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Specification Management

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Specification Management


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Specification Management


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Specification Management ..................................................................................................................... 8

Specification........................................................................................................................................ 8
Specification Category .................................................................................................................... 9
Specification Type ......................................................................................................................... 11
Specification Editing.......................................................................................................................... 12
Example: Editing Substance Data................................................................................................. 14
Function Model for Specification Management............................................................................. 15
Specification Search...................................................................................................................... 16
Searching Manually for Specifications....................................................................................... 18
Extending, Refining, or Reducing Search Results .................................................................... 20
Setting a Different Specification Category................................................................................. 21
Creating Specifications .............................................................................................................. 21
Displaying the Search History ................................................................................................... 22
Query Management....................................................................................................................... 23
Query ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Query Step................................................................................................................................. 24
Group Overview......................................................................................................................... 25
Creating a Specification Search Directly as a Query ................................................................ 26
Editing the Query Header .......................................................................................................... 27
Creating and Editing Queries .................................................................................................... 27
Creating Query Steps ............................................................................................................ 29
Editing Query Steps ............................................................................................................... 29
Editing the Query Step Header .............................................................................................. 30
Copying or Moving Query Steps ............................................................................................ 30
Deleting Query Steps ............................................................................................................. 31
Inserting a Copy of a Query in Another Query....................................................................... 31
Inserting a Reference to Another Query ................................................................................ 32
Copying or Moving Queries ....................................................................................................... 33
Deleting Queries ........................................................................................................................ 34
Executing Queries ..................................................................................................................... 34
Specification Management Hit List................................................................................................ 36
Editing Specifications ................................................................................................................ 38
Editing the Specification Header Data....................................................................................... 39
Restrictions ................................................................................................................................ 40
Copying Specification Data ....................................................................................................... 41
Deleting Specifications .............................................................................................................. 42
Set of Hits Management................................................................................................................ 43
Editing the Set of Hits Header ................................................................................................... 44
Reducing Sets of Hits Manually................................................................................................. 44
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Loading Sets of Hits................................................................................................................... 45

Creating Sets of Hits.................................................................................................................. 45
Unifying, Forming the Intersection of, or Reducing Sets of Hits................................................ 46
Copying or Moving Sets of Hits ................................................................................................. 47
Deleting Sets of Hits .................................................................................................................. 48
Drilldown Reporting Job ................................................................................................................ 49
Executing Drilldown Reporting Jobs.......................................................................................... 49
Engineering Change Management for Specifications................................................................... 51
Example: Engineering Change Management............................................................................ 52
Creation of Change Documents for Specifications ....................................................................... 53
Specification Status....................................................................................................................... 54
Change Not Permitted ............................................................................................................... 56
Generation Not Permitted.......................................................................................................... 58
Editing Specification Statuses ................................................................................................... 60
Reference...................................................................................................................................... 62
Inheritance..................................................................................................................................... 64
Effects of Changes to the Source Specification Data................................................................ 71
Creating Inheritance Relationships Between Specifications ..................................................... 72
Approving Inheritance Requests ............................................................................................... 74
Deactivating and Activating Inheritance Relationships.............................................................. 75
Deleting Inheritance Relationships ............................................................................................ 76
Inheritance Template..................................................................................................................... 77
Editing Inheritance Templates ................................................................................................... 78
Where-Used List for Specifications ............................................................................................... 82
Determining Usage as Components.......................................................................................... 82
Determining Usage in Transport Classifications ....................................................................... 84
Determining Usage as References............................................................................................ 85
Identification .................................................................................................................................. 86
Editing Identifiers ....................................................................................................................... 87
Example: Editing Identifiers ................................................................................................... 87
Regulatory List .............................................................................................................................. 88
Assigning Regulatory Lists ........................................................................................................ 88
Material Assignment...................................................................................................................... 89
Assigning Materials.................................................................................................................... 90
Value Assignment ......................................................................................................................... 91
Value Assignment Types and Characteristics Setup ................................................................ 93
Creating Characteristic Fields in EH&S ................................................................................. 94
Value Assignment Category Property ....................................................................................... 96
Value Assignment Category Composition ................................................................................. 96
Value Assignment Category Listing........................................................................................... 97

Specification Management


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Example: Value Assignment Types........................................................................................... 97

Using the Property Tree ............................................................................................................ 98
Editing Value Assignments...................................................................................................... 100
Editing Characteristic Values................................................................................................... 101
Phrase Search in Characteristic Fields................................................................................ 102
Input Help Editing................................................................................................................. 102
Conversion of Units of Measurement................................................................................... 103
Assessment ............................................................................................................................. 104
Editing Assessments............................................................................................................ 104
Sources.................................................................................................................................... 105
Assigning Sources ............................................................................................................... 105
User-Defined Texts and Documents ....................................................................................... 106
Editing User-Defined Texts .................................................................................................. 108
Assigning Documents .......................................................................................................... 108
Compositions and Listings....................................................................................................... 109
Editing Compositions and Listings ....................................................................................... 110
Standard Component Type.................................................................................................. 111
Usage .......................................................................................................................................... 112
Editing Usages......................................................................................................................... 113
Relevancy Indicator ................................................................................................................. 114
Usage Profile ........................................................................................................................... 114
Secondary Data Determination ................................................................................................... 115
EH&S Expert............................................................................................................................ 116
How the EH&S Expert Works .............................................................................................. 116
Set of Rules.......................................................................................................................... 118
Fact................................................................................................................................... 119
Rule .................................................................................................................................. 121
Composition...................................................................................................................... 123
Record .............................................................................................................................. 125
When Is a Rule Executed?............................................................................................... 127
Control of the Rule Execution Process ............................................................................ 129
Operators, Commands, and Functions ............................................................................ 131
Mapping Table ..................................................................................................................... 136
Fact Mapping.................................................................................................................... 137
Record Mapping ............................................................................................................... 145
Composition Mapping....................................................................................................... 147
Phrase Mapping ............................................................................................................... 148
Data Selection by Usage.................................................................................................. 148
Using the Rule Editor ........................................................................................................... 152
Editing Rules .................................................................................................................... 153

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Editing Mapping Tables.................................................................................................... 154

Example: Definition of a Simple Set of Rules................................................................... 155
Example: Definition of a Set of Rules with Records......................................................... 156
Determining Secondary Data with the EH&S Expert ........................................................... 157
Rule Debugger ..................................................................................................................... 159
Starting the Rule Debugger.............................................................................................. 161
Step Functions in the Rule Debugger .............................................................................. 161
Breakpoints in the Rule Debugger ................................................................................... 163
Watch Functions in the Rule Debugger ........................................................................... 164
How Compositions Are Displayed in the Rule Debugger................................................. 165
Subsets of Rules .................................................................................................................. 166
EH&S Easy Expert ............................................................................................................... 168
Creating Sets of Rules with EH&S Easy Expert............................................................... 168
Operators for EH&S Easy Expert Sets of Rules........................................................... 170
Sample Set of Rules for EH&S Easy Expert ................................................................ 171
Executing EH&S Easy Expert Sets of Rules.................................................................... 172
Saving EH&S Easy Expert Sets of Rules......................................................................... 173
Loading EH&S Easy Expert Sets of Rules....................................................................... 173
Notification Status.................................................................................................................... 174
Notification Status Values .................................................................................................... 176
Determination of Notification Status for Compositions ........................................................ 177
Example: Determination of Listed Substances ................................................................ 178
Example: Derivation of List and Component Notification................................................. 179
Determining the Notification Status...................................................................................... 180
Checking the Notification Status .......................................................................................... 181
Source Management ................................................................................................................... 183
Editing Sources........................................................................................................................ 183
Regulatory List Management ...................................................................................................... 184
Editing Regulatory Lists ........................................................................................................... 184
Data Origin .................................................................................................................................. 185
Data Provider .............................................................................................................................. 185
Example: Data Provider and Data Origin ................................................................................ 186

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Specification Management
With this SAP component you create specifications [Page 8] for substances and other EH&S objects
(agents, dangerous goods classifications, waste codes, packagings) and assign characteristics to
these objects using identifiers, for example. For each specification you enter structured data and text
information in the form of phrases. You can find information about R and S phrases, material safety
data sheet requirements, or physical attributes. The SAP System offers you a selection of typical
value assignment types using a property tree. If required, you can use Customizing for Product Safety
to define your own property trees and value assignment types.
See also: Editing Substance Data: An Example [Page 14]
The SAP specification management component uses interfaces to external systems to enable you to
determine secondary values from existing values. You can then transfer this secondary data and use
it to assign values to specifications (see Secondary Data Determination [Page 115]).

You can assign any number of materials to a specification, thus creating a link to other logistic
processes. Currently, automatic report shipping [External] for the specifications of substances
requiring a material safety data sheet is carried out from within Delivery.
The SAP System supports the import and export of specification data in productive systems. When
exporting specifications, you can convert phrases in the active phrase library to phrases for the export
library. Similarly, when importing specifications, you can convert phrases in the import library to
phrases for the active phrase library (see Interfaces [External]).
You use engineering change management and change documents to assign specification changes to
validity periods, and to log changes.

Description that uses identifiers and value assignments such as physical and chemical properties,
medical advice, and details on transport and storage.

The specification is the central data object for mapping substances, agents, packagings, waste codes,
and dangerous goods classifications in the SAP component SAP Environment, Health and Safety

Each specification belongs to a specification category [Page 9]. Specifications of a specification
category are further divided into specification types [Page 11]. The specification categories are
predefined; you cannot change them. You specify the specification types in Customizing for Product

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Specification Category

Possible Specification Types


Real substance, listed substance


Noise, dust, real substance


Box, barrel, bottle

Waste code

Waste code

Dangerous goods classification

Specification types according to the regulation


Each specification can be described in the identification [Page 86] by a number of identifiers in the
form of numbers, names, or chemical formulas.
A specification can pass on data to one or more other specifications by reference [Page 62] or
inheritance [Page 64].

Authorization groupings divide specifications into to user groups that are authorized to work with
these specifications.
Specifications are assigned values in value assignment [Page 91] using the value assignment types
of various value assignment categories (such as Property, Composition, and Listing).
From the point of view of logistics, one or more materials can be assigned to a specification,
depending on the specification type (see Material Assignment [Page 89]). This means you can use a
specification as often as you wish.

See Example: Editing Substance Data [Page 14]

Specification Category
You use this object to categorize specifications according to their use and significance in companies.

Each specification belongs to exactly one specification category and one specification type [Page 11].
Specification categories are divided into specification types. The following specification categories
currently exist in the SAP Environment, Health and Safety component:




Waste code

Dangerous goods classification

The initial transaction controls which specification category specification management is opened for.
If, for example, you access specification management from Industrial Hygiene and Safety, the
specification category Agent is set automatically as the default. In the initial screens for editing and
displaying specifications you can set a different specification category [Page 21].

Specification Management


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In the following IMG activities you define dependencies for specification categories (for more
information, see the respective IMG activities):

Specify Specification Types

You must assign at least one specification category to each specification type. The
specification type is then only available for specifications of the given specification categories.

Check Identification Types

You must assign at least one specification category to each combination of identification
category and identification type. The combination of identification category and identification
type is then only available for specifications of the given specification categories.

Check Identification Listing

You can assign a specification category to an identification listing and thus control the display
of identifiers in the hit list depending on the specification category, for example. If you have
assigned a specification category, this identification listing has the highest priority.

Manage User Exits

You can assign a specification category to a user exit. The user exit is then only available for
specifications of the specification category (for example, user exits for secondary data

Specify Component Types for Compositions

You must assign at least one specification category to each component type. The component
type is then only available for specifications of the given specification categories.

Specify Regulatory Lists

You must assign at least one specification category to each regulatory list. The regulatory list
is then only available for specifications of the given specification categories.

Specify Groups
You can assign a specification category to a group. The group is then available as a node in
the group tree depending on the specification category set.

Specify Authorization Groups

You must assign at least one specification category to each authorization group. The
authorization group is then only available for specifications of the given specification

Specify User-Defined Text Types

You must assign at least one specification category to each user-defined text type. The userdefined text type is then only available for specifications of the given specification categories.

Specify Sources
You must assign at least one specification category to each source. The source is then only
available for specifications of the given specification categories.

Specification Management



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Specification Type
You use this object to categorize specifications according to their use and significance in companies
in more detail.

Each specification belongs to exactly one specification category [Page 9] and one specification type.
Specification categories are divided into specification types. This means that by its assignment to a
specification type, a specification of a specification category is assigned its exact role in an enterprise.
You assign a specification type to a specification when you create it. You define the specification
types in the IMG activity Specify Specification Types in Customizing for Product Safety. For each
specification type you then specify the following:

You assign the specification type to one or more specification categories.

You specify whether materials can be assigned to the specifications of the specification type.

You specify which specification types a specification must belong to if it is to be used as a source
specification in a reference or inheritance relationship with a specification of the specification type.

You specify which number range group the specification type is assigned to. In addition, you can
specify a check function that checks whether the syntax of the assigned specification key is

The following specification types are supplied with the standard system for the specification category

Real substance
A real substance is one that is physically present in a company.
In the standard system, you can assign one or more materials to the real substance. You can
assign values to the value assignment types of a real substance, or transfer values from listed
substances using references or inheritance.

Real substance group

Real substance groups are used to represent families of real substances with the same

Listed substance
A listed substance is a substance whose properties are described in laws and scientific
Unlike real substances, listed substances are not produced, traded, or used. You can use a
listed substance as a properties model for a real substance by assigning the listed
substance as the source specification in a reference or inheritance relationship.

Listed substance group

Listed substance groups are used to represent families of listed substances with the same

Copy template
Copy templates contain predefined value assignments. You can use them to create new
specifications for substances.

Specification Management



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Specification Editing
See Specification Management [External].


To use specifications in the SAP System, you can create them or import [External] them. To
assign values to specifications you must also have manually created or imported phrases and
sources (see Phrase Editing [External] and Source Management [Page 183]).

You must have created materials in the material master to which you want to assign

You must have the authorization to edit and display specifications.

Process Flow
See also: Function Model for Specification Management [Page 15].
1. You can carry out the following activities in the initial specification management screens:

You can enter different search criteria and start a specification search [Page 16]. If the
required specification does not exist in the SAP System, you can create it.

The SAP System enables you to define further search functions as user exits in
Customizing for Product Safety.

You can start the specification search by executing a query [Page 34] (see Query
Management [Page 23]).

You can load a set of hits [Page 45] (see Set of Hits Management [Page 43]).

You can create a specification [Page 21].

If you edit or create specifications with engineering change management [Page 51], you must
enter a change number on the initial screen.
2. The results of the search are displayed in a hit list [Page 36]. In the hit list, you then edit [Page 38]
the specifications and create new ones. For example, you can use the where-used list [Page 82]
to display the specifications that contain specifications in the hit list or use them as references.
You can save [Page 45] the set of hits shown in the hit list and load it again as required.
3. Regardless of whether you create a specification on the initial screen or from the hit list, you first
enter the header data for the specification [Page 39]. This includes entering the specification type
[Page 11].
You can copy [Page 41] an existing specification as a template. You can copy specification
data from another specification to an existing specification.
4. You use identifiers to create a unique description of a specification (see Identification [Page 86]).
You can assign a regulatory list [Page 88] to each identifier, which you edit in Regulatory List
Management [Page 184]. Also, you can assign a usage [Page 112] for each identifier and
thus control which rating and validity area the identifier is permitted for (see Editing Usages
[Page 113]).
5. You can enter reference specifications (references [Page 62]) depending on the specification
type. A reference transfers its value assignments to the referencing specification. If required, you
can overwrite these values. You can also pass on data from a source specification to target
specifications using inheritance [Page 64]. The inheritance template [Page 77] controls which
data is passed on.

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6. In the SAP EH&S Product Safety component, you can assign several materials [Page 90] to a
specification, depending on the specification type (see Material Assignment [Page 89]).
7. Finally in the header data of the specification, you can specify the specification status [Page 54]
and any restrictions [Page 40] for editing of the header data.
8. The property tree [Page 98] offers a stuctured display of all the value assignment types that you
can edit in the value assignment [Page 100] (see Value Assignment [Page 91]).
Within the property tree, you can copy data records for value assignment types from one
specification to another.
9. You store data and information on specifications as characteristic values in value assignment
(see Editing Characteristic Values [Page 101]).
For all value assignment types you have the option of updating the assessment [Page 104]
(see Editing Assessments [Page 104]), specifying a source [Page 105] (see Assigning
Sources [Page 105] and Source Management [Page 183]), entering any number of userdefined texts and documents [Page 106] (see Editing User-Defined Texts [Page 108]), and
using the usage [Page 112] to control which rating and validity area the value assignment is
permitted for (see Editing Usages [Page 113]).
For specifications that comprise a number of components, you can also specify compositions
and listings [Page 109] in the appropriate value assignment types (see Editing Compositions
and Listings [Page 110]).


From within the hit list, you can

Start the export for specifications (see Export: Process [External])

Create report body requests for specifications (see Report Editing [External])

In the specification information system you call specific specification management data. A
number of output variants are available for display purposes (see Search and Data Output in the
Specification Information System [External]).

Specification Management



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Example: Editing Substance Data

To create the substance 2-Propanone, you must enter the necessary substance data in the system.
To do this, you first create a specification of the specification category Substance. You either define
the specification key yourself (for example, LM_01) or let the SAP System assign a key.
As the substance is handled in companies and data must be accessible to all, assign the specification
type Real substance and the authorization group ALL to the specification.
Then characterize the substance by entering the following identifiers for the specification:

Trade name: Acetone

Structural formula: CH3COCH3

CAS number: 67-64-1

In Customizing for Product Safety, the setting is made to allow materials to be assigned to real
substances. The material with the key 500000 (acetone p.a. in 2 liter bottles) is assigned to the
specification of the substance 2 Propanone correspondingly.
In value assignment you enter data for the following value assignment types, for example:

In Physical-chemical properties:

Boiling point: 56C

Melting point: -95C

In Regulations without transport:

Labeling: Highly flammable

MSDS requirement: MSDS shipping required

(See also: Automatic Report Shipping [External])

As the data is to be accessible to all and valid for the whole world, the following usage is assigned to
the identifiers and all four value assignment types:

Rating: PUBLIC (Released w/o restrictions)

As the values are to be output on a report, an active indicator is set for each rating.

Validity area: REG_WORLD (World)

The report generation variant links the usage with a report template that you defined in
report generation in Product Safety.
When a report is generated (such as a material safety data sheet, for example), only the
symbols on the report template are expanded that are released for the recipient and for
which the active indicator has been set.

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Function Model for Specification Management

The search result of a search for specifications is shown in a hit list [Page 36] from which you can call
specification management functions:

Specification header data with reference assignment and inheritance

Identifier assignment and assignment to regulatory lists

Property tree for navigation into value assignment

Material assignment

You can use the Create function on both the initial screen and the hit list.
Function Model for Specification Management


Selection or Create
Hit list




and inheritance




Specification Management

assignment type







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Specification Search
This function enables you to search for specifications in the specification database. From the initial
screens of specification editing and the specification information system, you can do the following:

Use the search functions in the initial screens to define criteria with which specifications are to be

Start the specification search by executing a query [Page 24].

The results of the search are displayed in a hit list where you can extend, refine, or reduce [Page 20]
the search results and save them as sets of hits [External]. From the hit list, you can also display the
search history [Page 22].
See also:
Specification Management Hit List [Page 36]
Specification Information System Hit List [External]
Basic Functions in the Hit List [External]

All search criteria in the initial screens of specification management and the specification information
system are linked by AND operations. This includes searches using:

Identifiers (trade name, CAS number, structure formula, for example)

Regulatory lists

Material and material short text

From date/To date

The system finds specifications that fulfill certain selection conditions on at least one day
within the given period. The days can be different for different selection conditions. In this
case, the key date is the day for which the data is displayed.

If you also want to display the data that was valid on an earlier date, you must change the
key date, which is set to the current date by default, and enter the earlier date.

The system determines specifications whose data has a certain status (see Specification
Status [Page 54]).

The system finds specifications that contain the given ratings and validity areas for certain
value assignment types. Searching for specifications via usage only influences the search
result if the system determines hits using value assignments. This means that it only makes
sense for specifications of the specification category Substance, for example, if you use it
together with the search functions Substance with values assigned, Substance contains
components, or Substance with phrases assigned.
When searching via usage, the system performs a rigorous check. This means the ratings
and validity areas of the value assignment must be identical to the ones you entered or must
include them.

Specification Management



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In Customizing for Product Safety you can specify a function module in the IMG activity Specify
Environment Parameters in the environment parameter QRY_CHECK_FUNC that checks the search
criteria in the search for specifications. You can ensure, for example, that zeros are always added to
specification keys that are entered.

Enhanced Search Functions

Enhanced search functions are delivered in the standard system that you can check in the IMG
activity Manage User Exits in Customizing for Product Safety. Call the documentation of the
corresponding standard function module to define your own search functions. Write the new function
module to correspond with the reference module and its interface.
The following enhanced search functions are available in the standard system for the specification
category Substance:
Search Function


Substance with header


The system finds specifications that fulfill the specified search criteria in the
header data. This includes:

Substance with values


Specification details (key, specification type, and so on)

Administration data (name of the person who created the data, name of
person who last changed the data, data origin, data provider, and so

The system finds specifications that have certain characteristic values for
certain value assignment types.
You use this function to select the required value assignment type in the
Property Tree dialog box.
The SAP System lists the corresponding characteristics for which you can
enter the values you require.

You can set up the search to be exclusive or inclusive for non-phraserelated characteristics. To do this, call the input help for the characteristic. A
dialog box appears on which you can choose the Comparison type function.
If you then select the Exclusive field in the Comparison Type dialog box, the
SAP System finds all specifications that do not have the characteristic
values you specified.
After confirming, you can choose further value assignment types and enter
characteristic values.
Substance contains

The system finds specifications that fulfill the specified search criteria.
These include details covering reference quantity, specification key,
component type, and concentration. You can also enter the value
assignment type containing the relevant component.
You can choose whether the specified component:

Substance uses
reference substance

Exists directly as an ingredient of the specification for which you are


Exists as an indirect, further component of an ingredient

The system finds specifications with a particular reference.

Substance with phrases The system finds specifications to which a certain phrase was assigned as
a value.
Substance is included in The system finds specifications that are included in inheritance relationships
(see Inheritance [Page 64]) and thus fulfill certain search criteria. Using the
search criteria you can also search for the following specifications:

Specification Management



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Substance contains


Specifications that occur in an inheritance relationship with a certain

inheritance template [Page 77]

Specifications that occur as partners in an inheritance relationship with

a certain specification

Specifications that occur in an inheritance relationship that has a certain

approval status (such as Requested) or a certain inheritance status
(such as Incorrect)

Specifications that occur in an active or deactivated inheritance


The system finds specifications to which a certain document from document

management was assigned using the user-defined texts and documents
[Page 106] function.

The following restrictions apply for specification searches:

Search strings in language-dependent search fields are not converted by EH&S Native Language
Support [External]. Consequently, you can only enter search strings in languages that can be
mapped using the active code page [External] for the application server.

The search result only ever contains specifications of the specification category you used to
access the search, that is the specification category that is displayed on the initial screen.

Searching Manually for Specifications [Page 18]
Executing Queries [Page 34]

Searching Manually for Specifications

1. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen appears. You can start the specification search from here. During the
search, all entries are linked with AND. The specification category Substance is set as the

The search result only ever contains specifications of one specification category, that is in
this case the specification category Substance. If you want to search for specifications of
another specification category, you must set a different specification category [Page 21]
before you perform the following steps. In the specification information system you cannot
change the specification category, that means you can only search for specifications of
the specification category Substance in the specification information system.
2. Enter the data known to you. The SAP System searches for incomplete data in the Specification,
Authorization group, Identifier, and Material fields as follows:

Single generic delimitation, <Iso*>, for example

Double generic delimitation, <*15*>, <*chlor*>, for example

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Placeholder in the middle of a key. <Butan+l> stands for both butanol and butanal, for

Combination of search methods, <*1234+678*>, for example

If you enter a value generically (with *) in a Specification field that has an input help and
confirm it, the SAP System searches the specification database as follows:

The system first looks for identifiers of the category Number.

If it does not find any corresponding identifier numbers, it then looks for identifiers of the
category Name.

If it does not find any corresponding identifier names, it then looks for specification keys.
If you enter a value generically in a Specification field that does not have an input help
and confirm it, the SAP System searches the specification database for suitable
specification keys:

The system does not differentiate between lower case and upper case letters during
search runs.

The system ignores special characters such as underscores, hyphens, commas, periods,
blanks, parentheses, and so on.

3. Use the enhanced search functions (see Specification Search [Page 16]).

All search entries (including the values for user exits) are retained even after you have
exited the transaction (SET/GET memory). You can delete all search criteria by choosing
Search criteria.
4. Choose


If the search result contains large numbers of specifications, the hit list may take quite
some time to be displayed. In Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify
Environment Parameters in the environment parameter QRY_HITLIST_MAX_ENTRIES
you can therefore set the number specifications found at which a prompt appears before
the hit list is displayed. The prompt displays a dialog box in which you can decide how
you wish to continue:


Simple if you want to continue the search with the same search criteria,
but want the result to be displayed in a simplified hit list. This hit list then only
contains the specification key, the specification type, and the value that lead to the
specification being in the hit list.


Reduce if you want to enter additional search criteria to reduce [Page 20]
the search.


Hit list if you want to continue the search with the same search criteria.

Refine if you want to enter additional search criteria to refine [Page 20] the

Cancel if you want to start a new search.

The SAP System lists the specifications that match the search criteria in the specification
management hit list [Page 36] or the specification information system hit list [External].
If the SAP System does not find the required specification, you can enter new search criteria, or
create the specification [Page 21] yourself.
Specification Management



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Extending, Refining, or Reducing Search Results

It is possible that following a search for specifications, the search result, that is the set of hits
[External], does not contain the specifications you are searching for or it contains too many
specifications. This procedure describes how you extend, refine, or reduce the set of hits.

You have run a specification search [Page 16], executed a query [Page 34], or loaded a set of hits
[Page 45] and are located on the hit list screen.

1. Choose one of the following steps:


if you want to extend the set of hits.


if you want to refine the set of hits.


if you want to reduce the set of hits.

A screen appears where you can extend, refine, or reduce the set of hits by entering other
search criteria.
2. Enter the search criteria for the specifications by which you want to extend, refine, or reduce the
set of hits and confirm your entries.

Instead of entering search criteria you can also execute a query or load a set of hits. Any
additional search criteria you enter will not then be taken into account.

Extended Set of Hits
In addition to the specifications already in the hit list, the set of hits contains the specifications that
fulfill the search criteria entered in the second step.
Refined Set of Hits
The set of hits now contains only the specifications that also fulfill the search criteria entered in the
second step.
Reduced Sets of Hits
The specifications that fulfill the search criteria entered in the second step were removed from the set
of hits.
See also:
Unifying, Forming the Intersection of, or Reducing Sets of Hits [Page 46]
Reducing Sets of Hits Manually [Page 44]

Specification Management



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Setting a Different Specification Category

When you search for specifications [Page 16], the search result always contains only specifications of
one specification category. This procedure describes how you change the specification category
before you run a search for specifications.

1. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

The Edit Specification: Initial Screen or Display Specification: Initial Screen appears. The
specification category Substance is set as the default.

In the specification information system [External] you cannot change the preset
specification category Substance.
2. Choose Utilities Settings Specification category.
3. Choose your required specification category and confirm your entry.

Then when you search for specifications, specifications of your chosen specification category that
fulfill the search criteria will be displayed as hits.

Creating Specifications
1. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose Specifications Edit specifications.
The Edit Specification: Initial Screen appears.
2. Enter a change number if necessary (see Engineering Change Management for Specifications
[Page 51]) and check the key date.

The change number has higher priority than the key date.
3. Choose

The Create Specification: Header screen appears.

4. You must edit the specification header data [Page 39].

If you have started a specification search on the Edit Specification: Initial Screen, you can
also create specifications from the hit list. You do this by choosing . This function is not
available on the specification information system hit list.

Specification Management



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Displaying the Search History

You can use this procedure to display all search steps and search parameters for a specification

You have run a specification search [Page 16] or loaded a set of hits [Page 45] and are located on the
hit list screen.

1. Choose Utilities Display search history.
A screen appears that displays the step overview of the search history.

From this dialog box, you can create the specification search as a query [Page 26].
2. If you want to display the search parameters for the individual steps, choose
corresponding search step.

Specification Management


following the


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Query Management
Query management supports you with creating specification searches that you require frequently and
that are as complex as you like in the form of queries [Page 24] and execute them as required.
Query management is available both in specification management and in the specification information

In Customizing for Product Safety, you have carried out the following IMG activities:

In the IMG activity Specify Groups you have defined groups.

The groups are used to store and edit queries in query management.

In the IMG activity Specify Group Trees and Assign Groups you have assigned groups to the
group tree for queries.

Process Flow
1. You can choose from one of the following methods of creating a query:

You create a specification search directly as a query [Page 26] after you have executed the

You can also create a query explicitly step by step in a tree structure, the query overview (see
Creating and Editing Queries [Page 27]). The query steps [Page 24] comprise individual
search criteria, other queries, or sets of hits [External]. In the query steps you also specify
whether the search result is to be extended, refined, or reduced by the query step. You can
use an existing query as the template for a new query or copy and move individual query
steps between queries and within a query.

2. Every query belongs to a query group. In the group overview [Page 25] you can display queries,
copy or move [Page 33] queries between the groups, or delete [Page 34] them completely. You
can also edit the header data of the queries [Page 27] from the group overview.
3. You can choose from one of the following methods of executing a query:

You can execute [Page 34] a query directly from the group overview.

From the initial screens of specification management and the specification information
system, with the help of drilldown reporting [Page 49], you can execute a query of the system
in the background and automatically save the set of hits that results (see Executing Drilldown
Reporting Jobs [Page 49].

From outside the SAP component Environment, Health and Safety you can call the
specification information system and execute a query using the external caller [External]

After you have executed a query, you are shown the results as a set of specification hits in the form of
a hit list from which other functions are available to you.
See also:
Specification Management Hit List [Page 36]
Specification Information System Hit List [External]
Basic Functions in the Hit List [External]
Set of Hits Management [Page 43]

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


A series of query steps [Page 24] that leads to a set of hits [External] when searching for

You can create specification searches that you require frequently and that are as complex as you like
as queries and execute them as required.
With the help of the drilldown reporting job [Page 49] function, you can execute a query of the system
in the background and automatically save the set of hits that results.

A query consists of one or more query steps.
The query overview shows you the structure of a query with all the query steps it contains. You can
edit the query in the query overview.
A query can contain copies of other queries or references to other queries. In both cases, the query
steps in all the queries contained in a query are executed when a query itself is executed.

Queries are grouped together in groups and a distinction is made between public and private groups.
The group overview [Page 25] shows you the groups and the queries they contain.
See also:
Query Management [Page 23]

Query Step
A combination of a logic operation and an action that leads to a set of hits [External]. For the logic
operation, you can choose between the following functions:

Extend selection (OR logic operation)

Refine selection (AND logic operation)

Refine selection

For the action, you can specify search criteria that lead immediately to a set of hits, or link in a query
[Page 24] or set of hits. A query step can also consist of a where-used list [Page 82].

The initial query step in a query corresponds to the Extend selection function.

A query consists of one or more query steps. You can display the individual query steps in the Query
Overview and from there you can edit, copy, move, or delete them.

Specification Management



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Group Overview
This function helps you to manage the following objects in specification management:


Sets of hits

Output variants

Inheritance templates

Sets of rules

The objects are managed as group entries in groups. Depending on the settings in Customizing for
Product Safety, groups are divided into public and private groups. Group entries in public groups are
displayed to all users in the group overview. Group entries in private groups are only seen by the
user that created the group entry.
The groups are also protected by authorizations. For more information, see the documentation on the
IMG activities Specify Groups and Specify Group Trees and Assign Groups and in the documentation
for the authorization object C_EHSO_GRP.
In the IMG activity Specify Groups you specify the maximum number of objects. In public groups
this specifies the maximum number of group entries of one type that can be stored in the group. In
private groups the maximum number of objects specifies the maximum number of group entries of
one type that each user can store in the group.
The following table shows a selection of the functions that you have available to you in the group
overview. For some functions, you must first switch to edit mode in the group overview using
call the group overview for the output variants using the

This function has the following effects depending on the type of group

Executes the query on which you have positioned the cursor

Loads the set of hits on which you have positioned the cursor

Activates the output variant on which you have positioned the


Cancels editing of inheritance templates.

Switches to display or edit mode for the set of rules on which

you have positioned the cursor.

Switches to edit mode

(output variants only)

Display or editing of header data
Detail view
Creates group entry
Color legend

New entry (output variants


Specification Management

Deletes all selections in the value assignment types of the output

variants on which you have positioned the cursor



SAP Online Help


Creating a Specification Search Directly as a Query

You can create specification searches, however complex they are, as queries immediately after they
have been executed and execute them again as often as required. The search can also contain
executed queries, loaded sets of hits [External], and where-used lists for specifications [Page 82].

Selections of individual specifications in the hit list are generally lost if you create the
search as a query. This has the following effects:

Where-used lists for specifications are executed for all specifications in the hit list when you
execute the query.

Sets of hits reduced manually [Page 44] contained in the search are lost and are not taken
into account when the query is executed.


You have change authorization for the query group in which you want to create the query.

You have run a specification search [Page 16] or loaded a set of hits [Page 45] and are located
on the hit list screen.

1. Choose one of the following paths:

Utilities Display search history

Utilities Query Save

A screen appears that displays the step overview of the search history.

2. Choose

The Save Query: Create dialog box appears.

3. Enter data as required. To enter the key for the query in the Grp entry field, you can choose one
of the following options:

Enter a new key manually and create a new query.

Choose an existing query using the input help. This is then overwritten.

4. Choose

and then

The screen that displays the step overview of the search history appears again. Choose
to the hit list.

to return

You can also create a query step by step in a tree structure (see Creating and Editing
Queries [Page 27]).

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Editing the Query Header

You have change authorization for the query group in which the query whose header data you want to
edit is located.

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen for these functions appears.

2. Choose Utilities Query Load.

The group overview [Page 25] of the queries is displayed.
3. Choose

4. Position the cursor on the required query and choose

The Edit Query: Header Data dialog box appears.

5. Enter data as required. To change the key for the query in the Grp entry field, you can choose
one of the following options:

Enter a new key manually.

Choose an existing query using the input help. This is then overwritten.

6. Choose

and then

The group overview for the queries then appears again.

Creating and Editing Queries

You have change authorization for the query group where you want to create a query or in which the
query you want to edit is located.
If you want to copy or move query steps from queries in other groups to the current query, you will
also require change authorization for the respective group.

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen for these functions appears.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


2. Choose Utilities Query Load.

The group overview [Page 25] of the queries is displayed.
3. Choose

4. Choose one of the following steps:

If you want to edit an existing query, continue with step 7.

If you want to create a query, choose

The Query: Create dialog box appears.

5. Enter data as required. To enter the key for the query in the Grp entry field, you can choose one
of the following options:

Enter a new key manually.

Choose an existing query using the input help. Only the key for this query is entered, all query
steps in this query are deleted, and the query is overwritten.

If you want to use an existing query as a copy template, you must copy [Page 33] it and
then edit the copy as described here.
6. Choose

and then

The group overview of queries is displayed again from where you must edit the new query.
7. Position the cursor on the query you want to edit and choose

The Edit Query: Step Overview dialog box is displayed. From here you have a number of
options for editing the query. These are:

Creating Query Steps [Page 29]

Editing Query Steps [Page 29]

Editing the Query Step Header [Page 30]

Copying or Moving Query Steps [Page 30]

Deleting Query Steps [Page 31]

Inserting a Copy of a Query in Another Query [Page 31]

Inserting a Reference to Another Query [Page 32]

Queries that contain a where-used list cannot be edited.

You can simulate the edited query from the query overview. To do this, choose

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Creating Query Steps

You have displayed the Edit Query: Step Overview dialog box. For more information about how to get
to this screen and for other prerequisites, see Creating and Editing Queries [Page 27].

1. Position the cursor on one of the following:

If you want to insert the query step at a specific position within the query, position the cursor
on the query step after the required position in the query.

If you want to insert the query step as the last step in the query or if the query does not yet
contain any query steps, position the cursor on the root of the tree structure.

2. Choose

The Query: Create (Query Step) dialog box appears.

3. Enter data as required and choose

The Edit Query: Step Overview dialog box is displayed.

4. Choose the new query step by double-clicking.
The Query Step: Edit Search Parameters dialog box appears.
5. Enter search criteria (see Searching Manually for Specifications [Page 18]) or load a set of hits
(see Loading Sets of Hits [Page 45]) and choose .
6. Save the query.

Editing Query Steps

You have displayed the Edit Query: Step Overview dialog box. For more information about how to get
to this screen and for other prerequisites, see Creating and Editing Queries [Page 27].

1. Double-click the query step that you want to edit.
The Query Step: Edit Search Parameters dialog box appears.
2. Enter search criteria (see Searching Manually for Specifications [Page 18]) or load a set of hits
(see Loading Sets of Hits [Page 45]) and choose .
3. Save the query.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Editing the Query Step Header

You have displayed the Edit Query: Step Overview dialog box. For more information about how to get
to this screen and for other prerequisites, see Creating and Editing Queries [Page 27].

1. Position the cursor on the query step whose header data you want to edit and choose

The Edit Query: Header Data (Query Step) dialog box appears.
2. Enter data as required and save your entries.

Copying or Moving Query Steps

You have displayed the Edit Query: Step Overview dialog box. For more information about how to get
to this screen and for other prerequisites, see Creating and Editing Queries [Page 27].

1. Position the cursor on the query step you want to copy or move and choose:

if you want to copy the query step

if you want to move the query step

The query step you want to copy or move can also be located in another query. Before
you can insert this query step or a copy of this query step in the current query, you must
change back to the query overview of the current query.
2. Position the cursor on one of the following:

If you want to insert the copied or moved query step at a specific position within the current
query, position the cursor on the query step after the required position in the query.

If you want to insert the copied or moved query step as the last step in the current query or if
the current query does not yet contain any query steps, position the cursor on the root of the
tree structure of the current query.

3. Choose

4. Save the query.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Deleting Query Steps

You have displayed the Edit Query: Step Overview dialog box. For more information about how to get
to this screen and for other prerequisites, see Creating and Editing Queries [Page 27].

1. Position the cursor on the query step you want to delete and choose

The query step is not entered in the clipboard. If you want to enter the query step in the
clipboard, choose .
2. Save the query.

Inserting a Copy of a Query in Another Query

If you insert a copy of another query into the current query, all query steps in the other query appear
in the current query and you can edit them there. No continuing reference to the original query you
copied exists, meaning that if you change the original query, the changes are not included in the
query that contains the copy.

If you want to retain this reference, you must insert a reference to another query [Page

You have the Edit Query: Step Overview dialog box open. For more information about how to get to
this screen and for other prerequisites, see Creating and Editing Queries [Page 27].

1. Position the cursor on one of the following:

If you want to insert the copy of the other query at a specific position in the current query,
position the cursor on the query step after the required position in the current query.

If you want to insert the copy of the other query as the last step in the current query or if the
current query does not yet contain any query steps, position the cursor on the root of the tree
structure of the current query.

2. Choose

The group overview for the queries then appears.

3. Double-click the query you want to insert as a copy in the current query.
The query steps of the copied query are inserted in the current query under a new query step.
The new query step is assigned the key of the copied query.
4. Save the query.

Specification Management



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Inserting a Reference to Another Query

If you insert a reference to another query in the current query, the query steps in the referenced query
are executed as well when you execute [Page 34] the current query. You can display the query steps
of the referenced query in the current query. You can edit them only in the referenced query,

If you want to edit the query steps in the current query, you must insert a copy of a query
[Page 31] instead of the reference. In this case, however, the reference to the original
query you copied is lost, meaning that if you change the original query, the changes are
not included in the query that contains the copy.

You have displayed the Edit Query: Step Overview dialog box. For more information about how to get
to this screen and for other prerequisites, see Creating and Editing Queries [Page 27].

1. Position the cursor on one of the following:

If you want to insert the reference to the other query at a specific position in the current query,
position the cursor on the query step after the required position in the current query.

If you want to insert the reference to the other query as the last step in the current query or if
the current query does not yet contain any query steps, position the cursor on the root of the
tree structure of the current query.

2. Choose

The group overview for the queries then appears.

3. Double-click the query to which you want to insert a reference in the current query.
The reference to the query is inserted in the current query under a new query step. The new
query step is assigned the key of the referenced query.
4. Save the query.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Copying or Moving Queries


You have:

Display authorization for the query group that contains the query you want to copy

Change authorization for the query group that contains the query you want to move

You have change authorization for the query group in which you want to insert the copied or
moved query.

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen for these functions appears.

2. Choose Utilities Query Load.

The group overview [Page 25] of the queries is displayed.
3. Choose

4. Position the cursor on the required query and choose:

if you want to copy the query

if you want to move the query

5. Position the cursor on one of the following:

If you want to insert the copied or moved query at a specific position within a group, position
the cursor on the query after the required position in the group.

If you want to insert the copied or moved query as the last query in the group or if the group
does not yet contain any queries, position the cursor on the key for the group.

6. Choose

and then

The query is inserted in the group at the appropriate position.

A group can only accept a certain number of queries. You set this maximum number in
the IMG activity Specify Groups in Customizing for Product Safety. When the maximum
number is reached, you must first delete [Page 34] a query from the group before you can
insert a new query in the group.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Deleting Queries
You have change authorization for the query group from which you want to delete the query.

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen for these functions appears.

2. Choose Utilities Query Load.

The group overview [Page 25] of the queries is displayed.
3. Choose

4. Position the cursor on the query you want to delete, choose

and then

The query is not entered in the clipboard. If you want to enter the query in the clipboard,
choose .

Executing Queries
This procedure enables you to execute the specification search saved in a query.

You can execute long and complex queries in the background using the drilldown
reporting job [Page 49] function. The result is saved automatically as a set of hits

You have display authorization for the query group in which the query you want to execute is located.

1. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen appears.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


2. Choose Utilities Query Load.

The group overview [Page 25] of the queries is displayed.
3. Double-click the query that you want to execute.
4. If required, enter a change number (see Engineering Change Management for Specifications
[Page 51]), a key date, and a period in which the search criteria saved in the query must be
fulfilled (see Specification Search [Page 16]).

Search criteria entered on the initial screen are not taken into account when the query is
While the query is being executed, you have no influence on the search for specifications
unless the search would result in more specifications than you specified in Customizing
for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Environment Parameters under the
environment parameter QRY_HITLIST_MAX_ENTRIES. In this case, a dialog box
appears in which you can decide how you wish to continue:


Simple if you want to continue the search from the query with the same search
criteria, but want the result to be displayed in a simplified hit list. This hit list then only
contains the specification key, the specification type, and the value that lead to the
specification being in the hit list.


Refine if you want to enter additional search criteria to refine [Page 20] the


Reduce if you want to enter additional search criteria to reduce [Page 20] the


Cancel if you want to start a new search.

Hit list if you want to continue the search from the query with the same search

A set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list.
See also:
Query Management [Page 23]
Set of Hits Management [Page 43]
Specification Management Hit List [Page 36]
Specification Information System Hit List [External]

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Specification Management Hit List

The specification management hit list is a flexible starting point for a number of functions in the EH&S
specification database.

From the Edit Specification: Initial Screen or Display Specification: Initial Screen, you access the hit
list and a set of hits [External] with specifications is displayed if you execute a specification search
[Page 16] and the SAP System has found data records that match the search criteria, or if you load a
set of hits [Page 45] and it contains specifications that exist in the system.

The hit lists for specification management and the specification information system only contain
specifications of one specification category [Page 9].
It is displayed in two lines:

The first line shows the specification key, specification type, and a maximum of nine identifiers.

The second line shows up to ten more identifiers. The first is the search identifier that led to the
inclusion of the data record in the hit list.
If you searched for materials, the material found is displayed in the first column of the second
line in place of the identifier.

You specify which indicators are to be displayed and the sequence of their display in
Customizing for Product Safety. You can define various identification displays for various
specification categories. For more information, see the IMG activity Check Identification

The following functions are available in the specification management hit list.


Displaying the search history

Utilities Display search history

Retaining the data origin [Page 185]

and data provider [Page 185]

Utilities Settings Data provider Retain data


Different property tree

Utilities Settings Property tree

In the IMG activity Specify Specification Types you can
specify the valid property trees for each specification type
and choose one of them to be displayed as the default for
specifications of the relevant specification type. You can
also use the Proposal indicator to specify whether this
default property tree is fixed or whether it can be changed.
If you do not specify a default for a property tree and no
property tree is entered in the SET/GET user parameters,
the system uses the property tree for which you have set the
Default property tree for specification management indicator
in the IMG activity Specify Property Trees.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


For Selected Specifications



Editing the Specification Header Data [Page

Value Assignment [Page 91]
Where-Used List for Specifications [Page 82]
Saving the specification search as a query
[Page 24]

Utilities Query Save

Saving sets of hits [External]

Utilities Set of hits Save

Removing the selected specifications from the

hit list

Utilities Selection Manual reduction

Background information, for example, about

the data origin and data provider

Extras Administration information

Secondary Data Determination [Page 115]

Utilities Secondary data Determination

Exporting Specifications [External]

Specification Data exchange Export

Distribution (ALE) of Specifications and

Phrases [External]

Specification Data exchange ALE with

recipient selection or Specification Data
exchange ALE according to distribution

Calling the Report Information System


Specification Reports Report information


Report Generation [External]:

Testing reports

Creating report requests

Specification Reports Report from


Specification Reports Create report

For more information on other general functions in SAP EH&S hit lists, see Basic Functions in the Hit
List [External].

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Editing Specifications
1. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose Specifications Edit specifications.
The Edit Specification: Initial Screen appears.
2. Choose one of the following procedures:

Searching Manually for Specifications [Page 18]

Executing Queries [Page 34]

Loading Sets of Hits [Page 45]

A set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list if the SAP System finds data records
matching the search criteria of the manual search or query, or if the set of hits loaded
contains specifications that exist in the system.
If the specifications you are searching for are not contained in the hit list or if the search result
contains too many hits, you can extend, refine, or reduce [Page 20] the hit list (see also Basic
Functions in the Hit List [External]).

3. Select the specifications you want to edit.

Selected specifications can be edited using the functions in the Edit menu (see Deleting
Specifications [Page 42], for example).
4. Choose the relevant pushbuttons to carry out further editing:

: Editing Header Data [Page 39] and Editing Identifiers [Page 87] as well as Assigning
Materials [Page 90]

: Property Tree [Page 98]

If you have selected more than one specification on the hit list, choose
the next specification to be edited.

to navigate to

See also:
Specification Management Hit List [Page 36]

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Editing the Specification Header Data

If you want to edit a specification using a change number, you must enter the change number on the
initial specification management screen.
See also: Engineering Change Management for Specifications [Page 51]

1. Choose one of the following steps:

If you want to create the header data of a specification, in the Product Safety [External]
menu, choose Specifications Edit specification and then
from the specification
management hit list.

If you want to edit the header data of a specification, in specification editing [Page 38] choose
for the specification and then the Specification header tab.
The tab page for editing the specification header data appears.

You can copy data from an existing specification (see Copying Specification Data [Page
2. Enter data as required and save your entries.

When you create the header data for a specification, you can enter a key in the
Specification field. If you do not enter a key, the system assigns a key to the specification
after you have made the required entries and confirmed.
If you want to assign references or specify inheritance relationships, choose the
References or Relationships tab.


The SAP System completes the administration data.

The validity period is set depending on the change number specified. If no change number
was entered, the validity period is unlimited.

If you have entered a specification key yourself, the SAP System checks the specification key
against the external number range interval that you defined in the IMG activity Specify Number
Ranges for Specifications in Customizing for Product Safety.

To assign unique characteristics to a newly created specification, you next assign identifiers (see
Editing Identifiers [Page 87]).

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


With this function you can assign combinations of ratings and validity areas to the header data of a
specification. These combinations serve as a supplement to the authorization group, so that by
specifying these restrictions, you can restrict the authorization for a specification more closely, for
example, to certain validity areas only. You can specify a number of combinations of rating and
validity area here.

A specification belongs to the authorization group ALL; the rating PUBLIC and the validity
area DE were assigned as restrictions. If a user has change authorization for ALL and
PUBLIC/DE, he or she can edit the header data. If a user only has display authorization
for PUBLIC/DE, he or she can only display the header data even if he or she has change
authorization for the authorization group ALL.

The restrictions are different from the functional significance of the usage [Page 112] with which
you can, for example, control the output of identifiers and value assignment instances on reports.

You can set a default for the restrictions to a specification by entering a usage profile [Page 114]
for your user or in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types for the value assignment type
specification header (ESTRH).

You assign the authorization to edit the header data of a certain combination of rating and validity
area using the authorization object C_SHES_TVH (value assignment type field with value

You assign the authorization to edit the usage using the authorization object C_SHES_TDU.

Proceed as follows to assign restrictions to a specification:
1. Follow the procedure Editing Specifications [Page 38]. Choose the


2. Choose the Restrictions tab page.

3. Enter a rating in the Rating field and confirm your entry.
The system marks with a checkmark the last entry you made and activates the fields for the
validity area so you can make entries.
4. For the rating, enter a validity area in the VAreaCat and Validity area fields and confirm your

You can enter several validity areas for one rating.

If you want to explicitly exclude the selected validity area from being valid, set the
exclusion indicator (Excluding).

For selected validity areas, you can use the functions from the Edit menu.

5. Save your entries.

The validity area displayed on the screen is always related to the rating marked with a
checkmark. Click a rating to display the validity area assigned to it.

Specification Management



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Copying Specification Data

This procedure describes how you copy the data of a source specification to one or more target
specifications. You have the following options:

You can copy the data of a source specification from the header data of a target specification.

You can select one or more target specifications in the specification management hit list [Page
36] and copy the data of a source specification to the selected target specifications.

In a similar manner to inheritance [Page 64] you use an inheritance template [Page 77] to specify
which data (identifiers and value assignments) are to be copied. In contrast to inheritance, there is no
further connection between the source and target specifications after copying. This means the copied
data is not changed in the target specification if the corresponding data is changed in the source
When copying you can also specify whether the assignments of materials and reference
specifications to the source specification are also copied to the target specification. You can only
make this setting if the specification type of the target specification allows the material assignment or
referencing. This means, if in Customizing for Product Safety a setting has been made for the
specification type that material assignment is not permitted, the Materials field is then inactive.

You have created the required inheritance template [Page 78].

Copying Source Specification Data from the Hit List
1. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose Specifications Edit specifications.
The Edit Specification: Initial Screen appears.
2. Choose one of the following procedures:

Searching Manually for Specifications [Page 18]

Executing Queries [Page 34]

Loading Sets of Hits [Page 45]

A set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list if the SAP System finds data records
matching the search criteria of the manual search or query, or if the set of hits loaded
contains specifications that exist in the system.
If the specifications you are searching for are not contained in the hit list or if the search result
contains too many hits, you can extend, refine, or reduce [Page 20] the hit list (see also Basic
Functions in the Hit List [External]).

3. Select the target specifications to which you want to copy the data of a source specification.
4. Choose Specifications Copy template.
The Edit Specification: Copy Template dialog box appears.
5. Enter data as required and confirm your entries.
6. Save your entries.
Copying Source Specification Data from the Target Specification Header Data
1. Follow the procedure Editing the Specification Header Data [Page 39].
2. Choose

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


The Create Specification: Copy Template dialog box or Edit Specification: Copy Template
dialog box appears.
3. Enter data as required and confirm your entries.
4. Save your entries.

Deleting Specifications
To be able to delete a specification, the specification must not be:

Used by another specification as the source in a reference or inheritance relationship

Part of the composition of another specification

Part of a listing (for example, hazardous ingredients)

Used in a report

In Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Manage User Exits you can also define a user
exit (user exit category SUB_USED, where-used list) that executes a where-used list when you want
to delete a specification. The where-used list supplied in the standard system checks whether a
material was assigned to the specification (function module C1F2_SUBSTANCES_USED_BY_MAT).

1. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose Specifications Edit specifications.
The Edit Specification: Initial Screen appears.
2. Choose one of the following procedures:

Searching manually for specifications [Page 18]

Executing queries [Page 34]

Loading sets of hits [Page 45]

A set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list if the SAP System finds data records
matching the search criteria of the manual search or query, or if the set of hits loaded
contains specifications that exist in the system.
If the specifications you are searching for are not contained in the hit list or if the search result
contains too many hits, you can extend, refine, or reduce [Page 20] the hit list (see also Basic
Functions in the Hit List [External]).

3. Select the specifications you want to delete and choose Edit Delete.
4. Save your entries.

Specification Management



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Set of Hits Management

Using set of hits management, you can save, edit, and load the results of complex specification
searches as required in the form of sets of hits [External]. As the system does not start a new search
of the specification database when you load a set of hits, performance is improved considerably.

A set of hits only ever contains the specifications that already existed at the time the set
of hits was saved in the system. Specifications that were created subsequently in the
system and that would also fulfill the search criteria that led to the set of hits are not
automatically included in the set of hits. In this case, you must repeat the search and
save the set of hits again. Searches that you require regularly for this purpose can be
created as queries (see Query Management [Page 23]).
Specifications that existed at the time the set of hits was saved in the system, but were
then deleted, are not displayed when the set of hits is loaded.

In Customizing for Product Safety, you have carried out the following IMG activities:

In the IMG activity Specify Groups you have defined groups.

The groups are used to store and edit sets of hits in set of hits management.

In the IMG activity Specify Group Trees and Assign Groups you have assigned groups to the
group tree for sets of hits.

Process Flow
1. You can carry out the following activities in the initial set of hits management screens:

You can create a set of hits by starting a specification search [Page 16] (see Searching
Manually for Specifications [Page 18]) or by executing a query [Page 34].

You can load a set of hits [Page 45] that already exists.

2. The set of hits that is generated or loaded is displayed in the hit list (see Specification
Management Hit List [Page 36] and Specification Information System Hit List [External]). From the
hit list, you can remove unwanted specifications from the set of hits (manually reduce [Page 44] it)
and save [Page 45], unify, form the intersection of, and reduce [Page 46] sets of hits (see Basic
Functions in the Hit List [External]). With the help of drilldown reporting [Page 49], you can
execute a query of the system in the background and automatically save the set of hits that
results (see Executing Drilldown Reporting Jobs [Page 49]).
3. Sets of hits are managed in groups. In the group overview [Page 25], you can copy or move
[Page 47] sets of hits between the groups, delete [Page 48] them completely, or edit their header
data [Page 44].

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SAP Online Help


Editing the Set of Hits Header

You have change authorization for the set of hits group in which the set of hits whose header data you
want to edit is located.

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen for these functions appears.

2. Choose Utilities Set of hits Load.

The group overview [Page 25] of the sets of hits is displayed.
3. Choose

4. Position the cursor on the required set of hits and choose

The Edit Set of Hits: Header Data dialog box appears.

5. Enter data as required. To change the key for the set of hits in the Grp entry field, you can choose
one of the following options:

Enter a new key manually.

Choose an existing set of hits using the input help. This is then overwritten.

6. Choose

and then

The group overview for the sets of hits then appears again.

Reducing Sets of Hits Manually

You have run a specification search [Page 16] or loaded a set of hits [Page 45] and are located on the
hit list screen.

1. Select the specifications you want to remove from the set of hits.
2. Choose Utilities Selection Manual reduction.

A set of hits that no longer contains the specifications you selected is formed.

Specification Management



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Loading Sets of Hits

You have display authorization for the set of hits group in which the set of hits you want to load is

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen for these functions appears.

2. Choose Utilities Set of hits Load.

The group overview [Page 25] of the sets of hits is displayed.
3. Choose the set of hits you require by double-clicking.

A set of hits is displayed in the form of a hit list.

Search criteria entered on the initial screen are not taken into account when the set of hits
is loaded.

Creating Sets of Hits


You have change authorization for the set of hits group in which you want to create the set of hits.

You have run a specification search [Page 16] or loaded a set of hits [Page 45] and are located
on the hit list screen.

You can also create a set of hits that you obtained by reducing sets of hits manually
[Page 44].

1. Choose Utilities Set of hits Save.
The Set of Hits: Create dialog box appears.
2. Enter data as required. To enter the key for the set of hits in the Grp entry field, you can choose
one of the following options:

Enter a new key manually and create a new set of hits.

Choose an existing set of hits using the input help. This is then overwritten.

3. Choose

and then

The hit list appears again.

Specification Management



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Unifying, Forming the Intersection of, or Reducing Sets

of Hits
You have display authorization for the set of hits groups in which the sets of hits you want to unify,
form the intersection of, or reduce are located.

1. Load one of the sets of hits that you want to unify, form the intersection of, or reduce (see Loading
Sets of Hits [Page 45]).
2. Choose one of the following steps:


if you want to unify sets of hits.


if you want to form the intersection of sets of hits.


if you want to reduce sets of hits.

The screen from which you loaded the first set of hits appears.
3. Choose Utilities Set of hits Load.
The group overview [Page 25] of the sets of hits is displayed.
4. Double-click on the set of hits that you want to unify with the first set of hits, with which you want
to form an intersection with the first set of hits, or whose specifications you want to reduce the first
set of hits by.

Search criteria entered on the initial screens are not taken into account when the sets of
hits are loaded, unified, reduced, or when intersections are formed.

Unifying Sets of Hits
A set of hits that contains all the specifications from the original sets of hits is formed. Specifications
that appear in both sets of hits are only included once (union).
Forming the Intersection of Sets of Hits
A set of hits that contains only specifications that appear in both original sets of hits is formed
Reducing Sets of Hits
A set of hits that contains only specifications that appear in the first and not in the second set of hits is

Set of hits 1 contains the specifications EHS_01, EHS_02, and EHS_03. Set of hits 2
contains the specification EHS_03.

If you form the intersection of the set of hits, a set of hits is formed that contains only the
specification EHS_03 since this is the only specification that occurs in both the original sets of

If you reduce the set of hits 1 by the set of hits 2, a set of hits is formed that contains the
specifications EHS_01 and EHS_02.

See also:
Extending, Refining, or Reducing Search Results [Page 20]
Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Copying or Moving Sets of Hits


You have:

Display authorization for the set of hits group that contains the set of hits you want to copy

Change authorization for the set of hits group that contains the set of hits you want to move

You have change authorization for the set of hits group in which you want to insert the copied or
moved set of hits.

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen for these functions appears.

2. Choose Utilities Set of hits Load.

The group overview [Page 25] of the sets of hits is displayed.
3. Choose

4. Position the cursor on the required set of hits and choose:

if you want to copy the set of hits

if you want to move the set of hits

5. Position the cursor on one of the following:

If you want to insert the copied or moved set of hits at a specific position within a group,
position the cursor on the set of hits after the required position in the group.

If you want to insert the copied or moved set of hits as the last set of hits in the group or if the
group does not yet contain any sets of hits, position the cursor on the key for the group.

6. Choose

and then

The set of hits is inserted at the appropriate position in the group.

A group can only accept a certain number of sets of hits. You set this maximum number
in the IMG activity Specify Groups in Customizing for Product Safety. When the maximum
number is reached, you must first delete [Page 48] a set of hits from the group before you
can insert a new set of hits in the group.

Specification Management



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Deleting Sets of Hits

You have change authorization for the set of hits group from which you want to delete the set of hits.

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen for these functions appears.

2. Choose Utilities Set of hits Load.

The group overview [Page 25] of the sets of hits is displayed.
3. Choose

4. Position the cursor on the set of hits you want to delete, choose

and then

The set of hits is not entered in the clipboard. If you want to enter the set of hits in the
clipboard, choose .

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Drilldown Reporting Job

Using the drilldown reporting job you can execute a query [Page 24] of the system in the background
and automatically save the set of hits [External] that results. You can then load and edit the set of hits
at any time.
See also:
Query Management [Page 23]
Set of Hits Management [Page 43]


In Customizing for Product Safety, you have carried out the following IMG activities:

In the IMG activity Specify Groups you have defined groups.

The groups are used to store and edit queries and sets of hits in query management and
set of hits management.

In the IMG activity Specify Group Trees and Assign Groups you have assigned groups to the
group trees for queries and sets of hits.

You have display authorization for the query group in which the query you want to execute in the
drilldown reporting job is located.

You have change authorization for the set of hits group in which you want to save the set of hits
created in the drilldown reporting job.

For background processing, you can enter a start date and a periodic repeat if required.

Executing Drilldown Reporting Jobs [Page 49]

Executing Drilldown Reporting Jobs

See Drilldown Reporting Job [Page 49].

1. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose one of the following paths:

Specifications Edit specifications

Specifications Display specifications

Specifications Specification information system

The initial screen appears.

2. Choose Environment Drilldown reporting job.

The Drilldown Reporting Job screen appears.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


3. Enter data as required. To enter the key for the set of hits in the Grp entry field under Set of hits,
you can choose one of the following options:

Enter a new key manually. A new set of hits is created.

Choose an existing set of hits using the input help. This is then overwritten.

4. Choose

The Start Time screen appears.

5. Choose one of the following functions to specify the start time:

The drilldown reporting job is released and started immediately.

Enter a date and a time for the scheduled start. By entering the appropriate data under
No start after, you can also prevent the background job being started after the specified

After job
Under Name enter a previous job after which the drilldown reporting job is to be started.
Choose Start status-dependent if the drilldown reporting job is to be started only if the
previous job was successful.

After event
Enter the event that must occur before the drilldown reporting job is started. This can
guarantee that the SAP System has reached a predefined state before the drilldown
reporting job is started. If the event requires a parameter, enter it under Parameter.

Operation mode
Under Name enter a name for the operation mode in which the drilldown reporting job is
to be started.

Choose a factory calendar and enter a workday relative to the beginning or end of the
month on which the drilldown reporting job is to be started.
With the exception of the After job function, all functions offer the possibility of executing the
drilldown reporting job periodically. For this function, enter under >> after how many months
the drilldown reporting job is to be repeated. For the other functions choose Execute job
periodically and enter under Period Values whether the drilldown reporting job is to be
repeated hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or at another freely selectable interval.

6. Save the start time values.

The Drilldown Reporting Job screen appears again.
7. Save the scheduled drilldown reporting job.

The system executes the query in the background on the specified start date and saves the search
result as a set of hits. You can load and edit the set of hits (see Set of Hits Management [Page 43]).

Specification Management



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Engineering Change Management for Specifications

This function enables you to make data changes for a particular key date using a change number. In
this way, you can, for example, today enter data that will only be valid in the future. Each change
number is valid from a particular validity date so that the data has a validity period in accordance with
the change number.

If you make changes without using a change number, the standard validity period used goes
from 01/01/0001 to 12/31/9999. The system enters the current date as the key date.

When you use a change number to change a data record for the first time, the SAP System
divides the overall validity period into two adjoining validity periods. Whenever you use other
change numbers that have different validity dates, the system further subdivides the validity

See Example: Engineering Change Management [Page 52]

The SAP System writes change documents [Page 53] irrespective of whether you use
engineering change management or not.
For more information on the Engineering Change Management (LO-ECH) SAP component, see Help
SAP library LO - Logistics LO - Logistics General LO - Engineering Change Management.

You have created a change number on the initial screen of the SAP System by choosing Logistics
Central functions Engineering change management.
To use engineering change management for specifications, you must have set the Active indicator for
the Substance object under
Object types in the change master record you want to use. You do so
from the initial screen of the SAP Systemby choosing Logistics Central functions Engineering
change management.

You can use engineering change management within specification management to:

Import value assignments

Create specifications

By choosing Extras Administration information on the specification management screens, you can
find more information about, for example, the current validity period, the date of the last change, the
name of the person who last changed the specification, the data origin [Page 185], and the data
provider [Page 185].
You can work with or without engineering change management depending on your requirements. If
you have used engineering change management to change the data of a data record, you must make
sure that the right key date is entered when you call the data or enter the relevant change number.

The change number has higher priority than the key date (see Example: Engineering
Change Management [Page 52]).
The Change number, From date, and To date fields in the specification header data refer
exclusively to the data of the specification header.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Example: Engineering Change Management

1. A phrase is created without a change number; phrase item and phrase set assignment are edited.
The data for the phrase header, the phrase item, and the phrase set assignment is therefore
valid from 01/01/0001 through 12/31/9999.

You can also create a phrase with a change number, for example, with a valid-from date
in the future (01/01/2005). The data for the phrase header, the phrase item, and the
phrase set assignment is therefore valid from 01/01/2005 through 12/31/9999.
2. A change is made in the phrase item with the change number A5 (valid from 01/01/1999).
If you navigate to the corresponding phrase item with the key date 06/01/1999 after saving,
the data valid on this date is displayed. Under Extras Administration information the validity
period 01/01/1999 through 12/31/9999 is displayed.

Key date 2

Key date 1








Change number

Validity of the phrase EHS_DEMO:


Phrase set

3. A change is made in the phrase item with the change number A10 (valid from 01/01/2000) and in
the phrase set assignment.
If you start with the key date 06/01/2000 after saving, the data valid on this date is displayed
in the corresponding phrase item and in the phrase set assignment. Under Extras
Administration information the validity period 01/01/2000 through 12/31/9999 is displayed.
If you start with the key date 06/01/1999, the data valid on this date is displayed. Under
Extras Administration information, the validity period 01/01/1999 through 12/31/1999 is
displayed in the phrase item and the validity period 01/01/0001 through 12/31/1999 is
displayed in the phrase set assignment.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Creation of Change Documents for Specifications

The SAP System logs all changes that are made within specification management. In Customizing for
Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Context Fields for Creation of Change Documents you can
specify which context information is displayed on the objects that are determined in the creation of
change documents log for specifications (such as identifier, material assignment, transport approval).
In the change document, the objects are determined that were:




Changes that were made by a reference [Page 62] or inheritance [Page 64] are marked. For each
object, the change date, change time, and the user name of person who made the change are
displayed in addition to the context information.

Change document creation for specifications is independent of Engineering Change

Management for Specifications [Page 51].

In Customizing for Product Safety, you have made settings in the Creation of Change Documents

1. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose Specifications Edit specifications.
The Edit Specification: Initial Screen appears.
2. Choose Extras Change document log.
The EHS: Display Change Documents for Specifications screen appears.
3. Enter data as required and choose

The entry report is executed only at the times you scheduled in Customizing. To enter
changes in advance, you have the option of starting the entry report manually. To do this,
in the EHS: Display Change Documents for Specifications screen choose Program
Update data and then Program Execute.

The system displays the EH&S change document tree. If changes were made for the defined context,
the old and new data is displayed together with the defined context.
You can display additional information about the change document using
You can position a line in the EH&S change document tree using
You can set a segment using



With Utilities Color legend you can display the significance of the colors and symbols
that are used within the EH&S change document tree.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


With Utilities Switch layout you can compress the display differently.

Outside Product Safety you can display the change documents for specifications in the
following manner:
In the initial screen of the SAP System, choose Tools ABAP Workbench
Development ABAP Editor. Enter the RSSCD110 program and choose
Execute. On
the following screen, enter <ESSUB> as the object class and choose .

Specification Status
You can use this function to specify for a specification which usages its identifiers and value
assignment instances should be protected for. You can use appropriate status entries to set the
system so that:

Changing specification data is prohibited (default setting, for example, in the status Released, see
also Change Not Permitted [Page 56])

Outputting specification data on reports is prohibited (default setting, for example, in the status In
process, see also Generation Not Permitted [Page 58])

The system issues a warning against editing specification data (default setting, for example, in the
status For release)

In Customizing an indicator profile specifies for each status which protection effect the status should
have. The basic status network can be enhanced as required to suit the customers needs.

When generating worklists in report management, status changes are taken into account in the same
way as changed specification data. The check whether generation is prohibited for a data record (see
Generation Not Permitted [Page 58]) is then made for the determined reports during report
generation. If the report has a value for which generation is prohibited, the report has the status Gen.
warning after generation.

So that a status entry is taken into account for specification data, the Active indicator must be set in
the usage of the specification data.
In Customizing for Product Safety, you have edited the Status Management section.

Status Entry
The status of a specification is made up of individual status entries. Each status entry includes the
following data:

Rating and Validity area

A new status entry is assigned the initial status defined in Customizing. The permitted followon statuses are defined in the status network.

Time period for which the status entry applies

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Change number if you want to use engineering change management

Object type in SAP Human Resources Management and Person responsible

Status Network
You can enhance the status network delivered with the standard system by using a status profile
made up of customer-specific user statuses. The SAP System inserts customer-defined user statuses
between the statuses IP (In process) and FR (For release). You can define the follow-on statuses
yourself within the K* statuses.
The following status network is included in the standard system:




) FR






Technical key


In process (default
initial status)

K1, K2...

User status


For release






Noncritical change




Default Setting for Status Entries

You can enter a default setting in Customizing for specification status entries. To do this you enter a
usage profile for the value assignment type Status assignment (ESTST) in the IMG activity Specify
Value Assignment Types. If a specification does not have its own status entries, the system creates a
list from the combinations of the initial status and the usages for the profile. These are not displayed
on the Status tab page. The list is taken into account by the SAP System until you have explicitly
entered new status entries on the Status tab page.
Person Responsible
You can enter the person responsible for a status entry as information.
The person responsible is managed in the SAP component Human Resources Management
depending on the object type (for example, work center, job, position). The person responsible is
linked directly to Organizational Management.
You can specify a person responsible as the default entry in Customizing for Product Safety in the
IMG activity Specify Authorization Groups depending on the authorization group. This default entry is
used by the SAP System as long as you have not entered an explicit person responsible for a status
If you change the validity period for a status entry so that it has two or more validity periods, you can
display all validity periods using the History function.
Assignment of Value Assignment Types
Depending on the specification type you can assign any value assignment types to each status in the
IMG activity Specify Statuses. Using customer exits you can specify, for example, that the value
assignment types for a particular status must be edited before the status can be assigned.

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


Authorization Concept
The SAP System guarantees that the status assignments can be made only by authorized users.
Search Function
In the initial screens for specification management and the specification information system, a search
function allows you to display all specifications that belong to specific usage and a specific status as a
hit list. From the hit list you can then switch to the next status.
Enhancements (Customer Exits)
You can use the customer exits in Customizing for Product Safety to specify that:

Additional checks are made in a status switch

Other activities are performed when you save the status (such as workflow processes)

Change Not Permitted

With this function you can prohibit changes for identifiers and value assignment instances. To do this
you must have assigned an appropriate status to the Change not permitted indicator in Customizing.
For the specification data you want to protect, a status entry with the correct status must apply in the
header data of the specification. As the default setting, the status Released prevents changes to
related data, for example.
If you do not prevent changes, but want to warn the user against making changes, you can set this up
using the Warning if changed indicator.

You have assigned the Change not permitted indicator to the appropriate status in Customizing for
Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Statuses.
In the header data for the specification on the Status tab page you have defined for which usage and
in which validity period the status should apply.

You can specify a default setting for the status entries in the IMG activity Specify Value
Assignment Types using the value assignment type ESTST. The system takes the default
setting into account if no status entry exists for a specification.
So that a status entry is taken into account for specification data, the Active indicator must be set in
the usage of the specification data.

Check Process
When a value assignment instance or an identifier is called, the system checks for each day of the
validity interval of the data whether:

The usage of the data record is active

A status entry is available for which the Change not permitted indicator is set in Customizing and
that applies for the active usage
For the status entry to apply, the following conditions must be met:

Specification Management



SAP Online Help


The rating of the status and specification data record must be the same

The corresponding validity areas must have at least one country (or plant, or profit center, and
so on) in common, that is their intersection must not be empty.

Status entry: PUBLIC/DE/Released (Change not permitted indicator set)

Usage of value assignment instance V1: PUBLIC/REG_EU/Active
As DE is included in REG_EU, the status entry applies. The value assignment instance
V1 is therefore released and can no longer be changed.

If the conditions for a status entry that prohibits changes are fulfilled, the data record is not ready for
input. For a value assignment instance, the data record also includes the data for source information
and user-defined texts, and so on.
The usage of the data record can be edited, but only such that the number of released data records
belonging to it does not change. This means that:

Active released usages cannot be changed.

New, inactive usages can be added. For example, additional validity areas can be created. The
existing validity areas are protected from changes.

Not released or inactive usages can be deleted.

When you create a new data record or edit a data record for whose usage a status entry with the
status Released applies, the Active indicator cannot be set. A data record cannot therefore be
released by activating the usage.

The identifier for a specification has the following usages:

PUBLIC / DE / Inactive
PUBLIC / US / Inactive
The specification has the following status entry:
PUBLIC / REG_EU / Released (Change not permitted indicator set)
Since the usage and the status entry overlap in PUBLIC/DE (DE is a subset of REG_EU),
the usage PUBLIC/DE for the identifier cannot be activated. The usage PUBLIC/US,
however, may be activated.
A released data record can only be edited after an authorized person has assigned a status to the
status entry that does not prohibit changes, for example, the status In process. In the status In
process, for example, you can activate the usage of the data record. The status of the status entry
can then be set to Released again by an authorized person.

If the conditions for a status entry that causes a warning are fulfilled (Warning if changed
indicator set), you can decide yourself whether you want to edit it.

The following example illustrates the system behavior if different validity intervals exist for a value
assignment instance or an identifier. As the system checks each day of the validity interval of the data
record, the Change not permitted indicator protects all versions of the value assignment instance or
In the following graphic, changes to the data are therefore forbidden for all active value assignment

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Time axis

Status entry

Key date
Value assignment instance V1




Key date
Value assignment instance V2



Key date

Value assignment instance V3



Status entries

PUBLIC/DE/In process
Key date

Value assignment instance V4



Generation Not Permitted

With this function you can prohibit the output on reports for identifiers and value assignment
instances. To do this you must have assigned an appropriate status to the Generation not permitted
indicator in Customizing. For the specification data that was selected on the basis of the generation
variant, a status entry with the correct status must apply in the header data of the specification (see
For the comparison of the usages between generation variant/specification data record and
specification data record/status entry you can use the usage check function in the generation variant
to specify the type of comparison. You can specify for usages with the same rating for the validity
areas whether an intersection, subset, or superset should be present or whether they should agree for
the comparison to apply.
As the default setting, the status In process prevents the output of data on reports.

You have assigned the Generation not permitted indicator to the appropriate statuses in Customizing
for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Statuses.
In the header data for the specification on the Status tab page you have defined for which usage and
in which validity period the status should apply.

You can specify a default setting for the status entries in the IMG activity Specify Value
Assignment Types using the value assignment type ESTST. The system takes the default
setting into account if no status entry exists for a specification.
So that a status entry is taken into account for specification data, the Active indicator must be set in
the usage of the specification data.

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You have set the Status check indicator for the generation variant. This indicator controls whether the
specification status and phrase status are to be checked when the report is generated.

From the specification management hit list, the following apply:

If you call the Report from template function you can override the indicator.

If you call the Create report function you cannot override the indicator. The
system uses the settings for the generation variant.

Check Process
If the Status check is set, the system runs the status check for the current key date. The following
graphic shows the process:
Generation variant
Usage check = 0 (subset)

Cancel if status
process would

1. 1:1 comparison of
the usages
(prelim. check)

Prelim. check OK
(No suitable (1:1)
status entry prohibits

2. Selection of value

Status entries

assignment instances
taking usage check into
account (with respect to the
rating of the generation
variant (PUBLIC))

PUBLIC/ REG_WORLD/ Released (generation permitted)

Internal/ US/ In process (generation not permitted)

3. Comparison of usages that led to the

selection with the status entries, taking
the usage check into account

DE and REG_EU are subsets of

Value assignment instance V1
V1 is generated because status
permits generation.

DE is subset on DE and
Value assignment instance V1 is
selected based on the usages

Value assignment instance V1

Internal/ US

Internal / US does NOT

lead to selection
usage record has no

Graphic step 1:
The first check is a preliminary check. The SAP System creates combinations from the leading validity
area and the ratings with the highest priority. The system checks using a 1:1 comparison of the
usages whether at least one status entry in the corresponding specification exists for these
combinations for which generation is not permitted.

In a 1:1 comparison, the system does not expand the validity areas into countries and
regions unless you used the exclusion indicator when you defined the validity areas.
If a status entry prohibits generation, generation is canceled without any data being read. The report
has the status Generation failed.
If no status entry prohibits generation, the preliminary check was successful, that is data is read
(graphic step 2).
Graphic step 2:

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The system selects the specification data (for example, value assignment instances) by comparing
the usages of the generation variant with the usages of the specification data. This takes into account
the usage check specified for the generation variant.
Graphic step 3:
If data records were selected, a further check is made for each of these selected data records. Here
the system compares the usages that led to the selection of a data record with the usages of the
status entries. This again takes into account the usage check for the generation variant.

Only if no status entry is found that prohibits generation can the data record be printed on the report.
If a status entry exists that prohibits generation, a message is printed on the report between two
markers {** ... **}. The report then has the status Gen. warning (GW) after generation.

For specification SUBS01, value assignment type State of matter, and value assignment
instance 1:
{**Status of value assignment not permitted: SUBS01,
SAP_EHS_1013_001, 1**}
For specification SUBS01, identification category NAM, identification type PROD, and
language EN:
{**Status of identifier not permitted: SUBS01, NAM, PROD, [E]**}

Editing Specification Statuses

See Specification Status [Page 54], Prerequisites.
Before you can choose the Status tab, all data must be saved.

1. In the specification header data, choose the Status tab.
2. Enter data as required. Note the following:



To switch a status to the next follow-on status, you have the following options:

If the next status is clear, choose

If the next status is not clear, display the input help for the Status field to see
all valid follow-on statuses and make your selection.

When you create a new status entry, the Status field automatically has the initial
status defined in the IMG activity Specify Statuses once you have confirmed.

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Valid from, Valid



If you work without change numbers, a status entry is valid by default from
01/01/0001 through 12/31/9999.
If you change an entry in the Valid from field so that the data record is split, you
can display both validity periods using the History function.

PUBLIC / DE / IP / valid from 01/01/0001 / valid through 12/31/9999

is changed to:
PUBLIC / DE / IP / valid from 01/01/1998 / valid through 12/31/9999
and then
to change from the key date display to the
history display. The following data records are displayed:
PUBLIC / DE / IP / valid from 01/01/0001 / valid through 12/31/1997
PUBLIC / DE / IP / valid from 01/01/1998 / valid through 12/31/9999
3. Confirm and save your entries.

You must save each time you move on.

To exit the Status tab page, you must have saved the data unless you choose Cancel.
If you have chosen Confirm, the Rating and Validity area fields are no longer ready for

If a data record for the specification has an active usage for which a status entry applies that does not
icon is displayed for the data record and the data record can no longer be
permit changes, the

For an active usage, a status entry applies if there is a status entry on at least one day of
its validity interval that has the same rating and overlaps with the validity area of the
usage (see also Change Not Permitted [Page 56]).

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You can use this function to assign one or more reference specifications to a specification (source
specifications of the reference or short references). In doing this the SAP System creates a link from
the value assignments of the reference specification to those of the referencing specification. This
greatly reduces the amount of data that needs to be entered.

Using the where-used list for specifications [Page 82] function you can display all
specifications to which selected specifications are assigned as references (see
Determining Usage as References [Page 85]).

The required reference must belong to a specification type that was specified in Customizing for
Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Specification Types as a permitted source specification type
for the specification type of the referencing specification.

The following rules apply for references in the SAP System:

If you assign a reference to a specification, a link is created to the specification from all value
assignments of the reference. In contrast to inheritance [Page 64] it is not possible in references
to specify value assignment types directly using an inheritance template [Page 77] whose value
assignments are to be passed on.

No data is transferred outside the value assignments in referencing. The following, for
example, are not transferred:


Material assignments

You can manually overwrite referenced value assignments. You can choose whether:

The referenced value assignment is to be deleted and you re-enter the data

The referenced value assignment is to remain as a template and you overwrite the data

In the property tree, every value assignment type that is assigned values via a reference
is marked with . If you overwrite the referenced value assignment manually, the symbol
changes to .

If you assign several references to a specification, the value assignment types for these
references may not overlap.

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Value assgmt types

Reference 1

pH value
Flash point

Transfers to



Transfers to

Reference 2

First aid

Unique Value Assignments to be Transferred from Several References to One

Referencing Specification

The system rejects the assignment of a reference if at least one of the following conditions is

The planned reference is identical to the referencing specification (a specification may not
reference itself)

The planned reference has a specification type that does not permit the usage as a source
specification of the reference (see Prerequisites)

The planned reference is being processed by another user

The planned reference already has references itself (multilevel references are not allowed)

The planned reference overlaps with at least one other reference of the referencing
specification in at least one value assignment type

The planned reference transfers value assignments of at least one value assignment type that
the user cannot change in the referencing specification because the user does not have
authorization to do this

You can deactivate this authorization check in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG
activity Specify Environment Parameters by means of the environment parameter


If you call a value assignment type that was transferred to the specification via a reference, the
value assignment is shown in display mode.
To edit the referenced value assignment you must call the edit mode using
Specification: Value Assignment screen.

on the Display

You create references while editing the header data [Page 39].

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This function enables you to pass on value assignments and identifiers from one specification
(source specification) to another (target specification). To do this, you create an inheritance
relationship in which the source specification, the target specification, and the inheritance template
[Page 77] are defined. The inheritance template controls:

Which identifiers and which value assignments are passed on

Whether the value assignments passed on can be edited and whether the data changes made
are temporary or permanent

Whether inheritance relationships can be deactivated and reactivated if required

A specification can be a source or target specification in as many inheritance relationships as you like
with any inheritance template. Each target specification can itself act as a source specification and
can also pass the inherited data on again, with the result that multilevel inheritance is possible.
In the inheritance relationship, the source and target specifications are linked with each other in such
a way that a background job automatically updates the data in the target specification if you create,
change, or delete the data to be passed on in the source specification. The SAP System also
specifies in the inheritance relationship whether the inheritance request was created by the source
specification or by the target specification. Accordingly, the source specification or the target
specification can have the role of requester. In the same way, the source specification or the target
specification can have the role of acceptor, depending on which specification approves the
inheritance request.

template 1
Specification 1

Specification 2

Target specification

Source specification

template 2
Specification 1

Source specification

Specification 2

Target specification

You can use authorizations to ensure that only authorized employees can request and approve
inheritances (see Prerequisites).

Inheritance is an extension of the existing reference [Page 62]. Inheritances and references differ as

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The inheritance template controls which

identifiers and value assignments are passed on
and which usage they must have in order to be
passed on.

All value assignments in the target specification

are passed on to the target specification with
their usage. Identifiers are not passed on.

Individual value assignment instances of a value

assignment type can be overwritten in the target

Only entire value assignment types can be

overwritten for the target specification, which
means that if you overwrite referenced data in
the target specification, the reference is deleted
for the entire value assignment type.

Multilevel inheritance is possible.

Multilevel references are not possible.


You have created the required inheritance templates as group entries in Product Safety (see
Editing Inheritance Templates [Page 78]).

A specification cannot be a target specification in a reference and a target specification in an

inheritance relationship at the same time, in other words a specification cannot receive data via
reference and via inheritance at the same time. However, other combinations are possible, for

A specification can receive data via reference and pass on this data or other data.

A specification can inherit data and pass it on via reference.

In order for data to be inherited, it must correspond to the definition in the inheritance template
and fulfill the following conditions:

The first time that data is inherited, there cannot be a status entry that does not permit
changes for the data to be passed on in the source specification (see Specification Status
[Page 54]). If data that has already been passed on is edited subsequently in the source
specification, the data in the target specification is updated regardless of the status of the
source data.

If a usage has been defined in the inheritance template, the data to be passed on must
contain this usage and the Active indicator must be set. If you have set the All usages
indicator in the inheritance template, the data is passed on regardless of its usage, which
means that data is passed on even if the Active indicator is not set in its usage or if no usage
at all has been specified for the data (see Editing Inheritance Templates [Page 78]).

In the IMG activity Specify Environment Parameters in Customizing for Product Safety, you can
use the environment parameter INH_RESOLVE_STATUS_CONFLICT to specify whether the
status of the target specification is to be taken into account for inheritance. If the status of the
target specification is taken into account (value 0), there cannot be a status entry that does not
permit changes for the data in the target specification (for example, the status RE Released in the
standard system). Otherwise, the target specification cannot inherit the data. If no status is
specified for the target specification, the data in the target specification is classified as In process.

In Customizing for Product Safety, you have processed the IMG activity Set Up Job for
Inheritance and scheduled the inheritance report to be event-controlled as described there.

The source specification of an inheritance relationship must belong to a specification type that
was specified in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Specification Types as
a permitted source specification type for the specification type of the target specification.

The data to be passed on cannot be locked by another user. In the IMG activity Specify
Environment Parameters in Customizing for Product Safety, you can use the environment
parameter INH_JOB_DELAY to specify after how many minutes the background job for the
inheritance is rescheduled if data is locked.

The source specification cannot be its own target specification. For this reason, the system
ensures that no endless loops can occur at all levels of inheritance.

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You need the following authorizations:

To request inheritance, you need authorization to change the data to be inherited via the
inheritance template for the requester (which can be the source or target specification). This

If you request inheritance for a target specification, you need change authorization for the
corresponding data (identifiers, value assignment types) in the target specification.

If you request inheritance from a source specification, you need change authorization for
the corresponding data (identifiers, value assignment types) in the source specification.

To be able to approve an inheritance request to the acceptor (which can be the source or
target specification), you need the following authorizations for the acceptor:

If the target specification is the acceptor, in other words if you want to approve the
inheritance request of the source specification to the target specification, you need
change authorization for the target specification. In other words, the data read in the
source specification must be able to be created in the target specification.

If the source specification is the acceptor, in other words if you want to approve the
inheritance request of the target specification to the source specification, you need
display authorization for the source specification. In other words, the data to be created in
the target specification must be able to be read in the source specification.

You specify the change or display authorization in the authorization objects

C_SHES_TVH (specification value assignment with specification reference) and
C_SHES_TRH (specification header).

Inheritance Relationships
The system displays all the inheritance relationships for a specification in its header data on the
Relationship tab page (see Creating Inheritance Relationships Between Specifications [Page 72]):

One area of the screen contains all the inheritance relationships in which the specification is the
source specification.

One area of the screen contains all the inheritance relationships in which the specification is the
target specification.
In both screen areas, a data record, in other words a row in the table, represents an
inheritance relationship.

The following data is displayed for each inheritance relationship:

Whether the inheritance relationship is active

Whether the specification in whose header data the inheritance relationship is displayed
requested the inheritance, in other words whether it is the requester or acceptor

Inheritance template for the inheritance relationship

Status and approval status of the inheritance relationship

The approval status only occurs in the following combinations with the status of the
inheritance relationship:

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Approval Status



Ready to inherit









The statuses have the following meanings:




Data is not passed on until an authorized user has approved the

inheritance request. The status changes to Ready to inherit.

Ready to inherit

Data is ready to inherit and is passed on by the next background job.

The status changes to Consistent or Incorrect.


Data is passed on by the background job and is consistent.


Data could not be passed on.

From the Relationship tab page, you can edit inheritance relationships for the specification in the
corresponding screen areas:

You can create [Page 72] inheritance relationships in which the specification is the source or
target specification.

You can create an inheritance relationship between a source specification and as many
target specifications as you want from the specification management hit list by selecting
the target specifications in the hit list and then specifying the source specification and the
inheritance template (see Creating Inheritance Relationships Between Specifications
[Page 72]).
The specification from which you create an inheritance relationship in the header data or
from the hit list is automatically the requester in the inheritance relationship.

You can approve or reject [Page 74] inheritance requests, in other words set the corresponding
approval status.

You can deactivate and reactivate [Page 75] inheritance relationships.

You can delete [Page 76] inheritance relationships. You can decide whether to merely delete the
link between the source and target specifications or whether the inherited data in the target
specification should also be deleted.

An inheritance relationship is generally displayed for both specifications involved (for one specification
in the target part and for the other in the source part), regardless of which specification requested the
Only when an inheritance request has been approved can the status of the inheritance relationship
change from Initial to Ready to inherit. If you create an inheritance relationship and have the required
authorization for the acceptor (see Prerequisites section), the approval is automatically set to the

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status Approved. If you do not have the authorization required, the approval remains in the status
Requested until an authorized user manually approves the request:


Template 1



Data flow

Authorizations when you create a request:

Case A:
Write authorization for source data using
Template 1

Write authorization for target data using

Template 1

Inheritance status: Ready to inherit

Approval status: Approved

Case B:
Write authorization for source data using
Template 1

NO write authorization for target data using

Template 1

Inheritance status: Initial

Approval status: Requested


Template 2



Data flow

Authorizations when you create a request:

Case A:
Write authorization for target data using
Template 2

Read authorization for source data using

Template 2

Inheritance status: Ready to inherit

Approval status: Approved

Case B:
Write authorization for target data using
Template 2

NO read authorization for source data

using Template 2

Inheritance status: Initial

Approval status: Requested

Passing On Data
The background job for the inheritance is started as soon as an inheritance relationship is assigned
the status Ready to inherit. It is assigned this status in the following cases:

The inheritance request has been approved manually or automatically.

The inheritance relationship has the status Consistent and data (identifiers, value assignments, or
the usage of this data) has been created, changed, or deleted in the source specification for the
inheritance relationship. For more information, see Effects of Changes to the Source Specification
Data [Page 71].

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The inheritance relationship has the status Consistent and the inheritance template for the
inheritance relationship has been changed.

The background job started updates the data in the target specification if it is not locked by a user. If it
is locked, the background job is repeated periodically (see Prerequisites section). If the data has been
passed on, the approval status of the inheritance relationship remains Approved and the status
changes to Consistent (or to Incorrect if there are errors).

If an inheritance relationship is assigned the status Incorrect, the data is not updated in
the target specification by the background job. You then receive a message in your office
inbox in the system in which the error is explained. The status Incorrect occurs, for
example, if an identifier that already exists in the target specification is to be passed on.

On the Relationships tab page, you can:

Display detailed information about the inheritance relationship using the

function. You can check, among other things, whether the background job for the
inheritance is scheduled and whether it is currently running.

Restart the background job for the inheritance manually using the
function and
give the background job a higher priority. As a result, this background job is
carried out next when the system is currently executing several background jobs
in succession.

Furthermore, you can update the data displayed using the

function and therefore
check, for example, whether the data has been passed on after a background job that
was started manually (the inheritance relationship is then consistent).
In the target specification, the background job for the inheritance only updates the value assignments
of the value assignment types specified in the inheritance template. In the same way, only the
identifiers of the identification categories and types specified in the inheritance template are updated.
In addition, the usage specified for the identifiers and value assignments in the source specification
must match the usage specified in the inheritance template. If a higher-level validity area (for
example, REG_WORLD or REG_EU) is specified for the data in the source specification and this
validity area contains the validity area in the inheritance template (for example, DE), the data in the
target specification is created with the validity area of the inheritance template.

Usage of the Data in the

Source Specification

Usage (Rating, Validity

Area) in the Template

Usage of the Data to Be

Passed On to the Target









Data record is not passed




Data record is not passed


Data record 1:


Data record 1: PUBLIC/US

Data record 2 is not passed

Data record 2:

Specification Management



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Changes to Target Specification Data

You can only change or delete inherited data in a target specification in the following cases:

You can change inherited identifiers or value assignments if you have set the Deactiv.
inheritance relationships indicator in the inheritance template and deactivated the inheritance
relationship. For more information, see Deactivating and Activating Inheritance Relationships
[Page 75].

You can change inherited value assignments if you have set the Changes to target
specifications or Exclusion from inher. indicator in the inheritance template. For more information
about the indicators, see Editing Inheritance Templates [Page 78]. For information about how to
change value assignment instances that contain inherited data, see Editing Value Assignments
[Page 100].

In the property tree, all value assignment types containing data that has been inherited or
passed on are marked by the
Identifiers and value assignment instances containing data that has been inherited or
passed on are marked as follows:

: Data record has been inherited.

: Data record has been passed on to other specifications.

: Data record has been inherited and passed on to other specifications.

: Data record has been inherited and changed temporarily (only for value
assignment instances).

: Data record has been inherited and changed permanently (only for value
assignment instances) or the inheritance relationship has been deactivated (for
value assignment instances and identifiers).

In specification management or in the specification information system, you can search for
specifications that are contained in inheritance relationships and that fulfill specific search criteria (see
Specification Search [Page 16]).

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Effects of Changes to the Source Specification Data

If you change the data in a specification that is the source specification in an active inheritance
relationship, the status of the inheritance relationship is reset to Ready to inherit. As a result, the
background job for the inheritance is started, which may have the following effects, for example, on
the data in the target specification:

Change to the Source Specification

Possible Effect on the Target Specification

Creating, changing, or deleting value

assignments and identifiers

If the value assignments and identifiers, including

their usage, correspond to the values specified in
the inheritance template, the corresponding value
assignments and identifiers are also created,
changed, or deleted in the target specification.
If you change a value assignment, the Active
indicator is reset in the usage for this value
assignment as standard. If a usage has been
defined in the inheritance template, only data with
an active usage can be passed on (see Inheritance
[Page 64]). Resetting the Active indicator then
results in the value assignment in the target
specification being deleted. In the IMG activity
Specify Value Assignment Types in Customizing
for Product Safety, you specify for each value
assignment type whether the Active indicator is
reset when a value assignment is changed.

Adding usages

If you add a usage to a value assignment or to an

identifier, this may result in the values specified in
the inheritance template being fulfilled for the first
time. The value assignment or identifier is then
created in the target specification.

Changing usages

If you change a usage for a value assignment or an

identifier, this may have the following effects:

Deleting usages

The values specified in the inheritance

template are fulfilled for the first time. The
value assignment or identifier is then created in
the target specification.

The values specified in the inheritance

template are no longer fulfilled. The value
assignment or identifier is then deleted in the
target specification.

If you delete a usage for a value assignment or an

identifier, this may result in the values specified in
the inheritance template no longer being fulfilled.
The value assignment or identifier is then deleted
in the target specification.

For more information about when value assignments and identifiers, including their usage, correspond
to the values specified in the inheritance template, see Inheritance [Page 64].

Specification Management



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Creating Inheritance Relationships Between

This procedure describes how you create inheritance relationships between specifications. To do this,
you have the following options:

In the header data of a specification, you can create inheritance relationships in which the
specification is the target or source specification. In other words, you specify in the specification
header data the specifications from which the specification inherits data or to which the
specification passes on data.

From the specification management hit list [Page 36], you can create inheritance relationships in
which specifications that you have selected in the hit list are target specifications. In other words,
you specify the specification (source specification) from which the selected specifications inherit
data. You can create an inheritance relationship for one source specification in one step for as
many selected specifications as you like.

In both cases, the specification from which you create the inheritance relationship is the requester. In
other words, this specification requests the inheritance.

See Inheritance [Page 64].

Creating Inheritance Relationships in Specification Header Data
1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose Specifications Edit specifications.
The Edit Specification: Initial Screen appears.
2. Search for the specification that is the requester in the inheritance relationship you want to create.
To do this, execute one of the following procedures:

Searching Manually for Specifications [Page 18]

Executing Queries [Page 34]

Loading Sets of Hits [Page 45]

A set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list if the SAP System finds data records
matching the search criteria of the manual search or query or if the set of hits loaded contains
specifications that exist in the system.
If the specifications you are searching for are not contained in the hit list or if the search result
contains too many hits, you can extend, refine, or reduce the hit list (see Basic Functions in
the Hit List [External]).

3. Select the required specification and choose

The Edit Specification: Header screen appears.

4. Choose the Relationships tab page.
5. On the tab page, select a blank line in one of the tables as follows:

Select a blank line in the upper table if the current specification is to inherit data from another
specification, in other words if the current specification is the target specification in the
inheritance relationship.

Select a blank line in the lower table if the current specification is to pass data on to another
specification, in other words if the current specification is the source specification in the
inheritance relationship.

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6. Choose


7. Enter the inheritance template and the source or target specification. When choosing the
inheritance template, note that you can only assign inheritance templates to a target specification
if their value assignment types and identifiers do not overlap. Value assignment types and
identifiers only overlap if the usages specified in the inheritance templates overlap at the same

Creating Inheritance Relationships from the Hit List

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose Specifications Edit specifications.
The Edit Specification: Initial Screen appears.
2. Search for the specifications that are the requester and target specification in the inheritance
relationship you want to create. To do this, execute one of the following procedures:

Searching Manually for Specifications [Page 18]

Executing Queries [Page 34]

Loading Sets of Hits [Page 45]

A set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list if the SAP System finds data records
matching the search criteria of the manual search or query or if the set of hits loaded contains
specifications that exist in the system.
If the specifications you are searching for are not contained in the hit list or if the search result
contains too many hits, you can extend, refine, or reduce the hit list (see Basic Functions in
the Hit List [External]).

3. Select the required specification and choose Specification Inheritance Inherit from source.
4. Enter the inheritance template and the source specification. When choosing the inheritance
template, note that you can only assign inheritance templates to a target specification if their
value assignment types and identifiers do not overlap. Value assignment types and identifiers
only overlap if the usages specified in the inheritance templates overlap at the same time.

The inheritance relationship is assigned the approval status Requested ( ) and the status Initial
( ). If you have the authorizations described under Inheritance [Page 64], the inheritance
relationship is automatically assigned the approval status Approved ( ) and the status Ready to
inherit ( ). If you do not have the authorizations, an authorized user must approve the inheritance
request [Page 74].
After an inheritance relationship has been assigned the status Ready to inherit, the background job
transfers the data from the source specification to the target specification for the inheritance. The
approval status remains Approved ( ) and the status changes to Consistent ( ) or, if there are
errors, to Incorrect ( ).

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Approving Inheritance Requests

This procedure describes how you approve an inheritance request manually. Only when an
inheritance request has been approved is the inheritance relationship assigned the status Ready to
inherit and the corresponding data can be passed on from the source specification to the target
specification for the inheritance by the background job.

Under certain conditions, inheritance requests are approved automatically when you
create the inheritance relationship (see Inheritance [Page 64]).


You have executed the procedure Editing Specifications [Page 38] and are on the screen for
editing the header data of the specification for which you want to approve an inheritance request.

The inheritance relationship for which you want to approve the inheritance request has the status
Requested ( ).

For more prerequisites, for example concerning the authorizations required, see Inheritance [Page

1. Choose the Relationships tab page.
2. In the corresponding table, select the line of the inheritance relationship that you want to approve.
3. Choose

The inheritance relationship is assigned the approval status Approved (

) and the status Ready to

inherit ( ). The next background job for the inheritance updates the data in the target specification
and sets the status Consistent ( ) or, if there are errors, Incorrect ( ).

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Deactivating and Activating Inheritance Relationships

This procedure describes how you deactivate an inheritance relationship and reactivate a deactivated
inheritance relationship.
After you have deactivated an inheritance relationship, the data in the target specification is no longer
updated when you change the corresponding data in the source specification. In addition, you can
change the data passed on (value assignments and identifiers) in the target specification. The
corresponding value assignment instances and identifiers are then ready for input and are marked
with the
If you reactivate the inheritance relationship, the system updates the data in the target specification
using the data in the source specification. In other words, the data changed in the target specification
is overwritten by the data in the source specification, and data that has been changed in the source
specification is accordingly also changed in the target specification.


You have executed the procedure Editing Specifications [Page 38] and are on the screen for
editing the header data of the specification for which you want to deactivate or reactivate an
inheritance relationship.

The inheritance relationship that you want to activate or deactivate, contains an inheritance
template [Page 77] in which the Deactiv. inheritance relationships indicator is set, in other words
for which the deactivation and reactivation of the inheritance relationship is permitted.

1. Choose the Relationships tab page.
2. In the corresponding table, select the line of the inheritance relationship that you want to
deactivate or activate.
3. Choose

An active (
An inactive (

) inheritance relationship is deactivated (

) inheritance relationship is activated (

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Deleting Inheritance Relationships

This procedure describes how you delete an inheritance relationship. You can decide whether the
data passed on to the target specification should also be deleted.


You have the authorizations that you also require for approving an inheritance relationship (see
Prerequisites section under Inheritance [Page 64]).

You have executed the Editing Specifications [Page 38] procedure and are on the screen for
editing the header data of the specification for which you want to approve an inheritance request.

1. Choose the Relationships tab page.
2. In the corresponding table, select the line of the inheritance relationship that you want to delete.
3. Choose

4. Specify whether the data passed on should also be deleted.

An inheritance relationship in the status Consistent ( ) is assigned the status Ready to inherit ( ).
The next background job for the inheritance deletes the inheritance relationship from the header data
of the source and target specifications and, if required, also deletes the data passed on in the target

Specification Management



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Inheritance Template
Filter in which the data transferred from a source specification to a target specification in inheritance
[Page 64] is defined. Furthermore, the inheritance template controls whether data that has been
passed on can be changed in the target specification.

The inheritance template is required in inheritance in order to create inheritance relationships
between specifications [Page 72]. In an inheritance relationship, only data that matches the criteria in
the inheritance template is passed on by the source specification.
The inheritance template is not dependent on a specification, in other words you can use an
inheritance template for as many different specifications as you like.

Controlling the Data to Be Passed On (Data Filter)
In the inheritance template, you specify the identifiers (identification category and type) and value
assignment types whose data is passed on by the source specification to the target specification.
Furthermore, you specify the usage (rating and validity area) that this data must have in order to be
passed on. You have the following options:

You can specify that the data for the identifiers and value assignment types is always passed on,
irrespective of the usage.

You can specify that the data for the identifiers and value assignment types is only passed on if a
specific usage is specified for this data in the source specification.

The data that you specify in the inheritance template cannot overlap. The system checks whether
there are any overlaps between validity areas, ratings, or identification types (see Editing Inheritance
Templates [Page 78]).

Controlling Permitted Changes to Data That Has Been Passed On

In the inheritance template, you can specify whether data that has been passed on can be changed
temporarily or permanently in the target specification and whether the inheritance relationship can be
deactivated and reactivated (see Editing Inheritance Templates [Page 78]).

The inheritance templates are created and edited in the group overview [Page 25].
An inheritance template that has already been used in an inheritance relationship can only be
changed if data that has already been passed on is not deleted by the change (see Editing
Inheritance Templates [Page 78]). In addition, changes to inheritance templates of this type cannot be
undone once they have been saved.

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Editing Inheritance Templates

This procedure describes how you create and change an inheritance template.


In the IMG activity Specify Groups in Customizing for Product Safety, you have defined the
groups that you require for inheritance templates. You have then assigned these groups to the
group tree for inheritance templates in the IMG activity Specify Group Trees and Assign Groups.

You have change authorization for the group of inheritance templates in which you want to create
the inheritance template or in which the inheritance template that you want to change is located.

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose Specifications Edit specifications.
The Edit Specification: Initial Screen appears.
2. Choose Specification Inheritance Edit templates.
The Edit Inheritance Templates dialog box appears. The group overview [Page 25] of the
inheritance templates is displayed.

You can also call the group overview of the inheritance templates in the same way from
the Edit Specification: Hit List, Edit Specification: Header, or Edit Specification: Property
Tree screen.

Creating Inheritance Templates

3. Position the cursor on the group in which you want to create an inheritance template and choose
The Create Inheritance Templates dialog box appears.
4. On the Hdr and Desc. tab pages, enter data as required, choose
prompt by choosing Yes.

, and confirm the confirmation

The inheritance template is added to the group as a group entry.

5. Choose the inheritance template by double-clicking the group entry.
6. If required, specify usages, identifiers, and value assignment types whose data, with the aid of the
inheritance template, is to be used for inheritance. Note the following:

If data (identifiers and value assignments) is to be passed on regardless of its usage, in other
words if the usage specified for the data in the source specification is not to be taken into
account as a filter for the inheritance, set the All usages indicator. If you do not specify a
usage and do not set the indicator, no data is passed on.

In general, only active identifiers and value assignments are passed on, in other words
only the identifiers for which the Active indicator is set. If you set the All usages indicator
in the inheritance template, inactive identifiers and value assignments as well as
identifiers and value assignments without a usage are passed on too.

If all the identifiers in the source specification are to be passed on, in other words if all existing
identification categories and identification types are to be taken into account when identifiers
are passed on, set the All identifiers indicator. If you do not specify any identifiers and do not
set the indicator, no identifiers are passed on.

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If value assignments of all the value assignment types in the source specification are to be
passed on, set the All value assignment types indicator. If only the data for certain value
assignment types is to be passed on, proceed as follows:




In the property tree, use the

and confirm the selection.

function to select the required value assignment types

If you do not specify any value assignment types and do not set the All value assignment
types indicator, no value assignments are passed on.

If you enter data in a row of the table under Usages or Identifiers and do not enter a value in
one or more fields in the same row, all values for this field are taken into account for
inheritance. In other words, this field does not restrict the data.



Validity Area Category

Validity Area





All data rated as PUBLIC,

regardless of the validity period




All data that applies to

REG_EU, regardless of the




Identification Type





All numbers




Product names in
all languages

The data that you specify in the inheritance template cannot overlap. The system checks
whether there are any overlaps between validity areas, ratings, or identification types. Note
that in the inheritance template, usages are linked by an AND logic operation (if, however,
you specify several usages for identifiers and value assignments of a specification in
specification management, these usages are generally linked by an OR logic operation). One
exception to this rule is if you do not enter any data in the Rating field (this corresponds to the
entry All ratings). In this case, the system checks whether the usages linked by OR overlap,
provided that the validity area is not the same.

Overlapping validity areas with the same rating

The validity areas are broken down according to countries and regions by the SAP
System. The following entries are therefore not permitted:



PUBLIC/DE and PUBLIC/<empty> (<empty> corresponds to All validity


Overlapping ratings with the same validity area

Ratings only overlap if you combine a certain rating with the entry <empty> (All
ratings). PUBLIC/DE and <empty>/DE, for example, is therefore not permitted.

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Since the system checks whether the usages linked by OR and not by AND overlap
when you enter<empty> (All ratings), you can, however, enter PUBLIC/DE and
<empty>/REG_WORLD, for example.

Overlapping identification types with the same identification category

Identification types only overlap if you combine a certain identification type with the
entry <empty> (All identification types). NUM/CAS and NUM/<empty>, for example, is
therefore not permitted.
7. If required, set one or more indicators under Permitted change options. You use these indicators
to specify whether the value assignments passed on using the inheritance template can be
changed temporarily or permanently and whether the inheritance relationship can be deactivated:

If you set the Changes to target specifications indicator, the value assignments that have
been passed on can be temporarily overwritten in the target specification.
If value assignments that you have overwritten in the target specification are then
changed in the source specification, the corresponding value assignments in the target
specification are also replaced again by the value assignments in the source

If you set the Exclusion from inher. indicator, the value assignments that have been passed
on can be permanently overwritten in the target specification.
As soon as the value assignments that have been passed on have been overwritten
once, changes made to the corresponding value assignments in the source specification
are no longer passed on to the target specification. The value assignments overwritten in
the target specification can be passed on again.

If you set the Deactiv. inheritance relationship indicator, the inheritance relationship between
the source or target specification can be deactivated and reactivated as required.

If the inheritance relationship has been deactivated and the data (identifiers and value
assignments) in the source specification is changed, the corresponding data in the target
specification is not updated. You can overwrite the data that has been passed on in the
target specification.

If the connection is reactivated, the data in the target specification is updated again in
accordance with the source specification.

8. Choose

and then

Changing Inheritance Templates

3. Double-click the inheritance template that you want to change.
4. Change usages, identifiers, and value assignment types as required whose data, with the aid of
the inheritance template, is to be used for inheritance. Note that when you edit an inheritance
template that has already been used in an inheritance relationship, you can only change it if data
that has been passed on is not deleted. A corresponding warning is displayed if an inheritance
template that you want to change is already being used. When you change an inheritance
template, the system automatically prevents you from making changes to the inheritance template
that are not permitted. In detail, this means that:

You can add new identification categories and types since this results in a larger number of
identifiers being passed on. However, you cannot delete existing identification categories and

You can change usages if this does not restrict the data.
For example, instead of the validity area DE you can define all validity areas or a
region of DE, such as DE_BW, since all data records that are valid for DE_BW are
always valid for DE too because DE_BW is contained in DE.

You can delete individual usages. As a result of usages being linked by an AND logic
operation in the inheritance template, the inheritance template is restricted less if you delete a

Specification Management



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For example, you can delete the usage INTERNAL/US from the usages PUBLIC/DE

You cannot replace an individual usage with another (for example, PUBLIC/DE with

You cannot reset the All usages, All identifiers, or All value assignment types indicators if
they are set. However, you can set them if they have not yet been set.
When you enter data, also note the information given in the Creating Inheritance Templates

You can no longer undo changes that you make to an inheritance template already being
used in an inheritance relationship after you have saved the data, since the background
job may pass on the corresponding data immediately.
5. Choose

and then

You can use the inheritance template in inheritance [Page 64] in order to create inheritance
relationships between specifications [Page 72].
If you have changed an inheritance template that is used in an active and consistent inheritance
relationship, this inheritance relationship is assigned the status Ready to inherit. The system then
starts the background job for the inheritance. This background job updates the data in the target
specification in accordance with the changed inheritance template.

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Where-Used List for Specifications

In the standard system, a where-used list is supplied with which you can determine specifications that
contain the specifications selected in the hit list in one or more of the following ways:

The selected specifications are contained in compositions or listings as components.

The selected specifications are specified as references.

The selected specifications are specified in the transport classification.

You also have the option of defining your own where-used lists in Customizing for Product Safety in
the IMG activity Manage User Exits using user exits of the user exit category SUB_USAGE (whereused list in the hit list). If you specify a number of user exits for where-used lists for a specification
category, a dialog box appears in the application in which a list of all where-used lists for the
specification category is displayed. You can enter the following information:

You can specify whether the where-used lists are linked logically with AND or OR.

For each where-used list you can specify parameters on the basis of which the where-used list is
executed, that is on the basis of which specifications are searched for.

You can only specify parameters for a number of where-used lists if these where-used
lists provide specifications of one specification category only as the result.
If you have defined only one user exit for a specification category, a dialog box appears in the
application in which you specify the parameters.

You can also include a where-used list for specifications as a search step in a query [External] (see
Creating a Specification Search Directly as a Query [Page 26]). The selection of individual
specifications from the where-used list will be lost, however, meaning that the where-used list is run
when the query is executed for all specifications in the hit list.


Determining Usage as Components [Page 82]

Determining Usage in Transport Classifications [Page 84]

Determining Usage as References [Page 85]

Determining Usage as Components

You use this procedure to determine specifications that contain the specifications selected in the hit
list as components in compositions or listings.
You can decide whether you want to determine specifications that contain the selected specifications
as direct only or as direct and indirect components. A specification A is an indirect component of a
specification B if the composition or listing of specification B contains specification A only as a
component of a composition or listing contained in it. It makes no difference whether specification A is
present in the contained composition or listing as a direct or indirect component, meaning that when

Specification Management



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searching for indirect components, the system searches the contained compositions and listings right
down to the deepest level.

You have run a specification search [Page 16] or loaded a set of hits [Page 45] and are located on the
hit list screen.

1. In the hit list, select the specifications for which you want to determine specifications that contain
the selected specifications as components in compositions or listings. If you do not select
anything, the system determines the corresponding specifications for the first specification in the
hit list.
2. Choose

Depending on whether you have defined one or more where-used lists for the specification
category in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Manage User Exits, different
dialog boxes will now appear:

If you have not defined any other where-used lists in addition to the where-used list supplied
in the standard system for the specification category, the Where-Used List: Components and
Reference Parameters dialog box appears immediately.

If you have defined other where-used lists in addition to the where-used list supplied in the
standard system for the specification category, the Where-Used List: <Specification category>
dialog box appears. In this dialog box for the where-used list Component/Transport
Cl./Reference... choose
The Where-Used List: Components and Reference Parameters dialog box appears.

3. Choose Composition and make sure that the Transport classification and Referenced indicators
are not set.
4. Execute the following steps if you want to determine specifications that contain the selected
specifications as components only in specific compositions or listings:
a. Choose

beside Property tree.

The Property Tree dialog box appears.

b. Select the required compositions or listings and choose

5. Choose Indirect components if you want to determine specifications that contain the selected
specifications as direct and indirect components. As standard, the system determines only
those specifications that contain the selected specifications as direct components.
6. Choose

A new set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list. Choose

to return to the original hit list.

If you have defined a number of where-used lists in Customizing for Product Safety, the system takes
into account in the search all where-used lists for which you have specified parameters. If you have
entered parameters for a number of where-used lists, you can specify whether the where-used lists
are linked with AND or OR in the search, that is whether the specifications found must fulfill all or at
least one of the where-used lists specified.

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Determining Usage in Transport Classifications

You use this procedure to determine specifications in whose transport classification the specifications
selected in the hit list are specified.

You have run a specification search [Page 16] or loaded a set of hits [Page 45] and are located on the
hit list screen.

1. Select the specifications for which you want to determine specifications in whose transport
classification the selected specifications are specified. If you do not select anything, the system
determines the corresponding specifications for the first specification in the hit list.
2. Choose

Depending on whether you have defined one or more where-used lists for the specification
category in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Manage User Exits, different
dialog boxes will now appear:

If you have not defined any other where-used lists in addition to the where-used list supplied
in the standard system for the specification category, the Where-Used List: Components and
Reference Parameters dialog box appears immediately.

If you have defined other where-used lists in addition to the where-used list supplied in the
standard system for the specification category, the Where-Used List: <Specification category>
dialog box appears. In this dialog box for the where-used list Component/Transport
Cl./Reference... choose
The Where-Used List: Components and Reference Parameters dialog box appears.

3. Choose Transport classification and make sure that the Composition and Referenced indicators
are not set.
4. Choose

A new set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list. Choose

to return to the original hit list.

If you have defined a number of where-used lists in Customizing for Product Safety, the system takes
into account in the search all where-used lists for which you have specified parameters. If you have
entered parameters for a number of where-used lists, you can specify whether the where-used lists
are linked with AND or OR in the search, that is whether the specifications found must fulfill all or at
least one of the where-used lists specified.

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Determining Usage as References

You use this procedure to determine specifications for which the specifications selected in the hit list
are specified as references.

You have run a specification search [Page 16] or loaded a set of hits [Page 45] and are located on the
hit list screen.

1. In the hit list select the specifications for which you want to determine specifications for which the
selected specifications are specified as references. If you do not select anything, the system
determines the corresponding specifications for the first specification in the hit list.
2. Choose

Depending on whether you have defined one or more where-used lists for the specification
category in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Manage User Exits, different
dialog boxes will now appear:

If you have not defined any other where-used lists in addition to the where-used list supplied
in the standard system for the specification category, the Where-Used List: Components and
Reference Parameters dialog box appears immediately.

If you have defined other where-used lists in addition to the where-used list supplied in the
standard system for the specification category, the Where-Used List: <Specification category>
dialog box appears. In this dialog box for the where-used list Component/Transport
Cl./Reference... choose
The Where-Used List: Components and Reference Parameters dialog box appears.

3. Choose Referenced and make sure that the Transport classification and Composition indicators
are not set.
4. Choose

A new set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list. Choose

to return to the original hit list.

If you have defined a number of where-used lists in Customizing for Product Safety, the system takes
into account in the search all where-used lists for which you have specified parameters. If you have
entered parameters for a number of where-used lists, you can specify whether the where-used lists
are linked with AND or OR in the search, that is whether the specifications found must fulfill all or at
least one of the where-used lists specified.

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This function enables you to clearly identify a specification using various identifiers. An identifier is
defined in the following way:

The identification category generally specifies the data type. The categories name, number, and
chemical formula are delivered in the standard system.

The identification type gives a more exact description of the identification category.

The SAP System enables you to output identifiers on reports.

In Customizing for Product Safety, you have carried out the following IMG activities:

In the IMG activity Check Identification Listing, you define the identifiers to be displayed on the
individual program screens (on the hit list, in value assignment, for example). For an identification
listing, you can define:

The maximum number of identifiers to be displayed for an item

That an identifier is to be displayed only if a particular regulatory list is assigned to it

In the IMG activity Check Identification Types you define the identification types. For each
identification type you can also specify the following:

Specification category to which a specification must belong so that an identifier of the

identification type can be assigned to it

The maximum length of an identifier

A check function that checks whether the entry for an identifier is correct

Whether an identifier of the category Name is language-dependent

Whether lowercase letters are to be changed to uppercase

Whether special characters are allowed

Whether an identifier of the category Chemical formula is assigned to a document

For the specification category Substance you can, for example, specify the following
identification types:


Identification Type


IUPAC name, product name, synonym, trivial name, trade name,

and so on


CAS number (Chemical Abstract Service), EINECS (European

Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances), ELINCS
(European List of New Chemicals), UN number (UN list for
dangerous goods transports), and so on

Chemical formula

Empirical formula, rational formula (a chemical formula structured

according to chemical function units), and so on

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You can:

Create any number of identifiers for a specification. Within an identification type, you can also
define the sort sequence as required.

Enter a text of any length using the R/3 Editor for each identifier

Assign regulatory lists [Page 88] to each identifier

Specify a usage [Page 112] for each identifier

Editing Identifiers [Page 87]
Editing Usages [Page 113]

Editing Identifiers
1. Follow the procedure Editing Specifications [Page 38]. Choose the


2. Choose the Identifiers tab page.

3. Enter data as required (see also Example: Editing Identifiers [Page 87]).
Note the following:

The identification type depends on the identification category.

Choose a language key for language-dependent identifiers.

Double-click the Identifier field to call the long text editor.

4. Confirm and save your entries.

5. If necessary, enter a usage [Page 112] for the identifier and assign it to a regulatory list [Page 88]
(see Editing Usages [Page 113] and Assigning Regulatory Lists [Page 88]).

Example: Editing Identifiers

A specification was created for the real substance chloroform. The following identifiers could have
been entered for it:

ID categ.

ID type















Legend for identification category (ID categ.): NUM = number, NAM = name, FRM = chemical formula
Legend for identification type (ID type): CAS = CAS number (Chemical Abstract Service), EINECS =
EINECS (European Index of Existing Chemical Substances), IUPAC = International Union of Pure
and Applied Chemistry, MOLEC = molecular formula
Legend for language key (L): E = English

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Regulatory List
List or register specified in laws or regulations.

Regulatory lists include, for example, the substance lists in which substances with certain
properties are listed. The substances are generally compiled into lists taking legal
regulations into account. Typical substance lists are:

EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances)

TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act)

The SAP Product Safety component enables you to assign regulatory lists [Page 88] to individual
identifiers and to record the regulatory list in which those identifiers originated. For example, you can
assign substance lists to identifiers that describe specifications of the specification category
You can:

Assign an identifier to one or more regulatory lists

Assign a regulatory list to one or more identifiers

You edit regulatory lists in regulatory list management [Page 184].

Assigning Regulatory Lists

You have created the regulatory list in regulatory list management [Page 184].

1. Follow the procedure Editing Identifiers [Page 87] and select the identifier to which you want to
assign a regulatory list.
2. Choose

The Edit Specification: Regulatory Lists dialog box appears.

3. Enter one or more regulatory lists in the Reg. list field.
4. Confirm your entries.
5. Save your entries.

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Material Assignment
You can use this function to assign any number of materials from the SAP Material master component
to a specification in the SAP Product Safety component, thereby creating a link to further logistic
The material contains logistics data, such as price, weight, and dimensions. This data depends on an
articles packaging size or trading units.
The specification supplies the data on the properties. This data is independent of a articles packaging
size or trading units.
If the material carries the environmentally relevant indicator and a delivery is posted to this material,
the SAP System checks whether the material is assigned to a specification that requires a material
safety data sheet, and then, if necessary, triggers material safety data sheet shipping [External].





Acetone p.a.

Acetone p.a.



1 liter



5 Liter




SAE 15-W40

Chromous salts

Assignment Options: Material to Specification of Specification Category Substance


You have created the materials in the material master of the SAP Materials Management

In the Basic data 2 view of the material master, you must set the Environmentally relevant
indicator for materials that require a material safety data sheet.

The specification must belong to a specification type for which the Mat. assignment indicator has
been set in the IMG activity Specify Specification Types.

You can:

Assign one or more materials to a specification (such as a real substance)

Assign one material to several specifications (such as real substances)

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Specify a plant for a material

After you have assigned a material and plant, the SAP System checks whether

The material and plant exist

The material exists in the plant

The combination of material and plant must be a valid plant material.

The material-plant combination is unique

The combination may only be assigned once to one specification only. You must enter the
material either always without a plant, or always with a plant.

If you do not enter a plant for a material, the assignment is valid for all plants in which the
material occurs.
For more information, see the application help for the SAP component Material master (LO-MD-MM).
In the standard system, the material short text for assigned materials is output in the SAP Product
Safety component on the Material assignments tab page. In Customizing for Product Safety the SAP
enhancement C1060001 is available for you to use in the IMG activity Develop Enhancement for
Material Names. You can use this enhancement to output other material descriptions in addition to the
material short text (for example, descriptions from the material classification).

Assigning Materials [Page 90]

Assigning Materials

You have created the materials in the material master of the Materials Management SAP

The specification belongs to a specification type for which the Mat. assignment indicator has been
set in the IMG activity Specify Specification Categories in Customizing for Product Safety.

For more information on the automatic shipping of material safety data sheets, see:

The Report Shipping SAP component under Report Shipping: Process [External] and Automatic
Report Shipping [External]

Customizing for Product Safety under Report Shipping and in the subsequent IMG activities

1. Follow the procedure Editing Specifications [Page 38]. Choose the


2. Choose the Material Assignments tab page.

3. In the Material field, enter the material key.

You can use the editing functions from the Edit menu for selected materials.
4. If required, limit the assignment to one or more plants.
5. Save your entries.

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Value Assignment
You use this function to enter structured specification data and information. You enter value
assignment via the property tree [Page 98]. The tree gives you a clear, multilevel arrangement of the
individual subject areas. Within value assignment you can enter a source, any comments, and an
assessment for a data record, that is for a value assignment instance [External].
Usage [Page 112] is a special feature that specifies a level (or rating) at which a value assignment
instance may be accessible. It also specifies which validity area the value assignment instance has
(see Report Selection [External]).
The value assignment depends on the following objects:

The value assignment category generally specifies the data type. You can use the following

Value assignment category Property [Page 96]

Value assignment category Composition [Page 96]

Value assignment category Listing [Page 97]

Other value assignment categories exist for the component Dangerous Goods
Management. These include the value assignment categories Transport classification,
Dangerous goods additional data, and Hazard-inducing substances.

You can assign value assignment types to each value assignment category in Customizing for
Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types. You assign a class of class
type 100 (value assignment) to each value assignment type. You edit the class in the SAP
component Classification System (see Example: Value Assignment Types [Page 97]).

You can create characteristics for each class that are then passed on to the corresponding
value assignment type. After you have included the value assignment type in the property tree in
the IMG activity Set Up Property Trees and have carried out the Match up value assignment type
- characteristics function in master data matchup [External], you can call the value assignment
type in SAP Product Safety and enter actual values for the characteristics (see Value Assignment
Types and Characteristics Setup [Page 93]).

You can use all the data in the value assignment in reports. You use the Usage function to ensure
that only the characteristic values that are permitted for the report recipient are output.


You have set up a property tree in Customizing for Product Safety (see Prerequisites under Using
the Property Tree [Page 98]).

So that you can use phrases for characteristic value assignment, you must have entered or
imported phrases in phrase management (see Phrase Editing [External]).

You can only view and edit value assignment types for which you have appropriate authorization.

The individual value assignment types are listed in the property tree in the SAP Product Safety
component. For each value assignment type, you can enter any number of value assignment
instances in value assignment, unless you have deactivated multiple value assignment for the value
assignment type in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment

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All value assignment types contain the following standard functions:

Assessment [Page 104]

Source [Page 105]

User-defined texts and documents [Page 106]

Usage [Page 112]

For the value assignment types composition and listing, Product Safety also has the compositions
and listings [Page 109] function.

The value assignment types required by the Dangerous Goods Management component
contain additional functions that are assigned to them via their inclusion in the value
assignment categories Transport classification, Dangerous goods additional data, or
Hazard-inducing substances. For more information on editing dangerous goods basic
data, see the section Dangerous Goods Basic Data [External] (in the Dangerous Goods
Classification Process [External]).
Each value assignment type contains an overview table of the existing value assignment instances. In
the standard system, the system displays the source, the reference, and the user-defined text or
assigned document for each value assignment instance in the table. In Customizing for Product
Safety the SAP enhancement C1B40001 is available for you to use in the IMG activity Develop
Enhancement for Value Assignment Information. You can use this enhancement to output more
information in the overview table.
In Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types you can also
specify the following for each value assignment type:

You can specify which tab pages are displayed for a value assignment type and in which order.

You can specify whether a value assignment of the value assignment type should be set
automatically to active. Here the system distinguishes between copying, creating new data, and
changing data.

You can specify whether a value assignment type is to be used only internally and should not
therefore be displayed in the property tree.

You can specify that the value assignment type for specifications that belong to certain
specification types should be hidden in the property tree.

You can specify for a value assignment type (of the category Composition or Listing) that only
specifications belonging to certain specification types can be specified as components.

You can assign a usage profile [Page 114] to a value assignment type, from which the rating and
validity area are proposed automatically.

You can assign an identification listing to a value assignment type (of the category Composition or
Listing). This then overrides the standard identification listing D_VALPOS in the component
overview. This means you can specify which identifiers are displayed in the value assignment
screen for the components.

You can specify a function module to branch to your own dialog box when you call a value
assignment type.

Editing Value Assignments [Page 100]

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Value Assignment Types and Characteristics Setup

Each value assignment type is represented by a class of class type 100. In the Classification System
SAP component, you can assign any number of characteristics to a class. See also Creating
Characteristic Fields in EH&S [Page 94].
In Customizing for Product Safety, a value assignment type is assigned to each class. In this way, the
value assignment type inherits the characteristics of the class. Value assignment types can be of
categories property, composition, or listing.
Characteristics can have the following data types:

Numerical characteristics

Number range numerical characteristics

User-defined alphanumerical characteristics

Predefined format characteristics (alphanumerical)

Phrase library-related characteristics (data type CHAR30)

Numerical characteristics feature a default unit of measurement. In fields such as these, you only
need to enter the value as a number. The unit of measurement is added after you have chosen
You can only use other units of measurement, if these are contained in the R/3 unit of measurement
table, feature identical dimensions, and if the conversion parameters have been maintained.
If you have created new characteristics, you must execute the Match up value assignment type characteristics function in master data matchup to update the display.

For more information on the Classification System (CA-CL) component, refer to

the SAP Library under CA - Cross-Application Components Classification
System (CA-CL).

We recommend using the IMG activity Adopt Standard Database Structure to

adopt the standard value assignment types and characteristics.

C la s s ific a t io n S y s te m

C la s s
(C la s s ty p e 1 0 0 )

S et up
v a lu e a s s ig n m e n t ty p e

C h a ra c t. ...
C h a ra c t. ...

V a lu e a s s t ty p e ...

C h a ra c t. ...

C la s s
(C la s s ty p e 1 0 0 )

V a lu e a s s t ty p e ...
V a lu e a s s t ty p e ...

C h a ra c t. ...
C h a ra c t. ...
C h a ra c t. ...

A s s ig n m e n t o f:
V a lu e a s s t c a te g .
C la s s

V a lu e a s s ig n m e n t c a te g o r ie s
 C a te g . A : P ro p e rtie s
 C a te g . B : L is tin g s
 C a te g . C : C o m p o s itio n s

Relationship Between Value Assignment Type and Class

Specification Management



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Creating Characteristic Fields in EH&S

The SAP Environment, Health and Safety (SAP EH&S) component uses fields that were created as a
characteristic in the SAP component Classification System. The characteristics are passed on to the
corresponding value assignment type via the assignment of the class to a value assignment type in
EH&S Customizing. In this way, you can create other characteristics and assign them to the individual
value assignment types.
You can also assign a phrase set to a characteristic that has the data type CHAR 30. This means the
characteristic field can be assigned values using phrases from this phrase set.

In the SAP component Product Safety the property tree is made up of different value
assignment types. Every value assignment type has a class assigned to it in Customizing
for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types. The
characteristics of the class are therefore also assigned to the value assignment type (see
Value Assignment Types and Characteristics Setup [Page 93]).
In the SAP Industrial Hygiene and Safety component, the following data can be edited
using value assignment types, for example:

Industrial hygiene and safety data

Additional information incident/accident log

Additional information person affected

The value assignment types are assigned to the corresponding classes in Customizing for Product
The classes must be assigned to the class type 100 (value assignments) in the SAP component
Classification System.

Creating Characteristics in the Classification System and Assigning Them to a Class
1. Choose Logistics Central functions Classification Characteristic Create and create the
characteristic. If you want to assign phrases to the characteristic, you must create the data type
CHAR (character format) with the length 30 in the Create Characteristic: Basic Data screen.
For more information, see the SAP library under CA - Cross-Application Components ->
Classification System.
2. Choose Logistics Central functions Classification Class Change. Call the required
class and assign the newly created characteristic to the class.
3. In the corresponding SAP EH&S component, check whether the characteristic is displayed for the
corresponding value assignment type:
In the SAP Product Safety component, the appropriate value assignment type must be added
to a property tree in the IMG activity Set Up Property Trees. You can call the value
assignment type in the property tree and check whether the newly assigned characteristic is
displayed (see Value Assignment [Page 91]).
Call the value assignment type directly in the SAP industrial hygiene and safety data
component. If, for example, you have assigned other characteristics to the class to which the
value assignment type Industrial hygiene and safety data is assigned, choose the function
Industrial hygiene and safety data to check for a work area in the SAP Industrial Hygiene and

Specification Management



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Safety component. The new characteristic is displayed on the Edit Work Area: Industrial
Hygiene and Safety Data screen.

The Classification System makes it possible for you to define dependencies between
characteristics and characteristic values using object dependencies. For example, you
can specify that characteristic B is only ready for input if characteristic A was assigned
values, or that the value D can only be selected in characteristic B if the characteristic A
was assigned the value C. For notes on characteristics you want to use in the SAP
component SAP EH&S and other information, see Customizing for Product Safety in the
IMG activity Set Up Characteristics and the application help for the Classification System.

Assigning Phrases to the Phrase Set

You can also assign phrase sets to characteristics that have the data type CHAR 30. For this
purpose, you must create phrases and phrase sets and then assign them to each other:
4. In the Product Safety [External] menu choose Phrases =Edit phrases and create the required
phrases (see Creating Phrases [External]).
5. In the Product Safety [External] menu choose Phrases =Edit phrase sets and create the
required phrase sets (see Creating Phrase Sets [External]).
6. Assign the required phrases to the phrase set (see Assigning Phrases to a Phrase Set [External]).
Alternatively you can assign a phrase set to phrases (see Assigning Phrase Sets [External]).

Assigning the Phrase Set to the Characteristic

To update the view for the phrase set-attribute assignment for newly created characteristics, proceed
as follows:
7. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose Tools Match up master data, set the Match up
ValAss type and char. indicator and choose
(see also Master Data Matchup [External]).
Assign the phrase set to the characteristic as follows:
8. In the Product Safety [External] menu choose Phrases Edit phrase set-attribute assignment
and navigate to the required characteristic. Assign the required phrase set (see also Assigning
Phrase Sets to Attributes [External]).

In Customizing for Product Safety the SAP enhancement C14X0001 is available for you
to use in the IMG activity Develop Enhancement for Phrase Sets. This allows you to
dynamically determine and assign phrase sets for characteristics depending on the
runtime environment [External] and the current usage [Page 112].

Activating the Selection Help Display for Phrase Sets

In order for the phrase set to be displayed when the characteristics to which you have assigned a
phrase set are called, you must activate the phrase-related characteristics:
9. In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose Tools Match up master data, set the Activate
phr. assgt to charac. indicator and choose
(see also Master Data Matchup [External]).

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Value Assignment Category Property

This object assigns values to a specification using numeric values or phrases.

The value assignment category Property is divided into individual value assignment types that can be
sorted into groups in the property tree.

Typical descriptions for groups of value assignment types of the category Property are:

Physical/chemical properties

Toxicological properties

First aid data

The Physical/chemical properties group, for example, can contain the following value
assignment types of the category property:


Melting point

pH value

Value Assignment Category Composition

Lists the ingredients of a specification with their concentrations.

Ingredients are substances that are still present in a substance after the manufacturing
process has finished.

The value assignment category Composition is divided into individual value assignment types. The
value assignment types can be set up based on the following criteria:

Type of components of the composition

The accuracy of the quantitative values

Typical value assignment types of the category Composition are:

Exact chemical composition

Exact composition from products

Composition according to TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act)

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Value Assignment Category Listing

Listing of specifications without quantitative data.

The value assignment category Listing is divided into individual value assignment types.

Typical value assignment types of the category Listing are:

Substances to be monitored at the workplace

Products of decomposition when heated

Example: Value Assignment Types

The three value assignment categories Property, Composition, and Listing are divided into individual
value assignment types.
If there are a large number of value assignment types, they can be sorted into groups, for example,
physical-chemical properties.

Value Assignment Category

Value Assignment Type



Density, color, acid number, and so on

First aid

First aid eye, first aid skin, and so on


Acute oral toxicity, acute toxicity on skin contact, and

so on

And so on


Exact chemical composition, composition according to

TSCA, and so on


Substances to be monitored at the workplace,

products of decomposition when heated, and so on

Specification Management



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Using the Property Tree

The property tree offers a structured display of all the value assignment types that you can edit [Page
100] in the value assignment [Page 91] of specifications.


You have set up a property tree by one of the following methods:

In Customizing for Product Safety, you have performed the IMG activity Adopt Standard
Specification Database Structure.

You can carry out this IMG activity once only.

You have imported a property tree (see Import and Export [External]).

You have defined a property tree manually in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG
activity Set Up Property Trees.

You have the required authorizations.

In the SAP System, you can assign read and write authorization to a user for each node
(including the root). A user can display an end node if that user has authorization for all
nodes, including end nodes and the root.

The property tree is the starting point for editing value assignments of specifications. You can set
which property tree is displayed as the default setting for each specification type in Customizing for
Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Specification Types. If you do not specify a property tree for
a specification type and there is no SET/GET setting, the property tree is displayed for which the D
indicator (default property tree for specification management) is set in the IMG activity Set Up
Property Trees.
In the IMG activity Specify Specification Types you can define for each specification type whether a
user can switch between property trees in hit list. In this IMG activity you also specify the property
trees from which the user can choose.
If a user has switched to a property tree, this is saved as a SET/GET parameter in the user settings.

Display of the Property Tree

You can change the appearance of the property tree using the following functions:



You want to have the line on which the cursor

is positioned as the first line on the screen.

Choose Edit Subtree Position subtree.

You want to position the node below the cursor

as the root

Choose Edit Subtree Set focus.

The corresponding hierarchy is displayed as
the first line in the tree.

Report Symbols
Using Extras Report symbols you can display the report symbols for a value assignment type and
its characteristics.

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Origin of Value Assignment

Value assignment types can be assigned values using various methods. The method used is
indicated by a particular character beside the value assignment in the property tree. Choose
update the display.

Origin of Value Assignment



Manual assignment

. The first identifier for the reference is

displayed next to the icon.

By manually overwriting a reference

. The first identifier for the reference is

displayed next to the icon.


See Inheritance [Page 64].

Help Texts for Value Assignment Types

You can use F1 help to display long texts for the value assignment types in the property tree and in
value assignment. These long texts have been entered under Texts for the corresponding classes in
the Classification System.

Using the Property Tree for Value Assignment
1. Follow the procedure Editing Specifications [Page 38]. Choose the


2. Expand the property tree to the lowest level where the value assignment types are displayed.
3. Double-click the value assignment type you want to display.
The Edit Specification: Value Assignment screen appears (see Editing Value Assignments
[Page 100]).

Copying Data Records of a Value Assignment Type

1. For the specification whose data records you want to copy, follow the procedure Editing
Specifications [Page 38]. Choose the
2. In the property tree, select the value assignment types whose data records you want to copy by
positioning the cursor on them and choosing Edit Select Select subtree +/-.
3. Choose Edit Copy.
All data records for the selected value assignment types, including the additional information
on source, usage, and so on, are copied to the clipboard.
This data is retained in the clipboard until you have exited the transaction or copied other
4. For the specification to which you want to copy the data records, follow the procedure Editing
Specifications [Page 38]. Choose the
5. Choose Edit Paste.
All data records in the clipboard are copied for the current specification. All value assignment
types modified in this way are highlighted in the display.

Changing Property Tree

1. From the specification management hit list, choose Utilities Settings Property tree.
2. Enter the required property tree and confirm your entries.

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Editing Value Assignments

1. Within the property tree [Page 98], double-click the value assignment type you want to edit.
The Edit Specification: Value Assignment screen appears. The tab page contains data for the
first value assignment instance.
2. If you want to change another value assignment instance or create another value assignment
instance in addition to the existing ones, proceed as follows:

If you want to create a value assignment instance, enter the sort sequence in the table in an
empty Sort (sort sequence) field and confirm your entry.

If you want to change a value assignment instance, open it by double-clicking the Sort field for
the value assignment instance in the table.

If the value assignment type you want to change contains data by reference
[Page 62], the data for all value assignment instances of this value assignment
type is displayed only. To edit this value assignment type, choose .

A dialog box appears in which you can choose whether you want to copy the value
assignments of the reference to edit them or whether you want to create new value
assignments, that is the value assignments of the reference are deleted in this value
assignment type. In both cases the data is not updated if you change data in the
source specification of the reference.

If a value assignment instance you want to change contains data by inheritance

[Page 64], the data is displayed only. You can change this data only if the
inheritance template [Page 77] allows the data to be changed (see Editing
Inheritance Templates [Page 78]). To edit this value assignment instance, choose

A dialog box appears in which you can choose whether the inherited data is to be
temporarily or permanently overwritten. The inheritance template also controls
whether data can be permanently overwritten. If you overwrite data permanently, this
data is not updated if you change the corresponding data in the source specification
for the inheritance.
3. Edit the value assignment instance by using the following procedures:
Editing Characteristic Values [Page 101]
Editing Assessments [Page 104]
Assigning Sources [Page 105]
Editing User-Defined Texts [Page 108]
Editing Usages [Page 113]
Editing Compositions and Listings [Page 110] (only for value assignment types of the
category Composition and Listing)

In Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types
you can specify the sequence of the tab pages in the value assignment screen for each
value assignment type. You can also hide individual tab pages. This means it is possible
that you may not be able to execute some of the above procedures for certain value
assignment types because the required tab page is hidden.

If you call value assignment in display mode, only data records to which active usages
are assigned are displayed. You must also have authorization for the usage.

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If you call value assignment in editing mode, all data records are displayed. If you have
already assigned a usage to the data records, you must have editing authorization.
Otherwise, the data records are displayed in display mode only.

4. If you require additional value assignment instances, create them and edit them as described.

You can use

property tree.


to navigate to the previous and next value assignment type in the

Editing Characteristic Values


You have selected a value assignment type for which characteristic values can be edited. To do
this, the following settings are necessary in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity
Specify Value Assignment Types:

A class for which characteristics have been created is assigned to the value assignment type.

The Value assignment tab page was not hidden for the value assignment type.

If you have created new characteristics, you must execute the Match up value assignment type characteristic function in master data matchup [External] so that the display of the characteristics
for the corresponding value assignment types is updated.

If you want to assign phrases to characteristics, you must assign the corresponding phrase sets
to the characteristics in the phrase set-attribute assignment (see Assigning Phrase Sets to
Attributes [External]).

In master data matchup, you must carry out the (De)Activate phrase-rltd char. function so that you
can use the phrases from the corresponding phrase sets as input help when assigning values to

1. In value assignment [Page 100] editing, choose the Value assignment tab.
2. Enter numerical values directly in the characteristic fields.
In phrase-related characteristic fields, you can either search generically in the characteristic
field or call the input help.

Phrase Search in Characteristic Fields [Page 102]

Input Help Editing [Page 102]

3. Confirm your entries and check the entries the system then adds to the characteristic fields (such
as units of measure).
4. Save your entries.

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Phrase Search in Characteristic Fields

For the assignment to a characteristic, you can search for a phrase generically according to phrase
text or phrase code. You can search as follows:

Single generic delimitation, <Iso*>, for example

Double generic delimitation, <*15*>, <*chlor*>, for example

Placeholder in the middle of a key. <Butan+l> stands for both butanol and butanal, for example.

Combination of search methods, <*1234+678*>, for example

The system does not differentiate between lower case and upper case letters during
search runs.

Number of Hits


The SAP System finds one phrase.

The phrase is displayed in the characteristic field.

The SAP System finds multiple phrases.

The dialog box for input help appears. The results of the
search are restricted according to the search criteria
See Input Help Editing [Page 102]

Input Help Editing

The input help consists of the following areas:

The selected phrases (upper area)

The rest of the phrase set (lower area)

You move a phrase from the lower to the upper area (or vice versa) by double-clicking it.
If a characteristic can only be assigned a single value, the phrase that you double-click in the phrase
set is transferred to value assignment immediately.
You can use the editing functions displayed as icons in the dialog box. Note the following:
You can search for:

Complete phrase keys

Complete words

You cannot search generically.

Text/Long text

You can switch between short and long text display.

You can print the list.

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Conversion of Units of Measurement

From the screens for displaying and editing value assignment types, you can convert characteristic
values with a unit of measurement to other units of measurement within the same dimension using
this function. If you convert frequently to the same units of measurement (for example, from C to F),
you can define a unit of measurement profile and specify it in your user settings. The system then
uses the units of measurement in this profile automatically in the dialog box for converting units of

The calculated values are for information purposes only and are not entered as
characteristic values.


You have specified the required unit of measurement profiles in Customizing for Product Safety in
the IMG activity Specify Unit of Measurement Profiles.

You are on the Display Specification: Value Assignment or Edit Specification: Value Assignment

Converting Units of Measurement
1. Choose Extras Convert unit of measurement.
The Display Specification: Conversion of Units of Measurement or Edit Specification:
Conversion of Units of Measurement dialog box appears.
2. Under Unit enter the unit to which you want to convert.
The system displays the converted values.

Changing Unit of Measurement Profiles

1. Choose Utilities Settings Unit of measurement profile.
2. Enter the unit of measurement profile and confirm your entry.
From then on the system uses the new unit of measurement profile when you convert units of

Specifying Unit of Measurement Profiles in the User Parameters

1. Choose System User profile Own data.
2. In the Parameters tab page, enter the required unit of measurement profile for the ESUNITPROF

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Each value assignment in the Product Safety SAP component has an assessment. The following
assessments are available in the standard system, for example:

Not assessed

Valid without restrictions

Valid with restrictions


Cannot be assessed

In Customizing for Product Safety, under the IMG activity Check Assessments, you define a standard
assessment that is automatically assigned by the system to each value assignment you created. You
can change these assessments if required.

Editing Assessments [Page 104]

Editing Assessments
1. In value assignment [Page 100] editing, choose the Assessment tab.
2. Select the required assessment.

In Customizing for Product Safety in the Check Assessments IMG activity, you define
which assessment is selected as default.
3. Save your entries.

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Using the Sources function, you can record a source and an additional note for a data record (value
assignment instance) within value assignment.

You can import sources into the SAP System (see Import and Export [External]).
You can edit sources in Source Management [Page 183].
Additional information can be displayed for each source, for example:

Type and description of source


Date of publication

Order number

General remark on the source itself

Assigning Sources [Page 105]

Assigning Sources
Sources are imported into source management or are created manually (see Source Management
[Page 183] and Source Import [External]).

1. In value assignment [Page 100] editing, choose the Sources tab.
2. Enter data as required.
3. Save your entries.

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User-Defined Texts and Documents

To describe a value assignment in more detail, you can enter any user-defined text for it or assign
documents to it. In this context, a document is a file that can be managed in document management
[External] (DMS), that is a document can be a text file, a construction drawing, or a graphic.
When importing specification data, characteristics can be assigned phrases that do not yet exist in the
SAP System. In order not to lose the phrases, you can create them as characteristic-dependent userdefined texts.

The following prerequisites are necessary so that you can define characteristic-dependent userdefined texts:

You have set the required user-defined text type as characteristic-dependent in the IMG activity
Specify User-Defined Text Types in Customizing for Product Safety.

In Customizing for Product Safety, you can also specify how many user-defined texts can
be assigned to a characteristic per user-defined text type. The system checks this when
you assign user-defined texts to characteristics.

In phrase set-characteristic assignment, you have assigned the required characteristic-dependent

user-defined text type together with a phrase set to a specific characteristic of a value assignment

Within a value assignment type, a characteristic-dependent user-defined text type may be

assigned to a characteristic only once. You can assign another characteristic-dependent
user-defined text type to another characteristic of the same value assignment type.
The following prerequisites are necessary so that you can assign a document to a value assignment:

You have created a document info record [External] for the document in document management
and stored the file for the document accordingly. So that a document can be printed on a report,
you must store it in the SAP System or in a DMS archive. To do this, in the initial screens for
creating and changing documents in document management, choose Extras Originals File 1
Check in SAP or Extras Originals File 1 Check in archive.

You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for Document Management.

You have set the Document indicator for the user-defined text type in the IMG activity Specify
User-Defined Text Types in Customizing for Product Safety.

User-Defined Texts
You can use the R/3 Editor to enter texts of any length.

Characteristic-Dependent User-Defined Texts

The SAP Product Safety component enables you to assign user-defined texts to a particular
characteristic of a value assignment type. You assign a phrase to the characteristic in question, for
example, see user-defined text, and, using the User-defined text function, create a text in the relevant
characteristic-dependent user-defined text type.

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Document management in the SAP System is used to store and manage documents.

When you assign a document to a value assignment, you can use the input help in document
management to help you search for documents.

When you assign a document, the system inserts the short text in the Start of user-def. text field
and behind it in brackets, the key of the document. If the document short text changes in
document management, this change is updated the next time you open the value assignment
If a language was entered for the user-defined text, the short text is displayed according to
the following priority:

User-defined text language

If not available, system language

If not available, English

If not available, language that document management provides

If the application for the respective document format is installed locally, you can display the
assigned document directly from the User-def. texts/docs tab page by double-clicking it.

You can print assigned documents on reports using the symbol for the start of a user-defined text.
See also Symbol Type Symbol [External].

For information on how to specify a user-defined text for a value assignment and assign a document
from document management, see Editing User-Defined Texts [Page 108] and Assigning Documents
[Page 108].
Proceed as follows to assign a particular user-defined text type to a characteristic:
1. Choose one of the following:

In the phrase set header, in phrase set names, in phrase assignment, or in the phrase set hit
list, choose Utilities Attribute assignment.

In the Product Safety [External] menu, choose Phrases Edit phrase set-attribute
The property tree appears.

2. Double-click the value assignment type you want to edit.

The SAP System lists all characteristics for that value assignment type.
3. In the UserDfndTxtType field, enter the key for the required user-defined text type for a
4. Confirm and save your entries.
5. Choose Back.

See also:
Assigning Phrase Sets to Attributes [External]

Specification Management



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Editing User-Defined Texts

1. In value assignment [Page 100] editing, choose the User-def. texts/docs tab.
2. Enter data as required.

Proceed as follows to enter a longer text:

a. Enter a user-defined text type.
b. Double-click the Start of user-def. text field to open the long text editor.

Enter your text and go back.

When you enter a text of more than 132 characters, the system sets the long text editor
indicator (L). You must then use the text editor to edit the text.
3. Save your entries.

Assigning Documents
1. In value assignment [Page 100] editing, choose the User-def. texts/docs tab.
2. Use the input help to choose a user-defined text type for which the D (document assignment to
user-defined text type) indicator was set and confirm your entry.
The start of user-defined text field is no longer ready for input and now has an input help that
you can use to choose documents in the document management system.
3. Use the input help to choose the required document and confirm your entry.
4. Save your entries.

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Compositions and Listings

You use this function to enter the individual components of a specification.
For value assignment types of the category Composition you can enter additional quantitative values,
whereas for value assignment types of the category Listing, you can list the components without

Using the Where-Used List for Specifications [Page 82] function you can display all
specifications that have selected specifications as components in compositions or listings
(see Determining Usage as Components [Page 82]).

All components you want to assign to a specification must exist as specifications in specification

When you choose a value assignment type of the value assignment category Composition or Listing,
the system also displays the Composition or Listing tab page.

Value Assignment Types of Value Assignment Category Composition

Firstly you define the reference value for component entries for each composition, that is you define
in which dimension the components are specified (such as weight, percent in weight, volume, percent
in volume). The reference value then controls which units are available for specifying the component
proportions. You specify the reference values in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity
Specify Reference Values for the Composition.
You can specify the component type for each component. If you have defined a standard component
type [Page 111] for a specification, this is proposed automatically as the component type when you
enter the specification as a component in the composition.
When you enter the concentration or quantity of individual components, you can make the following

Average proportion

Accuracy lower limit (<, <=, >, >=)

Lower limit

Accuracy upper limit (<, <=, >, >=)

Upper limit


Instead of a concentration you can also specify an exception value [External]. This allows you to enter
a remark on components of a composition for which no details about the concentration or quantity are
available. You define exception values in the IMG activity Specify Exception Values for a Component
in Customizing for Product Safety.

Value Assignment Types of Value Assignment Category Listing

You can enter the respective components for these value assignment types without entering the
component type and concentration or quantity.

Editing Compositions and Listings [Page 110]

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Editing Compositions and Listings

You have carried out the Editing Value Assignment [Page 100] procedure.

1. Choose Composition or Listing.
2. Enter data as required.
3. Choose ENTER and save your changes.


For value assignment types of category Composition, the SAP System checks if

The lower limit is below the upper limit

The average value falls between the upper and lower limit

In the case of percentages, the total average value is <= 100%

The Value, Lower limit, and Upper limit fields are only taken into account if an entry has
been made there.

If you have entered a sort sequence, the SAP System sorts the components when generating
reports according to this sequence (see Report Creation: Process [External]).

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Standard Component Type

You can enter a standard component type for each specification. This is proposed to you
automatically by the system as the component type when you enter the specification as the
component of a composition [Page 109]. This makes data entry more efficient.

By assigning the standard component type SOLVENT to the specification for a solvent
that is used frequently in many compositions in your enterprise, you do not need to enter
this component type every time you create a composition that contains the solvent.

In the IMG activity Specify Specification Types in Customizing for Product Safety, you have defined
the characteristic for the standard component type for the specification types of the component.

You can overwrite the proposed standard component type.
If you have not entered a standard component type for a component specification or if you have not
defined the characteristic for the standard component type in Customizing as described under
Prerequisites, the system uses the component type you set as the default component type in
Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Component Types for Compositions as the
standard component type.

Proceed as follows to enter the standard component type for a specification:
1. Follow the procedure Editing Specifications [Page 38]. Choose the


2. In the property tree, double-click the value assignment type that contains the characteristic you
specified in Customizing for the component specification type as the characteristic for the
standard component type.
The Edit Specification: Value Assignment screen appears (see Editing Value Assignments
[Page 100]).
3. Enter the standard component type in the corresponding characteristic and save your entries.

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For each identifier and value assignment you can specify one or more usages in which you specify
the rating and the validity area of data.
You use the usage feature to ensure that only certain data that belongs to a particular rating (such as
PUBLIC or INTERN) and a particular validity area (such as DE or US) is output on a report. When the
SAP System generates reports, it compares the usage of the identifier or value assignment to be
output with the usage of the report generation variant assigned to the report via Customizing (see
Generation Variant [External]).

Usage consists of the following elements:

The rating specifies the users that can view an identifier or a value assignment.

A validity area is a group of countries or regions valid for the corresponding rating. You can
exclude countries from a validity area using the exclusion indicator.

To define the validity area Europe without Italy, enter Europe and Italy as validity areas
and set the exclusion indicator for Italy.
Using the validity area category you can divide validity areas into organizational units. For
example, you can also then define a particular plant or business area as a validity area. You
specify validity areas and validity area categories in Customizing for Product Safety according
to your requirements in the IMG activities Specify Validity Areas or Specify Validity Area
Categories. Depending on the validity area category, you can set up a dynamic input help for
the Validity area field and specify a function module that checks the entries in this field. For
more information, see the documentation for these IMG activities.

The active indicator shows whether rating and validity area are active, and that the SAP System
may include the corresponding identifier or value assignment on a report.

The relevancy indicator [Page 114] specifies whether a change is relevant to an existing identifier
or value assignment for the rating and validity area. For this reason this indicator is particularly
important when generating reports.

You can define usage profiles [Page 114] in the IMG activity Specify Usage Profiles in Customizing for
Product Safety. In the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types you can then assign a usage
profile to each value assignment type from which the rating and validity area are proposed
automatically when you enter data for the value assignment type. In the SAP Product Safety
component you can also choose a usage profile from which the rating and validity area are proposed
when you enter identifiers or value assignments for which no usage profile has yet been specified in
In the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types, you can also define whether the usage is to be
set to active automatically for a value assignment type that is copied, created, or changed. Otherwise,
you must reset the active indicator manually every time you edit the value assignment.

Editing Usages [Page 113]

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Editing Usages
This procedure describes how you specify a usage [Page 112] for an identifier or value assignment

You have authorization to edit usages. The same authorization object C_SHES_TDU is checked for
the usage of identifiers and value assignment instances.

1. Depending on whether you want to specify a usage for an identifier or value assignment instance,
execute the following steps:

If you want to specify a usage for an identifier, proceed as follows:


Follow the procedure Editing Identifiers [Page 87].


Select the identifier for which you want to specify the usage and choose

If you want to specify a usage for a value assignment instance, proceed as follows:

Follow the procedure Editing Value Assignments [Page 100].


Choose the Usage tab page.

If you have set a usage profile [Page 114] for the value assignment type in Customizing
for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types or for your user in
the SAP Product Safety component, the rating and validity area from it are proposed
automatically. This data is not proposed for a value assignment until you have saved the
value assignment.
2. Enter a rating in the Rating field and confirm your entry.
The system marks with a checkmark the last entry you made and activates the fields for the
validity area so you can make entries.
3. If the corresponding identifier or value assignment can appear on a report, activate the usage
using the Active indicator (see Usage [Page 112]).
If you want to mark a change made to an identifier or value assignment as relevant, set the
Relevant indicator (see Relevancy Indicator [Page 114]).
4. For the rating, enter a validity area in the VAreaCat and Validity area fields and confirm your

You can enter several validity areas for one rating.

If you want to explicitly exclude the selected area from the validity area, set the exclusion
indicator (Excluding).

For selected validity areas, you can use the functions from the Edit menu.

5. Save your entries.

The validity area displayed on the screen is always related to the rating marked with a
checkmark. Click a rating to display the validity area assigned to it.

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Relevancy Indicator
The relevancy indicator specifies the identifiers and value assignments that are different in
comparison with a previous report.
You can use the generation variant [External] to specify that changes on the report are visually
marked, thus making them instantly recognizable. The relevancy indicator also affects the version
numbering of a regenerated report (see also: Report Versioning [External]).

The relevancy indicator is only of significance if a previous report for the marked identifier or marked
value assignment already exists.
To mark changes on the report, you must first have set the Generate Change Marks indicator in the
report generation variant.

The system takes the relevancy indicator into account for both manually and automatically generated
If the relevancy indicator is set for use with an identifier or value assignment, this means that

The indicator is set in the report header You can manually deselect the indicator in the report

When a report is regenerated, all the affected identifiers and value assignments are marked at the
side of the text, as long as this is specified in the generation variant.

The SAP System proposes the creation of a new main version for the report that was regenerated
due to a relevant change to specification data.

If an identifier or a value assignment is changed again, the system resets the relevancy indicator for
this indicator or value assignment. You must reset the indicator manually if the change is relevant.

Usage Profile
In usage profiles you can specify frequently used combinations of ratings and validity areas. The
system proposes ratings and validity areas automatically under the conditions described in the
Features section when you edit the value assignments [Page 91] and header data (identifiers [Page
86], restrictions [Page 40], and specification status [Page 54]) of a specification.

You have defined the required usage profiles in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity
Specify Usage Profiles.

For the ratings and validity areas to be proposed automatically from a usage profile when you edit the
header data and value assignments of a specification, you must specify the required usage profile in
at least one of the following places:

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You set it as a user-specific usage profile.

You specify it in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment
Types. There you can specify it individually for each value assignment type. In this IMG activity
you can also specify usage profiles for the specification status, the identifiers, and the restrictions
to the header data.

For each entry in the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types you specify whether the usage
profile from the IMG activity Specify Value Assignment Types or the user-specific usage profile has

Proceed as follows to specify a user-specific usage profile:
1. From the screens for editing the header data of a specification or from the hit list, choose Utilities
Settings Usage profile.
2. Enter the usage profile and confirm your entry.

Secondary Data Determination

In secondary data determination, you can carry out the following activities:

Derivation of data (secondary data) from existing data

The existing R and S phrases of the specification for individual ingredients are transferred
via a defined interface to an external system in which the R and S phrases for
compositions that contain these ingredients are determined. The derived secondary data
is then transferred back to the SAP System.

Checking the derived data

Data from the Product Safety SAP component can be updated using an import. If this data
was used to determine secondary data, you can check this secondary data and derive it again
if necessary.


Customer-specific enhancements with user exits

The derivation and checking of secondary data is carried out using function modules that are
integrated in user exit management in Customizing for Product Safety. You can also develop
your own user exits in the same way.
In general, secondary data can be derived and checked in the SAP System or in an external

Notification Status [Page 174]

In the standard system, there is an example of secondary data determination and checking
for notification status.

EH&S Expert [Page 116]

Using the EH&S Expert supplementary application, you can define sets of rules and use
these sets to derive secondary data for data from the specification management.

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EH&S Expert
The data stored in EH&S specification management is sometimes interdependent and properties can
be derived from other properties using rules. Using the EH&S Expert add-on application, you can:

Define sets of rules [Page 118] and create and edit the corresponding mapping tables [Page 136]

Derive secondary data for specification data using these sets of rules and mapping tables

For example, you can set up the system so that appropriate R and S phrases are derived for certain
specification data and are then stored in the SAP System accordingly.

See How the EH&S Expert Works [Page 116]


You have executed all the steps as described in the IMG section EH&S Expert. This section
describes, for example, how you install the EH&S Expert and how you create the entries for
secondary data determination in user exit management that are needed for the EH&S Expert.

If language-dependent data is to be written or read by the EH&S Expert, you must have set the
MULTI_CODEPAGE_SUPPORT environment parameter in Customizing for Product Safety in the
IMG activity Specify Environment Parameters.

Using the Rule Editor [Page 152]
Determining Secondary Data with the EH&S Expert [Page 157]

How the EH&S Expert Works

The EH&S Expert is an independent Windows PC program. This program communicates via RFC
with the EH&S database using a standardized BAPI interface.

EH&S Expert

RFC call

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The EH&S Expert is called from within EH&S. The call is passed on to the Expert server that runs on
any PC. This server reads the specification data via the BAPI interface.
The input facts (IN) of the set of rules [Page 118] are filled with this data. Calculations are made with
the facts [Page 119] using the rules [Page 121] from the set of rules and thus new data for other facts
is calculated. After all the rules have been processed, the output facts (OUT) are read out and written
to the specification database via the BAPI interface.

EH&S Expert

Specification 1
Flash point = 50C

FP(IN) = 50
= R10

Read data

FP < 55
Rphrase := R10

Specification 1
Flash point = 50C
R phrase = R10

Write data

The facts and rules of the EH&S Expert are stored in a rule file. The rule file is a text file that is
automatically created when rules are created using the rule editor. You can also create and edit the
rule file with any text editor.
The assignment of facts and other parts of the set of rules (records, compositions, internal phrases) to
the specification database elements (characteristics, value assignment types, phrase keys, and so on)
is made in mapping tables [Page 136]. You can therefore create rules independently of the
specification database initially.

EH&S Expert

- Characteristics
- Value
- Compositions
- Phrase keys

Specification Management

- Facts
- Records
- Compositions
- Internal



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Set of Rules
A set of rules that describes the dependencies that exist between properties.

You need a set of rules with the corresponding mapping tables to derive secondary data using the
EH&S Expert.

A set of rules consists of the following parts:

Facts [Page 119] are used in the rules as variables for the data.

Rules [Page 121] establish the relationships between the defined facts and derive data.

Compositions of specifications are mapped using the concept of compositions [Page 123], value
assignment types that have been assigned multiple values (meaning value assignment types with a
number of data records) using records [Page 125].
A rule file with a special syntax must be created for each set of rules. You can write this file with any
text editor. If you define a set of rules with the EH&S Expert rule editor, the rule editor generates the
rule file automatically in the correct syntax (see Using the Rule Editor [Page 152]).

The order in which you enter the rules in the set of rules is not relevant. The EH&S Expert
automatically ensures that the rules are executed in the correct order (see When Is a
Rule Executed? [Page 127]).

The program that analyzes the rules from the set of rules is independent of Customizing in the SAP
System. The assignment of facts, records, compositions, and phrase codes of the set of rules to the
elements in EH&S (characteristics, identifiers, value assignment types, phrase keys, and so on) is
made separately by means of mapping tables [Page 136]. You can therefore use an existing set of
rules on different systems without having to modify the rules themselves.

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Variable in the EH&S Expert.

Facts are containers for data in the sets of rules of the EH&S Expert and can be used in the following

You can tag facts as input facts or output facts (keywords IN or OUT). They are either supplied
with data before the set of rules is run, or they are displayed after the rules are applied.

You can also create facts without special tags and use them for storing interim results.

You can fill facts directly with default data.

Facts can always be found at the beginning of the set of rules, in a section that is headed with the
keyword FACTS. The individual facts are separated by commas.

Substance name(IN),
Flash point(IN),
ContainsPB(OUT) := "Y",

If you create a set of rules using the rule editor, the editor generates a rule file with the
correct syntax automatically.
In the rules of the EH&S Expert, facts are used without any type specifications (text, integers, for
example). All facts can adopt all types of data. If required, the data is converted automatically.
The system distinguishes between the following data types internally and in assignments:

Text for alphanumeric values

Texts can be entered between two quotation marks ("hello," for example).

Number for numbers

Numbers are written directly.

List for sets made up of several alphanumeric values or numbers

Sets are written as one element between two square brackets. Characteristics that are
assigned multiple values are represented as sets.

Range for numerical value ranges

Ranges are written in curly brackets. The lower and upper limits are included, provided they
are not excluded explicitly by operators (<, >). The expression to stands between the lower
and upper limit (for example, {>2 to 3}).

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The following functions determine the range limits:

LO({>2 to 3})

results in

UP({>2 to 3})

results in

The following functions determine the operators of the range limits:

OPLO({>2 to 3})

results in


OPUP({>2 to 3})

results in



The following function determines whether a value is within the range limits:

2.5 IN({>2 to 3})

results in


The following assignments of data types to facts are therefore possible:

X := 1

Y := 134.4

T := "Hello"

M := ["A","B","C"]

R := {>1 to 7}

Conversion between the data types is explained in the following tables using examples. The second
row shows the data types before the conversion; the columns below it show the conversion result in
each case.



{1 to 3}

{3 to 3}

{>=1 to <=3}




{5 to 5}



">=1 - <=3" ">=3 - <= 3

">=1 - <=3"



[{1 to 3}]

[{>=1 to <=3}]

[{3 to 3}]



"1 - 3"


["Hello"] [1]

[{1 to 3}]

[1,"A", 5]

Number Error






{1 to 3} {1 to 1}


{1 to 1} {1 to 3}







">=1 - <=3" Error

["1 - 3"] ["1"]

When defining the facts, an assignment to the corresponding elements in EH&S (characteristics,
identifiers, and so on) is not yet made. These assignments are made centrally in the mapping tables
[Page 136]. In this way, rules can be written without the system being aware of the exact assignment
to the elements in EH&S.

Specification Management



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IF-THEN clause that performs all the activities in the THEN part if the condition in the IF part is true.

Rules allow relationships to be established between the defined facts [Page 119] in the set of rules in
the EH&S Expert and allow data to be derived.

IF Part
You can formulate any conditions in the IF part of the rule. These conditions usually have the
following form:



The IF part of a rule can also contain functions. Using the ANY function you can query whether a fact
that consists of a number of elements contains a particular expression. You can, for example,
determine whether a characteristic that is assigned several R phrases contains one particular R
IF ANY (<Fact>) = <Expression>
By including the following condition in the IF part, a rule always performs an activity in the THEN part,
provided the facts in the THEN part do not equal zero. See also: When Is a Rule Executed? [Page

The activities that can be found in the THEN part of a rule (ToDos) have one of the following forms:

<Fact to be modified>





The activities can be divided into the following types:

Value assignments with the operators :=, +=, and -=

Error handling using the commands ERROR, ABORT, and STOP

Process control using the commands DISABLE, ENABLE, RESET, and CALL

Creation of new value assignment instances with the command COMMIT

For more information, see Operators, Commands, and Functions [Page 131].

Rule File
The rules can be found in the rule file in a section that is introduced with the keyword RULES and
concluded with the keyword END. This section follows the facts section. All rules begin with RULE
<Rule name> and are concluded with END. The individual conditions in the IF part and activities in
the THEN part are separated by commas. The IF part of the rule is equivalent to an AND operation.

The following rule sets an R phrase for the case where the flash point is in a certain

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Flash point > 21,
Flash point < 55
Rphrase := "R10"

If you create a set of rules using the rule editor, the editor generates a rule file with the
correct syntax automatically.
The example clearly shows that facts are used in the rules without the user having to specify any data
types (such as text or integer). All facts can adopt all data types. If required, the data is converted
For data types Text, Number, List, and Range used internally and in assignments, see Fact [Page

The order in which you enter the rules is not relevant. The EH&S Expert automatically
ensures that the rules are executed in the correct order (see When Is a Rule Executed?
[Page 127]).

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Concept used to map compositions of specifications from individual components in the EH&S Expert.

Many specifications in EH&S are compositions and consist of several components. Data for
specifications such as these can often be derived from their component data. The Composition
concept maps this process in the EH&S Expert.

Compositions can be found in the fact section and are introduced with COMPOSITION
<Composition name> and concluded with END.

The density is to be calculated for a specification composition. This calculated density is

to be the mean value of the densities of the components, evaluated according to their
percentage parts in the specification composition. The fact section could look like the
The Exact_Substance_Composition composition is linked via a mapping table [Page 136]
with a value assignment type of the category Composition from EH&S. One instance of
the composition is stored in the EH&S Expert for each component of this specification

If you create a set of rules using the rule editor, the editor generates a rule file with the
correct syntax automatically.

The facts of a composition are addressed using <Composition name>.<Fact name>.
A rule that contains a fact from a composition is executed for each instance of the composition, or in
other words, for each component. If you want the system to execute a rule only for certain
components, you must enter the IF condition correspondingly.

If a rule contains facts from several compositions, it is executed for all combinations of
the instances of the compositions. Use this function with caution as applying it to large
amounts of data could lead to intensive usage of rules.

A check for 100% in a specification composition could look like the following:

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RULE SumPercent
RULE AbortIfNot100
ERROR("EC$137", "&&&&, The sum of percentages contains errors"),
In this example the SumPercent rule is executed once for each instance of the composition COMP, or
in other words, for each component. The percentage is added up in the SUMPERCENT fact. In a
second rule, an error message is generated if the percentage is not equal to 100.

If no instance is available for a composition, a corresponding rule is not executed. In a

rule that affects more than one composition, if only one composition does not contain an
instance this is enough to prevent the rule being executed.

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This concept allows you to map value assignment types that have been assigned multiple values (or
in other words value assignment types with several data records) in the EH&S Expert.

It could be the case that data records from a value assignment type that has been assigned multiple
values (for example, density of a substance measured at different temperatures) are required in a
rule, or that the EH&S Expert is to create several data records for a value assignment type (or in other
words, is to assign multiple values to the value assignment type). For this, you must assign to a
record the fact corresponding to the characteristic of the value assignment type.

You can use the EH&S Expert to assign multiple values to an appropriate characteristic
within one data record in a value assignment type by assigning data to the corresponding
fact [Page 119] using the operator [Page 131] += in the THEN part of the rule. The fact
must not be contained in a record.

Records can be found in the fact section and are introduced with RECORD <Record name> and
concluded with END. The way in which a record is formulated is similar to that of a composition.

The value assignment type Oral toxicity contains three data records: a value for the type
LD50, one for LD100, and one for LD0. The record could be formulated in the following

If you create a set of rules using the rule editor, the editor generates a rule file with the
correct syntax automatically.

The facts of a record are addressed using <RECORD NAME>.<FACT NAME>. Rules that contain
records are executed for all instances of the record.
Records can also be present within compositions. If this is the case, the facts of the record are
New instances for a record can be created within the set of rules. The facts for the new record are
filled with data using <RECORD NAME>.NEW.<FACT NAME>. You cannot create new records within a
You must use the COMMIT command to create the new instance for the record and to make it
available for normal rule access.

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A new instance for acute oral toxicity could be created in the following way:
OraTox.NEW.TYPE := "LD50",
OraTox.NEW.VALUE := 2000,
OraTox.NEW.Accuracy := "approx.",

The following set of rules calculates the minimum oral toxicity for all existing types in the
substances of the composition. The default setting UsedOraTypes for the fact is
essential, otherwise the activity for the rule CreateInstances is never performed (see
When Is a Rule Executed? [Page 127]).
UsedOraTypes := [],
// Create ONE instance for each existing OraTox value. Data that has already been created is
saved in UsedOraTypes.
RULE CreateInstances
IF Not(COMP.OraTox.Type [<] UsedOraTypes)
UsedOraTypes += COMP.OraTox.Type,
OraTox.NEW.Type := COMP.OraTox.Type,
OraTox.NEW.Value := COMP.OraTox.Value,
RULE SetMinimumValues
IF OraTox.Type = COMP.OraTox.Type,
OraTox.Value > COMP.OraTox.Value
OraTox.Value := COMP.OraTox.Value,

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In this example, if three types of OraTox values were maintained in each of the five
components, then the CreateInstances rule is called for all 3*5=15 OraTox values
maintained and is executed three times for the three different types of values. Afterwards,
there are three instances of the record OraTox. The SetMinimumValues rule is then
applied to each of the 15*3=45 combinations of COMP.OraTox and OraTox records.

When Is a Rule Executed?

General Criteria
A rule is executed in the EH&S Expert under the following conditions:

It has not yet been executed. Rules are not executed for a second time. You can disable this
system behavior by using the process control command RESET.

Explicitly intervening in the processing of a set of rules by means of Enable and Disable
commands can lead to facts of rules that have already been executed being subsequently
changed. This results in the rule being executed again.

All facts in the IF condition have been filled with data.


Facts whose values are to be tested specifically using IsNull().

If one part is TRUE in an OR condition, the other can contain zero.

All activities in the THEN part of the rule (ToDos) can be executed, or in other words, if all facts to
the right of the assignments are filled with data.
Exception: ToDos that only make direct assignments of the kind X:=Y can also be executed if
Y has the value zero, or in other words, has no real value.

The IF condition is logically true.

The rule has not been explicitly deactivated using the process control command DISABLE.

The system finishes analyzing whether rules are to be executed when no more rules fulfill these

Default: Facts X and Y have data, Z is empty


X := 1
Y := 2

The condition X=1 is true. The rule is therefore

executed and the rules of rule group Group1
are deactivated.

IF X = 1

The rule was deactivated by rule R1 and can

therefore not be applied.


IF X > 0
THEN Z := 1

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This rule can be applied as the empty Z does
not appear in a complex expression.


Rule cannot be applied because Z has no

value within the expression Z + 1.

THEN Z := Z + 1

The empty Z is part of the condition and the

rule therefore cannot be applied.

IF Z = 0

This rule can be applied as the empty Z

appears within the IsNull() function.

IF IsNull(Z)

This rule cannot be executed because the

condition is not true.

IF X > 10
THEN X := X + 1

Data-Dependent Rule Execution

The strategy of data dependency applies to the sequence in which rules are executed. This means
that if rule A can be executed according to the criteria not yet executed and not deactivated, before
checking the other criteria relevant to the data, the system first executes all the rules that could
change the value of facts that are used in A as input data. These facts are those that appear in the
condition or to the right of assignments.
Data-dependent rule execution is performed recursively. In other words, if when checking rule A the
system determines that rule A requires data from rule B, but rule B is dependent on data changed in
rule C, then rule C is executed first, followed by rule B, and then rule C.
The rule editor shows you the dependencies that exist between rules using the following color
conventions. Choose the required presentation mode under Debug Visualize Recursive Rule


Single-Level Dependency Mode

Multilevel Dependency Mode


Selected rule

Selected rule


Rule on which the selected rule depends


All rules on which the selected rule



Rule that depends directly on the selected


All rules that depend on the selected rule


All rules that have no direct connection to

the selected rule

Rule that has no connection to the selected


When performing this dependency check, if the system determines that the search ends back in the
starting rule, the search is terminated and the system begins with the execution of the last rule to be
identified, thus avoiding an endless loop.
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The rule editor gives you the option of checking for circular dependencies. To do this, choose Tools
Check Circular Dependencies.

Here is an example of data-dependent rule execution:

X := 1

Default: Facts X and Y have data, Z is empty (null).

Y := 2
IF X = 1

Before checking the condition of this rule, the EH&S

Expert first searches for rules that could change the
value of X. X is used not only in the condition, but
also to the right of an assignment.

IF Z > 0
THEN X := 1

This rule changes X (X is on the left of an

assignment), but X is dependent on the value of Z.
Therefore the Expert searches for rules that change

THEN Z := 5

This rule sets the value of Z and is not dependent on

any other input data. In other words, the dependency
check has finished. The EH&S Expert executes rule
R3 and then rule R2 as no further rules can change
Z. Finally rule R1 is executed as the value of X is
now established.

Explicit Dependency
You can also directly influence the rule execution process in other ways (see Control of the Rule
Execution Process [Page 129]).

The sequence of rules in the set of rules is therefore only relevant to a certain extent.

Control of the Rule Execution Process

The sequence in which the rules are executed generally corresponds with the data dependency
principle (see When Is a Rule Executed? [Page 127]).
In addition you can directly influence the sequence in which the rules are executed as follows:

You formulate rule dependencies with the keyword DEPENDS in the rule definition.


IF ...
THEN ...

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In this case, rule R1 is set depending specifically on rules R2 and R3. This means that
the EH&S Expert first tries to apply R2 and R3 before checking the data dependency in
R1 and executing R1.

If you create the set of rules using the rule editor, in rule R1, you can enter rules R2 and
R3 under Depends on rules. The rule editor then automatically generates a rule file with
the correct syntax (see Editing Rules [Page 153]).

The keyword DEPENDS NOT allows you to suppress rule dependencies and therefore break
circular dependencies.


IF ...
THEN ...

You assign rules to a rule group and influence the sequence in which rules are executed using
special activities in the THEN part of the rule (ToDos).
The assignment to rule groups is made using the keyword GROUPS in the rule definition.


IF ...
THEN ...

If you create the set of rules using the rule editor, you can assign the rules to a group
under Groups. The rule editor then automatically generates a rule file with the correct
syntax (see Editing Rules [Page 153]).
You can then use assignments of the general form <Command>(<Rule group name>)
in the THEN part of the rule to influence the sequence in which the rules are executed.



group name>)

All the rules assigned to the rule group are deactivated, or in other words, are not
taken into account during further processing.

group name>)

All the rules assigned to the rule group are activated. As this is the normal case,
this command only takes effect after DISABLE has been used beforehand.

group name>)

All the rules assigned to the rule group are reset to their original status. This
means that the system considers them as not yet executed. Under normal
circumstances, rules are only executed once. You can use this command to
change the system behavior.

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Operators, Commands, and Functions

The assignments that can be found in the THEN part of a rule always have one of the following forms:

<Fact to be modified>









This operator produces a simple assignment.

X := ["1", "2"] results in ["1",



This operator interprets the fact on the left as a set

and adds the fact on the right to this set if an
identical element does not already exist. The check
for identical elements is not case sensitive. This
means that, for example, the texts "AA", "Aa", "aA",
and "aa" are considered the same.

X += "3" results in ["1" , "2",



This operator interprets the fact on the left as a set

and removes the fact on the right from this set. The
check for identical elements is not case sensitive.
This means that, for example, the texts "AA", "Aa",
"aA", and "aa" are considered the same.

X -= "1" results in ["2" , "3"]

You can use the following operators in expressions in the IF and THEN part of a rule:





You can use the Boolean logic operators AND, OR,

and NOT in expressions as usual. If parts of an
expression are linked by several Boolean operators,
AND has priority over OR, that is A<4 OR B<2 AND
C<2 is equivalent to A<4 OR (B<2 AND C<4).

A < 5 AND B > 6 is TRUE if A

is less than 5 and B is greater
than 6
A < 5 OR B > 6 is TRUE if A
is less than 5 or B is greater
than 6
NOT (A = 5) is TRUE if A is
not equal to 5

( )

You can place expressions within brackets as

required in order to determine the sequence of the

(1 + 2) * 3 results in 9

[ ]

Sets are entered in square brackets. The individual

elements are separated by commas. The elements
can be any expression you require.

X := [1+2,3+4,5] results in [3,

7, 5]

+, -, *, /

The four basic math operations can be used in the

usual way.

{1 to 5} + 3 results in {4 to 8}

If applied to ranges, the upper and lower limits are

taken into account.

This operator is used to calculate the exponent.

4^3 results in 64

<, >, <=, >=,

= ,<>

You can use simple relational operators to compare

the sizes of numbers.

1 < 3 is TRUE

The operators = and <> are also used to check that

text values correspond. This check is not case

Specification Management


3 <= 3 is TRUE
3 <> 3 is FALSE
"ABC" = "abc" is TRUE


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If applied to ranges, statements must apply to both

limits to be true.

{1 to 5} < 8 is TRUE
{1 to 5} < 3 is FALSE

[<], [>], [<=],


These operators are used to compare sets. They

can be understood as a means of checking for
supersets or subsets.

["1" , "2" , "3"] [>] ["1" , "2" ,

"3"] is FALSE
["1" , "2" , "3"] [>=] ["1" , "2" ,
"3"] is TRUE
["1" , "2" , "3"] [>] ["4"] is


This operator forms the difference between two


["1" , "2" , "3"] [\] ["2"] results

in ["1" , "3"]
["1" , "2" , "3"] [\] ["2" , "4"]
results in ["1" , "3"]
["1" , "2" , "3"] [\] ["4" , "5"]
results in ["1" , "2", "3"]


This operator forms the union.

["1" , "2"] [&] ["3"] results in

["1" , "2", "3"]
["1" , "2" ] [&] ["2" , "3"] results
in ["1" , "2" , "3"]


This operator forms the intersection. The sequence

of the elements in the first operand is retained.

["1" , "2" , "3"] [^] ["2" , "3"]

results in ["2" , "3"]
["1" , "2" , "3"] [^] ["3" , "4"]
results in ["3"]

| |

You can use this operator to determine the

cardinality (or the number of elements) of a set.

| [ "1" , "2" , "3"] | results in 3

This operator compares whether a range lies within

another range.

{1 to 5} IN {1 to 8} is TRUE

| [ ] | results in 0
{1 to 5} IN {3 to 8} is FALSE

If a rule is to perform an error check for the input data and, if errors are found, is to issue an
appropriate message to the R/3 System and, if necessary, terminate the application of further rules,
you can use the following commands to handle the errors:




This command sends a message text to the calling R/3 System. An EH&S message
number is defined in the message number that can have up to 24 characters. The
first letter in the message number is either an I, E, or W (Information, Error, or
Warning), followed by up to 20 characters for the message class. The last three
digits specify the message number. The message text specified is output if no text
was specified in the R/3 System. Afterwards, if required, you can specify a maximum
of three parameters that are inserted into the message text in place of the &


This command terminates further processing of the set of rules.


Like the ABORT command, this command terminates further processing of the set of
rules, but the data generated up to this point is treated as having being successfully
generated and, if necessary, is written to the specification database.


This command calls a subset of rules [Page 166].

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In addition, you can use several commands to influence the strategy for rule execution (see Control of
the Rule Execution Process [Page 129]).
You use the COMMIT command to create a new instance for the record and to make it available for
normal rule access (see Record [Page 125]).





This function always returns TRUE.


This function always returns FALSE.


This function tests whether the expression has

the value NULL, that is, no value.

ISNULL(<fact>) is TRUE if
the fact has no value


This function returns an empty value. You can

thus explicitly assign the value NULL to a fact.

<fact> := NULL() assigns the

value NULL to the fact, that
is, the fact has no value

The following functions always return a value and can thus be used everywhere in expressions. The
type of returned value (text, numerical value, or value set) results from the respective function.





This function determines the length of the text.

LENGTH("SAP") results in 3

", "<text2>", ...)

This function concatenates all specified text

values and returns the complete text.

CONCAT("Wall", "dorf")
results in "Walldorf"

If a parameter is a set, the elements of the set

are also concatenated as individual text values.

CONCAT(["Heidel", "berg"])
results in "Heidelberg"

"<source text>",
"<search text>")

This function looks for the search text in the

source text. It begins at the specified start
position (start of text = 1) and returns the
position in relation to the start position. If the
search text is not found, the function returns
the value 0.


results in 5

text>", <start
position> [,

This function returns a section from the source

text, beginning at the start position (start of text
= 1). The section of text has the length
specified (any length up to the end of the text).
If you do not specify a length, the function
returns the rest of the source text from the start
position onwards.

SUBSTR("Walldorf, 1, 4)
results in "Wall

ce text>",

This function returns a part from the source

text that is split by the separator specified. The
system outputs the part of the text with the
specified index (first part of text = 1).

",", 1) results in "AAA"

("<source text>",

This function returns the number of parts of

text that are split by separators in the source

B,CCC", ",") results in 3

"<source text>,

This function returns a value set of parts of text

that are split by the specified separator in the
source text.


results in [ "A/ "B/ "C]

"<value set>,

This function returns a text in which the

individual elements of the value set were
concatenated, but the separator is still placed
between the elements.


"C], ",) results in "A,B,C

Specification Management



results in 3

SUBSTR("Walldorf", 5)
results in "dorf

",", 3) results in "CCC"


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This function returns the numerical minimum in

the set of values specified.

results in 1


This function returns the numerical maximum

in the set of values specified.

results in 8

or ["<key set>"],
["<set of text

This function searches for and decodes one or

more keys in a set of text tuples that are made
up of keys and text. Keys and text are split by
the separator. The function decodes the key by
returning the text.

,r;red], ;) results in

ce value set>],
[<prioritized value
set 1>], ...)

This function normalizes value sets by deleting

values in the source value set that are
exceeded by elements with higher values in
the prioritized value sets. The sequence in the
prioritized value sets determines the
prioritization of the values.

[1,2,3], [4 ,7,8], [5, 6]) results
in [1,4,5]


This function returns the square root of the

value specified.

SQRT(16) results in 4


This function returns the sine of the value



This function returns the cosine of the value



This function returns the natural logarithm (to

the base e) of the value specified.


This function returns the value of the

exponential function of e with the value
specified as exponent.

EXP(1) = e


This function returns the lower limit of a range.

LO {1 to 5} results in 1


This function returns the upper limit of a range.

UP {1 to 5} results in 5


This function returns the operator of the lower

limit of a range.

OPLO {1 to 5} results in >=


This function returns the operator of the upper

limit of a range.

OPUP {1 to 5} results in <=

ANY(<listed fact>)

This function returns a single value and uses it

to trigger the application of rules for each
individual element in the set of listed facts. The
use of this function in a rule therefore
corresponds with a FOR EACH loop around
the rule.

See the following section

Specification Management


,r;red], ;) results in "yellow

In this example, 1 is to have a

higher priority than 2 and 3, 4
higher than 7 and 8, and 5
higher than 6. This means
that after normalization,
elements 1, 4 and 5 remain
from the source value set.

OPLO {>1 to 5} results in >


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RPHRASES := ["R10","R20","R21"]
THEN ...
The activity in the THEN part is executed because "R20" is contained in the RPHRASES
listed fact.
You can also use the ANY function to generate a (temporary) record from a set:
LISTVALUES := ["A","B","C"]
Three instances of the record TMP are generated, with TMP.1.VALUE = "A",
TMP.2.VALUE = "B", and TMP.3.VALUE = "C".

Points to Note When Using Ranges



Is equivalent to the mirroring of the range

about zero. To do this, both the signs and the
positions of the lower and upper limits are

- {1 to 3} results in {-3 to -1}

- {-1 to 2} results in {-2 to 1}

The union of two ranges, for example, A = {1 to 3} and B = {5 to 8} to form a range

{1 to 8} can be achieved using the functions MINLIST and MAXLIST, and LO and
{MINLIST ([LO(A), LO(B)]) to MAXLIST ([UP(A), UP(B)])}

Specification Management



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Mapping Table
Table that determines the assignment of elements of the set of rules [Page 118] (facts, records,
compositions, and phrase codes) to the elements in EH&S (characteristics, identifiers, value
assignment types, phrase keys, and so on).

Mapping tables link the sets of rules that are independent of specification management to the
elements of specification management and enable the derivation of secondary data through the
EH&S Expert.

One mapping database only is assigned to a set of rules. The mapping tables of the mapping
databases saved locally on the PC are stored in Microsoft Access 97 or Access 2000 databases
(.MDB file). You can edit the mapping tables with the rule editor or with Microsoft Access 97 or
Microsoft Access 2000.

If you create rules using the rule editor and assign the EH&S elements (characteristics,
identifiers, value assignment types, phrase keys, and so on) using drag & drop, the rule
editor generates the entries required in the mapping tables automatically.
There are different kinds of assignments:
Fact mapping [Page 137]
Record mapping [Page 145]
Composition mapping [Page 147]
Phrase mapping [Page 148]
In the rule editor, the mapping tables of facts, records, and compositions are presented together in
one tree structure.

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Fact Mapping
The fact mapping table contains the regulations for mapping facts in the set of rules to characteristics
or other elements in the EH&S data model.

Table Fields in the Fact Mapping Table

Table Field



Name of the fact in the set of rules


Optional assignment of the fact to a record in the set of rules

In the rule editor, this assignment is visible in the tree structure and is not
therefore listed explicitly.


Optional assignment of the fact to a composition in the set of rules

In the rule editor, this assignment is visible in the tree structure and is not
therefore listed explicitly.


Name of the assigned data element in EH&S (see section Syntax)


Description text for the fact


Options that govern access to the data in EH&S more closely (see section
Options for Facts)

IsPhrase or Map Value

Identifies whether the fact contains values that are to be subject to value
conversion via phrase mapping tables.
This will mostly be used for facts that represent characteristics with
phrases assigned in order to convert an easily recognizable phrase
identification used in the set of rules to the phrase key in EH&S and vice
The value conversion can, however, also be used for any other value.

The first three fields together form a unique identifier for the fact in the set of rules.

Assignment to Characteristics, Identifiers, and Additional

You can assign facts in the set of rules to the following elements in EH&S:

Header data, for example, specification type


Component table data (for example, quantities)

Characteristics in the classification system (property tree)

Additional information on individual value assignments in the value assignment types (userdefined texts, usage, for example)

Parameters for the EH&S Expert call

Facts can also be assigned to the fields of any tables in an external Microsoft Access database

In order to distinguish between the different elements, one of the following identification letters is
placed before each External_Id in the fact mapping table:

Field from the header data table

Syntax: H:<Table field in ESTRH> (H:SUBCAT, for example)

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Field from the reference table

Syntax: D:<Table field in ESTRR> (D:SUBID, for example)
The only field of interest here is RECNREF, the internal record number of the reference.
Alternatively, you can enter the field name SUBID and thus fill the fact with the specification
key of the reference.

Identifier from the ESTRI table

Syntax: I:<Category>,<Type>[,<List>][,<Language>][;<Table field in
ESTRI>[,...]] (I:NUM,CAS, for example)
The identifier can be identified by category and type and also by assigning a list and a
language. If you specify a language but not a list, you should place two commas before the
language. If you do not specify a language, the logon language of the R/3 session from which
you called the EH&S Expert is used when a multilingual identifier is read.
If several values are available for the specified category, type, list, and language, the fact will
acquire a set of text values when reading. It must also be assigned a set if a number of values
are to be written.
As an option, a list of fields from the identifier table ESTRI can be specified separated with a
semicolon. You must separate values for these fields in the fact text value using a slash. You
can use the /SEP option to specify an alternative separator.
If no list of fields is specified, only the IDENT field (the actual value of the identifier) is set. If a
list of fields is to be specified, IDENT must also be specified explicitly in order to receive the
identifier value.
Other fields of interest are:

LANGU (language)

ORD (order number for sort sequence)

SUBLIST (assignment to regulatory list)

If an identifier is longer than 132 characters or if it contains line breaks, a long text is
automatically created.

Syntax: M:<Characteristic name>[;<Value assignment type>] (for example,
The value assignment type only needs to be specified if the fact is not assigned to a record.
Otherwise the value assignment type appears in the record mapping table.
Characteristics that are assigned multiple values are represented as sets.

Component data (for example, quantity)

Syntax: C:<Table field in ESTVP> (C:COMP_AVG, for example)
Facts of this type are only possible with a composition assignment.
As an alternative to the RECNCMP field that contains or requires the internal record number
of the component, you can specify the field name SUBID and thus fill the fact with the
specification key of the component.
You can write composition data under certain conditions (in other words, create a new
composition type and fill it with data from the set of rules). You cannot write specification data
for components. Component data is the only kind of composition fact that can be written. All
other data (characteristics, identifiers, and so on) can only be written to the main specification.

User-defined text
Syntax: F:<Table field in ESTDF>[,...][;<Value assignment type or
identifier or "H:">] (F:TEXTCAT,LANGU,HEADER;SAP_EHS_1015_003, for

Specification Management



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example. Can, for example, be assigned the value RE/D/User-defined text for
density. Alternatively, for example, you can use the /DEF option to set the text type default
as RE.)
One or more fields from the user-defined text table ESTDF are specified. You must separate
values for these fields in the fact text value using a slash. You can use the /SEP option to
specify an alternative separator.
If several user-defined texts are to be written for a data record of the value assignment type,
the fact is to be filled with a set of text values.
As with characteristics, you only need to enter the value assignment type if the fact is not
assigned to a record.
If the user-defined text is longer than 132 characters or if it contains line breaks, a long text is
automatically created for the user-defined text.

Syntax: U:<Table field in ESTDU>[,...][;<Value assignment type>] (for
example, U:VACLID,RVLID;SAP_EHS_1015_003. Can, for example, be assigned the value
One or several fields from the ESTDU usage table are specified. You must separate values
for these fields in the fact text value using a slash. You can use the /SEP option to specify an
alternative separator.
Other fields of interest are: EXCLFLG (excluding indicator), ACTVFLG (active indicator) and
ESNTFLG (relevancy indicator). Normally, the EH&S Expert sets the active indicator for all
the written data records of the value assignment types. The EH&S Expert, however, does not
set the relevancy indicator. Using a fact that is assigned to a usage via a mapping table, you
can set these indicators differently.
If the EH&S Expert is being run with an EH&S Release 2.7B or higher, a usage can also be
assigned to an identifier or the header data. Instead of the value assignment type, write the
following after the semicolon:

For an identifier assignment "I:<Category>,<Type>[,<List>][,<Language>]"

For a header data assignment "H:"

You only need to specify the value assignment type, identifier, or header data indicator if the
fact is not assigned to a record.
If several usages are to be written for a data record of the value assignment type, identifier, or
header data, the fact is to be filled with a set of text values.
If you want the usage that is defined by a fact like this to cancel the usage that was assigned
to the EH&S Expert as a parameter and that is used for writing, you must set the option
/NOUSAGE for the corresponding entry in record mapping [Page 145]. Otherwise the usage
defined by the fact would be added to the default. If the fact is not assigned to any record, you
must set the option in fact mapping for this fact as well as for all other facts of the same value
assignment type. This applies only for facts that relate to value assignment types and not to
identifiers or header data. For the latter the default is not set automatically; the usage must be
specified explicitly by a fact or the option /USAGE here.
It is possible to restrict the data to be read for each value assignment type with a usage.

Syntax: S:<Table field in ESTDS>[,...][;<Value assignment type>] (for
example, S:SRCID,SRCTEXT;SAP_EHS_1015_003)
One or more fields from the ESTDS source table are specified. You must separate values for
these fields in the fact text value using a slash. You can use the /SEP option to specify an
alternative separator.
As with characteristics, you only need to enter the value assignment type if the fact is not
assigned to a record.

Specification Management



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Syntax: R:<Table field in ESTDR>[,...][;<Value assignment type>] (for
example, R:RELID;SAP_EHS_1015_003)
The only field in the ESTDR assessment table that is relevant is RELID.
As with characteristics, you only need to enter the value assignment type if the fact is not
assigned to a record.

Regulatory list
Syntax: L:<Table field in ESTVP>[,...][;<Value assignment type>] (for
example, L:RECNCMP;SAP_EHS_1015_003)
One or more fields from the component table ESTVP are specified. You must separate values
for these fields in the fact text value using a slash. You can use the /SEP option to specify an
alternative separator.
This fact type is used for the regulatory list concept in EH&S.
If several elements of a regulatory list are to be written for a data record of the value
assignment type, the fact is to be filled with a set of text values.
As with characteristics, you only need to enter the value assignment type if the fact is not
assigned to a record.
As an alternative to the RECNCMP field that contains or requires the internal record number
of the regulatory list element, you can specify the field name SUBID and thus fill the fact with
the specification key of the regulatory list element.

Administration data for the value assignment type data record

Syntax: A:<Table field in ESTVA>[,...][;<Value assignment type>] (for
example, A:ORD;SAP_EHS_1015_003)
You can use this to overwrite implicitly filled administration data such as the sort sequence.
As with characteristics, you only need to enter the value assignment type if the fact is not
assigned to a record.

Transport approval data

Syntax: 7:<Table field in EST07>[,...][;<Value assignment type>] (for
example, 7:ADMOS;SAP_EHS_1022_024)
One or several fields from the EST07 table are specified. You must separate values for these
fields in the fact text value using a slash. You can use the /SEP option to specify an
alternative separator.
If several data records are to be written for a data record of the value assignment type, the
fact is to be filled with a set of text values.
As with characteristics, you only need to enter the value assignment type if the fact is not
assigned to a record.

Packaging approval data

Syntax: b:<Table field in EST0B>[,...][;<Value assignment type>] (for
example, b:IPMQU;SAP_EHS_1022_024)
One or several fields from the EST0B table are specified. You must separate values for these
fields in the fact text value using a slash. You can use the /SEP option to specify an
alternative separator.
If several data records are to be written for a data record of the value assignment type, the
fact is to be filled with a set of text values.
As with characteristics, you only need to enter the value assignment type if the fact is not
assigned to a record.

Specification Management



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Dangerous goods classification data

Syntax: d:<Table field in EST0D>[,...][;<Value assignment type>] (for
example, d:HNU;SAP_EHS_1022_024)
One or several fields from the EST0D table are specified. You must separate values for these
fields in the fact text value using a slash. You can use the /SEP option to specify an
alternative separator.
If several data records are to be written for a data record of the value assignment type, the
fact is to be filled with a set of text values.
As with characteristics, you only need to enter the value assignment type if the fact is not
assigned to a record.

Transport classification data

Syntax: f:<Table field in EST0F>[,...][;<Value assignment type>] (for
example, f:WOS;SAP_EHS_1022_023)
One or several fields from the EST0F table are specified. You must separate values for these
fields in the fact text value using a slash. You can use the /SEP option to specify an
alternative separator.
If several data records are to be written for a data record of the value assignment type, the
fact is to be filled with a set of text values.
As with characteristics, you only need to enter the value assignment type if the fact is not
assigned to a record.
As an alternative to the RECNCMP field that contains or requires the internal record number
of the referenced UN listed substance, you can specify the field name SUBID and thus fill the
fact with the specification key of the reference.
For all table fields or field lists for header data, identifiers, component data, and additional
information listed above, the administration fields can also be specified and therefore read and
written to. Some are, however, ignored when writing or must not be written to as they are filled

MANDT: Client. Is set implicitly.

RECN: Sequential number of data record. Is set implicitly for new data records.
If this field is read for a value assignment (A:) or an identifier (I:) and written again without
being changed, this has the effect that a specific instance can be changed explicitly in
EH&S, while in normal cases new instances are always created after any instances with
matching data sources and data providers that may exist have been deleted or
deactivated first.
Specifying a random value that was not read from EH&S first is not permitted and can
lead to unpredictable side effects.

ACTN: Sequential number of change status. Is set implicitly.

VALFR: Start of validity. Is set implicitly, but can also be filled explicitly.

VALTO: End of validity. Is set implicitly, but can also be filled explicitly.

AENNR: Change number. Is set implicitly depending on how the hit list was entered before
the EH&S Expert was called.

DELFLG: Delete indicator. By setting the indicator to x, a data record can be logically
deleted. This is only relevant in conjunction with an RECN that has already been read from
EH&S (see above).

CRDAT: Created on. Is set implicitly if blank, but can also be filled explicitly.

CRNAM: Created by. Is set implicitly if blank, but can also be filled explicitly.

UPDDAT: Date of last change. Is set implicitly.

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UPDNAM: Name of last person to make change. Is set implicitly.

SRSID: Data source. Is filled by the parameter EXPERT_WRITE_SOURCE_ID of the EH&S

Expert user exit, but can also be filled explicitly.

OWNID: Data provider. Is filled by the parameter EXPERT_WRITE_OWNER of the EH&S

Expert user exit, but can also be filled explicitly.

RECNROOT: Sequential number of specification header data record. Is set implicitly.

Parameters for the EH&S Expert call

Syntax: P:<Parameter name>
The possible parameter names are (see also IMG documentation on setting up the EH&S
Expert user exit):
I_SUBSTANCE: Specification key
I_EXPERT_INSTANCE: Name of set of rules
I_MODE: Save mode D, I, or C
I_NUM_OF_DEACT_VAL: Number of value assignments to be deactivated in mode C
I_FLG_RESTRICT_BY_SRSID_OWNID: Indicator whether data origin and data provider are
to be taken into account when deactivating or deleting existing data
I_KEY_DATE: Key date from hit list for reading data in form YYYYMMDD
I_CHANGE_NR: Change number for writing data
I_SRSID: Data origin for writing data
I_OWNID: Data provider for writing data
I_LANGUAGE: Logon language
I_COMMIT_FUNC: Name of update module
I_FLG_RULES_IN_R3: Since EH&S 2.7A: Indicator whether the set of rules is saved in R/3
and was downloaded from there
I_TAB_USAGE_READ: Usage that is used to select input data for the set of rules, in the form
<Rating>/<Validity area>/<Exclude indicator>. A number of usages fill the fact with a set of
I_TAB_USAGE_READ: Usage with which the determined output data (value assignments) of
the set of rules is returned, in the form <Rating>/<Validity area>/<Exclude indicator>. A
number of usages fill the fact with a set of values.
I_TAB_PARAMS: Table with freely definable content that can be filled using the parameters
EXPERT_ADD_PARAM_1...n of the EH&S Expert user exit or programmed in a customerspecific call. A number of rows in this table fill the fact with a set of values.
All parameters apart from I_TAB_PARAM can only be read as input data (facts with the IN
ID). They are not returned to EH&S.
In I_TAB_PARAMS, data can also be returned that can be evaluated by a customer-specific
call module.

Fields from external tables

Syntax: T:<Field>[;<Table>/<Database>]
In this manner, table fields can be read from an external Microsoft Access database and a set
of rules be made parameterizable. The database must be accessible from the EH&S Expert
server PC and can be present in Access 97 or Access 2000 format.
<Field> is a table field in the database. <Table> is a table in the database. <Database> is the
file name of the Microsoft Access database. If a full path is not specified, the database is
expected to be in the same directory as the rule file. For sets of rules saved in the SAP
System, the working directory entered in the administration tool for the EH&S Expert applies.

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You only need to specify the table and database if the fact is not assigned to a record. In this
case the fields are read from the first data record that was found in a selection without criteria.
Use is recommended only for tables with one single data record because the order of the data
records cannot be predicted.

Options for Facts




For a numeric value that specifies a range, the lower limit value is read or
written with this option. This option is the default.


For a numeric value that specifies a range, the upper limit value is read or
written with this option.


For a numeric value that specifies a range, the lower limit value and the upper
limit value are read or written with this option.


For a numeric value that specifies a range, the operator (for example, >, >=,
and so on) for the lower limit value is read or written with this option.


For a numeric value that specifies a range, the operator for the upper limit value
is read or written with this option.


A numeric value is read in the text form defined in the R/3 classification system
(for example 12 mg/kg). This option has no effect when writing. The decimal
separator is always set to the English usage of a period here, independent of
the user settings in R/3.

indicator [Active
y indicator]]] [;...]

The fact is read or written with the specified list of ratings and validity areas. As
an option, you can set the exclude indicator with X or . You must only set this
option for a fact if the fact is not assigned to any record. Otherwise you should
set the option in record mapping.
You can still set or deactivate the active indicator and the relevancy indicator
either with X or .
If not specified, the exclude indicator is not set, the active indicator is set, and
the relevancy indicator is not set.
For facts that are read from EH&S, specifying the active and relevancy
indicators has no effect. Only active value assignments are read.
For more information on using the /USAGE option as a selection criterion, see
Data Selection by Usage.
[Page 148]You must only set this option for a fact if the fact is not assigned to
any record. Otherwise you should set the option in record mapping.


This option prevents the usage entered in the EH&S Expert as a parameter for
the value assignment type that is assigned to the fact from being written. This
option is used if a usage that is defined as a fact of the same value assignment
type is to cancel the default setting. Otherwise the usage that is defined as a
fact would be written additionally.
This option is not necessary for header data and identifiers in EH&S 2.7B. Here
the usage passed as a parameter is not written implicitly. If a usage is required,
it must be written explicitly with the /USAGE option or by means of a fact.

lue> [,...]

You can use this option to specify fixed values for certain table fields for a fact
that is assigned to an additional information table (usage, user-defined text,
assessment, source, regulatory list, dangerous goods additional tables) or an
identifier. Field indicates the table field in the respective EST table (ESTDF,
reading, in this way you can specify a selection, for example, only user-defined
texts of the type RE.

Specification Management



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You can use this option to change the default separator ("/") for a fact that is
assigned to an additional information table (usage, user-defined text,
assessment, source, regulatory list, dangerous goods additional tables) or an
identifier and whose value therefore potentially contains the contents of a
number of table fields simultaneously.


Option for facts to which a characteristic is assigned, to which a phrase set is

assigned in EH&S. The phrase code is read instead of the phrase key. The
language is taken into account that you specify when logging onto the R/3
System from which the EH&S Expert is called. This option has no effect when


Option for facts to which a characteristic is assigned, to which a phrase set is

assigned in EH&S. The phrase text is read instead of the phrase key. The
language is taken into account that you specify when logging onto the R/3
System from which the EH&S Expert is called. This option has no effect when


Option for facts to which a characteristic is assigned, to which a phrase set is

assigned in EH&S. Only the phrase identifier is read instead of the complete
phrase key (phrase library and phrase identifier).


When writing, the text value of the fact is always preceded by the specified text
as a prefix. The option has no effect when reading.


According to the number entered, the value is rounded to the required number
of places after the decimal separator when writing numeric values.


You can use this option to activate a value conversion via the phrase mapping
table of individual fields for a fact that is assigned to an additional information
table (usage, user-defined text, assessment, source, regulatory list, dangerous
goods additional tables) or an identifier and whose value therefore potentially
contains the contents of a number of table fields simultaneously.
The specified fields must also be specified in the External ID of the fact and the
IsPhrase or MapValue indicator must be set.
The value conversion is then only performed for the contents of the specified


If a fact is not assigned to a record, only one value assignment instance that
matches the usage criterion is permitted when reading the data. If a number of
instances are found, an error message is displayed.
This option suppresses the error message. Instead, the value assignment
instance with the lowest order number is selected.
We do not recommend that you use this option because it hides an incorrect
data constellation. The selection is relatively random because the order number
is a very inaccurate criterion.

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Record Mapping
The record mapping table contains the regulations for mapping records in the set of rules to value
assignment types in EH&S.

Table Fields in the Record Mapping Table

Table Field



Name of the record in the set of rules


Optional assignment of the record to a composition in the set of rules

In the rule editor, this assignment is visible in the tree structure and is not
therefore listed explicitly.


Name of the assigned value assignment type or identifier in EH&S (see

section Syntax)


Description text for the record


Options that govern access to the data in EH&S more closely

The first two fields together identify the record uniquely in the set of rules.

Assignment to Value Assignment Types and Identifiers

You can assign records in the set of rules to the following elements in EH&S:

Value assignment types (property tree)


External tables from a Microsoft Access database


Value assignment types

You assign records to the value assignment types in EH&S by entering the value assignment
type in the External_Id field in the syntax M:<Value assignment type>.

The value assignment type density from the standard property tree would be entered in
the following way:
Facts for records that are assigned to value assignment types can only have the letters M, A,
F, S, R, L, U, 7, b, d, or f in their External_Id, meaning they represent fields of the value
assignment table ESTVA or characteristics, or additional information.

You assign records to identifiers in EH&S by entering the identifier in the External_Id field in
the syntax I:<Category>,<Type>[,<List>][,<Language>].
Facts for records that are assigned to identifiers can only have the letters I or U in their
External_Id, meaning they represent fields of the identifier table ESTRI or usages.

External tables
You assign records to tables in an external Microsoft Access database by entering the table
and database name in the External_Id field in the syntax T:<Table>/<Database>.
The database must be accessible from the EH&S Expert server PC and can be present in
Access 97 or Access 2000 format.

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<Database> is the file name of the Microsoft Access database. If a full path is not specified,
the database is expected to be in the same directory as the rule file. For sets of rules saved in
the SAP System, the working directory entered in the administration tool for the EH&S Expert
Facts for records that are assigned to external tables can only have the letter T in their

Options for Records



lidity area>.[,Exclude
indicator]]] [;...]

The value assignments of the value assignment type are read or written
with the specified list of ratings and validity areas. As an option, you can
set the exclude indicator with X or .
You can still set or deactivate the active indicator and the relevancy
indicator either with X or .
If not specified, the exclude indicator is not set, the active indicator is set,
and the relevancy indicator is not set.
For records that are read from EH&S, specifying the active and relevancy
indicators has no effect. Only active value assignments are read.
For more information on using the /USAGE option as a selection criterion,
see Data Selection by Usage [Page 148].


This option prevents the usage entered in the EH&S Expert as a

parameter for this value assignment type from being written. This option
must be used if a usage that is defined as a fact is to cancel the default
setting. Otherwise the usage that is defined as a fact would be written
This option is not necessary for header data and identifiers in EH&S 2.7B.
Here the usage passed as a parameter is not written implicitly. If a usage
is required, it must be written explicitly with the /USAGE option or by
means of a fact.


Specification Management

When reading a value assignment type (record) you can use this option to
specify a selection of data records, for example, only oral toxicity data
records of type "LD50." You must enter the internal phrase key as the
default value for phrase-related characteristics. You cannot fill
characteristics with a default value.



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Composition Mapping
The composition mapping table contains the regulations for mapping compositions in the set of rules
to value assignment types of the category composition in EH&S.

Table Fields in the Composition Mapping Table

Table Field



Name of the composition in the set of rules. This field uniquely identifies
the composition in the set of rules.


Name of the assigned value assignment type of the category composition

in EH&S


Description text for the composition


Options that govern access to the data in EH&S more closely

Options for Compositions



lidity area>.[,Exclude
indicator]]] [;...]

The composition is read or written with the specified list of ratings and
validity areas. As an option, you can set the exclude indicator with X or .
You can still set or deactivate the active indicator and the relevancy
indicator either with X or .
If not specified, the exclude indicator is not set, the active indicator is set,
and the relevancy indicator is not set.
For compositions that are read from EH&S, specifying the active and
relevancy indicators has no effect. Only active value assignments are
For more information on using the /USAGE option as a selection criterion,
see Data Selection by Usage [Page 148].


A recursive composition is read down to the lowest level of its ingredients.

Any ingredients that are present in a number of components are totaled
proportionally. If you do not specify this option, the direct components are
read, or in other words, the first recursion level. This option has no effect
when writing a composition.
From EH&S 2.7A and EH&S 2.5B SP4, a user exit can be specified in R/3
together with the /BASE option using the options /USEREXIT=name and
/PARAM=value. In this user exit you can restrict the depth of the level of
expansion of the composition tree. This means, for example, that a
composition could be expanded down to the first occurrence of a particular
value assignment.
For this expansion restriction to function, you must have specified a user
exit of the category SUB_EX_GCT in R/3. This user exit must reference
the function module C1F2_EXIT_GET_COMP_TREE or a copy with the
same interface.
The value following the /PARAM option is passed on directly to the
function module. In the example C1F2_EXIT_GET_COMP_TREE, the key
of a value assignment type is expected as the parameter. The composition
tree is then only read down to the first occurrence of a value assignment of
this value assignment type.

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Phrase Mapping
The phrase mapping table contains the regulations for mapping phrase codes used in the set of rules
to phrase keys in EH&S.

Phrase mapping allows an assignment to be made between an internal and an external

value for any fact value. The phrase does not have to be an EH&S phrase. The
corresponding conversion takes place if the IsPhrase indicator is set in fact mapping or if
the Map Value indicator is set in the rule editor.

Table Fields in the Phrase Mapping Table

Table Field



Phrase code in the set of rules. The rule editor uses a special syntax for
phrase codes to distinguish them from normal texts. For this purpose the
phrase codes are enclosed in square brackets and number signs, for
example [#R20#].


Phrase key in EH&S


Phrase text


Options that govern access to the data in EH&S more closely

Options for Phrases




This option has the effect of allowing you to

decide which phrase key is returned if a number
of different external phrase keys are assigned to
a phrase code of the set of rules.



This option has the effect of allowing you to

decide which phrase code is read if an external
phrase key is assigned to a number of different
phrase codes of the set of rules.

















Data Selection by Usage

When you call the EH&S Expert, one or more usages [External] (rating and validity area) are specified
as selection criteria for the specification data to be read. See the documentation on the IMG activity
Extend Entry in Secondary Data Determination. Only the data whose usage matches the global
requirement is read.
It is, however, also possible to define differing usages in a set of rules as selection criteria for certain
facts, records, or compositions in mapping using the /USAGE option. An example could be a set of
rules that is to read data with the usage PUBLIC REG_WORLD as a general rule, but for a specific
fact should only read data from PUBLIC DE (for example, German water pollution class).

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The possible validity areas and their hierarchy are specified in Customizing. As from EH&S Release
2.5B SP4 and 2.7A or newer, the EH&S Expert reads the Customizing settings directly from the SAP
System. Any changes in Customizing only come into effect when the EH&S Expert server process is
restarted because, for performance reasons, the data is read only once at the start.

Local Configuration
In older EH&S Releases, the information cannot be read directly from the SAP System. In this case it
must be stored locally on the Expert PC.
Setting up a local configuration of this type is basically done in two steps:

Exporting the table TCG93 from the respective client of the SAP EH&S System and adapting the
configuration file in accordance with the specified syntax

Setting the registry parameters for the EH&S Expert using the EH&S Expert Administration Tools

Exporting the Table TCG93

1. Start the transaction se11 (Dictionary Initial Screen).
2. Display the database table TCG93.
3. To display the table contents unfiltered, choose Utilities Table contents.
4. To export the table unconverted, choose System List Save Local file.
5. Assign a file name.

Structure of the Configuration File

The name of the configuration file can be chosen as required. The syntax of the configuration file is
described below. The | character is used as a separator between the columns. Any spaces between
the column separators and the codes are ignored. The example shows the structure of the
configuration file for an EH&S 2.7 System.



A comment is introduced by the number sign

# at the beginning of the line.


Code for an EH&S validity area, for example,



SAP R/3 country code that is assigned to a

validity area, for example, US for United


Code that, together with the country code,

describes an SAP R/3 region that is assigned
to an EH&S validity area, for example, DE and
08 for Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg


EH&S code that describes a plant, which is

assigned to an EH&S validity area

Example of a Configuration File


Customizing of the val. area codes within EH&S


to enable local usages within EH&S Expert sets

of rules other than the global read usage.

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EH&S validity area code, e.g. REG_EU


SAP R/3 country code, e.g. DE


SAP R/3 region code, e.g. Bavaria

DETAIL_RVLID Code describing organizational units

(EH&S version >= 2.7)


System :


Client :









































































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Registry Parameters
The Customizing table TCG93 is system-specific and client-specific. The following scenarios are
therefore possible:

Using the registry parameter UsageData_<Mandant> for the destination that corresponds to the
SAP System in the EH&S Expert administration tool, the configuration file is assigned to one
client only within an SAP System, where <Mandant> is the number of the R/3 client.

If the contents of the table is identical in all clients of an SAP System, the same configuration file
can always be used by using the registry parameter UsageData for the destination that
corresponds to the SAP System in the EH&S Expert administration tool.

By setting the registry parameter UsageData in the Global Settings tab in the EH&S Expert
administration tool, it is possible to use a central configuration file for all SAP Systems served by
this EH&S Expert server PC that do not have a different setting for their destination.

With the optional registry parameter ReadUsageOffline = Yes, the EH&S Expert can be
forced to also read the data from a local configuration file in all cases for EH&S Systems with
Release 2.5B SP4 or 2.7A or newer. You can set this parameter in the SAP R/3 Destinations tab
and in the Global Settings tab.

Example: EH&S Expert is called for the destination EHS_EXPERT_SHC from client 040. In this case
the Expert searches first for the registry parameter UsageData_040 under the respective destination.
If it cannot find it, it searches for the UsageData parameter under the respective destination. If this
parameter could not be found either, the Expert searches for the UsageData parameter. Only when
this parameter could not be found either does the Expert abort the execution of the set of rules with
an error in an EH&S Release prior to 2.5B SP4 or 2.7A.

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Using the Rule Editor

You can use the rule editor to quickly and easily create sets of rules [Page 118] and the appropriate
mapping tables [Page 136].

See EH&S Expert [Page 116].

1. Start the rule editor by calling the RuleEdit.exe program.
The EH&S Login dialog box appears.
2. Log onto the R/3 System that contains the EH&S components and that is specified as the
destination in the SAPRFC.INI (see documentation for the IMG activity Set Up SAPRFC.INI).
The rule editor loads the required data from the EH&S system, for example, value assignment
types, characteristics, phrase keys, identifiers, and fields from the header data, and displays
them in the overview tree on the left-hand side. The property tree you last set in the system is
loaded here.
3. Choose

File New to create a new set of rules

File Open Local to edit an existing set of rules that is stored locally on your PC. Choose
the set of rules you require by double-clicking.

File Open R/3 to edit an existing set of rules that is stored in your R/3 System. Choose
the set of rules you require by double-clicking.

4. Edit the rules. Proceed as follows:

Choose Edit New Rule to create a new rule [Page 121] in the set of rules.
The name of the rule can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores, and must
start with a letter.

Position the cursor in the set of rules tree on an existing rule to edit it.

5. Enter the required data for the individual rules (see Editing Rules [Page 153]).
6. Check and, if required, edit the mapping tables (see Editing Mapping Tables [Page 154]).
7. Save the set of rules either locally on your PC or in the SAP System.

If you edit a set of rules stored locally on your PC, the rule editor creates the following files:

A rule file that you can edit with any text editor

A file that contains the mapping tables

Before you can use the set of rules to determine secondary data with the EH&S Expert [Page 157]
you must register it on the Expert server. For more information on registering, see the documentation
in the IMG activity Set Up Windows Registry.
Registration is not necessary for set of rules stored in the SAP System.

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Editing Rules
You have started the rule editor and created a new rule or loaded an existing rule (see Using the Rule
Editor [Page 152]).

1. If you want to use data from compositions in the rule, in the Composition field choose the
corresponding value assignment type.
The system inserts the Components branch into the overview tree below the Identification
(numbers, names, chemical formulas) branch. This contains the fields of the Composition tab
page from the value assignment type of the type Composition.

By selecting a composition, this means that all created facts are now assigned to the
composition. While editing rules, if you want to assign characteristics of other value
assignment types, identifiers, header data, and so on, to the rules using drag & drop, you
must first choose NONE in the Composition field.
2. The sequence in which the rules are executed corresponds with the data dependency strategy
(see When Is a Rule Executed? [Page 127]). If you want the rules to be executed explicitly
according to certain other rules, enter the latter in the Depends on Rules field. You can assign the
other rules from the rule tree to the field by simply using drag & drop.
3. If you want to control the sequence in which the rules are executed using special commands in
the ToDo field (see Control of the Rule Execution Process [Page 129]), then assign the rule to a
rule group as follows:
a. Position the cursor in the rule tree window in the <Path>\<file name>:Rules screen.
b. Choose Edit New Group.

Choose the rule in the rule tree and assign it to the group using drag & drop.

4. Enter a description for the rule if required.

5. Under Condition (IF) define the conditions that must be fulfilled so that the activities under List of
ToDo's (THEN) are performed.
6. Under List of ToDo's (THEN) define the activities that the system is to perform if the conditions
under Condition (IF) are fulfilled.

Note the following for points 5 and 6 when entering data:

You can assign most of the elements of the specification database (characteristics,
value assignment types, phrases, and so on) to the Condition (IF), Left Expr. and
Right Expr. fields in the rule editor using drag & drop. The system then automatically
generates the entries in the mapping tables [Page 136] with the correct assignments.

Write texts in quotation marks that are, for example, in assignments (for example,
LAB_REV := "2. Supplement").

Enter characteristics that are assigned multiple values as sets.

See also:
Operators, Commands, and Functions [Page 131]
Example: Definition of a Simple Set of Rules [Page 155]
Example: Definition of a Set of Rules with Records [Page 156]
Specification Management



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Editing Mapping Tables

You have started the rule editor and created a new rule or edited an existing rule (see Using the Rule
Editor [Page 152] and Editing Rules [Page 153]).

1. Choose

View Facts to edit the common mapping table for facts, records, and compositions

View Phrases to edit the phrase mapping table

The relevant mapping table appears.

2. Copy elements from the property tree to the mapping table as required using drag & drop.
3. Edit the table.

As required, set the External Id, Description, or Default Value fields as ready for input by
double-clicking. For the Default Value field a separate editing window with several lines is
opened to make it easier for you to enter the values that are often very long.

As required, change the In, Out, and Map Value indicators by clicking them.

Set the Options field as ready for input by double-clicking. By pressing the right mouse key
and choosing Select Options, the Fact Options selection screen appears.
For more information on the possible options, see:

Fact Mapping [Page 137]

Phrase Mapping [Page 148]

Record Mapping [Page 145]

Composition Mapping [Page 147]

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Example: Definition of a Simple Set of Rules

You want to define a set of rules that assigns the characteristic R phrases of the value assignment
type Labeling with the R phrase R10 (Flammable) for substances with a flash point between 21 and
55C. The value assignment type flash point is only to contain one data record, or in other words,
assigned a single value.

1. Start the rule editor and create a new rule (see Using the Rule Editor [Page 152]).
2. Under Description enter a description for the rule, for example, Derivation of R phrase
from flash point.
3. In the Condition field, enter the first part of the condition: 21 <.
4. From the overview tree choose the characteristic Value from the value assignment type Flash
point and assign it to the Condition (IF) field using drag & drop.
21 < FLASH_POINT_VAL is now in the Condition (IF) field.
5. Add to the condition in the Condition field so that it reads 21 < FLASH_POINT_VAL,
6. From the overview tree choose the characteristic R phrases from the value assignment type
Labeling and assign it to the Left Expr. field using drag & drop.
The internal fact key LAB_R_PHRAS appears in the Left Expr. field and the system
automatically adds the operator := to the ToDo field.
7. From the overview tree choose the phrase Flammable under the characteristic R phrases from
the value assignment type Labeling and assign it to the Right Expr. field using drag & drop.
The internal phrase key "[#R10#]" appears in the Right Expr. field.
8. Save the set of rules.

See Using the Rule Editor [Page 152].
The rule file (<name>.rul) has the following structure:
DESCRIBE "Derivation of R phrase from flash point"
LAB_R_PHRAS := "[#R10#]"

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Example: Definition of a Set of Rules with Records

You want to define a set of rules that assigns the characteristic R phrases of the value assignment
type Labeling with the R phrase R10 (Flammable) and R18 (In use, may form flammable/explosive
vapor-air mixture) for substances with a flash point between 21 and 55C. The value assignment
type Flash point can contain several data records, or in other words, it can be assigned multiple
values. The R phrases are to be specified if at least one of the value assignments is between 21 and
55 C.

1. Start the rule editor and create a new rule (see Using the Rule Editor [Page 152]).
2. Under Description enter a description for the rule, for example, Derivation of two R
phrases from several flash points.
3. In the Condition (IF) field, enter the first part of the condition: 21 <.
4. From the overview tree choose the Flash point node for the value assignment type Flash point
and assign it to the Condition (IF) field using drag & drop.
The condition field now contains the following: 21 < FLASH_POINT.
5. From the overview tree choose the characteristic Value from the value assignment type Flash
point and drag it directly to the existing FLASH_POINT. entry using drag & drop.
6. Add to the condition in the Condition field so that it reads 21 < FLASH_POINT.VAL,
7. From the overview tree choose the characteristic R phrases from the value assignment type
Labeling and assign it to the Left Expr. field using drag & drop.
The internal fact key LAB_R_PHRAS appears in the Left Expr. field and the system
automatically adds the operator := to the ToDo field.

At this point it is not necessary to create a record in the same way as under 4. because
only one data record is to be created for the value assignment type Labeling in which
only the R phrases characteristic is to be assigned multiple values.
8. Change the operator to += because the R phrases characteristic is to be assigned multiple
9. From the overview tree choose the phrase Flammable under the characteristic R phrases from
the value assignment type Labeling and assign it to the Right Expr. field using drag & drop.
The internal phrase key "[#R10#]" appears in the Right Expr. field.
10. Repeat steps 7 to 10 in the next line of the List of Todos (THEN) but in step 10, instead of
assigning the phrase Flammable, assign the phrase In use, may form flammable/explosive vaporair mixture to the Right Expr. field using drag & drop.
11. Save the set of rules.

See Using the Rule Editor [Page 152].
When using this set of rules to determine secondary data, the EH&S Expert creates one data record
for the value assignment type Labeling for substances whose flash point is between 21 and 55C in at
least one value assignment. In the value assignment, the characteristic R phrases is assigned the
phrases Flammable and In use, may form flammable/explosive vapor-air mixture.
The rule file has the following structure:

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DESCRIBE "Derivation of two R phrases from several flash points"
LAB_R_PHRAS += "[#R10#]", LAB_R_PHRAS += "[#R18#]"

Determining Secondary Data with the EH&S Expert

See EH&S Expert [Page 116]

You have defined at least one set of rules [Page 118] and the corresponding mapping tables [Page
136] and registered both on the Expert server. For more information on registering, see the
documentation in the IMG activity Set Up Windows Registry.
For further prerequisites see EH&S Expert [Page 116].

1. Start the EH&S Expert by calling the EhsExper.exe program with the parameter D<Name of
EH&S Expert destination>.

The Expert Server symbol that was created when the EH&S Expert was installed contains
the correct link to this program with a corresponding parameter that you can adjust as
2. In the R/3 System, execute one of the following procedures to determine specifications for which
you want to determine secondary data.

Searching Manually for Specifications [Page 18]

Executing Queries [Page 34]

Loading Sets of Hits [Page 45]

A set of specifications appears in the form of a hit list.

3. In the hit list, select the specifications you require and choose Utilities Secondary data

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The Determine secondary data dialog box appears.

4. Choose the EH&S Expert user exit by double-clicking.

If you have set the parameter EXPERT_PARAMETER_CHANGE_MODE to S for the EH&S

Expert user exit in Customizing for Product Safety, the SAP System displays the Determine
secondary data dialog box in display mode when secondary data determination is started.

If you have set the parameter EXPERT_PARAMETER_CHANGE_MODE to E for the EH&S

Expert user exit in Customizing for Product Safety, you can edit the environment parameters
in the Determine secondary data dialog box when secondary data determination is started.
The environment parameters set in Customizing are displayed as default values. Enter or
change the environment parameters as required.

If you have set the parameter EXPERT_PARAMETER_CHANGE_MODE to H for the EH&S

Expert user exit in Customizing for Product Safety, the SAP System does not display the
Determine secondary data dialog box when secondary data determination is started.

If you have not defined the parameter EXPERT_PARAMETER_CHANGE_MODE for the

EH&S Expert user exit in Customizing for Product Safety, the Expert: Parameter Entry for
Data Determination dialog box appears in display mode.

If you have set the parameter EXPERT_PERFORM_DIFF_FLG to the indicator X for the
EH&S Expert user exit in Customizing for Product Safety, a comparison of the initial values
and results of the EH&S Expert run is displayed before the results are stored on the database
(default = blank). To be able to use the parameter EXPERT_PERFORM_DIFF_FLG, the
reference module C1R3_SUB_EXPERT_EVALUATE must be selected.

Using the rules in the set of rules, the EH&S Expert determines data for the selected specifications
and writes it to the database. When writing the data, the EH&S Expert uses the data you specified in
the IMG activity Manage User Exits under the corresponding parameters for the EH&S Expert user
exit for rating, validity area, data provider, and data origin, or the data changed manually in the
Expert: Parameter Entry for Data Determination dialog box.
The save mode specified in Customizing or in this dialog box determines whether existing data
records are overwritten, or whether new data records are just added. If the newly determined data is
identical to the data determined at an earlier stage, the system does not delete or create data if save
mode I is not set. For more information about the save mode, see the documentation for the IMG
activity Extend Entry in Secondary Data Determination.
You can use and edit the data that was written to the database by the EH&S Expert in the same way
as data entered manually.

Here you should note that if during subsequent manual processing the data origin and
data provider differ from the corresponding parameters of the EH&S Expert run, a new
value assignment instance is created in a new EH&S Expert run even if the values then

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Rule Debugger
Using the rule debugger you can check sets of rules that you have written for the EH&S Expert. You
can execute sets of rules with real data step-by-step, check interim and final results, and if necessary,
change the results and return them to EH&S specification management.

The rule debugger is part of the EH&S Expert rule editor and you can call it from the rule editor.

You have saved the sets of rules you want to check before running the rule debugger. If any sets of
rules are not saved or have been edited since the last save, a dialog box appears when you start the
debug mode that prompts you to save.
As the rule debugger works with specification data, you must have created specifications in the
specification database in the SAP System.

The Debug menu contains the following menu options:

Start / Restart The rule debugger is started [Page 161].

Stop The rule debugger is stopped and the system returns to edit mode.

Break The rule debugger run can be interrupted if it runs into long processes or endless loops.
Break is equivalent to a breakpoint at the next possible point in the set of rules.

Go The rule debugger starts and processes the set of rules up to the next breakpoint. If no
breakpoints are set, the set of rules is processed to the end.

Rules that were processed because the condition was TRUE are marked with a green
checkmark. Rules whose condition did not apply and whose todo part was not executed
are marked with a red checkmark. When processing a number of instances, the following
combinations are possible:
Two green checkmarks: rule was executed for all instances.
Two red checkmarks: rule was not executed for any instances.
One green and one red checkmark: rule was executed for a part of the instances.

Step Into, Step Over, Step Out, Step To Next Rule The rule debugger jumps to the next rule or
the next todo for the same rule. The exact behavior depends on the particular position of the rule
debugger within the hierarchy of the set of rules. See Step Functions in the Rule Debugger [Page

Run To Cursor The debugger processes the set of rules up to the point where you have placed
the cursor. You can position the cursor at the level of the rules or at the level of the individual
todos within the rules.

Write Data The data generated during the rule debugger run is written back to the SAP System.
Here you should note that the settings made under Tools Options on the Debug tab page are

Breakpoint, Enable/Disable Breakpoint, Advanced Breakpoints Breakpoints are used to halt

the processing of a set of rules at the required position. See Breakpoints in the Rule Debugger.
[Page 163].

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Breakpoints can also be set in edit mode; the set of rules must then be saved before

Watch, Watch Rule Facts In addition to fact and phrase mapping tables you can use these
options to track the current values of facts and thus follow the progress of the set of rules. See
Watch Functions in the Rule Debugger [Page 164].

In connection with fact mapping tables, see also How Compositions Are Displayed in the
Rule Debugger [Page 165].

Go To Current Break Location If you have navigated to another rule or another todo in the rule
window when the rule process was interrupted, you can use this option to return to the position
where the process was interrupted.
A yellow arrow indicates the rule in the set of rules the rule debugger has currently reached
when rule execution was interrupted. At todo level, the todo line where the rule debugger is
currently located is shown colored yellow. The yellow todo has in this case not yet been
For breakpoints at facts or for breakpoints with a condition but without reference to a rule or to
a todo, rule execution is interrupted after the todo that triggered the breakpoint. In this case
the todo is colored orange.

Optimize Condition Evaluation Performance optimization is deactivated as default in the rule

debugger, but can be reactivated.

The performance of the EH&S Expert is optimized to evaluate complex, logically linked
conditions in the IF part. This can considerably increase the speed, particularly when
working with compositions [Page 123].
If, for example, the condition is: Composition1.MeltingPoint > 50 C AND
Composition1.Subid = Composition2.Subid, the second part of the condition is no longer
processed if a negative result was already produced for the first part. This avoids
unnecessary loops.

Visualize Recursive Rule Dependencies See also Data-Dependent Rule Execution in When Is
a Rule Executed? [Page 127].

The following menu options are also relevant for the rule debugger:
Under Tools Options you can make settings for the debug mode on the Debug tab page. As
default, no settings are made for reading and writing the data. Particularly for writing the calculated
data from the debug mode back to the database, we recommend you use the settings in Customizing.
For reading the data, you should set the correct usage as the selection criterion.
Under Edit Find you have the option of searching for rules and facts according to their name or

The rule debugger is started from the rule editor by choosing Debug Start. A dialog box appears in
which you select a specification from the specification database in the SAP System. You can search
generically. As a result, a hit list appears from which you choose a specification.

We recommend that you hide the property tree in the rule editor when in debug mode.

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Starting the Rule Debugger

1. Start the rule debugger from the rule editor by choosing Debug Start.
A dialog box appears in which you select a specification from the specification database in the
SAP System.
2. Enter your search criteria. You can search generically.
A hit list then appears.
3. Select a specification and confirm your entry.


The system loads the data for the specification you selected. Here the usage set under Tools
Options on the Debug tab page applies as the selection criterion. The rule editor goes into debug
mode. The message Debug: ready to apply rules appears in the status bar of the editor.

The todo list in the editor is always displayed in table form in the debug mode.

In debug mode, the mapping tables first show the value assignments imported from the selected
specification. During rule processing, the currently valid fact values are displayed. You can
configure the view according to your requirements by choosing Tools Customize no. of
columns. Use the input help to choose Debug Mode, select the required columns and confirm
your entries.

You can change the values in the mapping tables [Page 136] by double-clicking them to
activate the edit function.

We recommend that you hide the property tree in the rule editor when in debug mode to improve the
overview on the screen.

Step Functions in the Rule Debugger

The following menu options are available in the rule debugger menu:

Step Into If possible, the debugger jumps one level deeper.

Step Over The debugger jumps to the next point on the same level.

Step Out The debugger jumps up one level.

Step To Next Rule The debugger executes the remaining repeats of the current rule based on a
composition or record without stopping and jumps to the beginning of the following rule.

Rule processing can be interrupted at the following levels:

At the level of a rule. Rule processing is interrupted before the check of the condition for the
respective rule.

At the level of a todo. Rule processing is interrupted before execution of the respective todo.

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So, depending on the level at which rule processing is interrupted, the debugger jumps to different
points in the set of rules with the various step functions. The following tables show more detailed

Starting point: Rule 1 (without record or composition; condition fulfilled)

Step Function

Destination Point

Step Into

Todo 1 of rule 1

Step Over

Rule 2 (todos are executed without stopping)

Step Out

Rule 2 (todos are executed without stopping)

Step to Next Rule

Rule 2 (todos are executed without stopping)

Starting point: Rule 1 (without record or composition; condition not fulfilled)

Step Function

Destination Point

Step Into

Rule 2 (todos are not executed)

Step Over

Rule 2 (todos are not executed)

Step Out

Rule 2 (todos are not executed)

Step to Next Rule

Rule 2 (todos are not executed)

Starting point: Rule 1 (with record or composition; condition fulfilled for current instance)
Step Function

Destination Point

Step Into

Todo 1 of rule 1

Step Over

Rule 1 for the next instance (todos for the current instance are executed without

Step Out

Rule 1 for the next instance (todos for the current instance are executed without

Step to Next Rule

Rule 2 (rule 1 is executed for all other instances, depending on the condition)

Starting point: Rule 1 (with record or composition; condition not fulfilled for current instance)
Step Function

Destination Point

Step Into

Rule 1 for the next instance

Step Over

Rule 1 for the next instance

Step Out

Rule 1 for the next instance

Step to Next Rule

Rule 2 (rule 1 is executed for all other instances, depending on the condition)

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Starting point: Todo 1 of rule 1 (without record or composition)

Step Function

Destination Point

Step Into

Todo 2 of rule 1

Step Over

Todo 2 of rule 1

Step Out

Rule 2 (others todos of rule 1 are executed without stopping)

Step to Next Rule

Rule 2 (others todos of rule 1 are executed without stopping)

Starting point: Todo 1 of rule 1 (with record or composition)

Step Function

Destination Point

Step Into

Todo 2 of rule 1 at the current instance

Step Over

Todo 2 of rule 1 at the current instance

Step Out

Rule 1 for the next instance (other todos of rule 1 for the current instance are
executed without stopping)

Step to Next Rule

Rule 2 (other todos of rule 1 for the current instance are executed without
stopping, rule 1 is executed for all other instances, depending on the condition)

When debugging sets of rules with subsets of rules, the jumps described above do not apply within
the subsets of rules. Subsets of rules are run through and executed without stopping. To debug
subsets of rules you must look at them separately.

Breakpoints in the Rule Debugger

Both in debug mode and in edit mode of the EH&S Expert rule editor you have the option of setting
breakpoints at different levels of the set of rules.

To set breakpoints, position the cursor and choose Debug Breakpoint. With Go the set
of rules runs through to the next breakpoint.
Even when you use the step functions in the rule debugger [Page 161], processing of the
set of rules is stopped by breakpoints that lie before the end point of the step function.

Effect of a Breakpoint Depending on the Level in the Set of Rules

Level in Set of Rules

Debugger Reaction


Stops before executing the rule, before checking the IF



Stops before executing the todo


Stops after the todo that changed the value of the fact

Condition (see Advanced Breakpoint)

Stops after the todo that set the TRUE condition

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Advanced Breakpoint
You can use the advanced breakpoint function to attach conditions to breakpoints. The debugger
stops as above, but only if the condition is fulfilled. You can also specify a single condition that causes
the process to stop as soon as it is fulfilled.

To set advanced breakpoints, position the cursor and choose Debug Advanced
The Insert Breakpoint dialog box appears.
In the Insert Breakpoint dialog box you can make entries for breakpoints with the following syntax
under Enter the breakpoint.







RULE <rule name>

RULE rule1


FACT <fact name>



RULE<rule name>@<todo number>

RULE rule1@1

You can link breakpoints with a condition using the WHEN supplement. Conditions are formulated in
the same syntax as in the set of rules [Page 118]. The following advanced breakpoint stops at todo 2
of rule 1 when the value of the density is > 2.
RULE rule1@2 WHEN DENS.VAL > 2
In the Insert Breakpoint dialog box you can disable, enable, or delete breakpoints using the
checkboxes in the list.


With Enable / Disable Breakpoint you can temporarily deactivate breakpoints. These are then
colored gray. This option is useful if you do not want to stop every time when processing many
It may also be useful not to delete breakpoints that were linked to conditions, but simply to
disable them. This means you avoid having to enter the condition again.

You can activate the breakpoint again by placing the cursor on the breakpoint and choosing
Enable / Disable Breakpoint again or by enabling the breakpoints in the Insert Breakpoint dialog

Watch Functions in the Rule Debugger

In debug mode in the EH&S Expert you will find the options Watch and Watch Rule Facts in the
Debug menu. You can use these options to track the current values of the facts and the progress of
the set of rules, complementing the fact mapping tables.

Watch Rule Facts

To display the Watch Rule Facts window, choose Debug Watch Rule Facts.
The window shows you the facts for the rule that is currently selected in the rule window. If you have
not influenced the selection manually, the rule at which rule processing was stopped is selected. In
this window you CANNOT change the values of the facts.

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You can watch the facts of other rules in the set of rules by placing the cursor on the
respective rule or by choosing the rule name in the Watch Rule Facts window in the
Context line and confirming your selection. When the debugging process continues, the
window then shows the facts of the current rule again.

To display the Watch window, choose Debug Watch.
In this freely configurable window you can watch the facts of your choice. You can edit the values of
the displayed facts in this window.

To be able to edit the values of the facts, double-click the respective line to activate the
edit function.
To add a fact to the watch window, enter the name of the fact (or the name of a record or
composition) in the Expression line in the Watch window or position the cursor on the fact in the
mapping table and choose right mouse button Add to watch.

How Compositions Are Displayed in the Rule Debugger

You can view records and compositions in the debug mode of the EH&S Expert in the fact mapping
table. The display of records and compositions is different from how they are displayed in edit mode in
that there is an additional node level to show multiple instances of a record and several components
of a composition.
The instances of a record and the components of a composition are numbered in the tree structure
with <Name>(1/<N>) to <Name>(<N>/<N>) (according to the number of instances or components).
<Name> stands for the internal ID, or the name of the record or composition, <N> stands for the
number of instances or components.

You can edit the values of the facts. To do this, activate the edit function by doubleclicking the values column.
In addition, an instance or component <Name>(NEW) that is still empty is shown. This is for a new
instance or component to be created. Parallel to the procedure, you can fill facts in rules with the
assignment <Name>.NEW.<Fact> := <Value> and use the COMMIT command to create a new
instance or component. Proceed as follows to fill the facts with values and create a new instance or
1. To do this, activate the edit function by double-clicking the values of the facts.
2. Enter the values.
3. Choose right mouse button Commit.
<Name>(NEW) is given the number <Name>(<N+1>/<N+1>)and is added to the other instances or
components. The NEW instance or component is emptied again and can be used to create another
instance or component.

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Subsets of Rules
You can simplify complex sets of rules [Page 118] by splitting them into main sets and subsets of
rules. This process creates smaller encapsulated units that can be edited more easily.

The subsets of rules are called from the main set of rules. The main set of rules passes the contents
of the facts [Page 119], records [Page 125], and compositions [Page 123] to the subset of rules. The
subset of rules executes and then passes the newly calculated facts, records, and compositions back
to the main set of rules.

Data is exchanged only between the main set of rules and the subset of rules. Subsets of
rules do not read data directly from the specification database. Therefore no mapping
database is required for sets of rules that serve exclusively as subsets of rules.
A subset of rules is called using the CALL command [Page 131]. The CALL command in its simplest
form appears as follows:

The system identifies the subset of rules by means of its <RULE_NAME>. It is important,
therefore, that you register the subsets of rules. For more information, see the
documentation on the IMG activity Interfaces EH&S Expert Set Up Windows
Registry in Customizing for Product Safety.
In the above case, the input facts, records, and compositions of the subset of rules are read by facts,
records, and compositions of the main set of rules with the same names, and the output facts,
records, and compositions of the subset of rules are returned to facts, records, and compositions of
the main set of rules with the same names. This is not always possible or desirable. To match up
different names of facts, records, and compositions in main and subsets of rules and to meet other
requirements that arise, the CALL command has an optional extended syntax shown and explained

CALL Command Syntax

Composition <NAME_MAIN> AS <NAME_SUB>

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You can enter the complex syntax of the CALL command in the rule editor in the multiline
editing window List of Todos. To set this editing window, under Tools Options on the
Edit tab page select the field Use Multiline Edit Box for To Do's.

WITH <NAME> AS MAIN This makes it possible to match up different levels in the main and
subset of rules. In this way, facts in a subset can be linked with the facts of a composition or a
record in the main set of rules. The subset of rules is called for each component of the
composition <NAME> or for each instance of the record <NAME>. The facts of the specified
composition or record in the main set of rules are assigned in this case to the facts of the subset
of rules without reference to a composition or record.

MAP Optional section for assigning facts, records, and compositions in main or subsets of rules if
their names are different or if an existing assignment with the same name is to be overwritten.
The entries on the right for the subset of rules must be uniquely assigned for this. Thus the
assignment A AS B, A AS C is allowed, but not A AS B, C AS B.
The simplest entry is <NAME_MAIN> AS <NAME_SUB> where the left-hand side relates to
the main set of rules and the right-hand side to the subset of rules. Records and compositions
can also be assigned. For the correct syntax, refer to the above example. Within an assigned
record or composition, an assignment of the facts by means of identical names also applies if
no explicit assignments were made.

If the system cannot find the respective assignments, it uses the original names.

PHRASEMAP This makes it possible to assign the contents of facts, such as phrase keys, to
other values when transferring them. This assignment is also optional. It must be unique on both
sides. The right-hand side relates to the subset of rules. Only text values are assigned.


Dependencies between rules: The EH&S Expert also takes into account dependencies between
rules when working with subsets of rules. See also Data-Dependent Rule Execution in When Is a
Rule Executed? [Page 127].

Data transfer: Before reading data into the subset of rules, its facts, records, and compositions
are empty. Reading in is done in the same way as the initial import of data into the main set of
Writing data back to the main set of rules is done as follows:

For facts, the values calculated in the subset of rules are transferred.

For records, the records in the main set of rules are first emptied so that the status
determined in the subset of rules can be transferred to the main set of rules.

When writing back the data for compositions, no instances in the main set of rules are
deleted; they are filled in sequence. If more instances exist in the main set of rules than in the
subset, these remain unchanged. If there are fewer instances in the main set of rules,
additional instances are created.

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EH&S Easy Expert

The EH&S Easy Expert enables you to create sets of rules directly in the SAP System. With these
sets of rules, you can easily make mass changes to data in specifications that are stored in
specification management in the Product Safety component.

All value assignment types of the value assignment category A [normal property (with class)] that are
stored in specification management can be edited.


You have made the necessary settings in Customizing for Product Safety.

You have created specifications.

The EH&S Easy Expert allows you to create and edit sets of rules. You can store the sets of rules in
the SAP System.
When you run EH&S Easy Expert passes, the system gives you the choice of the following options:

Write the results to the database immediately

Display the results before writing them to the database

Run the set of rules as a background job

Creating Sets of Rules with EH&S Easy Expert

1. From the specification management hit list, choose Utilities Sets of rules New.
The Easy Expert Edit Set of Rules screen appears.

It is possible to create or edit EH&S Easy Expert sets of rules without selecting
specifications in the specification management hit list. You must, however, select
specifications in order to be able to execute the set of rules.
2. To make changes to identifiers, choose

beside Change identifiers.

The Changes to identifiers input box appears.

a. Enter the identifier category, identifier type, language, operator [Page 170], and identifier.
b. Confirm the dialog box.
The Easy Expert Edit Set of Rules screen appears again.
3. To make changes to value assignments or create new value assignments, choose
Change value assignments.


The Property Tree dialog box appears.

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a. If you need to, change to another property tree in order to display the value assignment type
you want to change.
b. In the tree, choose the value assignment type by double-clicking it.
The Easy Expert Characteristic Changes dialog box appears.

In the upper part of the screen, enter any restrictions you require.
Entering restrictions allows you to set filters. When you enter restrictions, the set of rules
pass takes only the value assignment instances into account whose values match the
values of the restriction.

If you choose the phrase approx. as the restriction for the accuracy, only the value
assignment instances are taken into account whose accuracy is assigned the phrase
approx. as its value.
If you enter >3 for the value of the density as a restriction, only substances are taken into
account where the value assignment type Density has a value of >3.
d. In the lower part of the screen, enter the value changes using the operators.
e. Confirm the dialog box.
The Property Tree dialog box appears again. You can also enter changes for other value
assignment types in the set of rules.

Confirm the dialog box.

The Easy Expert Edit Set of Rules screen appears again.

g. Choose whether you want to change existing value assignments or create new value
4. To use usages as selection criteria, choose

beside Read in the Usage group box.

The Enter Usage screen appears.

a. Make your entries and confirm them.
5. To change usages or create new usages for new value assignment instances, choose
Write in the Usage group box.


The Enter Usage screen appears.

a. Make your entries and confirm them.
6. Under Options choose which of the following you require:

Check the results of the set of rules before writing them to the database

Write the results directly

Write the results in the background

7. Choose Execute if you want to execute the set of rules [Page 172].
8. Choose Save if you want to save the set of rules [Page 173].

To change a value assignment type dependent on another value assignment type, you
must use the selection criteria in the Edit Specification, Initial Screen. You can therefore
enter characteristics of a value assignment type as selection criteria at the level of the
specification management hit list [Page 36] and edit another value assignment type at the
level of the EH&S Easy Expert pass.
For example, in this way you could select all real substances with a density of >2 and
then for all these, add the phrase approx. in the value assignment Flow time during the
actual EH&S Easy Expert pass.

See also: Sample Set of Rules for EH&S Easy Expert [Page 171]
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Operators for EH&S Easy Expert Sets of Rules

In addition to simple mathematical operators (+, -, *, /), the following operators are available for you to
create EH&S Easy Expert sets of rules and can be selected using the input help. The selection of
operators provided in the input help is context-sensitive.




Adds an additional value for characteristics that can have more than one value
For example: R phrases:

Old: R15, R16

ADD: R17

New: R15, R16, R17


Deletes an existing entry.

In the case of characteristics that can have more than one value assigned,
individual values can be deleted selectively.
For example: R phrases:

Old: R15, R16, R17

DEL: R16

New: R15, R17


(No operator) Default setting that has the effect of not changing the initial


Sets a new value.

In the case of characteristics that can have more than one value assigned, the
old values are replaced.
For example: R phrases:

Old: R15, R16, R17

SET: R18

New: R18

To change a number of characteristic values at the same time in one EH&S Easy Expert
pass in characteristics that can have more than one value assigned, proceed as follows:
1. In the Easy Expert Characteristic Changes screen, write the first characteristic value in the line
intended for this purpose.
2. Select the characteristic.
3. Choose

4. Write the second characteristic value in the newly generated line.

5. Repeat this procedure once for each characteristic value you want to change.

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Sample Set of Rules for EH&S Easy Expert

Below you will find an example of how to create a set of rules.

In a group of selected real substances, you want to increase the value of the density by 0.1 in all
substances with a Density > 2 and add the phrase approx. to the corresponding characteristic
Accuracy. You want to compare the results of the EH&S Easy Expert pass with the original values
before writing them to the database.

1. From the specification management hit list, choose Utilities Sets of rules New.
The Easy Expert Edit Set of Rules screen appears.
2. Next to Change value assignments, choose

The Property Tree dialog box appears.

3. If you need to, change to another property tree in order to display the value assignment type
4. In the tree, choose the value assignment type Density by double-clicking it.
The Easy Expert Characteristic Changes dialog box appears.
5. In the upper part of the screen, enter the following restriction.





6. In the lower part of the screen, enter the following value changes.



Value of Change





Add to value


7. Confirm the dialog box.

The Property Tree dialog box appears again.
8. Confirm the dialog box.
The Easy Expert Edit Set of Rules screen appears again.
9. Under Value assignments choose Change existing val. assgmt.
10. Under Options choose Check results.
11. Choose Execute.
The results of the EH&S Easy Expert pass are displayed in a tree beside the old values. You
have the choice of either accepting or rejecting the results.

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Executing EH&S Easy Expert Sets of Rules

You have loaded [Page 173] and possibly changed an existing set of rules or you have created [Page
168] a new set of rules.
You must be on the Easy Expert Edit Set of Rules screen or on the Easy Expert Display Set of Rules

1. Under Value assignments choose one of the following:

Create new value assignment if you want to create new value assignments or if you want to
add new value assignment instances to existing value assignments.

Change existing val. assgmt if you want to change the instances of existing value

2. Under Options choose which of the following you require:

Check the results of the EH&S Easy Expert pass before writing them to the database

If you check the results before executing, the system displays the original values and the
results of the EH&S Easy Expert pass together in a tree structure.

Write the results directly to the database

Write the results to the database in the background

The option of executing the EH&S Easy Expert pass as a background job allows you, for
example, to execute the pass at a specific time or dependent on other jobs.
3. Choose Execute.

If you execute the EH&S Easy Expert passes as background jobs, you receive a
message in your SAP inbox whether the pass was successful or not.

To do this, choose Office =Inbox in the SAP initial screen and then choose Total.

From the list of EH&S Easy Expert messages, you can select individual EH&S Easy
Expert passes to restart them.

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Saving EH&S Easy Expert Sets of Rules


In Customizing for Product Safety you have edited the IMG activities Specify Groups and Specify
Group Trees and Assign Groups.

You have created an EH&S Easy Expert set of rules.

1. From the Easy Expert Edit Set of Rules dialog box, choose Save.
The Expert Set of Rules dialog box appears.
2. Select a group using the input help.
3. Assign a name for the set of rules in the Grp entry field.
4. If you wish, enter a name for the set of rules on the Desc. tab page.
5. Choose Transfer.

For more information about groups, see Group Overview [Page 25].

Loading EH&S Easy Expert Sets of Rules


In Customizing for Product Safety you have edited the IMG activities Specify Groups and Specify
Group Trees and Assign Groups.

You have already created and saved EH&S Easy Expert sets of rules.

1. From the specification management hit list, choose Utilities Sets of rules Load.
The Expert Set of Rules dialog box appears.

It is possible to load and edit EH&S Easy Expert sets of rules without selecting
specifications in the specification management hit list. You must, however, select
specifications in order to be able to execute the set of rules.
2. From the tree structure, choose the required set of rules by double-clicking it.
The Easy Expert Display Set of Rules screen appears.

You have loaded the required EH&S Easy Expert set of rules. You can now execute or edit the set of

For more information about groups, see Group Overview [Page 25].

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Notification Status
Value assignment type of value assignment category Listing. You can use the notification status to
decide whether a substance may be exported to a certain country. The notification status specifies:

If a substance may be traded in a defined jurisdiction

On what basis its import is prohibited or permitted, and if any restrictions apply

The TSCA list, for example, would be a regulatory list that could serve as a basis.
Most of these lists are positive lists, this means, they list substances (products, mixtures,
preparations) that may be imported and traded. There are also some negative lists that contain
substances with restrictions.

The notification status is normally specified by individual legislatures for pure substances and must
be derived from the specifications for products made of pure substances. The user exit Notification
status was developed for this (see Determining the Notification Status [Page 180]).
If existing data is changed, you must check the notification status. The user exit Notification status
was developed for this (see Checking the Notification Status [Page 181]).

All values for the notification status given here are sample values only. The phrase set
and the phrases containing these values are not delivered in the standard system.

In the standard property tree, the value assignment type Notification status is located under the node
Regulations without transport. The value assignment type Notification status contains the following

Notification basis
In this phrase-related characteristic, you can specify the legal basis on which notification has
taken place.

Regulatory list
This characteristic contains the regulatory lists that are used as the basis for the notification
status. You define these regulatory lists in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity
Specify Regulatory Lists. In addition, you can maintain them in the Product Safety SAP
component (see Regulatory List Management [Page 184]).

In this characteristic, you can further specify the basis on which the most recent notification
status was determined (such as version number or year of publication of a particular list).

List notification
List notification is a theoretical status that is derived from the notification of the pure
substance or the notifications of all individual ingredients of compositions. Because the status
is theoretical, there may be discrepancies between list notification and a substance's real
notification status.

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When the EH&S component determines the list notification of a composition, it takes into
account all notifications of the nodes in the completely expanded composition tree. The
system does not distinguish between specification categories. This means that a node
can also be a specification of the specification type Real substance.
The value cannot be changed manually (see Determining the Notification Status for
Compositions [Page 177]).
The description List notification is derived from the fact that the nodes of a component
tree are normally specifications of specifications type Listed substance.

Component notification
Just like list notification, component notification is derived from the notification of the pure
substance or the notifications of the ingredients of compositions. However, the ingredients
containing compositions are not expanded any further. This means that the system only takes
into account the notifications of ingredients (pure substances or compositions) on the first

When determining the component notification, EH&S for this reason only uses the
notification status entered for the specification for the ingredient on the first level. It does
not take into account the notification derived from the composition of this ingredient. This
means that if you have manually set the notification status of an ingredient consisting of a
composition, the component notification may be different to the list notification.
The component notification is only set automatically and cannot be changed manually. It
is used for information purposes only.

This characteristic contains the notification status. You enter this value manually or adopt it
after the SAP System has determined the notification status.
In the phrase set assigned, the sort sequence determines the priority of the individual values
(see Values for the Notification Status [Page 176]).

The notification status you enter here is definitive and binding.

Additional info
In this characteristic, you can make, for example, the following entries:

Reasons for the notification status selected


Conditions within the notification status

Notification date
This characteristic contains the date on which a substance was registered with the relevant

Notification number

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Notification Status Values

The notification status can have the following values in the SAP Product Safety component.

All values for the notification status given here are sample values only. The phrase set
and the phrases containing these values are not delivered in the standard system.





Notification negative

Quantity limit

Temporary special case

Special case general

Notification positive

No value


In work (default value)

If you want to create a phrase set with corresponding phrases, you must adhere to the following
guidelines for sorting to acquire a valid status.

The notification status is determined according to priority. The gap in the sorting between 1 and 3
forms a placeholder for the default value 9999. This value then has priority 2 and is used when no
value assignment is available for a characteristic.

In cases q, t, and e, the notification status is determined only in connection with the
characteristic value for Additional info.

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Determination of Notification Status for Compositions

To determine the notification status for a substance with a composition of several different
ingredients, the SAP System first determines the individual ingredients. The composition of a
substance specification is thereby expanded completely regardless of whether a specification for an
ingredient has specification type Listed substance or Real substance.
See also Example: Determination of Listed Substances [Page 178].
Finally, for each specification for an ingredient, the SAP System reads the value assignment of the
phrase-related characteristic Notification status. The SAP System uses the priority assigned to the
value assignment to derive the notification status for the composition that corresponds to the lowest
priority (calculation of a minimum). If no value is found, the SAP System uses the default value.
If the user does not have the required authorizations to expand the composition tree completely, the
process is terminated at the appropriate point. The default value is used for further derivation.

A composition contains the specifications for substances A, B, C, and D. The results are
as follows.
Case A:

Substan Notification Legend:

6 = notification status is positive
1 = notification status is negative

Notification status = 6
Case B:

Substan Notification

Notification status = 1

See also: Example: Derivation of List and Component Notification [Page 179]

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Example: Determination of Listed Substances

In the following example, the substances (set in square brackets) are listed substances. The listed
substances have the following notification statuses:

Z=y, D=e, B=y, B=y, C=y, C=n, H2O=y.

In the first step in determining the notification status, the composition tree is expanded completely to
listed substance level.

Within the recursive descent, the system checks for the appropriate authorization every
time a composition is read. If the user does not have all the authorizations to expand the
composition tree completely, the process is terminated at the appropriate point.
In this case, the default value specified in the phrase set with sort sequence 9999 is used
for further derivation. This value is marked in the output.

Composition tree

Step 1:
Expansion to the listed substance
(leaves of tree)










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Example: Derivation of List and Component

In the first step in determining the notification status, the SAP System completely expands the
composition tree to listed substance level.
See also Example: Determination of Listed Substances [Page 178].
The notification status n (notification negative) has a lower priority than notification status y. This
means that component C has list notification n as a result.
This means that the notification status would be derived from the values in parentheses if the values
for the list notification were passed up in the hierarchy.

Step 2:
Derivation of List Notification (Lis)
and Component Notification (Com)

Results Display
in a List





Com Prop













































For substance A, there is an obvious discrepancy between the list and component notification, that is,
the notification status in the specification for substance A was changed by the appropriate person
responsible (from n to y). This yields an overall default value for the list notification of PLis =
min(y,n,y,y,y,,y,ye,y,n,y,e,y) = n and PReg = min(y,y,n,e,y) = n for the
component notification.

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Determining the Notification Status


You have specified the environment parameters for user exit category SUB_SEDACA with the
user exit name REGSTAT in the IMG activity Manage User Exits in Customizing for Product
Safety. Here, you define the value assignment type and characteristics that:

Are used as the source for determining the notification status

You want to use as the target into which to transfer the values determined
In the source and target value assignment type, the value assignment type Notification status
contains the source and target characteristics: The SAP System derives the target
characteristics List notification and Component notification for the overall composition from
the source characteristic Notification for the individual components.
For more information on the environment parameters, see the IMG activity Manage User

You have created a phrase set [External] that contains the values of the notification status as
phrases and specifies the sequence of the phrases (see, for example, Notification Status Values
[Page 176]).

In phrase set-attribute assignment [External], you have assigned the phrase set that contains the
phrases relevant to the notification status to the relevant characteristics:

List notification (target characteristic)

Component notification (target characteristic)

Notification (source characteristic)

You have made sure that the source characteristic Notification is maintained in value assignment
type Notification status for the specifications for the individual components of the substance for
which you want to determine the notification status. In addition, you have made sure that the
relevant list is entered for characteristic Regulatory list. In usage [Page 112], you have recorded
the rating and validity area in the value assignment usage and set the active indicator.

You have recorded the different compositions in the value assignment type that is defined as
environment parameter VALCAT_COMPONENTS in the IMG activity Manage User Exits in
Customizing for Product Safety. In the usage, you have maintained the rating and validity area in
the value assignment usage and set the active indicator.

You have defined the regulatory list in the IMG activity Specify Regulatory Lists in Customizing for
Product Safety.(See also Managing Regulatory Lists [Page 184]).

You have read authorization for values assigned to the composition and write authorization for the
target value assignment type.

1. After a specification search [Page 16], select all specifications for which you want to determine
the notification status in the hit list.
2. Choose Utilities Secondary data Determination and choose the user exit REGSTAT
(Notification status).
The Determination of Secondary Data: Notification Status screen appears.
3. Enter the list to be used as the regulatory list for determining the status, and specify the usage
(see also Editing Usages [Page 113]).
In the value assignment type Notification status, the individual components for the selected
specification must have a data record for which the same regulatory list is entered and that
corresponds to this usage.

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The SAP System always uses the first corresponding data record.

The usage is to be selected so that the SAP System finds exactly one composition and
notification status per substance.
4. In the Display group box, specify whether the display should first be as component tree or listing.

You can change to a different display after the notification status has been determined.
To determine the percentage proportion, the reference point must be the same for all
components (percent in weight or percent in volume).
5. Choose

The list and component notifications are displayed. You can display them in sequence for all
specifications originally selected.

All values in round brackets were determined by the SAP System.

If you specified a component tree display, expand it completely to see all list and
component notifications.
6. If you want to transfer the list and component notifications determined to the specification for the
substance, choose Transfer.

Checking the Notification Status


You have specified the environment parameters for user exit category SUB_SEDACH with the
user exit name REGSTATCHK in the IMG activity Manage User Exits in Customizing for Product
Safety. Here, you define the value assignment type and characteristics that:

Are used as the source for determining the notification status

You want to use as the target into which to transfer the values determined
In the source and target value assignment type, the value assignment type Notification status,
contains the source and target characteristics: The SAP System derives the target
characteristics List notification and Component notification for the overall composition from
the source characteristic Notification for the individual components.
For more information on the environment parameters, see the documentation for the IMG
activity Manage User Exits.

You have created a phrase set [External] that contains the values of the notification status as
phrases and specifies the sequence of the phrases (see, for example, Notification Status Values
[Page 176]).

In phrase set-attribute assignment [External], you have assigned the phrase set that contains the
phrases relevant to the notification status to the relevant characteristics:

List notification (target characteristic)

Component notification (target characteristic)

Notification (source characteristic)

Specification Management



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You have made sure that the source characteristic Notification is maintained in value assignment
type Notification status for the specifications for the individual components of the substance for
which you want to determine the notification status. In addition, you have made sure that the
relevant list is entered for characteristic Regulatory list. In usage [Page 112], you have recorded
the rating and validity area in the value assignment usage and set the active indicator.

You have recorded the different compositions in the value assignment type that is defined as
environment parameter VALCAT_COMPONENTS in the IMG activity Manage User Exits in
Customizing for Product Safety. In Use, you have maintained the rating and validity area in the
value assignment usage and set the active indicator.

You have defined the regulatory list in the IMG activity Specify Regulatory Lists in Customizing for
Product Safety.(See also Managing Regulatory Lists [Page 184]).

You have read authorization for values assigned to the composition and write authorization for the
target value assignment type.

1. After a specification search [Page 16], select all specifications for which you want to check the
notification status in the hit list.
2. Choose Utilities Secondary data Check and choose the user exit REGSTAT (Notification
3. Enter the regulatory list to be used as the regulatory list for determining the status, and specify the
usage [Page 112] (see also Editing Usages [Page 113]).
In the value assignment type Notification status, the individual components for the selected
specification must have a data record for which the same regulatory list is entered and that
corresponds to this usage.
The SAP System always uses the first corresponding data record.

The usage is to be selected so that the SAP System finds exactly one composition and
notification status per substance.
4. Choose

The background job Check notification status is started.

All specifications for substances for which a deviating value in the list or component
notification is found are sent to you as an SAP office message. You must make corrections
manually, and ensure that this procedure is part of your own data maintenance routine.

Specification Management



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Source Management
This process enables you to enter and edit sources. You define sources at a central point and can
then use them for value assignment.


To use sources in the SAP System, you can create them yourself or import them (see Import and
Export: Process [External]).

You must have the authorization to edit and display sources.

Process Flow
You can edit sources as follows:

In Customizing for Product Safety, in the IMG activity Specify Sources

In the SAP component Product Safety (see Editing Sources [Page 183])

Editing Sources
1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose Tools Current settings.
2. Choose Create Sources.
3. Choose one of the following steps:

If you want to create a source, choose New entries.

If you want to change a source, position the cursor on the relevant source and choose

The detail screen appears.

If only one entry exists, the detail screen appears immediately.

4. Enter data as required and save your entries.

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Regulatory List Management

This process enables you to create and edit regulatory lists [Page 88].

You have authorization to edit regulatory lists.

Process Flow
You edit regulatory lists in the Product Safety SAP component (see Editing Regulatory Lists [Page

Alternatively, you can access the regulatory list from regulatory list assignment when you
are in editing mode by choosing Environment Edit regulatory lists (see Assigning
Regulatory Lists [Page 88]).

Once regulatory list entries have been used in a production system, they cannot be

Editing Regulatory Lists

1. In the Product Safety menu [External], choose Tools Current settings.
2. Choose Specify Regulatory Lists.
3. Choose one of the following steps:

If you want to create a regulatory list, choose Edit New entries.

If you want to change a regulatory list, position the cursor on the relevant regulatory list and
choose .
The detail screen appears.

If only one entry exists, the detail screen appears immediately.

4. Enter data as required and save your entries.

You can use the functions Utilities Adjust and Utilities Requests (Organizer) in
regulatory list management. These are Customizing functions.

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Data Origin
The SAP System uses data origin to make a record of the system from which the data originates for
all specification data records.
All sources that are known in the current system are managed in Customizing for Product Safety in
the IMG activity Specify Data Origin. There, you select the current source that is to be automatically
used as default when creating and exporting specification data.
If a specification data record is changed, the SAP System automatically assigns the data origin that is
set as a default value in Customizing, to the data record. If you want to keep the original data origin,
you must set the Retain data origin/provider indicator in the hit list under Utilities Settings =Data

See also:
Example: Data Provider and Data Origin [Page 186]
Phrase Management [External]

Data Provider
The data provider is responsible for ensuring the data is correct and is assigned to an authorization
group in Customizing for Product Safety in the IMG activity Specify Authorization Groups. The data
provider is generally the organizational unit that supplies the data for an import into the SAP System.
If there is no data provider for a data record of a specification in an import file, the data provider that
was specified for the corresponding authorization group in Customizing is used as the default value.
If a data record of a specification is changed, the SAP System automatically assigns the data
provider, that corresponds with the authorization group of the changed specification, to the data
record. If you want to retain the original data owner, you must set the Retain data origin/provider
indicator in the hit list under Utilities Settings Data provider.
You enter the data provider in address management in SAP Product Safety under Tools Edit
addresses Data provider.

See also:
Example: Data Provider and Data Origin [Page 186]
Phrase Editing [External]

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Example: Data Provider and Data Origin

Three SAP Systems with the SAP Product Safety component are employed in a chemical company.
The systems are used by different departments:

Data Origin

Data Provider

System 1


System 2


System 3


The names of the SAP Systems with the SAP Product Safety component are used for the data origin,
and the names of the departments are used for the data providers.
When data is transferred either from or to the SAP Product Safety component (import and export),
data origin and data provider are taken into account. In this way, you avoid an undesired overlap of
data areas.

Specification Management



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