MCYS Committed To Supporting Singaporeans Through Trying Times, 20 May 2009, Straits Times

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home addendum to the president's address



Making Singapore a home
for local and foreign talent
BY SUE-ANN CHIA committed themselves to sending
94,000 workers for training.
MANPOWER Minister Gan Kim Spur, he added, has been con-
Yong made a pledge yesterday to tinually refined, with more help
do more to make Singapore “a going to white-collar workers
home for talent”, both local and who have been hit more by this re-
foreign. His ministry has lined up cession than past slumps.
several plans to achieve it. He further pledged to provide
These include developing good locals with more training opportu-
Developing good employment practices, upholding high standards of workplace safety and health, and having a “well-managed” foreign workforce are among the employment practices, high stand- nities by expanding the infrastruc-
plans lined up by the Ministry of Manpower to enable Singapore to attract and retain talent. ST FILE PHOTO ture of national adult training cen-
ards of workplace safety and
health, and a “well-managed” for- tres.
This will help meet workers’ de-
In laying them out in an adden- sire for training, according to a
dum to the President’s address on survey by recruitment agency Kel-
ly Services.

Monday, he said: “We will do
more to position Singapore as a It found that more than eight
home for talent, both local and for- in 10 Singaporeans believe they
eign, with a compelling proposi- need to upgrade their skills to stay
tion of fulfilling career opportuni- ahead in the workplace, with al-
ties and high quality of life.” most half saying the training pro-

The President, in opening Par- vided by employers failed to meet
liament’s second session, had pro- their future career needs.
vided an overview of the Govern- As for a possible second wave
ment’s strategies for the remain- of layoffs this year, Mr Gan said
ing legislative term. he was not keen to give projec-
Following it, ministries are lay- tions but assured Singaporeans
Plan for robust social safety net ing out their respective plans in
their addenda, which provide a
the Government was “prepared”
to deal with any outcome.
framework for MPs to debate The National Wages Council,
with focus on kids and women when Parliament sits next week,
from Monday.
he added, will release its recom-
mendations by early next month.
As the Ministry of Manpower Coping with the economic cri-
BY THERESA TAN a prolonged recession. (MOM) maps out its long-term vi- sis is just one of six priority areas
Yesterday, the MCYS released sion, it faces one immediate task: for MOM.
THE Ministry of Community its plans and priorities for the The ministry will pay special attention to strengthening marriages and will tackling the current crisis. The other plans go beyond the
Development, Youth and Sports coming years, in its addendum to extend more help to dysfunctional families. ST FILE PHOTO At a press briefing on MOM’s downturn, such as building work-
(MCYS) is reviewing all its help the President’s Address. addendum, Mr Gan said govern- force capabilities by raising pro-
schemes to make sure that Singa- In it, Dr Balakrishnan pledged ment measures to minimise job ductivity and quality of locals and
to update ComCare schemes Straits Times that its focus is also cial attention” to strengthen mar- losses have worked, keeping un- foreigners.
poreans, especially children, do
on women, to ensure that they riages, Dr Balakrishnan said, with- employment levels low. MOM’s Minister of State Lee
not fall through the cracks during which provide financial aid,
have access to support services as out elaborating. He showed a chart comparing Yi Shyan added that Singapore
the current recession. among other help, to the needy,
families face greater strain with Ms Anita Fam, who chairs Mar- the jobless rates of various econo- needed to keep its doors open to
Minister for Community Devel- so that they remain “relevant and
the gloomy economy. riage Central’s advisory board, mies. Singapore’s rate in March foreign talent to continue to
opment, Youth and Sports Vivian adequate”.
The MCYS will also provide said the group is working with was 3.2 per cent, lower than that grow.
Balakrishnan told The Straits He said: “We will exercise more funding for the childcare sec- agencies such as the Ministry of in economies such as the United He assured Singaporeans that
Times yesterday: “We are going greater flexibility to help those at tor and aims to facilitate the devel- Defence and Education Ministry States (8.9 per cent), the United “when foreign talent is intro-
through all our schemes affecting the margins and provide more opment of another 200 childcare duced, new jobs will be created
financial support, especially to to change mindsets on marriage. Kingdom (7.1 per cent) and Hong
families to see if they are reces- centres in the next five years. for locals”.
Ms Fam explained: “Some- Kong (5.1 per cent).
sion-proof, meaning that no mat- children from low-income and Turning to the elderly, the min- MOM also addressed the needs
times people have overly romanti- Credit, he said, should go to
ter how tough things get, children vulnerable families.” istry said it will work with the schemes such as Jobs Credit of an ageing society, like helping
must not suffer.” Besides the poor and those cised ideas about marriage. If you
Health Ministry to ensure that which subsidises employers’ wage older folk work longer and save
Hence, the MCYS is studying affected by the recession, the want a perfect partner, you will for retirement. This will be done
long-term care services are availa- bill, and the Skills Programme for
the eligibility criteria of various MCYS will also extend more help ble to seniors and their care-giv- be disappointed.” through a re-employment legisla-
Upgrading and Resilience (Spur)
schemes, working with its part- to dysfunctional families plagued ers, and that the vulnerable elder- A one-stop resource centre at which subsidises worker training. tion and CPFLife, which gives Sin-
ners, among other things, to come by multiple and chronic prob- ly receive enough protection, the Registry of Marriages will be Giving an update on Spur gaporeans a steady stream of re-
up with a social safety net that is lems. among other plans. set up this year, she added. which his ministry administers, tirement income for life.
“robust enough” to weather even Dr Balakrishnan also told The The ministry will also pay “spe- he said 1,400 companies have


Call to realise the Singapore Promise

BY KOR KIAN BENG dum to the President’s parliamen- Integrating Singaporeans and
tary address. new immigrants is also important
THE main lure drawing many peo- Mr Wong, who is also the in this recession, said Mr Wong.
ple to sink roots here has been dis- Home Affairs Minister, stated He added that the new Nation-
tilled into a new catchphrase: Sin- that citizens come first in the na- al Integration Council will har-
tional drive to build a “sustaina- ness efforts from all sectors to
gapore Promise.
ble, connected and integrated help integrate Singaporeans in all
Deputy Prime Minister Wong population” that will ensure Sin-
Kan Seng introduced it yesterday areas, including their homes,
gapore survives and thrives. workplaces and schools.
when he urged Singaporeans and “Citizen interests will always
new immigrants to strive togeth- Business development manag-
be accorded a higher priority over er Dennis Quah, 32, felt the “Sin-
er to build a Singapore for all Sin- those of permanent residents and gapore Promise” phrase was un-
gaporeans. foreigners.” likely to strike a chord with Singa-
Mr Wong, the minister in He cited two areas that affect poreans the way “the American
charge of population issues, said citizens: growing the local popula-
Dream” does for Americans.
many immigrants, both past and tion and reaching out to overseas
Singaporeans. “In reality, we’re just a manu-
present, came because they be- factured society,” he said.
lieve they can realise their aspira- But it is premature to assess if
the Enhanced Marriage and Par- Regional sales manager Yeo
tions and build a good home here. See Yeong, 37, on the other hand,
“It is through our ability to un- enthood Package, launched last
August, has worked in coaxing finds comfort in Mr Wong’s state-
derstand, appreciate and respect ment that citizens will come first.
couples to marry and have more
one another that we can have a But the Government would
children, so its effectiveness will
Singapore for Singaporeans. continue to be monitored. need to demonstrate it, especially
“All of us have a duty to con- Overseas Singaporeans, who in aiding “the many who are
tribute to and deliver the exceed 150,000, will be engaged struggling in this downturn and
‘Singapore Promise’ for ourselves even in these hard times, he add- looking to the Government for ba-
and our descendants,” he said. ed, because they are a part of the sic care, such as job creation and
He made the call in his adden- Singaporean family. social assistance”.


Silver lining in an ageing society

SINGAPORE’S location in Asia, isterial Committee on Ageing has Through various programmes,
the world’s fastest-ageing region, in place to tackle ageing issues. Singapore is also being made ac-
places it in a prime spot to seize On employment, he said the cessible and safe for all, including
the economic and social opportu- Ministry of Manpower is pushing the less mobile, and Singaporeans
nities that come with ageing, said ahead to implement re-employ- will get more housing options
Minister in the Prime Minister’s ment legislation in 2012, which too, said Mr Lim.
Office Lim Boon Heng yesterday. will encourage firms to hire or re- He said the Government will
He pointed out the silver lining tain their older workers. expand the health-care sector
in Singapore’s ageing society, To help Singaporeans save for and promote active ageing.
which will see one in five people old age, the Central Provident It will develop more services
Fund Life Scheme will be in place and support schemes for families
aged 65 and older in 2030, up
from 2013 to provide CPF mem- and caregivers, and introduce the
from one in 12 today.
bers a regular income for the rest pilot Wellness Programme to
Said Mr Lim, the minister in of their lives. more constituencies to help the
charge of ageing issues: “We will He said there will be efforts to elderly stay healthy and socially
develop Singapore as a thriving raise awareness of the HDB’s new connected.
business and research centre on Lease Buyback Scheme, which al- Said Mr Lim: “Families should
ageing.” lows elderly owners of smaller remain the bedrock of care and
In an addendum to President flats to sell to the HDB the support for our elders. We will
S R Nathan’s address on Monday, tail-end of their lease at market forge an inclusive society for
Mr Lim outlined the ongoing ef- rate. Proceeds will be used to buy young and old.”
forts and upcoming plans the Min- an annuity from the CPF Board. KOR KIAN BENG

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