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Meagan Oakley

Folkston Elementary School

Planning for the Future

Goal 1
Improve student
achievement by
collaboration between
the school library
media specialist and
the faculty/staff of
Folkston Elementary


Objective 1a: The school librarian will enrich

curriculum and improve student achievement by
incorporating a flexible schedule in the library in
order to increase teacher collaboration.
Partner with administration to promote a
flexible schedule.

Objective 1b: The school librarian will increase

opportunities for collaboration, and student
achievement, by recruiting parent volunteers to serve
as library support staff. These volunteers will assist
the librarian with duties such as re-shelving,
monitoring students in the library, assisting
students/teachers with book selection and check-out,
etc. This will allow the librarian to maintain a flexible
The school librarian will implement a training
system for parent volunteers
The school librarian will implement an
incentives/rewards program to encourage
parent volunteer participation

Evaluation 1a: At the end of each year, teachers will be
asked to complete the teacher/librarian collaboration survey
in order for the librarian to monitor teacher perceptions
regarding the success of flexible scheduling and
collaborative efforts. In addition, the librarian will meet
with administrators at the beginning and end of each school
year to discuss the results of collaborative efforts (this
data will be obtained from the following objectives and
evaluations). Student achievement will be assessed through
the use of rubrics designed for collaborative assignments
and tasks. Projects created as a result of teacher-librarian
collaboration will be displayed on the library program
website in order to share successes with the school and local
Evaluation 1b: Statistics will be compiled regarding parent
volunteer hours for serving as support staff. A monthly
volunteer sign-in sheet will be used to collect this data.
Results of volunteer service will be shared monthly with the
faculty/staff and the community by posting an infographic
displaying the data on the school library website. Parent
volunteers will be asked to complete a brief anonymous
survey regarding their involvement in the volunteer program.
The librarian will utilize results of this survey to gauge
satisfaction of the volunteer training system and
incentives/rewards. This data will also be utilized to make
changes to the program as needed. For example, if
volunteers are dissatisfied with training methods or
rewards, the librarian will meet with this group to make
constructive changes to incorporate their preferences.
Effectiveness of the program can be measured by
considering longevity of individual volunteer service as well

Objective 1c: The school librarian will seek to increase

opportunities for collaboration, and student
achievement, by creating and sharing a monthly
calendar for teachers to sign-up for collaborative
lesson times.
At the beginning of each month the librarian
will post a calendar on the library website for
teachers to see dates/times available for
collaboration. Teachers can reserve a time by
emailing the librarian. The collaboration
calendar will be updated daily to reflect
reserved times.
Objective 1d: The school librarian will seek to increase
opportunities for collaboration, as well as
effectiveness of the collaboration process through
the following:
The librarian will attend each grade levels
collaborative planning time at least once a
month to work on an integrated curriculum to
co-teach CCGPS standards along with
information literacy standards
A collaborative planning outline including
content and technology standards, assessment
of student learning, activities, resources,
modifications, evaluation of the learning plan,
and more will be used to plan for co-teaching
An introductory packet will be given to new

as teacher opinions of the program.

Each month the librarian will create a log illustrating the
number of hours that collaboration was possible due to
volunteers assisting with other library duties and
procedures. This will be posted on the school website to
share with the local and school community.
Evaluation 1c: The librarian will use the calendar on the
library website to compile statistics regarding the number of
collaborative lessons taught each month. These results will
be shared monthly with the school and local community by
posting an infographic displaying the data on the school
library website. In addition, other documents and important
information utilized while planning for collaboration (see
next objective) will be filed and saved in the library.
Teachers and administrators can view these collaboration
documents in the library at any time. These documents will
also be posted in the Teacher Apps folder so that they can
be shared electronically and used by the school community.
Finally, email documentation of collaborative efforts will be
kept in a folder in the library, and shared with teachers and
Evaluation 1d: During participation of grade level
collaborative planning time, the librarian will work with
teachers to create rubrics to access effectiveness of the
curriculum that will be taught during collaborative lessons.
For example, rubrics may be created to evaluate
performance tasks, writing samples, student portfolios, etc.
In addition, the collaborative planning outline will be utilized
at the end of a co-taught lesson/unit to analyze the learning
plan. The librarian will work with the teacher to review
learning outcomes (results of performance tasks, writing
samples, portfolio entries, etc.) to determine what changes
need to be made before teaching the lesson/unit again.
Finally, the librarian will ask for teacher feedback during
collaborative grade level planning to decide what aspects of
co-teaching are exemplary and what needs to be revised.
This time will also be used to receive feedback from new
teachers regarding their opinions about the helpfulness of

teachers containing the following information

about the library: policies and procedures,
helpful hints for collaboration, sample cotaught lessons, and a collaboration planning

Rationale for Goal 1

the introductory library packet.

Results from high-stakes testing as well as performance on
SLOs (student learning objectives) will also be utilized to
evaluate success of this objective. The librarian will meet
with administrators as well as teachers to determine areas
of need from these testing results in order to help develop
quality lessons for collaboration. These lessons/units will be
designed and implemented for three years. For example, a
research skills unit will be designed for each grade level.
Each year students will receive new and valuable information
regarding this topic. At the end of three years, the
librarian will review data of the areas of need from highstakes and SLO testing to determine whether the
collaborative lessons/units positively impacted student

The bulleted list below shows additional areas of need as identified in the FES school improvement plan:
differentiated instruction
engaging lessons
reading comprehension
ELA (grammar/mechanics)
Writing across the curriculum
Direct writing instruction (genres)
This list reflects a need for an effective collaborative partnership between teachers and the librarian. Empowering Learners:
Guidelines for School Library Programs (AASL, 2009) states that The school library program promotes collaboration among
members of the learning community and encourages learners to be independent, lifelong users and producers of ideas and
Additionally, the mission statement of Charlton County Schools states that The Charlton County School System will provide a
quality education for all students no excuses. The Charlton County School System has identified several belief statements
that support this mission, and the following promote goal one:
While learning occurs at all levels, effective learning occurs when the learner accepts responsibility for learning, is
motivated from within, and when subject matter is relevant.

Technology is necessary in the educational process.

Learning is a continuous, life-long process.

This goal is also supported by a district focus stating, All teaching and learning activities begin, progress, and end with an indepth and intense focus on state standards.
Finally, in a survey given to FES teachers regarding teacher/librarian collaboration, 18 of 25 teachers responded no to having
participated in co-teaching or collaboration with the librarian. In the same survey, these teachers indicated a need for
increased support staff in the library as well as common collaborative planning time in order to increase collaboration. Also,
teachers specified that students would benefit most from collaboration that included story time lessons that incorporate
teaching of story elements as well as instruction about research skills.

Goal 2
Improve student
achievement and
engagement through
the use of technology
and other new
literacies by
participating in and
providing professional

Objective 2a: The school librarian will participate in at

least two webinars each semester and attend at least
one conference annually offered by a professional
organization such as the American Association of
School Librarians or other relevant organizations.
Additionally, the school librarian will be a leader in the
use of technology and other new literacies by reading
and sharing current research about evidence based
practices with faculty and staff.
The school librarian will send brief quarterly
newsletters to faculty and staff via email
incorporating topics such as new research,
instruction utilizing new literacies and evidence
based practices.

Evaluation 2a: Each year, the school librarian will create an

annual report that will be shared on the school library
website. This report will contain an overview of webinars and
conferences that the school librarian participated in
throughout the year. In addition, a brief video illustrating
application of these professional development opportunities
will be shared in the annual report. Highlights from
quarterly newsletters sent to faculty and staff will also be
included in the annual report.

Objective 2b: The school librarian will provide

opportunities for staff development in order to
increase integration of technology and other new
literacies into classroom and collaborative lesson
The librarian will survey the faculty and staff
to identify needs for staff development in the
area of new technologies/literacies. Results of
the survey will be utilized to compile a list of
the needs identified by survey participants.
The librarian will provide school wide
professional learning on the use of new
technologies and new literacies based on these
The school librarian will meet monthly with the
technology team at FES (which is comprised of
a teacher at each grade level, administrators
and the librarian) to discuss benefits and
implementation of new Web 2.0 tools.
Members of this team will collaborate to share
information about new tools they are using in
their classrooms to enrich curriculum. Team
members will serve as technology experts for
their grade level teams by re-delivering new
information and offering guidance regarding
application of new technologies/literacies.

Rationale for Goal 2

Evaluation 2b: The school librarian will identify needs for

professional learning through the use of a technology needs
assessment survey to be completed at the beginning of each
school year by faculty and staff. In addition, the school
librarian will participate in grade level collaborative planning
time each month to discuss implementation of new Web 2.0
tools. At this time, the school librarian will ask/answer
questions, make suggestions for future application and ask
for teacher input about how these tools can be implemented
in the library for their students. These discussions will allow
the school librarian to measure effectiveness of the
technology team re-deliveries. Finally, the school librarian
will ask teachers to share anecdotal data about how
incorporating new technology and new literacies has improved
student achievement and engagement. This data will be
shared on the school library website. In addition, the school
librarian will partner with administrators to be included on
the agenda for faculty meetings at least once each semester
to share these results.

One of the guidelines for building the learning environment of the library included in Empowering Learners: Guidelines for
School Library Programs (AASL, 2009) states that The school library program includes support for school librarian and
teacher professional development to sustain and increase knowledge and skills. Additionally, in order to address multiple
literacies, the school librarian collaborates with classroom teachers to embed skills associated with multiple literacies into
lessons and curricular units and integrates the use of state-of-the art and emerging technologies as a means for effective and
creative learning. Another important guideline states, The school library program is built by professionals who model
leadership and best practice for the school community. Furthermore, AASLs Standards for the 21st Century Learner

acknowledges that Technology skills are crucial for future employment needs.
This goal is also supported by a district focus stating, Teacher and leader effectiveness and growth are promoted and
supported in order to improve student learning.
Finally, teacher participants in the teacher/librarian collaboration survey suggested providing professional development to help
teachers utilize new and changing technology in order to increasing the use of technology at FES. This evidence indicates a
need for increased professional development concerning the use of technology and other new literacies at FES.

Goal 3
Provide opportunities
to increase literacy at
FES by implementing
engaging programs and
technology resources
that meet the needs
of all learners.

Objective 3a: The school librarian will facilitate

the Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition
at Folkston Elementary School in order to provide
an engaging literacy program for the school
The school librarian will partner with
administrators to be included on the
agenda for a faculty meeting in order to
share rules of participation in the Young
Georgia Authors Writing Competition.
The school librarian will collaborate with
classroom teachers to design a variety
creative writing lessons that will encourage
students to participate in the competition.
The school librarian will develop
incentives/rewards for classroom, grade
level and school winners based on results
of a student survey (completed during
class library time). This will be used to
increase student engagement in the
Each classroom teacher will select a

Evaluation 3a: The school librarian will meet with the library
advisory committee (made up of teachers, parents,
administrators, and students), the school leadership team
and the school literacy team to reflect on and discuss the
participation in the Young Georgia Authors Competition. The
following questions will be considered during these meetings:
Were students engaged in the writing process?
Did writing improve? Compare competition
submissions to past writing samples.
Were reluctant writers encouraged to be more
creative or spend more time developing their
Do you think participation in this competition has
had a positive or negative impact on the students
at FES? Why?
How can I (the school librarian) help to make
participation in this competition more meaningful
and enjoyable in the future?
Anecdotal data from each of the meetings will be compiled
and shared on the school library website. In addition, a
section for comments will be added and members of the
school community will be encouraged to share their
reflections about the competition. The librarian, along with
school administrators, will review these reflections (positive
and negative) to identify whether or not participation in the
competition was an effective way to increase literacy at
FES. If the majority of the reflections are positive, then

winning writing sample. Then, during grade negative comments will be considered to make adjustments
level collaborative planning time, the school for the following year.
librarian will work with teachers to review
classroom winning entries and select a
grade level winner.
The school librarian will work with the
school leadership team to review grade
level entries to select a school winner.
Winners of the competition (class, grade
level and school winners) will have their
entries published on the school library

Objective 3b: The school librarian will seek to

increase literacy at FES by developing a reading buddy
program that partners high school volunteers with
struggling readers to work on reading strategies.
The school librarian will develop a screencast
tutorial for high school volunteers to watch
before beginning the reading buddy program.
This tutorial will give instructions about
explicit reading strategies to work on with the
students. In addition the tutorial will have
video samples of teachers using the reading
strategies with their students. The tutorial
will be posted on the library website for
volunteers to view as needed and for parents
and students to utilize the information as well.
The school librarian will seek to procure at
least 2 volunteers for each grade level by
partnering with administrators at the high
school to devise a rewards/incentives program
for participants. In addition, the school
librarian will create a schedule for these
volunteers to work with struggling readers in

Evaluation 3b: The school librarian will ask classroom

teachers to share a copy of running record data they collect
on the students participating in the reading buddy program.
Then, during grade level collaborative planning, the librarian
will discuss the results of the running record data with
classroom teachers. Together, teachers and the librarian
will review the data to determine which students are making
adequate progress and are ready to leave the program as
well as which students need to enter the program.
The school librarian will consider the number of high school
students willing to volunteer, as well as the number of high
school volunteers that remain in the program, as evidence to
conclude whether or not the rewards/incentives offered are
motivation for involvement in the program.

each class within the grade level they are

assigned to.

Objective 3c: The school librarian will partner with

members of the special education team to provide
appropriate technology resources in the physical and
virtual library facility for students with disabilities.

Evaluation 3c: The school librarian will administer a survey to

members of the special education team at the end of each
school year in order to identify the specific needs of
students with disabilities at FES. The data collected from
this survey will be utilized to purchase technology resources
for the following school year that will increase literacy for
the special education population at FES. In addition, the
data collected will allow the school librarian to make
adjustments to provide access to better resources for this
population on the school library website. The librarian will
also meet with the special education team during
collaborative planning time to discuss and decide if the
technology resources purchased and modifications made to
the virtual library facility to accommodate students with
disabilities are helpful. The SPED team and the librarian will
consider classroom assessment evidence in their evaluation.

Rationale for Goal 3

Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs (AASL, 2009) states that, The school library program is guided

by regular assessment of student learning to ensure the program is meeting its goals. Additionally, The school library program
includes flexible and equitable access to physical and virtual collections of resources that support the school curriculum and
meet the diverse needs of all learners. One of the common beliefs of the American Association of School Librarians is that
reading is a window to the world. The AASL also believe that equitable access is a key component for education. These
guidelines and beliefs support goal 3.
By implementing the programs and offering the resources listed above, the school library program at FES can help to meet the
following goal of the school improvement plan:
Increase the use of Best Practices in all classrooms as monitored by the TKES process
Also, differentiated instruction and reading comprehension were listed as additional areas of need in the school improvement
plan. These needs can be addressed through the objectives of goal 3.
In addition, the objectives of goal 3 are supported by this belief statement of FES:
All children need flexibility instructional procedures and difficulty levels

The district focus also supports the objectives of goal 3 stating that, interventions that meet the needs of individual students
are developed, implemented, monitored, and documented and data are effectively utilized to support instructional
Lastly, analysis of the current library program indicates a need for more engaging programs that promote reading and writing
literacy as mentioned above. Also, inadequate e-readers for students with disabilities was listed as a negative characteristic
of the school library media center at FES. By fulfilling the objectives above, the school librarian can seek to remedy these

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