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Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).

1. Look! He (leave)

is leaving

the house.

2. Quiet please! I (write)

a test.

3. She usually (walk)

to school.

4. But look! Today she (go)

by bike.

5. Every Sunday we (go)

to see my grandparents.

6. He often (go)

to the cinema.

7. We (play)

Monopoly at the moment.

8. The child seldom (cry)

9. I (not / do)

anything at the moment.

10. (watch / he)

the news regularly?

1. This (be)


2. Caroline (have)

long blond hair.

3. She usually (wear)

glasses, but now she (wear)

4. Caroline (like)
5. She (play)
1. Where's John? He

handball every Monday and Thursday.
(listen) to a new CD in his room.

2. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always
3. Jean

(work) hard all day but she

4. Look! That boy

5. He

8. She

(run) after the bus. He

(meet) him in an hour and nothing is ready!

(go) away for Christmas or

(hold) some roses. They

(want) to catch it.

(come) from Germany.

(come). We

you usually

(rain) in England.

(not work) at the moment.

(speak) German so well because he

6. Shh! The boss

contact lenses.


(smell) lovely.

(stay) at home?

9. Oh no! Look! It
10. Mary

(snow) again. It always

(swim) very well, but she


(not run) very fast.

(enjoy) this party? Yes, I

12. Sorry I can't help you. I

13. What

(snow) in this country.


(have) a great time!

(not know) where she keeps her files.

(do) next Saturday? Nothing special. I

14. I

(think) your new hat

15. I

(live) with my parents but right now I

(look) nice on you.

16. I can't talk on the phone now. I

(lie) on the beach over there.

(listen) to a word I say! You

19. He

(stay) with some friends for a few days.

(drive) home.

17. Where are the children? They

18. You never


(not understand) what you

20. How much

(stay) at home.

your suitcase

(weigh)? It

(listen) to that mp3 player!

(talk) about. He's foreign.

(look) really heavy.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Continuous.

1. Today, Jennifer
2. The students
3. I

(study) very hard.

(do) good work.

(learn) French at school.

4. At the moment, the radio

5. This week, we

(play) classical music.

(work) a lot at school.

6. This year, my friends and I

7. You

(enjoy) our English lessons very much.

(not/ listen) to music right now.

8. Robert and Jeremy

(not/ go) to the concert.


(they/ go) to the recital?


(she/ stay) at home today?


(I/ learn) English well?


(you/ speak) on the telephone now?

D. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
1. The band ... an interview right now.

a) gives

2. The musicians ... to play for their fans.

3. The Corrs ... a musical band.

a) are loving
a) is being

4. The student ... the trumpet every day.

b) are being

8. ... classical music?

a) You like

9. ... English now? Yes, she is.

11. What ... ? He's a singer.

a) Mark does

13. These students ... very often.

a) don't study

b) aren't go

c) aren't going

c) Do you like
b) Does Mafalda study

b) does Josephine do
b) does Mark do

a) is doing

c) doesn't listen

c) checks

a) don't go

a) Is Mafalda studying
a) Josephine does

c) play

b) aren't listening

b) Are you liking

10. What ... ? She's sleeping.

12. Liliana always ... her homework.

c) are

b) is checking

7. We ... to work this week, because it's our holidays.

c) love

b) plays

a) isn't listening

a) check

c) give

b) loves

a) is playing

5. Daniela ... to the teacher at the moment.

6. She ... her email once a day.

b) is giving

b) does
b) aren't studying

c) Mafalda studying

c) is Josephine doing

c) is Mark doing
c) do
c) not study

E. Finally, complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
1. My father
2. I usually
3. Today, I
4. My best friend

(give) me 2,00 to eat at school every day.

(have) a sandwish and some milk.
(eat) something different: an orange juice and a cake.
(talk) on the phone at the moment.

5. My class
6. We never

(wait) for the Geography teacher right now.

(like) to wait for the teachers.


(Carmen/ listen) to music on her mp3? No, she's checking her voicemail.

10. "

(Frederic/ go) to the beach every summer?" "No, he

11. At weekends, Camila

12. Patrcia

(watch) a film at the cinema.

(you/ listening) to me right now?" "No, I

(not/ listen). I'm sorry.!

(not/ sit) in classes every day. He's a bad student.

15. They
16. "

(go) camping."

(not/ work) this month. She's on holidays.

13. "
14. John

. He

(not/ travel) on their holidays. They usually

(you/ like) chocolate?" "Yes, I

17. The Amazon river

(stay) at home.

(love) it!"

(be) bigger than the Nile.

18. The Alentejo and the Algarve

(be) in the south.

Positive sentences
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.
1. Look! They (leave)
2. Brian (cycle)
3. Samantha (do)
4. My parents (shop)
5. He usually (get up)

the house.
30 km every day.
her homework at the moment.
right now.
early in the morning.

Negative sentences
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.

1. You (see / not)

her every day.

2. The baby (sleep / not)

at the moment.

3. I (read / not)

a book now.

4. We (go / not)

to school on Sundays.

5. He (watch / not)

the news every day.

Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.
1. (you / go)

on holiday by plane sometimes?

2. (they / play)

computer games every day?

3. (she / eat)

dinner at the moment?

4. What (they / do)

right now?

5. (she / visit)

her grandma very often?

1. Look! Jenny (go)

to school.

2. On her back, Jenny (carry)

3. The school bag (be)

her school bag.

very heavy

4. Normally, Jenny (wear)


black shoes, but today she (wear)

5. And look, she (wear)

a raincoat because it (rain)

6. Jenny (not / want)


to get wet.

Fill in the spaces with the simple past or past continuous form of the verb in brackets.
1. I

(work) when she called me.

2. She was cooking when we

3. Gregory
4. The children


(swim) when it started to rain.

(play) outside when it started to snow.

5. Heather was listening to music when the power

6. The dogs

(be) born in 2004.

(go) out.

7. My laptop

(stop) when the battery ran out.

8. She

(sing) after the music started.

9. Dina and Lisa

(talk) while the movie was playing.

10. The telephone was ringing when she

(begin) to speak.

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past progressive).
1. When I (do)

w as doing

the washing-up, I (break)

2. While Tom (play)

some juice and then he (eat)

the washing-up.
a few chips.

dinner when I suddenly (hear)

5. When my father (work)

6. She (go)

a plate.

the piano, his mother (do)

3. He (drink)
4. I (have)


a loud bang.

in the garden, an old friend (pass)

to school, (take)

7. When it (start)

out her textbook and (begin)

to rain, our dog (want)

8. When Jane (do)

by to see him.

to come inside.

a language course in Ireland, she (visit)

9. When I (be)

on my way home, I (see)

10. I (not / understand)


Blarney Castle.

an accident.

what they (talk)


Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).
1. When I (get)
2. It (is)

up yesterday, the sun (shine)

a beautiful morning.

3. So I (decide)
4. I (go)

to cycle around a little.

to the shed and (take)

5. While I (cycle)

out my bike.

past some villages, I (see)

6. One man (mow)

some people in their gardens.

the grass while his wife (pick)


7. After one hour of cycling in sunshine, a big fat raincloud suddenly (appear)
it (start)

to rain.

8. Luckily, a farmer (notice)

9. While it (rain)

me and (tell)
outside, I (sit)

me to come in.
in the farmer's house.


10. After a while, the sun (come)

11. I (thank)

out again.

the farmer for his hospitality and (move)

James Ellis

(go) on a business trip last week. He

customers in Frankfurt. He
taxi to the airport. He


(go) to get a

(see) an old friend, Bob. He

(be) in London and


(find out) that

(start) a new job in the city. As they



(hear) an announcement. "Would all passengers for the 9.30 flight to Frankfurt

please go to boarding gate 10". James




(give) him his business card and

(put) his briefcase in the overhead locker and

down. During the flight, James

(do) some paper work and

sitting next to him, while they

breakfast. When the plane


(walk) to the customer's office.

(go) to the reception desk. The

(ask) him to wait. Whilst he

hotel at 7 o'clock that night, he



2. happy
3. responsible
4. friendly
5. honest

(wait) she

(talk) all afternoon. When Bob

(phone) his wife and then

Prefix to say the opposite meaning

1. polite


(land) in London, it was almost 11 o'clock.

(get) there at 1.00 pm and

him a drink. He and his customer


(speak) to the woman

(speak) the flight attendant

(take) a train to his hotel. Then he


(ask) him

(return) from Frankfurt.

(board) James


(say) goodbye to Bob and as

(leave) Bob

to phone when he


(take) a

(check in)

(buy) a newspaper and

(drink) his coffee when he


(visit) some

(get) there at about 8 o'clock. He

(go) to the airport lounge. He



(leave) home early on Monday morning and

very surprised that Bob



(get) to his

(go) to the hotel

6. sensitive
7. excusable
8. sociable
9. regular
10. loyal
11. mature
12. direct
13. discreet
14. partial
15. attractive
16. tolerant
17. patient
18. logical
19. tidy
20. obedient
21. dependent
22. prudent
23. able
1. When the alarm clock doesn't go off, we sometimes (sleep)

2. If a book sells out, the publisher has to (print)

3. If you don't consider people's feelings, you could be described as

4. When you take some meat out of the freezer, you must (frost)
before cooking it.
5. Before gettting into bed, we normally (dress)

and brush our teeth.

6. Someone who speaks two languages perfectly is (lingual)

7. Workers who think that they are (paid)
8. If something is faulty, it is (perfect)

1. It's totally

often go on strike.

9. At 1.50, this beautiful silk scarf is really (priced)

10. The plane (shot)


the runway and crashed into the bushes.

(understand) that you stayed home when you were

2. Don't laugh at his stupid jokes! You'll only

them again.

(courage) him to say

3. That sidewalk is
(slip), I almost fell!
4. After Monday, I will no longer be a foreigner--I am receiving



5. Arthur will be very lonely unless you

6. Every afternoon, the cooks
for dinner.

(friend) him.
(sharp) their knives in preparation

7. I hate being around Mary Lou, she is so so

8. The stock market crash of 1929 left my greatgrandfather



9. I have a class at 8:00 a.m. but I always


10. The groom may

(veil) the bride only when their vows have been
11. I think we should try something else. That strategy seems way


12. My father's death left me with a great

(empty) in my heart.

13. George W. Bush is pretending that he attacked Iraq to

the Iraqis.


14. Americans fought hard to earn their

(free) from Britain.
15. When you work at a nuclear power plant, you have to be


16. Every time I think I've beaten you, you

(do) me!
17. I had to take three months off when I was pregnant, but my boss has been
18. He will

(cork) the wine as soon as we are ready for dinner.

19. You need to work on your orthography so you don't

these words.
20. The weather


(cast) looks bad for a picnic--rainy and windy!

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