The Military of The Redmark

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The Military of the Redmark

The Army of King Leomer is divided into three

regiments, each themselves divided into three
brigades. It is shown as thus:

The footmen are the bulk of the army, as all

Dragonborn know how to fight well enough by age 18.
It is split into brigades of shock troops, guardsmen
and militia.
The shock troops are professional soldiers, expertly
trained and conditioned. They wield weapons of their
own choosing, but tend towards long-hafted axes and
hammers, with a backup short sword. They wear scale
or plate armour.
The guardsmen are called on duty every six months to
serve keeping the peace and watching the borders.
This is the standardized army, so every man carries a
spear, short sword and shield. They wear chainmail.
The militia comprises of those who are not serving
currently everyone not serving. They are expected
to be ready for battle (defensive only) within half
an hour of being called. As there is no
standardization, they often carry many different
types of weapons, and their skill varies greatly.
Many have a set of leather armour available.
The archer regiment is much smaller than the rest,
though still quite large. Most archers also serve in
the guardsmen at some point as well. The archers are
broken down into longbow-men, siege weapon operators
and huntsmen.
The longbow-men are the bulk of the regiment these
soldiers are exceedingly proficient with the great
bow, standing six feet tall. This is perfect for
unleashing great volleys of long arrows on the
opposition. Many bowmen carry a short sword or axe
and wear ringmail.

The siege weapon operators are close to engineers

it takes many of them to operate one ballista or
trebuchet, though they are masters at it. These men
are stationed only at strongholds. They are not
expected to fight until the last need, but they are
arrayed in chainmail.
The huntsmen are rangers stationed in the hills and
small forested areas of the Redlands. Preferring the
smaller longbow to the greatbow, their job is to
harry small raiding parties and conduct guerrilla
warfare if needed. They also provide portions of meat
to many outside the cities to supplement their pay,
and prefer cloaks over armour.
The horsemen is the last brigade steadfast men and
women riding on mighty steeds. It is split into the
cavalry, the knights and the scouts.
The cavalry should be called light cavalry in
comparison to the knights, though they are a fearsome
opponent. These soldiers make up the bulk of the
horsemen. They carry a long spear, a light shield and
a short-hafted axe, and wear chain or ringmail.
The knights are the heavy hitters of the army. They
ride the strongest and biggest horses, arrayed in
heavy barding. They themselves are often clad in
plate armour, and carry warhammers, greatswords and
halberds. These are often nobles or simply the
strongest Dragonborn.
The scouts are masters of the plains riding the
swiftest steeds clad in little armour except leather.
Often performing errands while not at war, these
hardy few prefer to carry bows over heavy weapons,
though many employ a sword as well. They are renowned
for their skill in tracking and pursuit.

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