PALL Gas Filter Bro

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Gas Filtration Products for

OEM Health Care Devices

Pall Corporation
For more than fifty years, Pall Corporation has
provided the global medical manufacturing
industry with the widest selection of
customized membranes and devices. Because
we manufacture our own membranes, we
can control the OEM manufacturing process
every step of the wayfrom raw materials
to final medical filtration device assembly.
As a result, you can be assured of total
product quality.
Whether you are filtering intravenous solutions, protecting
equipment from contamination, or providing bacteria-free air
for breathing circuits, Pall Medical has membranes for your
most demanding and critical applications.
By combining our strengths with yours, we can design
and produce a cost-effective product, manufactured to the
highest quality standards, that meets your specific needs.


Total OEM Support

Global Sales Structure
As an OEM supplier, customer satisfaction is at the core of our success. To meet customer needs,
we have organized our global sales force to make representatives available to you locally. Whether
located in Asia, Europe, or the Americas, a Pall Medical sales representative can meet with you
within a matter of hours. Additionally, we have an experienced inside sales staff ready to help place,
track and expedite your orders. It is our goal to be a resource for your organization.
Our experienced staff can help develop filtration and separation solutions to address your unique
application needs. Backed by a wealth of engineering and product development support, we look
forward to working with you on your next project.

Manufacturing Capability
Poised to meet a variety of needs, Pall Medical is equipped to produce a wide variety of filtration
devices. Our manufacturing team has a proven record in satisfying customer demands and solving
filtration problems. Our people, from engineers to line operators, are focused on improvement always
seeking to further our capability to address changing needs. Our manufacturing processes employ
many advanced technologies, and we can offer devices of excellent quality matched to specific
requirements and designed for easy integration into customer applications. The wide and varied
use of our products speaks to the manufacturing flexibility we possess and to our responsiveness
in providing solutions.

Supply Chain Management

Pall Medical subscribes to the principles of Lean Manufacturing. By incorporating these fundamentals,
we look through the entire supply process, from our raw component suppliers to our end customers,
with the determination to identify and eliminate non-value added activities and reduce costs.
Areas within the supply chain where we focus our energy are quality at the source and continuous
supply replenishment.
In the area of quality Pall Medical has a vision of delivering quality to our customers within the
expectations of six-sigma. In order to succeed, we must drive the same expectation to our
component suppliers. We accomplish this through supply agreements that include defined quality
requirements, working with our suppliers quality departments to explain our needs, and monitoring
our raw component designs to aggressively look for ways to improve consistency in the manufacturing of our component parts.
To ensure timeliness of delivery, we implement continuous supply programs, such as visual Kanban
pull systems. These continuous supply systems utilize standard shipping quantities (where applicable).
With the establishment of continuous supply programs, we have been very successful in reducing
our supplier lead-times, with resulting benefits to our end customers.
By allowing Pall Medical to work with you as we do our suppliers, we believe we can help you
achieve your business objectives. In concert with you and our suppliers, we can create a supply
chain that cannot be broken.


Total OEM Support

Product Development
Pall Medical Research and Development delivers complete product development, customization,
and technical support service to our OEM customers. Our team of highly trained and experienced
engineers is available to assist in specification development, design and development of innovative
filtration solutions, and product testing/validation support. We can serve as an adjunct to the
customers own R&D group, providing assistance and education regarding filtration technology,
applications and devices.
Utilizing the Pall Medical R&D group, our customers get both the focus of a small team specialized in
medical filtration applications, as well as access to the full technical resources of Pall Corporation,
with the broadest range of filtration technologies in the world.

Quality Systems
Pall Medical, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is the primary location for the OEM Medical manufacturing
group. The quality system on the Ann Arbor campus has been registered to ISO9001 and
EN46001/ISO13485, allowing us to apply the CE mark to direct sale medical devices, or to assist
in the customers CE mark registration. Additionally, the manufacturing facilities are FDA registered
for the manufacturing and distribution of medical devices. Regardless of the product, all practices
meet current medical device good manufacturing practices now more commonly known as FDA
Quality System Regulation, 21CFR Part 820.



Basic Filtration Concepts

Filtration is a dynamic science of growing information,
distinctive terminology and proprietary knowledge. Selection
of appropriate filter media is critical to achieve specific
goals within your application. These basic filtration concepts
have been compiled to establish a common ground from
which we can work to determine your needs.


Air and Liquid Filtration Differences

Hydrophobic filters lack an affinity for, or repel, water. A hydrophobic filter

will not wet in water, but will wet in low surface-tension liquids, such as
organic solvents. Hydrophobic filters are best suited for gas filtration and
venting (Example: Pall Medicals PTFE membrane).

To measure retention efficiency of hydrophobic membranes (depth or

membrane media), the media is typically exposed to aerosolized particles
of a standard size. The DOP test method is a standardized test to measure
this retention efficiency. By definition, this is the measure of the efficiency
of a filter for the production of ultrapure air based on the concentration of
0.3 m Dioctylphthalate aerosol particles that penetrate a filter at a
predetermined flow. It is usually expressed as a percentage of retention.

Flow Rate and Throughput

are two important related
measures of filter media and
device performance. This
performance is affected by
many different variables. The
most important variables are described below.
Differential Pressure (psid) is the difference between inlet and outlet
pressure. As the filter becomes laden, differential pressure increases.
Porosity is the measure of all of the open spaces (pores) in the
membrane. Generally, membranes are 50 to 90% open space. Flow rate
is directly proportional to the porosity of the membrane (more pores =
higher flow rate).
Effective Filter Area (EFA): Filter devices are available in a wide range
of sizes with different Effective Filtration Areas (EFA). EFA is the filter area
that is available for filtration. Given a solution, a larger filter area allows
faster flow rates at a given differential pressure and larger expected filter
throughput volumes prior to filter loading.

One of the most common misconceptions about air filtration is that an

efficient sterilizing grade hydrophobic filter must have a rating of 0.2 m.
This is not true because a 1.2 m pore size membrane has a 99.98%
efficiency when challenged with a 0.3 m DOP aerosolized particle. Due
to the nature of gas filtration through microporous membrane media,
particles smaller than the pore size, usually on the order of 10 1, are
retained. Therefore membranes even as high as 3 m can provide a
sterile air barrier for equipment and instruments.
In aerosol retention, there are five mechanism by which an aerosol particle
can be deposited on a filter media. These mechanisms are interception,
inertial impaction, diffusion, gravitational settling and electrostatic attraction.
Interception and inertial impaction have the greatest impact on aerosol
retention because adsorptive mechanisms are much more powerful in air
filtration than they are with corresponding cases in liquid filtration. Because
of the difference in the properties of gases and liquids (e.g., the density of
air is about 1000 times lower than liquid) filtering particles from air is not
as difficult. In fact, relatively large pore size filters should efficiently remove
small particles from air.
If you have any questions about these concepts or specific questions about
your application, please call us at 734.913.6124 or 888.676.7255.


Technical Reports
Following are abstracts of a number of studies specific to filtration topics that Pall has on file. Contact your Pall representative,
or call us at 888-676-7255 for a complete copy of the any of these reports.
Can Surgery Be Made Safer?

Entry of Abdominal Fluids into Laparoscopic Insufflators

Medical Design News, May/June 2002.

Within the last few years minimally invasive surgery, specifically
laparoscopy which deals with the abdomen, has become a replacement
for many open procedures. Advances in filters and membranes make
laparoscopy more accurate.

ECRI Problem Reporting System 21 (5): 180-181 (1992).

Member hospital recently reported an incident in which blood was
delivered from inside a laparoscopic insufflator to a patient. Using a
filter prevents the backflow of abdominal fluids and precludes passage
of almost all micro-organisms. Use a hydrophobic filter between the
insufflator and the patient.

Surgical Smoke
Operating room personnel have been exposed to surgical smoke and
aerosol for years without fully understanding whether they contain
hazardous particles. Not until the introduction and acceptance of laser
surgery technology in the early 1980s did the constituents of surgical
smoke come under scrutiny. The research to date has focused on four
potential health risks to operating room personnel and patients: hazardous
chemicals, viable viruses, viable cells, and nonviable particles.

Aerosol Challenge Summary for the Evaluation of Microbial

and Viral Retention Characterizes of Membrane Filters
This test is based on Pall Corporation SLS test methodology
(document # MB04), and is designed so that a concentration of bacteria
(Brevundimonas diminuta) or viruses (Bacteriophage MS-2), in aerosol
form, is passed through a filter device, after which effluent downstream
of the filter device is collected. Aerosol bacterial and viral retention levels
and removal efficiencies are then calculated through comparisons of
input and effluent concentrations of said microorganisms.

Hysteroscopic and Laparoscopic Insufflators

Food and Drug Administration (1995).
Submission Guidance for a 510(k).
For gas hysteroscopic insufflators, use of a hydrophobic filter between
the patient and the insufflator to prevent patient cross-contamination is
highly recommended.


Gas Filters

Vacuum Protection Filter

Superior air flow rates and low back pressure maximizes
application performance

Vacuum protection
General hydrophobic barrier
Small to medium volume vent

0.30 in

1.49 in

Product Features:

Vacuum Protection Specifications:

Low system pressure resistance maximizes pump performance

Effective barrier protects vacuum pumps from biohazardous
Filter delivers viral and bacterial protection at 15 psi
Custom colored printing option for product and/or company identification
Assists in meeting 29CFR1910.1030 OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen
Standard by serving as an Engineering Control to reduce
employee exposure
Meets bacterial filter requirements suggested by the Center for
Devices and Radiological Health Guidance Development for Powered
Suction Pump 510(k)s

Bacterial/Viral Filtration Efficiency

Bacterial removal efficiency 99.999%
with test organisms Brevundimonas
diminuta. Test organism: Serratia
marcescens (0.45 m)
Brevundimonas diminuta (0.30 m)
Viral Filtration Efficiency
Viral removal efficiency 99.999%
with MS-2 Bacteriophage.
Test organism: MS-2 Bacteriophage

Inlet/Outlet Connections
1/4 in (6.4 mm) HB
Typical Air Flow Rate
41 L/min @ 5 psi
Minimum Water Breakthrough
750 mmHg (15 psi)
< 0.25 EU/mL using the LAL
test method

Exceeds filtration efficiency
requirements for HEPA rating*

Sterilization Compatibility

Effective Filtration Area

18 cm2

Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Materials of Construction
Media: PTFE with a prefilter support
Housing: Acrylic

Ordering Information: Vacuum Protection Filter

Product No. Description
Vacuum Protection Filter, bulk, non-sterile
* Data available upon request.


General Gas Filter

Respiratory therapy
Oxygen concentration
Smoke evacuation

2.60 in

2.05 in

Product Features:

General Gas Filter Specifications:

Effective barrier bacterial removal efficiency greater than 99.999%

Effective removal of particulate, and other contaminants from oxygen
and other medical gases
May be used with all medical gases such as CO2, N2, and 02
Bi-directional hydrophobic media effectively removes gas-borne
particulate down to 0.2 m in size
Multiple connectors for easy installation in gas lines
High flow rates with low resistance
High particulate loading capability to maintain flow rates over
extended periods
Cost effective solution the filter reduces maintenance time and
extends the life of the oxygen concentrator
Disposable, single-use

Bacterial Filtration Efficiency

Bacterial removal efficiency 99.999%
with test organisms Brevundimonas
diminuta. Test organism: Serratia
marcescens (0.45 m)
Brevundimonas diminuta (0.30 m)
Viral Filtration Efficiency
Viral removal efficiency 99.99%
with MS-2 Bacteriophage.
Test organism: MS-2 Bacteriophage
Exceeds filtration efficiency
requirements for HEPA rating*
Effective Filtration Area
11.8 cm2
Materials of Construction
Media: Ceramic bonded Hydrophobic
Glass (Pallflex media)
Housing: Polypropylene

Ordering Information: General Gas Filter

Product No. Description
Pallflex media, 4.8 to 3.2 mm (3/16 to 1/8 in) HB
* Data available upon request.


Inlet/Outlet Connection
4.8 to 3.2 mm (3/16 to 1/8 in) HB
Typical Air Flow Rate
15 L/min @ 1 psi
Minimum Water Breakthrough
5 min @ 1 psi
< 0.25 EU/mL using the LAL Method
Sterilization Compatibility
EtO, Gamma, Autoclave
Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Gas Filters

FORS1 Filtration Odor Removal System

Designed specifically for evacuation of passive smoke during
minimally invasive surgery involving insufflation, electrocautery,
laser, or ultrasonic scalpel use

Product Features:

FORS1 Filtration Odor Removal System Specifications:

99.999% bacterial and viral removal efficiency

Particulate removal in surgical smoke ranging in size from
0.1 m to 1 m
Protects patients and surgical staff allows safe and rapid evacuation
of smoke throughout the surgical procedure, minimizing the exposure
to potentially harmful surgical smoke
Reduces odor and organic volatiles
Lightweight, low profile construction
Easy to use the universal luer connector meets ISO standards for
leak free connection to the trocar
Rotating hub prevents twisting of the tubing during connection
Disposable, single use

Bacterial Filtration Efficiency

Bacterial removal efficiency 99.999%
with test organisms Brevundimonas
diminuta. Test organism: Serratia
marcescens (0.45 m)
Brevundimonas diminuta (0.30 m)

Male luer with rotating hub, conforms
to ISO594-2:1996

Viral Filtration Efficiency

Viral removal efficiency 99.999%
with MS-2 Bacteriophage.
Test organism: MS-2 Bacteriophage

Sterilization Compatibility

Materials of Construction
Media: PTFE, Hydrophobic Glass,
Carbon, with polyester support
Tubing: PVC
Luer: Acrylic

Working Pressure
15 mmHg

Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Ordering Information: FORS1 Filtration Odor Removal System

Product No. Description
FORS1 Filtration Odor Removal System, MLL, rotating hub


25 mm and 32 mm Filters
Select from a full line of barrier devices used by some of the
worlds most respected medical equipment manufacturers

Transducer protection
Small volume venting
Sterile air/gas delivery
Pump protection
Gas analyzer protection
1.10 in
1.37 in

1.75 in

.88 in

Product Features:

25 mm Specifications:

Protective hydrophobic barrier allows only sterile air to pass through,

protecting patients and equipment from cross contamination
Choice of media to accommodate sterilization methods
Selection of 510(k) cleared products for transducer protection reduces
your time to market
Colored housings available for identification
Mix and match over a dozen standard and custom connector styles
Custom printed blister packaging available
Housings designed to withstand pneumatic pulsing

Effective Filtration Area

2.8 cm2

Pore Size
0.2 - 5.0 m

Materials of Construction
Media: Versapor or PTFE
Housing: Modified acrylic

< 0.25 EU/mL using the LAL
test method

Inlet/Outlet Connections
Inlet: FLL; Luers conform to ISO594
Outet: MLL, MSL; Luers conform
to ISO594

Sterilization Compatibility
Versapor: EtO, gamma irradiation

32 mm Specifications:
Effective Filtration Area
5.3 cm2

Pore Size
0.2 - 5.0 m

Materials of Construction
Media: Versapor or PTFE
Housing: Modified acrylic

< 0.25 EU/mL using the LAL
test method

Inlet/Outlet Connections
Inlet: FLL; Luers conform to ISO594
Outlet: MLL, MLS; Luers conform
to ISO594

Sterilization Compatibility
Versapor; EtO, gamma irradiation

Maximum Operating Temperature

55 C (131 F)

Maximum Operating Temperature

55 C (131 F)

Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Minimum Water Breakthrough

Versapor membrane: 0.8 bar (12 psi)/
30 seconds (0.2 m)
PTFE: 1.1 bar (16 psi)/
30 seconds (0.2 m)

Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Ordering Information: 25 mm and 32 mm Filters

Product No.

25 mm, Versapor, 0.2 m MLS/FLS, bulk, non-sterile
25 mm, Versapor, 0.2 m FLL/MLL, bulk, non-sterile
25 mm, PTFE, 0.2 m MLS/FLS, bulk, non-sterile
25 mm, PTFE, 0.2 m FLL/MLL, bulk, non-sterile

Product No. Description

25 mm, Versapor, 0.2 m HB, bulk, non-sterile
25 mm, Versapor, 1.2 m HB, bulk, non-sterile
25 mm, Versapor, 1.2 m FLL/MLS, bulk, non-sterile
Contact Customer Service for additional 25 mm and 32 mm part numbers.


Small Volume Filters

13 mm, 37 mm, and 50 mm Chemical

Resistant Filters
Sensible solutions for delivery of sterile air to patient

Oxygen concentration
Sterile delivery of air
0.16 in

0.63 in

0.28 in

1.75 in

0.5 in

2.86 in

Product Features:

37 mm and 50 mm Specifications:

Variety of HEPA-rated filter media and inlet/outlet configurations

Custom colored printing option for product and/or company identification
High particulate-loading capability to maintain flow rates over
extended periods
High flow rates at low differential pressures
Rugged polypropylene housing withstands high temperatures, high
pressures and aggressive solvents

Exceeds filtration efficiency
requirements for HEPA rating*

13 mm Specifications:

Inlet/Outlet Connections
Inlet: 37 mm: 6.4 to 9.5 mm (1/4 to
3/8 in) HB; 3.2 mm (1.8 in) HB; 4.8 mm
(3/16 in) HB; FLL; Luers conform to
ISO594 50 mm: 6.4 mm (1/4 in) HB;
6.4 to 12.7 mm (1/4 to 1/2 in) HB;
3.2 mm (1/8 in) MNPT; 4.8 mm (3/15
in) HB; 9.5 mm (3/8 in) SP; Luers
conform to ISO594
Outlet: 37 mm: 6.4 to 9.5 mm (1/4 to
3/8 in) HB; 3.2 mm (1.8 in) HB; 4.8 mm
(3/16 in) HB; MLS; Luers conform to
ISO594 50 mm: 6.4 mm (1/4 in) HB;
6.4 to 12.7 mm (1/4 to 1/2 in) HB;
3.2 mm (1/8 in) MNPT; 4.8 mm (3/15
in) HB; 9.5 mm (3/8 in) SP; Luers
conform to ISO594

Effective Filtration Area

0.8 cm2

Pore Size
0.2 - 5.0 m

Materials of Construction
Media: Versapor or PTFE
Housing: Polypropylene

Sterilization Compatibility
PTFE: Autoclave, EtO
Versapor: Gamma irradiation, EtO

Inlet/Outlet Connections
Inlet: FLL; Luers conform to ISO594
Outlet: MLS; Luers conform to ISO594

Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Maximum Operating Temperature

PTFE: 130 C (266 F)
Versapor: 88 C (190 F)

Effective Filtration Area

37 mm: 7.5 cm2
50 mm: 19.6 cm2
Materials of Construction
Media: Hydrophobic laminated glass
media, Versapor or PTFE
Housing: Polypropylene

Maximum Operating Temperature

Glass: 121 C (250 F) for 15 min.
PTFE: 130 C (266 F)
Versapor: 88 C (190 F)
Typical Water Breakthrough
Glass: 0.13 bar (1.8 psi)
0.2 m PTFE: 2.1 bar (30 psi)
Pore Size
0.2 - 5.0 m
< 0.25 EU/mL using the LAL test method
Sterilization Compatibility
Glass: Autoclave, gamma irradiation
PTFE: Autoclave, EtO
Versapor: EtO, gamma irradiation
Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Ordering Information: 13 mm, 37 mm, and 50 mm Chemical Resistant Filters

Product No.

13 mm, PTFE, 0.2 m, FLL/ML, bulk, non-sterile
13 mm, PTFE, 1.0 m, FLL/ML, bulk, non-sterile
37 mm, Hydrophobic Glass, 1/4 to 3/8 in HB, bulk, non-sterile

Product No. Description

37 mm, Hydrophobic Glass, 1/8 in HB, bulk, non-sterile
50 mm, Hydrophobic Glass, 1/4 in HB, bulk, non-sterile
Contact Customer Service for additional 13 mm, 37 mm, and 50 mm part numbers.
* Data available upon request.


Intervene, Intervene High-Flow, and

Intervene Max-Flow Filters
Unique filter design maximizes hydrophobicity to prevent
cross-contamination between patient and equipment

Oxygen concentration
Smoke evacuation
2.4 in

2.7 in

2.7 in

2.7 in

2.7 in

Vacuum protection

1.0 in

Product Features:
HEPA rated hydrophobic media allows effective removal of particles
and bacteria
Overall design maximizes air/gas flow rates and lowers pressure drop
Bi-directional filter media eliminate orientation concerns
Connector options for virtually every application and maximum
system flexibility
Lightweight housing prevents tube kinking
Low profile design fits easily into packaging or tight spaces

Intervene, Intervene High-Flow, and

Intervene Max-Flow Filters Specifications:
Bacterial Filtration Efficiency
Bacterial removal efficiency 99.999%
with test organisms Brevundimonas
diminuta. Test organism: Serratia
marcescens (0.45 m)
Brevundimonas diminuta (0.30 m)
Viral Filtration Efficiency
PTFE: Viral removal efficiency
99.999% with MS-2 Bacteriophage
Test organism: MS-2 Bacteriophage
Pallflex : Viral removal efficiency
99.99% with MS-2 Bacteriophage
Test organism: MS-2 Bacteriophage
Exceeds filtration efficiency
requirements for HEPA rating*
Devices containing PTFE meet ULPA
standards for air/gas delivery with
99.999% filter efficiency of 0.1 m
particles at test flows of 40 L/min.
Effective Filtration Area
18.5 cm2
Materials of Construction
Media: PTFE, Pallflex media
Housing: Modified acrylic

Inlet/Outlet Connections
Inlet: Intervene: 6.4 mm (1/4 in) HB;
Intervene High-Flow: 9.5 to
12.7 mm (3/8 to 1/2 in) HB;
Intervene Max-Flow: ISO 22 mm
F/15 mm M
Outlet: 6.4 mm (1/4 in) HB (available
for all Intervene products); 9.5 to 12.7
mm (3/8 to 1/2 in) HB (available for all
Intervene products)
Minimum Water Breakthrough
Pallflex: n/a
1 m PTFE: 0.62 bar (9 psi)
3 m PTFE: 0.21 bar (3 psi)
< 0.25 EU/mL using the LAL
test method
Sterilization Compatibility
Pallflex media: EtO or gamma irradiation
Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Ordering Information: Intervene, Intervene High-Flow, and Intervene Max-Flow Filters

Product No.


1.0 m PTFE, 1/4 in HB, bulk, non-sterile
3.0 m PTFE, 1/4 in HB, bulk, non-sterile
Pallflex, 1/4 in HB, bulk, non-sterile
1.0 m PTFE, 3/8 to 1/2 in HB, bulk, non-sterile
3.0 m PTFE, 3/8 to 1/2 in HB, bulk, non-sterile

Product No. Description

Pallflex, 3/8 to 1/2 in HB, bulk, non-sterile
3.0 m PTFE, 15/22 inlet/1/4 in outlet, bulk, non-sterile
Pallflex, 15/22 inlet/1/4 in outlet, bulk, non-sterile
Contact Customer Service for additional part numbers.
* Data available upon request.


Mid-Volume Filters

BB25 and PF30 Filters

Designed for large volume requirements and extended service life

Gas filtration
Smoke evacuation
Barrier filter
Pulmonary Function Testing

Product Features:

PF30 Specifications:

Disposable, single-use patient filter

Effective barrier with bacterial/viral removal efficiency of 99.999% (BB25)
Bidirectional hydrophobic media prevents cross contamination
Large pleated filter surface offers minimal pressure drop
Transparent housing

Cross Contamination Reduction

Cross contamination reduction
efficiency: 99.9999%

Clinically insignificant to at least
12 liters per second

Materials of Construction
Media: Polypropylene
Housing: Butadiene Styrene,
Polycarbonate and ethylene-vinyl
acetate co-polymer

Internal Volume
40 cc

BB25 Specifications:
Bacterial Filtration Efficiency
Bacterial removal efficiency 99.999%
with test organisms Brevundimonas
diminuta. Test organism: Serratia
marcescens (0.45 m)
Brevundimonas diminuta (0.30 m)
Viral Filtration Efficiency
Viral removal efficiency 99.999%
with MS-2 Bacteriophage.
Test organism: MS-2 Bacteriophage
Materials of Construction
Pleated, hydrophobic resin bonded
inorganic ceramic fibers
Housing: Butadiene Styrene,
Polycarbonate and ethylene-vinyl
acetate co-polymer

Inlet/Outlet Connections
Inlet: ISO 22 mm F/15 mm M
Outlet: ISO 22 mm M/15 mm F

Sterilization Compatibility
Gamma irradiation

Inlet/Outlet Connections
Inlet: 34 mm OD
Outlet: Tapered 30 mm OD

~ 3.0 cm H2O @ 50 L/min or 3.5 cm
H2O @ 60 L/min.
Internal Volume
35 mL
Sterilization Compatibility
Gamma irradiation

Ordering Information: BB25 and PF30 Filters

Product No. Description
BB25A, bulk, non-sterile

Product No. Description

PF30-Bulk PF30, Bulk, non-sterile

Contact Customer Service for additional part numbers.



Mid-Volume Filters

BB50 and BB100 Filters

Designed for large volume requirements and extended service life

Gas filtration
Smoke evacuation

Product Features:

BB100 Specifications:

Disposable, single-use patient filter

Effective barrier with bacterial/viral removal efficiency of 99.999%
Bidirectional hydrophobic media prevents cross contamination
Large pleated filter surface offers minimal pressure drop
ISO connector for universal fit
Transparent housing

Bacterial Filtration Efficiency

Bacterial removal efficiency 99.999%
with test organisms Brevundimonas
diminuta. Test organism: Serratia
marcescens (0.45 m)
Brevundimonas diminuta (0.30 m)

Inlet/Outlet Connections
Inlet: ISO 22 mm F
Outlet: ISO 22 mm M and ISO 15 mm F

Viral Filtration Efficiency

Viral removal efficiency 99.999%
with MS-2 Bacteriophage.
Test organism: MS-2 Bacteriophage

Internal Volume
90 mL

Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

BB50 Specifications:
Bacterial Filtration Efficiency
Bacterial removal efficiency 99.999%
with test organisms Brevundimonas
diminuta. Test organism: Serratia
marcescens (0.45 m)
Brevundimonas diminuta (0.30 m)

Inlet/Outlet Connections
Inlet: ISO 22 mm F
Outlet: ISO 22 mm M

Exceeds filtration efficiency
requirements for HEPA rating*

~ 1.0 cm H2O @ 60 L/min

Exceeds filtration efficiency
requirements for HEPA rating*

Internal Volume
90 mL

Materials of Construction
Media: Pleated, hydrophobic resin
bonded inorganic ceramic fibers
Housing: Butadiene Styrene,
Polycarbonate and ethylene-vinyl
acetate co-polymer

Materials of Construction
Pleated, hydrophobic resin bonded
inorganic ceramic fibers
Housing: Butadiene Styrene

Sterilization Compatibility
Gamma irradiation
Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Ordering Information: BB50 and BB100 Filters

Product No. Description
BB50T-BULK BB50T, bulk, non-sterile

Product No. Description

BB100-bulk, non-sterile

Contact Customer Service for additional part numbers.

* Data available upon request.



~ 2.5 cm H2O @ 60 L/min

Sterilization Compatibility
Gamma irradiation

Large Volume Filters

Half, Full, and Stretch Capsule Filters

Designed for large volume requirements and extended service life

Adult respiratory main line

Pediatric respiratory main line
Vent for sterilizing equipment

Product Features:

Half, Full, and Stretch Capsule Specifications:

Three sizes to meet flow and space requirements

Rugged polypropylene housing withstands high temperatures, high
pressures and aggressive solvents
Variety of connectors to fit most tubing
Media protects equipment, environment, and personnel from a variety
of hazardous materials
99.97% DOP retention rated for effective bacteria removal

Exceeds filtration efficiency
requirements for HEPA rating*
Effective Filtration Area
Half 500: 500 cm2
Full 1000: 1000 cm2
Stretch 1500: 1500 cm2
Materials of Construction
Media: Hydrophobic laminated
glass or PTFE
Housing: Polypropylene

Maximum Operating Temperature

121 C (250 F) for 15 min.
< 0.25 EU/mL using the LAL
test method
Sterilization Compatibility
EtO, gamma irradiation, autoclave
Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Inlet/Outlet Connections
6.4 to 12.7 mm (1/4 to 1/2 in) HB
12.7 mm (1/2 in) HB
6 mm M quick disconnect
6.4 mm (1/4 in) MNPT
12.7 mm (1/2 in) MNPT
38.1 mm (1-1/2 in) sanitary flange

Ordering Information: Half, Full, and Stretch Capsule Filters

Product No. Description
Hydrophobic Glass, 1/4 SHB, 1000 cm2, bulk, non-sterile
Contact Customer Service for additional part numbers.
* Data available upon request.



Large Volume Filters

Adult and Infant Filters

A complete line of reusable main-line ventilator capsule filters

Adult respiratory main line

Pediatric respiratory main line
Vent for sterilizing equipment

Product Features:

Adult and Infant Specifications:

Various housings compatible with most ventilator models, including

Reduced risk of cross-contamination on expiratory circuit by restricting
entry of infectious microorganisms back into the ventilator
99.97% DOP retention rated for effective bacterial removal
Large pleated filter surfaces offer minimal pressure drop for extended use

Exceeds filtration efficiency
requirements for HEPA rating*
Effective Filtration Area
Adult: 725 cm2
Infant: 255 cm2
Materials of Construction
Media: Hydrophobic laminated glass
Sealing: Polyurethane adhesive
Housing: Polypropylene
Inlet/Outlet Connections
Adult (Universal): 22 mm MSI,
22 mm MTO; Adult (P-Style): 22 mm
MSI, MSO; Infant: 22 mm MTI, MTO;
9.5 mm (3/8 in)

Typical Air Flow Rate

Minimum L/min at maximum 25 mm
H20 pressure drop
Adult Filter: 100
Infant Filter: 20
Maximum Recommended
Filter Resistance
Adult: 40 mm H2O at
100 L/min flow rate;
Infant: 40 mm H2O at
20 L/min flow rate
Sterilization Compatibility
Autoclave, up to 25 times at a
maximum 132 C (270 F) for 15 min
Biological Safety
Materials of construction pass USP
Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo <88>

Ordering Information: Adult and Infant Filters

Product No. Description
Adult Respiratory Filter; Universal; Short; White;
Inlet w/ No Lip; Outlet w/ No Lip
Infant Respiratory Filter; White; 3/8" Hose Barb Connections
Infant Respiratory Filter; White; 15/22 mm
Adult Respiratory Filter; P-Style; Tall; Opaque;
Inlet w/ Lip; Outlet w/ Lip
Adult Respiratory Filter; P-Style; Tall; White;
Inlet w/ Lip; Outlet w/ Lip


Product No. Description

Adult Respiratory Filter; Universal; Tall; White;
Inlet w/ Lip; Outlet w/ Lip
Adult Respiratory Filter; Universal; Tall; White;
Inlet w/ Lip; Outlet w/ No Lip
Infant Respiratory Filter; Universal; Tall; White;
Inlet w/ Lip; Outlet w/ No Lip
Contact Customer Service for additional part numbers.
* Data available upon request.



Duckbill Check Valve/Large and

Small Tubing Connectors
Housing material bonds easily to tubing
Housing weld process locks valve into
proper position
Closes at 34 mbar (0.5 psi)
Low pressure valve

Functions on tubing ID 3.75 to 4.31 mm

(0.148 to 0.170 in), 2.79 to 3.22 mm
(0.110 to 0.127 in)
Low pressure one-way valve in
primary IV administration sets
Materials of Construction:
Valve: Latex free/Latex
Housing: Modified acrylic

Max Flow Connector

High flow insufflators are electronically equipped to monitor,
maintain and control a constant intra-abdominal pressure
between 12 and 18 mm Hg. The inflow tubing is connected to
the insufflator port of the machine and to a V connector that is
attached to two different trocar insufflation ports for better
and faster insufflation.

Improved airflows
For high flow insufflators
High Flow Connector Comparative Flow Rate Study

Flow Rate (L/min)


Max Flow
Competitor V


ML, rotating hub 1/4 in tubing
Connector or 3/8 in tubing Connector

Competitor Q


Improved liquid flows



P (psi)



Ordering Information: Specialty Products

Product No.

Duckbill Check Valve/Large Tubing Connectors
Duckbill Check Valve/Large Tubing Connectors, synthetic valve
Duckbill Check Valve/Small Tubing Connectors

Product No. Description

Duckbill Check Valve/Small Tubing Connectors, synthetic valve
Max Flow Connector, MLL, 1/4 in HB
Max Flow Connector, MLL, 3/8 in HB



Relative Size of Particles

Mol. Wt.



Human Hair Diameter


Smallest Visible Particle



Ragweed Pollen

Unstable Lipid







Red Blood


Bacillus megaterium
Candida albicans
Staphylococcus aureus

Yeasts &

Serratia marcescens






Brevundimonas diminuta; DOP














MS-2 Bacteriophage









Soluble Salts

, ANGSTROM = 10-8 cm
1 mil = 0.001 inch = 25.4 m
Differential pressure increases with reduced micron ratings; dirt holding capacity and relative flow rates decrease with reduced micron rating.



Metal Ions


Pall Medical Facilities

Pall Corporation Facilities

Worldwide Offices

Where the World Turns for Medical Filtration and Separations Solutions
You will find Pall Medical filtration products in healthcare settings throughout the world. Our filtration devices provide our OEM customers with solutions for
contamination control, which is critical in infusion therapy, blood separation, delivery of epidural anesthetic and analgesic solutions, in the preparation of
irrigation and injectable solutions, and with cytotoxic drugs. Our devices are also found in critical applications like minimally-invasive surgery, respiratory
therapy, cardiovascular surgery, ophthalmic surgery, and in the delivery of microbiologically pure water.
Pall Medical was formed in 1998 by joining the global resources of Pall Biomedical, Pall OEM Healthcare, and Medsep Medical Components. This
partnership provides our customers with unprecedented access to filtration expertise and the widest array of filtration, system engineering, and separations
solutions available anywhere in the world. Together, our companies form the strongest sales, technical, and manufacturing organization within our industry.
All of this converges to serve you, our customer.
Our experienced sales representatives offer our global OEM customers convenient, rapid access to the filtration products you need to accomplish your business
objectives. For more information, please call your nearest office, or contact the Pall Medical Critical Care headquarters at 734.913.6155 or 888.676.7255.

Pall Medical (OEM)

674 South Wagner Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103-9019 USA
Tel: 734-913-6124
888-676-7255 (in USA)
Fax: 734-913-6353

3, rue des Gaudines
B.P. 5253
78715 St. Germain-en-Laye Cedex
Tel: 01 30 61 39 92
Fax: 01 30 61 58 01

1-3 Wandarri Crt
Cheltenham Vic 3192
Tel: 61 3 9584 8100
Fax: 61 3 9584 6647

Philipp-Reis-Strae 6
D-63303 Dreieich
Tel: 6103-307-333
Fax: 6103-307-399

Pall Pharmalab Filtration Pvt. Ltd.
Sahney Kirkwood Compund
I floor, 27, Kirol, Vidyavihar (West)
Mumbai - 400 086, Maharastra State
Tel: 91-22-5956050
Fax: 91-22-5956051
Division of PALL Itala S.r.l.
20146 Milano
Tel: 02-477961
Fax: 02-4122-985
or 02-47796-394


Gotanda Nomura Shoken Building
1-5-1 Nishi Gotanda
Shinagawa-ku 141
Tel: 3-3495-8310
Fax: 3-3495-8366

Pall Corporation
2200 Northern Boulevard
East Hills, NY 11548 USA
Tel: 516-484-5400
800-289-7255 (in USA)
Fax: 516-484-6129

United Kingdom
Europa House
Havant Street
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Tel: 023 92 302600
Fax: 023 92 302601


for more medical device options. Lots more

553,560 and
and counting.
Our customers count on options. And us.
Count on Pall to save you time and money. With so many components, its likely we have the
right membrane in the right type of device with the right connectors to meet your needs. Add in
the expertise of our global support staff, technical and engineering support, and scientific
laboratory services and youll see how we can dramatically speed up your development.
Bring your challenging application to Pall. We offer the largest selection of proprietary media in the
world, plus state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that will deliver a solution to you thats expeditious
and cost-effective.
When it comes to medical device filtration, count on Pall. Youll be in very good company.

Start with the one filtration company that does it all. Call Pall.

2003, Pall Corporation. Pall,



, Versapor, Pallflex, and Intervene are trademarks of Pall Corporation. Indicates a trademark registered in the USA.
is a service mark of Pall Corporation. Puritan-Bennett is a registered trademark of Tyco Healthcare.

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