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Lab Rubric: Written Report


Title:Title accurately described the work and included

independent variables and author.
Includes scientific names of organisms used.
Abstract:No more than 200 words
Includes a brief summary of the purpose, hypothesis
procedure results and conclusion
Purpose: Purpose is logical, answerable, and relevantthe purpose is the reason for conducting the
investigation . The main focus is on the relevance of
the investigation. Mentioning dependent and
independent variables is not necessary in this section.
Background: Identifies and explains all relevant
scientific concepts related to the research by
explaining the following in detail:

general topic

entity (organism studies when applicable)

Independent variable (s)

dependent variable
*No Data or results from the lab should appear in this
Hypothesis/Prediction: is testable. Uses accurate
scientific concepts to explain the hypothesis.
Remember your hypothesis is your idea, based on
scientific knowledge applied to the specifics of your
Prediction is in if (the independent variable) then (how
the dependent variable will respond) format. The
prediction is specifically connected to the procedure for
this investigation.

Accurately tests the hypotheses

contains sufficient number of trials

Written in a step by step list format

Includes specific reproducible details

Includes all safety concerns

Includes pictures of the apparatus, when

Components of Experimental Design:

Identifies constants and explains why they

must remain constant

Identifies the experimental and control


Identifies the Independent variable(s)

Describes how results will be measured to

confirm hypothesis/prediction (dependent

Title includes all

All criteria are met in
a coherent
organized paragraph
Purpose is logical,
answerable and
relevant. It is
consistent with

Most criteria are

met, paragraph
lacks organization
Purpose is
answerable, but it
lacks a good reason
for conducting the

Graphs: Placed underneath or after data tables,

provided proper graph type, labeled axes, legend,
descriptive titles Included labels such as Fig. 1, Fig. 2
etc, Provide a visual answer to the question posed in
the investigation.
Results Summary: Includes enough summary Data w/
units from each experimental group is summarized in a
clear, concise, logical manner. Patterns are identified,
and described but no conclusions are drawn
Any mistakes made when conducting the lab should be
mentioned here.

Missing several
criteria, OR not in a
Purpose is present but
relevance is not
mentioned and/or the
purpose is not
consistent with
scientific knowledge.

Includes most
criteria, lacks
explanation contains
explanations or
missing several
essentail concepts.

Includes few criteria,

lacks explanation or

All Criteria are met in

a well organized

Includes all criteria

but lacks detailed
explanation of
scientific concepts
or is missing one
essential concepts.

Proper format, all

criteria met.
Hypothesis clearly
explains why you
made the prediction,
using the science
presented in your

Hypothesis and/or
prediction are
consistent with each
other and the
science, but lacks
clear explanation

Either hypothesis
OR prediction are
not accurate or not
clearly explained

Format is not followed

OR hypothesis/
prediction is
inconsistent with

All Criteria are met

A few criteria are


Several criteria are


Missing a significant
portion of the criteria

All Criteria are met

One criteria is

Two are missing

One is missing

Materials:Complete detailed list of the material is

presented (size, concentrations, quantity)
Statistical Tests
Calculations,formulas and statistical methods were
Formulas written out as formulas
Data Tables: Includes both raw data and summary
data with correct units and descriptive titles. Included
labels such as Table 1, Table 2..

Detailed list of
materials was included
Formulas and
statistical tests
performed included
and explained.
All criteria met,
labels are included
on the same page
as tables, tables
logically organized
All Criteria are met
Graphs are logical
and display an
answer to the
question posed in
the investigation.

All criteria are met,

tables could be
organized better, are
split between pages,
or contain blank
Some criteria met.
Graphs are logical
and display an
answer to the
question posed in
the investigation.

All criteria were met.

Some criteria missing

and tables lack
Graphs are illogical
and do not display a
visual answer to the
question posed in the
Few criteria met. Little
data is included
includes explanations
of data

Data Analysis and Discussion: Follows what a

scientific explanation looks like guidelines
Opens by comparing the results to the hypothesis.
Uses specific summary data w/ units from lab to support
if hypothesis was supported. (evidence)
Explains data by identifying trends & connecting them to
scientific concepts mentioned in introduction, sci.
concepts are defined, Explanation is logical and
accurate (reasoning)

All Criteria are met in

a logical flow.
Summarizes data in
light of the original
question posed in the
investigation and
uses scientific
concepts to explain
data in a way that
reflects a deeper
understanding of the

Most Criteria met.

Does not
summarizes data in
light of the original
question posed OR
does not use
scientific concepts to
explain data in a
way that reflects a
understanding of the

Experimental Error and Accuracy of Data

Accurate sources of error identified and explained.
Error explanation does not include mistakes you may
have made while conducting the lab. Error analysis

sample size discussion

spread of data

includes suggested procedural change(s) that

are necessary based on this error.
Further Investigation Specific testable question
generated for further research. New question/purpose,
changes in procedure, and prediction all included.
This must be a new independent variable and
cannot be a variable that others in the class already

All criteria are met,

new investigation is

Conclusion: Summarizes the relevance and

addresses what was learned f from the data gathered
in this investigation..
Conventions: Proper spelling, grammar,paragraphs
are organized in a logical flow
Literature Cited; In text citations are present and follow
APA format, contains a works cited.
Visual Appeal Paper has proper formatting- each
section has a heading, headings are on same page as
sections they head, reflects order of rubric, double

Some criteria met

and lacks an overall
summary referring
back to original
Explanations lack
inclusion of scientific
concepts or may

Few criteria met, does

not summarize data in
light of original
question asked, and
contains inaccurate

Addresses both
issues of sample
size and of the
spread of the data
(standard deviation
values when
recommendations to
eliminate error.

Is missing one or more

of the elements

All criteria are met,

new investigation
lacks logic, OR one
of the criteria was
not met

Few criteria met and/or

investigation lacks
OR several ideas are
presented without

Both criteria are met

One of the criteria was

not addressed

All criteria are met

You forgot to

All criteria met

All criteria are met

Missing one of the

listed guidelines

Citations are not in

APA format
Missing two of the


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