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Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Issued by: Matteo Scattolin

Written by: Angelo Cammisuli, Marco Piovan
Document Num: 1LIT000000M0027

Rev. 3

Istructions for use to the Customer



General information.......................................................................................... 3


Removal instructions ........................................................................................ 5


Data management ............................................................................................. 7


Data storage ................................................................................................. 8


Data analyisis ............................................................................................. 10


Requested actions ....................................................................................... 10

Template for removal date registration ....................................................................................... 12



Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Impact Recorder



General information
The Impact Recorder is provided in order to record events that may occur during

The device is started and then firmly fixed inside of a metal box by ABB personnel. The
box is subsequently closed and installed on the transformer body before dispatch by
ABB personnel.
ABB Monselice is equipped with two types of Impact Recorder which operations and
performance are identical. The models are presented in the following pictures: model
RD 317 (Picture 1) and model RD 248 (Picture 2).

Picture 1: impact recorder RD 317

Picture 2: impact recorder RD 248



Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Impact Recorder

Picture 3: impact recorder box fixed on transformer

Pag. 4

Picture 4: example of general displacement

Picture 3 and 4 show how the impact recorder box looks like with its cover, and where it
is typically installed on the transformer. The box can be installed in any wall of the tank,
or alternatively on its cover. Once the transformer is delivered on site and it is placed on
its final position, the impact recorder box must be removed from the transformer body
and sent back to ABB Monselice for data analysis.


Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Impact Recorder


Pag. 5

Removal instructions
Referring to picture 5, remove the bolts highlighted in red by means of a proper


Picture 5: bolts to be removed

Then, the battery of the impact recorder has to be removed. In order to remove the
battery, proceed as follows:

Remove the cover of the impact recorder box by loosing the fixing bolts



Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Impact Recorder

Pag. 6

Loose the 4 bolts which fix the impact recorder to the plate at the bottom of the

Open the cover of the battery: this is located differently, depending on the impact
recorder model. On the side for RD 317 with one bid screw which is also the cover
(Picture 6) and on the bottom for RD 248 with four small screws at the corners of
the battery cover (Picture 7)

Picture 6: bolts to be removed

Picture 7: bolts to be removed

Remove the battery and place it into the impact recorder box

Close the battery cover with its screw/screws

Fix the impact recorder again to the plate inside of the box

Close the cover of the impact recorder box with its screws

After all this, the Template for removal date registration (or a paper according to it)
has to be completely filled in (transformer item number, transformer positioning date on
final site, removal date of impact recorder, location, operators name and signature).
Impact recorder box, together with the form just mentioned here above, has to be
packed (see picture 8 and 9) and shipped to the following address (which is also shown
on the cover):
ABB S.p.A. Power Products Division
Unit Operativa Trasformatori
Via Campestrin 6A


Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice


Impact Recorder

Pag. 7

35043 Monselice (PD) Italy

Picture 8 example of the package


Picture 9: removal date on the package

Data management
Purpose of impact recorders is to monitor the transformer shipping from ABB

plant to final destination in order to verify that the impacts are within 4g (each axis),
normal acceptable value for transformer safety.


Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Impact Recorder


Pag. 8

3.1 Data storage

There are three different kind of data registration:

1. Summaries: one time every 8 hours, the instrument records the acceleration value in
three directions, ambient temperature and time. Considering memory capacity, 170
days and 16 hours of registration are permitted.

Picture 10: Example of Summaries

2. Time Slots: one time every 300 seconds, the instrument records the acceleration
value in three directions, ambient temperature and time. In this case, the data are
shown in a chart (see picture 11). Considering memory capacity, 91 days of
registration are permitted.


Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Impact Recorder


Pag. 9

Picture 11: Example of Slots

3. Events: the impact recorder is normally in stand by and when it detects acceleration
over 1g, it becomes ready to operate: as soon as the acceleration value is over 3g it
records it (in three directions) with time and temperature value. Events record has no
time limit: impact recorder continues working until it has enough battery, also after
that it has already finished to record all the summaries.

Picture 12: Example of Events


Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Impact Recorder


Pag. 10

3.2 Data analyisis

Considering the explanation here above, slot and summaries are not so
important to verify transformer condition during transportation.
On the contrary, the events are essentials in order to analyze possible strong impacts
happened during transformer transportation.

In order to complete the data analysis and to prepare the report, the following
dates have to be clearly identified:
- Impact recorder installation

(by ABB)

- Transformer departure

(by ABB)

- Delivery of transformer

(by customer)

- Impact recorder removal

(by customer)

In this way it is possible to divide the events in two different groups:

- Events related directly to the transformer and its transport operation from Italy
to final site.
- Events related only to the impact recorder box and its operations of installation
on the transformer, transportation from final site to Italy and removal from the

3.3 Requested actions

Starting from ABB experience and after deep investigation, the safety limit for
transformer was so fixed: 4g.
For that reason, after the analysis of impact recorder data, there could be two different



Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Impact Recorder


Pag. 11

During transportation, there were only events with acceleration values (in
any directions) lower than safety limit (4g) or not related to the transformer:
in this case, the transformer could be energized.

During transportation, there were events with acceleration values over 4g

(even only in one direction): in this case, before the transformer energization,
further investigations are needed.
The following tests have to be carried out:
- Insulation resistance measurement (IEC 60076)
- Winding resistance measurement (IEC 60076)

Then, these results will be analyzed and compared with the data of Monselice
test room report.
After that, we will be able to decide if the transformer could be energized or if
other actions are needed in order to verify its condition (further tests, active part
inspection, etc..).




Unit Operativa Trasformatori - Monselice

Impact Recorder

Template for removal date registration

Transformer serial number:

1LIT __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __

Transformer has been placed on final site on (date and time dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm):

__ __

__ __

__ __ __ __

__ __

(Italian Time Zone)

: __ __
LOCAL Time Zone

Impact recorder box has been removed on (date and time dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm):

__ __

__ __

__ __ __ __

__ __

(Italian Time Zone)

: __ __
LOCAL Time Zone



Operators name


Operators signature:

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