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4D BIM: The Evolution of Construction Scheduling

April 18, 2011

Time has always been an important factor of any construction project since
the dawn of civilization. In 1910 Henry Laurence Gantt developed the first bars
charts commonly referred to as gantt charts in modern construction scheduling
terminology. ( Architectural Evangelist) Critical Path Method or CPM scheduling was introduced to the world in the mid 1950s and the first version of CPM
construction scheduling software called Primavera was developed in 1983. So
what is the next significant innovation in the evolution of construction scheduling? 4D BIM (Building Information Modeling) provides a visual 3D CAD design
that is integrated with the CPM construction schedule; the 4th dimension of
time is added to the model. The end result is a virtual construction simulation
that can provide detailed insight that was never before possible.

Knowing how to correctly

estimate activity durations
combined with multiple
reasonability checks, can help
create an effective construction oversight tool that can
significantly improve project

Sir John Egan released his Rethinking Construction report in 1998 where he attested that management techniques and principles from other industries such
as manufacturing could effectively transition into and enhance the construction industry. (Egan) Sir John Egans vision became a reality when 4D BIM software was developed in the late 1990s. (4D BIM) Currently, the US Air Force,
US Army Corps of Engineers, General Services Administration (GSA), Texas, and
Wisconsin have all implemented some type of BIM requirements for current
and future construction projects. (Lutton 5)

Figure 1: Web. 9

Apr 2011. <Figure 1: http://www.>.
2011 Precision Scheduling Consultants. All Rights Reserved.


The Building Information Model (BIM) provides a dynamic multi-dimensional view of the construction project
that can contain an almost limitless amount of information of the project and components of the project. As
defined by the National BIM standard, a BIM is the digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such, it serves as a shared, collaborative information resource for a facility from inception
outward. (Lutton 5) Through the integration of BIM and construction scheduling, we now have the ability to
apply the concept of 4D scheduling and visually communicate the project plan with relation to the timeline to
the project team before the project is constructed.

1) 4D BIM Modeling: Improve Cost, Scheduling and Coordination of Building Project. Architectural Evangelist 12 01 2010: n. pag. Web. 11 Apr 2011. <http://
2) 4D BIM. Wikipedia. 2010. Web. <.>.
3) Egan, John. Rethinking Construction. N.p., 04 Apr 1998. Web. 11 Apr 2011. <>.
4) Lutton, Nicholas. BIM: Helping the Air Force better design, construct, and manage assets. Center Views . 17.2 (2011): 5. Print.

The Gantt chart has been the visual display of choice for virtually all construction schedules for over a century.
Gantt charts provide bars along a timeline that represent durations of activities defined in the construction
schedule. ( Architectural Evangelist) The display of Gantt charts provides the basic purpose of construction
schedule; although, visualization of the activities and sequencing could only be done in the minds of the project
team members. Visualization accounts for up to 80% of what people perceive; 4D BIM maximizes the power of
visual communicating the construction schedule. Gant charts alone can be too detailed or complicated to effectively communicate to the project team in a reasonable amount of time. 4D BIM dramatically enhances the
usefulness of Gantt charts by providing a quick visual picture of what is going to occur and when. (4D BIM)
By linking the CPM construction
schedule to the BIM, the project
controls capabilities are improved
by providing a visual picture of
where the project should be at any
given point in time which is invaluable to construction schedule oversight. The critical path activities
can be flagged and or highlighted
within the model so project managers know where to focus their resources.
Through the continued developFigure 2: Web. 9 Apr 2011.
ment and progressive elaboration of
BIM, new uses and applications have
emerged; although, the CPM construction schedule integration has not yet reached its full potential. There are
other components of the construction schedule that have not been added to BIM. Only through consolidated
efforts between designers and scheduling experts, will the full potential of 4D BIM be realized. Compared to
other industries, the construction industry is slower to adapt to technological advancement. The acceptance
and implementation of this relatively new tool combined with expert judgment from various team members will
ensure that the project team has the best project plan conceivable. The construction schedule literally comes to
life and effectively communicates the project plan which will give the project a higher chance of success.
2011 Precision Scheduling Consultants. All Rights Reserved.
2011 Precision Scheduling Consultants. All Rights Reserved.

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