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16 marks

Derive the expression for Duhamels Integral

Determine the effect of the mass of the spring on the natural frequency of the system

shown in Figure.

Derive the expression for Lagranges equation.


Determine the natural frequency of the system shown in figure. Where, I = moment of inertia of
rocker about its axis, ks= spring stiffness, kp = push rod
mass of spring, mv = mass of valve, mp = moss of push rod

stiffness, ms=

1. Calculate the natural frequency of the system shown in figure, if the mass of the rod is
negligible compared to the mass m.


A spring-mass system is shown in figure. If the system is initially relaxed and a step-function
excitation is applied to the mass, find the response of the system.


1. Add the following harmonic motions analytically and check the solution graphically.
x1 = 4 cos (t + 10)
x2 = 6 sin (t + 60)
(b) Derive the derivation for the Differential equations in the following methods:
(i) Newtons method; (ii) Energy method; (iii) Rayleighs method.

2. A body is subjected to two harmonic motions as given below:

x1 = 15 sin (t + /6)
x2 = 8 cos (t + /3)
What harmonic motion should be given to the body to bring it to equilibrium
Calculate the natural frequency of vibration of a two rotor system as shown in figure 16.b.
Neglect the weight of the shaft.

Given W1 = 60 kg, W2 = 92 kg, l = 25.6 cm, = 15 cm, I = 6.25 cm4.

Unit II
1. Figure shows a vibrating system having two degrees of freedom. Determine the two natural
frequencies of vibrations and the ratio of amplitudes of the motion of m1 and m2 for the two
modes of vibration.


Find the natural frequencies of the system shown in figure. Assume that there is no slip between
the cord and cylinder.


1. A governor is shown in figure schematically. The two links which carry the balls of mass m
each are connected by a spring of stiffness k and has a natural length of 2e. Find out the
expression for the inclination of the links with vertical when the governor rotates at a speed


Derive an expression for the frequency equation of the system as shown, in figure (14)

3. ) Find the two natural frequencies of the system shown in figure.

m1 = 50 tonne, m2 = 90 tonne, m3 = 250 tonne, k1 = 12 MN/m, k2 = 15 MN/m


Derive the frequency equation of the system shown in figure. The pulleys are weight less.

2. Find the natural frequency of the system shown in figure 17.a. K = 2 x 105 N/m, m= 20 kg.

(ii) Write a note on springs in series
Determine the natural frequency of the mass m = 15 kg as shown in figure.17.b, assuming that
the cords do not stretch and slide over the pulley rim. Assume that pulley has no mass. k1 = 8 x
103 N/m, k2 = 6 x 103 N/m

(ii). Write a note on springs in parallel

Explain the four types of damping used in mechanical systems.

Derive the differential equations of damped free vibration.

2. Determine the natural frequencies of multi degree of freedom spring-mass system shown in

Using matrix method, determine the natural frequencies of the system shown in Fig. (14)

2. Derive an expression for the frequency equation of the system as shown, in figure (14)

) Find the lowest natural frequency of the system shown in figure.


4. Determine the natural frequency of the spring-mass system shown in figure.

Take m1 = m2 = m3 = m and k1 = k2 = k3 = k. Use Stodolas method.


(b) Find the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system shown in figure for k1 = k2 = k3
and m1 = m2 = m3 using the matrix iteration method.


3. A damping force having force having magnitude 2 cos (2t /4) N, gives 5 cos 2t m
displacement. Calculate
The energy dissipated during first 5 seconds, and
The energy dissipated during the first sec.


(ii). A vertical spring mass system has a mass of 0.5 kg and on initial deflection of 0.2
cm. find the spring stiffness and the natural frequency of the system
Find the equation of motion for the system shown in figure 18.b. when (a) = 1.0, (b) = 0.3 and
(c) = 2.0, if the mass m is displaced by a distance of 3 cm and released.

A gun barrel of mass 600 kg has a recoil spring of stiffness 294000 N/meter. If the barrel recoils
1.3 m on firing, determine,
(a) The initial recoil velocity of the barrel.
(b) The critical damping coefficient of the dashpot which is engaged at the end of the recoil
The time required for the barrel to return to a position 5 cm from the initial position.
The torsional pendulum with a disc of moment of inertia J = 0.05 kg-m2 immersed in a viscous
fluid is shown in figure 18.a. During vibrations of pendulum, the observed amplitudes on the
same side of the neutral axis for successive cycles are found to decay 50% of the initial value.
(a) Logarithmic decrement; (b) Damping torque per unit velocity; (c) The periodic time of
vibration; (d) The frequency when the disc is removed from the fluid.


Derive torsional vibration of a shaft briefly.

Derive the solution for wave equation in continuous system.

Derive the frequency equation of longitudinal vibrations for a free free beam with zero initial


Derive suitable expression for longitudinal vibrations for a rectangular uniform cross section bar
of length l fixed at one end and free at the other end.
5. A uniform string of length l and a large initial tension S, stretched between two supports, is
displaced laterally through a distance a0 at the centre as shown in Fig.5, and is released at t
=0. Find the equation of motion for the string.


(b) Find the natural frequencies of a bar shown in Fig.


4. The machine of mass 75kg is mounted on the spring of stiffness 1200 kn/m and with as
assumed damping ratio of 0.2. The piston within the machine 2kg has reciprocating machine
With stroke of 80mm and speed of 3000 cycles/min. assuming motion is SHM. Find
amptitude of motion of machine, its phase angle w.r.t the existing force and force transmitted
to the foundation.
An aerofoil using in its first bending and torsional modes can be represented schematically as
shown in figure 20.a. connected through a translational spring of stiffness k and torsional
spring of stiffness kT,. Write the equations of motion for the system and obtain the two natural
frequencies. Assume the following data m = 5 kg, I = 0.12 kg m2, k = 5 x 103 N/m, kT =
0.4x103 Nm/rad, = 0.1 m. and also solve by using Lagranges equation.

The vibrations of a cantilever are given by y = yl (1- cos x/2l). calculate the frequency with
following data for the cantilever using Rayleighs method. Modulus of elasticity of the material 2
x 1011 N/m2
Second moment of area about bending axis 0.02 m4
Mass = 6 x 104 kg, Length = 30m

Explain the torsional vibration of a geared system with sketch.

Briefly explain with a neat sketch of a Collars Triangle
Derive the Aileron Reversal in a 2D flow with twist angle.
Explain Aileron Effectiveness with a neat sketch.
Derive the wing divergence with divergence speed
Explain the types of flutter with a neat sketch

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