Day 3 Reflections

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November 8, 2014

Acts 13:1-3
In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger,
Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy
Spirit said, Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them. So
after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.
Before the Church Leaders sent Barnabas and Saul (Paul) on a mission, the apostles sought Gods power
through prayer and fasting. Why do you think did they do this?
They needed God to successfully carry out the mission as the first bold move, a leap of faith.
Sending Barnabas and Saul was clearly a major move for this Antioch Church. What are your major
moves that you can now include in your 7-Day of Prayer and Fasting?
My major move now is to be healthy enough to conceive a baby or fraternal twins.
When they sent both men to their mission, they placed their hands on them. They blessed them. Dont
forget to bless and place your hands on your children, other family members, and friends when they leave
for school or work. They too are on a mission to show Gods love to others. As you fast this week, bless
them! Write here the names of people you want to especially pray for and bless as you fast
Please bless my husband George, sister Joyce, my parents, my in-laws, friends, relatives
My Prayers and Reflections Today:
Before Jesus started His public ministry, He also fasted. We fast to listen to God and receive His power to
do His work. Pray to God now for guidance and anointing. He will give both to you as you pray and fast.

I am currently reading bo Sanchez book, 7 days of prayer and fasting. I am on day 3 and really
doing fasting. (this is so hard, i weigh 75 kgs and i'm just 5 feet tall)
I need to reconnect with God again. Our efforts to conceive a baby did not work. Obviously my
obesity is the culprit. But I wasn't this fat when I got married. It was only when I worked as a
government employee during the day then studied at a law school during the night did my
weight skyrocket. It was stressful that time.
I am fasting not because I'm obese, but because I need to be in tune again with God, so that I
will know His dreams for me.
I reached a point where I asked myself whether I was willing to slow down in my career just to
get healthy again and be able to conceive healthy babies. That was the night of Day 1 of fasting.
I could not bear the thought of slowing down. I have always been an efficient multi-tasker. I'm a
budding CPA Lawyer and already gaining momentum though the cases that i handle in court. I
tried to run away from the idea of slowing down. I busied myself with other Spiritual readings,
but I inadvertently go back to the same question.
It's only today, DAy 3, that I am able to ponder upon the question with quietness in my heart. If
i were the efficient multi-tasker that I thought myself to be, I should have given time and effort
to my health.
I humbly submit to God and now literally praying at the foot of the Cross. I'll continue finishing
my fast up to DAy 7.

I am now on day 4 of the 9-day cleansing program of Clean 9 by FLP. My first effort for a juice
fast did not last because on Day 4, I ate a lot at the recognition program of PMA for Gregory,
my first cousin. For now, I have taken an indefinite leave. I also have lost appetite to run for the
2016 elections. I would like to focus first on building my own family with George. Thats all that
matters to me now.
Im impressed with the way Im doing this cleanse/fast. I extended the 2-day-absolutely-nofood-days into three! I had my first 600-calorie meal this lunch. And I had my first poop since
the cleanse commenced. I honestly believe that I exceeded the 600-dalorie count in eating
lunch, but it doesnt matter, I enjoyed my lunch of sauteed chicken and half-cup white rice, and
even felt full and satisfied! I finished it with Moreishis Green Juice to meet the balanced diet.
I feel sad that I could not taste the food all around me. But I know that when Im done with this
cleanse, I can taste them all again. I dont need to stuff myself, Ill just taste and still stick to the
proper food intake.
Overall, I feel happy and proud of myself that I had taken this 9-day cleanse. It will progress into
the 30-day nutri-lean program. Ill spend again, but if theres something worth spending, it is
I just munched on a handful of pine nuts. Oh well.

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