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Browns Gas-The Future Fuel

K.Manoj kumar, S.Mohan Ravi

CK college of Engineering and Technology

The main objective of our paper is to deliver the content of future
fuel as brown gas (HHO) Here the browns (HHO) gas used as a fuel in engine
system to improve combustion process for any automobile application. Our
paper is about fuel-saving device on automobiles that design to help the user on
how to save the gasoline for two wheeler using hydrogen as a catalyst to saving
the uses of gasoline fuel which cannot be recycle and pollute the atmosphere.
The objective of this paper to design and experiment fuel-saving device. The
device is a suitable for all automobiles. Electrolysis process is used to get the
hydrogen channeled to the intake manifold. The hydrogen gas is device for the
combustion in the engine of the two wheeler. It also as the device to help users
in reducing uses of fuel for the two wheeler. The electrolysis process using
battery water as the electrolyte. Finally, the test data was analyzed. By this
project the results are 20-30% Fuel savings, High efficiency of engine, Smooth
operation, less pollution, Low heat formation during combustion and Increase
the engine life.

The hybrid fuel tank combines three technologies to perform their task;
regulator is to control the flow rate of the browns gas, a combination of ccpwm
and battery is used to provide the supply for electrolysis process. The bubbler is
provided for safety precaution of fire hazarders. The carburetor is mixes the
browns gas and main fuel and supply to the engine.
If the battery is turned ON the power is supply to the CCPWM. Here the
input current is increased by circuit and maintain the current rate as constant
with in the form of pulse signal to the electrodes.

When the current flow occurs in the electrodes they get conductivity
character. Due to that the water gets ionization process. As per Electro-chemical
theory the following reaction is done continuously if current flow is occurring.

In water at the negatively charged cathode, a reduction reaction takes

place, with electrons (e) from the cathode being given to hydrogen cautions to
form hydrogen gas (the half reaction balanced with acid):
Reduction at cathode: 2 H+ (aq) + 2e H2 (g)
At the positively charged anode, an oxidation reaction occurs, generating
oxygen gas and giving electrons to the anode to complete the circuit:
Oxidation at anode: 2 H2O (l) O2 (g) + 4 H+ (aq) + 4e
The same half reactions can also be balanced with base as listed below.
Not all half reactions must be balanced with acid or base. Many do, like the
oxidation or reduction of water listed here. To add half reactions they must both
be balanced with either acid or base.
Cathode (reduction): 2 H2O (l) + 2e H2 (g) + 2 OH-(aq)
Anode (oxidation): 4 OH- (aq) O2 (g) + 2 H2O (l) + 4 e





decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen:

Overall reaction: 2 H2O (l) 2 H2 (g) + O2 (g)





The number of hydrogen molecules produced is thus twice the number of

oxygen molecules. Assuming equal temperature and pressure for both gases, the
produced hydrogen gas has therefore twice the volume of the produced oxygen
gas. The number of electrons pushed through the water is twice the number of
generated hydrogen molecules and four times the number of generated oxygen
When the browns gas (a mixture of two molecules of hydrogen and one
molecule of oxygen) is generated this is passed to the carburetor through the
bubbler system. In carburetor the air and fuel is mixed by the chock calve and
passed to the engine inlet manifold.


There are so many electrodes are available, but in order to decrease the
project economy the available resources are used. The following calculation
shows the dimensions of electrode that are used here. The stainless steel
electrode dimensions are estimated by Hit and trial method.

Dimensions of electrode
According to the size of tank the dimensions are considered
Length of electrode

=130mm = 130 x 10-3 m

Width of electrode

=30mm =30 x 10-3 m

Thickness of electrode

=1.5mm=1.5 x10-3m

Area of the electrode

=t x w
=1.5 x 10-3 *30 x 10-3 m2
=4.5 x 10-5 m2

Resistivity of electrode
The resistivity of the electrodes can be calculated by using following
Resistivity of electrode


- resistivity constant of stainless steel (6.9 x 10-7 m)
L-length of electrode, A-area of electrode

R=1.993 x 10-3 /m
For two electrodes the equivalent resistivity is follow,

= 1 / R1 + 1 / R2
= [1 / (1.993 x 10-3 )] + [ 1 / (1.993 x 10-3 )
=1003.51 /m

According to ohms law V=IR

V- Applied voltage
I-current density
R- Resistivity of electrode
V=12 volts
R=resistivity of electrode in (already find)
I=input current in amps

I= 12/1003.51
I =0.01195 amps
In order to increase the current rate CCPWM circuit is used. The current
rate is directly proportional to gas generation. so, it is also depends upon the
engine volume.


The mass flow rate is purely depends upon engine volume, so mass floe
rate is differ from engine to engine. We now considered engine is 125CC. the
following calculations are based on 125 CC engine.
According to universal gas laws


P- Pressure exerted by the browns gas
V-Volume of cylinder
m- Mass required to engine
R-universal gas constant 287 J/Kg K
T-temperature of gas
P= 1 bar
V=6.67 x 10-3 m3 (if bore dia 50 mm & length of cylinder 170 mm)
R= 287 J/Kg K;

T=350C (308K)

m = 0.0256 Kg/s
m = 1.54 Kg/min
m = 92.16 Kg/hr


This chapter describes about the final status and performance of the
project. For this system, Oxy- hydrogen (HHO) or also known as brown gas
was produced through electrolysis method before Channeled into air intake
manifold of a typical 4 strokes petrol engine. The research measured petrol
Consumption as well as the byproduct gaseous. It was found that the fuel
consumption reduced to 22% when compared to unmodified fuel system.
Feasibility of the concluded research data will become a pathway for more
comprehensive and in depth study on Bro-gas fuel tank to prove its capability to
reduce Dependencies on fossil fuel and provide alternatives for a more
environmental friendly energy approach.
From design and fabricated project at operating condition, we may able to
conclude advantages, disadvantages and application of our project.
From the modified tank the following data are obtained
Total Volume of tank

= 16 Lit

Volume of water chamber

= 8 Lit

Volume of fuel chamber

= 8 Lit

Gas generation rate

= 444 mole of H2 & 221.6l mole of O2


Max current density

= 60 amps

Min current density

= 500mA

Simple in construction
Easy to maintain
Less power consumption
CCPWM circuit making is low cost
Operating principle is very easy.

Excess weight in construction
Catalyst is need to increase the gas production rate

This project finds its Application in fuel system is discussed follow
We can adopt in LPG system
We can replace the fuel diesel instead of petrol
We can generate the power from this if it used as a fuel in
We can run the automobiles with browns gas only

The BROWN FUEL is working with satisfactory conditions. We are able to
understand the difficulties in maintaining the tolerances and also quality. We
have done to our ability and skill making maximum use of available facilities.

This technology is most suitable for all automobiles and where ever the
fuel saving in required.
The automobile community is more dynamic and they can accept the
proved technology for implementation.
Moreover the same technique and technology can also be extended for all

types of fuel tank.

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