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Ethics Case Study 3 Ethics In Public and Personal Relationships | INSIGHTS

BY INSIGHT S | SEPT EMBER 3 0 , 2 0 1 3 8 :2 8 PM

Ethics Case Study 3 Ethics In Public and

Personal Relationships
Et hics Case St udy 3:
Keshav recently got a job of First Div ision Assistant in Tehsil (Taluk) office. He is sm art and hardworking. Because of which
Tehsildar has becom e fond of him and though he is Keshav s superior, he has m ade Keshav his good friend.
Keshav is m arried to Ram y a who is educated and recently got posted as Panchay at Secretary , incidentally to the Panchay at office
located in Keshav s v illage itself. Ram y as m other-in-law is not supportiv e of her and her job. She frequently taunts Ram y a and
dem ands all of Ram y as salary to be giv en to her. Though Keshav supports Ram y a, he seldom objects to her m others rem arks to his
A y oung, m ale Panchay at m em ber of sam e Panchay at where Ram y a works ,and who wields considerable clout in the v illage and
Tehsil, com es to know that she had illegally signed a property assessm ent certificate and claim s that he has docum ents to prov e his
claim . The certificate was obtained by a relativ e of this Panchay at m em ber who was not in good term s with him . In the past serious
fights were taken place between them ov er this property .
Ram y a insists that she signed it only after Panchay ats bill collector surv ey ed the property and gav e his v erbal assurance about the
legality of the property in question. As he was born and brought up in the v illage and knew m atters of the v illage v ery well,
Ram y a had trusted him . Now the Panchay at m em ber is threatening her to take the m atter to District Panchay at and get her
Ram y a seeks her husbands help who is close to tehsildar and who in turn is a close friend of Block Dev elopm ent Officer. Ram y as
m other-in-law is forcing her to quit the job and stay at hom e, but Ram y a wants to be financially independent and pleads her
innocence. Keshav is in m oral dilem m a ov er the entire episode.
What should be Keshav s course of action so that he doesnt com prom ise his ethics in personal and professional relationships? (200
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29 responses to Ethics Case Study 3 Ethics In Public

and Personal Relationships
Sreekanth Soman
Septem ber 3 0, 2 01 3 at 9 :2 5 pm
In this case, Keshav has to deal with the crisis within fam ily as well as the professional liv e of his wife, a public serv ant. First he
should deal with the attitude of his m other towards her daughter-in-law. Dem anding her salary and forcing her not to go to
work rev eals the backward and dom inating m indset of his m other. Keshav should not rem ain quiet. He should talk to his m other
and m ake her understand the needs of Ram y a as an indiv idual with self-respect.
Regarding the issue of property assessm ent and threats of Panchay at m em ber, it is natural for Ram y a to ask her husband to use
his good relations with the Tahsildar and influence the Block Dev elopm ent Officer (BDO). But it is a fact that she relied on the
v erbal assurance of the Panchay ats bill collector on the legal status of the property in question. She should hav e sought a
written assurance. It is definitely a m istake on her part. Keshav should adv ise his wife to present the facts of the case before the
BDO. He should decline the request of Ram y a to plead with the Tahsildar for her. Though Keshav would hav e good personal
relations with Tahsildar, but asking Tahsildar to influence the public functions of BDO lacks propriety and hurts the integrity of
both Tahsildar and Keshav .

Bear Grylls
Septem ber 3 0, 2 01 3 at 1 0:3 6 pm
In this case, Keshav has to balance both his personal and professional duties. He should deal rationaly and sensitiv ely with his
m other, his wife and his boss so that he doesnt com prom ise his ethics in personal and professional relationships.
To his m other, Keshav should patiently try to conv ince her to not taunt and force Ram y a to quit her job. He should tell her of
new ethos of society where a working wom an is no longer seen as dishonoring her fam ily . Instead she raises the status of both her
and her fam ily . He should also tell her of the adv antages of the extra incom e she brings hom e.
Towards his wife, it is Keshav s duty to support her . He should be honest in adv ising her and tell her that she has not done
any thing wrong intentionally and it will be in her interest if she is honest and transparent to the district panchay at. This would
also deter any one from unduly try ing to influence her judgem ent in the future.
As to his boss and friend, the tehsildar, Keshav is well within his am bit to seek his adv ice on the m atter. But keshav should not
ask him to use his positional authority to influence the case as using professional priv ilege to solv e personal problem s would be

Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 3 at 2 :56 pm
But ram y a is wrong in signing the property assessm ent report basing her decision on the surv ey done by the panchay at

Septem ber 3 0, 2 01 3 at 1 0:50 pm
The situation m entioned abov e creates a case of ethical dilem m a in personal and professional relationship. While handling such
case a person should take a balanced approach by m aintaining professional integrity and at the sam e tim e prev enting the
deterioration in personal relationship.



Ethics Case Study 3 Ethics In Public and Personal Relationships | INSIGHTS

deterioration in personal relationship.

In the abov e m entioned case,Keshav should first of all v erity the claim s m ade by his wife Ram y a and if he finds that she is
innocent and is unknowingly dragged in the situation then he should arrange the m eeting between all play ers inv olv ed i.e.
Panchay at m em ber,his relativ e,bill collector and his wife at one place.There the m atter should be m ade discussed elaborately
and efforts should be m ade to prev ent the Panchay at m em bers from going to District Panchay at by pleading his wifes
innocence.Ev en if the m em ber insist to go there then Keshav should m eet the Tehsildar and tell him the whole story .Then
Keshav should ask Tehsildar to independently judge the case and take the necessary action as he deem s fit without taking into
consideration their friendly relationship.
Keshav should also conv ince his m other that econom ic independence augm ents the confidence and self-esteem of a person and
Ram y a with such v alues will only help in sm ooth conduct of fam ily life.
These efforts by Keshav will surely help Ram y a to regain her confidence and be prepared for any consequences and also reducing
the dilem m a in which Keshav was present.

Septem ber 3 0, 2 01 3 at 1 0:55 pm
INSIGHTS please rev iew.

Septem ber 3 0, 2 01 3 at 1 1 :2 4 pm
As a public serv ant, Keshav should nev er use his influential power and his friendship with higher officials to bail out Ram y a
from this situation. He can giv e som e ideas, prov ide m oral support to Ram y a and help her to solv e the problem herself.
Som e of the ideas can be asking Ram y a to approach her senior officer and explain the situation and the threat from the other
m ale panchay at m em ber. As Ram y a has signed the docum ent based on Bill collectors v erbal assurance, now She can ask the bill
collector to giv e the assurance in writing explaining her situation. At the end of the probe, if the legality of the property could
not be prov ed, Ram y a needs to accept her suspension, because it is her duty to sign the certificate based on proper docum ents.
Ev en in this case, Keshav can be of m oral support to Ram y a, say ing her to consider these as learnings and learn from her
m istakes, etc
In any case, Keshav needs to persuade his m other for allowing Ram y a to continue her job, not to pressurize her to quit the job,
explain to his m other about Ram y as reasonable wishes and also m ake his m other understand that the fam ily needs to prov ide
highest m oral support during such difficult situations.

Septem ber 3 0, 2 01 3 at 1 1 :3 3 pm
Keshav should keep his personal and professional relations apart. In this case, he should not m isuse his good relations with
tehsildar to giv e undue adv antage to his wife Ram y a, who has shown poor judgem ent by believ ing on v erbal assurance of the
Panchay at Bill Collector, not v erify ing and keeping a copy of the legal docum ents and signing the docum ents on v erbal
Keshav should encourage Ram y a to let the m atter go to the district panchay at and put forth her case and propose to take back
her signature if need be after proper v erification of docum ents. Also, she should be m entaly ready for any disciplinary action
and Keshav should m orally and em otionally support her whatev er the decision m ay be.
As far as Keshav s m other is concerned, he had been putting off m atters for quite som e tim e. He should ask her m other politely to
back off and try to explain how girls are equal to their m ale counterparts and the im portance of independence of fem ales in the
society . He should ask his m other to support Ram y a in this tim e of crisis.

January 1 3 , 2 01 4 at 2 :3 5 pm
is it possible to take her signature back?

January 1 3 , 2 01 4 at 2 :4 9 pm



Ethics Case Study 3 Ethics In Public and Personal Relationships | INSIGHTS

January 1 3 , 2 01 4 at 2 :4 9 pm
plz clarify the authority of keshav ..

October 1 , 2 01 3 at 1 2 :3 0 am
On careful exam ination, Keshav can easily conclude that abov e situation has dev eloped due to Ram y a signing a propery
assessm ent certificate m erely on the v erbal assurance of Panchay ats bill collector, which in itself is a m istake on her part.
Keshav can take a num ber of initiativ es to help Ram ay a professionally . Firstly in his capacity he can talk to bill collector and
disscuss the grounds on which he has giv en his consent to Ram ay a. It m ight be possible that Ram y a had been fram ed and the
ev idences were false. Moreov er, he can take an adv ise from bill collector on the next logical course of action. Secondly he can
discuss this m atter with his friend-cum -senior Tehsildar who inturn m ight seek the adv ise on this issue from Block
dev elopem ent officer. keshav s approach should be focussed on deciding the next course of action and not try ing to influence this
case due to his personal relations. On personal grounds, first of all he need to both console her and m otiv ate her to fight. As a
husband he can activ ely her in docum enting ev idence supporting her.
Hence Keshav can take a num ber of steps as a husband and as a responsible officer without com prom ising his ethic in either of
the sphere.

October 1 , 2 01 3 at 1 2 :3 2 am
Hi Insights Sir and all respected m em bers,
Please rev iew and prov ide y our inputs.

October 1 , 2 01 3 at 1 2 :52 am
What should be Keshav s course of action so that he doesnt com prom ise his ethics in personal and professional relationships?
(2 00 Words)
On Personal front, it is Keshav s responsibility to help his wife Ram y a in this situation. Keshav respects his m other but nev er
confronts her when she hum iliates his wife. Ethics requires one to ev aluate his personal v alue and identify the long term
consequences of ones actions. His persistent silence can dev elop a negativ e feeling between him and Ram y a and jeopardize their
relationship as well. He needs to reason with his m other and explain that Ram y a wants independence and she has worked hard
to get the post of Panchay at Secretary . Right now, Ram y a is going through a tough tim e it is right tim e for the fam ily to stand
by her side and win her trust.
Keshav can honestly share all the case details with his senior (Tehsildar) and seek his adv ice to tackle this situation as a friend. If
his seniors offers to talk to BDO then thats fav orable outcom e but he should not desperately try to pull his senior in to his
personal issues. Ram y a signed the property assessm ent certificate based on v erbal assurance of her colleague. Her m istake is
that she did not follow the prescribed rules & procedures to assess the property . Keshav should conv ince Ram y a that to err is
hum an and she should honestly adm it to BDO about her shortcom ing & prom ise to be careful in future. Taking responsibilities of
y our actions is im portant dim ension of professional ethics and abiding to it will leav e a good im pression on BDO m ind.

varsha raina
October 1 , 2 01 3 at 2 :07 am
In this case m aintaining personal relationship along with non-com prom ise on his professional integrity is the centrepoint.
Keshav should ask his wife to write a letter to the tehsil with a copy to Block Dev elopm ent Officer stating the threat faced by her
in relation to the signed docum ent along with the reasons as to she did that on a v erbal assurance. She should ask that the
legality of the property should be checked in the land records and consequently inquire the role of Panchay at bill collector who
surv ey ed the property and m ake him accountable for the clearance.
To m aintain harm ony between his wife and m other ,he should explain to his m other that today working wom en is a reality and



Ethics Case Study 3 Ethics In Public and Personal Relationships | INSIGHTS

To m aintain harm ony between his wife and m other ,he should explain to his m other that today working wom en is a reality and
that her wife will nev er com prom ise on her integrity as well as take care of the fam ily . So there should not be any cause for her
worry . He should also m ake her understand that these day s financial independence is the need of the hour and that she should
becom e as the m odel m other-in law to encourage wom en em powerm ent.

varsha raina
October 1 , 2 01 3 at 2 :08 am
@ insights & others please rev iew
this is m y first case study answer

October 1 , 2 01 3 at 8:05 pm
Crisp and straight to the point answer. You should hav e m entioned about should or shouldnt Keshav hav e sought
Tehsildars help. Also, Keshav can suggest his wife to confront the Panchay at m em ber and ask him to subm it the
docum ents he has with him to v erify their authenticity . If its found she has indeed erred, the course of action y ou hav e
m entioned is appropriate.
Keep going.

varsha raina
October 2 , 2 01 3 at 4 :1 6 pm
i had written it first then deleted thinking it m ay be a interference
any way thanks .for m e realise that m y thought process is fine,.

Asha Goud
October 1 , 2 01 3 at 8:58 am
What should be Keshav s course of action so that he doesnt com prom ise his ethics in personal and professional relationships?
A: Here Keshav is in a state of dilem m a as the situation inv olv es his wife. Ev en though the case m ight look m ore of a m atter
settling scores between two relativ es not in good term s, there is a legal dim ension into it. Therefore Keshav should not exploit the
friendship, which is a result of his dedication to his work, between his senior and him to gain adv antage.
On the other hand, Ram y a had who signed the docum ents based on v erbal assurance should hav e checked the m atter herself or
dem anded a written note of assurance from her colleague. Keshav should suggest Ram y a to present her case infront of the
District Panchay at.
The situation also dem ands Keshav to be a com passionate and supportiv e husband. He should keep faith in Ram y a and assure
her of his support in the legal process.
Here persuading the Tehsidar to help Ram y a would not only com plicate the m atter further, but also m ay spoil the bond Keshav
shares with the Tehsildar. Therefore it is prudent to let the law take its course.

October 1 , 2 01 3 at 9 :2 1 am
Keshav faces the ethical and m oral dilem m a at both personal and professional lev el.
First and forem ost he should talk to his m other regarding his wife and her career. He should support his wife without hurting
her m other too. The m ain issue is conflict between two school of thoughts. He should listen to his m others side first and then
m ake her understand that being a career-oriented wom an is not wrong in present tim es and giv e som e exam ples from his own
experiences in office. In addition to it he should also encourage dev eloping a healthy relationship between his m other and Ram y a
also. The lack of com m unication between the two m ay further widen the rift hence its necessary to bridge the gap between the



Ethics Case Study 3 Ethics In Public and Personal Relationships | INSIGHTS

On the professional front Keshav m ust not use his personal influence rather he should suggest to Ram y a to present her case to
her superiors. It was lax on her side to sign on property assessm ent certificate on the basis of bill collectors v erbal assurance. If
the higher authorities after hearing all the parties and thorough inv estigation com e to a conclusion then such decision should be
respected. In the light of her naiv ety in the present case the authorities m ight not charge her and just warn her to take decision
in full light of facts in future.

October 1 , 2 01 3 at 1 0:54 am
Keshav decision m ust be guided by principles of honesty , integrity , fairness and justice both in his personal and personal
relationship. care based ethics say s that one should care for those who care for us and in this aspect both his m other and his wife
are under his care. Howev er it is his duty to correct his m other where she is wrong and his wife needs his strong support to
conv ince his m other. Since he is educated and a gov ernm ent official, he should adhere to the principle of equality for all ev en in
his personal relationship.
And regarding the dilem m a ov er Ram y as professional problem , he should be suppprtiv e of her. but at the sam e tim e refuse to
m isuse his personal contacts to secure fav ours. As a Panchay at secretary she should hav e been m ore careful to secure legal
credentials. He can adv ice her to present her side of the story to the district panchay at honestly and v ouch for her honesty also.

October 1 , 2 01 3 at 2 :06 pm
What should be Keshav s course of action so that he doesnt com prom ise his ethics in personal and professional relationship
Firstly , Keshav should not inv olv e in this m atter officially as this is outside his work scope and he should guide Ram y a in dealing
with this issue in his personal strength.
Ram y a being a panchay at secretary m ust not hav e signed the docum ents without v erify ing them . This shows her negligence.
Keshav can help Ram y a inquire if the property assessm ent certificate which she signed was legal or not. If it is legal then the
issue would stop here.
If the docum ents are illegal, then there is nothing which Keshav can do. he cannot take the help of either the tehsildar as public
office cannot be used for personal benefits. Ram y a m ust plead her innocence to her senior officer by herself.
Keshav can m otiv ate Ram y a and stand by her giv ing her strength to prov e her innocence and help his m other understand the
im portance of Ram y as personal life and her work.

October 1 , 2 01 3 at 2 :1 2 pm
The problem with Keshav is two fold. On one hand dom estic problem between wife and m other and on the other negligent actions
of her wife in official capacity .
The first can be solv ed by discussing within the fam ily .
When it com es to Ram y as action on the job, she had m istrusted one of the v illagers and signed the docum ent. She can plead
guilty with the District Panchay at by explaining the circum stances under which she signed the docum ent.
Pleading guilty because of ignorance can show the integrity of Ram y a and can get light punishm ent. At the sam e tim e it
prov ides opportunity to correct the m istakes.
On Keshav s part, he shouldnt be try ing to influence through BDO , as this would am ount to another v iolation and also
jeopardise his own professional life. At the m axim um , Keshav can seek som e legal adv ice from his friend (BDO) in his priv ate
capacity .


October 2 , 2 01 3 at 4 :1 1 pm
All the com m ents are good, I find only one thing odd though, After reading the m ajority of com m ents I sense that m ost fail to
realize the im portance of equality of m en and wom en in a dem ocracy , we hav e a secular constitution that guarantees equality
to all citizens irrespectiv e of gender, caste, creed, color or religion or the lack of it. It is not just a social thing, y ou are right in



Ethics Case Study 3 Ethics In Public and Personal Relationships | INSIGHTS

to all citizens irrespectiv e of gender, caste, creed, color or religion or the lack of it. It is not just a social thing, y ou are right in
say ing that the husband m ust take action to stop his m other from harassing his wife, but y ou failed to notice the husbands
attitude towards his m other, which in itself seem s to indicate the societal influence on this m an. So y our responsibility is to
sy stem atically eradicate such biases, it is agreed that the society is em bracing working wom en, but that is not a strong or v alid
argum ent against oppression and subjugation of wom en.
Since all of y ou are alm ost right about what the husband should do in order not to v iolate the professional ethics I will not
com m ent on that.
But the m ost im portant thing about this exercise is to hav e the integrity and not hav e double standards ev en when the fam ily is
inv olv ed.

October 2 , 2 01 3 at 4 :2 2 pm
keshav has to help her wife tide ov er this difficult situation. the course he adopts in defending his wife will be giuded by his
professional ethical v alues.
it would be wrong on his part to exploit his friendly relationship with the tehsildar to sav e his wife. rather than asking fav ours
he can request the tehsildar that the BDO giv es ram y a fair hearing (safeguard from the influential panchay at m em ber) if her
case com es up before him .
keshav should stand by his wife and giv e her m oral and psy chological support in these try ing tim es when she faces pressure both
from her m other in law and in office.
he should show com plete faith in his wife and assist her in putting forward her defence first at the panchay at lev el and if the
case m ov es up then at the higher lev els,but he should do all this in his personal capacity and not as a tehsil staff.

Keerthi Narayan
October 8, 2 01 3 at 1 0:1 5 pm
The giv en case has the following issues about which Keshav has to take a decision:
1 . Ram y a, his wifes request to help her from a critical situation, as a husband. Howev er, this requires v iolation of his
professional ethics.
2 . Necessity to help his wife who has not acted as a responsible officer by not v erify ing the facts presented to her.
3 . Responsibility as a son and as a husband to resolv e the conflicts between his m other and his wife.
1 . Keshav should explain Ram y a that his professional and personal life are two different entities and it is professionally wrong to
take adv antage of his relationship with his senior. He should clearly state that he will not influence his senior in any way to
rescue her out of her problem .
2 . Keshav should teach Ram y a that since she is in a responsible position she should not take the works of her subordinates as
granted and she should countercheck facts before signing them . In this case, Keshav should ask her to confront the m ale
Panchay at m em ber, cross v erify the facts and re-certify if found wrong. This will prov e that she didnot wilfully com m it any
3 . Keshav should talk to his m other and explain her that Ram y a is an educated independent wom an and she should not forced to
take decision about her career against her will. He can justify his point by explaining how working wom en can be a pride and
asset to the fam ily .

Jashan Gill
Nov em ber 5, 2 01 3 at 5:1 2 pm
Keshav faces both a personal and professional dilem m a. On the personal front he should talk to his m other and conv ince her on
the m odern way s where it is no longer a dishonor on fam ily if the wom an works. Rather it is considered a source of pride for the
wom en who is working. Also with additional incom e would help secure the future of fam ily . To m ake his case stronger he can
cite exam ples to his m other. He should strongly suggest to his m other on com m enting against his wife
On the professional front his wife has been wrong in signing the docum ent without any written com m unication. He can discuss
the m atter with the tehsildar to take his suggestion but should not use him to influence any body . Rather he should ask his wife
to realize her m istake and honestly put the facts before the panchay at. She should also bring the v illage bill collector as a witness



Ethics Case Study 3 Ethics In Public and Personal Relationships | INSIGHTS

to realize her m istake and honestly put the facts before the panchay at. She should also bring the v illage bill collector as a witness
to her case. She should also specify that she would be careful in future to not create such a situation again and leav e the decision
on the Panchay at and higher authorities.

Nov em ber 2 2 , 2 01 3 at 7 :2 1 pm
this case needs to deal with ethics in priv ate and professional relation , persuasion, and to follow objectiv ity of the post.
First he needs to deal with m other to persuade her about changing social norm s and reality of working wom en as a truth. Next
he m ust follow priv ate ethics to check the innocence of her wife ,positiv e result should follow helping her with arranging facts
and file regarding allegation so that she could present her side when questioned. In case of his friend (tehsildar) he can hav e
adv ise in the m atter in realm of priv ate relation but he should not ask for any fav or that ham pers his and tehsildars integrity ,
and professional ethics .

Decem ber 1 3 , 2 01 3 at 3 :4 1 pm
Issue inv olv ed:
Ethics in priv ate v s public relationship
Underly ing principles:
Maintaining professional ethics
Rule of Law
Actions suggested:
1 . Keshav should conv ince his m other to hail ram y a s efforts in carry ing out both personal and professional without jeopardising
one another. She should to be told to honour the financial independency of ram y a.
2 . Keshav can inform Tehsildar regarding the m atter and m ay ask suggestions from him without m isusing his good relations to
put pressure on BDO.
3 . Ram y a can be asked to bring the m atter to BDO herself with all necessary ev idences to prov e her innocence and also should
confess her v iolation in following relav ant procedure by just blindly believ ing in v erbal assurances of the surv ey officer and to
that extent she should be ready to face disciplinary actions.
4 . Ram y a can write a written com plaint to the BDO to probe the inv olv em ent of surv ey officer in m isleading a pubic serv ant.
5. Ram y a can also file a com plaint with the BDO regarding the threats issued by her colleague.
6 . Keshav should stand by Ram y a throughout her tough tim es (regarding this m atter) without com prom ising his professional
ethics and sim ultaneously m aintaing personal com m itm ent towards Ram y a.
Pls Rev iew

Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 3 at 3 :2 6 pm
In this case,keshav has to deal with the crisis within the fam ily as well as the professional life of his wife.
Initially he should talk to his m other about being unsupportiv e towards her daughter in law and dem anding her salary and
forcing her not to go to work is unethical.He should explain to his m other the changing role of wom en in the society .
secondly ram y a was being wrong by being negligent towards her job and signing on the property assessm ent report based on the
facts observ ed by the panchay at bill collector.she should not hav e based her decision on any body elses judgem ent.
keshav should discuss the m atter with the tehsildar and take his adv ise on the issue but should not ask for help as this is
wrong.At the sam e tim e he can adv ise his wife to honestly disclose the m atter to block dev elopm ent officer and should also tell
him about the threatening calls she was receiv ing from the y oung panchay at m em ber.

Decem ber 1 5, 2 01 3 at 3 :2 7 pm
insights please check m y answer and tell m e about the errors in m y answer.


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