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Difference between the past and present life (Civilisation)

Now people are able to live in better conditions than their parents used to thanks to the progress made
in science and technology.
In the past, most people used to travel long distances on foot or by stage coach. Pilgrimage (El
hadj) took the muslim people days and days to reach the holy place of Makah. By contrast, and thanks
to technology and science, now people can cover the same distance in a twinkle of an eye.
In addition, as mechanisation was not introduced significantly in daily activities, household chores
still had to be done manually, and were therefore time consuming and tiring. Now, women enjoy the
new technology by using very quick electronic devices as the mixer, the washing mashing, the
dishwasher, the vacuum cleaner, the microwave, the Internet etc
Besides, In the past people used to suffer from the spread of dangerous and killer diseases like
malaria, plague and cholera. Nowadays, people live longer than their ancestors thanks to several
discoveries and inventions like penicillin, vaccines, and many medical instruments like the x-ray, the
scanner etc
On the other hand, community life was still an advantage for social cohesion, since people had
more opportunities to meet and discuss about daily life issues. People used to visit each other to keep
help and solidarity and also fight loneliness and stress.
To conclude, I can say that despite the lack of means and technology, I have the deepest
conviction that our grandparents lived happier and that technology has increased the plight of our
generation with the dangers of destructive wars. Iraq, Syria, Libya are just simple examples.

Everybody knows that the historians have recorded 27 civilisations so far. One of the
most outstanding and famous one is the Egyptian civilization. So what were its
Ancient Egyptian civilization emerged along the Nile Valley as a result of the
unification of all Egyptians under the central authority of one single king, the Pharaoh. The
Pharaohs government guaranteed both external and internal security to the people of Egypt.
As a consequence, the Egyptians grew very proud of their country and became so fond of the
Pharaoh that they worshipped him as a God- king. This national pride and identification with
the Pharaoh kept the unity of ancient Egypt and made its civilization prosper for many
centuries. But the economy of ancient Egypt was ruined by all the resources that the Pharaohs
put into the building of pyramids and the burial of their treasures in their own tombs.
Economic collapse caused the gradual decline and fall of ancient Egyptian civilization.
To conclude, I can say that the Egyptian civilization has contributed with the other ones
to the well-being and comfort of humanity and we cant improve our world unless all the
people of this earth unite and work toward one goal: happiness and love.

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