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H1N1-hit researcher attended concert Cases so far

쐽 Total number of cases: 49
Imported: Australia (25), the United
The second patient, an Indonesian The German patient rested at home for “Every one of us has a role to play in a States (16), the Philippines (5),
56-year-old returned from man who works here, went shopping just a day, but then went to work for three global crisis situation, and we can’t take Thailand (1), Canada (1).
before he went to the emergency depart- days. Last Thursday evening, he attended things for granted, especially when we Locally transmitted: 1
US with flu symptoms but ment at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital. a function hosted by the French ambassa- see how easily diseases spread,” she said. Discharged: 22
When he returned from Melbourne on dor for about 70 guests. Over the week- MOH reminded the public not to trav-
sought help after a week Sunday, he had already had flu symptoms end, he went shopping, went to Clarke el if they were unwell – an advisory also 쐽 List of affected areas: Argentina,
for three days. The Ministry of Health Quay and attended a concert. issued by the World Health Organisation, Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan,
BY BEN NADARAJAN (MOH) came out strongly yesterday to It was only on Monday morning – which recently declared H1N1 a pandem- Dominican Republic, Mexico,
& KIMBERLY SPYKERMAN remind travellers returning from areas seven days after returning to Singapore – ic. Since the virus popped up more than a
Panama, the Philippines, Spain,
which have been listed as H1N1-affected that he called the MOH hotline for a 993 month ago, there have been about
Thailand, United Kingdom, United
to seek medical attention immediately. ambulance to take him to the Communica- 36,000 confirmed cases in 76 countries,
A GERMAN researcher who returned to States.
A statement from the ministry said a ble Disease Centre. including 163 deaths.
Singapore from the United States with flu The MOH also added several coun-
number of recent patients engaged in “ex- Just like a few others, both patients
symptoms on June 8 continued with his tries, including Thailand, the Philippines 쐽 MOH’s advice to travellers
tensive community activities” such as also got on their flights back to Singapore
normal activities for a week before seek- and the United Kingdom, to its list of returning from these areas:
shopping, going to work and taking part despite already having symptoms.
ing medical treatment. affected areas yesterday. If you develop flu symptoms
in mass activities after arriving here. Dr Lam Pin Min, chairman of the
During that time, he went to work for The Ministry of Manpower also within seven days of returning
“Such behaviour has considerably Government Parliamentary Committee
several days, did some shopping, attend- advised companies that hire workers home, call 993 for an ambulance
increased the difficulty of contact tracing (GPC) for Health, said that Singaporeans
ed a concert and was at a function at the from countries with community transmis- and avoid taking public transport.
and significantly heightened the risk of needed to be more socially responsible
French ambassador’s residence, which community spread here in Singapore,” and refrain from going to public or crowd- sions to take precautions for both new Flu symptoms include a high
was attended by about 70 people. the MOH statement said. ed places when they were unwell. and returning employees. fever of more than 38 deg C, a sore
The 56-year-old man, who works at In several earlier cases, patients also Dr Fatimah Lateef, the GPC’s deputy These include minimising their con- throat, cough, body aches, a runny
the Biopolis, was diagnosed with the Influ- went to work, attended school and social chairman, added that since it was impossi- tact with others for a week by housing nose and headaches.
enza A (H1N1) virus on Monday night. gatherings, and took public transport ble to restrict travel, people had to be them separately and monitoring them To help in contact tracing, keep
He was one of two new H1N1 cases even though they had flu symptoms and “responsible and vigilant” when return- closely for any flu symptoms. records of your movement for
here yesterday, bringing the total number had returned from affected areas such as ing home, especially if they were coming seven days after your return.
of affected people here to 49. Melbourne. from affected countries.

Schools making plans

to minimise risks
BY LEOW SI WAN, schools such as Bukit Panjang Govern-
CHERYL ONG ment High School and Boon Lay Second-
Schools said that any child who has
not been to an affected country but is fe-
SOME schools are asking staff and stu- verish will have his or her parents called
dents who have travelled to flu-affected to take the child to a doctor. Suspected
countries during the June holidays not to H1N1 cases will be sent to hospital via the
attend classes within seven days of return- 993 ambulance.
ing home. Some schools, such as St Hilda’s Sec-
Eleven schools told The Straits Times ondary, said they would carry out contact
that this was a precautionary measure tracing and would disinfect areas like the
they were taking against an outbreak of classroom and common areas if any of
the Influenza A their students were
(H1N1) virus when the
holidays end in less 쏆 found to have H1N1.
Mr Ong Kim Soon,
than two weeks. principal of St Hilda’s,
Last week, two
teenage girls who did
PLAYING IT SAFE said if the school had a
confirmed case, it
not know they were would ask close con-
infected attended holi- “We will play it by ear. tacts of the student to
day activities and Our intention is to stay home and moni-
classes in school be- tor their health for the
fore they were diag- minimise the chances of next seven days while
Schools are now
the virus spreading at a the school awaited the
Health Ministry’s as-
taking no chances and mass gathering.” sessment of the case.
have geared up to Bedok North Sec-
keep the flu virus out- Mr Loke Chee Pheng, principal of ondary and Raffles In-
side their gates. Marsiling Secondary, which, like
stitution (Junior Col- Preschoolers Jolyn Wong and Lee Boon Wee (right), both six, are “hygiene ambassadors” at Learning Vision @ Cecil, the first preschool to receive its
Last week, the some other schools, will cancel lege), which the infect-
World Health Organi- assemblies for now Singapore’s OK label yesterday. Their duties include maintaining a toilet hygiene checklist. ST PHOTO: MUGILAN RAJASEGERAN
ed students attended,
sation declared a pan- said they have washed
demic of H1N1. PLANNING IT WELL ing was the first preschool to receive its
Preschools striving for
and disinfected the rel-
Countries with sus- evant areas. Singapore’s OK decal yesterday.
tained community A spokesman for At the event, Minister of State for
transmission or ex- “If schools close for just the latter school said Community Development, Youth and
ported cases are Ar- a short while, there is
gentina, Australia,
Canada, Chile, the Do- no harm...But if there is
minican Republic, Ja- a crucial exam, schools
the other students in
the girl’s remedial
class have been told to
stay home for a week.
Singapore’s OK label Sports Yu-Foo Yee Shoon said preschools
already have in place measures to keep
hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) at
bay, and many of these measures – such
pan, Mexico, Panama, The patient, now at as temperature-taking – also apply to
the Philippines, must have well-prepared Tan Tock Seng Hospi- BY ANG YIYING With the preschool sector, the Nation-
dealing with H1N1.
Spain, Thailand, the contingency plans.” al Environment Agency (NEA) will assess Other measures that Learning Vision
tal, “is doing well”.
United Kingdom and SOME preschools are taking extra meas- those that want to participate on certain centres are taking during this period in-
The Education Min-
the United States. Madam Josephine Liaw, a mother of istry said it did not an- ures to keep their premises hygienic so as criteria. Some go beyond the basic levels clude distributing personal thermometers
Some schools, two secondary school students ticipate any necessity to keep their children healthy. of hygiene, such as having a programme to the children, making parents declare
such as Nan Hua Pri- to close schools but if A first batch of 27 preschools have to teach children good toilet and personal their travel history and limiting parents
mary and Marsiling it did, the schools are attained the “Singapore’s OK” status – a hygiene practices. from going into centres.
Secondary, will also ready to implement home-based learn- voluntary programme where recipients NEA will do a re-assessment a year lat- Other childcare centres also said they
cancel assemblies for now. ing. maintain high standards of hygiene. er, but the ministries that license or regis- had followed advisories from the MCYS,
Said Marsiling Secondary’s principal Said Madam Josephine Liaw, 44, a ter these pre-schools will conduct rou- like getting staff and children’s families
Another 91 preschools have promised
Loke Chee Pheng: “We will play it by ear. tine checks to ensure standards are kept. to complete travel declaration forms.
mother of two secondary school stu- to come on board.
Our intention is to minimise the chances Parents said knowing that their child’s
of the virus spreading at a mass gather- dents: “If schools close for just a short The campaign was revived last month, Of the 1,255 preschools here, 500
preschool had obtained the Singapore’s
ing.” while, there is no harm...But if there is a soon after the spread of the Influenza A kindergartens are registered with the OK status gave them peace of mind,
Elias Park Primary School will set crucial exam, schools must have well-pre- (H1N1) flu virus first started. Ministry of Education and 755 childcare especially because of the H1N1 flu.
aside an unused classroom for students pared contingency plans. Initially, it began with hawker centres, centres are licensed by the Ministry of Administrative assistant Suzy Nelly
who are feeling unwell. “My kids are hoping for schools to markets, food stalls and public toilets. As Community Development, Youth and Yusoff, 33, whose 20-month-old son
Temperature screening stations have close though. My elder son jokingly said of Monday, 10,800 such places have been Sports (MCYS). attends a Learning Vision childcare cen-
been set up at the main entrances of he would have a party if that happened.” awarded the Singapore’s OK label. Learning Vision @ Cecil in Aviva Build- tre, said: “I feel much more relieved.”

Girl, 12, dies a day Two more malaria cases – both

after developing fever linked to Sungei Kadut cluster
BY KIMBERLY SPYKERMAN reason to worry because we
thought she had an ordinary fever BY SALMA KHALIK were also infected locally. Their The symptoms of malaria are
and would take at least two to & JALELAH ABU BAKER illness became known between fever, headache, chills and vomit-
A 12-YEAR-OLD girl died of May 3 and May 25. ing. If left untreated, malaria
breathing difficulties barely a day three days to recover.”
Yong first became unwell on ANOTHER two people are down Experts believe the two clus- could lead to seizures and death.
after she came down with a fever The NEA spokesman said that
Sunday morning after spending with malaria, bringing the ters are not linked although, in
on Sunday evening. its officers appear to have success-
the night at her grandmother’s current outbreak to 19 locally both cases, the malaria parasite
Primary 6 pupil Tan Yong was fully eradicated the anopheles
flat in Sembawang. She was tak- transmitted cases. involved is the vivax, the most
found slumped on a sofa by her
en to a clinic at Sembawang MRT Primary 6 pupil Tan Yong had no common in this region of the five mosquitoes from the two areas,
13-year-old brother in the One is a 33-year-old shipyard
station after she vomited and had known health problems. She was born types of malaria parasites. as none has been found recently.
family’s flat in Upper Boon Keng worker from India, who became
developed a high fever. with thalassemia minor, but required Two of the victims are Singapo- Patients being diagnosed now
Road on Monday afternoon. She no medication. PHOTO: SHIN MIN ill on June 1. He is still in Alexan-
She was given two kinds of reans and the rest are foreign were probably infected before the
was pale, semi-conscious and dra Hospital.
medicine for the fever – antibiot- workers. NEA moved in, as it takes 12 to 18
clutching her chest, having trou- ics and a powder meant to stop The other is a Malaysian
ble breathing. Yong was found by her brother MOH informed the National days for symptoms to appear.
the vomiting, according to her mechanic, 37, whose symptoms However, the outbreak can be
Panic-stricken, he called for at about 1.30pm, a pool of vomit Environment Agency (NEA) of
eldest brother, 20. surfaced on June 10. He was the transmissions on May 25 for declared over only if there are no
an ambulance, which arrived min- That night, at home, she next to her. On a side table were discharged on Monday.
utes later. But Yong was already her medicine, an empty glass that Jurong Island, and on May 29 for new cases on Jurong Island by
seemed better, her mother said, The Ministry of Health (MOH) the Mandai/Sungei Kadut area. July 1 and in the north by July 4.
unconscious and died in Tan although drowsy and slightly list- she used for the powdered
said both were likely to have been Dozens of NEA workers A worker who lives in Sungei
Tock Seng Hospital shortly after. less. Madam Chia said she kept a mixture, a damp towel and a
thermometer with a 38.9 deg C infected in Sungei Kadut Avenue, descended on these places the Kadut, Mr Rafiqul Islam, 26, said
Her family is still grappling close watch on Yong that night,
reading. where one lives and the other day after they were told, to fog, yesterday that it was not just the
with her death as she had no sponging her with a wet cloth to
known health problems or Said Madam Chia: “We still works. check for mosquito breeding and NEA which had been hard at
try and bring down the fever.
allergies. She was born with don’t know how this could have So far, 13 people who live or trap adult anopheles mosquitoes. work.
It seemed to work, as Yong’s
thalassemia minor – a genetic fever broke the next morning. happened. She was always such a work in this area have been While the number of cases is “The kitchen and toilets used
blood disorder – but did not She was able to eat some food good girl. She never made a fuss infected. Their illness surfaced small compared with the to be dusty, but the cleaners here
require any medication. before taking her medicine. Be- even though she was sick.” over a four-week period from hundreds of people who get are now cleaning them more
Said her mother, Madam Chia fore Madam Chia left for work, The family have handed over May 16 to June 10. dengue each month, it is signifi- often. We’ve also learnt to pour
Quee Mooi, 50, a sales promoter: she reminded Yong to take her her medication to the police, who The other six people, on cant because Singapore has been away any water left in the pans in
“We didn’t think there was any next dose of medicine at 1pm. are investigating. Jurong Island in the south-west, malaria-free for 27 years. the kitchen,” he said.

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