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Dear Readers,

The Purpose of this small treatise on Germanic Sorcery is to help make

sense of the book Witchdom of the True by Edred Thorsson. Where as
Edreds book contains the historical, mythical and theoretical
groundwork for Wiccecraeft, these writings provide some good ideas
for developing some basic Witchcraft skills through intensive Inner
This is an admittedly green work, and I hope to continuously expand
my knowledge through study and practice. However, that being said, I
do believe that my personal writings offer a great deal of gems for those
who wish to pursue the practice of Germanic Sorcery.
Please email me any comments, insights, or criticisms that you may
have regarding this Work. I can be contacted at . Thank you very much for taking the time
to read my E Book, and I wish you the best of luck in your Quest to win
the All Burning Gem for yourself.
Seek the Mysteries!
Michael Rayborn

Table of Contents
The Witches Sight

Introduction to Maincraft
Cleansing Main
Increasing Main through Erotic Practice
Practice of Maincraft
Runes of Neord
Worlds, Rivers, and Worms
Fetch Work
Skin Walking
Dwarf Pacts

The Witches Sight

The Witches Sight is being able to perceive the Unseen. The word

"sight" is a misnomer as the term "Witches Sight" relates to the

perception of sounds, sights, tastes, smells, and feelings that are not of
this world or range of immediate perception but are of the Otherworld
or a distant (or not so distant) place. It is through the cultivation of the
Witches Site that one is also able to see ghosts and otherworldly beings
such as elves and dwarves.
There are many different exercises that can potentially unlock the
witches site, the most important ones is the Mind Watch exercise, the
Single Mind exercise, the Void Mind exercise, and the exercises
designed to cultivate and developed the "third eye" or faculty of
imagination. This includes "tasting", "smelling", "seeing", "hearing",
and "feeling" through imagination alone.
The good news is that if you don't gain any of the glorious Witchcraft
powers that you see in the movies you can at least reclaim your
imagination and all of these skills are necessary for cooking, drawing,
playing an instrument, as well as physical activities such as dancing and
martial arts. In fact the most skilled witches have hobbies outside of
witchcraft and can do one and perhaps all of these things. In either
case, these things cultivate the "camera" which looks into the
Otherworld. If one has a poor imagination then little will show through
when one goes into a trance state.
The purpose of the No Mind exercise is that it puts the mind in a
vacuum in which it is open to anything. The Mind Watch exercise puts
the mind in a receptive state and allows images to arise on their own.
The Single Mind Exercise is an "in between" point between Mind
Watching and No Mind, by reducing all imagines and sounds to one
image and sound it makes it easier to "blow out" all sounds and images
and enter that empty mind which is conducive to magical work.
One must also be able to enter an altered state of Consciousness through
trance induction. This puts the mind in a state of receptivity that is
Necessary for perceiving the unseen. There are many ways of going
into a trance. In the Old Norse Sagas seith folk would deliberately yawn
before casting a spell or obtaining a vision of some kind. The Saami

sorcerors would utilize drums as a way to enter a trance state, the 4/4
time signature beat is scientifically proven to put the mind in a "theta"
level of Consciousness which is the "dream mind" of sorcerous practice.
One excellent ritual tool for looking into the Otherworld or a distant
place is the use of the black mirror. A black mirror is a pitch black
looking glass which can be shaped like a mirror or it can be a black
crystal ball. The use of mirrors to spy on other people or to look into the
world Unseen is quite prevalent in European Folklore and finds
expression in the Northern European Folklore in the story about Snow
White in which the evil Queen spies on Snow White while wallowing in
The cultivation of the Witches Sight or Second Sight is the gateway to
hyde faring but is not the same thing as hyde faring. Hyde faring is a
literal separation of the "subtle body" from your physical body in which
one can travel through distant places as well as go INTO the
Otherworld rather than merely look into the otherworld. Second Sight is
a lot like watching TV, you are a spectator. But true hyding faring is
being a part of the are in the game so to speak.
Another way that the Witches Sight can be gained is through making a
Pact with an Otherworldly entity. You go to a lonely place; perhaps a
crossroad and you present a Pact to an entity of your choice, asking that
you wish to develop Second Sight. This may or may not work, but if
you are engaging in magical training this may be a good idea because it
will potentially bring a Guide into your life.
Even if you are completely ignored it does not matter. The fact that you
take the Craft serious enough to go to crossroad and present a Pact is a
noble undertaking and a sign that you take the Craft seriously enough to
at least seek out a Master.
Persistent training and attempts to contact the Otherworld combined
with a true love and passion for the Craft will more often than not end
in something fruitful, sometimes the Powers Unseen like to "haze"
potentials as a way to test their seriousness. The making of Pacts as well

as poetically loaded proclamations create the necessary momentum to

set one into motion and on the road towards sorcerous development and
a relationship with the Unseen.

Introduction to Maincraft
Maincraft is the most basic and fundament practice within Witchcraft.

This is because mastery of ones Main, or Energy, is the "stuff" which

gives fuel to all sorcerous operations. Main is the same thing as what
the Chinese call "chi", what the Polynesians called "mana", and what
Hoodoo practitioners call "mojo". This word is derived from Old
English "maegan" as well as the Old Norse word "megin". We speak
common English and I prefer the more accessable, easy to understand
yet germanically derived word "main" to describe this dynamistic force.
Sensing and moving the main in ones body is relatively easy and is a
skill that even the least talented people can learn. The average person in
Japan and China has some grasp of what is called "chi gung" and old
ladies can be seen doing the "tiger plays with ball" exercise while riding
a bus in Japan or China. This isn't a remarkable feat of sorcery, yet
gaining true mastery over ones main and using it effectively is a totally
different story and is a gateway to the practice of more advanced forms
of magic which take years to master.
There are many different techniques within the practice of maincraft.
First and foremost is cleansing main through breath work, alternating
between hot and cold showers or being in a hot sauna and dipping in
cold waters, the practice of birching, eating an all organic diet based on
ones body / personality type and only eating animals that are free
ranged, positive affirmation meant to remove neurosis and transmute it
into something positive, removing dept within ones ur-law or Soul
Record as well as changing how you think, act, and speak. All of these
things have a cleansing effect on your main.
One you have been able to cleanse and balance your main you will
develop techniques for increasing it. This is done through several
methods. First, there is the practice of "elemental breathing" in which
main is experienced in four major ways which correspond with the four
elemental words which surround Middle Earth. There is earth-main,
which creates gravity and solidarity. There is wind-main which causes a
lightness and sense of motion. Then there is fire-main which increases
the heat and electricity of the body as well as sea-main which cools
down the body and creates a sense of magnetism. The working with the
four elements as a way to give your main quality is a basic sorcerous

Another way to increase your main is through erotic stimulation. The
genitals are tools of reproduction and creators of life. They are also the
main receptacle in which main is generated and distributed throughout
all of the channels and centers within the body. Just as the productive
elements of society constantly produce the genitals are very much your
own "inner producer" which is then "taxed" from above to pay for the
military (the heart) and the government (the head). Sadly in our society
the genitals have become a source of shame due to the negative
influences of Christianity. This isn't suprising because Christianity is
designed to control and oppress the masses and thus seek to control the
very thing that is within us which reflect this productive, life spreading
power. By controlling and making us feel ashamed of the producer
within (the genitals), they can control the producers without, i.e. the
bulk of society!
The theory and practice of maincraft at this level is to stimulate the
genitals right before you ejaculate, and then you stop. When the urge to
ejaculate subsides you resume your stimulation and continuously repeat
the process. The key is to generate a high amount of tension and energy
in the genitals (which is the Dwarf Home center) and then move the
energy into your heart (which is Middle Earth Center) and head(which
is the Elf Home Center). Eventually you will have "heart orgasms" and
"head orgasms" as well as "whole body orgasms" without ejaculating.
This vitalizes and empowers the entire body and if one can with-hold
ejaculation for a long time one can build up vast amount of main and
greatly add some impact behind their sorcerous workings as well as
lead to increased passion, creativity, physical power, and mental
prowess. Thus all three levels of the self are greatly enhanced and
empowered. Proper cleansing and balancing MUST be done before one
engages in this practice because it will increase what you are and one
can become dangerously imbalanced if they do not properly balance,
cleanse, and explore themselves beforehand. I say this from experience.
The final level of maincraft is that of "energetic healing" which can be
done when someone balances, cleanses, and is able to effectively

enhance their energy through herbs, proper diet, sexual mastery, and
daily energy work. Doing those things will -heal yourself- so that you
can effectively heal other people.
The general theory is not radically different from other forms of energy
work. The body is made up of a series of "centers" and "channels" and
balance is restored by drawing in energy which is in excess in one
channel and then sending this energy into the channel which is lacking.
This creates an equilibrium and thus restores balance. The use of
energies and herbs are only one level of healing, though, in fact it is the
"third function" level. There is also the "surgical" aspects of healing in
which intrusions and negative entities are removed through somatic
martial actions (second function) as well as verbal commanding actions
(first function). The process of healing, balancing, and cleansing is
three-fold as evidenced by the Anglo Saxon manuscripts, especially the
Beyond this, you begin to move into the realm of Glamour and
Dweomer...both of which can be considered "advanced maincraft" but
is distinctly labeled because these describe two ways of "shaping" and
"projecting" main. Glamour is a method of shaping and projecting main
through the filter of ones words and appearances and is sometimes
called "lesser black magic". Dweomer, -on the other hand- is fueled by
ones main but projects specific magical effects into things, people, and
the world in general. This is sometimes called "greater black magic".
Maincraft gives energy to other forms of witchery as well, but there is
little need to discuss them if the basic techniques of maincraft, glamour,
and dweomer have not been developed in that order.

Cleansing Main
In order to practice maincraft effectively one needs to engage in a

program of cleansing and balancing. The first four doors in The 9 Gates
of Witchcraft focus entirely on cleansing, balancing, and increasing
ones main on all three levels of being through the four elemental planes.
This creates the conditions in which the other aspects of witchery can
be effectively practiced.
First, one should balance and cleanse their energy through simple
changes in their diet. In Ayurvedic Medicine and Diet there are three
major doshas which correspond with Fire, Wind, and Sea. Those who
are of "hot" or "fiery" temperament and body type tend to be strongly
built, confidence, and aggressive. If they are balanced they are
generous, confident, and are natural leaders. If they are unbalanced they
tend to be ill tempered, domineering, cruel and even psychopathic. The
fire element is considered "hot" and "dry" and those who are ruled by it
are balanced by sweet cooling foods.
Those who are of "cool" or "sweet" temperment are ruled by the Sea
temperment. They tend to be overweight and have slow metabolisms
and tend to be of a gentle, graceful, and kind temperment. If balanced
they are gregorious, graceful, and kind. If imbalanced they tend to be
depressed, passive aggressive, and lazy. The water element is
considered "cool" and "wet" and are balanced by drying / diuretic as
well as spicey foods and herbs.
The air element is considered "cool" and "dry" and those ruled by Wind
tend to be great thinkers, speakers, and are quick witted. Those who are
imbalanced tend to be whimsical, capricious, manipulative, and lack the
ability to finish a project. Such people who are ruled by the Wind are
balanced by spicy and nourishing foods and should avoid cooling and
drying foods and herbs. The last element, Earth, which is the Wane
Home center represents the state of organic balance that all people
aspire towards.
All three of these elements are represented in the Creation Myth (where
the fires of Muspel Home and the waters of Neifl Home meet to create a
"mild windy center") as well as the three colours of the Bifrost Bridge
(fire / wind / sea), are 3 of the 14 World Mysteries represented in the

Alvismal, and correspond with the three levels of society as well as the
three major verticle centers of Witchcraft, the Dwarf Center (water), the
Man Center (fire) and the Elf Center (air).
There are many books on the "four humours" as well as the Ayurveda
all of which is Indo European in origin and are of practical application.
They also dovetail our own Tradition and there are hints of this kind of
wisdom in our own Tradition, for an example charms that describe
things such as "in fire / out ice" as a way to cure a fever as well as
warnings against eating cucumbers during the cold months because they
will cause a cold...this is because of the cooling properties of the
cucumber. It should also be considered that the gods of the Ayurveda,
the Ashvins, are the "cosmic twins" who rule over fertility, healing,
health, and love. Horses are also sacred to them and they are the Aryan
(meaning from Northern India) version of Frey and Freya. Both the
Wains and the Ashvinn's come from the same Indo European source.
Next, there is the use of breathing to cleanse ones main. This brings the
"athem" or breath into relationship with ones main. A basic technique is
to simply sit down on a chair or in a cross legged position. Keep your
spine straight by imagining a string attached to your head which is
being held up from above, straightening out your spine. Be sure to pull
your shoulders back slightly. You then do some deep you
breath in feel the air fill up your belly so that it swells and then as you
breath out imagine that your belly button is pushing against your spine
which expels the air out. Do a few practice breaths and then imagine
that you are breathing in shining energy and then as you breath out
imagine that you are exhaling murky energy. Breath in for 6 seconds,
hold for three, breath out for 6 seconds, hold for three.
After some practice, one can do "elemental breathing" in which they
visualize and feel themselves breathing in the element that will balance
themselves out while breathing out the element that is causing them
imbalance so that they can reorient themselves towards mental,
physical, and emotional balance and attain the desired equilibrium. In a
sense, this is learning how to "ride the four legged horse" which are the
four elements within ever trying to "buck you off". But through

discipline and daily practice you can reign in the horse and ride into
victory which is the sense of well being, health, and wholeness that we
all seek to actualize.
Remember, good main in, bad main out. Keep doing this until all of the
bad main is out of your body and that your entire body is filled with
good, shining main from head to toe. Your goal is to fill your whole
body with positive, life affirming main. All unpleasantness and evil is
expelled and purged from your body.
Another way to cleanse your main is through the use of hot and cold
water while you shower. When you take a shower turn it up as hot as
you can without burning yourself but just enough that there is a very
slight discomfort. This will open up the pores in your body. When you
feel that you have adequately opened up all of your bores and sweated
out the impurities in your body you then reverse the temperature in
reverse, making the water as cold as possible. This will close the pores
but will also force the dirt and impurities out of the skin itself. While
you do this, say a verbal formula such as "All ill will and bad main
washes away leaving me only with good intent and filled with shining
main. May the might and main of the Aces and Wains fill my body as
the influences of the Ents and Thyrses and purged out of my soul".
Birching is an excellent way to cleanse and purify the body, mind, and
soul. You take a birch branch with the twigs and leaves still attached
and you soak it in some water overnight. While you are taking a hot
shower you can beat the branch against your skin to exfoliate the skin
and increase circulation. When you are done you then make the water
cold and wash all of the impurities away. It was believed in Northern
Europe that the Birch was sacred to Freya and that such practices drive
away evil spirits. This isn't surprising because I have tried the practice
myself and there is a definite sense of well being afterwards. This can
also be done in a sauna, but since not everyone can afford one or has the
room to build one this can be done in ones shower or tub.
There are some basic ways to learn how to manipulate and move main.
The first way is to hold out your hands and make a cupping gesture with

them and try to see and feel a ball of warm, pulsating energy between
them. As you breath out feel the ball of energy swell in your hands.
When you "squeeze" the ball you will feel some slight resistance and
when you pull your hands apart you will also feel a slight resistance.
The tingling sensation is the electric aspect of your main which is
connected to your Muspel Home center and the "pull / pull" sensation is
the magnetic aspect of your main which is connected to your Neifl
Home center. The ability to make a "main ball" is a fundamental skill in
the practice of Witchcraft. As you get good at this you can experiment
with different elemental energies, creating a "fire main ball", a "wind
main ball", an "earth main ball", as well as a "sea main ball" thus
connecting you with all of the powers of the horizontal plane. This
reflects the beginning of working towards mastering the "inner
Brosingomene", and your ability to shape main into specific shapes is
connected to mastering your Dwarf Home Center. In basic dweomer
one will learn how to shape and load these main balls towards specific
ends to effect change in oneself, in other people, in specific things (like
creating enchanted items) or the world as a whole.

Increasing Main through Erotic Practice

In order to increase main through erotic practice you must understand

how to Ride the Horse as well as Fly Skidbladnir. Riding the horse
comes from knowing how to remain in balance so that you won't get
"bucked off. Flying Skidbladnir is what keeps you from ejaculating too
soon or from "deflating" through the mastery of breath and main. This
gives you mastery over your inner Skidbladnir in which you can cause
it to "shrink" as well as "swell" and be "set assail by the wind".
The first step is to open up all of the centers and channels in your body.
First, you open up the centers in your hands....imagine an electric, white
hot ball in your right palm and a magnetic, black ball in your left palm.
Then feel and visualize a magenta fleshy pink ball in the instep of your
right foot and a grey, hard, windy ball in the instep of your left foot.
After that you visualize a dark azure blue sphere in the region of your
genitals, a lush green sphere with a red hue in the region of your heart,
and a shining golden sphere within the confine of your skull. Feel the
rivers from your hands flow into your three vertical centers and then
feel rivers flow out of those three centers into your feet. Finally, feel a
flow down your face, down your chest, and then into the base of your
spine and then feel this energy flow up your spine, through your heart,
and then into your head again.
The key is to remain in balance the whole time. You want to be
balanced between hot and cold as well as between organization and
wildness. You also want to be balanced in the vertical sense as well, not
being too imbalanced towards any one center, i.e. "too heady" or "all
heart and no brain" or the kind of guy who "thinks with his dick". You
have to balance yourself both vertically and horizontally. Once you are
in balance you will be able to empower these centers. The more Will
and Balance you have, the more power you can handle. If you have too
much main or power and not enough Will and Balance the horse will
buck you off and you will be headed for disaster.
The key to raising a lot of main through the genitals is to attain a very
high state of arousal while circumventing the instinct to ejaculate. This
is very difficult to do but well worth the reward if you master this.
Furthermore, it will greatly add a "boost" to the sorcerous abilities that
you will cultivate throughout the course of your life. There are some

who think that sexual mysticism and magic is the most powerful kind.
There is much truth to this assumption but it can be very dangerous and
requires the utmost discipline, will power, as well as mental, physical,
and emotional stability.
It is best that you begin with auto erotic practice but this can also be
done with a partner. What you do is stimulate your genitals to the point
where you almost ejaculate and then stop right before you do, then you
resume again over and over again. Once you get started, you begin to
incorporate very specific breathing techniques combined with specific
flexations of the penile and sphincter muscles. As you breath in, feel the
energy pour down your face, over your chest, and then into the base of
your spine. This should take about 6 seconds. Once the main reaches
the base of your spine, hold your breath for three seconds and then as
you breathe out flex your penile and rectal muscles. This will push the
energy up your spine as you breathe out for 6 seconds. Once it reaches
the top of your head hold for three seconds and then breathes out for
six. Repeat the loop over and over again.
The key is to maintain a balance between how much you breathe in and
how much you breathe out. If you breathe in too little and breathe out
too much this will not give enough wind to "Skidbladnir" and it will
deflate. If you breathe in too much and not breathe out enough this will
cause too much wind and will also blow Skidbladnir off course and will
lead to premature ejaculation. The pattern of the shining main flowing
from your head, down your chest, into your genitals and up your spine,
through your heart, and into your head follows two specific mythic
events in the Eddas.
First, it is said that the words and deeds of Mankind form as drops upon
the boughs of the World Tree and then cascade downward into the Well
of Wyrd which is then collected by the Norns, poured onto the roots,
and then nourishes the trunk, sticks, stems, leaves, and boughs of the
World Tree. There is also the mythic cycle of Nidhoggr, -the gleaming
wyrm- gnawing on the roots of the World Tree but then "flying
upward" during Ragnarok (=transformation) and then settling back
down again. This is very similar to the rise and fall of the kundilini (the

serpent power) in Tantric practices.

While this is going on it is important to "hold on to the reigns" of your
horse, using somatic flexations of your hands and feet any time you feel
an imbalance arise. For an example, if you feel too much fire energy
you should focus your attention on your left hand, which is your water /
Neifl Home center. If you start to feel disordered and confused you
should focus on your right foot which is your earth / Wain Home center.
It is important to be acutely aware of maintaining vertical and
horizontal balance.
There are many different techniques for the raising of main through
erotic means. When one gains access to their fetch wife they can gain
even more power through spiritual intercourse with Her. One can
embody one world mystery while the other embodies the opposite
world mystery (for an example, one can embody "fire" while the fetch
embodies "sea") and as one gets better they can slowly embody more
and more of these mysteries at once and the fetch can embody the
opposites of this at once as well.
In the practice of dweomer one can Send out a spell at the point of
ejaculation. A great technique is to withhold ejaculation 9 days before
the full moon and then "unload" during a full moon working.
Another practice is to experience orgasms in the heart and head, not just
the genitals. This is done by directing ones attention to a particular
center in the body while engaging in stimulation. Eventually one can
attain the whole body orgasm. David Daeda's book The Enlightened
Sex Manual offers some excellent explanations on how to do this and
virtually every aspect of his system dovetails our own. His book Find
God through Sex: Awakening the One of Spirit through the Two of
Flesh gives some insight into the relationship between Frey / Freya /
Niord. The fact that he uses a Westernized nomenclature makes his
books virtually non intrusive and meld seamlessly into the metaphysics
of Witchery. In reality all of his books should be studied by those who
are into Wainic spirituality and magic.

Practice of Maincraft
As one gains more and more mastery over their main through cleansing,

balancing, and empowering actions they will gain the ability to heal not
only themselves but other people through the use of maincraft.
The general theory of healing with maincraft is restoring balance to
oneself or the person that you are healing in question. Basically what
happens is that one will be too "head centered" or too "heart centered"
or too "belly" or "genital" centered (the two go together because this
relates to the lower drives) or one will have too much "earth" or too
much "sea" or too much "fire" or too much "wind". The key is to
transfer the main from the center or channel that is has over
accumulated in to a center or channel that is lacking in main.
Before you engage in any type of healing you must be balanced,
cleansed, and empowered through previous work. You then hold the left
hand (your magnetic receiving hand) over the center that has too much
main and then transfer this energy through your arm, through your heart
center, and then through your right hand which is held over the center
that is lacking in main.
You can do a general full body healing by holding your right finger
over the person until you feel a "magnetic pull" and then you run your
finger across (without touching the person) which causes a wave of
energy to flow through that person and you move your finger. You use
a twirling motion with your fingers over the centers (always clockwise)
and you do a tracing motion over the area where the channels are. This
is a very healthful practice as it opens up all of the centers and channels
in the body and the movement and flow of main through the body has a
general healing, regenerative, and anti-aging effect.
When you do a full body healing / cleansing for someone (this is
something that I call a "sweep down") you start with the right hand,
move to the left hand, then to the right foot, then to the left foot, then to
the genitals, then the head, and end with the solar plexus. It is not
necessary to touch the person, you simply point your finger to the areas,
doing a spinning motion over the centers and a sweeping motion over
the channels.
When opening or stimulating the channels which is done after the

centers have been stimulated and opened you start with the right hand
and do sweeping motions from the right hand to the three centers. Then
you move to the left hand, sweeping from the left hand and then into the
three centers. Next, you do a sweeping motion from each of the three
centers along the spine to the right foot and then the same thing in
which you do a sweeping motion from the three centers into the left
foot. Finally you do a third sweep in which you sweep your hands over
the three centers along the spine thrice, going from the bottom to the top
and from the top to the bottom and then from the bottom to the top
In the Ayurvedic practice specific gems and crystals are assigned to
each center in the body. No such practice survived in Germanic
literature however there is little reason why this cannot be incorperated
into the practice of maincraft today. Our ancestors did assign magical,
protective, and healing properties to metals, stones, and herbs and the
Greeks and the Romans assigned 7 metals to the 7 planetary spheres.
This should be considered and there may be a chance that our ancestors
did the same thing. Even if they didn't one should incorporate any
practice that is harmonious to the Tradition if it serves to enhance it in
some way and does not alter the structure of it.

Runes of Neord
There are two essential keys that helped uncover the Runes of Njord.

One of these keys in contained in an Anglo Saxon manuscript called the

Lucnunga, and the other Key is contained in Eddaic lay known as the
The first Key which is contained in the Lucnunga mentions 7 worlds in
a healing charm. Curiously there are 9 worlds mentioned in the Eddas
and this appears to be inconsistant. A closer observation will reveal that
this is a healing charm which involves healing the body therefore it
would seem that Osyard and Hel were removed (thus leaving 7 worlds)
because they were death realms where the Heroic and Common dead go
and exist outside of the Time / Space (thus the physical body)
continuum thus do not relate to healing at all. When we see how the
remaining worlds are arranged (Elf Home, Middle Earth, Dwarf Home,
Muspelhome, Neiflhome, Enthome, Wanehome) 14 paths are shown
between the 7 worlds of the World Tree.
This takes us to the second Key which is contained in the Alvismal. In a
discourse between Thunar (Son of the Earth) and Alvis (The All Wise)
14 "things" are first it appears to be only 13 but a closer
observation will demonstrate that Alvis was turned into stone when the
"light of day"(=Day is symbolic of Awakening or the waking state)
struck him and this contrasts with Night which was mentioned
I hope to be able to properly place and thus effectively explain the 14
mysteries and how the relate to the mind, body, and soul within and
The first two mysteries mentioned are Earth and Sky. It would seem to
be quite logical to place them within the 2 pathways that connect Dwarf
Home to Middle Earth to Elf Home because this is the vertical axis,
Earth being "below" and Sky being "above". This verticalization creates
a three foldness within the tree, thus each of the 4 horizontal planes has
3 mysteries between them because they each have three pathways that
lead to Dwarf Home, Middle Earth, and Elf Home. This leaves us with
12 elements, three being assigned to each elemental plane. This is
interesting because in Hermetic Magic / Astrology there are 12 zodiac
signs, each symbol consigned to one of the four elements. Earth is

Freya's Mystery, Sky is Frey's Mystery.

The next two mysteries mentioned are Sun and Moon, one being
"warm" the other "cold", one associated with nurturing life giving
warmth and "love" an emotional qaulity, the other being cold and
rational (counting nights and months) which is a mental one. Therefore
the Sun is placed between Muspel Home (the hot feiry realm of light)
and Svartalfheim (the emotive realm of the mode or mood) and the
Moon is placed between Elf Home (the mental realm of the hyge) and
Neifl Home (the realm of darkness and cold). It also should be noted
that Sunna is female and Mani is male. Sun is Freya's Mystery, Moon is
Frey's Mystery.
The next two mysteries are Wind and Calm. In order to understand
where these are placed, we have to look at the overall big picture of the
Alvismal and see how all of the mysteries are woven together like a
tapestry. Sky is mentioned as being the Wind Weaver among the
Wanes, and in the myths it is said that the Sky was made from Ymir's
skull. So symbolically, what is the wind within the skull? It is none
other than the mind in motion, ie thought. This contrasts with Calm
which is symbolic of the restive state. Neither one of these mysteries
can be placed in the pathways that flow into Wane Home, Muspel
Home, or Neifl Home for they do not possess qualities that would cause
them to be placed in those realms and I can show later on how the other
mysteries can be placed. I place Wind between Elf Home and Ent Home
because Sky, the Wind Weaver is "above" (thus connects to Elf Home)
and in the Myths there is an Ent named Kari whose name means "gust".
It should also be noted that Hresvelg (an Ent disguised as an Eagle)
generates wind as well. The opposite of Wind is Calm, which relates to
a kind of stillness, stasis, restively of the mind. Therefore we must place
this between Dwarf Home and Ent Home. It should be noted that many
artists, craftsman, and inventers will use something called "the key
method" where they will put themselves into a restive and Calm state
while seated on a chair and holding a key. When they drift to sleep they
will drop the key which will cause a sharp sound to wake them up in
which they "return" with an idea for an invention or a peice of artwork.
Dwarves are associated with shaping and darkness. Wind seems to be

masculine (=active) and Calm seems to be feminine(=passive).

The next two mysteries are Sea and Fire. Sea is placed between Neifl
Home and Middle Earth. Fire is placed between Muspel Home and
Middle Earth. Fire, which is a hot and active element and thus "electric"
is masculine. Sea, which is a cold and passive element and thus
"magnetic" is feminine. Together they are symbolic of the metabolism
(fire) as well as the blood (sea) of the body, as well as the electromagnetic feild both within the body and the world at large. On a subtle
level, it represents the polar aspects of maegan, which is the same as the
polynesian "mana" or the Chinese "chi". It is the power that gives fuel
to sorcery. On a biochemical level Fire is testosterone (the male sex
hormone) and Sea is estrogen (the female sex hormone).
The next two mysteries are Wood and Cloud. At first, it would seem
unusual that these two would be paired together. However there are
many different ways of looking at these things. First, the Cloud is the
"hope of rain", and Wood needs rain. As the Wood is rained apon, it
grows upward and eventually penetrates the Cloud in a kind of sexual
union. Wood is called "gand" by the Wanes and the Cloud is fluffy like
the pubic mound of the vagina. Also, the Anglo Saxon word "clud"
means both cloud and a "pile of rocks" which are inorganic / mineral
materials. This contrasts with wood which is organic and alive. This
shows two aspects of the physical body or lich: the organic aspect (the
flesh portion) and the mineral / inorganic aspects (the bones, teeth, and
nails). From another angle, we can look to the teachings of the Cynics
(Greek thus Indo European philosophers) who describe the Seen as a
"puff of smoke" or "mist" and that true substance is actually Unseen. In
this sense, Wood can represent the substance of the lich and Cloud can
represent the image (and thus hyde) of the lich. Wood is placed between
Wane Home and Middle Earth and Cloud is placed between Ent Home
and Middle Earth. Harking back to the statement that cloud can
represent the illusionary / image based aspect of reality we can connect
this to how the Gods are often tricked with the illusions that are spun by
the Ents when they go into their realm. Wood is Frey's Mystery and
Cloud is Freya's Mystery.

The next two mysteries are Seed and Ale. It is quite obvious why these
two are paired together, after all Ale is made from fermented Seeds
(such as rice, hops, and barley). On an inner level Seeds are "ideas" that
can be allowed to ferment or take root and grow to produce more ideas.
Such kernals of thought most surely relate to the pathway that is
between Wane Home (=organic) and Elf Home (=abode of the hyge and
thought). Ideas are powerful, and when they take root they can cause
great change. This mystery is most similar to the Hagal Mystery of the
Wodean Tradition. Ale, on the other hand, is symbolic of the emotional
feeling of giddiness and thus relates to the pathway between Dwarf
Home (emotive realm) and Wane Home (organic realm). Seed is Frey's
Mystery and Ale is Freya's Mystery.
The next two mysteries are Night and Day. Night relates to the period
of darkness when the Sun falls and the Moon rises. It is during that time
that one sleeps and dreams, after all it is called "sleep's joy" by the
Elves and "weaver of dreams" by the Dwarves. It is also the coolest
time during the 24 hour period and the most sorcerous time is during
Midnight(which originally was 3am). In English Folklore it is said that
those born during the Chiming Hours or Midnight will be born with
second sight or some kind of psychic power. This very much relates to
the dwarves who are creatures of darkness and the underworld. Night is
placed between Dwarf Home (the realm of the dream state and
sorcerous potential) and Neifl Home (the realm of darkness and cold).
Day relates to the period of light when the Moon falls and the Sun rises.
It is during this time one is active and awake, in fact the mind is most
awakened and sharp during the period of Noon(which originally was
3pm). Because Day is a period of time when the light is brightest it
most surely relates to the Elves (who are the opposite of the dwarves)
and is placed between Elf Home (a bright and shining realm of the
hyge, the awakened and active mind) and Muspel Home (the realm of
fire and light).
Therefore the general theme of the 14 Mysteries of the World is that
Earth and Sky establishes the verticle axis that the other 12 mysteries
revolve around it much in the same way the Serpent wraps around the

Sky and Earth give height and depth to the 4 elemental worlds and thus
establishes a three-foldness in each of these realms. Freya is able to
exercise control over these powers by descending into Dwarf Home, the
sorcerous realm of shaping and then having sexual intercourse
(=alchemical union which leads to a birthing process) to give
Manifestation to the Brosingomene (Bright Gem) which is also called
"Hnossa" (which means Gem) who is Freya's daughter. This gives
command over the 4 verticle planes that the encirle Middle Earth in the
same manner that the World Serpent encircles Middle Earth. From
another angle, we can see how this relates to the myth of Gullveig being
burned thrice on a faggot by Woden so that she can be turned into Heith
when she went into realm of the Aesir. Sleeping with the Four Dwarves
connected her to the four-fold aspect of the Tree, being burned thrice
(apon coming into contact with Woden or Higher Consciousness) gave
her a three-fold understanding. 3+4=7, which means through both of
these initations she gains realization of the 7 worlds while in her eternal
search for Od (or Wode) which causes her to weep tears of gold (vital
energy and power). Within the framework of the 7 worlds are the 14
Mysteries, 7 of them being masculine and thus the mysteries of Frey,
the other 7 of them being feminine and thus the mysteries of Freya.
Their father Njord, who birthed them without a mother (and this is an
androgene) contains all of the mysteries within the framework of the 7
worlds which form the shape of the so called "Witches Foot" or Hagal
Rune. In reality this is Njord's Foot, the most beautiful of all feet as
evidenced in the lay about the abduction of Iduna. Apon Ragnorok,
Njord returns to Wane Home where "the powers made him", that is his
14 Mysteries. Thus, despite the death of Frey and the disappearance of
Freya he is able to reproduce them after Ragnarok....thus they are
Reborn and are able to Return to the New World.
Here is a general synopsis of how the 14 Mysteries relate to the mental,
physical and emotional functions:
The 14 Mysteries observed from the vertical perspective, attained when
Gullveig is burned thrice in order to turn into Heith:
Elf Home is the realm of mental activity. The Paths and the Runes that

are placed within them that flow into and out of this realm are: Seed
(Ideas), Day (Awakened), Sky (Matrix for Mental Activity), Wind
(Thought in Motion).
Middle Earth is the realm of physical activity and doing. The Paths and
the Runes that are placed within them that flow into and out of this
realm are Fire (activity, heat of the body, electric aspect of maegan),
Sea (fluidity, grace, blood of the body, magnetic aspect of maegan),
Wood (growing, flesh aspect of the body, the substance of physicality)
Cloud (that which contains the formula for growth, ie rain. mineral
aspect of the body, the image of physicality or hyde stuff of the world
Dwarf Home is the realm of emotive activity. The Paths and Runes that
are placed within them that flow into and out of this realm are: Sun
(emotional warmth), Night (emotional coldness), Calm (emotional
stillness), Ale (giddiness).
The 14 Mysteries observed from a horizontal perspective which is
attainted when Freya sleeps with the four dwarves to win the
Muspel Home is the realm of light, heat, sparks, and fire. That paths
and the Runes that are placed within them that lead into and out of this
realm are Day (the hyge ignited and burning bright), Fire (the lich
ignited and ever active), Sun (the mood given heat and ever glowing).
Neifel Home is the realm of darkness, cold, magnetism, and water. The
paths that the Runes that are placed within them that lead into and out
of this realm are Moon (the hyge made cool, calm, and rational), Sea
(the lich made cool, calm, and relaxed), Night (the mood becoming dark
and weary).
Wane home is the realm of growing, life, warmth, pleasure, organic and
organ-izing processes. The paths that the Runes are placed within them
that lead into and out of this realm are Seed (atomized bits of
Consciousness), Wood (the flesh aspect of the lich ever growing and

adapting), Ale (emotional giddiness and sense of joy and pleasure).

Ent Home is the realm of minerals, non-life, is cool, often painful to be
in, dis-organized and wild. The paths that the Runes are placed within
them and lead into and out of this realm are Wind (active thought ever
changing and moving), Cloud (illusionary aspect of the world,
insubstantial, the "pile of rocks" that represent the mineral aspect of the
lich, the mist/smoke that blinds us to what is truly real), and Calm
(emotional stillness, the restive state of mind).

Worlds, Rivers, and Worms

In virtually every Indo European practice there is the concept that we

are reflections of the outer cosmos. This finds expression in the ancient
Germanic Myths where Woden shaped Mankind from two trees and yet
the Germanic cosmos was depicted as a tree. Therefore, just as The
World Tree is made up of a myriad of worlds with rivers flowing
between them, we as human beings also on a subtle level have these
worlds and rivers within us. In many Indo European mystical systems
there is a concept of vortices of power and channels in the body. Our
Tradition is no exception. The purpose of this is to transform your hyde,
-your subtle body- into a vessel that can be filled with the raw powers
and energies of the 7 worlds and the 14 mysterious forces that are latent
within the pathways that flow between them.
Below, I will outline an exercise with will enact the Mythic event of
being burned thrice by Woden (transforming Gullveig into Heith) and
then sleeping with the the four dwarves. This will establish the 3
verticle realms established along the spine of the body and then the 4
horizontal worlds established in the hands and feet.

Being Burned Thrice By Woden:

1. Visualize a deep azure blue sphere in the region of your genitals.
This should connect you to your mood, the seat of your emotions and
creative drives. It is here that the inner dwarves work where they take
the fires of lust and use it to shape things into useful objects. This center
represents Dwarf Home.
2. Visualize a lush green sphere with a reddish glow in the region of
your solar plexus. This should connect you to your lyke and your hyde,
your self image and your body. It is the center where the Serpent wraps
and rings itself ever around biting its own tail. This center represents
Middle Earth.
3. Visualize a brilliant, golden yellow sphere within your skull. This
should connect you to your hyge, the seat of thought and volition. It is
the center where the elves work and they embody the sparks of
intellegence. This center represents Elf Home.

Sleeping With the Four Dwarves:

1. See and feel a shining white hot sphere in your right palm. This
should connect you to the feiry and electric aspect of your maegen. It is
the self generated heat of your body. This center represents Muspel
2. See and feel a watery and pitch black sphere in your left palm. This
should connect you with your cold and magnetic aspect of your
maegen. It is the blood that flows through you, the waters of wyrd, and
the seat of your Myne which are cognate with Mimir's well. This center
represents Neifl Home.
3. See and feel a glowing, fleshy soft and warm megenta pink sphere in
the instep of your right foot. This should connect you with your
livelyness and the flesh portion of your lich, as well as your sense of
organ-ization and lawfulness. This center represents Wane Home.
4. See and feel a cool, wild, windy , and rock hard sphere in the instep
of your left foot. This should connect you to the calcified and lifeless
portion of your lich, your nails, bones, and teeth. It is also your breath
or aethm as the winds are generated in this center, as well as your sense
of disorganization and wildness. This center represents Ent Home.
Now that the 7 worlds have been established with your body, we can
now see and feel the flows of the rivers and connect with their
1. Rivers of Fire and Rivers of Water.
Just as the fires of Muspel Home and the cold waters of Neifl Home
met in the center to create a warm windy space, these same feiry and
watery rivers will meet into your own personal center or core.
A. Concentrating on your right hand, -that white feiry sphere that
symbolizes Muspel Home-, feel the white hot fires flow from this

center, through your arm, and then into Head, Heart, and Genitals.
B. Concentrating on your left hand -that cold dark sphere that
symbolizes Neifl Home-, feel the cold dark waters flow your of your
hand, through your arm, and then into your Head, Heart and Genitals.
By doing the two exercises above you will feel an equilibrium, -a warm
windy space- which creates a matrix for organic and mineral existence
as embodied by Audumla and Ymir, the first two beings that emerged
from the union of the hot fires and frigid waters. This leads us to the
next exercise:
2. Rivers of Life and Rivers of Death.
A. Concentrating on the three vertical spheres -in your head, heart and
genitals- feel a stream of life flow out of the head, heart, and genitals
into your right foot filling the warm magenta pink sphere in your right
foot. This symbolizes Audumla, the first primal being and perhaps the
ancestor of the Wanes.
B. Concentrating on the three vertical spheres -in your head, heart, and
genitals- feel cool and brackish waters flow out of your head, heart, and
genitals into your left foot, feeling this deathly rhime water become
hard, cool and stone like as it enters your left foot. This symbolizes
Ymir, the first primal being and perhaps the ancestor of the Ents.
3. The falling and rising of the Waters of Wyrd
In the Eddas, it vividly describes the flow of the wyrd waters. First, it
describes how the words and deeds form on the boughs and leaves of
the World Tree and then cascade downward into the well of wyrd. Then
3 Norns scoop the white muddy waters and pour them onto the roots of
the World Tree. These waters nourish and thus flow through the roots,
through the trunk, into the boughs, and nourishes ever branch, stem, and
leave of the World Tree.
This mythic event can be re-enacted along the verticle axis that

connects your genitals, to your solar plexus, and your head. Starting
with your head, feel a cascade of shining power flow down from your
crown, down your face, over the surface of your chest, and then gather
in the region of your genitals. Then feel it flow into the tip of your spine
(the roots), up your spine (the trunk), and then into your head (the
boughs). This establishes the flow that is in the two pathways that
connect your inner Dwarf Home (the genitals), your inner Middle Earth
(the solar plexus) and your inner Elf Home (the head).
The over all effect of feeling the flow of the rivers to to feel the rivers
of neiflhome and muspelhome flow into your center then from this
center feel the rivers flow into wanehome and enthome combined with
the effect of the waters flowing down your front and up your spine.
The Serpents of the Tree
The overall effect is a vertical "ring" and a horizontal "ring" which
relates to the flow of the Dark Wyrm (=Jormungandr) of which
encircles Middle Earth and the Gleaming Wyrm (Nidhoggr) which flies
above and then returns below. This combined effect creates a globe of
containment which encases the Self.
The Brood of the Dark and Gleaming Wyrm.
In the Elder Eddas there is an allusion to the brood of the Serpent(s)
which lie deep below the earth. Just as the maggots were transformed
into dwarves in the Myths one must seek out these larval forces and
transform them into Dwarves so that these otherwise parasitic forces
can be transformed into useful and productive forces.. The 2 cosmic
serpents of the tree are the parents of the brood that dwells in the deeps.
In the Nine Worts charm 9 venoms are described, each one with a
different colour. 9 worts were sent into the 7 worlds to banish these
serpentine forces from the lyke. It is interesting how 7, -rather than 9were mentioned. This is because the 2 worlds that were not mentioned
were Osyard and Hel, the death realms that exist outside of "consensus
reality" and thus the lich as embodied by the 7 worlds. Those two

realms exist outside of the Time / Space continuum.

Each one of the 9 venoms has a colour assigned to it and thus these
colours are symbolic of the fact that each venom or serpent consume,
hoard, and poison an aspect of the mind, body, and soul as embodied by
the worlds within and without. Through the use of the spirits and
energies within the medicinal herbs, the tool of striking and command
(the rod that Woden wields) and incantations these entities can be
banished. This entire charm is a code for a shamanistic practice of
communicating with animistic forces with nature (praising the herbs as
if they were entities), sovereignty over spirits (the rod), and spiritual
combat with malign forces (wyrms). The mystery is three-fold, with all
three functions coming into play (commanding, fighting, and
regenerative actions).

Fetch Work
Contact with the Fetch Beast is absolutely essential if one is to develop

a Witch or even a person for that matter.

Most people go their whole lives without ever realizing their Fetch but
are still drawn to it in the form of the type of person that they are
attracted to. For an example, one may describe this person as their "soul
mate" or "one true love" when in reality one is (usually) only projecting
their Fetch on to someone else.
Fetches are sometimes found in ones dreams, for an example if you had
a sexual encounter with a woman you never met and this was in your
dream and you felt a kind of spooky yet aetherial feel afterwards then
there is a chance that you met your fetch in your dreams.
Near death experiences may also trigger an experience with ones fetch
as well, and this is well accounted for in the Old Norse Sagas as well as
late Scandinavian folklore as well.
The Fetch almost always take the form of the opposite sex if you are
heterosexual but will take the form of the same sex if you are
homosexual or if you have a nature that is "contary" to the sex that you
are born with. Also there are many variations that can take place. If you
male, but you have feminine tendenices but are still straight then your
fetch will be female but will have some masculine traits. It is all about
polarity and it is by no means set in stone.
A strongly masculine soul, th.i. oriented towards the hyge, lyke, athem,
and wode will be "completed" by someone who is strongly feminine, ie
oriented towards the mod, myne, hyde, and magan. Awakening the
fetch can be quite disturbing for some because they may suddenly be
drawn to things that they previously didn't like, for an example a
strongly masculine person who normally listens to industrial or metal
may "in spite of himself* find himself enjoying dance or pop music.
This is because this is what his Fetch enjoys which is almost the
opposite of what your masculine side enjoys. Mature and enlightened
people are able to come to terms with such things and even enrich their
lives with things that they normally wouldn't enjoy. Such things cause
people to look outside of the box and even open themselves up to

hidden talents that they didn't know that they had. Overly serious
people, -perhaps through a rather silly and capricious fetch- learn how
to lighten up. Normally mathamatical people who previously thought
that they didn't have a creative bone in their body may -through the
fetch and to their amazement- discover that they do in fact possess
artistic and creative skills. Thus the Man, -representing The Stangconnects with the Necklace / Cauldron that is within, his Fetch Wife.
The same is in reverse, a strongly feminine soul will have a Fetch (or
more specifically, an Elf in the case of women) who can introduce her
to masculine powers that she didn't know that she had and thus opens
up to the powers that are embodied in the Knife (powers of analysis)
and the Wand (power of sending and directing). This will also open her
up to the voice of intellectual rather than emotional intuition, and to her
amazement may discover that she can do math and understand abstract
concepts, things that are normally considered male and thus gain a
greater appreciation of the masculine. A lady who was normally a "girly
girl" may suddenly take an interest in learning martial arts. When these
"strange urges" come into play this is a sure sign that the Elf Husband is
influencing you.
It is of no suprise that the Knife and the Cloth are utilized to discover
what kind of beast ones Fetch is in Folklore. The knife represents the
masculine side of the personality and the cloth represents the feminine
side of the personality. In a masculine person the cloth will symbolize
the Fetch, in feminine person the knife will represent the Elf Husband.
In either case, when you wrap the knife around the cloth you are
essentially bringing the masculine and feminine sides of the personality
together and thus create the conditions to meet your contrasexual self.
When you wrap the knife with the cloth the trick is to pass the bundle
around the trunk of your body, passing it from one hand to the next and
you do this three times and then say the name of the animal apon the
third rotation. If nothing happens, pass it around your trunk three times
again and say the name of a different animal. If your body jerks and the
knife falls out of the cloth when you say the name of an animal then
that is the form that your animal takes. If it is an animal that does not

appeal to you or one that you "hate" then that is okay, this means that
the animal represents a part of yourself that you have denied and that
you need to work with it in order to grow as a person. For an example,
there are taboos against snakes and pigs in our culture as they are
associated with sneakiness and gluttony. However, in ancient germanic
culture they were veiwed in a more positive light. Snake people are
often quite brilliant and pig people are often freindly, amiable, and are
often great chefs. The weasal and the rat, -two more animals with bad
reputations- symbolize resourcefulness and the will to survive. Such a
fetch beast can be quite helpful if you are in a desperate situation.
The reason why it is passed around the body from right to left is
because by doing this you are weaving your masculine side (often
associated with the right) with your feminine side (often associated with
the left) together as you pass it from one hand to the next. Also the
"ringing" motion of going around the body is associated with the
Necklace which is the feminine aspect and the body itself being the
"axis" which the bundle is being passed around represents the
masculine aspect or the Stang. This once again points to the etymology
of the word Witch being connected with the idea of "weaving". Also,
the right side of the brain rules over logical and analysis (which is
associated with the function of the Hyge and the Elf Husband and the
masculine side) and the left side of the brain is associated memory and
spatial awareness (which is associated with the function of the Myne
and thus the Fetch-Wife and the feminine side). Therefore the
masculine and feminine parts of the brain are "woven together" into a
whole and thus brings one into contact with the Fetch Wife or Elf
Husband. This ritual is most effective when you do this in a lonely
place where no one can bother you while you perform it, perhaps out in
the woods or in the midst of a crossroad.
When the Fetch Beast is discovered one can utilize it as a "familiar" as
described in late English Folklore. The key is to find a physical (which
may be living!) object which looks like your Fetch Beast. This will
create an aetheric link between yourself and your Fetch Beast. A
relationship can be established with the Fetch Beast by talking to the
object on a regular basis as if it were alive and well. Remember, though,

the object itself is not the same as the Fetch Beast, even if you are using
a living beast to house your Fetch Beast. When a living beast is used
one can create an aetheric link to this beast by feeding it your own
blood periodically and ritualistically naming it. If you do this, DO NOT
let ANYONE touch your pet. The reason why is because if they touch
your pet and it has been turned into a familiar then that person is
gaining access to your own inner sanctum and is mingling themselves
in your own source of power. When you invite people over to your
house it is imperative that you set these boundaries, and if children are
coming over it is best to put your familiar in a private place as you do
not want to hurt their feelings by not letting them pet it (or you can tell
them that it bites or something).
The relationship between uniting your feminine side with your
masculine side is found in the 14 Mysteries of Njord which are listed in
pairs, ie Earth / Sky, Sun / Moon, Day / Night, Seed / Ale, Calm / Wind,
Wood / Cloud, Sea / Fire.
The feminine mysteries are Earth, Moon, Night, Ale, Calm, Cloud, and
Sea. The masculine mysteries are Sky, Sun, Day, Seed, Wind, Wood,
and Fire.
Therefore, if you are a "masculine souled" person you will embody the
7 masculine mysteries but will seek to unite with the 7 feminine
mysteries. If you are a "feminine souled" person you will embody the 7
feminine mysteries but seek to unite with the 7 masculine ones.
Therefore your Fetch Wife (from below) or Elf Husband (from above)
will embody the mysteries that you Need to understand in order to
become more complete, balanced, and empowered as a person.
Understanding what you Need is essential to working with your Fetch
Wife or Elf Husband effectively. Working with the Fetch can also
greatly enhance ones sexual mysticism practices, for an example the
person you are with can embody the mysteries you seek to unite with,
or perhaps through auto erotic practices one can visualize their fetch
wife as having qaulities that most arrouse them...the highest point of

arrousal with the right images cues you into what type of energy you

Glamour is many ways is the descendent of maincraft because one has

to master maincraft before they can make effective use of glamour. In

fact there are people who only know glamour and actually do quite well
and are very happy with only knowing that skill. While by no means
"easy" it is the easiest form of sorcery to perform.
When one has effectively cleansed, balanced, and heightened their main
they can then filter and project it through voice, posture, and correct use
of aesthetics for a wide variety of effects such as charming,
intimidation, generating sentiment, a sense of mystery, and a wide
variety of effects.
In this case, your most powerful working tool is the use of a mirror as
well as a tape recorder. This will allow you to see as well as hear
yourself. It is very important that you take a good look at yourself and
remove anything and everything that is unaesthetic or annoying from
your personality and appearance. Furthermore, a good dose of self
forgiveness is called for...nobody comes out of the womb as "the
coolest guy on the block" and everyone begins in awkwardness unless
they are raised by parents who effectively train them to talk, walk, and
act in ways that are aesthetic and appealing. Many of us are not this
lucky and we have to learn this through trial and error. Even then,
people who are "born perfect" are rarely interesting anyway and should
be pitied because they will never know what it means to be a hero.
This, if anything, is the "mundane" or "lesser" use of the Brosingomene.
Muspel Home relates to sight, Neifl Home relates to sound, Ent Home
relates to smell, Wane Home relates to taste, and Middle Earth relates to
kinesthetic awareness. Ask yourself this question: How do I look? How
do I sound? How do I smell? When things start to get intimate, you
have to ask yourself: How do I taste? How do I feel?
When you wear tacky and tasteless cloths you can be sure that people
notice and that this will negatively affect how you are perceived and
you will be less effective in the world. If you don't shower you can be
sure that people will wrinkle their noses and will also perceive you in a
negative way. If your voice cracks or you talk too loud people will think
you are annoying and will think in their heads "I cannot wait until this

person shuts up". All of these things and more are the harsh realities of
Oscar Wilde said something very wise "All people pose, and the natural
one is the most irritating one". He is absolutely correct. Naysayers will
claim that what I and Oscar Wilde are saying is somehow "shallow" but
this is not true. It isn't shallow because taking stock into how you
appear to the world and creatively altering your image in a manner that
will lead to success and mastery takes way more depth and thought than
merely hoping that people will see your "inner beauty" while you carry
yourself like a slob. In reality it is far shallower to not take stock in the
realities of life, it demonstrates thoughtlessness and stupidity.
In many rituals one will burn incense, dress in certain colours or burn
coloured candles, play music, and stimulate all of the senses as a way to
enter a state of ecstasy and tap into a certain mood as a way to affect
their will. You can apply this to ones life and view their entire day as a
ritual. You put on certain cloths which have colours that invoke a
certain mood, put on a pleasant smelling ointment that invokes a
corresponding mood, and utilize a voice that invokes that same mood.
For an example, red clothing, dragon's blood ointment, and a strong and
assertive voice will invoke the energy of Thunar. You will be able to
dominate and lead those around you as well as motivate others if youre
main and will are strong. It is especially powerful if your inner reality
matches youre out reality. The cultivation of your core is very
important in witchcraft as well, this mystery is contained within the
masculine mysteries which surround the Stang as well as the three
vertical realms of the mood, body, and mental sphere of volition, i.e.
Dwarf Home, Middle Earth, and Elf Home respectively. This adds
tremendous power to what you express on the outside. But
unfortunately it can be marred and ill expressed if one does not have
mastery over the image that they project to the world.
The best actors are not liars. They pass the "lie detector test" of the
audience not by "pretending" to be the Character but by Becoming the
Character. Great Actors and Witches are enlightened enough to
understand that the entire social matrix is within them and that everyone

is a reflection of their own inner Self. They take in everything but hold
on to nothing. This means that they reject nothing and are totally
comfortable with their own shadows or "private Hels". Smart witches
also know that some people are not good at presenting themselves but
do in fact have an inner beauty. However, they are also smart enough
not to fall folly for the two traps...the trap of judging by outer
appearances but also the trap of ill presentation of oneself.
A witch is so comfortable with him or herself that if he does improve
his image and people attempt to embarrass him or her by showing
people how they used to look him or she will simply laugh. The best
response to this is "See how far I have come!" They will use such a
situation to their advantage, and perhaps the best response to such
detractors would be "The sad truth is that you are the same person now
that you were 9 years ago. You will never change and your attack on me
only shows everyone how much of a joke you are" and then you add
"Besides, don't you have something better to do with your time? If I'm
such a loser then why are you obsessing over me? One should always
be comfortable with themselves and that their self love should extend to
their own shadow which should be seen as an awkward child that had a
little growing up to do. You should always give your shadow a hug
when it has been overcome and never view it with contempt. It is what
it is, and everyone has one. We all struggle with awkwardness and life
is filled with obstacles that we all must overcome. This is what true
heroism is about.
Glamour has thousands of applications. Perhaps the best application is
being able to let ones True Self shine by not copying someone elses
style but creating their own from scratch, or perhaps combining many
styles into one. "Subkultures" are often created by brilliantly creative
people but are copied by not so creative people often looking for an
Instant Identity Kit.
If you are trying to attract someone keep this in mind: opposites attract.
Therefore you take on the mood, colouration, and style that is the
*opposite* of the person you are trying to attract. All too often I see
people trying to win someone over by being overly agreeable and

kissing up: "Oh, I'm into that too!" Who are you fooling? This will only
lead to disaster and being single for the rest of your life...or worse, it
can lead to a dismal relationship as well as a loss of self. This is
unacceptable and not the way to go. If you want to win over a life
partner you must know who you are deep down inside and "sell"
yourself, -your TRUE Self- in the best way possible and offer your
deepest Gift to the World. This will cause you to become an axis of
attraction and women will respect you. DON'T EVER compromise
yourself. I have seen people change their religion just to be with
someone. This is a profound character weakness and the person that you
won over will not respect you in the long run. Your weakness of
character will show through and this person will know this even if they
try to ignore it. This is not true glamour and leads to dismal states of
However there are certain situations in which one must "act" or be
"deceptive". For an example, if you are working as an undercover cop
or as a military spy then the use of glamour to overcome criminal and
enemy forces is totally acceptable and not at all compromising to your
character if that is your profession and who you are. But if you are a
sorry soul who lacks an identity and goes around manipulating and
lying for the sake of it, or just to "feel evil" then you are a pathetic joke
and hardly a representation of Frey, Freya, or any God worth
Glamour, -in its highest form- brings immense pleasure and creativity
in your life and allows you to be the life of the party. Everyone likes an
entertainer for he or she brings wonder and joy to the world. It is a form
of expression and a way to have fun. It is also a way to mould your
environment to your liking so that you can create your own
"Summerland" for yourself, your friends, and your family. It can also be
used to remove negative elements from your life as well, not only from
your environment but most importantly from yourself, i.e. removing all
of the annoying and tasteless behavior patterns that do little to improve
your life.

Skin Walking
Skin walking, or shape shifting, is the ability to alter your hyde. This is

done on a subtle level through the practice of glamour because you are
learning how to be more facile with your outer appearances as well as
learn how to project the right kind of main or energy.
This does not Necessarily involve *literally* shifting like in the movies,
all though I am not saying that this is impossible as alterations to the
subtle body can and do have effects on the physical body, for better or
worse. Therefore it isn't impossible but is extremely difficult to
accomplish and probably not feasible for beginners.
The process of shape-shifting takes many forms, and ties into all other
practices in witchery. For an example, when you strongly visualize a
hyde for your Sending you are shape-shifting because you are taking
raw hyde stuff and shaping it into something that will work your will. If
you strongly visualize a shape, perhaps an animal of some kind or even
a person that you know and then feel yourself into the shape and use
that as a vehicle for your hyge or mind while you travel in the
Otherworld or distant places this is also a form of shape shifting as well.
Therefore, this also ties into the practice of dweomer as well.
The ability to shift your mood, mindset, as well as image or hyde is
very important skills to the witch and all of them are facets of
shapeshifting. For an example, when an Ulfhednar dons a wolf skin or a
Berserker dons a bear skin they are not just wearing those skins for
decoration, this causes a definite shift in their mindset as well as creates
a terrifying glamour which strikes fear into the heart of their enemies.
Over time they become more wolf or bear like and when there is a
"family tradition" over time this will cause alternations to their lich or
lyke and they will developed features that are bear like or wolfish. The
hyde, main, myne, and mod are greatly affected by the cycles of the
Moon and as He waxes lycanthropic transformations can and do occur,
and if one is not balanced between "God/Man/ Beast", the Beast within
takes control and humanity can be lost.
Like glamour, the mirror is your best friend in the art of shape shifting.
You stand in front of the mirror and make whatever alterations you
would like through concentration, visualization, feeling, and through

the altered state of consciousness. This exercise is best done when the
light has been dimmed. This is also a great way to improve yourself
image and the way you see yourself. This is also a gateway to
"advanced glamour" which is indeed a form of shape shifting. By
creating subtle alterations in your hyde you can use this as a way to
filter and project your main to project the impression that you want to
make. This is even more effective if it reflects your own inner reality. If
you are a great lover and you effectively build this image around
yourself and project it, perhaps imagining yourself in the likeness of
"Don Juan" then the likelihood of this being effective will very high. If
you are a great fighter and you build this image around yourself,
perhaps imagining yourself as a modern Egil Skallagrimsson, then you
can be sure that most people will be intimidated and will have a reason
to be if the image and energy you project matches the reality of what
you are. If you are very intelligent and then build a persona around
yourself, perhaps dressing like J.R. Tolkien or Carl Jung and imagining
yourself as being in the same league as them, then this will fascinate
other people and cause them to think of you in this light.
Again, it is best if the outer glamour / hyde alteration fits your inner
reality. It would be quite embarrassing to find yourself being "called
out" by a perceptive person, perhaps another witch and then have your
cover blown. This will also lead to a loss of honour, and this will not at
all be helpful to you. As they say the 'hood, "Keep it real!" The mystery
of "keepin' it real" is found in the Stang which symbolizes the axis and
core of the Witch. It is in here that the *substance* of the Witch is
developed. The mystery of outer glamoury / image / shape shifting is
found in the symbolism of the Necklace and / or Serpent. On another
level, this finds expression in the Wood / Cloud mystery....the mystery
of substance and being a solid stuff and the other having the
likeness of mist or smoke, th.i. Insubstantial. Also, -if you pay close
attention to what is written- it should be quite obvious as to why
hobbies outside of Witchcraft are very important. Just imagine how
taking martial arts or fighting in the boxing ring a few times will greatly
enhance your confidence and add power to ones glamour and skills in
battle magic. The possibilities are endless.

Dwarf Pacts
One thing that will greatly augment your practice of Witchcraft is

through the fine art of making Pacts with Dwarves.

Working with Dwarves is essential to the effective practice of
Witchcraft because they relate to the generation / production of main,
sexual desire and attraction, as well as the ability to shape and create.
They also relate to the dark and hidden aspect of the Self and can help
you understand your own Shadow Self through the questioning of these
dark and hidden forces that are within and without.
Freya understood the importants of Dwarves and it was through them
that her Brosingomene was forged, the tool through which she works
her sorcerous powers. Also, any examination of the surviving grimoires
and folklore will show you that things such as "hag shot" are created
through a shaping process and thus are wrought by dwarven hands.
Sigurd the Volsung was also tutored by a Dwarf named Regin.
In late medieval magic the sorceror would obtain a "familiar" from a
Dark Master in the form of an "imp" which clearly corresponds with a
Dwarf. In the German Faery Tales a young lady had the task of
spinning straw into gold, a duty that was thrust upon her by a greedy
king due to her fathers empty boasts. However, a dwarf named
Rumplestiltskin came to her aid and offered to spin gold from the straw
that was given her in exchange for her future child. In desperation she
agreed, but when she had her child she grew attached and thus didn't
like the arrangement. The dwarf, thinking that he was clever, told her
that she could keep the child if she knew his name. Eventually, the
young lady discovered the name of the dwarf and then said it thrice in
which the dwarf threw such a tantrum that he stomped his feet until he
fell into the earth (thus returning to where he came from).
Woden also created dwarves from maggots so that they could carry out
the plans of reshaping Ymir's body in accordance to his designs. The
maggots are in reality minature version of wyrms, after all the brother
of the dwarf Regin who initiated Sigurd is called Fafnir. This can be
done by knowing the names of the dwarves and wyrms and then
transmuting the parasitic (the wyrm) into something productive and
creative (the dwarf) through rituals of transmutation. On an internal

level, this is taking unproductive character traits and then turning them
into an opposite one. Smoking, for an example, is an "oral fixation" and
is a lack of control over the mouth (which draws in the smoke) and
hands (which holds the cigarette). This this parasitic habit, this wyrm
that poisons and drains you can be turned into a dwarf, a being of
creativity and production. The art of singing and playing an instrument
(for an example) is the proper use of ones mouth and hands. Therefore
the oral fixation itself can be utilized in a different way...every time you
want to take a drag from a cigarette, sing a song! This, if anything, will
allow you to satiate your desire to utilize the mouth for personal
pleasure yet has the benefit of being productive and leads to self
One can contact dwarves by going into a lonely place, a grave mound of
a craftsman, or where there are crossroads. A person with Witches Sight
will be able to see a dwarf when he or she goes into an altered state of
consciousness. Dwarves are noted for the deathly, pale white skin as
well as midnight black hair. They are often deformed and quite ugly,
usually having extremely large or small noses, lips, ears, or eyes.
This isn't always the case, though. More often than not they appear as
being very wrinkled and elderly with long white beards, and if
benevolent, great wisdom and knowledge can pour from their lips.
Be careful when dealing with them as they are sometimes misanthropic
and quite bitter, however this is not always the case and can be quite
pleasant at times, especially if you treat him respect.
It is best that you shower the dwarf with praise as well as gifts and
make it feel as if he is of great importance. You should also be weary,
even afraid of the dwarf should you come into contact with him. A
healthy fear and respect will go a long ways, overconfidence and a lack
of respect will lead to disaster. The dwarf Wayland, -who was ill treated
by a king- shaped cups from the eyes and skull of this kings offspring
and gave it to him as a "gift".
Dwarves, being rather cruel minded at times and possessed of virtually
endless creativity are quite brilliant when it comes to concocting a
suitable revenge against those who offended or wronged them in some

way. Trows and kobolds, -perhaps dwarves gone awry- may do such
things simply because it pleases them to do so and glean enjoyment
from wanton cruelty. The realm of the Dark Elves should be treaded
most carefully, only a fool would take these beings and their realm
Dwarves are always male, all though nixies, norns, and fetches -like the
dwarf- falls under the "dark elf" blanket due to their cthonic,
underworldly nature. The nix, -which is a nixie in male form- often
appears as a puckish being with a red cap and sports a violin. In
exchange for a few drops of blood the nix will teach the mysteries of
music. This function is very dwarf-like because it deals with the
teaching of a craft as well as a shaping of this case the shaping
of sound into music. Therefore the nix could very well be a type of
dwarf even though it doesn't follow a specific, stereotypical image.
The Havimal has a section called "the catalogue of dwarves" and the
translated names of the dwarves gives clues to the sorcerous powers and
crafts that can be learned from them. Through self knowledge you can
determine what you Need and thus know exactly which dwarf you
should make a Pact with. Before doing this, you should sit down and
write the Dwarf a letter, specifying what you need, why you need it, as
well as the exact terms of agreement, th.i. how long the Pact will be as
well as an agreed upon payment.
Keep in mind that the dwarf will want a part of your main (which is
symbolized by the "drops of blood" that the dark elves sometimes ask
for), you can use monopoly or fake money as a symbol of how much
main you are willing to give to the dwarf. Keep in mind that even
though the monopoly money is quite worthless in the mundane world
the numbers on the bill indicate how much of your personal main you
are giving to the dwarf which is very much the "money" of the Unseen
world. This is very serious business and should not be taken lightly, the
payment of ones main should mirror the payment that one would give to
someone in the seen world. Also, you should have alot of main in the
first place. If you have a lot of bad luck, or you are lacking in physical,
mental, or emotional energy then you probably shouldn't deal with
dwarves until you find a way to fix your luck and increase your main.

It is also good to bring specific materials with you if you are going to
summon a Dwarf so that you can make a pact with it. If you want the
dwarf to make hag shot for you, then you should bring a shaft of iron. If
you want the dwarf to help you with creating a ritual tool, then you
bring the materials Necessary for crafting the tool. In the case of non
physical, aetheric or more specifically "dwarf weapons / armour" the
key is to take the physical materials that reflect the nature of the dwarf
made weapons / armour and then bury it underneath the ground, thus
sending it to their realm. When you are making a ritual tool, and you
called apon a specific dwarf for help (for an example, Gandalf or Wand
Elf for crafting a Wand) you are allowing the dwarf to provide you with
visions of what the wand is going to look like as well as allowing it to
subtly effect the movement of your hands while you are crafting the
It is always important to put yourself into a trance state when sinking
into Dwarf Home. In fact, Dwarf Home relates to this "dream mind" in
the first place and it is a known fact that many great inventors use
something called "the key method" as a way to obtain plans for their
inventions. What they do is they hold a key in their hand and then allow
themselves to drift to sleep. Right when they fall asleep they will dream
about what they are going to invent, ie a vision of their invention comes
into their mind. Then, due to the deep relaxation the hand lets go of the
key which hits the floor and causes the person to wake up and
remember the vision. This vision of the invention, peice of art, or
crafted object is a Gift from the dwarves. However, a Gift demands a
Gift and the advantage that the Witch has is that he or she will be able
to engage this realm more Consciously and not risk offending the
Dwarves and other Dark Elves that live in this dark and dreary place of
the Soul.

By consciously acknowledging that the Dwarves were responsible for

your ideas, plans, and inventions and then offering them Gifts you are
able to enter into a positive relationship with them. Perhaps the real
reason why dwarves can be so cranky at times is because of how all of

these artists, craftsman, and inventers flaunt their inventions and ideas
as if they were their own without giving the dwarves their due respect.
This, from both the standpoint of the Witch as well as the Germanic
Heathen is unacceptable and that we should acknowledge that we have
wronged them in the past and forge a positive relationship with these
forces. Any time you receive a profound idea or a vision for a piece of
art work or invention you should always acknowledge the spirits and
give them praise as well as Gifts for their help.

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