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Name: Erika Llumiquinga

Course: Basic
Nowadays around the world have a huge issue related with
violation of human rights known as crimes against humanity. Ecuador is not the
exception, there are two punctual cases that show this terrible problem; but
Ecuadorians know what are crimes against humanity? which are the most important
cases given in our country? and What is doing the government to investigate those
Crimes against humanity definite after the Second War World, to
generate a criminal responsibility inside the Roma Statute of the International Criminal
Court, 17 July 1998. It means any of the following acts: extermination. slavery, torture,
persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, national, ethnic,
cultural, religious, gender, among others.
However, inside our country were presented two cases of crimes
against humanity hidden by the government in those days. First case: Restrepo
brothers, 8 January 1988, Santiago and Andres Restrepo with 17 and 14 years old
respectively, were travelling by their own car, but the older had not his driver license;
that was the reason to arrest him and his brother, although their bodies have not found
still. Subsequently they were carried to jail where according evidences presented for
their family; Police had tortured and then kill them. In September 1991was published
an international report where was refused the theory of Ecuadorian authorities that
there was not any traffic accident, negligence of the National Police who hidden
evidences and the causers.
Although causers were imprisoned, unfortunately laws were
enough hard to they pay for their acts. They did what they want because its jails
seemed houses where they could come and go any hour. Now, some of them are
abroad with their families hiding the truth about what really happened that day with two
brothers others polices involved are active service every time rising its range.
Second case: Vaca Cajas Jarrn it is a special case because
these people could left with life of this torture and now they can sue for violation of
their rights. Luis Vaca, Susana Cajas and Javier Jarrn were arrested in 1985.
Tortured, had sexual violence even forced disappearance it was in the case Cajas and
Jarrn, but Vaca was disappeared almost three years even deleted his vital records.
During that time they obviously were tortured specially Cajas who said that she always
was sexually abused.
Actually government created a new organism to investigate those
cases called Truth Commission where are realized deep investigation about crimes
what must be judged and punished by law. Unfortunately never had political decision to
can do possible it. However, it is the time to give justice for people who had to pass for
traumatic situations violating their rights.
Unfortunately these are isolated cases related with violation of
rights; how many cases of that would produce every time in every country and nobody
do something to avoid it.

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