the other key. Jonas dropped his head trying to visualize the flow of
Send a fake transaction with a trace and track. Beth had appeared from nowhere and
caused the three guys to jump. Then when the fake transaction tried to handshake you can
capture the other key. Then you have a full set and can decrypt. She stood with her arms
crossed. Cmon guys its easy.
Dave and Jonas smiled, Miguel frowned.
One problem, your highness. Dave was still smiling. If we hit the other end of the
system with seven bad transactions, we could trip something.
No, youre right. I know you dont hear that much Dave, she smirked. The key will to
time the fakes randomly, non-random. Make them look like bad packets instead of a denial of
Randomly non-random. Jonas thought out loud. How do we do that?
I can write a script, Dave snapped his fingers. Two parts. The first part comes up with
a random time between ten and forty seconds, the second part launches the fake transaction from
of the seven systems at random.
So it keeps going until it randomly hits all seven, Jonas nodded. Then if nothing else it
could look like a MAC address is just throwing off bad packets. That could work.
Yeah, sounds like it could, Miguel agreed. So what, about six oclock?
That should work, Dave nodded. Figure a couple for hours for the random scripts to
do their thing, a couple of hours to decrypt since we will have both keys, that means I can get the
auction going about eleven or ten. That should work.
So what can I do? Beth asked.
For now, nothing. Jonas rolled back to his station. We need to get the keyloggers
installed. Miguel and I will do that, Dave get your scripts going. Oh and yeah lets actually do our
work today so we dont get fired before were able to quit.
I feel useless, Beth sounded dejected, she had been looking forward to taking part in
the process.
Dont be silly, the whole fake transaction thing was perfect, really helps make you one
of the team? Dave offered up a fist for a bump. She smiled and bumped. Besides, Dave

smiled his wide smile, you are now officially an accessory. The smile left her face along with
most of the color. Dave laughed. Alright, lets get to work.

Chapter Seven

The rest of the day seemed to go by very slowly for all involved. Mind numbing remote
service calls tied the guys up most of the time and for Beth answering the and greeting visitors
caused the time to crawl almost as bad. When five oclock came most of the people in the
company headed to the exit. From her perch at the front she kept a silent head count as they
passed her by. Finally by five thirty everyone was gone except for her and the guys. She put
away her things and locked the front door. As far as anyone knew, they were all just working
late. She walked back to where they guys were and realized she could here raised voice the
closer she got.
Look, man, Im sorry. I ran out of time. Miguel was standing in the middle of the
How did you run out of time, he literally had all day, Dave was in front of his desk, still
typing as he spoke.
No we didnt. Miguel defended himself, We actually had a very small window. The
keylogger to get on in time to actually catch what we needed, I had to actually do some work
remember? He pointed at Dave accusingly, Not all of were able to spend the day on your pet
Beth walked in at that point. Whats going on? I could hear you half way up the hallway.
Nothing dramatic, Jonas stood up as she entered the area, Miguel didnt get one of the
keyloggers installed earlier enough so we werent able to get the login info we needed. So
instead of seven we end up with six, if it all goes well.
Will that be enough for what we need? She asked.
Yeah, we should be fine, Dave shot over his shoulder. I am just about ready here,
everything is in place. Jonas?
Yeah, Good here. Miguel?
Miguel sat back down and punched a few keys, All set.
OK, we have about fifteen minutes. Dave leaned back. A couple of time he attempted
to start some witty banter or perhaps start a conversation about a television show, but for the
most part the guys just wanted to be able to focus. Beth had sat down at the empty desk and
produced a pad and paper she was using to take notes with. After a few minutes of silence the
clock finally reached 6:01pm. Alright were up and live ready?

Yes, ready to go, Jonas confirmed as he leaned in close to his station.

Ready, Miguel answered.
OK, go. Dave gave the signal and all three started beating on their keyboards like
spastic drummers.
Beth watched in amazement as the keyboard ballet was underway. She tried to follow the
movements and sometimes even tied to ask questions. Grunts and half spoken sentences were all
she received. The guys were in their own world right now and she was just a bystander. There
were waves of cursing from them, followed by entreaties to the systems to play fair. By the time
they came for air, she was exhausted having just watched them. Dave was the first to actually
acknowledge her.
OK, this is where we are. It looks like everything worked. Your idea to get the other half
of the encryption key was brilliant. Right now we have the transactions from the six machines
and they are being decrypted.
About how long will that take? She asked writing in her notebook.
About two hours, Jonas said. We actually have every machine in the building working
on the encryption right now.
So now what? She asked.
Well, Dave pushed back from his desk, Miguel and Jonas will work on cleaning up
our trails, including removing the keyloggers, right?
Affirmative, Jonas mumbled.
Then while they do that we will get set up for the auction. He motioned for her to bring
her chair closer. Have you ever been on the Dark Net?
No, I didnt even realize it was real. She moved her chair over closer to Dave. He
smiled, but she didnt respond.
OK. Well it isnt like just using the Internet. First I have to open up a terminal program,
like so, he clicked a couple of buttons and a black screen appeared on his monitor. He typed in
some commands, So with the terminal I will connect to a Tor server and once connected can
surf the Deep Web anonymously.
Following so far. Using the Tor as a proxy shields your IP? She was writing everything

Yep, it actually randomizes the address that I am connect from. Hang on, he typed a
few commands, Ah, currently to the outside world we are connected through Morocco by about
three hops, so we should be good.
Now what?
OK, as long as this Window is running I can bring up another program that specifically
lets me browse Deep Net sites, it is like a web browser , but a little different. Dave typed in a
string of numbers into an address bar and a white screen with a list of links came up.
That looks different, Beth moved in closer.
It is. No need for all the flash and eye candy of the regular Internet. Dave clicked on a
link and the page changed. OK, so this where we will post the flash auction. See some of these
others? He clicked around on a couple of the auctions that were popping up. At any one time
they could have purchased anything from illegal drugs and guns, to a bootleg of one of the big
musical acts. One particular auction that seemed to be garnering a lot of attention was yet
another set of leaked celebrity photos.
Thats disgusting, Beth spat out shaking her head. No one respects privacy.
Dave couldnt help but laugh at her. You think there is any such thing anymore? Look,
as soon as everything went electronic privacy was over. So you have a credit card?
Well of course.
Lady Visa or Master Card?
Master Card.
OK, thats the 5, Dave brought up another screen and started typing. Probably a local
bank, he turned and looked at her. No chain, national, so the routing would be something like
this. He typed a series of numbers and asterisks. The asterisks are wild cards, they act as place
holders, the search will look at all the different permutations.
What are you searching for?
Hang on, Beth? Beth right? Yeah Ok, no last name. He held up his hand, No, dont tell
me. He typed some more and hit enter. Now we wait, should just be a minute. He started
humming the Jeopardy theme song, by the time he was done the results came up on the screen.
He clicked. Hmmm, thats interesting
What? Beth was afraid to ask.
Well, with that little bit of information, Beth Turnbolt? He pointed to the screen, I
can see that you like shopping at Whole Food, weekly, with a few random stops here and there

for groceries. You drive a real gas guzzler, looks like you fill up twice during the week and the
same Shell station. Let me guess this is a Shell Rewards card?
She nodded.
Lets see what else, he look I have an address, with another quick search I can pull a
credit history. He hit a couple of keys, Ooohhh still paying on the student loans huh? Or you
should be, looks like you missed a couple of payments. And it looks like you really like subway
All that just from a first name and knowing I had a credit card?
Yeah, I mean I could have done t with less if I had more time. I could go by your
mailbox and just see what is in there and have enough information to steal your identity.
I never realized.
Most people dont. You want the shocking thing?
That isnt it?
Nope. On the black market you name address and social security number would sell for
about $15. Dave was back to typing.
Thats it? Beth was astonished and a little frightened.
Yep, thats why the real money is in the big breaches. Professionals could care less about
one or two people, that want the big scores like Target or Home Depot. Now Do you want to see
something else?
I honestly dont know how to answer that?
You commented on the celebrities and the their privacy. He clicked back on the
previous auction. Look at this, fifty pictures of this poor young actress apparently off her own
phone. Judging by the samples an intimate moment with a loved one. A really, really loved one.
Yeah, god that is so disgusting.
So, here in the Deep Web, we use handles, those handles are usually tied to an IP
address that anyone with half a brain will spoof. Like sending a letter from a different zip code to
make it harder to track.
Beth shot him a quizzical look.
Dont ask. Lets just say that Captain Kangaroo and I had a very love hate relationship.
Anyway. So see the seller of the photos. Jenlove809. Wathc this. Dave clicked around and after
a couple fo minutes was able to translate the handle to an IP address. So now I trace this, and I

can see where the IP address goes, which in this case is the gateway for the William Morris
Agency In Los Angeles California. He shook his head and made a clicking sound. The idiots
arent even using encryption.
Wait, so what are you saying?
Oh, yea, sorry. Well, it seems like those photos were uploaded by the poor girls agents.
Dave laughed. Either she is getting screwed or she is looking for a quick buck. Either way, I
wouldnt feel too sorry for her. Its like my Grandma always said. If you dont want people to see
your thing, keep in your pants. She was Catholic you know.
Jonas walked over and stepped between the two. If you guys are done messing around
we have the trades cracked. Are you ready to set up the auction?
Yeah, send the info over. Dave turned to Beth. So did you learn anything tonight?
Beth stood up from her chair and walked over out of the cubical. Yeah, pay cash.
Damn straight. All three guys chimed in at once.

Chapter Eight

John Jones had been working the third shift at one of the SEC branch offices for ten
years. His job was to watch the transactions and see if anything weird stood out. He had two
degrees, one in computer science and one in mathematics and he made good money considering
his job was to watch a set of monitors. He told people that is was all about watching for patterns,
if you see a pattern, something could be going on. He hated working this shift because it was too
quiet and it way too easy to lose focus. On the day shift, amidst all the chaos of the trading floor
o the exchanges, things tended to stand out more.
Once back in 2008 he watched as almost a billion dollars of net value in the market
disappeared, he panicked and made the call everyone in his position dreaded. Luckily it was just
a glitch that day and the afterhours market corrected itself. A few months later the day shift guys
would get to watch as it happened for real. He was glad it was not on his shift.
A couple f times over the years they tried to replace the guys like Jones with a computer
system. The problem with that was it lacked the gut instincts of a real person. It would see
patterns where there were none and tended to panic because it went just with the numbers and
not the entire context. The system was complicated, but at its core was really simple. If you see
something strange, call someone. And right at this moment Jones was seeing something strange.
He picked up his phone and dialed an extension.
Watchdesk. The voice said after the line picked up.
This is Jones on 243. I am seeing something strange in the stream right now. Can you
patch me through to the boss?
Sure, Jones, hang on.The hold music was old muzak from the eighties. Jones sat and
listened, a couple of times he found himself tapping along, sometimes humming. It felt like he
had been on hold for hours before someone came back on the line. Still there Jones?
OK, transferring now. The line went dead for a brief second before it was picked up
Deputy Directors office, Reese speaking.
Reese, this is Jones over on 243.
Hey Jones, Watchdesk said you might have something.

Maybe. There was a series of bad transactions that hit the network a little bit ago, they
were from different machines, but all in the same region.
Random or sequential?
Random, but almost too random, thats why it stuck out.
OK, Reese took a deep breath. Scale of one to ten, what does your gut say?
Jones thought about it for a second before answering. Five.
OK. Reese sighed. They were all bad, could it have been a fishing attempt?
Could be.
OK, Ill have the encryption keys cycled. Do you have a map of where the transactions
came from?
Uploading now.
Right. Put sniffers on those IPs and lets monitor. Probably nothing, but better to be
paranoid then wrong.
Well said.
Thanks for jumping on this Jones, I hope the rest of the night is uneventful. If not you
know how to get a hold of me.
Yes sir. With that Jones hung up the phone and went to work setting up the sniffers.
These programs were designed to trace traffic between two different networks, in a way it was
like a well run border crossing. Everything in and out would be monitored. Reese had been the
duty office the last time Jones had a major false alarm, he hoped that was a good sign that this
was nothing. He got the programs set up and the rest of the night went by uneventfully.

Chapter Nine

Wow. Dave moved away from his desk. They had all been huddled around it for the last
hour as the auction ran. Just wow.
Yeah, no kidding. Jonas stood and stretched.
Almost twenty grand, that is just incredible. Miguel went back to his desk and opened a
drawer. He pulled out a two liter of Mountain Dew and cracked it open, taking a swig. He passed
it over to Beth who looked at him strangely for a second, the shrugged and greeted the bottle
with a long swig.
Jonas took it from her and followed suit. Ahh, a good week. He laughed and handed it
over to Dave.
Nope He waved it off. Too late at night for that stuff. His phone chirped at him. That
should be our money.
So we have to sit on this also? Miguel asked.
For a little bit man, be patient. Dave went to the desk and clicked a few buttons. Ok,
the data has been sent. We are done for the night.
Alright gang, Josie expected me home hours ago. Im headed out.
Good night Miguel. Jonas smacked his friend on the back. I should take off also, Beth
can I escort you out?
Sure. She smiled at him. We are going to have a long day tomorrow and I should be
getting to sleep soon.
Jonas tried to parse the comment for a second, trying to discover any innuendo or hidden
meaning, but he was too tired. He eventually just nodded and grabbed his coat. You going to
close us down Dave?
Yep. I have it under control. He smiled and waved as the all headed out. Once he was
sure they were out of the building he sat back down at his station and opened a chat window. It
sat blinking for a couple of minutes before anything happened. Finally the windows sprang to
Status? Came up on the screen.
Two down. Dave typed in.

Cover intact?
So far so good. What is the next target?
The cursor blinked for what seemed like hours, but it was only a minute or so. Dave was
nervously looking around. He double checked his firewalls while he was waiting and more than
once glanced over at the other stations in the cubical.
Eastern National Bank account 1692347867. Take possession of data in the account ans
await instructions.
Wipe? He asked.
Understood. Dave replied and watched as the chat session terminated. He thought for a
couple of minutes about the partnership he was in. One he would be able to tell the guys about,
hopefully they would all be rich enough to where they would understand. For now though, it was
late and he decided to head out. In the morning he would find some way to bring the bank up to
the guy, making it sound like his idea of course.

Jonas was late to work. He hated being late to work, but by the time he got home last
night and was finally able to sleep, well it was almost time to wake up. So he dragged in
everything from taking his shower, to making his coffee, to getting on the road. It was almost
8:30 before he hit the door. The first thing he noticed was that Beth was not at her desk. He
nodded and smiled at the temp that was sitting there and made his way back to the cubicle.
Wow, you are late. Miguel took notice as Jonas pulled out his chair. I got you coffee
but its cold now.
Thanks, Ill nuke it. It took him a second to realize that Dave was not at his desk. Did
I beat Dave?
No, he is around here somewhere. He came in and dropped his stuff, then ttok off.
I noticed Beth wasnt upfront.
Yeah, I talked to Judy, she called in sick.
Huh. Jonas shrugged.
Huh, what?

What do you mean?

You said it weird.
Sorry, didnt mean anything. Jonas took the cup of coffee that Miguel had brought for
him and walked over to the microwave. After about 30 seconds he was back. Is it just me or is
everyone acting weird?
Miguel looked at him with a quizzical look. I dont think so. Youre just being
Yeah, I guess. Jonas sat down and started going through his work orders. It was another
hour before Dave finally showed up.
Hey, guys. He said, fairly quietly as he slid into his seat.
They both grunted at him but that about all the acknowledgement they were going to give
him since they were both involved with support calls. Another twenty minutes went by before
Jonas was able to get free.
So, where have you been? HE turned to face Dave.
I could ask the same of you, Dave shot back.
Just ran a little late. Jonas offered. Everything good?
Yeah, Dave said unconvincingly. I was meeting with Mr. Rice. Rice was the official
head of their department, but he was very hands off. As long as the guys were hitting there
Service Level Agreements there was not much more for him to do.
Really? Now that is interesting. Jonas arched an eyebrow. What about?
Well, I was talking to him about our next target.
What!?! Jonas exclaimed. Instantly Miguel turned around in his seat.
Relax. Im not an idiot.
Debatable, but please explain. Jonas growled.
Yeah, yeah. Calm down. Dave pulled out his personal tablet and brought something up
on the screen, then turned it so the guys could see it. See this site?
Eastern National Bank, so? Miguel said.
Yeah, their one of our customers, actually one of yours Jonas.
Jonas nodded.

Well, then you now that they handle mainly commercial accounts. Well a little bit of
digging after you guys left last night and I found that they service a couple of the big
construction companies in town. Well, I was thinking, maybe if we could get some of the account
information for those companies, it may be worth it to someone. Dave cycled through the sites
of a couple of the construction companies, just to put names to the companies.
Does this have something to do with the County information? Jonas asked.
Yeah, maybe. See if you have an idea what sort of resources your competition has it
could give you a leg up in the bidding. Dave had spent most the night putting the pitch together
which didnt give him much time for rehearsal. I was thinking if we could get it, I could always
go back to the guys that bought that bid information, could be easy.
OK, more on that in a second, Jonas furrowed his brow, What does it have to do with
Mr. Rice?
Yeah, Miguel parroted.
Dave smiled and put away his tablet. I was trying to figure a way to get on the system
legitimately, and thought I would pitch an upgrade to their system. Not a real one, but
something that could get us into their system for a bit.
And that would need signed off on by Mr. Rice. Jonas finished for him.
Did he go for it?
No. He said it wasnt worth the resources. Dave screwed his face up and clucked.
Well have to figure out something else.
Whats the big deal, Miguel asked, we should be able to get in with no problem.
No, Jonas replied. Like Dave said this is my customer and I know the system. It wont
be easy. He turned to his station and brought up the customer file. Yeah, see. This branch that
we deal with is one of about a hundred and fifty in their network. This one is part of a security
pilot program within that network.
OK, and what does that mean? Miguel asked.
Well, Dave took over. What it means is that they have some pretty awesome security
protocol in place.
Miguel nodded, Like what?

Well, first of all, Jonas looked over the list, We dont have direct remote access. To
get in remotely we have to be escorted by their help desk. I call and make an appointment, they
send me a onetime use key that expires immediate after I log in. So certainly not something we
can do after hours.
Yeah, but thats not the best part is it? Dave asked leadingly.
No. Jonas sighed deeply. They use a dual log system. One local actually on the server
itself, and a second in the cloud on a virtual server. They us a random sync and if one log doesnt
match the other when the sync happens it flags the transaction and doesnt sync it until a help
desk supervisor approves it.
So we cant log in remotely and we cant change the logs. Miguel shook his head. I
dont think it is something we should try. I mean, how would we even do it?
That is a problem, Jonas looked over at Dave. What was the upgrade?
The monitoring that we use on the system, right now what we have on there is hobbled,
sending information only, it wont respond to any of our requests. Dave turned back to his
screen. I was hoping that we would be allowed to upgrade it with them knowing, without that I
dont have any ideas.
Jonas flipped though the customer file back and forth trying to find something he could
use. Whats our goal here? He asked.
Dave turned his head, The account data for the construction companies.
How current?
What do you mean?
I mean like as of this second, or can it be, say twenty four hours?
Dave thought about it, his orders were fairly vague. Within a day or two should still be a
good snapshot. What are you thinking?
Lets go after the backups. Jonas spoke slowly, like he was still forming the plan as he
was talking.
OK, listening.
Well, looking at their file, when we get alerts from their system we are supposed to
contact them with a resolution. That means that they dont get copies of the alerts. Jonas was
taling faster now as his idea was gaining momentum. So we tell them that we caught a problem
with the backups and that we want to run attest restore. They give me the one time key I log in
and do a test restore. Instead of doing the restore back on their server, I point the restore to a

virtual machine that we set up in the cloud. Once we have the restored data we tell them that
everything was OK, it was a false alarm, we close out and we are home free.
Nope, wont work, Miguel had been taking notes. When you do a test restore the logs
will show where its pointing, theyll see that the restore wasnt done locally.
Yeah, but why would the check the logs? Dave was following closely. They would
have no reason to.
So the entire plan revolves around them not checking after us? Miguel didnt look
To a point. Jonas said, But Dave is right. The key is not giving them a reason to check
after us. This is just a case off using a little bit more social engineering than computer
engineering. I think it may work.
I think your forgetting the main thing here buddy, said Miguel.
Whats that?
Your fingerprints will be all over it. If they do check, if they do decide to do what they
should do and verify your work, they will see what you did and it will be very hard to explain it
away. Miguel leaned forward in his chair, arms resting on his knees. Look, we have had some
good luck, this was a bad idea to start and honestly it has not gotten any better. The risk is too
high. Lets just call it a day and go back to work. It was heartfelt and almost pleading in its
delivery. Jonas thought about it and realized that Miguel was right. He was just about to agree
with him when Dave decided it was his turn.
Cmon Dave, were done. Jonas spoke up.
No, we cant stop now. We have gone too far and have to finish this. He had thought
that he had squashed their doubts and rebelliousness, but maybe he had pushed too far. He
couldnt tell them what he had gotten them into at this point. Look, guys. We have made some
money, this should be a good score also. He willed himself to look sincere, and tried to squeeze
some tears, but it didnt quite work. He would have to try a different tact. OK, youre right, both
of you. Lets just do this one last job and call it.
I dont know. Miguel said, I guess its up to Jonas, especially since it falls on him.
If your good Miguel, we can do this one more. Think of it as your wedding present.
Jonas tried smiling but suddenly felt a little squeamish.
Agreed, then. Dave clapped his hands. One more job.

One more job. Jonas agreed and reached for his phone.

Chapter Ten

Eastern National Bank, this is the Help Desk, Mary speaking. How can I assist you?
The voice was soft and sweet, the perfect tone to start off with when calling a support line.
Jonas cleared his throat. Hi Mary, this is Jonas over at FutureTek, we have a couple off
alerts on your backups we need to check out. He had took a couple of minutes before calling to
practice in the bathroom. He made an honest to not tell many lies in his everyday life, but like
most people some always slipped out. It was the preplanned ones that always gave him trouble
OK, Jonas, first off, hello. Second of can you confirm your vendor code? Marys voice
was very sing-song, almost hypnotic.
Sure, AB4657. He recited to her from the open document on his desktop.
That checks out. She sang to him. What is the issue?
According to the alert, last nights backups look like they got corrupted. I want to go in
and check, do a test restore kick the tires and all. He was working hard to make it all sound
conversational. He used to get in trouble with people when he talked about work, he always
came off condescending even when he didnt mean to.
Hang on a second, let me check. She was only off the line for a second, but it could
have been hours for Jonas. My system doesnt see an issue.
Hmmm, well that could be good or bad. Either there is something wrong, but your
system isnt showing it or there is nothing wrong and our system is broken. He knew she
wouldnt see anything. Let me pop in for a bit and see if I can get it sorted. He crossed his
fingers and held them up so the guys could see.
Better safe than sorry I suppose. Mary said to him sounding inhumanly cheerful. I will
send you code to the approved address we have on you. You know how it works, once you log in
that code will not be valid anymore. You will be ejected from the system if the session is inactive
for more than five minutes. When you are done, please call back and close the ticket. If further
action is required, please call back and inform the Help Desk.
Shouldnt be long. Thanks.
The cde has been sent. Have a nice day.
Jonas hung up the phone and checked his mail, sure enough the access code was already
waiting for him. He initiated the remote session and logged into the server. Ok, Im in. He

announced to the room. Now, just in case things go pear shaped, I need you guys to leave the
Really? Dave asked.
Yeah. You guys cant be here. Take a break, get some coffer or chips. Just get out. He
turned and made a shooing motion. The guys begrudgingly left their desks. Jonas looked around
and nodded. He opened up the backup software and just out of reflex checked to make sure that
it ran last night. It did. He then verified that he could ping the cloud server that they had created,
once that was verified he created a folder on a mount point that would connect the physical
server he was on with the cloud server.
For the next part he went back to the backup software and chose a selective restore, and
sorted through the list of files until he found the customer database that should contain what they
were looking for. He selected it then told the software to restore to the mount point. The job
started and he sat back and watched the progress bar. The database was not as big as one would
expect, and the timer was estimating about twenty minutes. There were points during the transfer
that it seemed as if time had stopped completely, but once it was done he wasted no time
cleaning up and getting out of the system. They would connect to the cloud server in a little bit to
verify the work. This was all or nothing.
Relived it was over he picked up the phone and dialed the bank again. Eastern National
Bank, this is the Help Desk, Mary speaking. How can I assist you? It was Mary again.
Hi Mary, Jonas with FutureTek again. Were all done here. He tried to sound just as
cheerful, but his voice was still a little shaky.
Hello, Jonas. May I have your vendor code please?
Thank you. So what did you find?
Nothing much, it looks like our software had a bit of a freak out. I did the test restore
and everything looks good.
Great. Are you closing the ticket?
Yes, lets close it. Jonas sighed, I appreciate your help.
No problem, keep an eye out for us and if you need anything else just give is a call.
Jonas could tell Mary was actually smiling as she hung up the phone. He dropped his handset
into the cradle and dropped his head on the desk. He could hear the sound of footsteps getting
louder behind him and then stop. Just check it would you and leave me alone.

Sure. Dave sat down and went to work. Miguel patted Jonas on the back and went to
his station. OK, looks good, we got the entire data base, what we need should be there.
Good. Jonas raised his ahead and look straight at Dave. Sell it and we are done.
OK, but-
No. Done.

Chapter Eleven

There was no pretense this time for Dave. No fake data drop, no acting scared around the
mall. This time the hand off would be done in person. Dave sat at the bar nursing a local craft
beer waiting for his contact to show up. The thumb drive in his pocket felt like it was buring him
but he focused on the ball game that was playing over the bar.
This seat taken?
Dave turned around and saw Beth standing there. He rolled his eyes, Yes actually. Im
waiting for someone.
I know. This is where they told me to meet you. She smiled, sat down and ordered
drink from the bartender. Cmon you have to be at least a little surprised.
Dave looked at her and shook his head. No, not really. It sort of makes sense. Just one
question. Did they put you in the place after they made contact with me or before? Honestly I
have no idea when you actually started.
You flip bastard. She said. It was after the first contacted you. I had to make sure that
you carried through with your part of the bargain. Besides, you have no idea how close you were
to lsing Jonas. Hes a good guy, not cut out for what we do.
Dave turned on his stool and faced her. And what is it we do Beth?
Dont be nave. Were thieves, Dave. The bad guys. We steal for a living and make good
money. Sure better than being a flirty receptionist. She took a drink, emptying her glass and
slammed it on the bar. And dont forget. You were one trolling the Deep Web looking for jobs
you could pull off. And what did you find? Nothing, because you dont have the skills. Jonas is
the one we really want to flip, but I guess we have to make do with you. No do you have the
Now listen to me, missy. Dave was half standing now. I am good at what I do, much
better than Jonas, you, whoever you are should feel lucky that I am working for you. It was his
turn now to drain his drink. Yes, I have the drive, but I want the money first. Not stupid Bitcoins
or anything like that. I want cash. The more he talked the more confident he felt, the alcohol
didnt hurt on that front either.
Sorry, thats not how it works.
Yes, it is. That is how it works now. He stood up to leave but Beth put a hand on his

Lets be reasonable. If you walk out of here right now, it would not be good for any of
Nuh-uh. The guys are out. Ill keep working, but for cash. He pulled the drive out of his
pocket. You want this now? Make a call and get me some cash, then we will talk. You have ten
minutes and I am out the door.
Youre an idiot. She took her phone and walked outside. Dave ordered another drink
and worked hard to not let his courage leave him behind. He looked at the clock, then the door,
then, the clock, then the door. Two minutes until his deadline Beth walked back in the door.
Here. She handed him an envelope, and left her hand outstretched. Dave put the drive
in her hand and grabbed the envelope.
There was that so hard? He smirked at her.
Dont push it. She turned to leave.
Hang on, one other question?
What? She turned.
That account they had us pull. Who was it?
Why does it matter?
Morbid curiosity.
Look Dave, her face softened and for just a second he thought he see compassion, I
dont like you. I never have, but really, the less you know the better. Take your money, go home
and the next time you are told to do something just do it.
So no?
No. You really dont want to know. She walked out leaving Dave standing there
wondering what he had gotten into. With nowhere else really to go he sat back down and the bar
to turned his attention back to the game. Now instead of the drive buring his leg, it was an
envelope full of money. It wasnt that he was scared, just a little worried. He ordered another
beer and tried to forget, even if just for a little bit.


The next day he walked into the office, Beth not surprisingly was not there again. He
realized as he reached for the time clock that he was actually on time. Happy with himself he
walked back to eth cubical where Jonas and Miguel were already settled in and starting their day.
Hey, guys. Good news. He tossed an envelopes at each of them. They paid cash this
time, since it was the last I figured why not.
Miguel opened his envelope and turned white. How much is in here?
I dont know, Dave said as he settled into his desk. Seven, eight grand.
Thanks, Jonas put the envelope in his pocket. were done right? I mean we all
Dave? Miguel implored.
Yeah, certainly. Dave did a double take. Why?
Well, I was digging through some of that data from yesterday and-
You what? Dave started sweating.
Dont worry, just poked around a little last night.
What did you find?
You know how you said that we were after accounts for some construction companies?
Well, that is the weird thing. A couple of the companies that had accounts dont seem to exist.
Jonas was proud of what he found, he felt like detective in one of his favorite television shows.
Dave face palmed. Was one of them account number 1692347867?
Yeah. Jonas looked surprised.
You said last night, was that before or after I copied the data over to my drive?
I kept a copy, didnt think it could hurt. Jonas pulled a thumb drive out of his desk.
Dave blanched. Why did you keep that? He looked absolutely terrified
Hang on, Jonas furrowed his brow, How did you know?
Know what? Dave was exasperated.
The account number. How did you know that was one of the ones that we took?
Would you believe a lucky guess?

No, try again.

OK, well. Looks like I have a story to tell.

Chapter Twelve

Something wasnt sitting right with Jones. The errors the other night were just too
random. He had placed the sniffers as he was told, but he did something else that he was not
supposed to do. When a server connects to a another server on the internet it uses DNS as a road
map. Certain machines on the Internet act as guide posts or information kiosks. As data moves
from one place to another is asks for directions and then gets passed along. At each stop a record
is made of where the data came from and where it was going. The records in general dont exists
in any one place for too long, usually only a matter of minutes, sometimes seconds. If not for that
the Internet would be incredibly slow and gummed up.
So he acted quickly and set up a trace on the servers where the corrupted data came from
and followed the breadcrumbs back to their origin. Seven servers, all from different companies
all had corrupt data sent in random bursts. All the companies were located in the same general
geographic area. He had been working on the data he had gathered for a couple of days and had a
good feeling he was on to something. Now he had the missing piece and needed to call in for
Watchdesk. The voice said after the line picked up.
This is Jones on 243. Hey is Reese the duty officer tonight? He liked Reese and when
you were about to go far out on limb it was nice to have someone you like standing there with a
Yeah, Jones he is. What do you have.?
A theory, more of an idea. Can you get him for me?
Sure, hold on. The same exact muzak as last time graced his ears and he waited for the
familiar voice.
Reese here Jones, what do you have?
Hey, man. Jones flipped through his notepad. You remember the other night? Those
corrupt packets?
Yeah, we put sniffers on sources.
I did a little more than that.
Go on?

OK, so I took a look at the traffic incoming from the seven servers that through off the
packets. He paused to catch his breath. They are all firms in and around Chicago. Kind of
weird they are all in the same are right, I mean that sort makes the randomness not so random.
There was silence on the other end until Reese spoke up. OK, that is weird. What else do
you have?
So, heres the thing. When you start looking at the traffic from earlier in the day to those
severs, that is when you find something interesting. All of them had connections that came from
an IT support company called FutureTeck.
Big place?
Yeah, bunch of locations. I went to their website and the list each and every one of those
firms as a customer.
You think this was an attack? Reese, unlike Jones, was on duty the night the entire
global economy almost collapsed. He and his co-workers watched helplessly as the system
failed. He vowed that day to never let it happen again.
I cant say for sure, maybe. Jones tapped the notebook as he thought. Do you think we
have enough for a warrant?
The silence had returned on the other end. This time though he could here Reese
whispering to someone. Do you have any notes you can send over?
I do, I can type them up and email them.
Good. Here is what I want you to do. Blanket FutureTeck with sniffers. I every bit of
traffic in and out of that place on your screen. I dont care if someone is updating their fantasy
team or buying a mail order bride from Russia. Everything. Understood?
Yes, sir.
You start that, Ill take your notes over to the FBI and see if they will get us a warrant
for a site search. Thankfully we dont really need one for the sniffers.
Yeah, good thing. Jones rolled his eyes. Ill start getting it setup up. Youll have the
notes here in a second. Thanks Reese, something just struck me as odd.
No problem, get to work, I start the process on this end.
Jones hung up the phone and went to work.

Chapter Thirteen

So you have been playing us all this time? Jonas was just about ready to punch Dave
square in the jaw, only Miguel stood between them.
I wouldnt say it like that, Dave was halfway between his desk and the entrance to the
cubical, a large portion of his brain was telling him to run. Look, I may not have been honest
nefore, but I am now. He smiled, Jonas lunged but Miguel caught him.
Let me go Miguel. Jonas growled.
Man, hitting him will not help the situation, He maintained hi grip.
No, but it will make me feel better. Jonas relazex a bit and Miguel let go. Why arent
you more upset?
Its Dave. How long have you been working with him? Miguel gently pushed Jonas
back towards his desk. Did you really think he had suddenly become a new person? He turned
around to Dave who had also relaxed and was sitting on his desk. And you?
Yes, Michael?
If your Mom was sick you should have just said something. We could have done a lot of
things to raise money for you, you didnt have to go and steal it. Miguel chastised him.
I know guys. Look, She needed money for her treatment, damn insurance quit paying.
He willed tears into his eyes, this time it worked. I read an article about the Deep Web and
started poking around, I saw some of those jobs listed and knew they were way beyond me. He
sniffed. I couldnt tell you guys what was going on, it, it just hurt too much. He moved to his
chair and grabbed a tissue from the box on his desk.
Damn it. Jonas was still angry, his face was red and he was breathing hard. I still feel
like we got played.
I know, I am so sorry. Dave wiped his nose. Jonas, buddy, that thmb drive with that
data, we have to get rid of it.
Why, whats the big deal. Your people got their copy. Suddenly it dawned on Jonas
what he needed to do. I think Im going to give it to the cops, whatever is going on is totally
Panic crept into Daves voice as his demeanor changed. Not a good idea. I mean how are
you going to get it too them without implicating us. Who would take care of my mom

Seriously? Beth walked into the cubical. The look on her face was like someone
walking in halfway through Waiting for Godot. What the heck is going on guys? She locked
eyes with Dave. What have I missed? Daves crying so it much be good.
Dave felt his stomach tighten as he considered blowing her cover right now, but then he
realized he would be blowing his own. As improbable as it was the story about his mother
seemed to work. Nothing, just guy talk. He tried to be non-chalant.
No, Dave. Beth is involved in this also, Jonas stood up and took her hands. Beth,
Dave has been lying to us this entire time.
Oh really? She fought the urge to pull her hands away, she may have been a liar, but
that just made her a good actress. About what?
Well, it turns out that we thought he came up with this idea on his own, but it turns out
some guys on the Internet talked him into it. Jonas let one had go but kept the other, mainly out
of curiisty.
What guys?
He doesnt know, Jonas shot Dave a look, or at least he wont tell.
OK, thats enough, Im sure she doesnt want to hear anymore. Dave stood up and
tossed the tissue in the garbage. Anyone else ready for lunch? He then looked straight at Beth.
Arent you sick today, you look a little peaked.
Not as much as you. She replied, dropping Jonass hand. OK, so how did Dave find
these guys?
On the Deep Web, but you see, Jonas cleared his throat, it turns out that Daves
mother is sick and he needed the money, these guys offered him jobs, but he needed us to carry
them out.
Really? She was staring holes into Dave. Seems a little convoluted, maybe even made
It doesnt matter. Miguel joined back in. We are going to give him all the money from
the three jobs, for his Mom, and we were just talking about going to the Police.
Beths head turned to Miguel so quick it almost made a snapping sound. Youre thinking
Tell her Jonas. Dave was smiling again, seeing Beth panic made him feel much better.
Well, anonymously of course. He pulled out the thumb drive. See this is from that last
job we pulled, and it kind of looks like the bank was doing some kind of money laundering.

Beth stared at the drive as if it were made of unicorns and pixie dust. You kept a copy of
the data?
Yeah, I was just curious. He put the drive back in his pocket.
What do say Beth? Dave practically spit out her name. Should we send it to the
What, um, no, I mean, I dont know. She stammered. You what you should do? She
was trying to recover as if from a blow to her face, Dave, you should send that to the people that
paid for it and make sure you have no more copies. Thats what you should do. She was
speaking straight to Dave now as if the others didnt even exist.
Dave suddenly was feeling like his old self again. You what Jonas, lets do this. Why
dont we hold onto it for a bit, for insurance purposes.
Why would we need insurance? As far as anyone knows this copy doesnt even exist.
Jonas was feeling a little confused, like he was in a different conversation. I think the police
would be able to use it, we certainly dont need it. I mean all the stuff you did on the Deep Web
was anonymous, so its not like anyone is even looking for it.
I dont know Jonas, these people cant be trusted. Right Beth? He smiled a big
Cheshire Cat smile. You never know if they have eyes and ears anywhere. Heck they could be
listening to us right now.
Youre really acting funny Dave, Miguel mentioned. Guys, lots not argue about this.
How about we just give it Beth, she seems like the only level headed one here. Then she can do
whatever she wants to with it.
That would work, Beth piped up before he had even finished his sentence. I, know just
what to do with it.
I bet you do. Dave walked over to Jonas. Dude, give me the drive. You know the rule,
never trust a woman. Beth put her hand on his shoulder, she was surprisingly strong. Now
Beth, dont make a scene, and get your hand off of me. I already told them about my mother, I
could tell them how we met.
I KNEW IT! Miguel jumped in the air. You guys have slept together, man there is
some real chemistry between you two.
Yep, Dave nodded, a real volatile chemistry. Sorry for not telling you guys sooner.
Yeah, sorry. Beth gritted her teeth as Dave blew her a kiss. She decided that going
along with the store was in her best interest. Its a real love hate thing.

Yeah, Jonas looked disgusted, not handing the drive over to her. He looked at the
drive again then at Dave, Beth and Miguel. He knew that whatever he decided was probably
going to be wrong, so he opted for the least wrong. Lets hold onto it for a couple of days, its
not going anywhere and think we should give it to a third party. Miguel, take this home and give
it to Josie. Dont tell her what it is, just ask her to hide for us. Will that work for everyone?
Dave smiled. Miguel nodded his agreement. Beth glared.
Ill take that as a yes. He sighed and sat back in his chair after handing the drive to
Miguel. Now, can you all please get back to work, the tickets are starting to pile up.

Chapter Fourteen

What the Hell were you thinking coming back here? Dave slammed Beth against the
wall. He wasnt the violent type, but he was starting to find his limits.
Hands off! She pushed back. What the Hell do you think you were doing telling them
that story? Why tell them anything.
I thought I could come up with something to get that drive from Jonas. He let go and
looked around the break room, half expecting, well, not knowing what to expect.
Well, that didnt work. She straightened her dress. You need to get that drive and hand
it over.
You know, Dave scratched his chin, Maybe I dont. It does make a good insurance
Beth was obviously angered. Once I tell my boss you guys have it, he will make sure he
gets it. She drew her hand across her throat, No matter what it takes.
Drama queen. Dave barked. Look, he softened his tone some, What would it take
for you to stall for a couple of days, give me some time to convince the guys to hand it over?
Nothing. She sttod firm. Dave, if the boss or anyone, finds out that you have a copy
of theat data, and that I knew about it, we will all be dead.
That big a deal eh?
Bigger than you.
One day. Give me one day. He was not the kind of guy to beg, unless sex was involved,
and his years of experience told him that it currently was not. Never the less he could be seen as
begging. One day so that I can keep those guys from getting killed.
Beth shook her head. Dave I cant. She relaxed a little feeling a little bit of compassion.
Just as she was about to relent, Jonas walked into the break room.
So, is this a thing now? Are you guys a couple? he snarked.
What? No! Ew! Dave responded tactfully.
Hey, what does that mean? Beth instantly becomes tense again.
OK, Ok, I was just joking anyway. Jonas burst out laughing. Beth stared daggers at him
and moved to the door.

One day, Dave. Twenty four hours. She walked out of the break room.
What was that all about.? Jonas asked.
I dont know, Dave smirked, Woman problems I guess. Dave pulled open the
refrigerator and grabbed a can of soda. It wasnt his, but he didnt care. So, about that drive
Dude, leave it alone. Jonas took his coffee cup out of the microwave. We all agreed to
hold onto it for a bit, thats what you wanted isnt it?
At the time, sure, but now Dave took a long drink out of the can. Some things have
changed and I think we should give it to the cops.
Really? Jonas looked hopeful, maybe Dave could be redeemed. What about all of us
getting implicated and tossed in jail?
Valid, valid things, but, here is what I am thinking. He finished the can and tossed it
into the recycling. We do it anonymously. We just leave it on the door step. Like a baby. In
What if we just wipe the drive and be done with it?
Dave had thought about that, but they would want proof, and how do you prove it? Plus
too much would rely on Beth playing along. No, not an option. He said out loud.
Seems like the best one.
Well, lets say we did just wipe it a nd forget about it, Dave was improvising to beat
the band. You said it looks like money laundering right?
It could be. I am far from an expert.
Ok, so if someone is laundering the money, that would mean it was stolen right?
Probably, you would need to clean it so you could use it without it being traced.
So if we just erase the data, think of all the people that would never see their money
again. It was a Hail Mary pass, Dave almost closed his eyes to keep from seeing if the idea was
a hit or miss.
You have lied so many times before, I mean seriously why should any of us trust you
Look Jonas, I know I screwed up, and I want to make it right for you guys. Give me the
drive, Ill turn myself along with it. No one ever has to know you and Miguel were involved in

And Beth, you have to make sure she walks away also.
Sure, Dave shrugged. Her too.
Let me talk to Miguel in the morning and Ill convince him to hand it over to you.
Jonas smiled feeling he had done the right thing. Will that work?
Yeah, that will work, Dave smiled thinking he had dodged a bullet. Wait, why
tomorrow? Why not now?
Man, you are having a bad day. Jonas laughed and slapped Dave on the shoulder.
Miguel went home early, he and Josie had to meet with the wedding planner. We wont see him
until sometimes tomorrow.
Oh, Dave was dumbstruck. Hey, do you happen to see what direction Beth went?

Beth left the break room and walked to her desk in the font of the office, technically she
was still out sick so the temp was sitting in her chair.
Feeling better? The temp asked in a slow drawl. Beth couldnt quite place where it was
from but it made her think of her own accent, or at least the original one which had taken her
years to suppress.
A little but I think since you are still here I am just going to head home. She coughed a
little for emphasis. That ok?
Hone thats fine, I could use the hours. She smiled as Beth grabbed her coat and walked
out the front door.
Beth had been surprised when she walked into the sharing circle earlier. Dave was the
sort of person that made her job the most dangerous, a wild card. She had promised him twenty
four hours before she reported to her boss, but in retrospect that didnt seem like such a great
idea. If her employers knew that she knew a copy of the account was in the wind, she would be
flying from a flag pole. As she left the building she came to the conclusion that it was probably
best to break the news in person, at least then she would seem brave, and sometimes that was
She got into her car and drove down town to a small office complex, it was not a high
rise, which made it look really out of place as they surrounded it on all sides. She parked in the
private lot and walked to the front doors. Standing out in front was a guard. A tall man in a dark
suit, sunglasses and little earpiece which was obvious to all that approached him. She smiled as

she walked by and he held the door out for her. The lobby of the building was rather bleak, nondescript, The art that hung on the wall could have been from any hotel chain in the country. She
made her way to the elevator where she was greeted by another guard, they exchanged smiles as
she waiutined for the doors to open.
Had she not been known to the guards she would never have been able to make it this far
in. One time when she came for a visit she walked into a scrum where a very bold salesperson
attempted to talk his way into the building, even going so far as to get past the first door. Later
when she left she saw him sitting on a couch in the lobby with a busted nose and a pair of plastic
zip ties holding his wrists together.
The elevator door opened and she stepped in and hit the button for the sixth floor, the
highest the building went. Unlike most elevators this one di not have music but instead was
turned to the local talk radio station, you could always tell about what time it was by the voice
coming aout the speaker. From who she was hearing it would have been somewhere between
noon and three. She smiled, the host always cracked her up. The elevator slid to a stop and she
exited and was met by another guard. This one a little smaller than the others, certainly younger.
Hi Frank, she smiled at him. Hows your mom?
Good Beth, good. He greeted her. The old man isnt expecting you. It wasnt a
No, hes not. I have to talk to him about the FutureTeck guy. She was still mad enough
to not be able to say his name.
Alright. Wait here. He disappeared through a door. The elevator had dropped her off in
the middle of a large office area. Several desks were scattered throughout the floor, all were
empty at the movement. It was just a minute before Frank came back. He said to send you in.
Good luck. He stepped aside and she went through the door.
The room she entered was easily the size of the one she had just left, except instead of
several desks there was just one sitting at the back of the room. The walls were lined with
bookshelves, all of them full, except for one that was simply a large window. She looked out it
for a second and admired the view. Shaking her head she returned her gaze back to the one desk.
Sitting behind it was an older man, not old, just older. His hair was salt & pepper he was wearing
a white shirt with a black tie, a very classic look. She noticed his grey suit jacket hanging on a
coat rack in the corner behind him. She smiled as large and as bright as she could as she
approached the desk. Silently the man motioned for her to have a seat in one of the chairs in front
of the desk. She nodded and sat.
I thought we were done with that little project, The man said as soon as she sat. We
got what we needed.

We did sir, she cleared her throat. There was one complication though that-
Beth, he interrupted, complications make things tricky and you know I dont like it
when things are tricky. He wagged his finger at her.
I know, I do, it was unplanned.
What is the problem?
The guys that did the job, she took a deep breath, they kept a copy of the account
They did? His voice was steady and strong, unwavering and without an ounce of
emotion. Do they know what they have?
No, not entirely. They can tell something isnt right and think it is just money
laundering, they dont know more than that. She paused and let the good news sink in before
she hit him with the bad news. Theyre talking about giving it to the police. She winced as she
said it as if expecting a physical slap to the face.
The man stared at her and slowly reached across his desk for a glass that was half full and
sitting there. That cannot be allowed. He placed the glass back down after taking a drink.
Yes, sir, I know. I may be able to get it, but we need a little time. Beth felt like she was
fifteen again, explaining to her father why she borrowed the car without permission. I can get it
from Dave, but I need more time.
Time? He asked with a raised eyebrow. What kind of time do you think you need?
How can you be sure that as you sit here right now, they are not going to the police? Why would
even consider leaving their presence without the information in your hands? He was scolding
now, not angry but disappointed.
Im sorry, Beth lowered her head.
I understand, but you know, I can give you no time. The situation must be resolved. He
reached over to the phone that was sitting on his desk and hit a button. Frank came into the room
and sat down next to Beth. Frank we have a situation that we need resolved.
Yes, sir. Rank replied, straightening his tie. What do you need?
Beth? The man indicated to her.
She cleared her throat. One of the FutureTeck guys, Miguel, has a thumb drive in his
possession that belongs to us. We need it back.
OK, said Frank, Do you know where to find it?

He should still be at the office, we can go back now and get it. She had an image of
Frank and a couple of the other guys meeting Dave. She smiled. Or we can wait just a little bit
and get it once he gets home, less of an audience.
You trust that they will not do anything with the information before that? The man
asked. If we could secure it with as low a profile as possible that would be for the best.
They wont. If I know Dave he is probably trying to figure a way to get the drive
himself. That should keep them too busy to do anything with it.
Frank, take Gino and Marcellus, bring back the drive or destroy it. Just be sure you tie
up all the loose ends. I want to make sure there are no copies of this.
Sir? Beth interrupted.
Yes, Beth.
If we are cleaning up loose ends, I think we should clean up the other two also. She felt
bad saying it, Jonas was a good guy, but good guys are sometimes the biggest threat, and Dave,
well she would not be sorry to see Dave go.
The man nodded. Frank, clean the entire mess up. Take care of the information first,
then sweep them all. Beth, you should go with them, make sure none of that computer stuff is
missed. Can you handle that sort of job?
Yes, sir, I certainly can. She smiled, it was like getting a promotion.
Go then. I said getting into this cyber stuff would be bad news. Now if you will excuse
me you two, I have a phone call to make. I have to keep our partners apprised of the situation.
He waved them to the door as he picked up the phone.
Beth walked out smiling, it turned out to be a good day after all.

Chapter Fifteen

Miguel was caught in a classic conundrum. He hated the mall, but enjoyed spending time
with his soon to be wife. Admittedly he figured he would be much happier when the wedding
was over, or more aptly when the planning for the wedding was over. Since leaving work early
he had tried on three different tuxedos, five pairs of shoes and seven different cummerbunds, he
did not realize that there could actually be seven different types of cummerbund, but was
learning fast. Taking a break from the fashion show he and Josie were eating a late lunch at the
food court which was surprisingly busy for this time of day.
I think that the classic black is good, Miguel said in-between bites of his chicken
You think so, huh? Josie smiled as she picked at her salad. Maybe, I dont know. She
picked a little more, regretting her decision to buy a dress a little too small. What if you did a
total white tux, to match my dress?
I love you babe, but not enough to wear all white. He laughed and took a drink of his
soda, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and took it out, he saw the caller id and shook his
Who is it? Josie asked wondering how many laps in the pool it would take to work off
a chocolate milkshake.
Dave, Miguel practically spit out the name and Josie noticed.
I thought you liked him?
I do, most the time, we just, have some work issues right now. He had thought about
telling her everything, the idea of hiding stuff from her was not something he enjoyed, but trying
to explain the law breaking was not something he looked forward to. In his mind he had decided
to waiting until he handed her a wad of cash, then everything would be much easier to explain.
But, he figurered he could use her help trying to decide what to do, without explaining
everything, so he took out the data drive and held it up. Its about this.
She took the drive and looked it over. Whats on it?
We were doing some work for a customer and found some stuff that doesnt look to
legal, so we backed it up and now were trying to figure out what to do with it. He took it back
from her and sent it back to his pocket.

What are the options? Josie was very analytical. She worked as a law clerk and was
often brought in on cases when a fresh eye was needed. She took this moment to focus on
something other than the grumbling in her stomach.
Well, This was going to be tricky, he thought. Jonas and I want to turn it over to the
police. Dave thinks we should keep it, just in case we need an insurance policy.
An insurance policy for what? She had her lawyer face on.
In case things go bad at the shop, we would have another option.
Youre talking blackmail.
Tecnically, Dave is talking black mail. He knew there was little distinction at this point.
So how did you end up with it?
Jonas and Dave decided I was the least likely to do something stupid without, so they
are letting me hold it until we figure things out.
Ok, so what is it?
Transactions from a bank, we think there may be some money laundering going on.
You think?
Well, were not accountants, we just see some weird stuff, money going in and of
companies that dont exist.
Josie was quiet, going over everything he had said, he wanted to just go ahead and tell
her the entire story from top to bottom, but he knew she would not be happy with him. It was his
trun to pick at his food. Dave was always putting the guys in these situations, not normally
illegal ones, but uncomfortable ones for sure. It was a couple of mintes before Josie spoke again,
as far as Miguel was concerned it may as well have been hours.
Tomorrow I am taking the drive with me to work where I can one of our forensic
accountants take a look. If they say there is something shady, it is going straight to the cops. If it
is clean, let Dave so whatever he wants with it. She was not asking for Miguels opinion and
when she spoke like this he knew better than to offer it.
OK, we can do that. HE smiled at her and picked a tomato off her salad, she playfully
slapped his hand.
Now, about the tuxedo she went back to the main thing on her mind right now. Like
most people she realized that letting Dave be Dave often resolved many issues.

He sent me to voice mail! Dave was offeneded. Why would he do that?
Because I told him to. Jonas smiled smugly. I knew you would probably try and
change his mind so I told him just to ignoe your calls.
You idiot.
Why? Jonass expression went from from smug to confused in record time. Why am I
an idiot?
Dave made like he was going to strangle Jonas. Because, Beth works for them. She is
going to tell them that we have the drive. If we dont hand it over they will come and get it.
What? Wait. What? Confusion was like a natural state to him now. Beth works for
The people I pulled off these jobs for, Dave was exasperated.
Wait you said they were anonymous people on the Deep Web, who do you know she
works for them?
Dude, I lied to you. Im a liar remember? He smacked Jonas on the head. That entire
things about my mom, a lie. Taking anonymous jobs to pay her medical bills, a lie.
Wait, so, what is going on
Valid question Sparky, follow along. Dave was looking through Miguels desk for
something then stoppedand sat down in front of Jonas. This place sucks, the people the
atmosphere, the pay. You and Miguel are the only two things I actually enjoy about coming into
work every day. Heres the thing, I am stuck here, in debt over my eyeballs. There are good jobs
everywhere else but here, but if I leave, well some of the people that I owe money to may take
exception to that. With me so far?
Yeah, go on.
OK, so the people I owe money to, know I do computers and figured I was some uber
hacker or something, of course I didnt know what they had in mind so I played it up to them.
Well, the made me an offer, pull some jobs for them and they will reduce my debt. I would have
been stupid not to do that.
Oh, my God, what did you do? Jonas knew the answer but needed to hear it for

I agreed to do the jobs, but then I realzized that it was over my head and I needed you
guys. So I convinced you to help me.
Wait, so the money we were making form those jobs?
You guys were never going to see a penny of it. I was working on a way to pull that off,
but hey, I am real seat of the pants kind of flyer.
So you what does Beth have to do with this?
I guess they got her a job here to babysit us or something, still not real clear on that. All
I know is that she has been my contact and that is the problem. See we were not supposed to
copy any of the data we took, especially on that kast job. It was supposed to be kept clean and
Oh, crap.
Yeah, Jonas, I may have screwed the pooch, but you got it pregnant. Your little bout of
curiosity is going to have real consequences if we dont get that drive from Miguel and hand it
Why didnt you say something? Jonas pleaded realizing what was going to happen.
All you had to do was tell us the truth.
Yeah, again, I am a liar, dont forget that. He grabbed his coat and threw Jonas his.
You know how to get to his house?
Good, Beth said she would give me day, I am expecting she is lying.
When we get it, it goes straight to the police.
Not going to argue, lets go.

Chapter Sixteen

They finally decided on a black tux, with a navy blue tie and cummerbund set. Miguel
was happy with that, which was good because he was stuck with it. He thought for a second if
Jonas would mind it. His brother was going to be his best man, but he wanted Jonas to stand up
with him, he had been a good friend to him and Josie. The ride home was quite. Josie was lost in
her own world listening to depositions on her Ipod. When she did that Miguel was free to turn
the music up as laud as he wanted and it was blasting right now. He didnt notice that a car has
been following them since they left the mall.
OK, when we get there let me go in first. He knows me and I may be able to get the
drive form him. Beth was leagues out of her depth but she was determined to not show it. One
of her favorite sayings was if you pretend to be in charge most people will follow you.
That will work Beth, Frankie smiled from the seat beside her. They were sitting in the
back seat of the town car, the front was taken up by two very large men. Just remember even if
the hand over the drive, the boss wants this entire thing cleaned up.
I know, I just want you to wait until I am out of the house, is that all right? She was full
on bluffing. A part of her wanted to try and figure out a way for this to end without any
bloodshed, but an even larger part of her didnt care. Miguel was a friend of Daves and Dave
was really playing havoc with her career trajectory. The only solce she had was that thi meant
Dave would be meeting his end soon also.
Beth had been a big movie junky growing up and in everyone of the best ones there was
the part where good guys followed the bad guys down the road through a game of cat and mouse.
Being careful to not get too close or stray to far behind. The driver was doing a good job, as good
as they ever did in the movies, there was just one problem. It was a long time. In the movies the
scene was only about ten minutes at most, they figured that after that the audience would fall
asleep. They had been following Miguel now for almost an hour and she was about ready to nod
Frankie nudged her. You may want to wake up. He pointed out the window, they had
just turned into a subdivision. It looks like we are getting close. Here take this, just in case. He
handed her a small gun, it looked like one of those little pistols that people wear in their socks.
Im not going to need this. She pushed it back towards him.
Maybe, maybe not, just please, The boss wanted me to make sure you had one. He
looked at her with what for a second looked like puppy dog eyes. In any other contect it would
have been hilarious.

Fine. She took the little snub nose and put it in her pocket book. The car they were
following pulled into a drive way but they went past it. Why didnt we stop?
Were going to turn around. A little patience please, this is not our first time. The way
Frankie said it sent chills down Beths spine. The car swung around and stopped in front of the
house, it was just starting to get dark and several lights were on. She stared at the house, through
the windows. It wasnt that she was trying to build up the courage, it was more a matter of trying
to make the conscious decision to go. She knew that if she chose to she could just have Frankie
and the boys go, and her hands would be clean, but not her conscious.
OK, lets do this. She said to herself as she got out of the car. Before taking a step she
straightened herself out and ran a hand through her hair. She clutched her purse tightly in one
hand as she walked to the door and knocked. It took a second for the answer to come. As the
door opened Beth saw a very nice looking young woman, about her height but with a much
slighter build. She had a bag of chips in one hand and a candy bar in the other, it struck Beth as
Can I help you? the woman managed through a full mouth.
Yes mam. My name is Beth and I work with Miguel, would he happen to be here? She
had on her biggest smile and tried to stand so that the car was blocked, no need for them to see
the three men standing just to the side of it.
Sure, hang on. The lady closed the door. Beth could her talking on the other side but
couldnt make out the words. She nervously looked back to the car, Frankie gave her a thumbs
up, then pointed to his watch.
The door opened and Miguel was standing there. Hey, Beth, what brings you here? He
seemed honestly surprised. Good, she thought, Dave obviously didnt say anything to him.
Hey, Miguel. Can I come in for second? She started to walk in before he could say no,
something she learned when she sold vacuum cleaners door to door in college. He opened the
door wider to accommodate her.
Yeah, sure. They walked in and Miguel showed her to the living room. The house was
small and lightly furnished, there was no real style to it. Beth guessed that it was Miguels. She
wished she could remember the name of his wife, or fianc, she didnt really care. He lead he to
the couch where she sat, nothing that her back was to the large window. Miguel sat down in a
chair across from her, his wife was working in the kitchen. So, what brings you here? He was
trying to sound non-chlant, but there was a twinge in his voice.
Well, its a work thing. She looked around nervously. Dave actually sent me. If she
was going to gamble she may as well go all in.

This is about the drive isnt it? He relaxed in the chair.

It is. Beth nodded.
Josie, can you come in here? He yelled into the kitchen. A few seconds later the later
form the door came into the room, this time her hands were empty. Josie, this is Beth, Beth
Josie. They exchanged polite handshakes and Josie sat in a chair next to Miguel. Dave sent her
about the drive. HE leaned over and said to Josie.
She knows about the drive? It was Beths turn to be surprised.
I do. Josie said. And I have to say it was quite an interesting story. Miguel did not
mention you though. She gave him that look that all men know when they tell a storey and
leave out the fact a woman was involved. Miguel shrugged sheepishly. So, let me guess. Dave
sent you to get the drive so he could hold onto it instead of going to the police with it?
Something like that. What would Dave say? She was thinking. I guess he hasnt gotten
a hold of you yet?
No, he called bt I didnt answer. Miguel responded.
OK, well, he was trying to tell you that he decided you and Jonas were right and it
should go to the police. Since I really wasnt involved he thought it may be best if I do it. So I
just need to get it from you and Ill do it. She was speaking fast, she knew it. It was her hope
that they chalked it up to being nervous about visiting the police.
No. Josie leaned forward, arms crossed.
What? Beth could only respond.
Why not honey, just let her have it and well be done with it. Miguel pleaded going so
far as to dig it out of his pocket.
No, Miguel. She stared at Beth long and hard. You see, both of you, I spend every day
in an office full of lawyers and we represent a lot of people. Some are good people that just cant
catch a break. Some are bad people that want to try and see the system break. My bosses in that
office deal with both because helping one gives you more resources to help the other. It sucks
and I hate it. She sttod up now. It also puts me in contact with a lot of different people from all
shades of life, I talk with them, I watch them, I try and help find what is true and what is not.
What are you saying? Beth went to stand but thought better of it.
I am saying woman that you are lying.
Josie! Miguel exclaimed.

No, listen. Josie put her hand on her hip and with the other finger shushed Miguel.
Here is what is going to happen Beth, We are keeping the drive tonight. Tomorrow it goes with
me to work where I will have someone look over what is on it. At that point I will decide what
we do with it. Understand?
Beth shook her head, she had tried. No, no that is not going to work. At this point I have
to insist that you hand the drive over.
No. Now please get out of our house and tell Dave that he and I are going to have some
words over what he has gotten Miguel involved in. Josei moved over to the living room
entrance and was indicating which direction the door was. Miguel stood up and tried talking to
her but she was having none of it. Beth stood and slowly reached into her purse.
Please, she was almost whispering, hand me the drive.
For the last time no. Over my dead body. Joise actually stamped her foot, she was not a
woman to be denied.
Sorry. Beth pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger twice. Josies chest exploded in
red blossoms and she was knocked off her feet. Miguel looked at Beth, then down at Josie. If he
had acted quick enough he could have taken the gun from Beth, but his first reaction was to rush
to Josies side. HE picked her up in his arms. She was already dead but he held her crying,
incoherently trying to figure out what had happened. Beth walked over and looked down, she
felt, nothing. Instead she lifted the gun and fired two more times, both shots hitting Miguel in the
head. He slumped over Josies body. Blood was everywhere and the pools were growing fast.
Beth slowly reached down to Miguels hand and took the drive. Just as she did the front door
burst open, Frankie and the two others stopped cold at the sight.
We heard shots, are you OK? Frankie felt dumb asking, it was just a reflex. Beth
looked up at him and down at the bodies. She handed him the drive and walked out of the house
and down to the car. Frankie looked at the two guys. You what to do, burn it all.

Cant you go any faster? Dave urged Jonas. Cmon.
Were almost there. Jonas was weaving through traffic like a mad man. They had tried
Miguel a couple of more times but he wouldnt answer. Jonas even tried Josies cell but only got
voice mail. Thats weird. Jonas pointed to the horizon.
Dave looked at the glow coming from the subdivision ahead. His heart sank. Once as a
kid he and his parents had left the house for dinner and on the way back they say the same glow,
just like that. HE remembered joking with his mom how funny it would be if it where there

house. It turned out that it was. The family sent the night with the fire department and the
neighborhood watching their life burn to the ground. This time it would be something far, far
Jonas pulled on the street that Miguels house was on and knew something wasnt right,
sirens and flashing light, people milling about. Much like Dave he had a sinking feeling in the pit
of his stomach. He stopped the car down the block from the house, got out and walked the rest of
the way. Dave was right behind him. They got to the house just as the EMTs were wheeling out
the bodies. A sudden gust of wind combined with the still glowing embers of the house caused a
grisly sight as the charred bodies were exposed to the crowed for a brief second.
Cmon, we have to get out of here. Dave put his hand on Jonass shoulder. Jons
shrugged it off.
What do you mean? HE was tearing up. Their dead, whoever did it either got the drive
or destroyed it.
Yeah, but they cant be sure we didnt make more copies. They are going to come for us
No, no, no. You. They are going to come for you. He started walking away. Dave
caught up.
Its not that easy. Hr grabbed Jonas this time and spun him around. Look, I am sorry,
this was not what I had planned, but we are in this now and we have no leverage to fight them
with. We have nowhere to run and now where to hide. They are going to try and clean up this
entire debacle and that means us, both of us.
Lets just go to the cops.
Wont do any good against these people, but maybe we can reach out to the Feds. Dave
let Jonas go. The Deep Net, if I can log in their I can find one of those stupid Feds and get
OK, yeah, that may work. They were back at the car now. Where do we do it from?
It has to be the office, all my prxies are setup there. Dave stopped. Are you going to
be OK?
Miguel is dead.
I know.
No, I am not going to be OK. I just want this over.
Me too. Just get me back to the office and I can fix this.

Chapter Seventeen
No one wanted to talk to Beth on the way back to the office, and that was fine by her. The
blood she had managed to get on her had dried. A couple of time Frankie offered her his
handkerchief but she politely waved it away. The blood didnt bother her, the sound of the gun
going off didnt bother her, the lifeless look in their eyes didnt bother her. It was the fact that
none of it bothered her that mattered the most. She had been through some times and had had to
do some terrible things to survive, but murder was not one of them. In one brief instant, Beth
found what she was capable of. In her mind the long drive took only and instant and she honestly
didnt remember getting out of the car and going up the elevator. She did have a vague sense of
Frankie guiding her with a hand gently on her shoulder. Without realizing it she was sitting in
chair across from the desk where she was earlier. Frankie again sitting in a chair beside her.
So, it looks like you succeeded. The voice pulled her out of her half slumber. She
blinked her eyes and looked around taking in the office and her surroundings. Beth, are you still
with us? The voice again this time she saw the face of the main sitting at the desk.
Yes, yeah, yeah. She stammered. These were her first words since the indcident. Im
Ok. She said more to herself than anyone else in the room.
The drive? The man asked. Frankie stood up and handed it to him. He played with it in
his fingers for a second then plugged it into the laptop on the desk.
I didnt think you liked computers, She said to the man, cocking her head to one side.
She was still in shock, but at least a functional version of it.
I dont, he replied. But if nothing else I wanted to make sure the drive actually had
something. His tone had changed from earlier, not quite softer, but not as harsh either. Where
do we stand Frank? He would not call a grown man Frankie.
Frank coughed slightly and straightened his tie. Well, boss the guy had the drive, Beth
hasnt said much but she took them both out, we took care of the house.
The woman, she worked in a law office and was going to take the drive to work in the
morning, I asked nicely, but they wouldnt give it to me. Beth was coming out of her fugue. I
know I should have had the guys come in and take care of it, but I was angry. She looked at
the dried blood on her hands.
You did what you had to, the boss said. Now we need to worry about the other two,
we need to make sure this all goes away. Any idea where they are?
No, Frank answered, but have guys out trying to find them. The last anyone saw them
they showed up at the house just after we left. If we had waited a couple of minutes this would
have all been over.

Yea, but Beth needed to go, tiy understand that dont you Frank?
I do sir, the first time is always, something different. He looked at Beth with concern.
Not everyone can deal with it.
Ill be fine. The strong edge was creeping back into her voice. Where are you looking
for them?
There houses, family, we have people watching all the local police stations, even the
trains and airports. Frank made a clucking noise. The problem is we have no idea where they
will run too. No history with their kind.
What kind is that? The boss asked with a curious eyebrow raised.
These computer guys. Thugs, killers, drug dealers, wise guys, they all act a certain way,
these guys you just never know where theyll run to.
Hm The boss nodded, he had never had to deal with this type of criminal either. Not
for the first time he wondered if they were the new breed. Destined to supplant the old order with
information and date rather than guns and brute force.
Were you ever picked on as a kid Frankie? Beth asked.
Nah, not really, just by my brothers. He shrugged.
Never bullied?
Then you really have no idea. She shook her head. They wont run. They are going to
hide and try and find help. Thats what guys like them do. The odds are the are going to hole up
somewhere, probably together. She was moving around now, coming back to her old self.
Where do you think they are?
Somewhere the feel safe, somewhere they have resources. She stood and started
pacing, then stopped. Do you have someone at the FutureTeck office?
No, if you were in trouble would you run to work?
If I was a hacker and I worked at a place with fast Internet and a bunch of underutilized
servers, yeah, yeah I would. Get someone there now. She had stopped pacing by the large
window and was staring out into the city.
Boss? As much as Frankie liked Beth he wasnt to sure she was in the right state of

Go ahead Frankie. Get that done, I want to talk to Beth alone for a minute. He nodded
to Frank and watched him leave the room. As soon as the door closed he stood up and walked
around to window next to Beth. Are you doing OK. Be honest.
She turned and looked at the man, tears started falling from her eyes. Im sorry Dad.
She threw her arms around him and gave in to the tears.
Its alright, daughter. He meet her embrace and gently patted her on the back. I tried to
keep away from the dirty work all these years, I should not have sent you today. Its on me.
But I killed them She sobbed.
You gave them a choice, that was all you could do. He pushed her back now so he
could see her face. Besides, they were dead anyway, if not you that Frank and the boys.
Beth wiped her face with her hand and took a couple of deep breathes. Right, right,
OK. She started to gather herself.
One question for you though?
Yes, Dad?
This Dave guy. Are you going to be good with him disappearing? For this one second
he was not the boss of a crime syndicate, he was just a father, something he did not get to be very
What you think I like him?
You two have a lot in common.
No, dont even go there. Nothing will make me happier than seeing him dead. She
stood strong and resolute, crossing her arms, a sign that she was serious.
OK, I just had to check. He hugged her again and then let her go. Go home, get
cleaned up, when we find them youll be the first to know.
Yes, Dad. She turned and left the room.
Shes growing up right before my eyes. The boss thought as he moved back to his desk
and picked up his phone. Frank. If they are at that office, end it.

The nights ights in the office were good enough to where Jonas and Dave did not turn
any others on. It was not uncommon for techs to come and go at all hours so security just smiled
and waved them through. Still somewhat numb from the last couple of hours they sat at there
desks trying to catch their breaths. After a bit Dave logged into his station and brought up his
Deep Web connection. Jonas didnt say a word, instead he just stared at Miguels desk and
thought about his friend. He could hear Dave clicking away.
Thats weird. Dave said.
What? Jonas responded, not really wanting to.
I bounced off a proxy on the way out of our system. Someone is spying on us. He
couldnt help but laugh.
What are you laughing at? A little tinge of anger crept in to Jonass voice.
Ive seen this proxy before, it belongs to the Feds, it looks like we didnt get away as
clean as we though. He laughed again. All this is going to end up being for nothing.
Just find us some help. Jonas went back to ignoring him.
Dave pounded away. He knew how to find the undercover cops in these places,
convincing someone that he was actually in trouble was going to be the problem. Oddly enough
when people think they are being totally anonymous, they tend to pull pranks, so being taken
seriously was always a challenge in these parts of the Internet. That took a bit of convincing.
Dave turned in his chair. Jonas? Are you listening?
Yeah, Jonas had his eyes closed.
OK, I pinged one of the undercovers, after convincing him his cover was blown I
explained everything.
He said to stay put. He was getting in touch with the nearest FBI field office and
someone would be here by morning.
Did he take you seriously?
OK, valid question. Dave thought for a second. Yeah, he did. I can be very sincere
when I have to be.
So what do we do now?

Well, my plan is to go into the break room and steal whatever food is edible inside the
refrigerator. He stood up. After that I am going to find an open office with couch and get some
sleep, I get the feeling the hard part of this adventure has just started.
How can you be so flip about all this? Jonas stood and got in his face.
Dave pushed him back. Look around. This is not a word for the bright-eyed and
innocent, this is a world for the pragmatist, people like me. You, youre a good person and I
really do apologize for that, because you aint fit for this. I should not have involved you two.
But I did, deal with it. If you want to get out of this in on piece start. He pushed Jonas again. Is
this what you want? Some emotion? Fine, here is some emotion. Now my advice to you is suck it
up. Get some food, get some rest. Because I swear to God, if I die because of you slow me down
I will haunt you for the rest of time. Understood?
Yeah. Jonas backed down. Dave was right. There would be time to grieve later when
they were safe. I think the third floor had Chinese today, there is always plenty of leftovers.
There, Dave said. Now we have a plan.

Chapter Eighteen

Dave woke up with a start. He knew he wasnt in his bed, but waking up in strange places
wasnt unusual for him. It took a second to shake the cobwebs and realize he was in an office,
sleeping on a couch. He checked the clock on the wall and it said a little after 3AM. He rubbed
his eyes and tried to get rid of the dry scratch in his throat. Giving up he sat up and looked
around. It was as quiet as he expected, only the low hum of electronics. He got off the couch and
decided to head to the break room. The vents of the day flooded his memoires as he made his
way through the all too familiar pathway of offices and cubicles. Once in the break room he
found a clean coffee cub and filled it from a water cooler. The cool water felt good and he poured
a second helping. He thought about going back to bed or couch as it was, but the faint ding in the
distance changed his plans.
He froze the second his brain registered that it was the elevator. It could be security. It
could be Jonas. It could be the Feds. Or it could be none of the above. He ran through his
options and decided that the best one also happened to be the better part of valor. He slid out of
the break room and headed back to the office he had been sleeping in. He could hear footsteps
now, which ruled out Jonas and the Security Guard, unless there were walking together. Back at
the office he crawled under the desk and waited. The footsteps were plain as day now, at least
three sets.
Gentlemen, we know you are in here. The security guard was more than helpful once he
was persuaded. The voice belonged to a younger man, a slight accent that Dave could not place.
It is shame that he will not be able to help you. Well make sure his family gets a nice bouquet.
There was the hint of a joke. Dave stayed perfectly still. Now, we can do this the easy way or
the hard way. Let me tell you about your options. The stairs and the elevator are begin guarded,
you cannot leave this floor. Now, I am going to be honest. We are going to kill you, no way to
avoid that.
The voice stopped in front of the office Dave was in. There is now way they know I am in
here, he thought. He heard footsteps enter the office and the lights flashed on. Dave jumped, but
managed to stay silent. The light went off and the voice continued.
The options we have are how it happens. The footsteps started moving away, Dave
sighed. You give yourself up and we do it quick, relatively painless. Make us work for it and
when we find you it will be slow, and there will be oh so much pain. They were moving away
from the office. Dave poked his head out from under the desk, they were going door to door,
turning on lights as they went. Good, at least I will know where they are. Now where the Hell is

He moved out from the desk and half crawled half walked to the door. He could hear the
voices in the distance. Taking a deep breath he walked out of the office and slowly worked his
way to their cubical. That would have to be where Jonas was. The lights in the offices flashed off
and on, moving farther away. Quietly he made it to the cubical and there under his desk was
Jonas. Hi. Dave whispered.
Hi yourself. Jonas whispered back. Friends of your?
Nah. Dave shook his head. You see any way out?
Been thinking about that. He moved out closer to Dave. They said that we cant get
off this floor because the elevator and the stairs are guarded.
So, lets not. Use your little time clock hack to trigger the alarms, we cant get out, bring
help here. Jonas was excited about the idea, he had to keep his voice from getting to loud.
Yeah, that may work. Dave crawled over to his desk and opened the top drawer slowly.
The squeak slowly turned into a screech that he had never heard come form that drawer. He
stopped pulling and held his breath. Looking over at Jonas he watched his eyes grow large. It
was open enough for him to get his hand in and pull out his little black box. He was
concentrating so hard on not making any noise he didnt hear the footsteps getting closer. Jonas
however did.
There coming. He whispered loudly. But it was too late.
Gentlemen. The man stood over them, his two friends flanking him. I wish you had
made easier for.
Jonas looked at Dave, Dave looked at Jonas. Immediate, as if thinking the same thought
the both stood and ran. They did not get very far. Two great hands reached out and caught them.
They struggled but the grip was too tight. Each was being held by one of the flankers who spun
them around to face the man again.
Please fellas, be nice to these two, they dont have long left. Now, let them go. Theyre
not going anywhere, right? He looked at the two and nodded. The grips were loosened, Dave
and Jonas were free. Now, before we get on to the final act, I need to ask, and I warn you, if you
lie it will not be good for you.
God man, just get on with it. Dave rolled his eyes.
Dave! Is this really the time? Jonas said exasperated.

No, no, its fine. This is a tense situation. The man looked both of them over. Look, I
am being rude. My name is Frankie, these are my associate, Gino and Max. Say hello boys. HE
indicated to his two henchmen, they growled.
Hi, Frankie. Im Dave and if your plan is to bore us to death I have to say, you are doing
a fine job. Dave had spent the last few minutes trying to size up the situation. HE thought that
maybe if he could get this guy mad it would accomplish one of three things. First, angry people
tend to make mistakes. Maybe there would be some slip, some hole that they could exploit to get
out it. Second, the guys would get even more angry and just kill them, at least then it would be
over. Three, Dave always had a dream of going out with both guns blazing. Throwing sarcasm
like darts was as close as he was ever going to get. Judging by the look on Frankies face,
number two was a real possibility.
I can see why Beth doesnt like you. Frankie said with a sneer.
Frankie, buddy ol pal, there are a lot of reasons that woman doesnt like me. Dave took
pride in people not liking him. Even bad publicity was publicity. Tell me, how is our gilr doing
right now?
Ah, now that is a story, Frankie tutted, that I will more than happy to tell you once you
have answered my question.
OK, shoot. Dave muffled a laugh, not at his comment but at the look on Jonass face as
he said it.
Funny. Fankie was one that could appreciate a good joke. Are there any other copies
of the data, anywhwere.
No, Jonas spoke up quickly. I made one copy. I had no idea what it was, I was just
curious thats all.
Well, you know what they say about curiosity. Fankie left off the rest of the statement,
he hated being clichd. OK, I have to trust you, but I will tell you this. Right now my boos
wants you taken care of, and that will happen and this will end. BUT, if there are ever any more
copies of this data found, your family will die. All of them. Capiche?
Yeah, yeah, we get it. Dave was actually getting tired of this. Answer me one question
Guido, sorry Frankie, the you can get on with it. One of the henchmen moved to hit Dave, but
Frankie waved him off.
I can do that as a last request.
Did you kill Miguel or was it one of the Beastie Boys here?

Funny. Frankie smiled, which more disconcerning than anything Dave had seen all day.
Actually, and you will enjoy this. It wasn;t any of us. It was Beth. Cold, cold blood two shots to
each of them and it didnt even phase her.
Wow, was all Dave could muster. HE looked at Jonas. She is hard core, who would
have thought? Jonas just stared at him, he looked as if he were somewhere else completely.
OK, that was all I had. Do your thing.
Thank you. Frankie pulled out his gun and aimed at Daves chest.
Was that elevator? Frankie asked. I told them to stay downstairs. Gino, go see what
they want. Gino nodded and left the cubicle. Gentlemen I apologize for the delay. He lept the
gun leveled at Dave. A few seconds passed. There where sounds over by the elevator but nothing
that anyone could make out. Gino walked back into the cubicle, slowly.
Boss, its- and then he fell over onto his face, a dark spot forming in his back. Frankie
leaned over trying to get a closer look. Dave saw his chance and rushed Frankie putting a
shoulder to his chest. Jonas blinked and jammed his heel down into the foot of the man nearest
him. Now free both he and Dave took off out of the cubicle. Frankie recovered quickly and fired
two shots at them, but they went wide.
Any idea where we are going? Jonas yelled over to Dave who was foot or two ahead of
Well, the elevator wasnt good for Gino, that should mean its good for us. They were
running as fast as they could through the hallways, flying around corners as if actually on wings.
Dave could see the corner that would lead to the elevator and throwing himself around it, he was
greeted by a body standing in his way. He tried to stop his momentum then decided just to barrel
through. He hit the body hard and fell in tangle and in the process heard something metal hit the
floor and slide. Jonas, get the gun!
Being the second man around the corner Jonas had a little more time to react, by the time
he heard Daves order, he already has his sights on the gun. HE quickly glanced at the pile that
was Dave and the other person, and dove for the gun which had come to rest just a few feet from
the elevator doors. He hit the ground hard and felt the air rush out of his lungs as he stretched for
his goal. HE was reward by the feel of the weapon in his hand as he completed the slide.
In the scrum, Dave was biting and punching and kicking like the Tasmanian Devil.
Whoever he had run into was fighting back just as hard and yelling something that Dave could
not, or would not hear.

WOULD YOU STOP! The person yelled and managed to push Dave off of him. Im
here to help you idiots. He stood up. He was tall, short hair, he wore a long black coat, shirt and
Who are you? Jonas held the gun on him as Dave scuttled over to him and tired to
stand up. In the half lit entryway they could just make out the mans face. He did not look happy.
John Casper, with the FBI. He slowly reached into his pocket and took out a badge. It
was too dark for them to inspect closely, but just the act alone made them feel better. You guys
asked for help? Before he could say another word gunfire started exploding all around them as
Frankie and Max showed up on the scene. May I have my gun back? Casper asked. Jonas
threw it to him. Without missing a beat he caught the gun and fired several times in the direction
of the gunfire. Mind getting the elevator? He fired several more times as Dave reached his feet
and hit the button. In the several seconds it took for the doors to finally open lead flew freely
back and forth, at one point everyone ran out of ammunition at the same time and an eerily quiet
fell on the scene, broken only by the sound of reloading. Get in. Casper pushed the two into
the elevator firing several times as the door closed. Pinging against the door punctuated just how
close it had been.
Sorry about the tackle, and out of breathe Dave said.
Its alright.
So, FBI huh? Jonas asked.
Yep, I am supposed to escort you guys to the field office. When I got here I noticed a
bunch of guys standing around looking like they shouldnt be here. I guess I was right. He
slipped out his half empty clip and slammed a fresh one home. The doors opened at the lobby
and he led the guys out. Dave followed closely, steeping over the body of one of the guards.
Jonas stopped and stared at the guard, there was another one over by the station and a man in a
suit halfway between.
No time for that now Jonas. Dave grabbed him and pulled him forward. The elevator
began a trip up, all too soon it would be headed back down. OK, so where is the field office?
Across town. Casper led them to a nice looking car, new and a little sporty.
The FBI pays well? Dave whistled, pushing Jonas into the back seat and he took
I put in a lot of overtime. Casper quipped as he slid behind the wheel. He could see
people streaming out of the building now. A few shots rang out but they were nowhere near the
car. The men went off to their vehicles. Hold on. He slammed the car in reverse and spun it
around so it was facing the other direction. As his foot hit the accelerator the gforces pushed

everyone back into their seats. If it wasnt for the fact this was turning into a life or death chase,
it could have been fairly fun.
They were able to get a good head start, but it didnt last long, two cars were right behind
them as Casper weaved in and out the very early morning traffic. Jonas turned around in the seat
and watched the cars following them. In the movies they shoot. He said half out loud, half to
These guys are pros, Casper answered him. Shooting at us would just lead to
collateral damage and the odds of them hitting us are slim. Were moving fast, its still dark and
besides, I think they are really mad at you. They want to make it slow.
Well thanks Captain Comfort. Dave mocked him. He watched as what he thought
should have been a left turn instead became a right one. Hey, the field office was that way?
How do you know? Casper asked as he cranked the wheel barely missing a car stopped
at a red light.
Lets just say I have been there a lot.
OK, fine. Change of plan, there is a safe house just outside of town. If we can get there
in one piece we can lay low until I can call in reinforcements. HE looked over at Dave. Will
that be alright with you?
Hmprf. Dave shrugged as he was slammed into the door. Well, if your driving doesnt
kill us we might have a chance.
It was getting lighter out and the traffic was getting a little thicker. Casper was having
trouble keeping up his speed. Theyre getting closer. Jonas advised from his perch. Dave do
you have your phone?
Yeah, why?
Hand it over, there is something I have always wanted to try. Jonas took the phone and
opened up the browser. He did a quick Internet search. Cmon, cmon. He was having trouble
typing as the car was practically spinning him around like a washing machine. Give me an
intersection ahead, about three or four ahead.
Uhmm, Dave was scanning the side streets, trying to find the names. OK, I know
where we are. Second and Firth, about half a mile.
Yeah, fifteen seconds, Jonas. Casper added.
Ok, I can do that. He kept typing.
What are you doing? Dave asked trying to turn around and see what Jonas was doing.

On second. Jonas hit one last button. Casper, hit the gas!
Casper did and the car jumped through an intersection, just as it did the light turned red,
with the cross street turned green. Jonas turned and watched as the traffic started moving. With a
loud crash the lead car that was following them was broad sided, the second car plowed into the
YES! Jonas pumped his fist. All right!
What did you do? Casper asked a little less excitedly.
You hacked the traffic system. Dave was in utter awe. How did you do that?
I didnt, you did. He handed the phone back to Dave. I remoted into your terminal at
work and used your Deep Web connection. By the way, you owe TrafficKing42 2 BitCoin.
That was all it took? Dave asked.
BitCoin, good as gold. Jonas settled back into the seat. How long until we get to the
safe house?
Twenty minutes. Casper said. That was quick thinking.
Thanks. Im going to pass out now. Jonas closed his eyes.

Chapter Nineteen

Beth had showered twice since getting home. In a true Lady Macbeth moment she didnt
seem to be able to get the blood of her hands. It was gone of course to any one that looked, but to
her it was still there. Sometimes she could smear it and sometimes it was dry and flakey but it
was still there. After the second shower she poured herself a glass of wine, then another. That
also did not seem to cause the blood to go away. She passed the night doing anything but
sleeping. When she couldnt sit she paced, when she couldnt pace she ahe walked to her
medicine cabinet and eyed a bottle of over the counter sleeping pills that mixed with just enough
wine may have actually been able to make her sleep, but she didnt. She was afraid to sleep
because she what her dreams would bring, so she had two choices. Make herself so tired that she
passed out and passed right by the dream state, or she could just not sleep. By the time midnight
had passed she still wasnt sure which option was going to win. Luckily she had a good cable
package and more wine. Finally she closed her eyes, only to have the sound of her phone blaring
ijn her ear. She looked down and it was her father. She glanced at a clock and it was almost six
Yes, father. She was groggy and while she may not have dreamed the punding in her
head was worse than any nightmare she would have had.
Beth, I need to come over to my office, we need to talk. HE sounded less mobster and
more father.
OK, Ill be there in a few. She hung up her phone. She knew what it was. They had
found Jonas and Dave and this was all over. HE would tell her what a great job she had done and
maybe send her to Italy for a couple of weeks. She liked Italy. There was always something
about playing volleyball on an Italian beach the made her feel good. She showered, for the third
time in twelve hours and put on a snazzy pantsuit. She hated wearing those but her father liked
them, and if she was going to be going to Italy, she had to make sure that he was happy. She left
the apartment and got in her car. As she drove she looked down at her hands on the wheel and
noticed, nothing. She saw just her hands.
The drive was uneventful although listening to the radio it seemed there was some
excitement on the roads earlier that morning but that was all just buzzing to her now as she
parked and walked into he building. There were more guards than usual and instead of being
passed through with a causal glance these guards frisked her and checked her bag. She was going
to put up a fuss but really hated pulling the bosss daughter card. In fact except for Frankie, none
of the other guys knew. The lobby was buzzing with excitement. She even saw guys wearing
their guns out in the open which was something that never happened.

More guards at the elevator and two now when she walked off on her fathers floor. She
looked around for Frankie or any familiar face but found only strangers. Every set of eyes were
on her as she made her way to the office. The door was shut and locked, which was not usual.
She knocked and heard someone coming to the door. She should feel more than see someone
look out a peep hole and then the door opened.
Beth. It was Frankie, or at least someone that looked like him. His arm was in a sling,
his suit disheveled, cuts and scrapes covered his face. Beth walked in and looked around. Her
fathers office had become some sort of triage. Wounded men were sitting in chairs getting
medical treatment, she didnt see anyone that seemed majorly hurt, unless their pride counted.
What the Hell happened Frankie? He reached out to touch his sling but he winced and
pulled it away.
Your father wants to talk with you out on the balcony. HE motioned her over to the
side, she nodded, knowing where it was. She walked through the gaggle of wounded and made
her way to the outside door. She could see her father standing out there, leaning against the
railing working on a cigar. Stepping out she noticed it was a little chilly this high up and wrapped
her around herself.
Dad, those things will kill you, she half laughed. The mood was obviously dark so why
not try to lighten it some?
Im glad you made it Beth. He turned and threw his arms around her.
The guys dad, she tried to wriggle free.
Never mind them. I dont care if they know you are my daughter. Someday you will be
their boss anyway. She was shocked. HE had never talked about that before. She had always
just assumed Frankie would take over, he was like a son to him.
What happened to Frankie?
Your friends. Theyre what happened to him. He backed up now and flipped the cigar
over the edge.
What? How? She was confused and the idea of either Dave or Jonas being physical was
just laughable.
Frankie and the boys found them at the office, just like you said. HE smiled, proud of
his brilliant girl. They were just about to finish it and bam, he slapped his hand together,
someone showed up and rescued them.
Rescued them? Rescued them? She was seething, not sure who at but seething just the
same. Who would have rescued them?

We dont know, but the guy was good. HE may have been a cop or something else. He
looked around like you would do to make sure no one was listening. Look Beth, can you think
of anyone that they could have reached out to? Did they talk about anyone that may have been
able to do this? HE was concerned, for her and for his guys. HE may have been a crime boss,
but he was a compassionate one.
No. They dont know anyone outside their own little group. She started pacing tapping
he forehead hoping that would jar something. Her father stood watching.
Anything? Anyone? HE prodded. If we knew who it was we might be able to find
them faster.
Why at this point? She turned and faced him. Why not just forget all this? She was
not quite pleading, but at one point she glanced at her hands and swore she saw red.
Honey, the time for that is well gone. Especially now. He waved his hand over to his
hurt men. This, this calls for their blood and their bodies to be buried somewhere dark and
Deep. She said and smacked her forehead. The Deep Web. Dave talked about how it
was easy to pick the undercover cops out of the crowed. I bet that is where they went for help.
That guy has to be a cop.
OK, OK, that gives us a place to start. Look Beth, he reached out and touched her arm,
this is going to get messy if the police are involved. I want you to get out of the country for a
while. Why not go to the villa in Italy? You like it there. He was genuinely concerned for her
safety, not since she was a little girl did she fell so much love and respect from her father.
No. She shook her head. I am not going anywhere until Dave is dead. That simple. I
want him dead and his head on a spike. That is not a metaphor, dad. An actual spike. She
crossed her arms and her father knew the argument was lost, but he had to try anyway.
No, Beth, its not safe.
Sorry. That is the way it is besides, I can find him.
And who can you do that?
Because he hates me just as much as I hate him. If I can contact him I can find out
where they are, and then we can end is. That is what you want right?
You are just like your mother. He smiled. OK, so how do we draw him out?

Easy, Ill call him. He wont be able to resist the opportunity to gloat, I have some
programs I can use that can track a cell call, but it will take a little bit to get that all setup. He
mind was moving a hundred miles a minute now. Do you have somewhere I can work?
Sure, use Frankies office, he is going to resting a home for a little bit. How long do you
A couple of hours.
Ok my daughter, lets get you to work.

Chapter Twenty
Dave woke up with a start, which was beginning to be an unwelcomed habit. He looked
around and saw he was in a bedroom this time, so the locations were at least improving. The
clock told him it was a little after eight and the smell of bacon told him that at least one of the
tow other people that he escaped death with last night was awake, or a had the weirdest
sleepwalking compulsion. He got out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom that was
connected to the sleeping chamber. Looking at himself in the mirror he smiled. He did that every
morning, no matter what or who had happened the night before. As long as he woke up in one
piece he would always smile. Splashing some water on his face and rinsing his mouth out was
about all he felt he needed this morning. The shower looked inviting, but being on the run for life
meant not wanting to be caught with our pant down, or off in the case of a shower. One more
smile in the mirror and he headed downstairs.
Jonas was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast and reading a newspaper. Casper
was standing in front of the stove, quite a sight in a shirt and tie, wearing an apron. Dave slid into
a chair and picked up a section of the paper that Jonas wasnt reading.
Eggs? Casper asked.
Scrambled please, salt, pepper and a little tobasco. Dave ordered without even looking
up. Casper rolled his eyes and started making the eggs. So, this is really a safe house, eh?
Yeah, what were you expecting? Casper asked as he cracked the eggs.
I dont know. Something dirty and dank, hidden off the main street, only junkies and
whores hanging around.
Sounds like your kind of place, Jonas quipped.
No seriously. I didnt expect it to be all Leave it to Beaver and such. Dave looked
around, it was a nice house for sure. Whats the story?
Not much of a story. The previous owners were dealing making meth in the basement.
They got out of business and the house became available. We figured why not use it?
Is it safe?
Very few people know about the house officially. Casper spooned the finished eggs
onto and plate and handed it to Dave. no one will find you here if that si what you are worried
Yeah, not even the cable company. Jonas put the paper down. No broad band, heck no
computers. Makes me wish I had grabbed my laptop before we were almost murdered.

Casper sat down at the table now with his plate of bacon, eggs and something else that
Dave couldnt quite make out. What you got there Casper?
Hm? Oh, bacon and eggs, and some sour cream with sugar. He scooped up a spoonful
and ate it. Just like mom used to make.
Your mom had strange taste. Dave dug into his eggs. Hey,. No tobasco!
Sorry all out. They sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to take in everything that had
happened. You know, Casper finally broke the silence, that was a pretty neat thing you did
with the traffic light. He held his coffee cup up as a toast to Jonas.
Yeah, thanks. Jonas returned the toast. You know, sometimes its not what you know
its who you know. He smiled.
Hey, he used my phone, I get some credit for that dont I? Dave laughed, then the other
two joined him.
Seriously though, that was just plain resourceful. Casper continued, Now I need to ask
you about something, time to get to business to speak.
Yeah OK. Jonas nodded .
First off I want to make sure I get this straight. HE took a deep breath. Dave, you
decided to become some sort of cyber criminal and you somehow managed to convince your
buddies to join you. In the process you started to take jobs for someone that we now believe is
part of organized crime. At one point you stole back account information that appeared to
indicate that there was a fair amount of money laundering being done at that bank. The people
you were working for found out that you had made a copy of the data and wanted it returned to
them. You waffled, your friend was killed and they are determined to kill you. In the process they
have the drive and the data.
Dave and Jonas looked at each other and nodded. That about covers it, Dave said. I
mean you leave out some of the best details, but all in all that is where we are.
OK, so here is the question for a couple of smart guys like you. Did you make any other
back ups of the data? Casper continued eating as he asked the question.
What? No,. or course not, Dave slammed his cup down indignant. What kind of fools
do you take us for? Right Jonas? HE looked over Jonas and expected some sort of affirmation.
Instead he only received a blank look. No. No. No. You didnt, did you? Dave dropped his face
into his palms and shook his head. Tell me no.
No, not really. Jonas sort of mumbled.

Not really? What does that mean? Dave lifted his head.
Well, Jonas started slowly, we copied then files up to a cloud based virtual machine
Dave nodded.
So, I guess in all the excitement I may not have deleted that virtual machine. Jonas
looked at the two guys with a rather sheepish grin. It wasnt on purpose and I figured they are
all set to recycle after a couple of days, so it just sort of slipped my mind.
Ok, so for the non-geek in the room. What does that mean? What is a virtual machine?
Casper was biting into his toast.
A virtual machine is basically a computer that is made up of just software. Dave started
the explanation. It is stored on a physical machine, usually many are stored on one machine.
With me so far?
Casper nodded.
Now the Internet is called the cloud, mainly because back in the day when the enginers
were drawing their little diagrams, the outside world was drawn like a little cloud, so the name
sort of came around as a marketing thing. Anyway, the cloud or Internet is basically just a
collection of physical servers, some of which host these virtual machines. I some cases the
virtual machines are grouped together in sort of virtual networks that are private. Dave stopped
to catch his breath and Jonas tagged in.
We have a virtual server farm that lives in the cloud. We use to test applications and
fixes for thinsg before they are deployed to the real machines. If something goes really wrong we
can just reset the machines and it goes back to how it was when we first started.
Sort of like a Etch a Sketch? Casper asked, trying to keep up.
Sort of, but a high tech one. Jonas nodded. The ones we use are really secure and
dont exist in the real world, so we use them sometimes to hide stuff.
So the data you took from the bank is still sitting up on one these fake machines?
Capser pushed his plate aside.
Maybe. Jonas said. If it hadnt reset itself yet. Why?
A couple of reasons I ask, Casper started. Frist if we had a copy of the data, we could
use it as evidence, and maybe take down these mob guys. Second, if things start to go real pear
ahped it would be nice to have something to bargiun with.

Something to barging with? Dave sounded surprised. That doesnt sound real cop-ish.
Why would you try and barging with these buys?
You never know. Its always good to have options.
It doesnt matter anyway, we will never be able to access the servers anyway. Dave
looked at Jonas and shared a look.
Why not? Didnt you say theyre on the Internet? Cant you just port into them or
something? Caspers attempted use of terminology caused both guys to chuckle a little.
No, sorry, no porting. Dave laughed out loud. The access to the server farm is
restricted by IP address, only those at the office can connect to them. I cant even remote in like
Jonas did with the phone and access the VMs. Dave shrugged then stopped and looked directly
at Casper. Have you called any of this in?
What? Casper looked surprised.
Well, the shoot out, the car chase, the safe house, seems like an awful lot went down in a
very short period of time I dont remember you making any calls or talking to any one at all.
Dave took a long deep look at Casper before he spoke again. I mean, thats what they do in the
The movie, eh? It was Caspers turn to laugh. Look man, when we got here you and
your friend fell fast asleep I stayed awake, taled to the office and stood guard over you. He
stood up and started clearing the table. I know you are not in a position to trust people right
now, but you need to trust me.
You long have you been in th FBI? Jonas asked.
About ten years, the last five in cybercrime.
You should know more about this stuff then. Dave was suspicions and as always was
not worried about showing it.
No, not me. I can barely turn the things on. Even the FBI geeks need muscle. When the
field office got your call they werent going to send a laptop wielding, Pokmon playing agent to
find you guys, they were going to send someone like me.
OK, fair enough. Dave seemed to accept the answer. So what now? He looked at
Jonas who looked at Casper, who was looking at Dave. Oh, I suppose you want us to go back to
the office and try to retrieve the backups huh?
Casper nodded.

OK, no problem. Dave pursed his lips. You do realize that the office is probably being
watched right? I mean if Beth is still working with these guys there is a good chance that she
knows what is going on.
Did she have access to the cloud machines? Casper asked, a little nervous.
No, Jonas said. but she knew they were there.
OK, so if I can get you into the building, can you get the data?
Why not just have the FBI surround the building and escort us in? How hard would that
be? Do we really need to go all secret agency on this? Dave looked smug, to him it was a
perfectly valid question.
OK, I suppose you guys should know the truth. Casper paused and took a deep breath
that came out almost like a sigh. We think that someone in the Cybercrimes division is on the
mobs payroll, so we are trying to keep your little shenanigans on as down a low as possible. If I
call in the reinforcements now, they will almost assuredly find out where you are. If that
happens, you will never reach that building. He looked at Dave and Jonas both had fairly blank
expressions. So we do this the quiet way, the quick way. We get in, get a copy of the data and
get out. Once we have the data we can end this once and for all. Understand? The guys nodded.
Good, so here is what we do, first he was cut off when Daves cell phone started to ring its
Who let the Dogs Out? Ringtone. He looked down at it.
Its Beth. He said quietly.
You should get that. Casper said.
Yeah. Dave hit the button to take the call.

Chapter Twenty One

Beth had been sitting in her makes shift work shop for about an hour before she came up
for air. She had just enough programming experience to have an idea what she was doing but she
also needed some help. That was easy enough to find on the Internet. She always considered it
amazing how much information was just sitting out there available to anyone with a search
engine. Everything from making gluten free waffles to cooking up a homemade version of C4 for
some really out of control Fourth of July parties. She remember some of the older guys on her
fathers crew talking about something called the Anarchists Cook which, mush to her surprise
was an actual book. They would talk about all the things it could teach you to do and how hard
the book was to get. None of them had actually seen it, but they all knew someone that knew
someone that had it. Then the Internet started becoming a thing and a lot of the things like that
book had become common everyday things. That was something she was glad for as she was
busy putting the finishing touches on the program that would help her locate Daves cell phone.
Basically she was borrowing pieces of a program that was developed by the State
Police that was kept a pretty well guarded secret, unless of course your father had a number of
them on the payroll. It was designed so that when you called a persons cell phone a piece of
code piece of code would be sent along that was designed to turn on the GPS services on the
remote phone, even if they had been turned off. The special bit was that the stock software the
cops used was designed to run silent, so that the user on the other end never knew the services
had been turned on. The problem was that the data was very, very raw and could only provide a
general location based on the cell tower the phone was connected to. They had tried to get the
fine grain location to turn on also, but that was very hard to do without the user knowing.
So Beth took to the Internet and found a solution. A trace program that could be back
doored onto a phone and one on would use the GPS as well as the cellular and wireless
connections on the phone to provide a location. Better yet, unlike the police software that could
only provide a ping, basically a single call with a response, her modifications to the software
caused the ping to be continuous, she would be able to track a moving target. All she had to do
was make the first connection and keep it open long enough for the scripts to run.
Hey, hows it going? Beth turned around to see Frankie come into the office.
Just about ready. How are you doing? She actually sounded concerned, even though
she really wasnt. Empathy was never her strong suite, and in this case she was still angry that
Frankie had let the guys escape. I thought you were going home to get some rest?
I laid down for a bit but couldnt really sleep. I talked to your father told me what you
were doing and I thought I would see if I could help. He was obviously still in pain but was
trying to keep a straight face, which only made it look more awkward.

How sweet. She touched his cheek. No, nothing you can do but let me finish. She
turned back around to the desk and went back to the code.
What is it with this guy? Frankie stepped a little closer.
What do you mean?
I honeslylt cant tell if you like him or actually want to kill him. He was greeted with
silence as she continued her work. You know, its al right if you like him. I mean, I wouldnt be
jealous or anything, I just think you are putting up quiet a show. HE was desperately trying to
sound tough but there was pain in his voice and Beth couldnt tell if it was all physical or not.
She turned around again. How magnanimous of you. She rolled her eyes. Look
Frankie, we had a thing, it didnt last.
I know but-
No buts. We decided to call it off when I went into he family business, it would have not
been good for either of us to carry on.
Im just worried about you. He sounded genuine.
Worried? About me? She looked him up and down and snickered.
You know what I mean.
Oh, you mean about killing those people? She put her hands up to his face and pressed
just enough to make him feel it. I am so over that. It was just a blip.
Frankie looked deep into her eyes and saw that she was telling the truth. He had looked
into he eyes of some of the guys after they had made their first kill and he always saw regret and
sorrow, in her eyes though he saw nothing. Just a cold blackness that had never been there before
and there had been a time that he had spent many an hour staring into those eyes. All at once he
realized that however Beth was then, is not who she was now. He watched her now as she went
back to work on her screen, he shook his head as he walked out the door, down the hall and into
her fathers office. He was alone in it now, sitting at the desk much like his daughter was doing.
Frankie moved over in front of the desk and stood there.
Have a seat son. Frankie sat down slowly trying to not jar himself too much. How is
Boss, shes not all there right now. He was genuinely concerned. Mr. Segal, may I be,
well frank with you?
Of course.

I wasnt in the house and I have no idea what happened, but she did not come out the
same person. I think it may be best if you get her out of the way for a while, out of town at least
until this is all done and things settle down.
I appreciate that Frank. I really do, but I gave her that option and she didnt take it. Mr.
Segal leaned back in his chair and stared off into the distance. You know, she is a lot like her
mother. They are both strong and independent women. Even If I told her to leave she wouldnt. It
will be best to let her see this through.
This Dave guy, he seems to have really done a number on her. Frankie sounded almost
Dont be jealous. It sounds more like he challenged her. Again, her mother was the same
way. The nicest, sweetest woman, you ever laid eyes on. Challenge her or act against her wishes,
and she will not rest until you have been put into your place. He smiled as he reminisced.
Is that why she left you? Frankie was not usually so forthright with his boss but he was
feeling that they were having a moment. Before he could get an answer Beth walked into he
OK, everything is set up. Shall we find out where they are?

Chapter Twenty Two

Well hello psycho bitch. Dave was not really in the mood to mince words. Kill anyone
in the last ten minutes or so? He put the phone on speaker and set it down on the table.
No, Beths voice sounded hollow, but the day isnt over.
So why are you calling? Dave made a jerking motion with his right hand.
I think there has been a great misunderstanding, Dave. Is Jonas there with you? Her
voice was calm and steady, she was speaking slowly, almost hesitating with every word.
Hey is. Hey Jonas, say hello to the crazy chick.
Hello crazy chick. Jonas was going to stop there, but he was actually feeling alittle
angry at the loss of his friends. Just for the record, did you order Miguel killed or did it just
Jonas, I think that it is important that you and Dave both know that no one wanted that
to happen, but sometimes in cases like this things just do. She paused and the guys stared at the
phone. Jonas cocked his head and picked up the phone. I didnt order them killed. I did it
What? Dave gasped taking the phone from Jonas. How could you do that? I mean
youre nuts, but that is a really special kind of nuts.
Dave. Hang up. Jonas said out loud, trying to whisper but getting a little over excited.
Would you like to hear how I killed them? Beth asked.
Dave hang up. Jonas said louder this time.
Jonas, dont be rude. Dave may want to hear this story. She continued. I shot the girl
first, twice. It was a surprise, not something I planned, but she was being so rude.
Dave. Hang up the damn phone! Jonas reached for the phone, but Dave pulled it away.
Casper was starting to notice the urgency in Jonass voice.
Dave, hang it up. He half growled.
Who is that? Beth asked. Your new friend? The one who rescued you? She laughed.
Just another person that we will have to deal with.

Jonas reached over and took the phone from Dave. He was shaking, stuned, after
everything that had happened he had finally reached a pint that even his cold detachment had not
prepared him for. Good bye Beth. Jonas hung up the phone.
What did you do that for? Dave asked, words stumbling from his mouth.
You didnt see it?
See what? Casper asked.
The light. The one that indicates you have a message? It was doing a fast blink showing
much more activity that it should have. Jonas turned the phone off.
Shit. Dave let loose. She had a tracker running.
Odds are. Jonas replied.
Why do I always feel lost with you two? Casper had to ask. What does that mean, a
It means she was trying to find us.
Do you think it worked?
Jonas thought for second. No Internet here, that will help, but she can get to at least the
nearest tower, and you have to assume she had that going. Yeah, she can get them fairly close.
OK. Ok. Ok. Dave was coming back around. We need to get that back up data and get
somewhere safe. He turned to Casper. You heard her, was that enough of a confession? Can
you arrest her for their murder? Daves mind was racing now, a mile a minute.
It would be enough, but it will be hard to prove unless you were recording. Casper said.
But yeah, we should be able to at least get her for something.
Good. First things first. Lets get out of here before any of her goons show up. Dave
took his phone from Jonas. Probably infected with that trace eh? He asked. Jonas nodded. I
liked that phone. He pulled the cover off and removed the battery, dropped the phone on the
floor and smashed it. The battery went into his pocket.
Feel better? Casper asked.
The trace would still run even if the phone was turned off. Pull the battery no power,
smash it and it doesnt erase everything, but will buy us time if they really want to try and use
anything on it. Now, I have a plan on how to get to the cloud servers. Ill tell you on the way.

Chapter Twenty Three

Did you find them? Frankie was standing over Beths shoulder as she worked her
I have a general area. Here, she handed Frankie a piece of paper, That is where the
nearest cell was to where they were. Send some guys and have them take a look. She turned and
went back to her keyboard.
Yeah, OK. Frankie started to walk away, but turned around. Are you sure youre going
to be OK?
Yes, now go. It used to be hard for her to order the guys around, but she found that it
was getting easier. Everyone was walking on eggshells around her and she was more than happy
to take advantage of it. They knew I was tracking them, she thought to herself. Now I need to find
out how. She started taking apart the code she had used, at any other time she would have done
this first, but this was no normal time. Her tracking had gotten a location, but the phone was not
long enough for anything very fine. As the code came apart she found the what she had missed.
A subroutine that caused the alert light to flash when the tracker was running. It must have been
something that a hacker put into the State Police software to act as a warning. Dammit! She
slammed her hands down on the keyboard causing a few keys to pop off. If they saw the lightand
knew what it meant they would have turned off the phone and removed the battery. Now I have
no way of finding them. She slammed the desk again.
Whats wrong daughter? Mr. Segal walked into the room and moved towards his
I dont know if I can find them. Her eyes were getting moist, more from anger than
actual tears. I need to find them.
Did you tell tem what happened to their friend? He asked as fatherly as he knew how.
Yes. She whispered.
Then we have to find them. I was considering calling it all off. I mean what do they
really have on us? He held out his hand and started counting on his fingers. We have the data,
they have no proof that you did anything, and without any of that the police will have no choice
but to cut them loose. In fact the only way the police probably even know anything is wrong is
the little dust up at the office. But that sort of thing happens to us all the time. He was stroking
her back, trying to make her feel better.
So without the data, they are out in the cold? She aksed reaching back and grabbing her
fathers hand.

Yes, dear. The police will not come after us without something solid. He sat down in a
chair beside her. I did some checking up on your friend Dave, seems he has quite an interesting
record. Including a number of run ins with the police. We could not have asked for anyone better
to be on that end of things. Theyll never believe anything that comes out of his mouth. He
smiled, pleased with himself.
Right, but if the somehow had another copy of the data?
Then they could be trouble for us. He nodded. But your other friends there, he told
Frank that there were no other copies of the data.
And you believed him?
Men generally like to tell the truth when they have a gun to their head. He was a little
irritated now that she was questioning him.
I know, I know. Im not doubting you. She sat staring at her screen. Did you hear the
other voice with them? The guy we are supposing is a cop?
I did.
Any chance you recognized him? After all your years working with the force did he
cound familiar?
No, I had not heard that voice before. He paused. What are you thinking?
Nothing, I was just thinking we could use him to find them if you knew him. Her father
shook his head and she stared at her screen. You know, I may havea way to find out who that
was helping them.
Really? He was intrigued.
Well I have been right about most things so far, she gloated. If Dave used his Deep
Web connection to contact the police, I may be able to get the records and find out who exactly
he contacted. Once we know that we can figure where they would stash the guys. The FBO, State
Police and the local boys all use a different network of safe houses. If we can narrow it down to
which one, we can narrow the search.
Are you sure this is worth it? He was acting the concerned father again.
Yes, the only way to be sure they have to access to backups is make sure they have no
access to anything, and the best way to do that is tio kill them.
OK, what do you need?

I have to go into the office, his Deep Web connection was IP specific. I can log on from
anywhere but to get the right logs I basically need to be sitting at his desk.
Take Frank with you. It was phrased in the manner of a request, but they both knew it
was not.
No, I would rather have him out looking for them. She smiled at her father and took his
hand again. Look, right now that office is the last place they would ever come back to and it is
the one place I need to go right now. Trust me. She kissed her father on the cheek and stood up.
OK. Be careful. He hugged her.
I will.

Jonas, Dave and Casper sat in the car in the parking lot of FutureTek. Part of the lot was
still cordoned off with police tape, so the other half of the lot was incredibly crowded. It looked
like everyone in the office was working today, but it was mid morning, most people had already
arrived so there were few people. The drive over had been in silence, which was fine because it
was not that far of a trip and everyone of the guys had more than enough on their mind. Finally
after a couple of minutes of sitting Casper spoke up.
Quite time is over Dave, lets hear your plan. He turned to Dave who was riding
shotgun again. Jonas leaned forward between the seats not wanting to miss anything.
Yeah, the plan. HE took a deep breath. We walk up to the door, go in and through
security, walk to the elevator and up to our floor. Stop by the break room get some coffee,
because I could really use some, then we go to the cubicle and get to work.
The other two sat in silence until finally Jonas shook it off. That sounds a lot like what
you do every day.
That is the beauty of the plan. He sighed. The people in the office probably have no
idea what even happened last night. Sure there are rumors involving us, but no one will really
know. As far as the bosses go they will be so worried about potential lawsuits, I doubt they will
even say boo, if we started doing cartwheel down the hallway. Besides, we have a card carrying
Federal Agent with us. Right Casper?
Right, Dave.
So even IF someone say something, Chuckles here flashes his badge and we move on.
What if the building is being watched? Jonas asked.

You are such a kill joy. He tut-tuted his friend. So what if it id being watched. Its
broad daylight in an office full of people. Anyone would be crazy to try anything. Plus, and I feel
the need to point this out again. A card carrying Federal Agent. Right Casper?
Right Dave.
So even if they try and do something stupid, and lets face it, any organization being run
by guys named Vito and Gino probably are lacking a few IQ points. They have to get through
him. All we need to do is get to our desks, see if our machines are still running and retrieve that
data, if it still exists. Once we have that we have what they call leverage, and that dear Jonas,
will keep us alive. Follow me?
To be honest, I only caught about every other word, but yeah, Ok, lets do this.
Good man, just follow me and act like we all belong here.
We do belong here Dave.
Good, it should be easy then. Dave opened his car door and the others quickly
followed. For the first time Dave noticed that he was not smelling very good and regretted not
having taken a shower before they left the safe house. A quick smile and a nod to his compatriots
and they set off across the parking lot, walking like men on a mission. A few people were
walking around, but no one took notice of them, that they could see at least. What do you think
Fed, any eyes on us? Dave was trying to sound cool, but his voice cracked a little with nerves.
Not that I can see. Casper was bringing up the rear of the group, staying a pace or two
behind but kepping his head on a swivel.
Dave nodded and before they knew it they had made it to the door. Usually this first one
just opened but today it was locked. Dave stared though it for a second before a guard inside
noticed and moved to the door. He slipped a latch and craked it open.
Can I help you? HE asked politely, but firm.
Yeah, you can let us in. Dave was feeling cocky and that made him dangerous. Jonas
gently pushed him aside.
We work for FutureTek, we sort of need to go to work. He held up his ID badge and
motioned for Dave to do the same, reluctantly Dave did.
The guard looked closely at the badges. What about you sir?
Casper held up his badge which was slightly different. The guards eyes grew a little
larger upon seeing it. Good enough. HE let the door open all the way as the guys entered.
Sorry about that, there was some shenanagins here last night and we have been told to be very
careful who we let in.

Dave couldnt resist himself. Really, what happened?

Some sort of break in, the Guard said. Ended up with a lot of people hurt and a lot of
property destroyed. I tell you, whoever it was is just lucky that I wasnt working last night, this
would have all gone down different. HE made a little show of flexing his muscles.
I bet. Caspers eyes rolled. Lets get going guys. He corralled the two down to the
elevator. Dave noticed that even though the bodies were all gone there was still remnants cover
in police tape and tarps, he wondered what the cleaning crew would get paid to take care of this?
Oddly enough once they got to the elevator he started to calm down some, it may have been the
music or just the novelty o waling into some place that ten hours ago he was trying to desperately
to get out of. Either way once the doors opened at their floor he found himself more than ready to
get out of the metal box.
They left the lobby and headed to the main door, as he walked by the receptionist desk
Dave smiled at the temp, and silently was thankful that Beth was not stupid enough to show up
here, that would have been awkward. As they made their way back to the cubicle they started to
notice more people staring, but it was less at them and more at Casper. He did cut a dashing
figure, but Dave figured it was because the place had been crawling with cops all day, and every
probably thought they had left. Seeing Casper floating around just brought back bad memories
for them. After what seemed like the longest journey known to man, they found themselves at
their cubicle.
His stuff is gone. Jonas was staring at Miguels desk. That was quick. He softly
recited to himself.
Look alive buddy or there will be more than two empty desks. The guys pulled out
their chairs and booted their systems.
What should I do? Casper asked. For the first time he wasnt sure what his role in this
would be.
Casper ol buddy, its time to let the pros do their work. Dave laced his fingers behind
his neck and leaned back. Now what you can do is head over to the break room and grab me
some of the coffee I mentioned earlier. He pointed in the general direction of the said coffee.
This is not what I trained for. Casper shook his head and moved off on his side quest.
Once their machines were up the guys went to work. OK, Jonas, Dave was ready to fill
in the rest of his plan. You get on their and see about those virtual servers, whatever you do, do
not let them reset.
Yeah, I know. He looked over at Dave, What are you going to be doing?

Two things. First, I figure I may as well make sure our Bitcoin is safe so that if we have
to fly the coop, we can be some well fathered chickens. He clucked and flapped his arms, Jonas
didnt laugh. Second of all I know I guy on the Deep Web that can run background checks like
super fast, I want to find out all I can about Beth.
We need to make sure the police take her down, for Miguel. Jonas tried his best to
sound brave.
Screw that. Dave blurted, much to Jonass chagrin. Not what I mean. Yeah, we can get
her for Miguel, but if we ever want to see tomorrow she is the key to this. For some reason she
has taken a to a real dislike for me. I have no idea why.
Must be your winning personality. Jonas said drolly. Something isnt right here, I have
our cloud machines up, but it looks like they have been reset. They are clean as a babys bottom
right now.
Check the log, see when the reset was.? Dave yelled over his shoulder as he continued
Uh, yikes. Looks like we just missed it, about twenty minutes ago.
Not a problem. What else is the server running, any apps or test suites?
No, this was the clean once, figured that would be the safest place.
Good call. Dave turned his head around. What kind of array are you simulating?
RAID 1+0, with a 256MB cache.
OK, this is what you need to do. Pause the virtual machine so it does no more writes,
then get into the BIOS using the ILO, once you are there I want you to do an array restore using
the cached data on the array controller.
Will that work?
Only one way to find out.
Yeah, I guess so. Jonas started down the task list Dave had given him to do. First he
paused the virtual machine, another important feature that working in a virtual environment
allows. Just like hitting pause on a movie player, it stopped the machine cold so nothing else is
written or runs. Once the machine had stopped he used a backdoor to access the system at a
machine level, or in this case a virtual machine level. Once in he found the commands that he
was looking for and tried to do the restore. The progress bar slowly filled on his screen as time
seemed to stand still.

Well, what do you know. Dave had been working while Jonas was running his task list.
My buddy came through on the background check, turns out our little Bethy is the daughter of
one Mr. Abramo Segal, one of the citys Dons. I guess we know who is after us now.
Daughter of a mobster, a step up from your regular exs, Jonas tossed out as he waited.
So that account information belongs to them you think?
Maybe, it may also be that they were just laundering the money for someone else. No
time to worry about now. How you coming?
Before Jonas could speak Casper came back with coffee for everyone. You would think
no on had ever seen a FBI Agent before, he quipped, at least they offered me some free
Hey you have a sense of humor! Dave threw up his hand expecting a high five, Casper
just started at him. Alright then, leave me hanging.
Hey guys, the restore is almost done. The three waited and watched as the countdown
made its way down to zero. OK, a quick reboot and we will be able to see what we have. Jonas
typed in the commands and screen went blank for a few seconds, then came back up. Once it
reached the log in he put in his credentials and the machine came to life.
Cmon baby, Dave offered his encouragement to the machine, sometimes that seemed
to help.
OK, OK, OK, Jonas typed a few more commands. Got it. The restore worked, there
are the files. Hand me a thumb drive. Dave reached into this desk drawer and handed Jonas a
drive. HE plugged it into his machine and started the transfer. Anyone else feel like this is
where we started?
I know I do. Slowly the guys turned around, but they already knew who belonged to
the voice.
Hi, Beth. Dave waved before he saw the gun pointed directly at him.

Chapter Twenty Four

Well, this is awkward. Dave said as Beth forced him and Casper over towards Jonass
You guys hjave go to be the biggest idiots ever, Beth used the gun to motion everyone
to sit on the floor. The followed her instructions. Jonas shot a glance up to his screen to see how
the transfer was going. I mean, you came back here of all places. Didnt Frankie literally just
have the two of you dead toi rights right in this very spot?
Yep, and we got out of that pretty good. Dave was not going to give her an inch of
You did. She stepped closer and looked at Casper. I suppose this is your knight in
shining armor. How about you take your gun out slowly, two fingers only, and place it on the
floor. Casper did as she instructed. The look on his face was enough to melt stone. And what is
your name?
Casper. Agent Casper with the FBI. He put his hands back above his head. You do
realize how much trouble youre in right now dont you?
Me? She mocked him. Youre the one with a gun pointed at you. She looked around,
once of the things the guys liked about their cubicle was that it was out of the way, not many
people came back there unless they needed something, and this would have been a great time for
a support call to come in.
So, why did you come back, smarty pants? Dave fell back on his default move, make
them mad and get the advantage back.
I was trying to find you guys and was going to use your Deep Web connection to see
who was helping you. I guess I sort of stumbled into the answer the easy way. She looked at
them for a second and considered just shooting them all right now. She could shoot the agent first
and probably get Jonas also. Dave would run, but that was good, she wanted to do more than just
shoot him. But she didnt. The only reason I could think you guys would be here is if you had a
backup of the data and judging by the way Jonas is eyeing his workstation I expect that is what
he is copying right now.
You got us. Dave kept his hands up but shifted so that he was half sitting and half
standing. We figured we could make a deal. This is the last backup, we can toast the virtual
server and that will be the end of it. No more risk, no more worry. You can go back and tell
daddy that we are all good. How does that sound?
You know how my dad is? She sounded surprised.

Yeah of course. Everything is on the net if you know how to find it. Dave shifted again
so that he was on both knees. Beth flinched but held her stance. In fact I know your mother
worked for him in one of his finer establishments. She started there young, real young, like
Alabama young for that line of work.
Stop Dave. I know what youre doing and you can stop. Her eyes were wide and her
hands were shaking.
I guess he was the kind of boss that liked to sample, eh? He made an obscene gesture
with his hands, which brought them down from behind his head. Jonas and Casper were
watching him and Beth with equal fascination. Were they married before or after you were
Shut up.
No, seriously I am just wondering if you are the daughter of a whore or not. He struck a
little too deep and watched as her finger tightened on the trigger and he closed his eyes. The shot
rang out and echoed in a way that would have woke the dead. Dave opened his eyes and was
very relieved to see that there were no holes in him. Beth was standing shaking, acrid smoke
rising from the barrel of the gun. Looking down Dave saw the hole the bullet left in the floor,
only a few inches away from his leg. Beth, bubula, that shot is going to bring security. Lets all
just calm down and talk like civilized people. He stood now, not quite feeling invincible, but
once you almost get shot your perspective changes.
No. She held the gun up and pointed it right at his chest. Security can come and they
may get me, but you, youre dead you just dont know it yet. Jonas, reach over and hand me the
drive. Jonas shuffled over and pulled out the drive, holding it out in front of him. Beth took it
and gripped in the same hand as her pistol. Now burn the virtual machine. Now!
Jonas nodded and typed into his keyboard. Within just a few seconds the display
disappeared and the screen was black. Thats it. All gone. He moved back over by Casper.
From out in the office area they could hear people talking loudly and some screaming further out.
Cmon Beth, how many people are you going to kill in twenty four hours? Dave
walked closer, he could almost reach the gun with a well timed lunge. Beth was starting to panic,
everyone could see it in her eyes.
Beths eyes grew wide and she pivoted around and fired a single round into the guard
who was knocked off his feet. Dave made his lunge but missed her by mere inches, causing him
to fall flat on the ground. Casper stood just enough to make a dive for his gun as Jonas reached
behind him and grabbed Miguels chair and threw it at her with a strength that he didnt know he

even had. The chair fell short, hitting her in the legs. She fired again at the guys and then took off
running towards the back set of stairs.
Casper, Jonas, you guys all right? Dave got back to his feet.
Yes, Jonas was out of breath.
Damn it! Casper cursed.
Ill take that as a yes. Jonas stay with the guard, Casper, lets get her. Ill follow her, you
meet her at the front, we should be able to get her. Dave took off towards the stairs without
awaiting for any affirmation. He got to the stairway door just as it was closing. He threw the door
opened and practically jumped down the first flight of stairs. He made such good progress that
Beth stopped and fired, the bullet hitting the wall a few inches from his head. Ok, Ok, One as a
warning, one for the guard, one wild, this was one, thats four. Crap what of gun did she have. I
have to remember to look next time. His thoughts were racing and he realized that he was
laughing, there was something funny to him about chasing after someone down a stairway being
shot at and then trying to remember any of the details. Beth hit the landing and flew through the
ground floor door, Dave could hear people getting the surprise of their lives, he could also hear
sirens. Casper must have called for backup. He hit the door and came face to face with a crowd
of people from the upper floors. He moved through the crowd towards the door, trying to spot
Beth in the crowd. He caught just a glimpse of her as she barreled through the door and into the
parking lot. Dave tried to follow but was flat out of breath.
He fought his way through the crowd and spotted Casper out of the corner of his eye
coming from another direction. He could see her running, but there was no way he was going to
catch her. Casper shot in her direction a couple of times, but between the running, the fact she
was moving and the distance it was more out of frustration that actually trying to hit something.
They watch as a car pulled up and she jumped in the back.
Damn it! Casper cursed again. Dave was going to join in but was still struggling with
his breath. Jonas broke out of the crowd and joined them watching Beth get away.
Why didnt you guys cath her? He asked as he wiped blood off his hands.
Well excuse us, Dave panted. We did our best. Now she has the last copy of the data
and we are royally screwed.
Nope. Jonas sttod there smiling.
What do you mean, nope? Casper asked.
I never gave her the drive. He opened his hand and there sat the flash drive. I only
gave her the cap.

Jonas, you glorious bastard. Dave tried to hug Jonas, but really was just looking for
something to lean on. Casper, its your call. What do we do next?
I vote we head to the field office and sit this out. Jonas made no bones about his
position. As long as I have this, he held up the drive, I dont think I will ever feel safe.
Why dont you let me hang onto it then? Casper asked, stretching out his hand. Jonas
shook his head and put the drive back in his pocket. No, the field office is still too dangerous, I
say we go back to the safe house and plan the next move.
Sure, that sounds good. Dave nodded. Lead on McDuff.

Chapter Twenty Five

Jones saw the spike in the transmissions coming from FutureTeck and considered calling
it in, but right his job was to gather data, and he was hitting the gold mine. Since his network
sniffers had been put in place he was able to not only map a number of connections to the Deep
Web, but he was gathering node and IP information, In his mind he was in the process of tracking
another underground network like Silk Road, a Deep Web site that had its fingers in everything
from illegal gambling and drugs to slavery. With every nit of data that he collected he could
almost see the promotions stacking up for him. The waiting was a killer, but until he was told
otherwise he would just watch. When his phone rang it almost caused him to fall out of his chair.
The phone never rang, he didnt even think anyone had the number. He cleared his throat and
picked up the receiver. This is Jones.
Jones, hey, this is Reese, Jones sat up a little straighter at his desk, it wasnt everyday a
supervisor called down to these offices. Do you have a television or something down there?
No, but I have the Internet, What am I looking for? He brought up a browser and tried
to go to Fox News, but he forgot that the government filters blocked the site. So instead he went
to CNN.
That place youve been staking out, the one outside Charlotte? Futureteck? He paused
for validation.
Yes, sir, I am watching the data feed right now. Jones answered.
Well, it seems over the last twenty four hours there has been an awful lot of action
there. The voice got quiet. Found the story yet?
Hang on. Jones looked though the site and found the Breaking News link and
clicked. In front of him was a video playing of a bunch of people standing outside a building,
police and fire seemed to be surrounding the place. What happened?
Long story short. From what I have seen, there was a break in there last night, a couple
of guards and a couple of the perps got killed. Then today one of the employees apparently tried
to shoot another one, and the whole place s just nuts right now. Jonas had started to tune Reese
out as he read the story. you think any of these has anything to do with what you have been
seeing going on?
It certainly could. If there was something illegal going on, that usually draws the wrong
kind of people. He kept reading the story as the video played. It almost sounds like the partners
arent partners anymore.

OK, well the boss wanted me to ask you a couple of things about this. Do you have
Yes, yeas, I do. When Reese spoke about his boss he was speaking of the Secretary of
the Treasury, by far the furthest up the chain that Jones had ever dealt with, even indirectly.
What do you need to know?
First off. From your traces, is there any way to tell what was in the data you were seeing
being moved around?
No, we would have had to have the traffic rerouted in order to get that. It would have
been like intercepting someones mail, opening it then reading it and putting ti back in the
envelope and delivering it.
Can we do that?
We have the capability sir, but that is covered under the FISA court, and since that last
big brouhaha, they have been very lean on the warrants they issued.
So all you can see is origination and destination?
I can get an idea of the type of data by the packet types and size, but definitively yes,
only where.
Ok. Second. The boss wanted me to ask you if you would consider some field work on
this issue. He has been keeping an eye on you and figures you know this mess the best right now.
Would you be able to go to Charlotte and spear head the forensic team?
Joness heart skipped a beat. He had always wanted to be in the field, and now he was
getting his chance. Those promotions he dreamed about seemed to be just around the corner. I
can do that for you sir.
Good, be ready to go in an hour. It looks like you will be the first Fed on the scene, the
local FBI field office is having trouble getting someone out there, but should have someone there
What was that?
Nothing. You said the FBI has no one on site? He scrolled through the news story
looking for something he had just read.
Correct, I spoke to the head of the field office just ten minutes ago. All his field guys are
tied up on an operation with the Mecklenburg County sheriff, some drug bust out in the boonies.

I was reading the story and a number of witnesses said that they saw an FBI agent there
showing his badge around before and after the incident today.
OK, that is strange. Reese clicked his tongue. Look, you get ready to go, Ill call the
field office again, just to make sure.
Alright. Jones paused for a second, doing a double take. Should I leave the snifferes
Yeah, leave them up and catch anything you can from that end. When you get there I
want the entire IT infrastructure of that place taken apart. Dont worry, youll have all the
warrants and help that you need.
Thanks, boss.
Wheels up in an hour, well send a car for you.
Yes, sir. Jones hung up the phone and leaned back in his seat. He sat for a minute
watching the data streaming in and out of the FutureTeck office, wondering what stories it will
tell him when he gets there. But right now he had to get there, so he started gathering up his
equipment. He was finally going into the field.

Chapter Twenty Six

Beth had a headache from all the running and gunfire, which was weird because she was
an athlete and nothing she had just finished doing should have caused her any distress, at least in
her own mind. The car slid silently through the traffic, the driver had started to talk to her as soon
as she dove in, but she waved him off. All she wanted to do was sit quietly and figure out what
just happened. Before she knew it the car was pulling into her fathers office building and Frankie
was opening her door.
What the Hell happened, Beth? He took her hand and helped her out of the car. The
scanners said that there were shots fired at that place.
Yeah well, there were. She walked quickly, Frankie struggled to keep up but caught her
again at the door.
Beth? He implored her to stop, but she barreled through the door and the lobby. She
took no notice of anyone or anything around her, she could have been alone of in a crowd of a
thousand people and her demeanor would have been no different. Frankie caught with her again
at the elevator. At least tell me if you were hurt?
She spun around and poked his chest with her finger, much harder than she needed to in
order to prove a point. Do I look hurt? Do I? She pushed him with both hands, he stumbled
and winced as he previous injuries took their turn reminding him they were still there. Beth
entered the elevator and tapped the Close Door button maniacally, but Frankie was able to beat
the machine.
Your father is worried about you, not just this but the other stuff. He was trying to be
sincere, but sincerity and pain come from the same part of the brain, and that part was sort of
Will you just lay off! She yelled. We are not together any more Frankie, I wish you
would realize that. Just back off and let me alone would you? The doors opened as if on cue and
she walked out, heading right to her fathers office.
I can take a hint. Frankie said to the empty elevator as he got out and followed her.
They managed to hit the door at about the same time. Beth blew past the heavy wooden
onstructions like they were tissue paper. As son as she walked in her father stood up and started
crossing the room towards them.
Beth, are you all right? He reached out to hug her, but she brushed his outstretched
arms aside.

Im fine. Why do you all keep asking me that? She brushed a lock of hair out of her
face. I went there to try and find out information, and I found it. They were there dad, right in
their cubical like nothing had even happened.
What? He gasped. I thought you said they werent that stupid?
Well I was wrong, Dave is that stupid. She was pacing now, tight like a coiled spring.
Her tension was palpable. Oh, and their guardian angel. The one that trashed Frankie and the
boys, some FBI agent, I think his name was Casper or something like that, Stupid name.
What were they doing there? Frankie thought about reaching out to try and calm her
down, he even raised his arms, but her waved him off.
OH, Why? Well, that is the kicker. It turns out they DID have another copy of the data.
The lying bastards. She kicked the air for emphasis, the exertion was starting to take its toll and
she was slowing down noticeably. Gently her father guided her over to the chairs in front of the
desk, she resisted at first but then relented. I told, you they would do that.
You did, you did. He was trying to calm her down. Frankie looked on half worried, half
terrified. So, they do have a copy of the data?
Dad, he knew about mom. Beth looked her father in the eyes, tears again starting to
well up. How could he know? It doesnt make any sense. She buried her face in her hands, the
breakdown was coming and she was too tired to fight it.
There, there. He gently stroked her hair. Frank, would you please go and get her some
Frankie nodded and left the room.
Now, its alright, these people, information is there game. Back in my day if you wanted
to know about someone, you asked around, maybe cracked a few skulls. Today, you sit in front
of a screen and ask it questions. He sighed. You know Beth, I am starting to think that maybe
its time to retire, let the new blood fight these battles now.
She looked up. What little makeup she wore had streaked a bit. Do you mean it? She
Maybe. He nodded. You and Frankie could do a good job together. He noticed her
tense at Frankies name. Hes a good kid. You could do a lot worse. HE laughed, she didnt.
So, How do we get their copy of the data? He wanted to make his daughter feel better, but he
also had business to attend to.

I have it right here, I took it from Jonas, shot theguard and ran. It is all sort of a mess
daddy. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the drive. Or at least what she thought was
the drive. NO! She screamed loud enough to actually hurt her fathers ears.
Whats wrong? HE asked, a little loud to compensate for his flash deafness.
This isnt the drive, its just the cap. Damn it! He swapped them on me. She stood up
and starting towards the door.
Where are you going?
To find them and kill them. I am getting tired of this. She made it to the door just as
Frankie was coming in with the glass of water.
Frank, will you be so kind as to restrain my daughter? Mr. Segal was reaching the end
of his rope with this adventure also.
Frankie put down the glass of water and grabbed Beth by the shoulders. She struggled but
her fatigue was winning the battle. Finally she reslaxed, Frankies attempt to stop her ended up
becoming a hug. HE held her as she started to cry tears that were long past coming.
Take into the office with the couch. Let jer rest for awhile while we try and sort this
Yes, boss. Fankie took her out of the room. Mr. Segal went to his desk and sat in the
quiet, trying to figure out his next move. After a moment he had a thought and picked up his
phone. Connect me with our Eastern friends please.

Chapter Twenty Seven

Dave was pacing like a caged cat, back and forth across the floor of the safe house. Now
and then he would stop and look at the guys as if to say something, but he would go right back to
pacing. This went on for more than an hour and it was starting to get dark outside. Jonas had
been sitting on the couch playing with the thumb drive, moving from hand to hand like he was
practicing a magic trick. Casper was tired of watching everyone and just sat quietly with his eyes
closed. Every now and then a sound form the outside would cause him to jump and his hand
would flash to his shoulder holster making everyone nervous.
OK, we have the data, we basically have her confessing to the murders, Hell we watched
her shoot the security guard and I am fairly certain she was shooting at me? Why are we still
sitting here?
I told you. Casper didnt feel the need to open his eyes. We wait for it to die down, I
take the drive into the field office, we verify what the data is and I come back to get you guys,
then we can go arrest Beth, and alls well that ends well.
No. Daved stopped pacing. I dont like that plan. That little piece of memory is the
only leverage we have, if we give that up to the cops or the Feds we have nothing. No, I think
our only move right now is to go right to the source.
The source? Jonas asked. What does that mean? He was worried that he knew the
Her father. Dave said as a matter of fact. I am fairly certain that he is the one that
gired me, I know that he ran her. He is the one that wants the data and he cant be all that happy
that his little girl is on a murder spree.
OK, so what do we do? Jonas sat up on the couch now.
We go to him directly and offer a trade, he hands Beth over the police for the murders,
we give the data and we all walk away. I am sure that he has the lawyers to keep her from getting
the death penalty, but a little prison time may do her good. HE was nodding in agreement to his
own plan. I think it would work great.
Do you actually know how her father is? Casper leaned forward slightly in the chair,
his eyes were still closed.
Yeah, something Segal, I read some stuff about him.
No. Do you KNOW who here father is?

I KNOW he is a mobster, whats the big deal. You guys must deal with his type every
day. Dave shrugged.
Not like him. Casper sat full up in the chair now and opened his eyes. This man is a
killer, his crew has ties all along the East Coast and over sees. He does a lot of work for the
Russians, and trust me you dont want to get involved with them.
What kind of work? Jonas was curious.
Not the good kind. Casper softened a little. Look, all I am saying is that you already
have the bad guy antagonized, why poke the bear?
Because the bear has something I want. Dave was firm. When he got like this all
pretense was gone, The joking, the sarcasm, everything he used to hide his uncertainties and
doubts were out the window. Its not the fact that she killed Miguel and Josie, its not the fact
that she may have killed the security guard, or even the fact that she tried really hard to kill me.
Did you guys get a close look in her eyes? The other two nodded. Then you saw it, she is
walking the edge right now and if she doesnt get off the street or get help, I think a lot more
people are going to die.
Dave, Jonas looked concerned. Are you actually starting to grow a conscience?
No, Dave responded. I just know that if I could have done something and didnt, I
would never be able to sleep again and that means I would always be grumpy, and I hate being
You know Dave, there is the possibility that we try this and they just kill us. I dont think
it would be that complicated for them. Jonas was trying to play the pragmatist, but even he
could tell that Dave had his mind made up.
Maybe, but I think we can do this. He stroked his chin for a second. Casper, how are
we doing on back up?
The last I talked to the one person I could trust at the field office, they said we were on
our own, so I would say not real good.
When we are done here remind me to send your office a strongly worded letter, I feel we
are getting very little support out here. Except for you of course. Dave bowed his head towards
Casper. So, with all that said, will you back my play?
Under one condition. Casper stood up now and walked over to Dave. You let me hold
onto the drive. If we go and confront these people and things get hot, maybe the fact that an FBI
agent is holding it will prevent them from doing anything stupid.

Jonas, its your call. Dave wasnt sure what to do, of all the things that he was
preparing himself for, this decision was nowhere near his radar.
Jonas looked pensively at the drive. Handing this to you puts our lives in your hands,
you have saved us at least once, I think if it comes down to it you would do it again. He handed
the drive off to Casper.
Settled. He said as he put it into his pocket. So, I back your play. Do you have a plan
for this sure to be last adventure?
I do. Ill tell you on the way.
Where are we going?
Oh, you are going to love this.

Jones was so excited but did a great job concealing it. He knew it was his first field
assignment, but he really didnt want the rest of his team to know that it was. So when the car
pulled up to the FutureTeck office he stepped out quickly and met with his people, keeping his
orders shirt and to the point. All the time his heart was a flutter. The police had cordoned off the
entire building and he had his run of the place. Once inside he sent a team to work on the servers
as he located the machines that occupied the IP space he had identified from his traps. Within a
few minutes he was sitting in the cubicle at Daves desk and turning on his machine. It took only
several seconds for him to crack the password and once he was in he laid bare the system logs,
what he found nearly made him cry. He spent several hours going through the data, back tracking
connections and target paths, in that time he was able to rebuild the entire history of the last
couple of weeks. Before long and without ever meeting Dave, he knew every step he had made
on the computer and was impressed. Soon Jones worked his way through Jonass and Miguels
computers. Before he knew it the sun had set and most of his team had knocked off for the day.
He took out his cell phone and placed the call he had waited all his life for.
This is Reese, go.
Reese, this is Jones.
Find anything Jones?
Yes, sir. He hoped his smile wasnt coming through on the other end of the phone, he
felt positively giddy. Three guys, Ill send their names in the report. I have evidence of a couple
fo dozen broken statutes, not to mention fraud, log tampering, piracy, and about a dozen more.

So professionals?
Jones had to think about that for second. Not necessarily, they made some pretty basic
mistakes, finding what I needed was not that hard, but they have some talent. Might even be
worth making a deal if the boss has any special needs.
Good, we could always use that kind of help. Any idea what went on there?
No, the FBI liaison still has not shown up, but from what I am seeing on these machines,
these guys are in pretty deep trouble. One of the last files opened on one of the work stations was
a background document on Abramo Segal.
THE Arbramo Segal? Reese sounded a little reticent to even say the name.
It would appear so. Jones shook his head. If what we are seeing is a game of cat and
mouse, the cat is going to win.
Seriously. Jones could hear Reese put his hand over the phone and whisper to someone
else in the room, then he was back. Send up everything you have. I want a full report in the
morning. Why dont you knock off and get some rest. Tomorrow I want you to get with the
server guys at the company. We need to get a final tally on who all was involved.
Understood, sir.
You did good work Jones, it will be remembered.
Thank you sir. He hung up his phone and started through the logs again., There was no
way that with this much data he was going to be able to sleep.

Chapter Twenty Eight

Beth could hear people moving around outside the office door. After the way she had
been acting she wasnt surprised that her father put someone on the door to watch her. The office
she was in was dark, with only a faint glow of light coming from the city lights outside the
window. The couch would have been comfortable to sit on, especially if being lectured by a
manager or supervisor, but to try and lie down on, it was just plain awkward. She knew she
should probably sleep, she knew she wanted to sleep, but it just would not come. Every time she
closed her eyes she saw faces twisted in pain and agony, people she had hurt without meaning to.
As they faded from her mind she saw the people she wanted to hurt, laughing and mocking her,
they were still alive and making her life a living Hell. She thought of her father, how his ebery
look the past few days had been some strange mix of pride and disappointment. She had wanted
inot the family business, but now this way. She always figured she would be the brains of the
operation, THe idea that she would be hip deep in the blood and violence of it had never
occurred to her. She saw his pain when her mother was brought up, and she regretted saying
anything. If Dave had never mentioned her, she never would have.
Now though thoughts of her mother sprang to her mind. She had worked for her
grandfather as a hostess in one of the families clubs where she did a lot more than just hosted.
The young Abramo Segal caught her eye and she did everything she could to catch his. When
they finally became a couple he immediately found her a different line of work and for a time
they had a real family life. But once Beth was born things changed, her mother changed. She
insisted on going back into her own line of work. N one understood the depression that she
suffered then or how the touch of strange men helped her feel more like a woman and less like
piece of livestock. Arbramo didnt approve, but he was in love and wanted her t be as happy as
she could be so they worked out an arrangement that last much longer than any would have
guessed. Unfortunately her depression only deepened and the last memory of her mother that
Beth had was turning five years old sitting next to a hospital bed that held the used up husk of
her mother. She died that night, not quietly buy in a fit of rage and disease that had no sure at the
time. For a time Abramo tried to make a home for Beth, but the sight of her only brought him
great pain, so he sent her to live with his sister in Italy where he would visit from time to time. It
was not until she was much older that she truly understood his pain. Where Beth was able to hide
in a strange new world, her father became absorbed in a world of violence. Some said that when
his wife died, the goodness that was left in the man died also, but he knew it was still alive in his
Still in the darkness and unable to sleep her thoughts shifted to how she got into this
situation. Her father had desperately wanted to try and break into the new world of cyber crime,
he thought it would be easy. High return for low investment. Beth had studied and was good with
computers, so he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to bring her back into the fold. They

talked and planned, figure out the best way to do it, and with her help the had come across Dave.
A disgruntled, but talented engineer that had a chip on his shoulder. He took the bait and agreed
to the job, but her father was always the cautions type and he pulled some strings an called in
favors to get her on staff ay the company to keep an eye on things. She wondered what would
have happened if they had not done that. Would she have still ended up a killer? Things like that
were flowing through her mind. Even the mild flirtation she shared when first meeting Jonas, he
was a nice guy, but after spending so much time around the men in the family business, she
realized she had a type, and he was not it. Dave however was a different story. A mix of cocky
and vulnerable, he tried to hide his pain from the world, but only ended up wearing like a badge
of honor. In another time, another place, under much different circumstances, she could see
herself with someone like him, but not now. Now she only wanted him dead.
She stood up and went to the window to look out at the city, a city that her family
ostensibly controlled. It was night and the lights shimmered in what seemed to be a lightly
developing rain. She touched the glass and it was cool. She leaned forward until her forehead
rested on it, she felt better instantly. A nock at the door broke her silent reflection. Yes.
Beth, its Frankie. Can I come in? She sighed, she liked him, but was not in the mood
for him, still she was tired of being alone.
Yes. She didnt think she said it loud enough for him to hear, but he must have as the
door opened. The harsh light from the hallway filled the room and made her wince.
I know you hate being asked this, but are you OK? He came into the room and made
his way over to the couch to sit down.
No, I dont think so. She turned to him and leaned against the window. I have really
made a mess out of all of this.
To be honest, yes. He tried laughing a little, hoping to break the tension. I remember
the first time I was asked by your father to do something. All I had to do was pick a payment
from the deli over on third, only about five grand, then bring it back to the office. That was it.
How did it go?
Total disaster. He shrugged. I showed up and they were busy, I went to the counter and
was supposed to order a number thirteen, there was no thirteen on the menu, but that was the
code that I was there for the money. I dont know, I guess the guy didnt hear me and when when
I got back to the office I handed your father a big brown paper bag filled with a pastrami on rye.
I thought he was going to shot me right there. HE was laughing.
Beth was smiling slightly. What did you do?

I was so panicked and scared I did the only thing I could think of and asked him if he
wanted mustard!
You did not?!?
I did. He broke out in a deep, deep belly laugh and I knew I was going to be OK. He
smacked me around a little and sent me back to the deli, where I smacked that kid around a little,
this time I made sure it was the money in the bag and not another sandwich.
You didnt kill any one though.
Not that day, that came later. In this line of work it is bound to, it almost cant be
avoided. A lot of times it is either kill or be killed, you sort of jumped into the deep end. Look
Beth, he sat at the edge of the couch and folded his hands. The guys, they know you are having
a rough time and will give you a pass for now. But if you ever want to be the boss, you have got
to get through this. They wont stick around if you look, for a better term, weak.
Does my father know you are here right now?
No, this is me and guys talking to you. We all think youre pretty swell and want you to
know that we stand behind you, but you have to pull it together.
I understand. She walked away from the window and sat next to him on the couch. Not
very long ago sitting like that was something they did a lot of. Now though they were just
colleagues in a family business. She took his hands in hers and squeezed gently. Thank you
Frankie. It means a lot that you and the guys care so much.
Its not a problem, just hang tough. Were there for you. She squeezed her hand back
and sat back in the couch. As soon as he did his phone rang. Cursing the break in the action he
looked at the caller ID. The front door? This late at night? He slid the answer button over.
Hello. Uh-huh. Uh-hu. No shit. OK. Keep them there.
What is it? Beth asked feeling her peace and quiet slipping away.
Stay here. Ill be back in abit, just some people at the door we have to take care of. Its
all good. He squeezed her hands one more time and flew out the door closing it behind him.
Beth was alone once more in the dark.

Chapter Twenty Nine

Just out of curiosity Dave, do you have any plans dont involve just walking up to the
front door? Casper was exasperated.
What? Cmon, you know this is the best plan. Totally not something they would expect.
Dave had been able to get the address for the Mr. Segals building from the information in the
background check he had run on Beth. During the car ride over he had to deal with a mini-revolt
once he explained what he wanted to do. Still they all agreed to carry it through.
They were standing now at the front door of the office building staring through the glass
at a couple of really confused guards, one of which was talking to someone on a cell phone. Just
let me do the talking OK?
Wouldnt have it any other way, Jonas said wondering if he was ever going to see his
own bed again. The stood quietly as they saw a familiar face walking towards the door. The man
stopped and talked to the two guards, then motioned for them to open the door. As soon as it was
opned the three guys walked in.
Hi, we havent been properly introduced, Dave thrust his hand out. My name is Dave,
I think you tried to kill me the other night?
Frankie, the man said staring at Daves outstrecteched hand. Dave thrust it forward
agin and with a big grin on his face. Frankie just shook his head. Not that you havent made my
life a lot easier, but what are you doing here?
Dave pulled his hand back and wrapped an arm around Caspers shoulders. Well, we are
here to cut a deal. Are you the minion we should talk to or there an actual boss around?
Were you born this annoying? Frankie reached to his shoulder holster for his gun.
Casper shook his head and pulled back his coat just enough for hi gun to be seen. Frankie
stopped and crossed his hands in front of him. And who is this, your new pet?
No, no, no. You see, this is Agent Jim Casper with the FBI, he is here to make sure that
we are all dealing fairly with each other. He patted Casper on the back. Aint that right
I wish you would quit doing that. Casper sighed. Basically yes. I know how you guys
work, we have something to trade that you want, you have something we want. I am sure you
can all reach some kind of agreement that would prevent anyone else from getting hurt.

What kind of cop are you? You think you walk in here and just make a deal? That
doesnt sound very cop like does it? Frankie was suspicious by nature, in his line of work it
usually paid off. Something was not striking him as being right.
I have had a very un-cop like couple of days. He looked around the room. He could see
Frankie with the two door guards on either side of him. Across the lobby by the elevator he could
see two more guys hovering. So far no one had guns out which was good sign. So can we talk?
Frankie eyed the three men, only Casper seemed to be a threat. He thought about calling
the boos and seeing what he should do, but decided against it. What are you offering?
Dave stepped up now in front of Casper. We have another copy of the data that YOU
tried to kill us for.
That seems kind of dumb. Frankie blurted out.
Well have we done anything that strikes you as particularly intelligent? Dave shrugged
and looked at the other two. Am I right guys? They nodded.
Fine you have a copy of the data. Do you have it with you?
What? No. How dumb would that be? Dave shot a look at Casper and Jonas, at that
moment he realized that flaw in his plan. Why didnt we just hide the data? That would have
made a lot more sense.
Pretty dumb. Frankie agreed. Ok, that is what you have. Let me guess what you want
in return, to be left alone. You want us to stop trying and kill you.
Well, I wont lie, that would be nice, but actually we are hoping for that and one more
What is the one thing?
Beth. Dave turned cold and serious. There was no humor in his eyes, no hint of the
joker that he played, only something cold and steely.
What? Frankie was surprised and did not hide it. Say again?
We want Beth, we want her arrested and we want her punished for killing Miguel and
Josie. And the guard, she shot a guard, if he dies, we want her punished for that also. Dave
rattled off the list as if he were shopping for groceries.
I dont see how that is going to happen. Frankie was reeling, this was not what he
expected at all,

I knew it. Dave clapped his hands. A minion, we are dealing with a minion. Can we
please get someone in charge over here? There was anger in his voice. You, how about you can
you make a deal? He was standing in the face of one of the door guards, who looked less than
pleased. You? He indicated the other one. Casper. Buddy ol buddy ol pal, I dont think that
want to deal.
Doesnt look that way Dave.
Lets cut to the chase, Jonas stood forward. She killed people, she killed our friends,
she has to pay for that. Give her up and we dont turn the data over to the police. Jonas did not
always do well playing the tough guy, but like Dave there was anger creeping into his voice.
They were all tired and realized that one way or the other the end of the road was within sight.
Wait here. Frankie said to them. He pulled the two guards back and had a short
conference. One walked around and locked the door. Im sure you understand.
Just go find a manger, flunky. Dave shot at him as he walked away. As soon as Frankie
was out of ear shot he turned to the guys. Well, I think that went really well.

Frankie went straight from the elevator to the bosses office,, he walked in without even
knocking. From the look on Mr. Segals face it was not something that he did very often.
Storming across the floor he stoped in fron to of the desk and said the words that evey boss ejoys
hearing. We have a problem.
Judging by how upset you look and how late it is, it could be nothing less. Sit down and
tell me what is going on. He poured himself a drink and offered one to Frankie, who politely
declined. Frankie sat down but was obviously agitated.
The computer guys are here, that Dave and the other one. They brought their pet cop wit
them. Frankie was jittery and reconsidered the drink.
Theyre here. Well that is a surprise. He emptied hid glas in one pull and poured
himself another. Why?
They want to make a deal.
For what?
Theyll turn over the last copy of the account data, if we promise to leave them alone.
He wiped his face with his hand in a nervous gesture.

Easy enough. Tell them yes, and as soon as we have the data we kill them. It rolled off
his tounge as such a matter of fact that even Frankie got chills.
They want something else, we wont get the data until they get this. Frankie paused,
not able to say the words.
What is it Frank? Money? Its not a problem. Give them whatever they are asking for
and well just take it back.
Beth, they want Beth. He blurted it out.
They want Beth?
Yes, they want us to turn her over to police so she can answer for the people she has
killed. He slapped his leg. Can you believe these mooks? How do they think they can get away
with that?
Abramo sat in silence. He was a little surprised that he did not feel the anger that Frankie
did. He did not feel the outrage that one would expect when someone asked you to give up your
child. What he said next surprised him even more. Maybe we should?
Think about it Frank. We can bring all this to an end with no more bodies and maybe
Beth can get some help. It was difficult for him to balance the love of a father versus the needs
of the family business. You can see yourself that she is not handling this well, whatever snapped
in her that caused her to kill those people, that came from much deeper than any of us would ever
be able to her with.
I cant believe that you would even consider this. She is your own flesh and blood and
you would sell her up the river?
Calm yourself Frank. I am still the boss. Abramo drained another drink and refilled.
You think even thinking that is easy for me? She is my little girl and she was that before she
was anything to you. But she needs help and if she doesnt get it we could all end up losing her.
He poured a drink for Frankie who did not resist this time. Frankie took it and mulled the
situation. Look, if we do it right we can make sure she gets into one of our facilities, nothing
bad will happen to her. She gets help, we get the data and our partners continue to back us. These
two idiots go their own way and we never have to deal with them again. Think about it.
Frankie sipped his drink and ran through everything the boss was saying. He had to admit
that there was a good portion that made sense. He cared about Beth and this may be the only way
to save her. The rest of the guys may have an issue with it but they could be convinced. Lets
talk with them and see what we can do. It may be the best for her after all.

What would be best for her? Beth walked into the room. What is going on down
How are feeling Beth? Her father asked. She rolled her eyes.
Im fine. Now what is going on? She was frustrated.
Your friends are down stairs. Frankie told her sipping his drink.
Dave and Jonas are here? Her eyes got big and her lips tightened. What are you doing
sitting there drinking? They should be dead!
Frankie and her father shared a look, both resigned to their course of action. They are
here to talk right now and we are going to honor that.
Why? What can the possibly have that buys them any more time. HSe turned to leave
the room.
Beth, stop! Her father was not used to having to raise his voice. Get back here right
now and sit down. Frank. Go and bring them up, all of them. Beth turned around and found her
way to one of the chairs. Frankie got up, finished his drink and disappeared out the door. Beth,
you have to understand that sometimes in life you have to make hard decisions. Right now one of
those decisions is to hear them out. Can you do that for me?
I can try, but I dont understand why.
Because Beth, one way or the other this is going to end tonight. What I need from you
when they get here is to keep yourself in check, and trust me. Do you trust me my daughter?
Good. He sipped his drink and waited for his guests to show up.

Chapter Thirty

You think theyll go for it? Jonas asked. The guards had moved off a bit and the guyes
were sitting on couched in the lobby.
I dont know, we took a Hell of a risk coming here, Casper watched the guards like a
hawk looking for his next meal. Dave, you seem to be our mastermind. If they dont buy it what
do we do?
Panic? Dave was trying to get comfortable on the couch, he was getting tired of
couches. Seriously. If it all goes pear shaped getting us out is up to you. I would say shoot the
guys with the guns first while Jonas and I hid under anything that would stop a bullet.
You do not inspire confidence. Jonas stared daggers into Dave. If we have to get out in
a hurry we can go out the stairs, odds are they will not have them covered. Plus the entire front t
of th building is glass, that means we can get out anywhere we need to with a little effort.
Look at who is getting all Die Hard on us now. Dave whistled.
Nope, that is all Plan B. I would prefer it didnt come to that.
Me, too. Casper agreed. But It could work, keep your eyes open. The ding of the
elevator drew their attention as Frankie stepped ou.
The boss wants to talk to you, you are to come upstairs. He motioned for them to
follow, once they got up and were closer he stopped them. Beth is up there but she doesnt
know the entire story of why you are here. Shes, well, not quite right as you may have noticed.
Please, let us handle her. He looked directly at Dave. That means you Captain Quip.
Me? Captain Quip? I like that can I steal it? Look who Im asking, of course I can.
Yes. Dave turned seruous. If it helps bring this to an end I can dial it down.
Good. Lets go. They got into the elevator and went up several floors, once the door
opened the could see several men standing there, not over armed but certainly strapped. Frankie
led them through the lobby and into the main office. Mr. Segal was sitting behind his desk, Beth
in chair off to the side of the desk. One guard stood over by the window. Everyone one was
oddly quite as the group moved in front of the desk. Mr. Segal, Dave, Jonas and Agent Casper.
Gentlemen, he waved his hand, motioning for Frankie to back away. He did, moving
over across the desk to stand next to Beth who was visibly agitated. So, you are Dave, I have
heard so much about you, its nice to put a face to the name.

Dave was obviously holding his tongue, but smiled and nodded. Same to you sir. I am
very sorry things could not have gone better. There was such potential in our relationship.
If you say. It is my understanding that the man with the real skills is actually standing
beside you, Jonas is it?
Yes, sir. He nodded. But to tell the truth, Miguel was the truly gifted one of us,
unfortunately he couldnt be here tonight. The worlds dripped off his tongue like venom. He
stared right at Beth who only glared back.
Yes, that is unfortunate. He looked over the men again. You sir, Agent, Casper. I am
not familiar with that name.
Any reason you should be? Casper growled back.
I should think so. I know most of the people that works out of the Charlotte field office,
a few are on my payroll, but you, your name has never come up. He tapped on his desk as if
thinking about something.
Im new, just started a couple of weeks ago. Casper retorted. Dave was watching the
back and forth with interest. And I work out of the Cyber-Crime division, were based out of
If you say, still your name is not familiar, but your face is. Was your father with the
You wouldnt know him.
Very well, just trying to get your measure. He was still tapping his fingers. Shall we
get down to business?
Yes, lets. Dave spoke up. I believe Mr. Italian Stereotype told you what we are asking
for? Dave turned to Frankie and smiled, Frankie did not smile back.
He did. You have some data that belongs to us and you want to trade. Tell me, Dave,
why should we believe that this is the last copy of the data?
You will have to take our word for it. Dave smirked.
I see. Do you know what you have there? What is one the drive?
Dave looked at Jonas. You want this?
Yeah. Jonas cleared his throat. The data was from Eastern National Bank and contains
account information, some of the accounts were for companies that doesnt actually exist. I
figured that would mean some kind of money laundering. Thats all we know about it.

Would you like to know more? Mr. Segal asked.

If I say yes will that give you another reason to kill us? Dave asked, genuinely worried
at this point.
No, reason. Segal took a drink from his glass. You are very perceptive Jonas. Have
you ever heard the slang term pinch?
Like pinching cheeks or getting arrested?
Sort of, it means to steal, when you pinch something you steal it. We use that term when
we are laundering money for some really bad people, we tend to pinch a little here and a little
there. If they protest too much we threaten to open our records and they back down. Now we can
really only do that so much before we become like the boy that crys wolf. The reality is if we
ever actually opened our records, well it would not be good for us.
So you arranged for us to steal the data, that way you would have it off the record. If it
ever leaked, it wouldnt come back on you. Dave was in awe, it was sort of a genius move. So,
who do the accounts belong to?
The accounts that you retrieved the information for belong to a number of high level
members of the government.
How high level?
Several Senators, a Secretary or two. Segal ran off a couple of names that they all
recognized. There are laws about how much money they can raise and the sources that the
money can come from. So sometimes they come up with extra, we clean it for them. Taking a
little pinch here and there.
Wow. Dave was gob smacked. We are in way over our head. It felt good to admit it
although he wished he had realized it before now. That is much, much heavier than faking
construction contracts.
Yes, Dave it is. Segal nodded. No do you understand why it is so important that the
Russians dont get a hgold of it?
Yeah, I can... What? Dave did a double take. What do the Russians have to do with
it? Now he was just confused.
We have some partners in Russia that help on on occasion, they knew we moved money
for some high level people, but if they could get their hands on the accounts, they could find the
names. That would give them leverage over these people. The Russians would gane some very
powerful asstes. There was not a sing person in the room that was breathing at the moment, the

revelation was sucking the air out of the entire building. Isnt that right Agent Casper? Or
should I say, Kasperov? Casper reached for his gun and had it out before anyone could react.
Youre good. I knew I shouldnt have come with them. Casper shifted his position so
that he could cover the room.
OK, TIME OUT! Dave yelled. He turned to Casper and saw the gun was pointed at
him. What is he talking about?
They sold me out didnt they? Casper asked Segal.
We came to an arrangement, as soon as we did they told me that they had been looking
for an opportunity to get a hold of the data, when we arranged our breach the put their feelers out
trying to find who would be selling it. Segal turned to Dave. When you sent out your request
for help they got just what they wanted and sent someone to retrieve it.
Casper, buddy. Say it isnt so? Dave implored.
Sorry Dave, it is. My name is Igor Kasperov and I work for the GRU, Russian
Well, great job on the accent. Dave rolled his eyes.
So, hold it. If you just wanted the data, why did you come with us to get Beth? Jonas
asked trying to keep up.
I liked you guys. I figured we could trade the data for the girl, then I would just come
back and kill everyone. You should not really know any of thi right now.
Wait, what? Beth had been sitting quite thie entire time, Frankie held a hand on her
shoulder. What do you mean trade the data for the girl?
Beth, sit down and shut up well get to you. We have a situation here. Dave waved her
off. OK, so you have the data, just go.
Dave, you cant let him just go! Jonas insisted. You heard who the data belongs to.
Yes, Jonas, but he has a gun and for some reason I still do not.
Dad, you were going to trade me for the data? Beth shook off Frankies hand and stood
Beth! Dave shouted. yes, we offered your father the data if he handed you over. Of
course we were going to hand you over to the FBI, but it turns out we dont KNOW anyone in
the FBI anymore. He pinched the bridge of his nose. I have a headache.

You were going along with this? Beth looked at her father then at Frankie.
We thought it might be best for you. Frankie said, Get you some help to get over the
Trauma? You want trauma? She pushed away from Frankie and grabbed his gun out of
his holster. Her first shot went wide. Dave and Jonas hit the ground. Casper shot back at her, but
she had dove behind the chair. The guard from the back of the room pulled his gun, but Casper
put him down with a single shot. He tried moving towards the door, but Beth took a shot at him,
which missed but hit the window causing it to crack.
Who are you shooting at? Dave yelled from the floor.
If I hit anyone other than you, its just a bonus. She stuck her head out again, ducking
as Casper took a shot at her.
Where is the data? Segal asked from behind the desk.
Funny story, Dave shouted. We figured it would be safer with the FBI, so Casper has
That was not well thought out.
Really? Now? Dave looked up. Casper was the only person that was close to standing
and it looked like he was getting ready to make a run for it. Dave made eye contact with Frankie
who was on the floor by where Beth was hiding. He made a hand signal that he hoped Frankie
would recognize as being told to get around Casper. Frankie nodded and Dave did something he
never thought he would. He jumped from a crouch towards a man with gun. No one was more
surprised than Casper who suddenly had a middle aged computer tech wrapped around his legs.
Frankie took the distraction and moved towards the door. Casper lowered his gun and
aimed at Daves back, when snap! A shot rang out from Beth and grazed him in the shoulder. He
kicked Dave hard and took off for the door. Beth fired a couple of shots after him but missed.
Frankie threw himself at the man but was outweighed by about fifty pounds, which made all the
difference. Casper was out of the office and Frankie was sprawled out on the floor.
Beth, can you stop shooting now? Dave asked in pain, he was sure he had several
broken ribs.
Are you dead yet?
No? he really wasnt sure at this point. How you doing Jonas?
Good, unhurt. He paused. I think.
Mr. Segal? Dave shouted.

Yes, unhurt. He answered.

OK, so that just leaves Frankie, who looks fine. He stood up. Here we go Beth, easy
target, just do it.
Are you crazy? Jonas reached over and tried to drag him down.
No, Jonas, not crazy. Do you realize we basically just handed national secretes to the
Russians? He looked down at his friend. I am way to pretty for Guantanamo. Youll be fine.
He put his hands up and started walking over to Beth. They could hear sounds of a fight on the
lower level of the building now, lost of gun fire, screaming and yelling. Put the gun down
Why? She stood up from behind the chair and kept the gun leveled at Dave. Why
should I not just shoot you?
Is that what you want? Because honesylt right now I dont care. Add one more body to
your total, it was all for nothing. You killed and hurt a bunch of people the last couple of days,
and it was all for nothing. Jail is too good for you.
Bethy, Mr. Segal popped his head up over the desk. Put the gun down daughter, we
can get you help, and you need help.
You were going to sell me out, you and Frankie? She moved the gun around as if she
was trying to figure out who she would shoot first.
No we werent. We were going to try and get you in a hospital where they could help
you. We love you Beth, we both do. Frankie made his speech as he was trying to stand up. The
noise from downstairs was getting worse, as sirens joined the cacophony. He moved towards her
with his arms spread wide open.
Beth was crying.
Just put it down and we can make it all work out. Frankie was within reach of her now.
Everyone started with baited breath as he reached out slowly and took the gun from her. She
collapsed in his arms. Dave let out a huge sigh of relief and made a show of checking himself for
holes, he found none but did find several broken ribs.
Freeze! A man burst through the door, several others behind him, they were wearing
Yeah right. Dave rolled his eyes, Prove it.

Chapter Thirty One

And that is what happened. Dave told the story much like Threepio did in Return of the
Jedi, complete with voices and effects. Jonas had a headache from rolling his eyes so much and
so hard. They were sitting in the lobby of the building that looked it had just hosted a Tarantino
movie, mobsters and cops all over the place.
That is quite a story son, The lead agent said to him and he finished writing everything
Any chance they can catch Casper, er Kasperov? Jonas asked the agent.
Maybe, we have his description and every way out of the city being watched. If this guy
is GRU, odds are he is already out of here. He picked up his ringing phone, then covered the
receiver. Stay put, we have a lot more questions.
Yeah! Dave mocked him. Did you see what happened to Frankie and the Segals?
Geeze that would make a great band name. He asked Jonas.
They took them out of the office and down the elevator, that was the last I saw. He
looked around. None of this is going to touch them is it?
No,probably not.
So no justice for Miguel.
No, probably not.
Youre going after them arent you?
You have anything better to do? Dave smiled at Jonas, who smiled back.
Before you guys go and get all super hero on us, can I speak with for a second?
Dave saw the guy hanging around while he was telling the story, he had asked a few
questions, but was pretty quiet. Sure, Agent?
Not an Agent, I am actually with the SEC. The name is John Jones. He put his hand
out. Dave grabbed it and shook.
Now that is some alliteration. Jonas shook his hand. What can we do for you?
Well, I have to admit, I was one to you guys since you pulled those fake trades. That was
good work. In fact I had been watching the network and after finding you logs at the Futureteck
office, well, I had a feeling we would find you here.

So you rescued us? Very cool Dave said.

In a way, I just happened to have some friends with me. He flipped through his little
notebook. You guys did some very good work on those computers, the entire Russian thing, no
one saw that. He flipped a couple of more pages. How would you like to go after him and that
What do you mean? Daves ears perked up.
The two of you, I can get you the resources to go after him, if during that process you
happen to go after the Segals, well we can make that work also.
Are you asking what I think you are? Jonas was smiling.
If you think I am asking you to come to work for the US Government, yes, I am. The
Secretary is very interested in you. What do you say?
Dave thought about it for about a fraction of a second. I say Hell yes. When do we


Of Book One

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