Syllabus Psycholinguistics

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: 2 Credits
: English Language Education Department
Lectures : Prihantoro,M.Pd
: English Language Laboratory STAIN Curup
Course Description
This course focuses on the basic concepts, principles, theories, and issues
covered in psycholinguistics. It will deal with the study of how people learn,
acquire, and use language to communicate ideas. In other words, This course
highlights on how people decode and encode messages or ideas conveyed
through linguistic elements.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students are expected to:
1. Understand the basic concepts of psycholinguistics
2. Exercise strong conceptual framework of psycholinguistics.
3. Examined and analyze different cases on psycholinguistics,
4. Conduct a small scale research on psycholinguistics
Course Requirements
During the course, students are required to:
1. Read the chapter that will be discussed each week,
2. Post questions via email before the three days before the class session.
3. conduct a mini research on a particular topics of pragmatics
Attendance Policy
To be eligible in the final test, students must at least attend 75% of the over
all class meetings. Students having less than the required attendance will not
be qualified for the final test and the result of the final score will be declared
D. Students must attend the class session on time. Ten minute lateness is
still tolerable and students attending the class after the limit will still be
eligible the class session but will not for the attendance check list. In the
case that students cannot attend the session due to certain important
reason, they must be able show a legal and acceptable proof.
Academic Misconduct Policy
All students are subject to the regulation stipulated in Student Conduct Code.
This Code represents a compilation of important regulation, policies, and
procedures pertaining to student life. It is intended to inform students of
their right and responsibilities during association with the institution, and to
provide general guidance for enforcing those regulations and policies
essential to educational and the mission of the institution.
Student Plagiarism
All written work is to be the students original composition from the basic
development of the idea to the final copy. If the assignment is such that it
requires material from another source to help support the students ideas,
then that material must be given proper credit and the student must
document its use in the essay. A student may seek assistance from another
person to look over the students original work to help him or her improve
the essay. However, any student who solicits another person to write part or
all of his or her composition or who borrows the ideas of another author
without giving proper credit will receive no credit for the assignment and
may face other disciplinary action. One consequence other than receiving a
zero for the assignment may be dismissal from the class with no credit for

the course. I reserve the right at my sole discretion to adjust this policy in
the case of extreme mitigating circumstances.
Method of Presentation
1. The primary presentation will base in lecture and discussion. The
discussions will be structured so that the instructor leads students
through Socratic questioning and interactive learning. Students are
expected to apply what they have learned during the lectures and the
reading of assigned materials
2. Group work or collaborative learning may be used, at the discretion of the
instructor. Students may also be required to lead discussion sessions
Scoring System and Grading System
The final score will be based upon the following system; Assignment (20%),
Progress Test (20%), Classroom Participation (5%), Mid Term Test (25%), and
Final Test (30%).
100 86 = A; 85 71 = B; 70 60 = C; 59 41 = D; 40 0 = E
Attendance Policy
Students are required to attend at least 12 of the whole 16 sessions.
Students who miss class frequently will lose opportunities to practice their
skill in class and therefore they will have their points for class attendance
and participation lowered. Students with up to 3 unexcused absences will
automatically have their scores lowered by 10 %. Students with more than 4
absence will not be eligible for the final examination.
Assignment Policy
Students are assigned to actively read the suggested reference books and to
do weekly assignment. Missing any single required assignment will result in
delaying students score.
Tentative Schedule
Session 1: Introduction to the course
Session 2: Is language nature or nurture?
Session 3: Animal language?
Session 4: Bio-linguistics
Session 5: Preordained language program
Session 6: The blue print in the brain
Session 7: Language Acquisition
Session 8: Mid-term test
Session 9: Language acquisition
Session 10: Grammar in the brain
Session 11: Grammar in the brain
Session 12: Speech comprehension
Session 13: Speech production
Session 14: Speech production
Session 15: Language Loss
Session 16: Final Term

Aitchison, Jean. 2006. The Articulate Mammal.
Psycholinguistics. London. Routledge.




Clark and Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language: An Introducing to

Psycholinguistics. Hartcourt Brace Jovanovic.
Elliot, Allison J. 1996. Child Language. Cambridge. Cambridge University
Scovel, Thomas. 1998. Psycholinguistics. New York. Oxford University Press.
Krashen, Stephen. 1983. Principles and Practice in Second Language
Acquisition. Pergamon Press, UK.

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