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Essay. The Great Gatsby.

Pakhomova J. 4M

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (1896-1940) - American writer, the largest

representative of the so-called "lost generation" in the literature. The most famous
Fitzgerald brought the novel "The Great Gatsby", published in 1925, as well as a
number of novels and short stories about the American "jazz age" of the 1920s.
The term "jazz age" or the "Jazz Age" was coined by Fitzgerald and designated
period of American history from the end of the First World War to the Great
Depression of the 1930s.
Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald's novel, the hero of "The Great Gatsby." In an ironic
fate Gatsby alter story of a medieval holy grail quest. However, the journey and
exploits Gatsby lead to a tragic outcome. A native of North Dakota, the son of poor
farmers that failed, James Getts, as the author writes, "invented a Jay Gatsby in full
accordance with the tastes and concepts of seventeen boys and stayed true to this
fiction until the very end." One day he came on board a luxury yacht, the splendor
of which so struck the imagination of farmer's son, he vowed to become as rich as
owner of the yacht. Another life-changing event of his youth was the passion of a
young aristocrat Daisy. Instilling a love for the "beautiful lady", he decides to tit
devoted his life to the attainment of wealth, fame and worldly hearts of ordinary
Dezi. Transformed James Gettsa a successful businessman with allegedly Oxford
education, G. arrives in New York. There, his irrepressible worship wealth quickly
brings success, the expression of which is the palace-villa in a prestigious area of
Long Island, and almost every day gives them a luxurious parties for local
celebrities. Naively hoping to become a byword among the powerful, it is letting
itself demonic aura of mystery. No coincidence that many familiar G. dismiss
rumors about him, as if this nouveau riche - "German spy", "nephew Hindenburg",
and then a quick killer. No one does not know that all of these grand gestures
eccentric rich man pursuing a single goal - to attract the attention of Daisy. Now
she is the wife of Tom Buchanan, the nearest neighbor G. Finally G. achieves its
main purpose in life, and secretly obsesses Daisy, just as he had acquired a
fashionable wardrobe, an elegant car and a luxury villa on the coast. But the final
fast-ephemeral rise to wealth and G. Fortunately absurdly tragic: it kills the
husband's mistress Tom G. Byukenena. The tragedy of G. life consists in the fact
that he was a stranger to that class, to which he dreamed and tried to join. G.
doomed to loneliness. He was alone in life when, abandoned by their guests, the
evening was standing on the shore and gazed wistfully at the distant green light in
the house of Buchanan. And as he found himself alone after his death: one of the
many friends and acquaintances - including the "beautiful lady" - did not come to
spend his last put. The character "great G." has been painted by the author with
genuine affection, but at the same time and with a good dose of irony. T - the
American "hero of our time", so-called "Jazz Age", frivolous, fun, but short-lived
pores of the postwar prosperity of America. G., as a type of "Jazz Age", embodies
the dreamy idealism poor provincials and the imminent collapse of their dreams
after a violent collision with a brutal reality. G. - "great" because it is typical of the
American mythology of the 1920s. "Person-who-it-yourself-self-made." But his
"greatness" is somewhat parodic properties.

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