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Usiminas Sede

Rua Prof. Jos Vieira de Mendona, 3.011

Engenho Nogueira
31310-260 Belo Horizonte, MG
T 55 31 3499-8000
F 55 31 3499-8899


CNPJ/MF 60.894.730/0001-05
NIRE 313.000.1360-0
Publicly Traded Company
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors of Usinas Siderrgicas de Minas
Gerais S/A - USIMINAS, held at the Companys office at Av. do Caf, 277, Tower B/9th floor,
in So Paulo/SP, on November 27th, 2014, at 9AM.
Board Members Participants Paulo Penido Pinto Marques, Chairman; Eiji Hashimoto,
Fumihiko Wada, Daniel Agustn Novegil, Roberto Caiuby Vidigal, Alcides Jos Morgante, Rita
Rebelo Horta de Assis Fonseca, Jos Oscar Costa de Andrade and Marcelo Gasparino da
Silva. Secretary-General Bruno Lage de Arajo Paulino.
The Board Members unanimously approved the preparation of the minutes in summary form,
pursuant article 130, 1st paragraph of the Brazilian Corporate Law and article 14, 8th
paragraph of the Bylaws.
It is registered herein that the Board Members Daniel Agustn Novegil, Roberto Caiuby
Vidigal, Alcides Jos Morgante, Paulo Penido Pinto Marques, Eiji Hashimoto and Fumihiko
Wada presented written statements, which shall be filed in the Board of Directors Minutes
I 2015 Funding Program - The Board approved by majority, with the contrary vote from
Board Member Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, the raise of up to R$1,000,000,000.00 (one
billion reais), in accordance with the material available at the Board Portal.
The Board also approved by majority, with the contrary vote from Board Member Marcelo
Gasparino da Silva, the granting of powers to the Board of Officers to sign all the necessary
documents in order to hire the transactions approved herein.
II - Leave request made by the Alternate Board Member Alosio Macrio Ferreira de
Souza - The Board unanimously approved the leave request made by the Alternate Board
Member Alosio Macrio Ferreira de Souza, in accordance with the material available at the
Board Portal which will be attached to the present minutes and filed in the Board of Directors
Minutes Book.
III - Adjournment With no further business, the minutes were closed and were drawn up
in Book 04 with the signatures of the participating Board Members and the Secretary. So
Paulo, November 27th, 2014.

Leave request from the position of Alternate Board of Directors Member

Dear Mr. Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, USIMINAS Effective Board of Directors Member
I hereby inform that, on the present date, I was hired in USIMINAS in the position of Special Advisor to
the Chief Executive Officer.
Although there is no legal objection to the simultaneous exercise of both functions, I consider that it is
better for me to request a leave of the function of Board Member while such duality lasts, in order to
provide you with more comfort in all yours activities as the Companies effective member of Board of
Directors, and which I am an alternate.
Therefore, I request you to forward this leave request from the position of USIMINAS Alternate Board
of Directors Member to the Chairman of the Companys Board of Directors, Mr. Paulo Penido for
submitting to such Bodys considerations as soon as you deem that this act will not interfere in the
exercise of the tasks as member of the Board of Directors which were trusted to you by the
shareholders who appointed you in the last Ordinary Shareholders Meeting.
I thank you for the attention hereby dismissed, and await for your actions.
Belo Horizonte, October 01st, 2014.
Alosio Macrio Ferreira de Souza
Alternate Board of Directors Member

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