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The Effort of Andrea Sach to Balance Her Life in Weisbergers Novel

The Devil Wears Prada

A Thesis Written By :
F211 10 105

English Department
Faculty of Letters
Hasanuddin University Makassar



Literary work is a work of art that is an expression of human life.

Literary work also become media that reflect the reality of human life. This
literary work is based on events that are all around us, as well as the imagination
of the author itself. Literary works in which the events in a particular environment
can be one source of information for those of us who want to know about
anything that happened at that time, because literary works relate very closely to
many aspects of our life.
The writer decides to choose novel to analyze than any other kind of
literatures. It is based on the most popular literature reading. Novel is close to the
reality in this world and tells about the situation or possibly situation of human as
human being.

The way of Mario Puzo shows the story its so realistic and very
impressive. He could write the fiction and nonfiction. His first book created based
on his own experience and his second book is about the autobiography of italian
immigrant. That is why his third book, The Godfather is so called as his own
experience as a mafia.
It is found in The Godfather by Mario Puzo, The film takes the period
between 1945 to 1955 tells the story of the Corleone family headed by Don Vito
Corleone. Don Corleone was the leader of mafia groups in the city of New York is
a very influential of the many other mafia organizations spread across the United

I.2 Identification of the Problem

After read the novel of Mario Puzo The Godfather, the writer identifies
some problems, they are:
1. The characteristic of mafia
2. The lifestyle of mafia in Mario Puzo novel The Godfather
I.3 Scope of the Problem

To be more focus on the issues that will be analyzed, the writer makes
the limitations problem in this research. The writer focus on the problem of
mafia in the novel of Mario Puzo "The Godfather".

I.4 Statement of the Problem

From the scope of problem above, the writer composed the statement of
problem as below:
1. What is the characteristic of mafia ?
2. How is the lifestyle of mafia in Mario Puzo novel The Godfather ?

I.5 Objective of Writing

According to the identification and statement of problem above, the objective of
this writing are:

1. To analyze characteristic of mafia

2. To find the lifestyle of mafia in Mario Puzo novel The Godfather

I.6 Significant of writing

According to the writer, the significances of the writing are :
1. Hopefully this writing can become a reference for anyone who wants to
analyze Marios Puzo novel The Godfather

2. By reading and study, the writer hopes this thesis is able to give more
information and to contribute a faithful knowledge in studying The
Godfather by Mario Puzo

Literary Review
2.1 Relevant Study
After the writer finds out and read several thesis written earlier, the
writer found a thesis written with the same title of the novel The
Godfather ,

2.3 Intrinsic Elements
Intrinsic elements in literature are view things that appear in literature text. The
point of intrinsic element points is implicated that the point of literature is an
independent entity, exist or not in literature text. Literature point looked as
something permanent or eternal and it bring the goal inside. Beautiful words are
something objective, people can understand or confuse about it (Lockemann,
1965:16). That is why the intrinsic elements need to be determines in some parts.

A. Plot

Plot is a selection and arrangement of incidents by the author in a novel, short

story or drama to form the action and give the story a particular focus. According
to Perrine (1983: 41) Plot is sequence of incidents or events of which a story is
There are some elements in plot, such as the significant conflicts, the five distinct
sections of stages and the ordering plot.
a. Ekspotition
Definition of expotition by XJ Kennedy in An Introduction to Fiction
(1991:6) as follows:
An exposition in the opening portion that sets the scene (if any),
introduce the main characters, tells us what happen before the story
opened, and provides any other background information that we need
in order to understand and carre about the events to follow (Kennedy,

While in his book Teori Pengkajian Fiksi, Burhan Nurgiantoro provides

an explanation of the exposition as follows:
Pada umumnya berisi sejumlah informasi penting yang berkaitan
dengan berbagai hal yang akan dikisahkan pada tahap berikutnya.
Seperti, penunjukkan dan pengenalan latar, seperti nama-nama tempat
suasana alam, waktu kejadian, dan lain-lain yang pada garis besarnya
berupa deskripsi setting. Selain itu juga sering dipergunakan untuk

tokoh-tokoh cerita, mungkin berupa deskripsi fisik, bahkan mungkin

juga telah disinggung perwatakan (Nurgiantoro, 1995: 142)

The opinions above imply that the expositionn is an explanation

which lies at the beginning of the story where we will be introduced to
some of the information and explanations as necessary.
Thus, the writer may conclude that the exposition in the beginning
of the story usually contains the introduction of the characters, the
background exposure of problem as well as image resolution.

b. Rising Action
Rising action is a situation that shows where conflicts arise and envolve
toward a point that most peaks. According to Burhan Nurgiantoro in his
book Teori Pengkajian Fiksi describes the senses of rising action as
Tahap rising action adalah tahap peningkatan konflik yang telah
dimunculkan pada tahap sebelumnya semakin berkembang. Peristiwa
peristiwa yang dramatik menjadi inti cerita semakin mencengkam dan
menegangkan. Konflik konflik yang terjadi, internal, eksternal,
ataupun keduannya, pertengahan pertengahan, benturan benturan
antara kepentingan, masalah dan tokoh yang mengarah ke klimaks
semakin tidak dapat dihindari ( Nurgiantoro, 1995: 150).

Furthermore Sudjiman ( via thesis Daud, 1998: 13) gives an overview of

the rising action as follows:
Dalam rising action unsur unsur yang mengarah ketidak stabilan
makin jelas menuju perwujudan suatu pola konflik atau tikaian, yaitu
persilisihan antara yang timbul akibat adanya dua kekuatan yang
bertentangan, satu di antaranya diwakili oleh manusia yang biasanya
menjadi protagonis, atau pertentangan antara dirinya dengan kekuatan
alam, dengan masyarakat, orang atau tokoh lain, ataupun pertentangan
antara dua unsur di dalam diri satu tokoh itu.

From the opinian above, the writer may conclude that the rising action is
described on the conflict and then the conflict has developed, which will
eventually lead the main characters on the top of the problem. It can be
caused by other people, nature, society, or his own conscience.

c. Climax
Situation of conflict reaches its highest point is called a climax. Usually
marked by the attitude of the character, especially the main character takes
one step to solve the problem.

d. Falling Action
The after climax section in a plot structure of story is called the falling
action and also can be called denouement stage, which is a progression of

events toward resolving the problem. Conflicts and emotions heightened

have been declined.
e. Resolution
Settlement of all problems or conflict of a story in a literary work called
the denouement, which is a happy ending and sad ending or unhappy
ending. Through the denouement, the author provides a problem solving
events that have occured in a series of story.

B. Character
Character is an important one for a good writer to construct his/her works
play. Sean Monahan defines character from his book Literature with Style A
character is a person in a story or a play (Monahan, 1986:47).
Character is a person that is presented in a drama or narration while the
process by which the writer makes that character seem real to the reader is called
characterization. Characters are widely considered an essential element of
fictional works, especially novels and playas. The process of creating and
developing characters in a works of fiction is called characterization.
Character is the one who share his/her experiment to create or develop the
conflict in the story. Therefore he/she is one of the things that are very important
in a fiction because it is impossible to have a story without a character that creates

the storylines. All conflicts or events in the fiction are expanded through the
action of the figures. Sumardjo (1984:132) describes that Tokoh merupakan
bagian utama dari alur cerita.
Writer develops their character in a number of ways. When concerned
primarily with the external reality of their character, either describes their physical
appearance, dramatize action and conversation, and summarize their previous
historical for us. Writer also penetrates the minds and hearts of some characters in
particularly the protagonist to show which other in the story may be unaware.

C. Setting
Essentially, facing of a work of a fiction is dealing with a world, a world of
possibilities, a world which always comes with the characters and problems
inside. But it was considered less complete because the character with a variety of
problems requiring the scope of place and time, as human life in the real world.
So in addiction to a fictional character, the story also require what we called
D. Theme

An important element that constructs the story in a literary work is a theme. Its
existence depends on the other elements such as character, plot, and setting. Other
elements like character, plot and setting, can be united and have meaning if they
are composed according to a theme.
Theme is also the general idea in a literary work, as Landy said that theme of
a story refers to some general idea embodied in the story (Landy, 19772: 198). It
refers to the abstract concept that is made concrete through the images,
characterization, and action of the text. The theme gives the novel a greater depth
than it would have if it were a simple recitation of a series of actions. Sean
Monahan also stated that theme refers to the significance of what happens
(Monahan: 1986: 6).

2.3 lifestyle
According to lifestyle is the habbits, attitudes, tastes,
moral standars, economic, level, that together constitute the mode of living of an

individual or group. A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and
values of a person or group.
Lifestyle is a term to describe the way a person lives, which was originally
coined by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler in 1929. The current broader sense
of the word dates from 1961. A set of behaviors, and the senses of self and
belonging which these behaviors represent, are collectively used to define a given
lifestyle. The term is defined more broadly when used in politics, marketing and
A lifestyle is a characteristic bundle of behaviors that makes sense both
others and oneself in a given time and place. The bahaviors and practices within
lifestyle are a mixture of habbits, conventional ways of doing things and reasoned
actions. A lifestyle typically also reflects an individuals attitudes, values or
worldwide. Therefore, a lifestyle is a means of forging a sense of self and to
create cultural symbols that resonate with personal identity, not all aspect of
lifestyle are entirely voluntaristic.


In a research it is very important to use a method om classyfying the problem with

the support of specific data to get proper conclusion. In this chapter the writer is
going to explain about the method which is used to explore the novel in this
3.1 Method of Collecting Data
In order to accomplish the purpose of the writing, the writer uses two kinds of
data resources, which are categorized as follow:

Primary Data

The writer reads the novel and then list the character of The Godfather, events and

Secondary Data

In this writing the writer uses library research in order to find the data and the
reference, which are relevant to the subject. Besides, the writer also uses some
relevant articles and electronic text (e-text) from internet as the other information.

3.2 Method of Analyzing Data

In analyzing data, the writer uses textual approach (intrinsic) where the novel
itself as the main source. In this case, the writer uses structuralism approach to
make the analysis about the character in text easier.
3.3 Procedure of writing
All the process of this analysis is:
To read the novel carefully as the main sources.
To identify the problem that writer finds in reading the novel. To decide the
subject analysis that relates to the character of The Godfather, events and setting
To gain and collect all data and information that has relevance to the subject from
the other references.
To analyze and describe the data that have been found.
To writer down the result of the analysis.

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