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FIK 3042

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Program Pendidikan Jarak Jauh(PJJ)

Semester 1 Sesi 2011/2014



Name of Programme : Spelling Competition
Organized by

: English Language Panel, SK Kuala Dipang


: 16 March 2011


: Wednesday


: School Hall




: Encik Alwee b. Hashim (Headmaster)


: Tuan Haji Idris b. Ibrahim (Senior Administrator)

Puan Hajah Zaharah bt. Harun (Senior Assistant for pupils affairs)
Mrs Aziani bt Mohamad (co-curriculum Senior Assistant)


: Miss Wong Sieh Ting


: 1. Mrs Azlah bt Hassan

2. Mr Johari b. Jamaluddin


: All English teachers.

The use of English Language is very important among school children. In the case of
Malaysia it is certainly a second language that is widely and commonly used by the general as
it can be seen and heard everywhere. In Malaysia English is used in school, offices, in
business, advertisements, job hunting, sports, and entertainment in every walk of life.
Therefore in term of learning and usage it must not to be used only in the classroom or when
the pupils are in the school. It has to protect in their daily conversation regardless of place and
time. A consistent use of the English Language will ensure pupils to improve their language
ability and fluency.


Teachers should bear in mind that the mastery of English will be an advantage to the
pupils. Teachers should encourage their pupils to use the language especially in their daily life.
Generally pupils in urban areas pupils have greater exposure to English. They have more
opportunities of using it among themselves as it can be found in their environment. Pupils
living in rural areas on the other hand usually have limited exposure to English as the
television or radio or may it be a magazine or a newspaper as the only source of English
exposure. Sadly to say that, in some part of Malaysia English can only be found and used only
in school. These are depressingly true in many remote rural areas. These problems are hard to
solve because it is not due a mere distance of township and villages but it is more to the
surroundings and the use of the language itself. We use the language if it is there for the need
but for those villages and their children it will be useless as it meant nothing to them.
Many steps and measures have and must be taken to enforce the use of English in
schools either it is by the school itself or by the Ministry of Education. One of the English
Language programmes that have been implemented in my school is the spelling competition.
Spelling is important. Now days, the most common problems that the pupils especially in rural
areas is that they could not spell out correctly partly because lack reading English materials and
also because of our modern technology like text messaging and social network that are
supposedly to make our life easier and happier is actually destroying the basic of of the
language itself. It is important for pupils to become proficient in spelling in order that they may
be able to read correctly and communicate well with others.
To help pupils become good spellers teacher should used different approach. One of
the approaches is by organizing the spelling competition; hopefully it will be one of the ways
to give awareness to pupils about an important of correct spelling as correct spelling will meant
correct pronunciation, that is people will not laugh at you for no reason.
Aims and objectives of the programme
The aims and objectives of the programme spelling competition are first to promote the
importance of the English Language in pupils daily life. It is to attract pupils interest to get
involved in the English Language programme and at the same time it will build the pupils self
confidence in using the language especially to speak up in public. By having lots of interesting
activities, it is one of the ways to encourage the pupils to take part and use the English
Language in school.


Spelling competition is one of the ways to make sure the pupils understand the
importance of spelling in English Language as it means correct spelling and correct
pronunciation. Spelling competition also in a way aimed to force pupils unknowingly to them,
to read English books and others as the only way the pupil could be sure of a certain word
spelling is by checking it to a book or something. By doing this activity we can unofficially
stressed to the pupils that to know a language is to know its word and pronunciation, and to
know its correct word and pronunciation and meaning is to spell it right. Wrong spelling means
wrong pronunciation and the wrong meaning. For example, you can say, I have two sun and a
daughter; but is it the correct spelling.
Duration of Programme
The spelling competition was held at the school hall. It was on Wednesday and the
competition started at 10.50 in the morning and ended at 12.00 in the afternoon. As it was an
inter class activities then there was no outside participation on any part.
Target group
The targeted group for this programme is the pupils in level 2. It is for year 4, 5 and 6
pupils of Sekolah Keangsaan Kuala Dipang, Kampar, Perak.
Report on the implementation of Programme
The spelling competition was carried out in the school all. The teacher in charge was
Miss Wong Sieh Ting who is an English teacher in year 5. There were also two other judges
selected for the competition. They are Mrs Azlah Hassan, year 6 English teacher and Mr Johari
Jamaluddin, year 4 English teacher who are both senior experienced teachers. All the level 2
pupils were watching the competition. The competition was divided into two rounds. In the
first round it was the spelling of words taught generally in primary school. The judge will say
out the word three times. Then the judge will give the meaning of each word. Each participant
had to spell out 5 words correctly to entitle them for the next round.
In the second round each participant was given 60 seconds to spell the word correctly.
Out of the 9 participants only three pupils were able to continue the second round. In this round
the participants had to spell 5 difficult words. The second round was quite tough, however one
participant from year 6 become the champion of the spelling competition. He was Aiman
Zulhaziq b. Amiruddin from 6. He received a set of stationery worthy RM 20.00. For
consolation prizes each participants received two English Language exercise books.


Strengths and weaknesses of programme

The spelling competition was a success. The activity was carried out smoothly.
However there were some strengths and weaknesses in this programme. The strengths of this
programme are all the English teachers had played their roles accordingly in the organising
committee. All English teachers gave their fullest co operation.
This programme has attracted pupils interest in taking part in the competition. Pupils
were motivated by the prizes given. We have sponsorship by the Parents and teachers
association, PIBG Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Dipang, who sponsored the prizes for the
winners. Thanks to Mr Mohd Rashid b. Zakaria as the chairperson of PIBG Sekolah
Kebangsaan Kuala Dipang. This programme also reflects the co operations between teachers
and also parents on some level.
The weaknesses of this programme are that not all the teachers were involved in the
competition. Only English language teachers were involved in the activity. It could give out
unwelcome impression to the pupils that English is only used by certain people only.
By giving out prizes to the winner can be a good motivation in the early stage but it not
effective in the long run as pupils were only participate in a certain competition due to material
aspect rather than the importance of English as these has been the case for some time.
The participations of the pupils is also a problem for the teacher as it can only involved
pupils with certain ability only and the number of participants will be limited and it will not
achieve the main objective of learning a language that is the usage and participation of all.
Suggestions and recommendations
In order to make this activity more successful in the future there are some suggestions
and recommendations that we can do.
The programme should involve all the teachers and pupils in the school to reflect to all
pupils that English is for all. If possible parents should also be involved or invited either as
spectators or facilitators. We need to implement ideas on parents that English is very important
to the pupils and our everyday life. Furthermore the attendance of parents to school will
definitely boost the pupils morale.
Teacher should encourage more pupils to take part in the competition by giving the
correct motivation. Prizes should not be ultimate goal but rather it is just the tools for


excitement but the real achievement is the participation itself. The teacher should implement
the idea of having fun when they participate in any competition. The teacher should categorize
the pupils according to their abilities and levels as this will enlarge the scope of the competition
to a bigger participation of the pupils. Each category will have its own committee.
Non English teacher should be involved as a facilitator as this will give good reflection
to the pupils that English is the language for all. They can be the master of ceremony or
perhaps spelling checkers with dictionaries. These will surely ease the burden of the English
teachers. Parents could also do their parts such as handing out prizes or handling the beverages
if there is any. We need to broaden the activities and the participations.
With some effort and hard work English language can be implemented in schools. In
planning to improve English Language a teacher will be successful if she or he bears in mind
that fun and meaningful activities will ensure the success of learning the language. Therefore
the teacher themselves should think positively and be creative in creating the activities in the
school to attract the pupils to get more interested and taking part in English Language
programme. Outside help such as the parent and teachers association should also be included as
often as possible for the pupils achievement does not entered on the pupil solely. If we could
convince their parents on the importance of English than it can be said that our problem is
partly solved.


Name of Programme : English Camp
Organized by

: English Language Panel, SK Kuala Dipang




: 11-12 February 2011


: Friday-Saturday


: Dimal Chalet, Kampung Jahang, Gopeng, Perak.


: Year 6, 47 UPSR candidates


: Encik Alwee b. Hashim (Headmaster)


: Tuan Haji Idris b. Ibrahim (Senior Administrator)

Puan Hajah Zaharah bt. Harun (Senior Assistant for pupils affairs)
Mrs Aziani bt Mohamad (co-curriculum Senior Assistant)


: 1. Mrs Azlah bt Hassan

2. Mr Johari b. Jamaluddin
3. Mr Gunarajan
4. Mr Hamdan b. Othman Ramly
5. Mr Solahuddin b. Yob@ Maarof
6. Mr Mohd Sharif b. Ibrahim
7. Mrs Saibatulislamiah bt Daud

The problem of English in Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Dipang, Kampar, Perak has
been always the same for many years. Many steps have been taken to counter this problem.
The year the English Panel has decided to do it differently by carrying out the activity in a
different venue. Instead of being handled by the teacher of our own school this time the activity
is being handled by the lecturer from Politeknik Ungku Umar Ipoh. The purpose is to give a
different kind of learning environment to the pupils and to give them a chance experiencing
new learning sessions with the different speakers or teachers as the guest speaker themselves
are from Politeknik Ungku Umar Ipoh, Perak.
Aims and objectives of the programme


The aim of this programme is to improve the proficiency level and to promote the wider
use of the English language. Specifically the objectives are to increase the percentage of
students passing in the English Language Paper in Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR)
Examination in the year 2011 from 73% to 80%. The present English language performance for
our school is 70%.
This programme is designed to prepare the pupils with the related skills and motivation before
facing the UPSR Examination in July 2011. It is in away to help the pupils master all four
basic skills i.e. reading, writing, speaking and listening with the facilitators all from the
Meanwhile the overall objective is that the pupils will have some badly needed exposure and
experience. This is true in a sense that the pupils has always being taught by their own teacher
and it is about time that they realise there are others who could teach them and that knowledge
is not confined to the classroom, which is a common perception of pupils especially in rural
Duration of Programme
The camp was carried out for two days which was from Friday the 11 th. Of February and ended
on the 12th. 2011 at 3.00 pm. The venue was a pleasant one as it was situated by the Kampar
river, a home stay to be exact.
Target group
The targeted group for this programme is pupil from year 6, i.e. 47 pupils (UPSR candidates)
of Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Dipang, Kampar, Perak together with their teachers.
Report on the implementation of Programme
The programme started with the pupils assembling at the school at 7.00 in the morning of
Friday 11th. Mrs. Azlah as the teacher in charge then gave instruction to the pupils. All
participants arrived at the chalet by 8.00 am. They were greeted by the owner of Dimal Chalet,
Tuan Haji Kamal who was the former headmaster of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Petalling,
Selangor. Pupils were then shown to their respective rooms before starting the first camp
For the first activity, Ice-Breaking, pupils practised their speaking ability by introducing
themselves and others. The pupils were quite shy normally at the beginning but slowly opened


up towards to the end and were quite eager to speak and interact with the other pupils from the
different classes. English language is encouraged by the facilitators. This activity has in away
motivated the pupils to speak and use the language.
Then in the next one hour the pupils were exposed to the way on how to learn English in a fun
yet meaningful manner. They were divided into groups. In their respective groups they have to
find adjective words in the newspaper provided and they have to describe their own friends.
Each groups then presented their work. After all the groups have finally made their
presentations they were then given a break for about two hours. In this activity pupils learn to
work together to produce results in which better pupils could help the weaker ones.
After finishing the prayers and dinner the night session begins in which the pupils exposed to
the technique on answering comprehension questions conducted by Mr Johari Jamaluddin.
Pupils were taught on how to answer question on paper 2. They were given some exercises on
question 3 paper 2.
The most hectic time was getting them to sleep. At 2.00 a.m, they were still walking and
talking to their friends. The teachers in charger had to go and tell them to go to sleep.
The next day, they started off with dawn prayers and morning exercises. After taking breakfast
they played a grammar game. The teacher gave pupils a reading text where they had to select
verbs and adverbs. Once again they were placed in groups of six and they to list out the words
selected on the white board.
The last activity for the programme is the motivation session which was conducted by Mrs
Aziani Mohamad. The pupils were taught on how to cope with stress and how to manage time.
This activity is design for the pupils to teach them on how to manage themselves.
The programme finished at 3.00p.m.
Strengths and weaknesses of programme
The programme was carried out smoothly. However there were some strengths and weaknesses
in this programme. The success of this programme is that English panel committee had full co
operation from the school administration. All the teachers involved in the programme without
hesitation completed their tasks and were willing to give full support for this programme.


The pupils gave full attention and showed their interest in the programme as it was very
interesting and worthwhile. The process of learning has been indirectly. The parent and
teachers association has also given their full support in terms of financing the project.
As for the pupils they have gain new experience and knowledge and it is certainly very useful
to them during the coming UPSR examination. To the teachers involved lesson was passed to
their pupils and the process of learning is in a cosy surrounding not stressing to their pupils.
As good as it may sound this programme has its own disadvantage that is not all school has the
luxury of expenses. This programme could only be conducted by schools with a strong parent
and teachers association.
Another weaknesses o this programme is that suitable facilitators are needed to conduct the
programme. The facilitators need to have broad experience as the pupils they are handling are
not theirs.
Suggestions and recommendations
This programme needs to be pre planned ahead as it is a costly, time consuming and it requires
the teacher to give their full support as the venue is not in the school. It is also recommended
that this programme involves all the staff as it is not easy to handle something away from your
Parents could also be involved in this programme as some of them have certain skill that could
be used such as to serve as a guide or to lead prayers and this could reduce the burden of the
teachers handling the programme.
When we plan this type of activities especially for the less funded school then the parent and
teachers association should intervene in which the PTA could muster all its resources in gaining
the much needed money. Teacher should not be burden to bear the task of seeking the financial
costs alone. Outside help or sponsorship must be seek and it is the duty of the PTA.
The duration of the programme should be extended to 3 day that will enable more fun and
interesting activities can implement successfully.
Hopefully this activity will prepare the pupils before them facing their major
examination. It is hoped that the pupils can gain so much knowledge and information that are
essential for the examination.



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