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Principal: Julie Blythe
Deputy Principals: Yvonne Height, Helen Walmsley and Paul Murray
Ph: 9841 7533 Fax: 9842 1350

Volume 19
28 November 2014

From Room 13
In Term 1, our class conducted an investigation on displacement of water. Using plasticine,
clay, water, measuring jugs and an eyedropper, we discovered that one millimetre is the
equivalent of one centimetre cubed. Following that, we have learnt the formulas of many
different shapes and how they may be used to find the area or perimeter.
In Term 4 we began a Bicycle Education program and have since presented
an assembly containing bicycle related items. We accomplished the task of
memorising Mulga Bills Bicycle, written by the famous Australian poet
who went by the name of A.B. Banjo Paterson. Aside from that we also
attempted to sing The Pushbike Song by The Mixtures, with the help and
guidance of the very amazing Mr Steve Fisher.
Prior to that, we were lucky enough to gain Miss Norman for 6 weeks. In that
time we baked some delicious ANZAC biscuits with her supervision, potatoprinted paintings of the blood-red poppies that grew over the graves of our
fallen soldiers along with research and
history of the Remembrance Poppy. To
finish off with, we constructed various
presentations of three different ships and
their crews that contributed their lives to
the First World War.
Recently, with the assistance of Miss
Norman, we designed Power-points about our wonderful times at
this amazing school; Yakamia Primary. All teachers can rest assured that they have given
us a generous amount of knowledge to accompany us through high
school and the rest of our lives. We cannot thank anyone enough
for their positive impact on our education leading up to our
Goodbye, from all the students in Room 13 as we leave for
High School next year.
Victoria and Sally,
on behalf of Room 13

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Yakamia Primary School

From the Principals Desk

Well done to the Year 7 students from Room 13
for hosting the last assembly. It was a fabulous
display of your talents!

Volunteers Morning Tea

A morning tea will be held for all parents and

school volunteers in the Yakamia staff room at
10.30am on the 15 December. This is our way of
thanking anyone for volunteering their precious
There are no more class assemblies for the year
due to Pursuit of Excellence and Graduation. We time to help out at the school. It can be in the
classroom, Before School Reading, sports days,
hope to see some of you at these events.
camps etc. If you havent received an invitation
from your class teacher please ask at the office.
Pursuit of Excellence
The Pursuit of Excellence assembly will be held
on Thursday 4 December in the Hall from 9am.
This is an opportunity to acknowledge a student
from each class who has strived the hardest to
achieve their very best all year. We look forward
to your attendance at this special assembly.
Winners and family members are invited to a
special morning tea in the staffroom at the
conclusion of the ceremony.

Year 6 and 7 Graduation

The Year 6 and 7 Graduation will take place on
Wednesday 17 December from 1.00 pm.
Students will be celebrating the completion of
their years at primary school with graduation and
acknowledgment of a range of students for
specific achievements. I look forward to seeing
Year 6 and 7 parents and family attending and
wish all Year 6 and 7 students the best for the
future. I look forward to hearing about you as
you move forward to high school next year.
Student Leaders 2014
An important part of the Graduation Ceremony
next week is to announce the 2014 Student
Councillors to their peers. Many students took
the opportunity to stand for the leadership role. I
am confident that the eight students who will be
selected will represent the school wonderfully
well to those who miss out please consider the
many other opportunities presented at the
beginning of next year.
School Council Meeting
Next Thursday, 4 December, is the School Council
meeting to be held at 1.30pm in the staff room.

National School Opinion Survey

As a valued member of the Yakamia Primary
School Community we invite your feedback on our
school performance via the National School
Opinion Survey website at
Survey responses remain anonymous. The survey
is available until 12/12/14 at 3.00 pm AEST.
Interschool Athletics
The running and team games will be held on
Tuesday 2 December, at FROST OVAL, Mt
Barker. The re-change of venue is due to
contracted repairs to Sounness Park,
Congratulations to all competitors who have been
selected to represent the school. We wish you well
and hope you are able to achieve your personal
best. Go, Yakamia!!
Thank You!!
A big thank you to the P&C for all the support
this year. At the last meeting they donated a
further $23 000 to the school for a projector and
blinds in the hall and to continue supporting the
chaplaincy fund.

Julie Blythe
8.30 9.00am

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Yakamia Primary School

School News
Wear Yellow Day
Many thanks to parents, students and staff for their kind donations to Princess Margaret Hospital.
A total of $404 was raised.
Free Dress Day
In Week 10, Tuesday 16 December, there will be a free dress day for all students.
The day will be in support of Foodbank. Please bring some non-perishable, within
the use by date or best before date, food items to donate. Your support for
Foodbank is much appreciated, as they are also great supporters of our Before
School Reading and Breakfast program that runs in our school Tuesday to Friday.

P&C News
A lovely time was had by all at the Sundowner Meeting at Due South. It was a very productive
meeting as the P&C voted and passed funds for the projector and blinds for the hall which will be a
great addition to the school at assemblies and other important events throughout the year. The
nature playground is also developing nicely and children are having a fabulous time on the fort.
Thank you everyone for all the support and the fundraising this year. See you all next year for more
activities to benefit and to support our children in their primary years.
Michelle Edwards, P&C President

Honour Certificate Recipients21 November 2014






Imani Officer


Hayden Joss

Jazmin Maher

Brody Cronin

Tyron Marwick

Nelson Sim

Zaih Mongoo-Mai

Ella Belfield
Chris Winmar


Ben Thomas
Dylan Hawkins


Jayde Timms


Angela Lanyon-Cook
Aniqua Gray


James Penson


Natalie Duangken

Tyresha Penny

Ashleigh Sykes-Holliday

Emma-Lee Lemin

Kyrell Williams

Kyrell Williams
Abigale Kidman


Matthew Comley
Adam Hobbs

Emily Gadean
TKeyah Eades


Abigale Kidman

Elli Holt

Joshua Boocock
Eh Gu thay


Keira Pearce
Matilda Kuyer

Page 4

Community News

Yakamia Primary School

Please note notices appearing below are not necessarily endorsed by the
school. We provide this space for community groups to advertise to the
school community. It is up to parents to scrutinise the activity and
organisers for their child.

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