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Update of crass efforts to engage in historical revisionism by the lib/Dem blogger [now infesting two

sites @ PoliticsPA [uploaded after the prior update of only two days ago].
Kathleen Kane Tells CNN Pornographic Emails Included Pictures of Children

Because I sensed your desire to continue to try to become tangential, I chose not to rebut many points you
made [including overnight]; because I sense your desire to continue to try to evade responsibility for your own
postings, I will simplify [again using cut/paste of your lingotypos not fixedto hammer-home the (unpleasant)
1. You feel Israel has been and continues to be engaging in Ethnic-Cleansing.
2. You have learned that Israelfrom its inceptionhas been self-defined as a Jewish State.
3. You feel that, if Jewish state means that it plans to engage in eth[n]ic cleansing of non-Jews, then it should
be opposed by the US.
4. Opposing would mean for the U.S. to try to overthrow, dismantle, disband Israel.
5. THEREFORE, in your view, at this moment in time, because the Jewish State of Israel is engaging in
ethnic-cleansing, the U.S. should try to overthrow, dismantle, disband Israel.

1) Agree. And I would go a step further that some (not all, some) of Israels actions amount to war crimes
and/or violations of international law and human rights.
On a happy note: Israeli Supreme Court ordered postponement of terrorists home demolition
Im sure youll now accuse the Israeli Supreme Court of being anti-Semitic and loving terrorists, because you
support collective punishment (while denying that collective punishment is occurring).
2) No. A Jewish Democratic State, with rights for non-Jews. Not just Jewish, but rather with democratic right
taking precedence. If it abandons the Democratic rights part, then its just another fascist theocracy.
3) Ethnic cleansing should be opposed by the US. You seem to favor ethnic cleansing, or think the US should
ignore it.
4) No. US should oppose Irsaels ethnic cleansing by stopping Israeli expansion through supporting an
independent Palestine (with clear borders) and giving them a chunk of the $2 billion weve been wasting on
Israel, so Palestine can build infrastructure for their country. That is the primary method of opposition I support.
If the behavior continues, then we should employ the same kind of economic sanctions we use on other
countries that engage in ethnic cleansing.
5) I think the US should support disbanding/dismantling/overthrowing the Likud party in favor of Left and
Centrist Jewish party leadership. This can be accomplished by making the $2 billion we current give conditional
on Likud being out of power, or by making it clear that we would strengthen our partnership with Israel under
better management. Israeli voters interested in closer ties with the US can decide if Likud has become a liability
for Israels future. And, yes, I expect that a Left-Centrist Israel would acknowledge its nuclear status and sign

Your ongoing effort to rescind your prior quotations is not surprising, although it erodes further your credibility;
lets revisit the links-on-the-logical-chain that you suddenly wish to sever.
2. You have learned that Israelfrom its inceptionhas been self-defined as a Jewish State. It has not been
defined as a Democratic entity; indeed, the word democracy does not appear in the Declaration of
Establishment of State of Israel. Therefore, you are manufacturing a status [recognizing that free elections yield
a representative government that includes Arabs] that, alas, does not comport with what you use as a strawdog.
Simply put, Israel is currently the Jewish State and it is not self-declared as a Democracy; thus, your
condemnation thereof remains operational.

4. Opposing would mean for the U.S. to try to overthrow, dismantle, disband Israel. This was your defininition
and, on numerous occasions [cited], you have opposed Israel. You didnt qualify this by stating that America
should only oppose what you view as Ethnic-Cleansing; you claims the US should oppose Israel, period.
5. Your desire to dabble with the internal politics of another nation illustrates your arrogance and elitism,
matching that of both BHO and Clinton; you are, indeed, the reincarnation of The Ugly American.
THEREFORE, you cannot rewrite [your personal] history by inventing facts [emulating BHO]; you currently
oppose Israel [whatever its political leadership may be], and this explains other aberrations [including support
of the PA and Hamas, notwithstanding the billions of aid that the USA has provided [directly and indirectly],
which has been diverted to terrorism [and teaching it via UNRWA].

2) No. I have learned that Israel has been a democratic Jewish state. Everything Ive been reading that
criticizes the proposed nationality bill focuses in on democratic equality being a cornerstone of Israel since its
inception. So, I reject your assertion about what I know, and am sticking with my position that the proposed
nationality bill is crap.
4) I fully support overthrowing, dismantling and disbanding the Likud party controlling Israel and replacing them
with Left-Centrist Israelis. This requires nothing more than indicating a lack of support/confidence in Likud by
US. (Which would really show Likud as a failure for damaging US-Israel relationship). Ordinary citizens or US
companies can engage in other actions like boycotting Israel products or tourism, even if the US fails to take an
official position or action.
5) Netanyahu didnt seem to mind interfering with American politics when he showed support for Romney. The
US tries to influence outcomes all the time, the only issue is the methods: force, persuasion, sanctions,
diplomacy, etc.
The Likud party control is clearly against US interests, and the state department has issued stronger
statements against policies that are a strong US indictment of Likud.
I think it would take nothing more than the threat of cancelling the annual $2 billion to Israel to sink Netanyahu.

Heres a another book for your holiday reading list:
The Unmaking of Israel
from the back cover:
In this penetrating and provocative look at the state of contemporary Israel, acclaimed Israeli historian and
journalist Gershom Gorenberg reveals how the nations policies are undermining its democracy and existence
as a Jewish state, and explains what must be done to bring it back from the brink. Refuting shrill defenses of
Israel and equally strident attacks, Gorenberg shows that the Jewish state is, in fact, unique among countries
born in the postcolonial era: It began as a parliamentary democracy and has remained one. An activist judiciary
has established civil rights. Despite discrimination against its Arab minority, Israel has given a political voice to
everyone within its borders.
Yet shortsighted policies, unintended consequences, and the refusal to heed warnings now threaten those
accomplishments. By keeping the territories it occupied in the Six-Day War, Israel has crippled its democracy
and the rule of law. The unholy ties between state, settlement, and synagogue have promoted a new brand of
extremism, transforming Judaism from a humanistic to a militant faith. And the religious right is rapidly gaining
power within the Israeli army, with possibly catastrophic consequences.
In order to save itself, Gorenberg argues, Israel must end the occupation, separate state from religion, and
create a new civil Israeli identity that can be shared by Jews and Arabs. Based on groundbreaking historical
researchincluding documents released through the authors Israeli Supreme Court challenge to military
secrecyand on a quarter century of experience reporting in the region, The Unmaking of Israel is a brilliant,
deeply personal critique by a progressive Israeli, and a plea for realizing the nations potential.

2. Your attack on Israel admittedly mirrored the NY-Times editorial decrying the bill before the Knesset; you
were ignorant of the fact that Israel had already since its inception defined herself as a Jewish State.

Therefore, when your provisional [which you felt hadnt been satisfied, just yet] was demonstrated [a]already
to have been satisfied, and [b]having been satisfied since 5/15/1948 your predicate [the USA should
oppose Israel] became activatedmuch to your subsequent [rhetorical] dismay.
Essentially, you are now claiming the USA should have opposed Israel since her inception, a claim [if thats
possible] that is even more jarring than its predecessors.
THUS, you can stick to your position about the Nationality Bill to your hearts content, because its tangential
to the fundamental disdain you have directed towards the basic notion that Israel ALREADY is self-declared as
a Jewish State.
4. You have again reinforced the conclusion that you are a profoundly Ugly American due to the overt intent
to interfere with Israeli internal governance; you have superimposed endorsement of the BDS [Boycott, Divest,
Sanction] movement.
Basing this posture on the BHO-BB split regarding priorities is also flawed, for subsequent events have
reinforced BBs claim [uttered publicly when sitting astride BHO] that the forces behind the Arab Spring
[leading to the increased potency of Islamism, manifest by the Islamic State] were determinative regarding the
events occurring throughout the Middle East and the Maghreb [and not the Arab war against Israel, as
unnerving as it has proven to be].
THUS, again, your assertion [fully support overthrowing, dismantling and disbanding the Likud party controlling
Israel] essentially places you at-odds with Israel herself for, currently, the policies of Likud in these regards
and the policies of the Israeli government in these regards are identical.
Therefore, again, you are advocating that the USA overthrow, dismantle and disband Israel, again explaining
why your views are indistinguishable from those of the terrorist organization Hamas [or Iran, for that matter].
5. Although Mitt Romney and Benjamin Netanyahu Are Old Friends, even the most leftie-writers could only
[incorrectly] predict After Bibis bet on Romney, peace camp can beat him; devoid of documentation of
political dabbling, the author could only cite what is known regarding differing priorities, inasmuch as BB has
consistently, publicly, praised BHO [before and after the 12-election].
I would argue that BHO is angry with BB because citing Gaza as an example BB has walked the talk in
favor of essential American policy when its necessary to stand-firm against terrorist barbarism [a lesson that,
alas, BHO has yet to apply to fighting the Islamic State]; through it all, BB has not allowed himself to be bullied
by BHO or cowed into endorsing an endpoint of Nuke-talks that would empower Iran [again, prompting BHO to
set-up BB as a piata to distract critics from trashing his failed foreign policies].
THUS, you have again, demonstrated why your effort to champion BHOs [mis]conduct would be publicly
rejected by most Dems [except for overtly extreme people, such as Rep. Moran]; perhaps they would even
shun your efforts to support them [in this and in other pubic policy realms], lest they be stained by your antiSemitism.
THEREFORE, you have again failed to break the logical chain that proved you to be advocating the
overthrow of the Israeli government; indeed, you have now been shown to have the desire to have applied this
heinous policy throughout Israels entire lifetime.

To ensure you dont evade the opportunity to rebut my conclusions regarding your rampant anti-Semitism
[which I equate with anti-Zionism, inasmuch as you now have been exposed to be opposing Israels entire
lifetime of existence], reprinted here is the posting on another page of this website that can be perceived as
color-commentary reflecting the disdain you have directed towards Israel.
You claim to speak on behalf of Sy Snyder without any documentation you are capturing his viewpoints; to the
contrary, in the process of undermining your credibility, I have demonstrated [not withstanding your
undocumented, ad-hominem yelps of racism] that you are not credible.
Methodically, I reassembled [by cut/paste, to ensure I didnt affect context] your own words to demonstrate
the depth of your anti-Semitism; I triangualated quotations to show that any one citation was not merely an
isolated aberration.
Your reaction was to retrench rather than to own your prior assertions, which were based upon your
ignorance of Israels history [specifically, her founding-document]; most dramatic was your stated-desire to
oppose Israel [notably, NOT Israeli policies] because the Jewish State has in your view engaged in
Ethnic Cleansing.

These views are anathema to most patriotic Americans, for you have then morphed them into defending
Hamas, which is a recognized terrorist-organization; ironically, this is occurring within the context of increasing
recognition of the dangers associated with an entity that shares the Hamas ideology, the Islamic State.

If you dont understand that this proposed nationality bill is a fundamental shift toward institutionalised racism,
then you are too f*cking stupid to discuss the topic.
Its only been about the past 10-15 years that Israel has swung into right-wing extremism, and lost its moral
authority. Its finally reached the point where everyone can see theyve overreacted and have abused the
Hopefully, the voters in Israel will replace Netanyahu and restore sanity and integrity to their country.

Just like the proverbial sweep-hand clock that is correct twice daily despite being broken, you stumbled upon a
key observation namely that matters have deteriorated during this millennium; this coincides with the failure
of Camp David accords II after Arafats refusal of the offer of a Palestinian state and his refusal to provide a
On the other hand, you reverted to form when you falsely claim that this coincides with the advent of Likud;
remember Shamir, begin and bb?
Ultimately, you again perseverate on proposed legislation while ignoring direct quotes from the document that
preceded all subsequent legislation; you would do well to face reality instead of lamenting the world is not
abiding by your desires (behavior mirrored by your petulant, adolescent hero, b h o.
In any case you didnt even try to rebut my tight logicso your having revealed yourself to be an anti-Semite
is complete, and you should look forward to this exchange being referenced elsewhere whenever you evince
your radicalism as a public service.

rebut your tight logic? LOL
How about ignoring your incoherent ramblings?
You just keep making up your own definitions, and have adopted the fascist attitude: Israel Uber Alles.
Rational supporters of Israel have condemned the bill as being against Israels interests and principles, while
irrational right-wing ideologues like you support it.
Whenever fellow Jews take a critical position or one you disagree with, you accuse them of being anti-Semitic,
self-hating Jews.
You are a clown.

Notwithstanding your customary diatribe against my postings, you have again failed to break the logical chain
that proved you to be advocating the overthrow of the Israeli government; indeed, you have now been shown to
have the desire to have applied this heinous policy throughout Israels entire lifetime explaining why you
have endorsed the behavior of Hamas [which the USA has designated as a terrorist organization] that is, itself,
promoting policies that are consonant with those of the Islamic State.

Would you feel better if the US declared Israel a terrorist state as well?
Likud party should be overthrown by the Israeli voters in the next election. The US should encourage it by
voicing no-confidence in Netanyahu.
I havent endorsed Hamas, but merely stated the Hamas derives its support from Israeli occupation and
abuse of Palestinians. If Israel stopped engaging in its bad behavior, Hamas would lose support and collapse.

You continue to function in an alternate-reality when you perseverate in proposing a false hypothetical [I
havent endorsed Hamas, but merely stated the Hamas derives its support from Israeli occupation and abuse
of Palestinians; if Israel stopped engaging in its bad behavior, Hamas would lose support and collapse.]
No, you did more than merely compose an observation; on November 21, 2014 [at 9:07 p.m.], you wrote The
Palestinians have a rational basis for their attacks on Israel.
Furthermore, because Israel hasnt abided by your wishes [ceasing alleged Ethnic Cleansing, which you aver
has been practiced chronically], you have claimed she has subjugated Palestinian Arabs within an Apartheid
State and, thus, you oppose Israel [regardless of which government is dominant].
Indeed, your incessant condemnation of Likud ignores the fact that the policies you abhor [e.g., building the
separation-fence] were also practiced during the 90s by Labor.
Therefore, because you cannot disown your own writings, you have reinforced your claim that America should
work to overthrow the duly-elected government of Israel.

Ive made it clear both implicitly and explicitly that my beef is with the right-wing war criminals running Israel
and their policies, which have gotten progressively worse of late.
I havent said anything about the separation fence in our discussions, so for you to use it as a example of a
policy I abhor is completely disingenuous (ie: par for the course for you, as you must constantly revert to lies).
As for the fence: Israel began building the Israeli West Bank barrier in 2002. Not in the 1990s as you stated.
The strongest objections to the fence come down to where it deviates from the Green Line to annex
Palestinian land illegally. Pretty much every international body or court has determined the fence to be illegal at
the parts where it steals land by violating the border lines.
As for the rest of the wall, its just more evidence of Israels paranoia and isolationist philosophy. They just
arent ready for the 21st century. They are barely ready for the middle-ages. If they didnt live in a f*cking
desert, they probably would have added a moat.

To quote Rep. Wilson, You Lie!,_September_2009
The Separation-Fence arose in the 1990s under Labor, per Wiki {In 1992, the idea of creating a physical
barrier separating the Israeli and Palestinian populations was proposed by then-prime minister Yitzhak Rabin.
In 1995, the Shahal commission was established to discuss how to implement a separation barrier. In 2000,
Prime Minister Ehud Barak approved financing of a 74 km (46 mi) fence between the Wadi Ara region and
Thus, it was NOT strictly a Likud/Kadima project, and it is generally recognized to have been successful; its
refreshing that you concur [particularly after Israels open judicial system was invoked in the execution of this
Notwithstanding your vulgarism, know that it has led to decreased terrorism against Israelis; that you suggest it
was motivated by paranoia reflects your perceptual and/or mental deficiency.
You write, now, that Ive made it clear both implicitly and explicitly that my beef is with the right-wing war
criminals running Israel and their policies, which have gotten progressively worse of late.
But this does not absolve you of the prior errors, which you have yet to retract; your behavior mirrors that of
Arafat, when he spoke calmly in English while rabble-rousing in Arabic. You cant have it both ways, for your
belated ID of the Likud as the Dybbuk cannot erase your prior global condemnation of Israel.
Therefore, either document your assertions or retract explicitly the quotations you previously had typed; youll
feel better in the a.m. for having alleviated the associated guilt.

You are going to have to check your homework carefully, judging from the superficiality of your most recent
You wrote: Israel began building the Israeli West Bank barrier in 2002. Not in the 1990s as you stated.

I had written: Your incessant condemnation of Likud ignores the fact that the policies you abhor [e.g., building
the separation-fence] were also practiced during the 90s by Labor.
I focused on the policy being accepted by all parties; it was not surprising that multiple visits to the Supreme
Court antedated the actual construction thereof.
Both the letter and the spirit of my observation were on-point; further, both the letter and the spirit of how
you grossly mischaracterized me were tangential.
You tend to be disingenuous in your sleep; AWAKEN and stop relying on talking-points!

Reader Poll: Do You Approve of Attorney General Kathleen Kanes Job Performance?
Iin the process of undermining your credibility, I have demonstrated [not withstanding your undocumented, adhominem yelps of racism] that you are not credible.
Methodically, I reassembled [by cut/paste, to ensure I didnt affect context] your own words to demonstrate
the depth of your anti-Semitism; I triangualated quotations to show that any one citation was not merely an
isolated aberration.
Your reaction was to retrench rather than to own your prior assertions, which were based upon your
ignorance of Israels history [specifically, her founding-document]; most dramatic was your stated-desire to
oppose Israel [notably, NOT Israeli policies] because the Jewish State has in your view engaged in
Ethnic Cleansing.
These views are anathema to most patriotic Americans, for you have then morphed them into defending
Hamas, which is a recognized terrorist-organization; ironically, this is occurring within the context of increasing
recognition of the dangers associated with an entity that shares the Hamas ideology, the Islamic State.

You are digging yourself a hole. Keep shoveling.

As per conclusions drawn and extensively documented elsewhere, notwithstanding your customary diatribe
against my postings
You have again failed to break the logical chain that proved you to be advocating the overthrow of the Israeli
government; indeed, you have now been shown to have the desire to have applied this heinous policy
throughout Israels entire lifetime
explaining why you have endorsed the behavior of Hamas [which the USA has designated as a terrorist
organization] that is, itself, promoting policies that are consonant with those of the barbaric Islamic State.

Your logic starts with the false premise that anyone who disagrees with Israels official position on any policy
is automatically an anti-Semite. Jews disagreeing with policy get your additional scorn as self-hating Jews.
Therefore, your logic chain fails to form the first link.
This has led you to your insane conclusion that Obama is an anti-Semite. Ample proof that you are f*cking
I look forward to Likud party ousted by left-centrist Jewish parties, and then you showing your anti-Semitism
by disagreeing with their policies (or having to accept them and choke on the words). Either way, your
hypocrisy is going to bite you in the @ss.

Again, all you can do is attempt to smear, rather than to deal with the specifics of what I wrote.

Furthermore, your mind-read is in-error; I have supported Israel regardless of the party in leadership.
Therefore, again, in the absence of any refutation of my points, you are condemned to live with the import of
your words.

I did deal with specifics.
I didnt mind-read because your past support if Israel does not necessarily imply you would agree with new
leadership implementing policy ideas that you currently condemn. Also, I presented two possibilities: you
agreeing or not agreeing. So, you calling it mind-reading is like if you called a prediction of heads or tails to be
Youve yet to make your first point.
You are still off-topic (and off your rocker).

My logic does not start with the false premise that anyone who disagrees with Israels official position on any
policy is automatically an anti-Semite; my logic starts with quoting Israels founding-document, although you
have yet to acknowledge its applicability, despite its containing the simple declarative sentence that Israel is a
Jewish State.
You did mind-read because, although my past support of Israel does not necessarily imply I would agree with
new leadership implementing policy ideas that you currently condemn [whatever they may be], I just stated that
I support all Israeli governments [regardless of which party organized the majority coalition].
Therefore, I have defined all links in the logical-chain, starting with your mistaken-belief that Israel is not yet a
self-declared Jewish State and ending with your opposition thereto because of what you perceive as Ethnic
Cleansing being conducted by a Likud-led government.
To recap, as per conclusions drawn and extensively documented elsewhere, notwithstanding your customary
diatribe against my postings
You have again failed to break the logical chain that proved you to be advocating the overthrow of the Israeli
government; indeed, you have now been shown to have the desire to have applied this heinous policy
throughout Israels entire lifetime
explaining why you have endorsed the behavior of Hamas [which the USA has designated as a terrorist
organization] that is, itself, promoting policies that are consonant with those of the barbaric Islamic State.

I am advocating for the overthrow of the Israeli government by the left-centrist Jewish political parties. You
like to leave out who I want to do the overthrowing. (I wish the US would/could help by denouncing Netanyahu
or putting him on trial for war crimes.)
You keep saying that I endorse Hamass behavior. I havent. Their behavior has been ineffective at ending
the cruel occupation of Palestinian territories. Israels behavior has been worse, and I dont endorse it either.

You are desperate to alter the record, but res-ipsa-loquitur.
Corrupting the common parlance when the word overthrow is employed, you now claim, I am advocating for
the overthrow of the Israeli government by the left-centrist Jewish political parties. You like to leave out who I
want to do the overthrowing. (I wish the US would/could help by denouncing Netanyahu or putting him on trial
for war crimes.)
On November 25, 2014 [at 1:07 a.m.], you wrote, Unless all citizens have equal rights, regardless of their
religion or ethic background, then a state that defines itself otherwise should receive no support from the US.If
by Jewish state it merely means that it supports and promotes Jewish culture/people, but not at the expense
of the rights of non-Jews, then that would be acceptable. If it means that it plans to engage in ethic cleansing of
non-Jews, then it should be opposed by the US.

On November 27, 2014 [at 12:19 a.m.], you wrote, I did say I opposed the policies of Israels Likud party. So, I
would like to see the Likud party dismantled/disbanded/overthrown by the centrist and left wing parties within
Israel, but not Israel itself.
Note your belated introduction of the Likud reference, a party reference that, alas, you failed to state in the
initial attack on Israel. Thus, because the Israeli government is led by BB [in the Likud], you wrote that you
oppose Israel and defined oppose as inter-alia advocating that America seek the overthrow of Israel.
THEREFORE, you unambiguously have since Israels inception on 5/15/1948 as a Jewish State called for
America to overthrow Israel [regardless of which party was in-control @ the time].
Corrupting the common parlance when the word endorse is employed, you now claim, You keep saying that I
endorse Hamass behavior. I havent. Their behavior has been ineffective at ending the cruel occupation of
Palestinian territories. Israels behavior has been worse, and I dont endorse it either.
No, you did more than merely compose an observation; on November 21, 2014 [at 9:07 p.m.], you wrote The
Palestinians have a rational basis for their attacks on Israel. Your only objection to full-throated endorsement is
the claim that the efforts have been ineffective [not that you oppose them]. Indeed, you then lapse into your
moral equivalency game [inserting a gratuitous slap @ Israel]. There is no justifiable rationale for the
terrorism being promulgated by Hamas [and the Islamic State], notwithstanding your undocumented assertions,
for Hamas is currently listed by the US as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
THEREFORE, because you claim the Palestinians have a rational basis for their attacks on Israel, you have
declared your intent to aid/abet terrorism [as per the US State Dept.].
You continue to demonstrate your ignorance, prompting one to wonder if your lack of basic knowledge informs
your politics; by extension, gross-deficiencies in this case suggest that you may also harbor a fundamental
aberration when assessing others upon which you authoritatively blog, such as on PoliticsPA].
I consider people such as yourself to be dangerous, for your Dem-party is dominated by people who harbor
views such as yours; this is also applicable, to some degree, to Alan Dershowitz who, inter-alia, has endorsed
rendering sections of Israel to become Judenrein and has refused to condemn BHO until/unless Iran gets the
To recap, you have advocated the US to overthrow Israel, and you have supported the rationale Hamas has
invoked to justify committing terrorist acts.
You are again invited to atone.

Blah. Blah. Blah.
Your post is too long and boring to bother reading.

Recognizing your admittedly-limited attention-skills, I will collapse-down the prior posting; you are desperate to
alter the record, but res-ipsa-loquitur.
THEREFORE, you unambiguously have since Israels inception on 5/15/1948 as a Jewish State called for
America to overthrow Israel [regardless of which party was in-control @ the time].
THEREFORE, because you claim the Palestinians have a rational basis for their attacks on Israel, you have
declared your intent to aid/abet terrorism [as per the US State Dept.].
To recap, you have advocated the US to overthrow Israel, and you have supported the rationale Hamas has
invoked to justify committing terrorist acts.
You are again invited to atone.

All you have left is lies.
Ive shown you several articles that state categorically that the NEW (ie 2014 bill) is a radical deviation from
1948 principles to the present. So, since I dont believe that the bill represents the same type of Jewish state as
1948, you have no basis for your claim. The type of Jewish state under the new bill would be the Jewish
equivalent of ISIS wanting an Islamic state.

Youve jumped from my statement that the Palestinians have valid grievances to create your own conclusion
that its equal to aiding/abetting? Wow. Thats a leap even for your addled brain.
The US and UN should just draw the new borders themselves for Israel/Palestine, write the peace treaty, and
end the occupation/blockades. Either country failing to adhere to the US/UN borders or sign the peace treaty,
should be treated as a rogue nation, with appropriate international sanctions.

By the way, just to be specific, US military support (in the form of weapon sales and money) to Israel should
have ended when they used the cluster bombs on Lebanon in 2006. Those involved should have tried for war
Basically, 2006 was the year that Israel jumped-the-shark and showed itself to be no better than its enemies,
and unworthy of US support. It was made worse by the fact that Israel used US made cluster-bombs in
violation of agreements on their use as well as international law.

Instead of attempting to refute my dummied-down presentation of your deceit, you have attempted to open new
topics [again]; regarding the Lebanon war, for example, you fail to mention the response of the IDF to the
testimony [delivered to whom?] conveyed in a sloppily-written article published in a leftie-entity [which, in
Israels open society, is free to do so].
Indeed, your conclusion is both oxymoronic internally [the USA should have cut-off sending the illegal arms it
had been sending to Israel in 06] and conflicts with your earlier pronouncement [that Israels having nukes
should have forestalled the provision of aid by the USA [noting that, allegedly, whatever is in Dimona was
discussed by Golda with Nixon, decades ago].
Your deviousness was, pathologically, manifest in your first reaction to the double-presentation of my summary
of your claims [elaborative, then terse].
[1]Your claim [Ive shown you several articles that state categorically that the NEW (ie 2014 bill) is a radical
deviation from 1948 principles to the present] is both tangential [for you dont recognize the fact that, currently,
the 48 pronouncement is controlling] and untrue [you cited the NY-Times editorial].
Specifically, arguing about the DEGREE to which Israel is a Jewish State is irrelevant, for you must [in the
process] concur that Israel IS [currently, @ this point in time] a Jewish State [thereby satisfying your criterion
for her to be opposed rather than merely be not supported].
Indeed, since this has been the case since 48, my conclusion that you have wanted the USA to have acted to
destroy this entity from its inception constitutes an air-tight conclusion; your ignorance of the black-letter lingo in
Israels founding document created this inescapable conundrum for you, and no amount of rhetorical
legerdemain can rescue you from your having condemned the existence of Israel for 66 years.
[2]Taking your compulsion to invoke moral equivalence to cover-up your error, you have even attempted to
justify the existence of The Islamic State [The type of Jewish state under the new bill would be the Jewish
equivalent of ISIS wanting an Islamic state] absent any citation [including from the leftie-entities you love to
quote] that would suggest [1]this metaphor is justified, and/or [2]Israel would ever engage in the type of
barbarism Islamists have been evincing globally as they try to create a worldwide Caliphate.
[3]You falsely claim I took you out-of-context [Youve jumped from my statement that the Palestinians have
valid grievances to create your own conclusion that its equal to aiding/abetting?] despite my having fed-back
your precise quotation [for your lingo is precisely what has been used by Hamas to justify its actions].
You did more than claim the Palestinians have valid grievances when you linked this [false] assertion to
claiming the behavior of Hamas is reasonable as a result [thereby aiding/abetting? its terrorism]; you should
condemn the acts of both Hamas and the Islamic State, for NOTHING justifies their murderous ways [that also,
BTW, violate the Geneva Accords you routinely trot-out to attack Israel].
[4]Finally, consistent with the behavior of The Ugly American, you wish to dictate a final-solution to the Arab
war against Israel [The US and UN should just draw the new borders themselves for Israel/Palestine, write the
peace treaty, and end the occupation/blockades. Either country failing to adhere to the US/UN borders or sign
the peace treaty, should be treated as a rogue nation, with appropriate international sanctions.]
By that measure, you should already have been treating the PA as a rogue nation for it has failed to comply
with the first stage of Oslo [instead, admittedly fomenting hatred of Muslims towards Jews, continuing a policy
that has been manifest consistently without altering it in the 90s]. You also must confront the fact that UN
safeguards [UNIFIL] have proven unreliable in Lebanon.
Thus, also recalling the precipitous withdrawal of UN forces from Sinai in 5/1967 [@ the behest of Nasser],
Israel would justifiably fear depending upon external entities to provide sufficient security; recall also that you
would envision returning to the pre-67 status that, itself, served as provocation for multiple nations to attack
Israels existence.
Therefore, you have channeled BHOs frustration with BBs ongoing effort to defend little Israel from being
destroyed by the surrounding nations [as they would eagerly take pause from fighting each other to KO Eretz
Your claims are both incorrect and insufficient, for they cannot be documented and they do not serve to alter
your prior [referenced] attacks on Israels existence [and endorsement of reasonable ways terrorists react

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