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CCI Host Reference

Best Practices for Version 1-21 and higher

Host Requirements

Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX host OS (specific distros and other unlisted OSes may be
supported on a case by case basis.)

Root access to the CCI host

Approximately 50MB on disk for binaries and logs

Approximately 500KB of RAM per horcm instance

Local and remote CCI hosts must be the same OS, preferably the same version.

One CCI host per site, minimum. Though certain products (HPtM, HSC, others) may require installing
CCI on each of the production hosts directly.

Installed to C:\HORCM or /HORCM/ (off the system root) for Unix systems. Installing to a different path
than this is possible but not advised.

HORCM Instance Identifiers

Each HORCM instance is defined/identified with a horcmn.conf file (n = the instance number)

HORCM instances should be unique for each independent environment.

In general, use even numbers for PVOLs and odd numbers for SVOLs. Often 0 and 1 for in system
replication, and 10 and 11 for distance replication.

This avoids any confusion when creating pairs and reduces the likelihood of creating a pair in the wrong

HORCM Config File Locations

Windows: %systemroot% (ie C:\Windows\ or C:\WINNT\)

Unix: /etc/

Horcm File values


IP Address: Address of local host. can be used if the both horcm files (ie- HORCM0 and
HORCM1 for ShadowImage) are on the same host. Otherwise best practice is to use the true public IP
which will communicate with the remote horcm. Host name can be used, but caution is advised as DNS
must be working.

Service: Specifies the udp port (name or port number) for this horcm to communicate on. If using
service names the name must be defined on all CCI hosts in the environment (ie in the
%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\services file in Windows.)

Poll: The interval for monitoring paired volumes. To reduce the HORCM daemon load, make this
interval longer. Generally the default value is acceptable.

Timeout: The timeout value for communication with the paired horcm. Generally the default value is


Dev Name: Location of the array Command Device presented to this host. Generally in Windows a
minimum specification is acceptable:
Where 12345 is the Serial number of the array. The true command device location (ie\\.\PhysicalDisk8) can be specified as well.

Horcm File values (contd.)

Similarly, in Unix/Linux/Solaris a minimum specification is available:
Where 12345 is the Serial Number, and /dev/rdsk/ is the device path hint (ie
/dev/sd in linux, etc.) The true command device path (ie- /dev/rdsk/c6t0d1) can be specified as
Also, note that the command disk can defined for a given one by also including the LDEV number (in
decimal) and also to a given port. i.e. \\.\\CMD-SN#-LDEV#(Decimal)-Port .


Dev Group: The name for a group of LUNs which will be replicated together. This is an arbitrary name,
up to 31 characters.

Dev Name: A unique identifier for a single pair of LUNs. Must be unique within the entire horcm
environment. Must match between the two paired LUNs in their respective horcm files. Arbitrary up to
31 characters.

Serial#: The serial number of the array local to this horcm file.

CULDEV: The unique LDEV number of the volume to be replicated. The two digit hexidecimal CU and
two digit hexidecimal LDEV are seperated by a colon (no space) in Enterprise arrays. Use the four digit
decimal LDEV number for mid-range arrays.

MU#: The Mirror Unit number for the volumes specified. This is used for multiple generation copies of
in-system replication. 0 through 2 are valid values for ShadowImage, 0 through 15 or 64 (depending on
hardware) for Copy on Write. Some versions of CCI will reject distance replication (HUR, TC) pairs with
MU specified.


Dev Group: The Dev Group from HORCM_LDEV. There must be one line in HORCM_INST for each
Dev Group specified in HORCM_LDEV.

IP Address: Address of the remote CCI host. can be used if the both horcm files (ieHORCM0 and HORCM1 for ShadowImage) are on the same host. Otherwise best practice is to use the
true public IP which will communicate with the remote horcm. Host name can be used, but caution is
advised as DNS must be working.

Service: Specifies the udp port (name or port number) for this horcm to communicate with the remote
host on. If using service names the name must be defined on all CCI hosts in the environment (ie in
the %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\services file in Windows.)

A hard return (CR LF, a visible blank line) is required at the end of the file after HORCM_INST in
Windows. This is also a requirement for the Windows services file.

Naming Conventions for DEV_GROUPs and DEV_NAMEs

DEV_GROUP naming should be related to the application that those volumes support

DEV_NAMES should tie to the physical device.



PVOL LDEV to SVOL LDEV, e.g., 001D_012E or 0013_0122
Its better to not use LUN numbers in your naming convention, since you cant be sure what
context that LUN number refers to. (Are you using an absolute LUN? An HSD LUN? A hostspecific LUN?)

Remember that DEV_NAMEs must be unique. You cant reuse the same DEV_NAME in two different

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