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UTL 640E Lesson Plan

UTL 640E
Meredith Lawrence/Round Rock High School

Lauren Gonzaba
English IVSeniors

Date: 11/18/14
8th period (2:38-4:08)

Lesson #6
Teach #6

Enduring Understanding & Essential Questions:

People rely on a variety of resources, such as books, Web sites, and periodicals, in order to
obtain accurate information and establish credibility in their writing.
a) What are annotations and what is a bibliography? (F)
b) What is an annotated bibliography? (F)
c) How can an annotated bibliography be useful? (C)

Lesson Objectives:

After listening to and taking notes on a presentation about annotated bibliographies, students
will create their own annotated bibliography, consisting of 3 sources and following MLA format,
in order to demonstrate an understanding of appropriately citing sources.


To Do
Make engagement PowerPoint
Make Annotated Bibliography Prezi

Find article to model creating a citation on

For the Lesson

Ensure each student has their laptop when it is time to practice searching through the
database and creating a citation on

TEKS and Student Expectations:

English IV
(21) Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full
range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the
information they gather. Students are expected to:

(A) follow the research plan to gather evidence from experts on the topic and
texts written for informed audiences in the field, distinguishing between reliable
and unreliable sources and avoiding over-reliance on one source
(C) paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched
information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number),
differentiating among primary, secondary, and other sources
(23) Research/Organizing and Presenting Ideas. Students organize and present their
ideas and information according to the purpose of the research and their audience.
Students are expected to synthesize the research into an extended written or oral
presentation that:
(D) uses a style manual (e.g., Modern Language Association, Chicago Manual of
Style) to document sources and format written materials

Steps in Lesson:

Engagement 10 minutes

Show PowerPoint slide with the following questions on projector: What are
annotations? What is a bibliography? How do these two go together?
Ask students what annotations are.
o Students will discuss this with their group.
o Have a student volunteer share what their group came up with.
Ask students what a bibliography is.
o Students will discuss this with their group.
o Have a student volunteer share what their group came up with.
Ask students how these two things can go together
o Students will discuss this with their group.
o Have a student volunteer share what their group came up with.

Stated Objective
After you take notes on this presentation about annotated bibliographies, you will
create your own annotated bibliography with sources you will be using for your
nonprofit organization research project.
Active Learning Remainder of class
1. Show Annotated Bibliography Prezi
Make sure each student has their writers notebook out and ready to take notes
2. Students will take notes on the presentation (30 minutes)
Students will be able asked to discuss certain key points in their groups
throughout the presentation
Example: Discuss what should be in a summary, or What does it
mean to asses and reflect?

3. Toward the end of the presentation, students will be walked through how to search
through some of the online databases provided (5 minutes)
Have students get their laptops and go to the website,
Teacher will model how to search for nonprofit organizations focused on a
specific issues. For example, the teacher can type in diabetes in the search bar
and the American Diabetes Association will come up.
Click on this model link and show students how to navigate and gather
information from this source
4. Model how students will cite their sources (5 minutes)
Have students go to the website,
Pull up news article to model how students will create a citation online:
Students are already familiar with this article, since it is their mentor
text for this unit.
Go through each step of manually creating a citation using this website, so
students are able to do this on their own when they create their annotated
Students will follow along on their laptops while teacher models in front
of the class
5. Create a quick sample annotated bibliography in Microsoft Word to show how students
will set up theirs up when they begin working
Show how to indent the list of citations, remind students that the list should be
in alphabetical order by author last name, show how to set up summary and
evaluation paragraphs underneath each citation
6. After the presentation, students will continue researching which sources they want to
use for their research papers. (Remainder of class)
Students will also start putting together their annotated bibliographies at this

1. For the last 5 minutes of class, redirect students attention to remind them what an
annotated bibliography is used for and how it can be helpful to them when writing their
research papers.

Modifications/Differentiation Strategies:

Ensure that instructions are well-paced so ELL students are able to comprehend all
directions regarding the assignment. After instructions are given and students begin
individual work, walk around the room and check for understanding.

Evaluation Strategies:

Walk around the room and conference with each student to check their progress.
Students will be turning in their completed annotated bibliography next class, so the
status check will just be to see if students understand what they need to be doing.

Notes/Recommendations for next time:

Show students a model/example of an annotated bibliography with the 3 parts, so they

know exactly what they need to be creating. Lots of information, so be prepared to
reteach next time.

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