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Jason Burgoyne

John Nguyen
Mia Quinn
Umar Khan
Nhat Pham

Table of Contents


I. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Facts on breast cancer, the purpose of the proposal and Chipotles role
1.1. Breast Cancer Facts ................................................................................................................. 3
1.2. Chipotles Role........................................................................................................................ 3
1.3. The Purchase of The Proposal ................................................................................................. 3
II. Background ..................................................................................................................................... 4
About breast cancer, the American Cancer Society and breast cancer in the DFW area
2.1. What is Breast Cancer ............................................................................................................. 4
2.2. Why the American Cancer Society ......................................................................................... 4
2.3. Breast Cancer in the DFW Area .............................................................................................. 4
III. Proposal .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Overall plan and objective, the Dallas Cowboys, logistics, and scheduling
3.1. Overall Company Plan and Objective ..................................................................................... 5
3.2. Why the Dallas Cowboys ........................................................................................................ 6
3.3. Scheduling ............................................................................................................................... 6
3.4. Logistics .................................................................................................................................. 6
3.4a. Marketing.......................................................................................................................... 6
3.4b. Food Truck ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.4c. Shifts and Employees ....................................................................................................... 7
IV. Staffing............................................................................................................................................ 9
Responsibility for each part in this project
V. Budget ............................................................................................................................................ 10
A breakdown of the formal budget of the proposal
VI. Authorization ............................................................................................................................... 13
Authorization letter
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 14
References ........................................................................................................................................... 15

I. Introduction
1.1. About Breast Cancer
One in eight women will be diagnosed with
breast cancer in their lifetime
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of
death among women
Breast cancer in men is rare, but it is estimated
2,150 men will be diagnosed with breast
cancer and 410 will die each year in the
United States (National Breast Cancer 2013)
Statistics about breast cancer reveal a drastic need for
breast cancer research. Chipotle will partner with the
Dallas Cowboys. Chipotle will station a food truck outside the Dallas Cowboys practice facility.
All proceeds generated will go towards research for breast cancer awareness. Every donation
received is another dollar that can go towards helping women receive free mammograms, as well
as educate women about the dangers of breast cancer.
1.2. Chipotles Role in Breast Cancer Research
Chipotle will station a food truck near the Cowboys practice facility, and have employees
volunteer to staff the truck. The incentives that the employees get for volunteering are dependent
on the number of shifts they work (each shift starts from 11:00am - 2:00pm.)

For first shift that are volunteered, employee gets a 45 minute Meet & Greet with a
Dallas Cowboys player.
For every extra two shifts that are worked, employee will receive one ticket to the Dallas
Cowboys game.

1.3. The Goal of Chipotle Funding for Breast Cancer Research

Raise awareness about the dangers of breast cancer.

Projection suggest the food truck will generate a total of $592,000 during our eight weeks
that our event is up and running.

Upon implementation, Chipotle Funding for Breast Cancer Research combined with the
$72,000 contribution from the Dallas Chamber of Commerce will help fighting against breast
cancer in the DFW area.

II. Background
2.1. What is Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the breast tissue. From that
point surrounded tissues are invaded by the damaged cells. The key point of this disease is that
with early detection and treatment, most individuals can resume a normal life.
About 1 out of every 8 women will develop breast cancer (BCRF 2013). Approximately every 13
minutes 1 woman in the United States will die from breast cancer (BCRF 2013). Breast cancer
doesnt only affect women either; it affects men as well. Thanks to breast cancer research,
incidence rates have dropped by 7% from 2002 to 2003 (BCRF 2013).
2.2. Why the American Cancer Society?
In 2012, the American Cancer Society allocated 148 million dollars to fund cancer research. The
NFL has recently established a strong relationship with the American Cancer Society. For the
last 7 season from 2006 - 2013 the NFL has had a partnership with the American Cancer Society
to help the fight against breast cancer. The program was called A Crucial Catch.
During October, NFL games will feature coaches, referees, and players wearing pink game
apparel, on-field ribbons, and special game balls and pink coins to help raise awareness. As well
on the website and at the games there will be special merchandise involved with the campaign
sold to the fans to help raise money. The NFL donates all proceeds to the American Cancer
Society for cancer research and treatment.
2.3. Breast Cancer in the DFW area
As of 2011, six counties in DFW have the highest rates of invasive breast cancer in Texas
(Breast Cancer Rate Climbs). The average of those same six counties has risen from 58.7 per
100,000 cases in 2005 to 60.7 per 100,000 in 2008 (Breast Cancer Rate Climbs). The invasive
Breast Cancer rate is on the rise in these six regions while the rate is falling across the state and
the rest of the nation (Breast Cancer Rate Climbs).
The six counties include Tarrant (the city of Fort Worth), Denton, Wise, Parker, Hood, and
Johnson (texassharon). An enclosed map is showing the affected area.

Rising Cancer Rates in Dallas Fort Worth area

As the invasive breast cancer rates rise in DFW, the funding for research has dropped. As a
company that likes to consider itself a pillar of the community, Chipotle wants to help fight this
alarming diseases rise in the DFW area. Chipotle believes the communitys well-being must be
a priority and will step in to support cancer research funding through our A Burrito a Day
Fights Cancer Today event.

III. Proposal
3.1. Overall Company Plan and Objective
The goals of Chipotles partnership with the Dallas Cowboys A Burrito a Day Fights Cancer
Today has two objectives:

Raise awareness about breast cancer in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

Raise money for breast cancer research in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

In order to achieve both goals, Chipotle has a two-step plan:

Station a food truck at the Dallas Cowboys weekly practices to raise money for the
American Cancer Society.
Contribute 100 % of the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society for breast cancer

3.2. Why the Dallas Cowboys?

The Cowboys are the most profitable NFL franchise to date, valued at 2.3 billion dollars. From
2008 - 2012 the Cowboys have averaged 10,000 12,000 fans in attendance at their practices
during training camp through all four pre- season games.

What makes this a great opportunity is the fact that there is no set place on site for fans to get
food when they get hungry watching the cowboys practice. Instead of having the fans leave the
facility for food, Chipotle will offer their food truck for fans and anybody in attendance to eat
great food and not miss a minute of their Dallas Cowboys practice.
3.3. Schedule
This partnership will last eight weeks and will span from the beginning of training camp (July
7th) to the end of the last preseason week (August 30th). Chipotle will serve customers at the
Cowboys practices Monday through Friday from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. In order to make sure
everything goes smoothly and efficiently volunteers and management will show up an hour
before to prep for the shift, and stay an hour late or however long it takes to close down. The
estimated time at the facilities is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
For the employee Meet & Greet with the Dallas Cowboys players, the Dallas Cowboys have
let us know that it will be held at their dining hall on October 19th during their Bye Week. The
Dallas Cowboys will cover all the expenses for the night. Employees that worked three or more
shifts will receive one ticket to the seasonal game. That game will be on September 8th, the first
home regular season game.
3.4. Logistics
3.4a. Marketing
The Cowboys have agreed to pay for all of the radio, newspaper, and television
ads leading up to the event. Chipotle will advertise predominately by word of
mouth, flyers, our Facebook page, and our main website. Whenever a customer
comes in to eat at a Chipotle they will see a multiple signs at the store advertising
the event. A link on Chipotles website and Facebook will posted about the event,
which involves in depth details about the event.
3.4b. Food Truck
Chipotles food truck can be driven to the Dallas Cowboys practice facility. The
Dallas Cowboys practice facility will be on a 91 acre compound at the northwest
corner of Warren Parkway and the Dallas North Tollway.
The location where the food truck will be placed, in terms of the field is
undetermined. We have spoken with the Organization and the architectural firm in
charge of designing the facility and they believe the best spot would be on the
west side of the main practice field.
Food Preparation
This means that we will be need to function from the closest Chipotle to make
things smoother and if in case of emergency, we are only 11-15 minutes away
from aid. The Chipotle we will primarily rely on is on Preston Road. The Chipotle
at Preston will prepare all of the food beforehand to expedite the process.

Clean up
Trash will be disposed in the Dallas Cowboys dumpster by the facility at the end
of every shift. The Dallas Cowboys will supply the trash bags and directions to
the dumpster.
Back- up plans for the Food Truck
The Chipotle on Preston Road is where all of the food will be prepared for the
day. At the Preston Chipotle, employees in the kitchen show up at 9 am on a daily
basis to prepare for the day and generally stay an hour late to prepare for the next
day. We will use this time to prepare food for the food truck as well as the dead
hours during the day to make food.
During the shift the on duty manager will be monitoring the amount of supplies
and food available and if things are getting low he will notify the Preston Chipotle
and an employee will drive out with the requested amount of supplies and or food.
3.4c. Shifts and Employees
Ten volunteers will be required to man the food truck each day. This includes 3
working the cash register (1 will be the on duty manager), 2 employees
monitoring the condiment table and outward appearance of the food truck, and 5
working the truck (taking orders and handing out food).

All the Chipotles in the DFW area will be notified of this event and any
employees interested can volunteer and will be compensated the same.
Dress code will be the same as it is for all the stores but employees will be
required to wear a breast cancer awareness pink hat supplied by the Dallas
Cowboys organization.
Employees will not all be taken from the Chipotle on Preston road.

Each day of business the manager on duty will show up at 10 a.m. with the help
of one employee and begin to set up while the rest of the employees who are
showing up for work that day will show at 10:45 a.m. to get ready for business
and help with any last minute details. At 2 p.m., the employees will be allowed to
take a 10 minute restroom break. When that is done employees will instantly start
closing down their area so that the truck can be driven back to the Preston store.
Motivation to Volunteer
Chipotle will motivate employees and volunteers by incentives and the Cowboys
popularity. There are a good number of people out there, including employees
who would love to simply work near the Cowboys. Each volunteer will receive an
invitation to an organized Meet & Greet with Cowboys players. For each extra
two shifts, volunteers will receive one ticket to the opening weeks game.

Money Management
The Chipotle food truck will use the same protocol utilized in all company owned
stores. Chipotle has a system in place which accepts cash, credit and debit cards
(including Master Card, Visa, American express, and Discovery). Checks
however will not be accepted. At the end of the shift, all the cash and receipts of
all transactions will be put in a duffle bag and escorted by the manager to the
Chipotle on Preston Road. Everything will be counted and checked by another
manager at Chipotle Preston.
Weather and Technology
In terms of necessary equipment, technology and the electrical outlets required to
keep the truck running, the Dallas Cowboys plans to create a safe access location
on the west side of the main practice facility for the Chipotle food truck. In case
of weather problems, the facility does have a pavilion area near the field.

IV. Staffing
Jason Burgoyne Project Manager
As Project Manager, Jason is heading the entire project. He is in charge of coordinating with the
Cowboys and Chipotle, making sure that all permits, persons, marketing, and finances are in
place and running properly.
John Nguyen Human Resources Manager
His role as Human Resources Manager consists of inspecting the location of the food truck and
making sure the appropriate permits are in place. This includes location, power supply and food
Mia Quinn Supervisor
The Chipotle Supervisor is in charge of the food truck. This encompasses monitoring the food
inventory and making sure at each end of day the truck is properly sanitized and the food is
restocked appropriately. She also oversees the employee volunteers that work the truck.
Umar Khan Supervisor Assistant
As the Chipotle Supervisor Assistant, his main role is coordinating the Chipotle employees who
will be volunteering to work the food truck. He must ensure that there are enough volunteers
each day to work the appropriate shifts and that they are recorded and rewarded correctly.
Nhat Pham Accountant
The accountant is Head of Finances. He will have to communicate with Chipotle and The
Cowboys to ensure that the appropriate funds are going to the correct place. It is his
responsibility that the event is financed properly and that each company can run the event and
still profit additional money to donate.
Volunteer Staffing
There are 40 shifts in total during the event. Chipotle has received 200 tickets to the Dallas
Cowboys seasonal game from the Cowboys. We will rewards employees as they volunteer. For
the first shift worked, each volunteer will receive an invitation to an organized Meet and Greet
with the Cowboys players. For every two shifts worked after the initial shift, that volunteer will
receive one ticket to a seasonal game. Tickets can be shared with friends or family members.
There are ten volunteers needed per day:

5 volunteers working in the truck (taking orders and handing out food)
3 volunteers working at the cash register
2 volunteers refilling and manning at condiments table

V. Budget
There will be an average of 10,000 to 12,000 fans at the Dallas Cowboys practice games, rain or
shine. Chipotle has no competition as there is no on-site restaurant at the Cowboys practice
facility. Profit will be determined based on how many customer we would serve during the
event, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
We anticipate serving 300 customers per hour and roughly estimate about 1200 customers per
day for four hours open. This means we anticipate serving 6,000 people per week, which will
generate $54,000/week if we assume our customer will spend at least $9.00 for lunch (tax
included). This seem likely to happen because of what we offer on the food truck menu (see
Appendix) Our total conservative revenue from food truck will be $432,000 since the event lasts
for 8 weeks.
Customers Serve per Hour


Hours Open

4 hours

Total Customers per Day


Days Open

5 days

Total Customers per Week


We also set up a concession table with one employee that will sell chip and salsa package for
$3.00 each, and beverages for $2.00. We only accept cash at the concession table as our
employee do not have to worry about the change. By doing so, we also speed up the process. We
expect to serve another 200 customers per hour, which is 800 customers per day and 4,000
customers per week. We assume that each customer will likely to spend $5.00 so our
conservative profit will be $20,000/week, which generated $160,000 for the entire event.
Customers Serve/Hour


Hours Open

4 hours

Total Customers/Day


Days Open

5 days

Total Customers/Week


Next page is included a projected revenue table from both the Chipotle food truck and
concession table.

Projected Revenue
Revenue/Week (Food Truck)
Revenue/Week (Concession
Sub Total
Weeks of Events
Total Projected Revenue


The Dallas Cowboys will provide with electricity and water supply during the event.
According to our calculation, our food truck will have travel 9 miles per day from our nearest
Chipotle Mexican Grill to Dallas Cowboys Frisco Stadium. It will cost us roughly $4.00/week if
we assume gas is $4.00 per gallon (our truck consume 1 gallon/10 miles) and we operate five
days per week for eight weeks, the total cost of gas is only $32.
We also budgeted $3,000 for truck expense if the truck needs to be maintained.
Food expense, ingredients for each burritos cost us $3. For each week it would cost us
$18,000/week the total cost would be $144,000 for the whole event.
Advertising expenses are estimated at only $1,000. We will promote the event via Facebook, our
main website and through the Dallas Cowboys events.
Food Expense
Truck Expense
Gas Expense
Advertising Expense
Sub total
Week of Events
Total Projected Expense

Projected Expense
$ (176,032.00)

Total projected net income will be $415,968 after subtracting Expense from Revenue.
Total Projected Net Income
Total Projected Revenue
Total Projected Expense
Projected Net Income


We are asking the Dallas Chamber of Commerce to help us fund for half of the food expense
($9,000/week) for 8 weeks which is $72,000.00 in total. Chipotle will donate $104,032 for the
event. We included a table of contributions from the Dallas Chamber of Commerce and Chipotle
in the next page.


Dallas Chamber of Commerce
Total Contributions


Chipotle will donate all Net Income which is $415,968 to help fight breast cancer. There will
be no Return on Investment as we find it necessary to contribute to the society. With only $
72,000 from the Dallas Chamber of Commerce and $104,032 from us, we have create another
chance for all breast cancers patient by provide the money to help the research keep going.


Chipotle Funding
Breast Cancer Research
Authorization Letter
(Keep a copy of this letter for your records.)
December 4, 2013
We, the Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce, hereby authorize Chipotle to proceed with
proposal implementation of Chipotle Funding Breast Cancer Research. This proposal is
created in reaction to the Dallas Chamber of Commerce request for Businesses Give Back. The
Chamber of Commerce agrees to fund the proposal for the amount of $72,000.
Attested below are the notarized signatures of our authorized personnel:
Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce

Authorized Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce



Jason Burgoyne
(Project Manager)


Mia Quinn


Umar Khan
(Assistant Supervisor)


Nhat Pham


John Nguyen
(Human Resources Manager)




Breast Cancer. (2013). Retrieved from
Breast Cancer Research Foundation. (2013). Retrieved from
Chipotle (2013). Retrieved from
Cooper-White, M. (2013, August 10). 10 Ways The Government Shutdown Is Squeezing U.S.
Science. Huff Post Science, Retrieved from
Heinkel-Wolf, P. (2011, August 28). Breast Cancer Rate Climbs Up. Denton Record-Chronicle,
Retrieved from
Kevin, B. (2012, August 21). The Texas Breast Cancer Story Is Back [Web log message].
Retrieved from
National Breast Cancer. (2013). Retrieved from
Richard, M (2013, October 26). Breaking Into The Food Truck Industry Part 3. Mobile Cuisine
Magazine. Retrieved from
Rosen, L., & Rosen, G. (2013). American Cancer Society. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Surveillance Research Program. (n.d.). Seer
Stat Fact Sheets: Breast Cancer. Retrieved from National Cancer Institute website:


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