USFSP: Leaders in Sustainability

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A white paper focusing on the strengths and opportunities of USF St. Petes
sustainability efforts through its partnerships with the local community,
faculty, staff, and student body.








ENC 3250
Dr. Francis Tobienne, Jr.
November 28, 2014






Jacquelyn Colina


The University of South Floridas St. Petersburg campus is

remarkable for its prime real estate on the Gulf of Mexico. Situated
in a culturally vibrant area of St. Petersburg, Florida, the university
is known extensively for its research. It comes as no surprise, then,
that this campus leads the state in taking ownership of its campus
through student-funded environmental projects, modern and
sustainable infrastructures, as well as energy-producing parking


Group Director
& Graphic Design Lead

Shelby Mittleman
Alternative Energy
Content Solutions

Joe Reddaway

Recycling Management
Research Lead

Ashley Rice

garages and outdoor study areas. It is fitting that Duke Energy

Duke Energy
Content Solutions

Florida awarded the university a one million dollar grant for the

Christian Schlubach

school can continue to address wasteful behaviors and implement

more responsible energy expenditures and water conservation
through awareness, technology, and good old fashioned recycling

Duke Energy
Research Lead

Tyler St. Phillip

Green Infrastructures &

Recycling Content Solutions


The University of South Floridas St. Petersburg campus offers a course on environmental policy
and politics. The class, led by Dr. Joseph W. Dorsey, is a great example of how the institution is
shaping future alumni to be educated and proactive in the communitys green efforts and
initiatives. The course, which involves a civic engagement project, leaves students with an
understanding of the environmental policy-making process and a grasp on environmental ethics.
Dorseys class is just one example of how USFSP empowers students to take ownership of the
campus by teaching environmental responsibility. In addition to raising awareness among the
student body, the USFSP campus is constantly discovering new resources to improve
sustainability efforts. The University of South Floridas St. Petersburg actively seeks new ways to
reduce the universitys impact on the environment and community through solar panels, recycling
initiatives, and innovative technologies.


Last year, the USFSP campus spent over

Florida uses more coal than the average state

$500,000 on 5,653,802kWh1 of energy in just

and the coal is emitting mercury into our air.

a three-month span. Of that energy used,

Duke Energy currently has four coal plants

82% came from non-renewable resources.

located in the Crystal River area alone and

The Sunshine State Clean Energy Coalition,

have spent over a billion dollars to try to

based out of St. Petersburg, works to stop the

lower these harmful emissions however that

use of non-renewable resources in the state

isn't enough. Duke is closing two of their

of Florida primarily the use of coal. The

plants and opening a natural gas plants in

program is going after Duke Energy to shut

replacement but this is not the answer the

down their coal plants due to their

Clean Energy Coalition is looking for. They

notoriously excessive and harmful emissions.

want renewable resources like solar to be

used but solar on its own isn't enough to

The kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy equal to
1,000 watt-hours.

power the state.

Duke Energy Florida awarded USF St.

and student parking availability. This new

Petersburg $1 million SunSense grant that

100 kW solar array represents one of the

will fund research to explore the integration

largest and most efficient solar arrays in St

of storing solar energy in new battery

Petersburg, said Joe Pietrzak, Duke Energy

systems. Along with this grant, a 100 kW

Senior Planning Analyst. The fact that the

solar photovoltaic (PV) system will be

solar panel array on top of the parking garage

installed on the top of the 5th avenue parking

is one of the largest in St. Petersburg is a

garage. The mentioned solar panel system is

stepping-stone in itself. The fact that

estimated to produce an average of

students, and not just Duke Energy, are

164,250kWh of energy a year, while the

involved makes it clear how dedicated the

energy needs of USFSP usually average

USFSP community is in its efforts to support

around 19.1 million kWH yearly (Blais). This


addition is going to provide significantly





more energy without interfering with faculty



In further efforts to conserve energy

throughout the campus, USF St. Pete is using
solar panels as a main source for most of the
upcoming and completed projects to execute
the goal of conserving and sustaining energy


throughout the campus. USF St. Pete has also

in efforts to reduce energy waste. These solar

put together an organization that focuses on

panels will provide sufficient energy for the

coordinating projects and community efforts


to make the St. Petersburg campus and

According to the original proposal for the

community sustainable.

solar panel installation, it was projected that

the university would save 70% on energy

Primary research shows that USFSP recently

costs and would cut emissions in half. The





installed solar panels on USF parking garages

project was first proposed forth by David

Doks, for example, is an outdoor seating area

ONeill, a Program assistant for the Bishop

composed of recycled material and solar

Center for Ethical Leadership and Civic

panels for charging and operating devices.

Engagement. The garage solar panels were

With these advantages and newfound uses to

one of many on-campus projects funded by

energize the campus, USF St. Pete has made a

the Student Green Energy Fund a fee that

statement to other Florida schools in using

students pay each semester as part of their


tuition. The University of South Florida is one

environmentally conscious and sustainable

of few Florida universities that were


approved to collect such fees and stand out as





leaders in this area.

Since the approval of the bill passed in early
2011, USF St. Pete has invested in several
projects focusing on the communitys
environmental and sustainability needs. Solar


USF has pushed their efforts in investing in
newer technologies to make its campus more
sustainable. Some ways they have done so is
by reusing, renovating, and retrofitting
older buildings with new technologies to
make them Green Buildings. There have


been major renovations to many buildings

southern window exposures continued to be

such as the Chemistry, Education, and

installed along with high efficiency glass,

Science Center. These renovations include

inefficient light fixtures have been replaced,

roofs that have been replaced with high

high efficiency chillers have been installed,


heat pipes on high OA systems have received




Reflective Index (SRI), sunscreens on


additional insulation, and many more.

The materials used to renovate these

Another technology that USF has undertaken

buildings have also been recycled, making

is a system called dual pluming. The Patel

them cost-efficient and environmentally

Center for Global Solutions Building will be

friendly. USF has been working on

the first building on campus to utilize dual

developing an IT networked centralized

plumbing. The harvest of rainwater will be

remote building energy management and

used for the flushing of toilets and urinals,

individual building metering of energy and

which will reduce the need to withdraw

water use and centralized data collection.

water from the aquifer for the flushing of

This will help save USF a lot of money by

toilets. There has also been the installment of

targeting the things that are taking up most

new low-flow motion-sensing faucets and

of the energy and reducing it with newer

flushing devices to use water more

technologies. Currently, on the USFSP

efficiently. Lastly, USF has used their

campus, there is a Green Building which is

technologies to work on a solar golf cart to

the Science and Technology Building. This

retrofit for existing gas-powered carts. This is

building is LEED (Leadership in Energy and

a project that USF hopes to take off and

Environmental Design) certified, making it

inspire other companies to take after them

one of the most efficient USF buildings.

and produce solar powered golf carts.


In a more traditional plan of action, USFSP is

attempting to increase the number of
recycling bins for on-campus housing.
According to one USFSP student, Right now,
were seeing the 95-gallon bins on each floor
filled up to the very brim. The students are
recycling a lot." While this appears to be a
good sign, it can be problematic once the
contents of full recycling bins are examined

more closely. Students are recycling
materials that do not fall within the plastic,
glass, or paper parameters a major problem
that can make the recycle bin contents
unusable for recycling centers. By providing
more recycling bins, USFSP hopes to increase
awareness on what materials are recyclable
and how to properly dispose of recyclable

Plastics, glass and paper are not the only

This is just one way USF has taken the

items USFSP are trying to recycle, however.

initiative to reduce waste in the area of

foodservice and it also complements the

The university is working together with


Central Receiving to recycle old electronics.

enthusiastically embrace the Eco-Takeouts

Students can safely dispose of their old

containers, and dont mind paying the $4.00

computers, monitors, printers, and other

deposit as a part of their meal plan fees

electronics through a new service that aims

because they are able to reuse these

to safely reduce environmental harm and

containers. Before the Styrofoam ban, USF

produce new, environmentally friendly parts.

discarded 250,000 containers each year

this accounted for 30% of all university

In 2010, Dr. Wells of USF succeeded in





eliminating all Styrofoam takeout containers.

By switching to the Eco-Takeouts, the USF
dining services saves at least $6000 a year.

The University of South Floridas St. Petersburg campus is committed to environmental excellence as
seen through their efforts to address and correct irresponsible energy consumption by reducing energy
usage and implementing solar paneled structures as well as other energy and cost-efficient renovations
and product bans.

The universitys commitment to sustainability and responsible energy usage has made USFSP a
trailblazer for large universities throughout the state. In particular, the SGEF is a remarkable program
maintained by enrolled and active students to assist the university in keeping campus environmentally
aware through basic (such as recycling and harmful product bans) and innovative (solar panels,
smart/green buildings) means.


Aquifer: a body of permeable rock that

Gulf Of Mexico: The Gulf of Mexico is an

can contain or transmit groundwater.

ocean basin largely surrounded by the

North American continent. It is bounded

Civic Engagement Project: A class

on the northeast, north, and northwest by

project in which the students spend at

the Gulf Coast of the United States, on the

least 10 documented hours involved in

southwest and south by Mexico, and on

civic engagement type activities such as

the southeast by Cuba.

volunteer work at a community agency,

assisting with a political campaign, or a


series of meetings, correspondence, or

exhaust gases that are harmful to air

interviews with an individual, group of

quality, mainly carbon monixide (CO),

individuals or an organization relevant to

hydrocarbons (HC), and nitrogen oxides

the environmental policy issue that the


student chooses to review as a case study.

Non-Renwable Resources: A resource of

Environmental Policy: Environmental

economic value that cannot be readily

policy of a State refers to the deliberate

replaced by natural means on a level

actions taken by a State to manage the

equal to its consumption (ex.: fossil fuels,

activities of the population within that

such as oil, natural gas and coal).

State in order to prevent, reduce or

alleviate any harmful effects on nature

Solar Panels: a panel designed to absorb

and its natural resources. Such policy also

the sun's rays as a source of energy for

aims to ensure that any man made

generating electricity or heating.

changes to the environment does not

result in any harm to its population.

Sustainable Energy: is the sustainable


development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability







of future generations to meet their needs.


Blais, Jessica. "USFSP News Center Duke Energy to Invest $1 Million in USFSP Research Project."

University of South Florida St Petersburg. USFSP, 18 Sept. 2014. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.
Just recently, Duke Energy Florida has awarded USF St. Petersburg (USFSP) a one million dollar
SunSense grant that will fund research to explore the integration of storing solar energy in new battery

systems. Along with this grant, a solar panel system will be installed on the top of the 5th Avenue parking
garage. The mentioned solar panel system is estimated to produce an average of 164,250kWh of energy a
year, while the energy needs of USFSP usually average around 19.1 million kWH yearly (Blais).

Hofferle, Jason, Marcus Martinez, Margaret Manzano, Jennifer Nesslar, and Brittany Hanson. "USFSP
Impact in the Green Movement." Scribd. Jason Hofferle, 9 Aug. 2013. Web. 6 Nov. 2014.
In the Student Green Energy Funds continuing efforts, progress has come strong and is continuing to
grow. SGEF purchased a hybrid truck for the Waterfront organization. This hybrid trucks helps save
$1,292 a year in just fuel, and an astounding $4,292 on total vehicle expenses year (Hofferle). Another
accomplishment at USFSP by SGEF is the numerous Solar Doks that were installed around campus. The
table itself is made out of recycled materials and on top of the umbrella sits three solar panels that collect
45-wattseach from the sun, which then provides power for students electronics (Hofferle). The great
thing about SGEF is that students or anyone that is affiliated with USFSP can submit project proposals.
After the idea is submitted, the SGEF committee reviews and then sets up a time for the student/affiliates
to propose their idea before the committee. Then the proposal is graded based on a rubric created by
SGEF, then a final vote is gathered and the results are then given to the proposing party.

Spenceley, Arleen. "USF TAPS INTO SOLAR ENERGY ON CAMPUS; One golf cart that uses the
technology could lead to more." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL] 24 Sept. 2010: 1.
Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 7 Nov. 2014.
Our sister campus in Tampa began using solar powered golf carts in 2010. The carts were once battery-
operated and now dont need to be charged for months at a time. It was initially an expensive process
costing $800 per panel plus installation, however, it was cheaper than buying a brand new solar-powered
cart that costs over $9,000 each. They had they first golf cart running on solar power for an entire year
before deciding to convert the remainder of the carts to solar-powered. Desai, a member of the
university's sustainability steering committee and assistant director of the physical plant, is awaiting two
electric trucks run on solar power which will be used mail and custodial purposes across the campus. The
campus is aggressively pursuing solar-powered vehicles to reduce their carbon footprint as much as
possible. The very best part of solar energy is that it is infinite and this is just the beginning of some
incredible technology to come.

"Sustainability Programs and Initiatives at USF and around the World. (Academics)." Patel School of
Global Sustainability RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
In January 2010, USF established the School of Sustainability. The school is based on a holistic academic
unit that focuses on research for new ways to become more efficient and green. Its strength derives from
the committed involvement of faculty representing natural and social sciences, engineering, business, the
humanities, arts, and health. The school is generated by performances, collaborations, courses,
discussions, shared ideas, research, explorations, and engagements from all USF affiliated faculty and
students. The School is managed by an Executive Director and staffed by affiliated scholars, some from
the University of South Florida System and some from other universities as well as business, industry,
government, and the non-profit sector from throughout the world.

"Sustainability Programs and Initiatives at USF and around the World. (Energy)." Patel School of
Global Sustainability RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
USF has taken the initiative to invest in renewable resources. The Solar Energy Charging Station at the
College of Engineering was established in 1995 and represents the first 20,000 watt solar charging
station in the U.S. The Clean Energy Research Center at USF has received over $15 million of funding in
the last 10 years for renewable energy project research, design, and development, including: electric
vehicles, photovoltaics, microturbine landfill gas, battery development and management, and hydrogen
productions and conversion to fuel cells. The Power Center for Utility Explorations at USF has secured a
prestigious Smart Grid project worth more than $15 Million to work with local utilities to create, test, and
develop smart grids. Also, a solar golf cart retrofit for existing gas-powered carts is currently under

"USFSP News Center Free Electric Charging Stations Installed on Campus." University of South
Florida St Petersburg. Web. 6 Nov. 2014.
Progress Energy awarded our campus The U.S. Department of Energy grant giving us the ability to install
two electric vehicle charging stations in March of 2012. The operation of these stations located in Parking
lot 2 of the campus completely free 24 hours a day for two years paid for by the grant. The first student to
try the stations, David Hakki, 20, said that he believes this is an investment in the future. Since getting his
Chevy Volt, Hakki has been able to drive 3,500 miles with only filling the tank twice. The stations emit
240- volts which is twice that of a home socket allowing the vehicle to be charged in just a few hours.
Along with these stations our own campus now has solar-powered golf carts completed in August 2012.

"USFSP Student Green Energy Fund." USFSP Student Green Energy Fund. USFSP, n.d. Web. 10 Nov.
One of USFSP's green initiatives, the Student Green Energy Fund (SGEF). They are involved with the many
projects around campus and continue to assess new proposals for future projects. Already they have
completed projects that go for the more green alternative. SGEF has put new cardio equipment in the
cardio loft of the gym such as treadmills and electricity producing bikes and ellipticals. They also installed
many of the refillable/quantifiable water bottle filling stations all around campus. On top of these

projects they have also placed recycling and trash bins all around campus for ease of access for students
and faculty; these trash bins and recycling receptacles were actually made from recycled products as
well. More recently, the Student Green Energy fund has installed LED daylight and motion sensitive
lighting on the first floor of the parking garage. With many projects accomplished and more proposals on
the way, SGEF has certainly contributed in USFSPs efforts in going green.

Wilma. "Going Green and Saving Green: University of South Florida Celebrates One-Year All Ecos
Anniversary." Sustainable Trends in Foodservice. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
In 2010, Dr. Wells of USF succeeded in eliminating all Styrofoam takeout containers and replaced them
with a product called Eco-Takeouts. This is just one way USF has taken the initiative to reduce waste in
the area of foodservice and it also complements the reusable mug program. Students enthusiastically
embrace the Eco-Takeouts containers, and dont mind paying the $4.00 deposit as a part of their meal
plan fees because they are able to reuse these containers. Before the Styrofoam band, USF discarded
250,000 of the containers a year which is also 30% of all the garbage generated by USF. By switching to
the Eco-Takeouts, the USF dining services saves at least $6000 a year.


Blais, Jessica. "USFSP News Center Duke Energy to Invest $1 Million in USFSP Research
Project." University of South Florida St Petersburg. USFSP, 18 Sept. 2014. Web. 9 Nov. 2014.

"Computer Disposal." Campus Computing. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

"Engineers for a Sustainable World at USF." Engineers for a Sustainable World at USF. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

"Green Initiatives." Undergraduate Admissions. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

Hofferle, Jason, Marcus Martinez, Margaret Manzano, Jennifer Nesslar, and Brittany Hanson. "USFSP Impact in the
Green Movement." Scribd. Jason Hofferle, 9 Aug. 2013. Web. 6 Nov. 2014.
Killete, Tyler. "Students Plan Recycling Cans." The Crows Nest. 17 Nov. 2014. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.
Simpson, Jerrod. "Sustain-a-Bull: Is USFSP Trashy? - Archive." The Crows Nest. 19 Oct. 2010. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.
Spenceley, Arleen. "USF TAPS INTO SOLAR ENERGY ON CAMPUS; One golf cart that uses the technology could lead
to more." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL] 24 Sept. 2010: 1. Business Insights: Essentials. Web. 7 Nov.
"Sustainability Programs and Initiatives at USF and around the World. (Energy)." Patel School of Global
Sustainability RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
"USFSP News Center Free Electric Charging Stations Installed on Campus." University of South Florida St
Petersburg. Web. 6 Nov. 2014.
"USFSP Student Green Energy Fund." USFSP Student Green Energy Fund. USFSP, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
Wilma. "Going Green and Saving Green: University of South Florida Celebrates One-Year All Ecos Anniversary."
Sustainable Trends in Foodservice. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.


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