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CRT - How to prepare a resume


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How to prepare a resume

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When we enter the job market, we are

viewed as 'products'. If we are viewed as
such, then our resume could be said to be the
'product brochure'. The product brochure
would speak for the product in ways more
than one. It could give an impressive array of
information regarding the 'product', which
could stimulate interest in the recruiting
A resume should be a reflection of what all
you stand for, what all you are - as an
individual as well as a prospect for
recruitment. It should

present a clear picture to the recruiter about you;

describe you precisely in all aspects, and
engage the attention of the recruiter.
Before you start your work on your resume, you should find out what the company is looking for in the prospect, and try to
tailor your resume to match the requirements listed by the company.
To this end, you could take the help of your seniors in the college, elders at home, peers in the college, friends, search the
Internet for information organisation, and placement agencies. These sources would go a long way in helping you script an
excellent resume.
Please understand that to get to the final copy, you would need to prepare a few drafts. This would essentially help you
fine-tune the information, which you would carry in the resume. The best way to prepare a resume is to 'get going' by
noting all the possible points of information you would like to project in the resume.
The reason as to why you should prepare a resume would change according to the nature of the situation you are in. If you
are a fresher (final year student / just out of college), then a resume does not serve the purpose of getting you a short-list
for an interview. This is because you would be selected for the interview on the basis of the aptitude test. At the same time,
it does not mean that the resume serves no purpose. In the case of a fresher, the recruiter checks your resume only after
the candidates for the interview are short-listed. Now this entire issue of checking your resume would be dealt with only
minutes before the interview.
While most of you are freshers, however, in case of a candidate with work experience, the primary objective of the resume
would be to seek a short-list for the interview. In such case, your resume should hold the attention of the recruiter for long
enough to get you a short-list for the interview. In this case, your resume should highlight the nature of the work
experience as well as accomplishments in academic and work-related activity.
Basic guidelines
Use white-coloured executive bond paper for preparing a resume. Use only one side of the paper.
There is no hard and fast rule as to how a resume should be prepared and how it should look. If somebody asks you to not
to write 'C urriculum Vitae' or 'Resume' at the top, then kindly ignore such advice. Also, it is not compulsory that a resume
should begin in a standard format like where you begin with your name followed by address, contact number, e-mail id, etc.
You may choose any format that puts out the best picture of your candidature for the job.
Do not mention your height, weight, gender, religion, caste and other other such odd details. Just remember that you are
applying for a job and not for a bride / bridegroom contest!
Do not paste / staple your photograph on the resume unless the recruiter specifically asks for the same. If need be, use a
latest photograph.
Please try to align the left as well the right side of the page. The resume should not appear in a haphazard alignment
indicating an unfinished job.
Major sub-heads
The following are the major sub-heads under which you should carry the relevant information:
It is a largely accepted notion that you should start the main body of the resume with your objective(s). It is not mandatory
to state an objective. The objective could change between companies as it would depend on the nature of the job you would
apply for.
If you want to state your objective, then use simple words and short sentences. Avoid the use of high-sounding words like
"determination / discipline / industrious", which are used more for the effect they create. Please remember that you will
have to substantiate such words when questioned in the interview.
Here, you should mention your educational qualifications in reverse chronological order i.e. starting with the latest (degree).
Please make sure that you quote accurate percentages / absolute scores.
Other Academic-related activities
Under this head, you could write about project(s), mini-project(s), paper presentation, industrial visits, apprenticeship, etc.
This area should highlight your skill set in the relevant field.
If you have won any awards / prizes, citations / certificates of merit, then you should mention them. Please do not shy
away from highlighting these important points as they reflect another facet of your personality.
Strengths / Weaknesses
This is one area where you should be very careful. Before you mention your strengths, make sure that you have enough
examples / situations where you have exhibited such strengths. Also make sure that you should be able to substantiate
such strengths if you are asked to demonstrate the same in the interview.
The same caution applies in the case of weaknesses. Make sure that in case you are asked to specify an instance where
your weaknesses have let you down, then you should be able to come with such situations.
It is very easy to get carried away especially when we talk of our strengths. Please ensure that you use simple words to
describe this specific area in your resume. You could list words like discipline, dedication, honesty, hard-working, etc., as
your strengths. But as said earlier, you should be able to come up with the right answers if asked to demonstrate these
qualities in the interview.



CRT - How to prepare a resume

Extra-curricular activities and Hobbies / Interests
First of all, you should know that there is a simple difference between extra-curricular activities and hobbies / interests.
An extra-curricular activity is something that you pursue at a serious level, where you put in a dedicated effort and pursue
the same with passion. In other words, you take time-out to indulge in an extra-curricular activity. For example, in the
college, you had captained the college cricket team. In case, in the pursuit of such extra-curricular activity, you had won
any prizes or any other honour, then do mention the same under the relevant head. Award or no award, you could still
mention the pursuit of such extra-curricluar activity under this head.
An interest / hobby is something that you involve yourself in when it comes your way. Like watching cricket telecast on TV.
You would watch it only when you have time for it and only when it is there. So, an interest / hobby could be called a fad,
something that you pursue at a not-so-serious level.
Computing skills
If you are applying for a position in software development / programming, then mention the skill set you have acquired in
the relevant field. Please make sure that you state all programming languages / applications / programmes as well as your
proficiency level in the mentioned areas.
Positions held
The need for writing down about positions held would not arise in case you are a fresher. However, if you have any work
experience / or are working, then you should mention about positions held / job profile in the organisation(s) you worked
for / working for.
These would help the recruiter ascertain the fact of your suitability for the vacancy in the organisation.
Languages known
If you are applying for a job in sales / marketing, then you should mention the languages you are comfortable with. You
could mention the same in case you are applying for an opening outside of your home state.

Do's and Dont's

Make sure that you carry accurate and relevant information in your resume. Please jot down all such information that
could engage the attention of the recruiter.
In case, you have participated in / organised a social welfare activity (like a blood donation camp), then mention the
same. You may not have any certificate to back-up your claim but still you could go ahead and include the same in your
resume. But do not mis-represent any information.
Use a eye-pleasing font like Arial or Times New Roman. C apitalise proper names.

Please send to / use the original copy of your resume for any new application. Do not send / use photocopies.
You could also customise your resume to suit the skill set requirements listed by the company for a specific job.
Avoid spelling / grammatical errors. Your resume should not have stains / cuts.
Avoid slang / college lingo / informal language.
You could also use action words like awarded, achieved, performed, led, planned, presented, etc. But do not use them
just for the sake of the effect such words create. Use them only if they are apt.

In conclusion, please understand that a good resume should highlight two important issues: your skills (academic and workrelated) and you as a individual / person.
Always bear this in mind that a well-written resume always has the potential to arrest the recruiter's attention. This is the
first step toward getting 'that' much-coveted job.


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