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Lyndon Green Junior School

WHAT A WEEK!!!!! You can never say what is going to

happen on any given day at LGJS as things come out of
the blue, but Wednesday certainly was fun. We carry on
trying to give our children the best that we can and
nothing can stop us striving to achieve this.
As you are aware we were treated to a visit from Her
Majesties Inspectorate(HMI) on Wednesday. We were not
expecting this visit, well not just yet. The visit was
unannounced, no notice. I arrived in school at 8:15, the
phone call came at 8:16 and two Inspectors were at the
front desk by 8:17. The purpose of this visit was to get a
typical view of our school. I have no issue with this as
they are welcome to visit at anytime to see what we do.
However, the purpose of this visit was Behaviour, not
Teaching and Learning. This was in response to Parent
View, which for those of you who do not know, is a
questionnaire on the OFSTED website which allows
people to show their feeling about the school
Let me take you on a journey back to March, I became
aware that a party had been held, where a group of
parents decided to vent their feelings about the school
using the OFSTED website. However, no approach to the
school had been made before hand. Clearly, the views
presented were negative as well as many personal,
vindictive and malicious tweets were also seen.
Attendance News
Attendance for last week was 97.87% Thank
you everyone we are getting close to our
5th place - Classes 4E - 97.50%
4th place - Class 4D,5J & 6D - 97.78%
3rd place - Class 4B, 5J & 6G - 98.33%
2nd place - Class 5W - 98.61%
1st place - Classes 3C & 3J - 98.89% Well
done both classes

They didn't believe the things I was saying and they

thought that we would fudge an OFSTED. Well they got
their wish, a no notice inspection and it centred around
behaviour. I cannot officially tell you the result of the visit,
but our children demonstrated maturity, confidence and a
real love of our school. What I can tell you is that we have
maintained our previous inspection result for behaviour. I
will save you the trouble of looking it up - OUTSTANDING.
So I would like to thank everyone that spoke to the
Inspectors on the playground, the many words of support
and mostly for our children and staff. We certainly make
for a super school which I am very proud of. MR. R
I have been out 3 times this week out of 5 and on each
occasion everyone has parked away from the school. I
can only hope the two other occasions were the same.
Please keep doing the right things for the safety of our
Football Brilliant result from the finals of the girls 4 aside
tournament. We ended up worthy
winners and reclaimed our trophy.
Superb achievement.
Have a super weekend Mr. R
MEDAL at National Championships.
We have a national champion in our
midst. A bronze medallist at Karate in
Sheffield. Whod have thought it. We
are all very

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