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As a complement of historical St. Augustine, this treasure trip from Bogota to Departament of
Neiva, passing through a series of villages and striking elements of culture opita that along with
the beautiful landscape and the permanent company of the Magdalena river enrich the magical
holiday stroll in the South of Colombia. St Augustin is Located specifically in the eastern range to
1730 meters above sea level in the foothills of the Colombian Massif.
Leaving Bogot by land are 540 kilometers until you reach St. Augustine, the route is via a fully
paved road passing through a series of towns like Melgar, Girardot, Espinal, Saldaa, Guamo,
Natagaima, Palmita, Pata, SBAI, Neiva (Capital of the Department of Huila) Leaving Neiva the
municipality of San Agustin is far from Neiva 227 kms. by paved road passing through the
municipalities of Campoalegre, the Hobo, giant, Garzn, Altamira, Alto de Pericongo, Timana, and
finally Pitalito.
The municipality is supported principally in the agricultural sector, commerce - product and
services, petroleum development and the sector of transport and communications, which in
average there represents 74 % of the whole of the Departmental Internal Product.

Distance from town: 2.5 km west of the town of San Agustin

There are some 130 statues within the Park.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM: Display different archaeological tools such as statues,
including 5 life-size statues that until the year 2003 were in the Park Simn Bolvar,
ceramic vessels, jewelry, necklaces, vestiges of corn and beans, sarcophagus of wood
arrows, blowguns, drums, flutes, blankets and other representative elements of the daily
life of some indigenous peoples of the Colombian Amazon
FOREST OF STATUES: It adjoins the House Administration and the Museum, here are 35
sculptures of medium size, with different origins located along a winding path embedded
inside the Green and thick vegetation in which trees are still preserved.
THE LAVAPATAS CEREMONIAL SOURCE: Etched deeply artistic and religious, has 34 figures
in relief, many canals and three pools that harmonized with the majestic sound of water
unites the concepts of life and death

THE LAVAPATAS HEIGHT: It is located in a top to 1,750 meters above the sea level. Seven
sculptures form the archaeological attraction of this place. The panoramic view of this
place is unimaginable by the splendor of its natural landscape.

The Strait of the Magdalena is a landscape of great natural beauty located a few kilometers away
from the urban area of the Municipality of San Agustin, Department of Huila in Colombia. So far it
has been impossible to measure the depth of the river in this sector, the strong current not
allowed the immersion of divers or instruments of Medicon, in fact have the legends that
adventurous experts and amateurs were submerged tied to ropes, but without the good fortune
to quit again.
This geological fault, called the leap of Mortio, can be seen from a nearby mountain that serves
as a natural viewpoint: appreciates the fall, the hillsides covered with vegetation, the formation of
the canon and the mist that is generated by the shock of the water against the rocks.

Gorgona is a small island of about 25 kms which houses within a natural paradise, Mecca for
ecotourism and research of fauna and flora given its coral reef and tropical rainforest ecosystems.
Prior to that, from 1959 to 1982, it was a maximum security prison for the most dangerous
criminals in the country. Diego de Almagro discovered the island in 1524 and gave it its name
inspired by the gorgons of Greek mythology, women- daemon with hairs of serpent, given the
enormous number of these reptiles.
The first part of the trip involves arriving from Bogota to Buenaventura, in the department of Valle
del Cauca, or Guapi, in the department of Cauca. From Buenaventura, the trip lasts about ten
hours and is done at night. Upon arriving at the island, access is possible only on Aviatur or
Ministry of the Environment boats. Gorgona has no pier.
The distance from Guapi is only 56 km and is covered by a motorboat that takes about an hour and
forty minutes. This trip must be done before midday in order to avoid the afternoon tide.
In Gorgona the economy its based on the tourism of the island.

Tourists may start by hiking on the islands three trails: La Chonta, which leads to the hydroelectric
plant and the interactive center; Pan; and lastly, Playa Palmeras, the longest of the trip and
involving a two hour walk. Guides are essential when hiking on the trails. Due to the presence of
poisonous snakes, hikes should not be done after 5 p.m.
Guides are essential when hiking on the paths. Due to the presence of poisonous snakes, hikes
should not be done after 5 p.m.
After taking a hike, a good idea is to sail around the island and try to see dolphins jumping over the
waves. And if visitors are after marine species and colorful coral, diving or snorkeling may be the
next activity on the schedule. The best places for this are the Yundigua aquarium, El Planchn or La
Parguera, to name a few.
In the course of the journey, it is possible to visit the Payn Museum, the museum of the old
prison, the Interactive and Environmental Interception Center, the old wharf, the eco-store, and
the Archaeology Hall, among others.
Isla Gorgona was a former penal colony of Colombia in the beginning of "La Violencia". The prison
was commissioned in the 1950's and had a reputation that puts Alcatraz to shame.
To the Gorgona prison were sent the most dangerous inmates in Colombia. When a prisoner was
admitted to the prison, he lost his personal identification and, in return, was given a number for
identified in the prison. During your stay, the inmates were in constant abuse by the authorities
and by the prisoners themselves. In addition, they had to live daily with poisonous snakes and
tropical diseases. In 1977 it was proposed to create a national park on the island but it was not
until 1985 that we were able to realize the idea. A year before, the island was declared a World
Heritage Site by Unesco.

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