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IGPro: 1st Semester Grades

In this handout you will find a “To Do” list for 1st semester grades, information about how
to complete that list of things to do, and a timeline of when grades are due. Please utilize
this checklist to insure all steps are completed. If you have any questions, do not hesitate
to contact your technology advisor.

List of things to do:

1: Calculate Grades
 Complete your 2nd quarter grades (2nd Quarter Grades spreadsheet)
 Enter final exam grades (Semester 1 Exam spreadsheet - see page 1)
 Calculate semester grades (Semester 1 Grade Calculation spreadsheet - see page 2)

2: Export Grades
 Enter grades on 2nd Quarter (End Term 1/21/2010) spreadsheet
 2nd Quarter Grades (see page 4)
 2nd Quarter Writing Grades (see page 4)
 Semester 1 Exam Grades (see page 5)
 1st Semester Grades (see page 5)
 Check to make sure ALL grades are entered on ALL End Term Spreadsheets
for ALL classes
 Export grades (see page 6)

3: Verify Grades
 Verify your grades in Classxp on January 27th before noon (see page 7)

Timeline: All Grades are to be exported by Jan. 26th at 4:00

p.m. and checked before Jan. 27th at noon.
Friday, January 15th 6:30am
- Open for exporting from IGPro or entering grades directly in Classxp
Tuesday, January 26th
- Grades must be exported!
- If you export after 4:00pm your grades will not be entered
Wednesday, January 27th
- It is very important that you verify grades and/or hand enter them by noon!

Please Note:
SASI and Classxp are only available from 6:00am – 6:00pm on any given day
You will not see grades in Classxp until January 27th *

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Enter the Final Exam
Complete these directions for EACH class.
If you do not give a final exam, you do not need to change anything. Just follow the directions below
but don’t enter a Final Exam Grade. The two quarters will be weighed equally whether or not you fill in
the Final Exam.

1. Go to the Semester 1 Exam spreadsheet

2. Create a New Task for the Final Exam
If you have a one part final, or have combined the parts into
one grade, create one task
If you have a multi-part final and count each part point for
point, create a task for each part
If you have a multi-part weighted final, see directions below
for Multi-part Weighted Finals (e.g. oral is 40%, written is
3. Name the task and select the type according to which part of the
final the task is
4. Enter the points and click Create as usual
5. Enter the scores for the Final Exam

IGPro: Multi-part Weighted Finals

Create Additional Types In Your Type Sets

(You might have done this ahead of time. If so, skip to Step 7
in this section.)

1. Go to Setup  Grading Rules  Type Sets

2. Click the New Type button (NOT New Set!!)
3. Type in the name of one of the parts of the multi-part final
4. Create a new type for each part

5. Enter the weight for each part of the final exam

Don’t worry that the Total is now 200…it doesn’t
6. Go to Setup  Spreadsheets
Change the Calculation method to Weighted

Enter The Exam Grades

7. Go to the Semester 2 Exam spreadsheet
8. Create a New Task
9. Name the task and select the type according to which part of the final the task is
10. Enter the points and click Create as usual
Enter each part of the final this way

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Calculate Semester Grades
Complete these directions for EACH class.
These directions assume you are using the 40-40-20 weighting method for semester
grades. Alternate directions are available if you use a different weighting method. See your
technology advisor for alternate directions.

Enter 1st Quarter grades:

1. Go to the Semester 1 Grade Calculation spreadsheet

2. Click on the column header 1 Quarter Gr (100)
3. Select Replace Task
4. Select 1 Quarter Grades spreadsheet
5. Click Next
6. Select 1 Quarter Grades Spreadsheet Grade (i.e. the grade
summary for all of Quarter 1)
7. Click Next
8. Select Percentage (this score is being used to calculate the semester grade so we must have the
numeric, percentage score)
9. Click Next
10. Click OK

You will see that the heading for the column has changed to reflect the replacement task.
If you placed the 1 Quarter grade on the Semester 1 Grade Calculation spreadsheet earlier in the
quarter there is no need to “re-replace” the task unless there were any grade changes.
If you have a student who moved from another class for whom you do not have a percentage, you can
manually type the percentage earned from the previous teacher in the 1 quarter column on the
Semester 1 Grade Calculation spreadsheet.

Repeat the process for 2nd Quarter grades:

1. On the Semester 1 Grade Calculation spreadsheet, click on the

column header 2 Quarter Gr (100)
2. Select Replace Task
3. Select the 2 Quarter Grades spreadsheet
4. Click Next
5. Select 2 Quarter Grades Spreadsheet Grade (i.e. the grade
summary for all of Quarter 2)
6. Click Next
7. Select Percentage (this score is being used in a calculation so we must have the numeric,
percentage score)
8. Click Next
9. Click OK

If you placed the Quarter 2 grade on the Semester 1 Grade Calculation spreadsheet earlier in the
quarter, you must repeat the process for Quarter 2 (“re-Replace” the task) under the Quarter 2
column to have the updated Quarter 2 grade and updated semester average.

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Repeat the process for the Semester 1 Exam: (*see note below)

1. Go to the Semester 1 Grade Calculation spreadsheet

2. Click on the column header Final Exam Grade (100)
3. Select Replace Task
4. Select the Semester 1 Exam spreadsheet
5. Click Next
6. Select Semester 1 Exam Spreadsheet Grade (i.e. the grade
summary for the entire final exam)
7. Click Next
8. Select Percentage (this score is being used in a calculation so we must have the numeric,
percentage score)
9. Click Next
10. Click OK

*If you do not give a final exam, you do not need to change anything. Just follow the directions above but
don’t enter a Final Exam Grade. The two quarters will be weighed equally whether or not you fill in the Final

The Summary column now reflects the semester grade.

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Enter Grades on End Term Spreadsheets
Completely fill in your End Term spreadsheets for all your classes and then export your
grades (remember, all your classes are in ONE file). Wait until you are done with all your
classes before you export.
If you created your own combined class (multi-sections, Academy, etc.), please contact your
technology mentor for slightly altered directions.

Place the 2nd Quarter Grade on the End Term Spreadsheet

1. In the Spreadsheet window, select the 2nd Quarter End Term (1/21/2010) spreadsheet (Do not
choose 2 Progress)
2. Click on the 2 Qtr Grade column heading
3. Select Replace Task
4. Select 2 Quarter Grades spreadsheet
5. Click Next
6. Select 2 Quarter Grades Spreadsheet Grade (i.e. the grade
summary for all of Quarter 2)
7. Click Next
8. Select Letter Grade (always select Letter Grade when working on an End Term spreadsheet - this
is where you are reporting your grades)
9. Click Next
10. Do not enter a checkmark next to Hot Link grades
11. Click OK

You might see an error saying: Some of the scores copied are
invalid. Invalid scores will appear in bold. Click OK and look at your
scores. You probably have some empty grades (n/a) that need to be
rectified. If you need to enter an I, Au or other valid grade, read the
section “Entering Alternate Grades” below.

Don’t worry about the attendance columns…

those will be entered automatically in Classxp later

Place the Writing Grade on the End Term Spreadsheet

If you report a Writing Grade and use a Writing type to calculate your Writing Grade in IGPro, complete
this section.
If you report a Writing Grade but do not keep track of the grade in IGPro, you can either enter the
grades directly in Classxp OR you can type the Writing Grades directly in the Writing Grade column in
IGPro before you export (see “Enter Alternate Grades” below).
If you do not report a Writing Grade, move to the “Place the Final Exam Grade on the End Term
Spreadsheet” section.
1. Click on the 2 Wrt Grade column heading
2. Select Replace Task
3. Select the 2 Quarter Grades spreadsheet
4. Click Next
5. Select Writing Type Total (e.g. the grade summary for
2 Quarter Writing assignments)
6. Click Next
7. Select Letter Grade (always select letter grade when working
on an End Term spreadsheet)
8. Click Next
9. Click OK

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Place the Final Exam Grade on the End Term Spreadsheet
1. Click on the Final Exam Grade column heading
2. Select Replace Task
3. Select the Semester 1 Exam spreadsheet
4. Click Next
5. Select Semester 1 Exam Spreadsheet Grade
6. Click Next
7. Select Letter Grade (always select Letter Grade when working on an End Term spreadsheet - this
is where you are reporting your grades)
8. Click Next
9. Do not enter a checkmark next to Hot Link grades
10. Click OK

Place the 1st Semester Grade on the End Term Spreadsheet

1. Click on the 1 Sem Grade column heading
2. Select Replace Task
3. Select the Semester 1 Grade Calculation spreadsheet
4. Click Next
5. Select Semester 1 Grade Calculation Spreadsheet Grade
6. Click Next
7. Select Letter Grade (always select Letter Grade when working on an End Term spreadsheet - this
is where you are reporting your grades)
a. Remember, semester grades may not include +’s and –‘s
8. Click Next
9. Do not enter a checkmark next to Hot Link grades
10. Click OK

Enter Alternate Grades

If you have alternate grades to enter: (This is a good method for entering Lab Assistants’ grades.)
1. Open the 2 Quarter End Term Spreadsheet for the class. Type the alternate grade in the cell that
contains the grade you need to change.
2. Alternate grades must be valid report card grades.
3. Entering an alternate grade is how you can take care of grades such as “I” or “P”.
Audits, withdrawals, etc. are handled by the counselors and Debbie Whipple.

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Export Your Grades
You will not be able to see your grades in Classxp immediately after you export. They
will not be in Classxp until Wednesday, January 27th. You may ask your technology advisor for
assistance in seeing your export file to see if your grades are submitted.
If you need to make changes before 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26th, you must re-
export your grades through IGPro. You must export your files before 4:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, January 26th.

After you have completed all your End Term spreadsheets:

1. Click on the File menu
2. Select Export from Grade book…
3. Check the box next to
nd nd
1/21/2010: 2 Quarter (not 2 Progress)
4. Click Next

5. You might see a warning saying you have missing

grades. If you did not export a writing grade, you will see
this error because IGPro views the Writing Grades as
“missing”. If you teach semester classes, your second
semester classes have no grades and IGPro views these
as “missing”. If you have any other missing grades, you
will see this error and should go back to your grade book
and see what might be missing. Please make sure all
grades for all classes are filled in properly before you

If you are sure that all the grades are filled in

appropriately and the only possible “missing grades” are the Writing Grades put a checkmark next
to “Continue with the export anyway” and click Next.

6. Click Export
7. Save the export file back in your teacher # folder (where your grade book is stored – it should be
there by default)
8. Click OK
9. If you had empty grades (as discussed in
step #5) you will see another error
message. You can view the error log if
you want to see details of the errors by
clicking Yes. Otherwise, click No.

Grades can be seen in Classxp on Wednesday, January 28 .
Grade books can be exported and re-exported until 4:00pm Tuesday, January 26th. Grades
exported after 4:00pm will not be recorded.

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Verify Grades
1. On Wednesday, January, 27th open your class in Classxp
2. Go to the Performance menu and select Class Grades
3. Click on the Grades button
Note: If you have multi-section classes you must double click on the class to open the individual
class and then proceed
4. Check all your grades
5. If you need to make a correction, click in the cell that requires a change and select the appropriate
6. Click Save
7. Close the window and close the class
8. Open your next class and repeat the process

Congratulations! You have successfully submitted your semester grades!

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