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The Basic Esoteric Dictionary


Ever since 1984 the Institute for Hylozoic Studies has worked to promote the study of
the esoteric knowledge of life, especially in its Western, hylozoic (Pythagorean) form.
At the very outset of our work, the publishing of an esoteric vocabulary appeared
particularly desirable, not least in order to counteract the confusion of ideas prevalent in
this sphere.
Without any claims whatever to treat of the subject-matter in its entire depth or to
describe exhaustively its terminology, the Institute in December 1986 published the first
Swedish edition of the present work to the Scandinavian readers. After this first edition
ran out of print 1991, the work at a new edition was begun, and in 1996 this second
edition was published. The present English edition is a translation of the 1996 Swedish
The Esoteric Dictionary is primarily an inventory of the terminology used by Henry T.
Laurency, secondarily of the terminology used in theosophy and the works of Alice A.
Bailey. The Dictionary is intended to be more than a mere vocabulary. It contains more
than 500 entries, the majority of which besides definitions of the terms also cite excerpts
from The Knowledge of Reality and The Philosophers Stone by Henry T. Laurency,
The Knowledge of Reality in particular, since it is the more important book where the
elementary study is concerned. Actually, the main body of the text of the dictionary is
made up of such excerpts. When compiling this Dictionary, the selection of terms to be
entered as well as the formulation of the texts appended to them was made with a view
to presenting esoteric students with a practical tool that they would find interesting
enough to study as a work in its own right, beside the works of Laurency.
References to the works of Laurency are given using the same method as is consistently
used in the Internet edition of his works; that is, not by pages, but by sections, chapters,
and paragraphs. This has been sufficiently explained on the Official Website of the
Henry T. Laurency Publishing Foundation (Introduction to the works of Henry T.
References between entries are not very numerous. From an educational point of view,
it should prove more expedient that the students go through the Dictionary several times
over and so doing discover for themselves the natural, logical connections there are
between the entries.
The attention of the students is called to the fact that one and the same entry sometimes
is explained twice, as a Laurency term and as a theosophical and/or Bailey term.
MONAD and TRIAD are two such instances where the same terms have different
meanings in different authors. Esoteric students who study both Laurency and
theosophy/Bailey will appreciate the necessity of making such distinctions.

The Esoteric Dictionary can be used by both beginners and more advanced students to
study hylozoics in a new and interesting way.

Abbreviations used in the Dictionary

K = The Knowledge of Reality
P = The Philosophers Stone
B. = term used by Alice A. Bailey
f = and the following paragraph
ff = and the following paragraphs
Gr. = Greek
Lat. = Latin
Skt = Sanskrit
T. = term used by theosophical authors
Tib. = Tibetan
Quotations from Laurency are surrounded by quotation marks.
If several continuous paragraphs are quoted, a quotation mark is put at the beginning of
each paragraph but only at the end of the last one.
Every quotation is accompanied by a reference, for example K 1.2.15, which means that
the quotation is from The Knowledge of Reality, section The Problems of Reality, Part
One, chapter two, paragraph 15.
In cases where the information given is taken from a Laurency text that is not literally
quoted, this is shown by putting the reference in brackets (K 1.2.15).
Texts not presented in quotes are written by me.
Needless to say, I am very grateful to receive suggestions from students and other
readers as to possible improvements or additions.
Skvde, Sweden, August 2000
Lars Adelskogh

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ACTIVATION, LAW OF "The law of activation says that individual development is

possible only through self-initiated consciousness activity." K 1.41.14
"All development is the result of work and toil." P 3.23.2
as yet inactive consciousness, and to make subjective (emotional and mental)
consciousness objective. "Those esoteric methods, which lead rapidly and without risks
to causal objective consciousness, remain the property of the planetary hierarchy." K
"Unlike the yogis methods of activation, the esoteric one is a methodical and
systematical activation of passive consciousness in one after the other of up to then
superconscious molecular kinds. This is done by vitalizing the different chakras of the
different envelopes. Consciousness in each molecular kind is bound up with its
particular chakra. When a chakra is vitalized, subjective consciousness in that molecular
kind ensues. Objective consciousness is obtained by the subjective consciousness in the
chakra activating that molecular kind in the envelope. As has already been pointed out,
only the causal self can use emotional and mental objective consciousness correctly.
Until then, the individual will be the victim of his own ignorance and will retard his
higher development." K 7.22.3
"In each new incarnation the individual in his new envelopes has to repeat the whole
process of activation. If the individual has once received the knowledge and has not
abused it, he will be given occasions to remember his old knowledge anew in new
lives." K 7.22.10
ACTIVATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS "Consciousness activation in the three lowest
natural kingdoms is an unconscious and automatic process which gradually becomes a
conscious one in the human kingdom. In higher kingdoms it is the result of self-initiated
consciousness activity." K 1.28.4
consciousness is done in four steps: concentration, meditation, contemplation and
"Concentration is the keeping of attention on a certain thing. Meditation implies a
concentrated analysis of all relations pertaining to this subject-matter. Contemplation
entails the isolation of the problem until one begins to see the idea and can concentrate
attention on that single point. If thereby activity ceases, there is a risk of falling asleep
or into ordinary trance. If activity can be kept up long enough, illumination comes and
the individual will find what he has been seeking." K 7.17.9
ACTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS The self-active consciousness that becomes possible
through evolution. Having active consciousness the monads themselves initiate their
consciousness expressions.
In the vegetable and animal kingdoms this activation occurs in groups (through groupsouls). In the human kingdom consciousness becomes more and more self-active.
"Active consciousness is the ability of consciousness to let dynamis act through it." K
"The expressions of active consciousness induce matter to act as energy." K 1.28.2
ACTUALIZED CONSCIOUSNESS Awakened, functioning consciousness.
"The monad's potential consciousness is awakened to life (is actualized) in the cosmos."

K 1.15.2
Actualized consciousness goes through different degrees of activation: passive, active,
ADEPT Esoteric master, 45-self.
ADI (Skt, T.B.) World 43 and its consciousness.
AGGREGATE ENVELOPES All forms of nature are envelopes for monads. All forms
except organisms of the physical world are aggregate envelopes, molecules of the kinds
of matter of the respective worlds held together electro-magnetically. (K 1.13.2)
AGGREGATION, STATES OF Same as molecular kinds.
AGNI (Skt, T.B.) Deva raja of world 47. Symbol of the causal-mental world.
AGNICHAITANS (Skt, T.B.) Building devas of the physical eterical world.
AGNISHVATTAS (Skt, T.B.) Building devas of the causal-mental world.
AGNISURYANS (Skt, T.B.) Building devas of the emotional world.
AGNOSTIC One who denies the possibility of ascertaining superphysical facts. (K
AJNA-CHAKRA (Skt, T.B.) Eyebrow centre.
AKASHA (Skt, T.) World 44 in the solar system.
"AKASHIC RECORDS" (Q.) Such globe memories as can be reached with emotional
clairvoyance (48:4-7). They do not contain the past of the planet, but what people in all
times have believed about this past. The real akasha, the akasha of the planetary
hierarchy, is world 44. (K 6.9)
ANAHATA-CHAKRA (Skt, T.B.) Heart centre.
ANANKE (Gr.) Necessity. Result of the activity of eternal, mechanical laws of nature.
ANGELS The gnostic and later also Christian term of devas. The archangels are the
seven highest devas of our planet (43-selves) who preside over their respective
departments in the deva hierarchy.
ANIMA MUNDI (Lat.) The "soul of the world", older esoteric term meaning the
collective consciousness in 4649.
ANIMAL KINGDOM The third natural kingdom of evolution. In the animal kingdom
the monads have principally physical and emotional consciousness. Between
incarnations they are enclosed in common envelopes of mental matter, so-called groupsouls. "The higher up the scale of evolution an animal is, the fewer are the monads that
go to its group." K 1.33.6

"When the monad has been able for a long time to be affected by mental vibrations
(47:7) and has thus attained the highest animal species, it becomes possible for it to
transmigrate to the human kingdom." K 1.33.10
ANIMAL MONAD During its evolution in the animal kingdom the monad is called
animal monad.
"The vegetable monads become animal monads through acquiring emotional
consciousness. When their mental consciousness is sufficiently active, the animal
monads pass to the human kingdom." K 4.8.3
"Having developed so as to acquire an envelope of its own in the causal world, the
animal monad transmigrates to the human kingdom." K 4.8.4
ANTAHKARANA (Skt: "the inner organ", T.B.) That channel for energy and
consciousness which the evolutionary monad builds through its own activity between its
triad units and envelopes as a ladder to climb up to ever higher consciousness and
ability. The antahkarana has its lowest anchorage in the crown centre of the etheric
envelope. (K 7.3.15)
ANTIMETAPHYSICIAN Denier of the existence of superphysical reality. (K 1.2.15)
ANUPADAKA (Skt, T.B.) World 44 and its consciousness. Synonyms: akasha,
A PRIORI (Lat.) In advance, i.e. without prior investigation or experience. Opposite: a
posteriori = afterwards, after investigation or experience.
"The correct explanation of the aprioristic in our apprehension was given long ago by
Platon. According to him, there is another kind of certainty than that of ordinary
experience. This certainty is the outcome of remembering anew concepts acquired in
previous incarnations. Everything aprioristic is thus obtained ultimately from
experience." K 5.28.14
ARHAT (Skt, T.B.) 46-self, initiate of the 4th degree.
ARUPA (Skt "without form", T.B.) All matter above 47:4 is said to be without form,
although all matter has form. In a restricted sense and most often arupa means 47:1-3,
the causal world and its kinds of matter; arupa devas are causal devas.
ASCENDING ARC (T.) Has two meanings:
1. Evolution in general.
2. The three last globe periods in an eon.
ASEKHA (Pali: one trained to completion, T.) Esoteric master, perfected 45-self,
initiate of the 5th degree.
ASHRAM (Skt, T.B.) That group which a member of the planetary hierarchy (at least a
46-self) forms of his disciples and with himself as the focus in the "power house". The
planetary hierarchy consists of seven greater ashrams led by 44-selves and representing
the seven departments, and 42 lesser ones led by 45- and 46-selves. The type energies
these collective beings emit encompass the planet.

ASTRAL BODY, WORLD etc. (T.B.) The same as emotional envelope, world etc.
However, in Blavatskys terminology, "astral" also means the etheric (49:1-4). (K
3.3.25, 3.5.7)
ASTROLOGY, ESOTERIC "The knowledge of the relations of our solar system and
our planet to other solar systems, of the exchange of interstellar and interplanetary
energies, once was one of the most important sciences in mankind's possession. The
people that got farthest in this respect were the Chaldeans of some 30 000 years ago.
Fortunately, we can look forward to the time when the individuals who acquired this
knowledge in Chaldea will incarnate again and once more present mankind with the
esoteric astrology, thereby reviving the long-lost knowledge." K 2.13.11
ASTROLOGY, EXOTERIC "Exoteric astrology is not exact. It still lacks the
knowledge of a number of necessary facts. Even with its twelve zodiacal types and
seven planetary types to guide it, it still cannot state their relations to the existing types.
It cannot interpret all the possibilities of the horoscope. It knows nothing about the
horoscope of more than one of the individual's five envelopes.
"The fate of astrology is one of many examples of what will happen when esoteric
knowledge gets into the hands of the uninitiated... The result is superstition of a more or
less gross kind." K 2.13.13f
ATLANTIS Hemispherical continent and abode of the fourth root-race. It was situated
at the present location of the Atlantic and North America and was submerged into the
ocean in four stages: 800 000, 200 000, 75 025 and 9564 BC.
"The Atlanteans were physicalists of repulsive emotionality." K 6.5.7
ATMA (Skt, T.B.) World 45 and its consciousness, 45-envelope of the second self.
ATOM "Atoms are composed of primordial atoms. The lower the atomic kind, the more
primordial atoms enter into the atom." K 1.10.2
"There are two kinds of atoms: negative and positive. In the negative (receptive) atoms,
material energy flows from a higher atomic kind to a lower; in the positive (propulsive)
atoms, from a lower to a higher. This current is the force that maintains the atoms,
molecules, material aggregates, in their given forms." K 1.27.1
ATOM OF SCIENCE "The chemical so-called atom of science is a physical etheric
molecule (49:4). This molecular kind, like all other molecular kinds, contains 49
different layers of matter. To reach the real physical atom (49:1), the nuclear physicists
have to work their way through 147 layers of matter, each in succession higher than the
other. No physical science will achieve that." K 1.10.8
ATOMIC CONSCIOUSNESS "Atomic consciousness is world consciousness. The
individual as a joint owner of a consciousness collective is like a cell in an organism.
The organism is an envelope of an individual in a higher kingdom. When in the
collective consciousness of his world the individual has so developed that he can take
over this material world as an envelope of his own, then he will be a god of this world.
"Atomic consciousness, world consciousness, omniscience (in that world) does not
mean that the individual knows everything about everything that is or happens. But it is
possible for him to find out more or less quickly everything he wishes to know,

independently of space and past time in a given world, to ascertain all relations in the
three aspects (matter, motion, and consciousness) of that world." K 1.30.6f
ATOMIC ENERGIES The effect of dynamis through the 49 atomic kinds.
"The atomic energies act from world to world through the atomic kinds" K 1.29.3
ATOMIC MATTER Primordial atoms and matter composed of it is called atomic
matter in contrast to primordial matter. There exist 49 different kinds of atomic matter
called atomic kinds.
"Atomic matter is by nature dynamic." K 1.7.4
ATOMIC MEMORY The collective memory of all atoms in the respective worlds.
"Only the collective atomic memory of the emotional world is the one that cannot be
falsified, but reproduces exactly past events of the emotional and physical worlds, but
not those of higher worlds." K 6.9.4
ATOMIC KINDS "The cosmos consists of primordial atoms (called monads by
Pythagoras) which are composed to make 49 kinds of atoms, each in succession coarser
than the previous ones, in seven continuous series of seven atomic kinds in each. These
atomic kinds make up the 49 cosmic worlds.
"Each lower atomic kind is formed out of the next higher one (2 out of 1, 3 out of 2, 4
out of 3, etc.). The lowest atomic kind (49) thus contains all the 48 higher kinds. When
an atomic kind is dissolved, the next higher kind is obtained; out of the physical atom
are obtained 49 atoms of atomic kind 48." K 1.7.1f
"Each atomic kind has its own dimension." K 1.8.4
ATOMIZED MANIFESTATIONAL MATTER Matter consisting of the cosmic kinds
of matter 149, contrary to the homogeneous primordial matter. (P 2.60.1)
ATTRACTION Attraction characterizes the vibrations of the three higher kinds of
emotional matter (48:2-4). The pertaining consciousness is by the individual perceived
as noble feelings. (K 1.19.5, P 2.31.4ff)
AUGOEIDES (Gr.) Pythagorean term of a certain category of devas who are 46- and
45-selves. They make up collective beings and have tasks closely connected with the
evolution of our mankind. Among other tasks they administer the execution of the law
of destiny in mankind and take care of mens second triads as long as these are inactive.
Mans (greater) causal envelope is a gift from Augoeides.
AURA Mans emotional, mental, and causal envelopes "embrace and penetrate all the
lower ones. They are oval in shape and extend between 30 and 45 cm beyond the
organism, making the so-called aura. Approximately 99 per cent of the matter of these
envelopes is attracted to the organism and is held together within its periphery, so that
the aggregate envelopes form complete replicas of the former." K 4.9.1
AUTOMATIZATION The monad reaches the highest level of consciousness (objective
self-consciousness) in a kind of matter when it completely dominates the corresponding
envelope of the monad and its consciousness functions have been taken over by the next
higher envelope through automatization. (P 2.27.5, 2.41.5)

AVATAR (Skt) Higher being, 45-self or even higher self, incarnating in mankind to
assist us.

BARBARISM, STAGE OF The first or lowest of mans five stages of development. It
is characterized by the fact that physical and the repulsive emotional consciousness are
the most important.
"The individual at the stage of barbarism as a physical self only, without emotional and
mental consciousness worth mentioning, belongs on the very lowest levels of the stage
of barbarism. Immediately after causalization he is little more than an animal, often not
even so intelligent." K 1.34.12
So primitive men do not incarnate in our humanity any longer. Even the least developed
have at least 30 000 incarnations in the human kingdom, yet they are at the stage of
"On the higher levels of the stage of barbarism, his mental consciousness is activated to
the extent that he is able to draw simple conclusions." K 1.34.12
character two basic tendencies can be discerned, which pervade all nature; the
opposition of positive and negative, active and passive, attractive and repellent. One of
the two tendencies preponderates in every individual. In some, either tendency is driven
to extremes." P 3.48.7
"Development in monads of repulsive basic tendency can take a wrong course, this
showing already in parasitism of plants and in predacity of animals." K 4.11.4
BEING "Being bears on the consciousness aspect. All material forms with a unitary
consciousness are beings." P 2.11.2
Individual beings (monads) and collective beings (composed of monads) are
distinguished. Viewed individually, the monads material envelopes are beings. Man
consists of five beings, which it is the monads task to control.
BELIEF "is absolute, unreasonable emotional conviction, unamenable to correction or
reason. Everybody has his petty beliefs about almost any absurdity, and this is because
man is unable to truly know anything but definitively established facts in the visible
world. In contrast, assumption, is preliminary, valid only until one has come to know, in
amenable to rational arguments, and desires correction." K 1.2.11
BHAGAVAN (Skt, "the lord") Title of the planetary ruler, the head of the planetary
government. (K 7.14.3)
BODY Older term of body. Envelope is a better term, since it indicates its purpose: to
envelop the monad.

BRAHMA (Skt, T.B.) One of the aspects of Trimurti. The symbol refers generally to
the matter aspect; specifically to collective beings whose special task is the formation of
matter. Also a name of the deva raja of world 45.
BRAHMA, DAYS AND NIGHTS OF Periods of activity and passivity of a duration of
4320 million years. Also called kalpas or eons.
BUDDHA (Skt, "the awakened one") Title of a 42-self, initiate of the 8th degree.
Gautama Buddha is the fourth buddha in the current eon. His three predecessors were
called Krakucchanda, Kanakamuni, and Kashyapa (K 6.12.33)
BUDDHI (Skt, T.B.) World 46 and its consciousness, the 46-envelope of the second

CAUSAL has reference to the material reality of the causal world (47:1-3), its
consciousness and energy. The causes of lower kinds of reality are found in this world,
hence its name.
CAUSAL CONSCIOUSNESS "Causal consciousness (47:1-3) is possible only for
those who have developed so far ahead of the rest of mankind that they can purposefully
prepare for their transition to the next higher kingdom. They have acquired the ability to
associate with everybody in the causal world, the meeting-place for the individuals
belonging to the fourth as well as the fifth natural kingdom.
"Casual consciousness is subjectively intuition, the experiencing of causal ideas, and
makes it possible to study objectively the physical, emotional, and mental worlds, and
makes omniscience in these worlds possible.
"To causal consciousness there is, in planetary respect (the worlds of man: 47 49),
neither distance nor past time." K 1.20.8ff
CAUSAL ENVELOPE The monads envelope of causal matter (47:1-3). The causal
envelope is the only envelope that is permanent throughout the monads sojourn in the
human kingdom. It was acquired at the monads transition from the animal to the human
kingdom. It is the causal envelope that incarnates, together with human monad, which it
always encloses, into four lower envelopes, which are soon dissolved. (K 1.14.2, 1.34.2,
The causal envelope "retains the memory of all the human incarnations and of the
experiences had, of insight and understanding gained, of qualities and abilities
acquired." K 1.34.35
"During incarnation the first self has two causal bodies. This condition lasts until the
monad becomes a causal self. At the time of involvation the causal body is divided into
two. The greater part, serving as a collector of matter supplied, remains in the causal
world. The smaller world (the triad envelope), containing the lowest triad, encloses the
lower bodies. When the involvation of the first self is concluded and the personality is
dissolved, the two separate parts amalgamate to form one single causal body. The four

centres of the causal body do not belong to the involving triad envelope. It is these two
causal bodies that have been called the twin souls and have occasioned fantasies of all
sorts." P 2.23.6
CAUSAL LIFE BETWEEN INCARNATIONS "Upon the dissolution of the mental
envelope, the individual in his causal envelope sinks into dreamless sleep that will last
until the time comes for rebirth and an embryo has been formed for him in a physical
maternal body... There can be no conscious causal life unless the intuition of the causal
ideas has been acquired in physical existence... The monads continuity of
consciousness, made possible through the memory in its incarnation envelopes now
dissolved, has been lost." K 1.34.34f
CAUSAL-MENTAL WORLD Atomic world 47 in the cosmos and solar system and
molecular world 47:2-7 in the solar system.
CAUSAL SELF Monad that has its most important kind of subjective and objective
self-consciousness in atomic world 47:1 and molecular world 47:2,3 within the solar
system. Causal selves belonging to mankind are at the stage of ideality and have
consciousness in 47:2,3, causal selves in the fifth natural kingdom have consciousness
in 47:1.
"The causal self is able to study all its previous lives as a man, is able independently and
quickly to acquire the facts necessary to comprehend all realities in the worlds of man,
achieving more in one hour (in 47:1) than the most efficient mental thinker could
manage in one hundred years. Fictions are precluded." K 1.20.10
The causal self can ascertain that the esoteric world view and life view agrees with facts
in the five worlds of man (47 49). (K 4.11.8)
CAUSAL WORLD Atomic world 47 (47:1) and molecular world 47:2,3 in the solar
system. The causal world (47:1-3) is the world of Platonic ideas and mans goal in the
human kingdom. The causal world is "the meeting place for the individuals belonging to
the fourth as well as the fifth natural kingdom." K 1.20.8
"The causal world, the world of Platonic ideas, belongs to the planetary hierarchy, being
accessible to those who have acquired causal consciousness. The causal ideas reproduce
reality such as it can be rendered in this kind of consciousness. The Indian elaborator of
the raja yoga system, Patanjali, called the idea content of the causal world the rainclouds of knowable things." K 2.17.5
CAUSALIZATION "By acquiring a causal envelope the monad transmigrates from the
animal kingdom to the human kingdom. To term this process causalization is
preferable to individualization, since the monad is an individual in all kingdoms."
"Only the monkey, elephant, dog, horse, and cat, which belong to group-souls of very
few monads, are able to causalize." K 1.33.6
like the organism, have their special organs (made of atoms), which are the seats of the
different kinds of functions of consciousness and of motion. These atomic organs in the
etheric, emotional, mental, and causal envelopes are in contact with each other."
K 1.14.6

"Each molecular kind has its own characteristic kind of consciousness, which in mans
envelopes is perceptible through special organs of perception (chakras). The physical
sense organs have their counterparts in the centres of perception and activity in mans
aggregate envelopes.
"It is by means of the chakras that man is able in his organism to perceive subjectively
the vibrations in his higher envelopes and thereby experience feelings and thoughts, etc.
In order to acquire objective consciousness through these chakras special methods of
activation are required." K 6.8.3f
"Chakras have positions that can be given in reference to the organism.
"The seven most important chakras in the etheric, emotional, and mental envelopes,
receiving their energies from the seven departments, are:
above the diaphragm: crown (1st dep.), eyebrow (4th dep.), throat (3rd dep.), heart (2nd
below the diaphragm: solar plexus (navel, 6th dep.), sacral (5th dep.), basal (7th dep.)."
"The chakras below the diaphragm were already developed in Lemurians and now fulfil
all their requisite functions automatically as organs of apprehension and activity. In
contrast, the chakras above the diaphragm are but little developed at mankinds present
stage of development and mostly only slightly active.
"Of the chakras in the causal envelope of the normal individual', which form a lotuslike organ, only those three are slightly developed which during incarnations are in
contact with the heart and crown chakras of the etheric, emotional, and mental
"Normally, the throat chakra is developed at the stage of civilization, the heart chakra at
the stage of culture, the eyebrow chakra at the stage of humanity, and the crown chakra
at the stage of ideality. But full functional capacity is achieved only when the causal self
succeeds in becoming an essential self. Until then only few petals are active." K 7.22.4ff
CHAKRAS (Skt, "wheels") Centres in mans physical etheric, emotional, mental, and
causal envelopes; centres which are organs for specialized energy and consciousness.
CHELA (Hindi, T.B.) Disciple
CHOHAN (Tibetan and Mongolian, T.B.) Perfected 44-self, initiate of the 6th degree.
Title of the head of one of the seven departments of the planetary hierarchy.
CHRISTOS (Gr.) Gnostic symbol for the fifth natural kingdom and especially essential
consciousness. Title of the head of the second department of the planetary hierarchy, the
world teacher.
CIVILIZATION, STAGE OF The second of mans five stages of development.
"The emotional consciousness of the civilizational individual seldom extends beyond
the lower three or four molecular kinds, his mental consciousness seldom over the
lowest two. With this modest intellectual capacity he intellectualizes his desires into
such emotions as normally exist in the lower regions of the emotional world. Generally,
they are of the repulsive kind." K 1.34.15

CLAN Group of monads that are at the same stage of development and incarnate
together. (K 1.34.10, 5.5.1)
CLAIRVOYANCE Objective consciousness in the emotional and mental worlds. "Socalled clairvoyance does not provide any real knowledge, since man lacks the
prerequisites of judging the reality content of his experiences in the emotional and
mental worlds. This is also obvious from the fact that all clairvoyants have dissimilar
views." K 3.8.3
"The planetary hierarchy has repeatedly warned against the use of emotional or mental
clairvoyance. What one gets to know in the emotional world is not the knowledge of
existence, reality, and life. Like the mental world, it is intended to be a sojourn of rest
pending a new incarnation. It is only in the physical and causal worlds that man is able
to ascertain real facts, not in the emotional and mental worlds. In these worlds one
cannot know whether what one sees is natures enduring reality or not." K 6.9.6 (K
CLASSES "Classes are the natural order of things. The natural classes indicate different
classes of age, in the human kingdom as well as in all other natural kingdoms, both
lower and higher ones." K 4.11.1 (K 5.48.16)
COLLECTIVE BEINGS In all natural kingdoms the monads form collective beings. In
the three subhuman kingdoms, non-self-conscious monads form group-souls. In the
human kingdom, the development of self-consciousness becomes the essential purpose,
and so mans consciousness of the collective beings he is part of (groups, clans, etc.)
remains passive (according to the law of separation). In the superhuman kingdoms, the
monad, with its self-consciousness preserved, enters into ever larger collectives and has
common consciousness with the monads entering into them.
"Every world, every planet, solar system, etc., thus has its own collective consciousness,
and constitutes a unitary collective being having one monad as the superior dominant.
The higher the kingdom attained by the monad, the greater its participation in the
cosmic total consciousness. When the monad has acquired planetary consciousness it is
a planetary being. When, finally, it has actualized its potential universal consciousness,
it has become an individual unit in cosmic omniscience and omnipotence." K 4.7.3
COLLECTIVE BEINGS, TASKS OF "All essential and higher beings are part of
expanding collective beings." P 2.51.1 "The tasks of these collective beings can be
summed up in three main groups on the basis of the three aspects: the matter aspect, the
consciousness aspect, and the will aspect. Accordingly we have formers of matter,
supervisors of evolution, and restorers of balance." P 2.52.1
COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS "All consciousness is at the same time collective
consciousness. This is so because there is no personal isolation, although only those
who have acquired essential consciousness (46) can live in the collective consciousness.
"There are innumerable kinds of collective consciousness: atomic, molecular, aggregate,
world, planetary, systemic, and after these, different kinds of cosmic consciousness. The
higher the kingdom attained by the monad, the more is embraced by the collective
consciousness in which the self, with its self-consciousness preserved, experiences other
selves as its own larger self.
"Or, to put it differently, all consciousness in the whole cosmos constitutes a common,
inevitable, indivisible unity in which every individual has a smaller or greater part,

depending on the level of development he has attained." K 1.16.3ff

"The collective consciousness is the primary and common one; the individual selfconsciousness the individual must acquire by himself throughout ever higher natural
kingdoms, this being possible because of his very participation in the collective
consciousness." K 2.4.2
"Anything that can form a collective consciousness by reason of some kind of
relatedness, automatically constitutes one." K 2.4.4
COMMON SENSE is the individuals synthetic instinct of life acquired through his
incarnations. It is his highest sense which he should strive to develop. (K 1.2.11)
"Common sense is critical reason, everybodys highest reason. Common sense
relativizes, strives for objectivity, corrects itself, hardly ever expresses final opinions,
and does not base opinions on incomplete facts and insufficient experience." P 1.1.17
CONSCIENCE "So-called conscience is a complex of fear, superstition, prejudice,
vanity, habits, and other qualities, the proportions varying according to aptitude,
upbringing, and influence from the environment." K 5.33.10
CONSCIOUSNESS One of the three aspects of existence. Consciousness in the
primordial atoms is from the beginning potential (unconscious), is gradually awakened
in the process of manifestation to actualized passive consciousness subsequently to
become ever more active in the ever higher worlds of ever higher natural kingdoms.
The most important insight about the nature of consciousness is that all consciousness is
simultaneously collective consciousness. (K 1.16.3)
"There is only one consciousness is the cosmos, the cosmic total consciousness, of
which every monad has an inalienable part. This consciousness is an amalgamation of
the consciousness of all monads in the cosmos." K 2.4.1
CONSCIOUSNESS, CONTINUITY OF Mans continuity of consciousness is made
possible through the memories in the envelopes of incarnation (47:4 49:7).
Consciousness is lost after each incarnation because of the dissolution of these
envelopes. In contrast, the causal envelope retains the memory of all human
incarnations. When man, at the stage of ideality, acquires causal self-consciousness in
the waking consciousness of his brain, he has a possibility of unbroken continuity of
consciousness for all time to come. (K 1.34.35)
CONSCIOUSNESS, CONTROL OF Process in which the monad by its active selfconsciousness gradually acquires full mastery of the passive consciousness of its
envelopes. As a result, the monad can itself determine what feelings and thoughts, etc. it
wants to have or not to have. (K 7.17, P 3.71f)
CONSCIOUSNESS DEVELOPMENT "Mechanical events, being in accordance with
eternal laws of nature, serve the great cosmic purpose: the development of every atomic
consciousness from unconsciousness to omniscience. The experiences of the individual
consciousness and the working up of these are added to that fund of latent experience in
the subconscious which is steadily increased throughout the incarnations and makes it

possible for the individual to comprehend and understand more and more, to acquire
knowledge of reality and life, discover the laws of existence and learn to apply them
rationally. Being purposeful, the laws of life make consciousness development
possible." K 5.35.3
CONSCIOUSNESS, DIFFERENT KINDS OF "One must distinguish between selfconsciousness (individual consciousness, self-consciousness in the envelopes),
collective consciousness, and ultimate self consciousness. (Technically, cosmic,
systemic, and planetary consciousness can be distinguished.)" K 1.16.1
"There are as many different kinds of consciousness as there are kinds of matter. Each
world has its own total consciousness, as each monad envelope has its own." K 4.7.2
penetrates lower consciousness. On the other hand, a lower kind cannot apprehend
higher kinds, which always appear non-existent." K 2.4.1
CONSCIOUSNESS TYPES, HUMAN "The seven planetary types only exist in the
worlds of the planetary hierarchy (43 46).
"The pure human types do not exist in the human kingdom at its present stage of
development. They will not appear until in the last or seventh root-race."
"Mans five envelopes can belong to five different departments. The incarnation
envelopes can belong to five different departments. The incarnation envelopes usually
change in departments in each new life, so that the individual is continually changing
type. He can have something of all the five types."
"Only 46-selves can ascertain to which department the five different envelopes belong.
Accordingly, there is no point in speculating as to the type to which an individual
belongs." K 2.7.1f,4,7
CONTROL OF ENVELOPES "Mans five envelopes all have their own
consciousnesses and their own tendencies. Those of the organism are inherited from
ones parents. The qualities and abilities, etc. that the self acquires in its emotional and
mental envelopes have their correspondences in a cluster of atoms (Sanskrit: skandhas),
are preserved by the causal envelope, and used at reincarnation. It is the task of the self
to learn to master its envelopes, so that they submit to its will. This is no easy task, since
the tendencies of the envelopes are the result of habits from thousands of incarnations.
At mankinds present stage of development, the emotional controls the physical. Man
still has to learn to control the emotional by the mental. And more than good resolutions
is needed to do that. It can take many lives once one has seen the need for it." K 1.34.24
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS Different kinds of omniscience in worlds 1 42
belonging to the cosmos (atomic worlds 43 49 make up the material of the solar
system, and that is why they are not counted as being part of the cosmos). The lowest
kind of cosmic consciousness (42) thus has the highest kind of solar systemic
consciousness (43) as its precondition. The cosmic consciousness of diverse
clairvoyants (Steiner, Martinus, etc.) is objective consciousness in the emotional world
(48). It affords no knowledge of reality.

COSMIC IDEAS "The entire process of manifestation proceeds in accordance with

cosmic ideas." K 2.15.4
"It is our planetary government which is entrusted with the cosmic ideas pertaining to
the maintenance and development of life in the planet and which also sees to it that they
are realized in accordance with the laws." K 2.16.3
COSMIC KINGDOMS "All we know about these six successively higher divine
kingdoms in the 42 higher atomic worlds is that they exist, that they constitute a perfect
cosmic organization working with unfailing precision in accordance with all existence's
laws of nature and life.
"In the cosmos, the individual does not acquire any envelopes of his own. He succeeds
to some high function and, finally, to the highest in his world with its collective
consciousness, and identifies himself with this world as his own envelope.
"The individuals of the second divine kingdom aspire towards omniscience in the
worlds 36 42 (only now cosmic consciousness), those of the third divine kingdom
towards omniscience in the worlds 29 35, etc." K 1.37.1ff
COSMIC MOTION "Cosmic motion (in the 49 atomic kinds) is the result of a constant
current of primordial atoms (primary matter) flowing down from the highest atomic
world through the atoms of all the worlds unto the lowest world. These primordial
atoms then return to the highest world to begin their circulation anew, and this continues
as long as the existence of the lower worlds is necessary. There are two kinds of atoms:
negative and positive. In the negative (receptive), material energy flows from a higher
atomic kind to a lower; in the positive (propulsive), from a lower to a higher. It is this
current that maintains the atoms, molecules, material aggregates, in their given forms."
K 1.27.1 (P 2.57.2, 2.12.7)
1) In P, the opposite polarity is stated because the starting-point is the opposite and so
the terminology is adapted to this condition.
COSMIC PHYSICAL etc. (T.B.) Worlds 43 49 are called cosmic physical (and so 49
is cosmic dense, 48 cosmic liquid, 47 cosmic gaseous, etc.); worlds 36 42, cosmic
astral; 29 35 cosmic mental; 22 28 cosmic buddhic, etc.
COSMOS, THE A cosmos is a globe in primordial matter, a globe made up of
primordial atoms.
"Its original dimensions are small, but, being supplied with primordial atoms from the
inexhaustible store of primordial matter, it grows incessantly until it has reached the
requisite size."
"A fully built out cosmos, such as ours, consists of a continuous series of material
worlds of different degrees of density, the higher penetrating all the lower. The highest
world thus penetrates everything in the cosmos.
"The worlds are built out from the highest world, each higher world supplying material
for the next lower world which is formed in and out of the higher ones.
"These are seven series of seven cosmic material worlds, making 49 in all (1 7, 8 14,
15 21, 22 28, 29 35, 36 42, 43 49), in accordance with the constant division into
seven departments. These atomic worlds occupy the same space in the cosmos. All the
higher worlds embrace and penetrate the lower worlds."
"All the 49 worlds differ from each other as to dimension, duration, material
composition, motion, and consciousness; due to differences in density of primordial

"The seven lowest cosmic worlds (43 49) contain billions of solar systems. The lowest
world (49) is the physical world.
"Our cosmos is a perfect organization." K 1.6.1ff
COSMOS, BUILDERS OF THE "The cosmos has been built out by a collectivity of
monads who have acquired consciousness in a cosmos and have themselves worked
their way up through all its 49 worlds. They wish, in their turn, to awaken to
consciousness the unconscious monads in primordial matter and make to possible for
them to acquire omniscience and omnipotence in the cosmos." K 2.2.9
"When a sufficient number of monads have succeeded in working their way from the
lowest natural kingdom up to the highest divine kingdom, this collective being is able to
leave its cosmic globe in order to begin to build out a cosmic globe of its own in
primordial matter, the material being primordial atoms taken from the inexhaustible
store of primordial matter." K 4.5.5
CULTURE "Culture in the esoteric sense of word is only achieved through purposeful,
conscious or unconscious, application of the laws of life. In order to be discovered they
must first have been applied." K 5.7.13
"Cultures are built up by clans at the stages of culture and humanity. When their work is
taken over by clans at lower stages, a more or less swift decline sets in." K 5.5.1
"Emotional and mental culture are the kinds of culture most important for the realization
of unity. Material culture will follow as a matter of course when the good will to mutual
assistance is made the highest value and norm." P 1.1.14
"We shall have social culture when individuals feel that they exist for the community,
and the community feels that it exists for the individual; when everybody regards
service as his foremost task." P 1.1.12
CULTURE, STAGE OF The third of mans five stages of development. "It is at the
cultural stage that the three highest molecular kinds of the emotional envelope are
activated. The pertaining vibrations in the emotional world are mainly attractive.
Having once attained these regions, the individual can gradually free himself from the
tendency, since long acquired, to a repellent attitude to the surrounding world and to
himself. His feelings become more and more ennobled with each higher level and
supersede his previous receptivity to the countless expressions of hatred of the repellent
vibrations. For everything that is not love is hatred." K 1.34.16 Synonyms: higher
emotional stage, stage of the mystic.

"DEATH" "The monads are the only indestructible things in the universe. There is no
death, just new forms for the monad consciousness. When the form has fulfilled its
temporary purpose for the consciousness development of the monad, it is dissolved." K
DEATH PROCESS The process at the end of incarnation, when the monad in the
superphysical envelopes leaves the two physical envelopes (organism and etheric
envelope), after the tie that unifies the monad with these, the sutratma, is severed

Even during profound sleep, the emotional envelope along with the higher envelopes is
separated from the physical ones. The difference here is that the sutratma upholds the
connection between the monad and the physical. (K 1.34.26f, 3.5.11)
"At the same time as the etheric envelope frees itself from the organism in the so-called
process of death, the emotional envelope frees itself from the etheric envelope which
remains near the organism and dissolves along with it." K 1.34.26
DEDUCTION The method of concluding the less general or the individual case from
knowledge of the more general (the system). Opposite: induction (K 5.17.1,8)
DEPARTMENT One of the seven omnipresent fundamental types of existence.
DESCENDING ARC (T.) Means involution in general, but also the three first globe
periods of an eon.
DESCENT OF SPIRIT INTO MATTER (T.) A symbolic expression meaning many
things, i.e. involution and the different kinds of involvation. (K 3.4.9)
DESTINY, LAW OF "The law of destiny indicates what forces influence the individual
in consideration of necessary experiences." K 1.41.12
DEVACHAN (Tib. "state of joy", T.B.) The state in the mental world (47:4-7) between
incarnations. Synonyms: tushita (Skt).
DEVA EVOLUTION Line of evolution parallel to the "human evolution". The deva
monads pursue their own path after the mineral kingdom, which is common to all
evolutionary beings, and thus they do not become humans although they reach the
corresponding kinds of active self-consciousness. Branches reach the deva evolution
even from the vegetable and animal kingdoms of the "human evolution". Deva monads
at evolutionary stages corresponding to the vegetable and animal kingdoms are called
nature beings (or nature spirits), those at stages corresponding to the human kingdom
and higher kingdoms are called devas.
DEVA RAJAS (T.B.) The seven highest devas within the solar system. Each one is
responsible for matter in someone of the seven solar systemic worlds. In Sanskrit they
are called: Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra, Agni, Varuna, Kshiti.
DEVAS (Skt, "the shining ones") Evolutionary beings belonging to an evolutionary line
parallel to the "human" evolution from mineral via man to 43-self. The majority of
devas have never been and will never become human. Their lowest consciousness
corresponds to that of man; their highest is 43-consciousness. Lower beings than devas
on this evolutionary path are called nature beings. The devas lack a triad chain. Their
lowest envelope is the etheric. They make up two major groups of collective beings:
those who work especially with the motion aspect and are agents of the laws of life;
those who particularly work with the matter aspect and supervise form-building in
nature. The highest deva for an entire material world within the solar system is called a
deva raja.

DEVELOPMENT, LAW OF "The law of development says that all monads develop
their consciousness, that there are forces acting in different ways towards the final goal
of life." K 1.41.10
DHARMA "Dharma is the innermost nature of every individual, that which constitutes
his true being. Dharma is what is given in the interdependent arrangement of things...
Dharma is the meaning of life for every individual.
"Mans dharma is different at different stages of development, in different
circumstances of life. Everybody has his special dharma, his problems of life to solve,
his duties to perform. Man lives in a state of insecurity and uncertainty when he is not
acting at the best of his ability, in accordance with his dharma. The dharma of mankind
is humanity." K 7.9.3f
DIMENSION "Each atomic kind has its own dimension. Thus there are 49 dimensions
in the cosmos. In the cosmic sense, dimension means kind of space. Physical matter has
one dimension (line and area are not counted), the highest kind of matter has forty-nine.
With the 49th dimension, the cosmos becomes a point to primordial atomic
consciousness." K 1.8.4
DISCIPLESHIP "In order to attain the fifth natural kingdom in just a few incarnations,
the aspirant must strive after discipleship under the planetary hierarchy. Only those who
have acquired the physical, emotional, and mental prerequisites can be accepted as
disciples. Physically and dietetically, the athlete training for the Olympic Games may
serve as an example. Emotionally, they must discard all manifestations of repulsion
(hatred) and acquire the qualities of attraction. Mentally, they must acquire perspective
consciousness and a well-developed ability to meditate in the correct way. All qualities
and abilities have to be put solely at the service of evolution, since their egoistic use
counteracts evolution." K 7.22.12
DISCURSIVITY The quality of the lower mental (47:6,7) of not being able to survey
wholes but having to deal with isolated parts in succession.
DIVINE KINGDOMS The seven higher of the twelve natural kingdoms of the cosmos
are called divine kingdoms. The first, or lowest, divine kingdom is made up of monads
that have envelopes and are omniscient and omnipotent in the two highest worlds of the
solar system (43,44); the six higher divine kingdoms are made up of monads that are
omniscient and omnipotent in worlds 36 42, 29 35, 22 28, 15 21, 8 14, 1 7. (K
1.37, 4.5.3)
DOMINANT The highest developed individual in a some permanent collective
consciousness (i.e. planetary ruler).
"There must be one dominant (being one eon ahead of those following next in
consciousness development, consciousness expansion), since final decisions must be
unambiguous and divergence be impossible." K 2.16.7
"Every world, every planet, solar system, etc., thus has its own collective consciousness,
and constitutes a unitary collective being having one monad as the superior dominant."
K 4.7.3
DREAMS Consciousness activity during the organisms sleep may have five different
causes: discharge of memory pictures of the previous day from the organisms brain;

impressions from without (during sleep) on the etheric brain; experiences of the monad
in the separated emotional envelope (together with higher envelopes) in the emotional
world; the corresponding in the mental world; glimpses of causal consciousness (the
two last mentioned cases occur seldom before the stage of humanity).
DURATION Time-lapse
DYNAMIS "The original cause of motion, the source of all power, the one primordial
force, the universes total energy, is the dynamic energy of primordial matter, which
Pythagoras called dynamis. It is eternally active, inexhaustible, unconscious, absolute
"Dynamis acts in every primordial atom, and only in the primordial atoms, which
penetrate all matter.
"Dynamis is the fundamental cause of the perpetuum mobile of the universe." K

EGO (SELF, HIGHER SELF, T.B.) Term meaning, according to the context:
1. The second triad and its (activated) consciousness in general
2. Causal consciousness (in the second triad mental atom) in particular.
3. Non-involving greater causal envelope (P 2.23.6), in contrast to the triad envelope
(which B. calls the "personality").
4. Augoeides.
ELEMENT "The elements of the ancients namely, earth, water, air, fire, and quinta
essentia were their terms of the five lowest molecular kinds, or states of aggregation." K
ELEMENTAL "Involutionary beings, or elementals, are aggregates of involutionary
atoms and molecules. Permanent, semipermanent, and shortlived elementals are
distinguished. The permanent ones are material envelopes of evolutionary beings, the
temporary ones are other vibrational products." P 2.11.3
ELEMENTAL MATTER Matter whose constituent monads, atoms, and molecules are
in involution down to world 49. Elemental matter has passive consciousness. It is
incapable of self-activity but is unsurpassably sensitive to all kinds of vibrations. (K
2.9.2) Synonyms: involutionary matter, secondary matter.
ELEMENTARY (T.) Envelope, shell, abandoned by an evolutionary monad, a man,
for instance, at the end of incarnation. It is mostly elementaries that appear at spiritist
sances, which explains the deficient intelligence of the "spirits" and their robotism.
ELITE THINKING The second highest kind of thinking in the mental envelope (47:5)
"lite thinking, is - in contrast to principle thinking which mostly absolutifies - partly

consistent relativizing and percentualizing thinking, partly perspective thinking and

system thinking." K 1.20.5
EMOTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS Consciousness of the monad, in the emotional
envelope (48:2-7).
"By nature emotional consciousness is exclusively desire, or what the individual at the
emotional stage perceives as dynamic will. At the stage of barbarism, before the
individuals consciousness in the mental envelope has been activated, desire is
manifested as more or less uncontrolled impulses. When the mental envelope,
influenced by the vibrations of the emotional envelope, is attracted to and woven
together with the emotional envelope, mental consciousness is awakened to life, and
desire and thought merge. If desire then preponderates, there ensues feeling, which is
desire coloured with thought. If thought preponderates, imagination ensues, which is
thought coloured with desire.
"Man's emotional life is in the main the life of emotional illusions. He is the victim of
desire's wishful thinking, of the illusions of emotional thinking. The individual is
completely free of the illusions of only after he has acquired causal consciousness.
"The vibrations of the three lower emotional molecular kinds are largely repellent, the
three higher, attractive. Noble feelings are manifestations of attraction." K 1.19.5
"Sense perceptions excepted, emotionality can be said to include everything
psychological that does not belong to the purely rational, and the purely rational does
not embrace much." P 1.2.2
EMOTIONAL CULTURE "The stage of emotional culture has been reached when
everybody serves and nobody feels like a master. When everybody serves something
higher, something beyond himself, something for several, for many, for all together,
then that harmony will present itself which is the expression of cultured emotion. The
present intellectual possibilities of man have been overrated, and his emotional ones
undervalued and neglected. It is also easier to realize emotional culture, with the sense
of unity as its highest value." P 1.1.11
EMOTIONAL ENVELOPE The monads envelope of emotional matter (48:2-7). In the
mineral and vegetable kingdom the emotional envelope belongs to the group-soul; in
the animal and human kingdoms the monad has an individual emotional envelope. The
emotional envelope is the seat of desires. In the human kingdom, when the mental
envelope is activated, the emotional envelope coalesces with the mental so that the two
make up, from the functional point of view, one envelope. Through this originate the
two emotional-mental kinds of consciousness: feeling and imagination.
EMOTIONAL EON Current eon of our planet (lasting 4320 million years). It is chiefly
intended to activate emotional consciousness.
EMOTIONAL LIFE BETWEEN INCARNATIONS "Mans life in the emotional world
can prove completely different for different individuals, depending on their
developmental level.
"Like the physical world, the emotional world has six successively higher regions. Most
people are nowadays objectively conscious from the beginning in the three regions
(48:5-7) that correspond to the three lowest regions of the physical world (49:5-7)...
Objects in those regions are material counterparts of the material forms of the physical
world, which fact often causes the newcomer to think that he still lives in the physical

"The emotional envelope dissolves gradually: first its lowest molecular kind, then the
lowest but one, etc. When the three lowest are dissolved it is not possible for the
individual to contact the visible physical world."
"In the three higher regions of the emotional world, the existing material forms are
imaginative formations made by the individuals in those regions. For emotional matter
forms itself in accordance with the slightest hint from consciousness, the ignorant
neither understanding the cause nor being able to grasp how it happened. The individual
seldom learns anything really new while in the emotional world and in the mental world
"The life of the emotional envelope can vary as greatly as that of the organism." K
EMOTIONAL SELF Monad whose most important kind of self-consciousness is within
the molecular worlds 48:2-7 of the solar system. Human emotional selves are at the
stages of civilization and culture.
EMOTIONAL STAGE "As an emotional self (at the stages of civilization and culture),
the individual is in his thinking and acting determined by emotional motives. The
emotional stage is the most difficult stage of development. Man must by himself acquire
consciousness in all six molecular kinds of his emotional envelope and in the two
lowest of his mental envelope. To the emotional stage belongs almost everything that
man today regards as civilization and culture." K 1.34.13
EMOTIONAL THINKING "At his present stage of development, man is an emotional
being with a possibility of intermittent use of his still undeveloped reason.
"Sense perception excepted, emotionality can be said to include everything
psychological that does not belong to the purely rational, and the purely rational does
not embrace much. Our consciousness is centred in emotionality, which colours sense
perceptions as well as thoughts. Our consciousness is centred in emotionality, which
colours sense perceptions as well as thoughts." P 1.2.1f
"Emotional thinking rules in all domains that can directly or indirectly affect personal
interests." P 3.16.3
EMOTIONAL WORLD Atomic world 48 in the cosmos and solar system, molecular
world 48:2-7 in the planets of the solar system. The molecular emotional world can be
said to be the particular world of animals where consciousness is concerned. (K 1.11.5)
"What one gets to know in the emotional world is not the knowledge of existence,
reality, and life. Like the mental world, it is intended to be a sojourn for rest pending a
new incarnation. It is only in the physical and causal worlds that man is able to ascertain
real facts, not in the emotional and mental worlds. In these worlds one cannot know
whether what one sees is nature's enduring reality or not.
"In the emotional world one has confirmation of all ones illusions and fictions, ones
hypotheses and theories, and all other fancies." K 6.9.6f
EMOTIONALIST Man at the emotional stage (stages of civilization and culture).
ENERGY "In the scientific sense of the word, energy is matter in motion. All higher
kinds of matter (atomic kinds, molecular kinds) are energy in relation to all lower kinds.
"Matter in not dissolved into energy, but into higher matter.

"When matter ceases to move, its quality of being energy ceases.

"All forces of nature are matter." K 1.26.1ff
"The energies that become manifest are the effects of the next higher molecular kinds
upon the next lower ones in each world." K 1.29.3
ENERGY, EXCHANGE OF All atoms in all material aggregates receive and in their
turn emit energies.
"The energies coming in from without have their own types and individual characters.
The energies transmitted further always have their individual characters coloured to a
certain degree in the new aggregates they flow through." K 2.13.10
ENVELOPES, MONAD ENVELOPES The consciousness of the monads develops in
envelopes. It is by acquiring consciousness in its envelopes and in the ever higher
molecular kinds of these envelopes that the monad attains ever higher natural kingdoms.
"All forms of nature are envelopes. In every atom, molecule, organism, world, planet,
solar system, etc., there is one monad at a higher stage of development than are the
other monads in this form of nature." K 1.13.1f
"Each envelope of the individual has its consciousness, its memory: the subconscious
collective consciousness of its different molecules." K 1.23.1
"The self develops in and through envelopes, from the lowest physical etheric envelope
to the highest cosmic world. It constantly acquires new envelopes in one world after
another. Step by step it acquires self-consciousness in the ever higher molecular kinds
of its envelope by learning to activate the consciousness in these. By this it finally
becomes master in its envelope. Until then it is disoriented in the consciousness chaos
of this envelope, and it is the victim of vibrations from without." K 1.30.4
EONS The most comprehensive of the solar systemic cycle, 4320 million years. One
eon is equal to a seven-globe period, the time of the monads evolution round the seven
globes of the seven-globe. Our seven-globe presently runs through its fourth eon, the
emotional eon (K 2.13.4).
ESOTERICS That knowledge of reality and life from the greatest possible perspective
which can only be communicated to a prepared lite of mankind. Esoterics is in the
possession of the planetary hierarchy and was taught, up to 1875, in its secret
knowledge orders only, after 1875 partially in public. As a rule, only those understand
esoterics who possess the knowledge latently from previous incarnations.
ESOTERICS, BASIC AXIOM OF: "There are laws in everything and everything is
expressive of law." K 4.11.7
ESOTERIC HISTORY BEFORE 1875 "Members of this planetary hierarchy incarnated
in mankind, eventually to make up what in the esoteric history has been called the
higher priesthood. This happened in Lemuria. As soon as consciousness had
developed sufficiently for men to be able to learn, they were given such necessary
instruction and knowledge of reality as they were able to grasp. In both Lemuria and
Atlantis, temple schools were set up in which the human lite were given the education
suited to their ability to comprehend... The lite were trained to be teachers of the rest of
mankind, eventually to form the lower priesthood."
Later, a large part of the "lower priesthood", who had acquired a knowledge of magic,
rebelled against the "higher priesthood". The planetary hierarchy was banished first in

Lemuria, later in Atlantis.

"Abuse of knowledge leads to the loss of knowledge, and ever since the planetary
hierarchy was driven out of Atlantis mankind has had to look after its own affairs."
"However, not everybody took part in the black priesthood's revolt against the higher
priesthood. Those individuals who had reached the stage of culture, and who were on
the side of good, did not forfeit the right to remember anew their old knowledge. For
their benefit the planetary hierarchy instituted secret knowledge orders among all
nations that had reached such a stage of development that cultural individuals could
incarnate among them."
The planetary hierarchy made two attempts to awaken man to see the rationality of life
and to counteract the dreadful hatred between men In India Buddha incarnated to try
and impress the people with what has been called the "religion of wisdom". And
Christos incarnated to awaken people to understand what has been called the "religion
of love".
"As we know, both attempts failed. Buddhas disciples were driven out of India, and
Christos message of love was taken care of by individuals who had belonged to the
black priesthood of Atlantis.
"The planetary hierarchy had no other choice but to continue instituting new knowledge
orders, as for the rest trying to vitalize mens emotional and mental consciousness, so
that these could develop into greater understanding of reality."
By the year 1775 mankind had reaped the last of its bad sowing from Atlantis. "The
knowledge of reality could thus in that respect be permitted to become common
property"... "The problem of how mankind, totally disoriented, was best to assimilate
the knowledge had long been under discussion in the planetary hierarchy, and vast
preparations had been made."
"It was at the conclave of the planetary hierarchy in 1775 that two of its members (the
then 45-selves M. and K.H.) offered to take immediate steps to publicize some part of
the knowledge of the consciousness and matter aspects of existence which hitherto had
been imparted in the esoteric knowledge orders."
"All the other members of the planetary hierarchy voted against the proposal, since they
considered that far too few people had attained the necessary stage of mental
development for the undertaking to have any prospect of success. The emotional
illusions of the prevailing religions and the mental fictions of philosophy were so
remote from the real conception of reality that any attempt to communicate
superphysical knowledge to the so-called educated, either would be rejected out of
hand, or would give rise to new imaginative excesses. They considered that one ought
to wait until at least those furthest developed had acquired physical etheric objective
consciousness. Then they would see the fictitiousness of the prevailing idiologies and
prove readier to examine, at least, the reality content of the esoteric mental system.
"As unanimity could not be reached, the matter was referred to the president of the
government, the planetary ruler, who considered: "as these two brothers of ours have
offered to prepare the spread of the knowledge and have expressed their willingness
themselves to bear the consequences and know what this means, they should be allowed
to make the attempt."
"The time for the publication of the knowledge was fixed for 1875. In the meantime
everything was to be done to raise the general level of education and to spread literacy."
K 3.1.4ff
ESOTERIC HISTORY AFTER 1875 The instrument the planetary hierarchy had
chosen for the task of publicizing the knowledge which had been kept secret since

Atlantis was H. P. Blavatsky (1831-1891). "Blavatsky was enjoined not to give out any
esoteric facts without special permission in each individual case. She was not to
mention anything about the planetary hierarchy."
"The truth, or the knowledge of reality, is only to be given gradually, with sparing facts,
to a mankind unprepared to receive it. It is necessary to find connections to established
fictions of which people have heard enough for them to believe that they comprehend
what it all is about. A new, revolutionary system of ideas would be rejected off hand as
a mere fantastic invention. It could not be comprehended, let alone understood, without
careful preparation.
"The most important reason, which probably only esotericians are able to understand, is
the fact of the dynamic energy of ideas."
"Once the esoteric knowledge was permitted to be published there was no longer any
need of initiation into the old knowledge orders, nobody having been initiated into
anyone of them since 1875. Although those initiated in previous incarnations were not
given the opportunity to revive all their old knowledge, enough was made known, and
besides hinted at, for them to be able to discover the most essential by themselves."
"The most important esoteric facts to be found in the works of Sinnett, Judge, and
Hartmann who received them from the planetary hierarchy through Blavatsky up to
1891 are: reincarnation, karma, or the law of sowing and reaping (the law of reaping),
the individuals pre-existence and post-existence (hence immortality), the existence of
the worlds 4549, knowledge of the individuals envelopes in higher worlds, knowledge
orders in times past, and lots of historical facts." K 3.2.1ff
Blavatsky was a causal self. In 1875 she contributed to the founding of the
Theosophical Society, which was intended to become a platform for the esoteric
teaching. In 1877 Blavatsky published Isis Unveiled, which in two volumes criticized
the dogmas of science and religion.
"Blavatskys second standard work of her vast literary production, The Secret
Doctrine... contains the symbols of Dzyan (the oldest of the planetary hierarchy). It
gives an account of the different symbolic presentations of the cosmos and of the
evolution of life as by several knowledge orders, showing how these agree." K 3.3.28ff
"With the death of Blavatsky in 1891, this first phase of the publication of new esoteric
facts ended." "The second phase, which lasted 1894-1920, was characterized by the
close collaboration of two esoteric capacities: Annie Besant (1847-1933) and C.W.
Leadbeater (1847-1934)." Both were causal selves.
Leadbeater "was the foremost systematician and historian of esoterics up to 1920...
Nobody before him has given so many new facts." Of these facts the following are the
most important: "the composition of matter, the difference between atomic and
molecular matter, the seven atomic worlds of the solar system, the molecular worlds of
the planetary system, involutionary matter, the evolution of the natural kingdoms, the
consciousness expansion..., mans three atomic worlds and five molecular worlds of
man, mans five material envelopes and consciousness in these, mans permanent atoms
(the triad), the planetary hierarchy, the division of the planetary hierarchy into seven
departments, the planetary government."
"The third and latest phase of the publication of the esoteric knowledge falls during
1920-1950."... "The planetary hierarchy had appointed a secretary who was to be the
actual link between the esotericians and the planetary hierarchy, and had decided that,
for the time being at least, new facts were to be imparted only through him: the 45-self
D.K." K 3.2.10ff
The works of D.K., published under the name of Alice A. Bailey, are fundamental
importance for the esoteric teaching of our times. They deepen the teaching previously

given, correcting and amplifying it in many places, and provides much knowledge.
Main points in D.K.s presentation are: evolution in the solar system as principally a
manifestation of the will and man as a phenomenon of will and energy within it, the
seven departments (types) as the basis of a new psychology, the activation of mans
passive causal consciousness as the most important feature of both white magic and
the future system of education, the significance of Augoeides for mans evolution,
mankinds relation to the planetary hierarchy and planetary government, discipleship
and the initiations, the reappearance of the planetary hierarchy in the physical world
(externalization) under the guidance of the world teacher, the new group of world
servers which ever more consciously collaborates with the hierarchys plan for the
evolution of mankind.
"D.K. points out that the individual has not been given the knowledge to enjoy it with a
pleasant feeling of superiority. It entails responsibility, as does all knowledge." K 3.9.2
D.K. says expressly that he writes for disciples (individuals at the stage of humanity).
His works cannot be understood without a suitable preparation.
1. The solution of the mystery of trinity: the three equivalent aspects of existence, the
essential of the absolute knowledge system, the basis of the philosophy and science of
the future.
2. Matter (the atoms) as the vehicles of consciousness and consciousness development
as the meaning of existence.
3. The self as a monad, a primordial atom. (The selves described in the older esoteric
literature are the triads of the monad, its envelopes in higher ever higher kingdoms. The
monad of T. and B. is the third triad.)
4. The indication of objective grounds of the different stages of development
5. The formulation of laws of life with particular emphasis on the essential ones for our
times as an introduction to the Aquarian epoch of law.
ESOTERIC WORLD VIEW AND LIFE VIEW "The esoteric world view can never, of
course, be anything else for mankind but a working hypothesis. But the further mankind
develops, the more evident the incomparable superiority of this hypothesis will become.
The causal self is able to ascertain its accordance with facts in the five worlds of man."
K 4.11.8
ESOTERICIAN "The esoterician has once and for all left the world of illusions and
fictions, which mankind prefers living in, to enter into the world of reality." K 1.43.6
"The mystic thinks that mans reason cannot explain existence, which, it is true, it
cannot. The esoterician knows this, but then is not content with the ability of human
reason to ascertain superphysical facts, but seeks that higher reason which can achieve
contact with the Platonic world of ideas. Until then, he will accept no other
superphysical facts than those from the planetary hierarchy. Proof that facts really are
facts he gets from their having their given places in the Pythagorean hylozoic mental
system, and their being the simplest and most general explanations of previously
inexplicable realities." K 3.6.5
"On the whole it can be said that in the conditions prevailing at the present time, true
esotericians do not join any societies, but are to be found outside all kinds of
organizations. They can be recognized by their understanding of all things human, and
they strive after truly human relations between all irrespectively of race, nationality,
sex, religion, politics, and all other things that separate man from man." K 3.7.12


essential envelope is that of unity. The individual knows that he is his own self having a
self-identity that will never be lost, but also a larger self together with all the monads in
the five natural kingdoms and, when he so desires, he can experience others'
consciousness as his own. The drop-consciousness has become one with the oceanconsciousness. The union with god is the self's acquisition of the consciousness of
"The 46-self is omniscient in the worlds 46-49."
"Only essential consciousness can become conscious in the physical, emotional, and
mental atoms. Before it is acquired, subatomic molecular consciousness is the highest
kind of consciousness in the different worlds. After it has acquired these kinds of atomic
consciousness, the monad can identify itself with the total consciousness of these worlds
and their unadulterated memory of past time."
"A suitable term for 46-consciousness is world consciousness." K 1.35.5ff
ESSENTIALIZATION The monads acquisition of an envelope of essential matter (46),
in which process it passes from the fourth natural kingdom (the human kingdom) to the
fifth natural kingdom (the essential kingdom). More exactly expressed this implies that
the monad definitively centres itself in the second triad essential atom and so the causal
envelope becomes superfluous and is dissolved.
ESSENTIAL QUALITIES Twelve qualities, manifestations of causal consciousness
and will, which the monad must acquire 100 per cent in order to pass to the essential
kingdom, the fifth natural kingdom. They sum up all positive human qualities, also
those that are possible only at the stages of humanity and ideality. Their true content,
therefore, is inaccessible to lower consciousness, and information given about them will
unfailingly be emotionalized.
Tentatively, the following symbolical keywords have been used about them: 1) Trust in
life, 2) Trust in self, 3) Obedience to law, 4) Uprightness, 5) Impersonality, 6)
Willingness to sacrifice, 7) Faithfulness, 8) Reticence, 9) Joy in life, 10) Purpose, 11)
Wisdom, 12) Unity. (K 1.34.23, 7.23.3)
ESSENTIAL SELF, 46-SELF Monad having envelope and self-consciousness in the
essential world of the planet (46). The essential self has centred itself in the second triad
essential atom and is a member of the fifth natural kingdom.
"The 46-self is omniscient in the worlds 46-49."
"As an essential self, the individual has to acquire by himself through his own research
complete knowledge of everything of importance in the human worlds (47-49)."
"Essential monads form a collective being of their own having a common total
"The essential self does not need to incarnate further, since he has no more to learn in
the kingdom of man. He often does incarnate, however, in order by all means and by
personal contact to help those preparing for their entrance into this higher kingdom." K
1.35.8, 10ff
ESSENTIAL WORLD Atomic world 46 in the cosmos and in the planets of the solar
system, molecular world 46:2-7 in the planets.

ETHERIC ENVELOPE, ETHERIC BODY The monads envelope of physical etheric

matter (49:2-4). In the mineral kingdom, even the etheric envelope belongs to the
group-soul; in the vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms the monad has an individual
etheric envelope. "Etheric matter encloses every cell of the organism and conveys those
different functional energies which the ancients called vital force." K 4.9.1
higher molecular kinds (49:2-4) of physical matter.
The physical etheric world can be called the special world of plants as regards
consciousness. (K 1.11.5)
ETHERIZATION That process in the evolution of mankind which has the final result
that the individual dispenses with the organism and the physical etheric envelope (49:24) becomes his lowest envelope. One of the conditions of this is that etheric sight is has
been developed. (K 1.33.6, P 2.36.11)
EVOLUTION When the monads upon the completion of involution have reached the
physical world, 49, evolution begins, which is their return to the highest cosmic world,
1. Evolution begins in the mineral kingdom of the physical world, continues through the
vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms and then passes to expansion, the continuation
of evolution in higher kingdoms.
Evolution is that process in which the monads passive consciousness (acquired in
involution) is activated, that is to say, becomes ever more self-active as a prerequisite of
objective consciousness and later, in the human kingdom, self-consciousness. The
monads in evolution in every kingdom take possession of envelopes of their own, being
individual selves in these. It is only in the human kingdom, however, that the monad
becomes self-conscious. (K 1.33)
Evolution (including expansion) "is divided into five natural kingdoms and seven divine
kingdoms. The planetary worlds contain the natural kingdoms, the solar systemic
worlds the lowest divine kingdom, and the cosmic worlds the remaining six." K 4.5.2
EVOLUTION, HOW IT WORKS "The great cosmic evolution does not work according
to a predetermined plan. Only the final goal is laid down: all monads acquiring
omniscience about the whole cosmos... The evolution itself creates the conditions and
possibilities of its growth. These conditions, however, depend on the individual
character of every being, from atoms to planets, solar systems, etc... The past thereby
limits the possibilities of the future. A rigid plan would set aside the law of freedom,
according to which every monad has the right to the freedom (depending on insight and
ability) it has once acquired and continues to apply lawfully. Evolution feels its way
forward along every conceivable path in order to find the one most purposeful for each
and all." K 5.36.6
EXPANSION is the continuation of evolution in superhuman kingdoms. In these
kingdoms the monad, with its self-identity retained, enters into ever more
comprehensive collective consciousnesses until the goal of all monads has been
reached, the common cosmic total consciousness. (K 2.11.5)

EXTERNALIZATION Since many hundred years, the fifth natural kingdom of our
planet is working on the preparation for its reappearance in the external world. It is as a
step in this process of externalization that the esoteric knowledge has been allowed for
publication. The goal of externalization is that the planetary hierarchy resumes the
guidance of the evolution of mankind. (K 7.15.6)

FICTIONS "Mental fictions include all fancies, freaks, guesses, suppositions,
assumptions, etc., as well as the hypotheses and theories of science, all being mental
constructions that do not have all the facts put in their correct contexts." K 2.18.3
"The content even of lite thinking is for the most part made up of fictions (conceptions
without real correspondences), due to lack of facts about existence. It is only the facts of
esoterics that make it possible to think in accordance with reality." K 1.20.7
FIFTH HUMAN TYPE "is the scientist, research-worker with a sense of detail,
discoverer, inventor, etc." K 2.7.13
FIFTH NATURAL KINGDOM "The fifth natural kingdom consists partly of 46-selves
(essential selves) with envelopes and consciousness in the planetary essential world,
partly of 45-selves with envelopes and consciousness in the systemic superessential
world." K 1.35.4
FINALITY "It is not true, as the physicalists believe, that finality in nature is a special
case of forces of unconscious matter acting mechanically. The exact opposite of this is
the case: the energies that act mechanically in the solar system are special cases of those
acting purposefully: automatized consciousness robots achieving the missions suited to
them with unerring precision." K 2.16.5
FIRST HUMAN TYPE "is distinguished by a strong so-called will which makes the
individual suitable as a leader, a real one and one recognized as such by all." K 2.7.9
FIRST SELF Monad that has self-consciousness in someone of the three units of the
first triad, individual in the fourth natural kingdom. Man is a first self. First selves are
divided into physical selves, emotional selves, and mental selves.
FOHAT Material energies in worlds 43-49.
FORM "All forms in the whole cosmos, also those in the highest divine kingdoms, are
just envelopes for primordial atoms the selves." K 1.16.8
"Form is matters mode of existing (and this in all worlds)." K 5.9.28

FORM, LAW OF "When their form is renewed all organisms (plants, animals, men) get
a form of life similar to the previous form, until their consciousness development
requires a specifically different, higher form, a more purposeful possibility of acquiring
increased experience." K 1.31.3
FORMS OF LIFE "All life has a form, from atoms, molecules, aggregates, to planets,
solar systems, and cosmic worlds. These forms are subject to the law of transformation,
are continually being changed, dissolved, and re-formed. The monads (primordial
atoms) make up (as viewed from the physical) and ascending series of ever higher forms
of life, in which lower ones enter into and make up envelopes for higher ones. The
entire cosmos constitutes a series of increasingly more refined forms of life, serving
gradually to furnish the monad consciousness with the organ it needs for its continued
development." K 4.4.1
FOURTH HUMAN TYPE "is the one who strives after harmony in all, the designer,
architect, city-planner, artistic constructor, etc., with a pronounced sense of form and
colour." K 2.7.12
FREE MONADS "Those who have attained the highest world have freed themselves
from all involvation in matter and as free monads (primordial atoms) have come to
know themselves as the ultimate selves they have always been. Their auras are like
cosmic giant suns and they radiate energy as the fountainhead of all power.
"They can, if they so wish, withdraw with a collectivity from out of their cosmos and
begin building a new cosmos in the endless chaos of primordial matter." K 1.37.4f
FREEDOM "It has not yet been clearly seen that freedom and power are the same thing.
What distinguishes them is the limits of freedom and power. Freedom has been thought
of as the right to be master of oneself and power as the right to be master of others.
"Freedom requires not only the right to be oneself, but also the ability to be it.
Knowledge is power if it gives ability. Unfortunately, there is ability without
knowledge and it is this ability which abuses power.
"Freedom is the right of the individual to think, feel, say, and do as he thinks fit, within
the limits of the equal right of all." K 5.48.2ff
"All power implies abuse of power, at best through ignorance of life. The ideal, then,
will never be achieved. But the degree of abuse will be least when people realize that
power coincides with both freedom and law (without law of freedom), when power is
used primarily to defend freedom." K 5.49.9
FREEDOM, LAW OF "The law of freedom says that every monad is its own freedom
and its own law, that freedom is to be gained by law, that freedom is the right to
individual character and activity within the limits of the equal right of all." K1.41.8
"Unconscious and, to a still higher degree, conscious encroachment upon the monads'
inalienable, inviolable divine freedom, limited by the equal right of all living beings,
results in the struggle for existence and the cruelty of life." K 4.11.4

GLOBE MEMORY Spherical material forms have a collective memory of everything

that has happened to them ever since they came about. The physical, emotional and
mental atomic worlds of the planet are instances of such globe memories.
"After it has acquired these kinds of atomic consciousness, the monad can identify itself
with the total consciousness of these worlds and their unadulterated memory of past
time." K 1.35.9
GLOBE PERIOD The period of the monads evolution on someone of the seven globes
of the seven-globe, about 600 million years. The current globe period is the fourth in the
current fourth eon, the emotional eon.
GLOBES "In the cosmic sense, space is always a globe. The cosmos is a globe. The
solar systems are globes. The planets are globes. The worlds in the planets are globes.
The cosmic atomic worlds occupy the same space as the physical world, exist
everywhere in the cosmic globe." K 1.8.2
From the viewpoint of consciousness, globes are unitary beings that have collective
GNOSTICIANS Members of an esoteric knowledge order, founded in Alexandria in
300 BC and later extended throughout the whole eastern Mediterranean area. They
possessed gnosis (the knowledge of reality and life) and put it down in a rich symbolic
literature. The central symbol was Christos, referring to the fifth natural kingdom,
mans goal. The teaching of the gnosticians was the esoteric Christianity, from which
the profane Christianity we know arose through distortion.
GOOD, THE LAW OF "According to the law of good, man always follows the highest
that he really sees and understands (not merely believes or resolves), because he cannot
do otherwise, because it is for him a need and a joy to do so." K 5.8.28, (P 3.4.5)
GOOD AND EVIL "All good and evil that befalls the individual is his own work, the
result of his own application of his limited conception of right and wrong. All reap what
they have sown in previous lives and often in the same life. Nothing can happen to the
individual which he has not deserved by defying the Law." K 1.41.19f (K 4.11.3)
"Good is all that promotes, evil all that counteracts, consciousness development,
individually as well as collectively. To the greatest and the most fatal mistakes that can
be made belongs spreading ignorance's emotional illusions and mental fictions, resulting
in idiotization." K 3.4.20
"For the individual, good is the steps above his level, and particularly the immediately
higher step. Evil is the lower, that which is below his level and, usually, in particular
degree just the one he has recently left. In this is the subjectivity of the conception of
right but not any relativity, which nullifies the necessary opposition between good and
evil." P 3.16.10
GOD This term occurs with esotericians in the following senses:

1. The cosmic total consciousness in which each monad has an inalienable share (god
2. The seven ever higher divine kingdoms starting from world 44 (god transcendent).
3. The highest controlling monad (dominant) in some certain collective being: the god
of a planet, a solar system etc. (K 1.30.5, 1.37)
GOD IMMANENT AND TRANSCENDENT "In the atoms of all the lower worlds
(47 49) there are essential atoms having passive consciousness, which can be activated
by vibrations from without (god immanent). It is only at the higher emotional stage that
the individual is sufficiently developed to be able to perceive these vibrations some time
at all." K 1.35.6
God immanent is the cosmic total consciousness. (K 2.4)
"God immanent indicates that every monad is a potential god, a god in becoming
(besides, sharing in cosmic divinity). God transcendent is all higher, superhuman
kingdoms, which cooperate for evolution." K 2.4.6
"Before the monad has attained the highest divine kingdom, it distinguishes between
god immanent and god transcendent. Immanent divinity is always conscious of its unity
with all life. The superconscious belongs to transcendent divinity." K 4.5.4
GODS Individuals that are omniscient and omnipotent in their respective worlds. They
are members of someone of the seven divine kingdoms; the first kingdom in the solar
systemic worlds 43 and 44; the second to the seventh kingdom, in the cosmic worlds 1
"In their contacts with men, the gods assume human ideal shapes, permanent envelopes
of physical atomic matter, also to anchor their physical consciousness, envelopes which
can easily be made visible to all." (K 1.39.3)
"The gods themselves are subject to the Law. Omnipotence is possible only through
absolutely faultless application of the laws in their entirety." K 1.41.3
"No supreme power can reach that omnipotence of dynamis which is required to
produce primordial atoms in primordial matter. This work can only be done by the
dynamic energy of primordial matter." P 2.52.6
GROUP-SOUL A common envelope for a group of monads in the three lowest natural
kingdoms. The group-soul in the mineral kingdom is three common envelopes of
physical etheric, emotional, and mental matter; in the vegetable kingdom, two common
envelopes of emotional and mental matter; in the animal kingdom one common
envelope of mental matter. At incarnation the animal receives individual envelopes from
the group soul. Experiences had are stored in the individual envelopes. At the end of the
incarnation the borrowed envelopes are dissolved into the group-soul, and the individual
experiences can then be shared by all monads in the group. During incarnation the
monad is in telepathic contact with its group-soul, which fact explains the instinct of the
species. The higher species is in evolution, the fewer individuals go to form its groupsouls.
GUNA (Skt quality) The three gunas sattva (rhythm), rajas (mobility), and tamas
(inertia) correspond esoterically to material energies from the three atomic kinds 45,
47, 49. (K 7.2.5)

HEART OF THE SUN (B.) The sun in world 46.
HEAVENLY MAN (T.B.) The planetary collective of at least 46-monads (the planetary
hierarchy, the deva hierarchy, the planetary government). In our solar system, there are
ten such collective beings; three greater and seven lesser. Synonyms: Planetary Logos,
Divine Manasaputra.
HIERARCHIC IDEAS "The cosmic ideas pertaining to consciousness development that
are to be realized in the human and lower kingdoms are laid down by the planetary
government and effected by the planetary hierarchy. Ideals can be accepted or rejected.
But hierarchic ideas must be realized, no matter how long it will take.
"Just as mankind has its highest world (the causal world) and from there can bring down
ideas, so the planetary hierarchy has its world of ideas, the lowest world of the planetary
government, world 44." K 2.17.1f
HIEROPHANT (Gr.) Esoteric teacher at the ancient mysteries.
HOROSCOPE "By horoscope is understood the sum total of ascertainable celestial
relationships to exact time, exact longitude and latitude on our planet at the birth of
something. (The monad, or group of monads, in question thereby enters anew into a
causal connection temporarily interrupted. The Law can wait.) Thereby one gains
knowledge of what principal energies most strongly influence, say, a person during his
lifetime. If one also has knowledge of the individual's different envelopes and can
determine what vibrations will most strongly influence them, it will be possible to draw
a number of important conclusions about the characteristic problems that this same
person will have to wrestle with. But this does not mean that one can foresee the
individual's fate. To do so would eliminate the law of freedom wholly. Nothing is
predestinated in detail. The new esoteric astrology will put a definite end to fatalism and
the doctrine of predestination." K 2.13.12
HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS "During incarnation the normal individual at mankind's
present stage of development is as a rule objectively conscious in his organism only,
subjectively conscious in his etheric, emotional, and mental envelopes, and unconscious
in his causal envelope. Visible physical reality, comprising the three lowest physical
states of aggregation (solid, liquid, and gaseous), is the only one man knows anything
about and that which he considers to be the only one existing. He regards his desires and
feelings in his emotional envelope and his thinking in his mental envelope as something
subjective only, not understanding that these phenomena objectively correspond to
vibrations in the kinds of matter of the respective worlds." K 4.10.1
HUMAN EVOLUTION The parallel evolution leading the monad from the mineral
kingdom to the human kingdom and beyond this to expansion beings having tasks that
especially concern consciousness development. The human evolution exists on all the
ten planets of our solar system, but it is only on Terra that it invests its monads with
organisms in the vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms.

HUMAN INDIVIDUAL, HISTORY OF "The history of the human individual exists in

the collective memory of the causal world (47)." K 2.17.4
"The consciousness development in the human kingdom can be divided into five
principal stages comprising a total of 777 levels of development. The table below shows
which molecular consciousnesses are thereby activated.
molecular kinds
stage of



48:5 7



48:4 7



48:3 7



48:2 7

47:4 7


48:2 7

47:2 7 "


K 1.34.4f
HUMAN MONAD The monad during its evolution in the human kingdom is called
human monad.
HUMANIST Man at the higher mental stage, or the stage of humanity.
HUMANITY, STAGE OF The fourth of mans five stages of development.
"The most distinguishing trait of the humanist is his striving after common sense, a
prerequisite for acquiring causal intuition. He can no longer, like the mystic, lose
himself in the ineffable, but demands above all clarity in everything and facts for
everything. His firm determination to comprehend reality and life despite everything
compels him always to seek further... When he has come to the Sokratean realization
that man cannot know anything worth knowing, he is ready to receive the esoteric
"In the old days, he would then have been chosen to be initiated into some secret
knowledge order. Nowadays he is given the knowledge in a mental system of the
fundamental facts of existence, which his reason compels him to accept as the only
tenable working hypothesis." K 1.34.19f
HYLOZOICS (Gr. hyle, matter, and zoe, life) Spiritual materialism or the doctrine
that matter is the necessary basis of all consciousness. The system of esoteric
knowledge formulated by the then 46-self Pythagoras was intended to form the basis of
the science of the future. In advance of other esoteric systems, hylozoics is
characterized by the fact that it alone explains that existence is a trinity of matter,
motion, and consciousness; it alone explains that consciousness is a quality of matter
and so doing clears away subjectivism and illusionism; it alone has abstained from
vague symbolism and has instead strived after scientific exactitude and unambiguous
terminology. In order to achieve this exactitude hylozoics in its explanations starts from
the matter aspect.

The modern formulation of hylozoics was presented by Henry T. Laurency in The

Philosophers Stone in 1950 and contains as essential elements the following doctrines:
the self is a primordial atom (monad), all the forms of nature are envelopes for monads,
all consciousness (also the highest cosmic consciousness) is product of an evolution that
pervades everything in the cosmos, there are seven basic laws of life, and mankind
(every human individual) goes through five chief stages of development. (K 1.4, 5.3f,

IDEAL "The purposeful ideal is always the next higher stage of development. Ideals
that cannot be realized become set phrases and fair promises, which nobody takes
seriously and which but enhance self-deception. The ideal of the stage of civilization is
culture, but true culture, not that masked barbarism which is called culture." P 3.22.8
IDEALIST Man at the causal stage, or the stage of ideality.
IDEALITY, STAGE OF The highest of mans five stages of development. At the stage
of humanity, man can, in the proper sense, understand esoterics. At the stage of ideality,
he uses the insight he has gained to activate his hitherto passive causal consciousness
(47:2,3). So doing he can ascertain facts about reality in the three worlds of man (47
49) and study his previous incarnations in the human kingdom.
"As a causal self he acquires knowledge of the laws of life and the ability to make
rational use of this knowledge with one-pointed purpose." K 1.34.22
"He enters into communication with those in higher kingdoms and receives from them
the further facts he needs but cannot ascertain for himself. He gradually acquires the
twelve essential qualities that make it possible for him to pass to the fifth natural
kingdom." K 1.34.23
IDEAS "There are cosmic ideas, systemic ideas, planetary ideas, as many different
kinds of ideas as there are kinds of atomic consciousness and atomic worlds in the
"It is our planetary government that is entrusted with the cosmic ideas pertaining to the
maintenance and development of the life in the planet and which also sees to it that they
are realized in accordance with the laws.
"These ideas are the causes of the processes in nature, the causes of the formation,
changes, and dissolution of matter, and they are the preconditions of the consciousness
development of all the natural kingdoms." K 2.16.2ff
IDEAS, DYNAMIC ENERGY OF "Every idea is a mental atom charged with energy. If
these succeed in penetrating into brain-cells that are receptive, yet not previously
vitalized by similar mental molecules, they can have an adverse effect on the balance of
peoples minds. Imparting a whole system could cause mental chaos. The fact that
people will instinctively fend off too revolutionary ideas is often a natural measure of
self-protection." K 3.2.3
IDEAS, SCALING DOWN OF "When the causal ideas of intuition are mentalized into
mental concepts, these ideas become ideals for reason, and when these ideals are

emotionalized, they become dogmas for emotional thinking. But when the ideas have
thus been twice scaled down, their relative validity has been made absolute and thus
they have become inimical to life." K 5.8.19
IDEAS, WORLD OF = PLATONIC WORLD OF IDEAS is the causal world (47:1-3),
the goal of man in the human kingdom. (K 1.11.5)
IDEAS OF THE CAUSAL WORLD "The ideas of the world of ideas are objective
forms as well as being subjective, and thus the ideas are faithful representations of
enduring objective and subjective realities. Every intuition corresponds to a mental
system of reality ideas. Lower worlds exist in the ideas of the world of ideas and thus
the knowledge of these lower worlds is contained in the idea systems of the intuitions.
Beholding the ideas in the world of ideas meant experiencing the reality content, with
all its relationships, of the knowledge system inherent in the causal idea.
"The world of ideas is, among many other things, the unadulterated memory of all past
events in the physical, emotional, and mental worlds ever since the planet came into
being. The subjective consciousness content of these ideas gives us exact knowledge of
reality without possibility of mistake, fictionalism, or deception. They also constitute
our ideals, since they explain the ends and the ways of their realization. The forms in the
world of ideas are the perfect forms of beauty." K 5.8.17f
"Platons ideas are living forces, causal elementals with ideas charged with energy." K
IDENTIFICATION "Since man tends always to identify his self (his monad, ultimate
self) with that envelope in which he happens for the time to be, he regards himself in the
physical world as being a physical self, in the emotional world as an emotional self, in
the mental world as a mental self, and in the causal world as a causal self not seeing
that he is a monad, an ultimate self." K 1.14.7
"When the monad has gone through involution and evolution of the process of
manifestation, acquired and discarded envelope after envelope in world after world, and,
finally, in the highest cosmic world, has freed itself from its involvation into matter, it
becomes conscious of itself as a monad. Until then it will identify itself with one or
another of the envelopes which it has acquired and activated." K 4.6.2
IDIOLOGY The constructions of life-ignorance, from idios, ones own, and logos,
teaching; in contrast to ideology based on Platonic ideas, reality ideas. (K 3.1.17)
IDIOTIZATION Substitution of the mental fictions and emotional illusions of
ignorance for generally valid, objective perception of reality.
ILLUSIONIST PHILOSOPHY "In each world the monad consciousness apprehends
reality totally differently. This is what was originally meant by the saying that all
apprehension of reality is maya, or illusion, since there is no common apprehension
that is universally valid until in the highest cosmic world." K 4.7.2
"Consciousness cannot exist without a material basis. The importance of the
consciousness aspect increases with each higher material world and the importance of
the matter aspect decreases. But it is a mistake to deny the absolute existence of the
matter aspect and an even greater one to disregard its significance in the worlds of man.

The illusionist philosophy of Shankara is a mental fiction in the world of emotional

illusions." K 7.2.17
ILLUSIONS "Emotional illusions are emotionalized mental conceptions, which, on
account of emotional needs, have turned into permanent convictions (dogmas, beliefs).
Examples include all political idiologies and religious dogmas." K 2.18.2
"The individual is completely free of the illusions only after he has acquired causal
consciousness." K 1.19.4
IMMANENT Indwelling. Immanent divinity, see GOD IMMANENT AND
IMPULSE Reception of consciousness content from the subconscious (K 1.22.5)
INCARNATION After the end of his incarnation and the dissolution of his envelopes of
incarnation, "the individual in his causal envelope sinks into dreamless sleep that will
last until the time comes for rebirth and an embryo has been formed for him in a
physical maternal body. He awakens with a desire for a new life and forms instinctively,
by means of his causal envelope, new mental and emotional envelopes, these being the
necessary communication links. It will be the task of the growing child to use its latent
qualities to develop the ability of consciousness in them." K 1.34.34
INCARNATION, ENVELOPES OF Mans envelopes of incarnation are the envelopes
that dissolve at the end of each incarnation and are formed again at the beginning of
each incarnation: the mental, emotional, and etheric envelopes and the organism. It is
the causal envelope that incarnates together with the monad, which it always encloses.
(K 1.34.34)
INCARNATIONS, NUMBER OF "in each natural kingdom is unlimited, until the
individual will have acquired the qualities and abilities requisite in the respective
kingdoms, and an envelope of his own in the next higher world." K 4.10.4
INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER "It is important for scientists of all kinds to understand
that everything has an individual character. Every primordial atom (monad) is
something unique. Every combination of monads of whatever kind is something unique.
Every change (because of continual exchange of atoms in the aggregate) is unique." K
"Uniformity is out of the question. Everything that exists is individual and unique and,
once it has acquired the consciousness of unity, constitutes an ever-welcome
contribution to the greater fullness of vibrant cosmic harmony." K 2.7.18 (K 2.5.9)
INDIVIDUALIZATION (T.B.) Older term of causalization.
INDRA (Skt, T.B.) Devaraja of world 46.
INDUCTION Scientific procedure of concluding general laws or conditions from
particular cases. Opposite. deduction. (K 5.17.8)

INFERENCE THINKING The majority of mankind has developed (activated) only the
lowest kind of mental consciousness (47:7): discursive inference thinking from ground
to consequence. (K 1.20.3)
INITIATION Process in esoteric training where the disciple (his monad) under the
guidance of his teacher (a member of a higher natural kingdom) breaks through to the
consciousness and energy (will) of a higher atomic kind and definitively conquers it.
The condition of this is the self-acquisition of all the necessary qualities and abilities up
to initiation. The first initiation concerns atomic kind 49; the second, 48; the third, 47;
the fourth, 46; the fifth, 45; the sixth, 44; the seventh 43; the eighth, 42; and the ninth,
36. This is the general principle. In actual fact, the three lowest kinds of atomic
consciousness are only acquired in connection with the fourth initiation. Therefore, the
first three initiations concern consciousness in 49:2, 48:2, and 47:2, respectively. (K
INNER ROUND (T.B.) The activity of life within a seven-globe is concentrated almost
entirely to one of the seven globes in turn. However, there are in the six other globes
small nuclei of monads belonging to all the natural kingdoms, monads who in the
evolution have either lagged behind or overtaken the main body. These separate
evolutions are called by a common term the inner round.
INSPIRATION Reception of consciousness content from the superconscious. (K
INTUITION Refers to at least causal consciousness (47:1-3). Ignorance has idiotized
this originally esoteric term so as to denote emotional impulses with a faint content of
the lowest mental consciousness (47:7).
"It is intuition that opens up the world of ideas for us. It is a special organ of knowledge
that gives us correct ideas, correct knowledge of reality. Only a few men have worked
their way up through the different layers of consciousness of the mental world and
succeeded in the conquest of the consciousness of intuition. Even most philosophers are
still in the two lowest domains of deductive thinking and principle thinking,
respectively. One cannot speak of true intuition until the individual has acquired and
mastered perspective thinking and system thinking." K 5.36.7 (K 7.5)
INTUITION (T.B.) Has reference to two different kinds of consciousness:
1. Causal consciousness (47:1-3)
2. Essential consciousness (46:1-7) (K 7.5.5)
INVOLUTION is a second involvation that previously involved monads undergo in the
atomic and molecular matter of the solar system (43 49). (In contrast, involvation
occurs in all the cosmic worlds 1 49). Involution makes possible the building of
aggregate envelopes and the actualization of the potential consciousness of the monads.
Involutionary beings are called elementals. The process of involution goes from a
higher world to a lower world; its goal is the physical world, where evolution begins. (K
2.11.3F, 4.3)

INVOLVATION means in hylozoics:

1. Composition of higher matter to form lower matter.
2. Incarnation, attachment of higher envelopes to lower envelopes.
"All matter (atomic kinds, molecular kinds, aggregates, worlds, etc.) is formed and
dissolved. Only primordial atoms are eternal and indestructible. The process of
composition to make lower kinds of matter is called involvation and the corresponding
process of dissolution, evolvation. The lower the kind of matter, the more involved are
the primordial atoms." K 1.7.3

JIVA, JIVATMA (Skt, T.B.) The monad, the abiding self in all forms.
JOY "Life is joy, happiness, bliss in the mental and all higher worlds. Suffering is found
only in the three lower regions of the physical and emotional worlds." K 1.41.18

KALPA (Skt, T.B.) Period of 4320 million years. Is called eon in hylozoics.
KAMA (Skt, T.B.) Emotional consciousness.
KARMA (Skt, T.B.) means:
1. The law of sowing and reaping, the law of reaping.
2. Effects according to this law: the reaping (good or bad karma)
KNOWLEDGE "Knowledge is a perfect thought system of the necessary facts. It is
only the planetary hierarchy that can decide whether all the facts are there." K 2.18.4
"Knowledge of reality consists in a system of subjective reality concepts, based on and
agreeing with the facts of objective material reality. When these facts have been
ascertained and placed in their correct relationships (historical, logical, psychological,
and causal), man will have true knowledge of reality." K 5.38.3
KNOWLEDGE, HYLOZOIC THEORY OF "As regards the theory of knowledge,
everything is above all what it appears to be: physical material reality, but beside that
always something totally different and immensely more." K 1.4.3, 4.1.1
"In the main, there are three totally different kinds of so-called theory of knowledge;
that of Western ignorance of life, Indian illusionist philosophy (advaita), and hylozoics,
"The Western theory is either the usual agnostic or skeptical physicalism that denies the

existence of anything that cannot be ascertained by everybody, and regards

consciousness as a quality of organic matter; or philosophic subjectivism that attributes
man's different kinds of consciousness to a fictitious "immaterial" or "spiritual" world of
"The advaita philosophy makes the cardinal mistake of judging reality in one world
from the apprehension of reality in another world, and therefore arrives at nothing but
absurdities. The apprehension of reality in world 45, for example, is logically
impossible to both 47- selves and 43-selves. The philosophers must learn to let this be
this in every world. K 7.2.11ff
"Hylozoics maintains that every world is its own inevitable reality, just as real as is the
reality of all other worlds to those who are in it. The three aspects of reality not only
seem different but are different in the different worlds." K 7.2.15
KNOWLEDGE, SUPERPHYSICAL "It is not correct to say, as Blavatsky did, that all
superphysical knowledge has come from India. It has come from the planetary
hierarchy, and its esoteric knowledge orders have existed among all nations that have
attained a sufficiently high level to be able to inquire intelligently into the meaning and
goal of life." K 1.43.5
KNOWLEDGE ORDERS, ESOTERIC Secret schools of knowledge founded by
members of the planetary hierarchy, who are at least 46-selves. The first one was
founded by Vyasa about 45 000 years ago. After 1875 the knowledge orders of the
planetary hierarchy are closed and so no new members have been initiated into them. (K
1.1.16, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2.5)
KSHITI (Skt, T.B.) Devaraja of world 49.
KUNDALINI (Skt the coiling one, T.B.) The energy in the basal centre of the etheric
envelope, an energy which strives to unite with that in the crown centre. Originates
ultimately from the cosmic worlds 29 35. Synonym: serpent fire. (K 7.12.9)

LATENT CONSCIOUSNESS Kind or degree of consciousness that the monad has once
attained but then lost although with a possibility of resuscitation. All acquired qualities
and abilities remain latent in a new incarnation, if they are not given opportunities to
develop, which is done with ever-increasing ease, however. Usually, only understanding
is actual.
LAW, THE "The Law is the sum total of all the laws of nature and life: the constant
relationships of matter, motion, and consciousness, expressive of the nature of
primordial matter and of omnipotent, inexhaustible, eternally dynamic primordial force,
acting in its blind way in the imperturbable and inevitable constant relationships of
nature and life.
"Of this Law, science has not yet explored more than an infinitesimal fraction.
"There are laws in everything and everything is expressive of law. The gods themselves
are subject to the Law. Omnipotence is possible only through absolutely faultless
application of the laws in their entirety.

"In primordial matter (the chaos of the ancients) there are no laws manifest. They only
appear in connection with the composition of the atoms in the cosmos.
"The further the limits of subjective and objective consciousness are extended, the more
laws are discovered. Only the monads of the highest divine kingdom have knowledge of
all the laws of the universe and are able to apply them correctly with unfailing precision.
"Laws of nature concern matter and motion and laws to life concern the consciousness
aspect." K 1.41.1ff
LAW OF NATURE "Laws of nature concern matter and motion and laws f life concern
the consciousness aspect." K 1.41.6
LAWS OF LIFE "Laws of nature concern matter and motion, and laws of life concern
the consciousness aspect.
"The laws of life most important to mankind are the laws of freedom, unity,
development, self (self-realization), destiny, reaping, and activation."
"Those most important for the individual are: the laws of freedom, unity, self, and
activation especially the first two."
"The laws of life make possible the greatest possible freedom and unerring justice for
all. Freedom, or power, is the individuals divine, inalienable right. It is acquired
through knowledge of the Law and through unfailing application of the laws. Freedom
(power) and law are the conditions of each other. Development implies purposefully
applied activity in accordance with the Law. Otherwise the cosmos would degenerate
into chaos." K 1.41.15f
LEARNING Systematized data which need not agree with reality, however; in
contradistinction to knowledge, which is facts about reality put into a system.
LEMURIA Hemispherical continent and abode of the third root-race. It was situated in
the present Pacific and was submerged into the ocean about four million years ago.
"The Lemurians led a half-dreamlike life of consciousness on the border between the
physical and the emotional. It took millions of years to mentalize the brain." K 6.5.6
LIBERATION "Esoterically, the selfs evolution is a continuous process of
identification and liberation." K 7.15.10
LIFE BETWEEN INCARNATIONS, HUMAN "When the individual leaves his wornout organism with its etheric envelope, he goes on living in his emotional envelope and,
when this is dissolved, in his mental envelope, and when this too is dissolved, he waits,
asleep in his causal envelope, to be reborn into the physical world which is
incomparably the most important, since it is in this world that all human qualities must
be acquired, and it is only in this world that he has the possibility of freeing himself
from emotional illusions and mental fictions. Life between incarnations is a period of
rest in which man does not learn anything new. The more quickly the self can free itself
from its incarnation envelopes, the more quickly it develops." K 1.34.25
LIFE VIEW "The life view concerns the consciousness aspect of existence and is the
sum total of man's attitude to life, to its meaning and goal, and his view of mankind and
mans ways."
"It is from his life view that man derives the bases of his valuations, his viewpoints for
judgement, motives for action. The life view includes the conception of right and what

is contained in the concept of culture." P 3.1.1f

The esoteric life view presented in P "is termed esoteric since it is based on the esoteric
world view and on esoteric facts about the goal of life. There is no such life view that
suits all on all levels of development. What in common to them all is the knowledge of
the laws of life, which everybody applies according to his understanding of life." P 3.1.5
"All who have reached the stages of culture and humanity, have emphasized that in
ones attitude to all people, universal good will and right human relations are the
essential thing. We must learn to discard all pretexts for friction, not only tolerate but
rejoice in the individual (and independent!) conceptions of all as proof of their own
judgement at their level." K 5.44.2
LINGA SHARIRA (Skt, T.) The etheric envelope.
LOGOI Collective beings of second, third selves, etc. The planetary logos is the
planets collective being composed of at least 46-selves (planetary hierarchy, deva
hierarchy, planetary government). The solar logos is the corresponding being of the
entire solar system.
LOVE, HUMAN "Human love is attraction (physical, emotional, and mental).
Regrettably, it can turn into repulsion if it is not genuine." K 1.35.17
LOVE-WISDOM Older esoteric term of essential consciousness (46). (K 1.35.16)
LUNAR LORDS (T.B.), or LUNAR PITRIS (T.B.) those human monads were called
who became second selves in the seven-globe preceding our present one. Certain groups
of these (lunar pitris, barhishad pitris) were charged with the task of designing the
prototypes of mans envelopes of incarnation (mental, emotional, etheric envelopes and
organism) in our seven-globe. Therefore, these lower envelopes are called lunar
bodies in old esoteric literature, in contrast to the causal envelope (solar body).

MAGIC The expressions of active consciousness affect matter to act as energy. Magic
consists in using the knowledge of the pertaining laws of nature and the method of their
application affecting physical-etheric material energies by means of mental material
energy to bring about changes in the visible molecular kinds. (K 1.3.9, 1.28.3)
MAHAPARANIRVANA (Skt, T.) World 43, the manifestal world, in the solar system.
MAHATMA (Skt great spirit) Esoteric master, perfected 45-self, initiate of the fifth
MANAS (Skt, T.B.) World 47 (causal-mental world) and its consciousness. Higher
manas is 47:1-3, causality; lower manas is 47:4-7, mentality in the proper sense. Cosmic
manas is worlds 29 35.
MANASA-DEVA Mental or causal deva. Often also denotes essential devas (the

MANASA-PUTRA (Skt, son of mind) A general designation of an individual in a

superhuman natural kingdom. Such a one is always a member of some expanding
collective being.
MANIFESTAL SELF, 43-SELF Monad that has its highest envelope and consciousness
in the manifestal world (43) of the solar system.
MANIFESTAL WORLD Atomic world 43 in the cosmos and in the solar system.
Molecular world 43:2-7 in the solar system.
MANIFESTATION, THE ORIGIN OF "All events, all processes of nature, the
formation, changes, and dissolution of matter, in the last resort originate in the seven
highest cosmic worlds. They thus constitute the basis of the motion aspect of existence."
K 2.11.9
MANIFESTATION, THE PLAN OF "The entire process of manifestation is based on a
plan broadly outlined in which the final goal (the omniscience of all participating
monads) alone is fixed. The process depends in its course more or less on the
cooperation of all monads. They cannot, of course, prevent the process being completed,
but resistance or inertia on their part can delay it." K 2.11.8
MANIFESTATION, PROCESS OF The process of manifestation consists of: the
process of involvation and evolvation, the process of involution and evolution, the
process of expansion.
The process of manifestation is the process in which the cosmos is formed, maintained,
developed, and finally dissolved. (K 2.11)
"The entire cosmos constitutes one continuous process of manifestation in which all
monads participate with their consciousness manifestations, consciously or
unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally. The higher the world or kingdom, the
higher the kind of consciousness, the greater is the monad's contribution to the process
of manifestation." K 4.6.1
In the process of manifestation, the monads are at first primary matter devoid of
consciousness, are subsequently involved to form secondary matter, forming out of it
aggregates (elementals) with passive consciousness. After their transition to evolution
the monads are at first tertiary matter with faint self-active consciousness. Finally the
monads become quaternary matter with sufficiently self-active consciousness to be able
to involve into envelopes and become the selves in these.
MANIFESTATIONAL MATTER Atomic matter of kinds 1 49 in the cosmos.
MANIPURA-CHAKRA (Skt) The solar plexus centre; also called the navel centre.
majority of presently incarnated people are found. Where their feeling life is concerned,
they are still found in the spheres of repulsive emotionality. At that stage, reason is of
secondary importance, often a difficult source of unrest. These people take their feelings
to be their true being. (K 5.45.11)
MANKIND OF OUR PLANET "The number of individuals counted among our planet's
mankind, causalized here or transferred hither, amounts to some 60 thousand million.

They are in the physical, emotional, mental, and causal worlds of our planet, most of
them asleep in their causal envelopes since they have no possibility of causal
consciousness pending a new incarnation." K 1.34.7
"Of these, some 24 billion causalized (transmigrated from the animal to the human
kingdom by acquiring causal envelopes of their own) in Lemuria, beginning in the year
21,686,420 B.C. The other 36 billion have been transferred to our planet at different
turns. The causal envelopes of the latter are of very different ages. This explains why
the individuals in mankind are at such widely different stages of development, and how
it is that many have now passed to higher kingdoms.
"Most generally, one can say that mankinds present physical consciousness was
developed in Lemuria, its emotional consciousness in Atlantis, and its mental
consciousness in the continents we know of. We have a long way to go, however,
before we develop full physical, emotional, and mental consciousness in our physical
etheric, emotional, and mental envelopes. When this has been done and we have
acquired full objective consciousness in our causal envelope, we shall pass to the fifth
natural kingdom" K 3.1.2f
MANS FIVE ENVELOPES "Man, incarnated in the physical world, has five
an organism in the visible world (49:5-7)
an envelope of physical etheric matter (49:2-4)
an envelope of emotional matter (48:2-7)
an envelope of mental matter (47:4-7)
an envelope of causal matter (47:1-3)
The four lower of these are renewed at each new incarnation and are dissolved in their
order at the end of incarnation. The causal envelope is mans only permanent envelope."
K 1.14.1f
"The four aggregate envelopes are oval in shape and extend between 30 and 45 cm
beyond the organism, making the so-called aura." K 1.14.4
Each aggregate envelope makes its particular kind of consciousness possible. It is the
presence of these envelopes in the organism that enables man in physical incarnation to
have sense perceptions, feelings, and thoughts at all. (K 1.14.5)
MANTRA "Mantra yoga was originally based on the esoteric knowledge of the effect of
sound. Most mantras (combinations of words) have become worthless now that the
knowledge of correct intonation has been lost, fortunately for mankind." K 7.12.8
MANU (Skt) The chief of the first department (transformation department) of the
planetary hierarchy. K 3.1.28)
MANVANTARA (Skt) Period of activity. Opposite: Pralaya.
MASS THINKING "Human thinking is largely mass thinking: group, clan, class, or
nation thinking, of which man takes part without knowing to, imagining that he is
thinking independently, unaware where it all comes from." K 2.9.9
MASTER (T.B.) 45-self, initiate of the fifth degree.

MATERIAL ENERGY One of the three specifically different main kinds of causes of
motion. The two others are dynamis and will.
cosmos, such as ours, consists of a continuous series of material worlds of different
degrees of density, the higher penetrating all the lower. The highest world thus
penetrates everything in the cosmos."
"There are seven series of seven cosmic material worlds, making 49 in all." K 1.6.2,4
The numeration of the worlds is done from the highest world as the first one. This
indicates that they are formed from above, are built out from the highest world down.
The next higher world affords material to the next lower, which is formed in and out of
the higher world. (K 1.6.3,6)
"All the 49 worlds differ from each other as to dimension, duration, material
composition, motion, and consciousness; due to differences in density of primordial
atoms." K 1.6.7
"Higher and lower are not to be taken in their spatial significance when referring to
atomic worlds." K 1.8.2
"Each next higher world presents, as compared with each next lower world, an
enormous increase, intensively as well as extensively, in respect of energy and
consciousness. In each world the monad consciousness apprehends reality totally
differently." K 4.7.2
MATERIALISM The view that matter is the fundamental reality. A more restricted
variety of materialism is physicalism.
"Materialism is the only one of the different metaphysical views that it has been
possible to confirm scientifically. The atomic theory can no longer be included in
metaphysics, as it has been traditionally, now that research has so splendidly
confirmed this fundamental esoteric fact: all material forms consist of material particles.
Materialism is the history of philosophy has represented the sovereign common sense
conception of reality asserting the existence of an objectively enduring external world.
The subjectivist theories that deny the existence of the external world refute themselves
by having to admit the existence of matter as soon as they are to explain natural
phenomena." K 5.10.3
Materialism, however, cannot explain the origin of consciousness, its unity, its ability to
affect matter; cannot explain the causes of events or of self-initiated thinking. (K
5.11.12, P 2.2.6)
MAYA (Skt) Illusion. Particularly in the sense that the perception of reality is supposed
to be illusory because matter would not be real. The doctrine of maya is not part of
esoterics but is a misconception of esoteric teaching. (K 4.7.2, 7.2.13f; P 2.62.7ff)
MEANING AND GOAL OF EXISTENCE "The meaning of existence (a problem
unsolvable to theologians, philosophers, and scientists) is the consciousness
development of the primordial atoms, to awaken to consciousness primordial atoms
which are unconscious in primordial matter, and thereupon to teach them in ever higher
kingdoms to acquire consciousness of, understanding of life in all its relationships.
"The goal of existence is the omniscience and omnipotence of all in the whole cosmos.
"The process implies development: in respect of knowledge from ignorance to
omniscience, in respect of will from impotence to omnipotence, in respect of freedom

from bondage to that power which the application of the laws afford, in respect of life
from isolation to unity with all life." K 1.30.1ff
MEDITATION "By meditating daily on desirable qualities man can acquire these in
any percentage whatever. He will free himself of undesirable qualities by not attending
to them and by meditating on their opposites. He will attain higher levels by meditating
on the qualities of these higher levels. Without meditation, development is so slow that
even after a hundred incarnations there is scarcely any noticeable progress." K 7.23.2
MEDIUM A person who, in a state of trance, is able to lend his organism with its
etheric envelope to discarnate (dead) people in the emotional world. Genuine esoteric
teachers (members of the planetary hierarchy) never use mediums to contact people.
Quite the opposite, they warn against mediumism, which not only conflicts with the law
of self-realization but also harms the medium physically and morally. (K 3.1.31ff)
MEMORIES "All matter has consciousness and memory. In addition, every atom in the
molecules has a common collective consciousness with the atoms in its molecular kind.
It is in this collective consciousness that the different worlds have their respective
collective memories, which can be read by those who have acquired objective
consciousness in the respective molecular kinds. In the emotional world there is, beside
the only exact collective memory (inaccessible to man) of the atomic world, six
different kinds of collective molecular memories." K 6.9.2
MEMORY "Each envelope of the individual has its consciousness, its memory: the
subconscious collective consciousness of its different molecules."
"The primordial atoms memory is indestructible though latent. In order to remember
anew it is necessary to renew the contact with previously experienced reality. Causal
selves and higher selves are able to do this in the planetary and cosmic globe
memories." K 1.23.1,4
"The causal envelope, however, retains the memory of all the human incarnations and of
the experiences had, of insight and understanding gained, of qualities and abilities
acquired. Everything is there as rudiments in new incarnations. How much, or rather,
how little of it all will be actualized anew depends on the individuals new opportunities
of remembering anew and developing his latent qualities." K 1.34.35
MENTAL-CAUSAL CONSCIOUSNESS Mental-causal consciousness is the monads
consciousness in the mental envelope (47:4-7) and in the causal envelope (47:1-3).
MENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS Mental consciousness is the monads self-acquired
ability of consciousness in the mental envelope (47:4-7)
"The majority of mankind have developed (activated) only the lowest kind (47:7):
discursive deductive thinking from ground to consequence.
"The second kind from below (47:6), philosophic and scientific principle thinking, is
still the highest kind of thinking for all except the very rare lite.
"The third kind from below (47:5), lite thinking, is in contrast to principle thinking
which mostly absolutifies partly consistent relativizing and percentualizing thinking,
partly perspective thinking and system thinking.
"The highest kind of consciousness in the mental envelope (47:4) is still inaccessible to
mankind. Its manifestations consist in among other things concretization of causal
ideas involving simultaneous thinking by systems instead of concepts." K 1.20.3ff

MENTAL CULTURE "The prerequisite of the stage of intellectual culture is a rational

and non-contradictory world view and life view, which is free of dogmas and has been
made available for all. This presupposes a system of education that develops the power
of judgement." P 1.1.13
"Mental culture presupposes mental self-reliance and mental self-determination.
Intellectual independence implies the ability critically to sift the material which culture
has afforded us, to judge the kind of certainty and degree of probability accruing to the
ideas we find." P 1.1.15
MENTAL ENVELOPE The monads envelope of mental matter (47:4-7). In the
mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms the mental envelope belongs to the groupsoul; in the human kingdom, the monad has an individual mental envelope. The mental
envelope is the seat of the power to think. In the human kingdom, the mental envelope
is activated through the emotional envelope, which has the result that the two envelopes
are woven together and form one envelope, which explains why the normal individual
has such difficulty in thinking independently of emotion.
MENTAL LIBERATION FROM EMOTIONALITY "During incarnation the emotional
and mental envelopes coalesce so as to form, as it were, one single envelope from the
functional point of view. Since the emotional is incomparably more developed, it
completely dominates the mental. A prerequisite of liberating the mental from the
dependence on the emotional is that the coalescence be discontinued. This also results
in mental objective consciousness. The method will remain esoteric until mankind has
become humanized. Until then, the lowest mental (47:7) can at best dominate the two
lowest emotional ones (48:6,7) and the two lowest mental ones (47:6,7) the four lower
emotional (48:4-7)." K 6.8.8
From this it follows that only 47:5, perspective thinking, can control the higher
emotionality (48:2,3). This explains why the great majority of people have difficulty in
discovering the untenability of fictions that appeal to wishful thinking.
MENTAL LIFE BETWEEN INCARNATIONS "Upon the dissolution of the emotional
envelope, the individual in his mental envelope leads a life of thought that is absolutely
subjective, not suspecting the impossibility of apprehending objective reality in this
world. But apprehension of reality, bliss, and perfection, omniscience and omnipotence
are absolute."
"The independent life of the mental envelope can vary from a minute or so (in the case
of the barbarian) to thousands of years. It all depends on the number of ideas the
individual has collected during physical life and how vital they are." K 1.34.32f
"It is significant that it is precisely those who have had a long sojourn in the mental
world in between incarnations who are easy prey to the philosophy of illusion (which
says that all matter is illusion)." K 5.33.16
MENTAL SELF Monad having its most important kind of self-consciousness in
molecular world 47:4-7 within the solar system. Mental selves belonging to the human
kingdom are at the stage of humanity.
MENTAL STAGE "The mental stage is divided into the stages of humanity and ideality
(or the causal stage). The humanist activates consciousness in the four lowest mental
molecular kinds (47:4-7), the idealist in all six (47:2-7). The humanist is a mental self,
the idealist a causal self." K 1.34.18

MENTAL WORLD Molecular world 47:4-7 in the solar system. The mental world can
be said to be the particular world of men where consciousness is concerned.
MENTALIST Man at the mental stage (the stage of humanity).
MINERAL KINGDOM The first or lowest natural kingdom of evolution.
"In the mineral kingdom the monad consciousness begins to be activated. In the lowest
physical molecular kind (49:7) the monads learn to distinguish differences in
temperature and pressure. It is in this kingdom that the vibrations become violent
enough for a first apprehension of inner and outer. And thus begins that process of
objectivization of consciousness which reaches its perfection in the animal kingdom.
The monads gradually learn to apprehend external realities."
"Consciousness in the mineral kingdom is gradually manifested as a tendency to
repetition, after innumerable experiences becoming organized habit, or nature. Increased
consciousness results in instinctive striving to adaptation.
"By being absorbed by plants and experiencing the process of vitalization in these,
mineral consciousness learns to receive and adapt itself to etheric vibrations... a
condition of entering into the vegetable kingdom." K 1.33.2,5f
MINERAL MONAD The monad during evolution in the mineral kingdom is called
mineral monad.
MOLECULAR KINDS "The six molecular kinds within each systemic world have been
given analogous names and mathematical designations:
(1 atomic)
2 subatomic
3 superetheric
4 etheric
5 gaseous
6 liquid
7 solid" K 1.10.6
MOLECULAR MATTER "The matter of the solar systems is called molecular matter to
distinguish it from atomic matter, which is cosmic. Within the solar systems the seven
lowest atomic kinds are transformed into molecular kinds.
"Each atomic kind supplies material for six successively more composite molecular
kinds, each lower being formed from the next higher. The seven atomic kinds thus make
42 molecular kinds and it is these that make up the solar system. The 49 atomic kinds
exist in all the worlds, occupy the same space." K 1.10.4f
MOLECULAR WORLDS Worlds within the solar system that consist of molecular
"The three lowest atomic worlds (47 49) have been divided into five separate
molecular worlds. World 47 is divided into the higher (or causal, 47:2,3) and the lower
(47:4-7) mental world. World 49 is divided into the physical etheric world (49:2-4) and
the world visible to man (49:5-7) with its three states of aggregation (solid, liquid, and
"The consciousness development in the four lower natural kingdoms goes on in these
five molecular worlds." K 1.11.3f

MOLECULES "Molecules are composed of atoms. The lower the molecular kind, the
more atoms enter into the molecule." K 1.10.1
MONAD, THE; THE SAME AS PRIMORDIAL ATOM "is the smallest possible part
of primordial matter and the smallest firm point for individual consciousness." K 1.4.5,
"The monads are the sole content of the cosmos."
"All forms of matter existing in the cosmos consist of monads at different stages of
development. All these compositions of monads are being formed, changed, dissolved,
and re-formed in innumerable variations, but the monads matter aspect remains
eternally the same." K 1.12.1f
"By monad is meant the individual as a primordial atom and by self the individuals
consciousness aspect." K 1.15.3
"The primordial atoms memory is indestructible though latent. In order to remember
anew it is necessary to renew the contact with previously experienced reality. Causal
selves and higher selves are able to do so in the planetary and cosmic globe memories."
K 1.23.4
"The monad is indestructible individual consciousness which, being originally potential
(unconscious), is awakened to active consciousness in the lowest natural kingdom of the
lowest world (the physical mineral kingdom) and gradually acquires consciousness in
ever higher worlds. Only the coarsest matter offers sufficient resistance for the
subjective monad consciousness to learn to discriminate between the opposites of inner
(subjective) and outer (objective) reality, and to acquire active consciousness, which is
the prerequisite of selfconsciousness in all kinds of reality. After that, the monad is able
by self-activity to acquire the requisite qualities and abilities in ever higher natural
kingdoms in ever higher worlds." K 4.7.4
MONAD, THE (T.B.) The third triad (43:4, 44:1, 45:1). Erroneous term, since the third
triad is an envelope of the monad, an envelope that the monad abandons before its
expansion in the cosmos (beginning in world 42). Moreover, this so-called monad
consists of three units, so by definition it cannot be a monad (Greek for unit).
MONAD CONSCIOUSNESS "can be potential, actualized, passive, activated, selfactive, latent, subjective, objective." K 1.15.1
MORALS "The terms morals (from Latin) and ethics (from Greek) through ignorances
abuse of words have lost their true sense of conception of right and problems of living
"Schopenhauer was the first to demonstrate that up to then no philosopher had
succeeded in making morals into a science or in establishing any tenable grounds for
claiming that there are absolute or objective norms... A number of thinkers then
explained the subjectivity of morals (the conception of right is determined by the level
of development), not illusoriness as prophets of platitudes have expounded the matter.
Hgerstrm has shown that one cannot speak of a science of ethics, only of a history of
"Nobody has contested the fact that certain rules (societys laws) are necessary if people
are to live together without friction, and that without these there would be a war of all
against all and an ordered society would be impossible."
"It was not against these self-evident insights that criticism was levelled. There are
moral philosophers who have not even understood this! It was levelled against the

multitude of taboos and arbitrary conventions without rational meaning, which have
increased general bewilderment and made it more difficult for people to live together
and increased the seemingly ineradicable hatred with its eternal damning and
condemning." K 5.46.1-5
MOTION One of three aspects of existence. "The original cause of motion is the
dynamic energy of primordial matter." K 1.4.6
"To the motion aspect belong all occurrences, all processes of nature and life, all
changes. Everything is in motion and all that moves is matter.
"Motion has of old been given manifold designations: force, energy, activity, vibration,
etc. As motion should also be considered: sound, light, and colour.
"In hylozoics three main causes of motion are distinguished, each one specifically
different: dynamis, material energy, will." K 1.24
MULADHARA-CHAKRA (Skt) Basal centre
MULAPRAKRITI (Skt "root-matter", T.) Original matter at the formation of solar
systems, 43 atoms.
MYSTERIES "Originally, mysteries was the term applied to secret knowledge
which was not to be imparted to others than the specially initiated.
"There are no mysteries other than unsolved problems. Once one has got the necessary
facts, the problem and thus the mystery' is solved.
"What the mystics call mysteries are realities of which the individual does not have
sufficient experience to be able to comprehend on his level of development.
"Thus mystery means either that one lacks the facts to explain it or that one has
reached the limit of individual understanding (all that is beyond one's power of
comprehension)." K 3.6.9ff
In antiquity, mysteries were such elementary esoteric teaching as was given in a
symbolic-dramatic form to large numbers of the population, in contradistinction to the
teaching of the knowledge schools which was reserved for considerably fewer people.
MYSTIC "On the highest cultural levels, the individual becomes a mystic. In the
domains of emotional consciousness that he has now reached, he no longer has any use
for his intellectuality as acquired up to now. Frequently in states of ecstasy he
experiences the unity of life past all understanding. His imagination, which is
powerfully developed, makes him lose himself in seeming infinitude. His emotional
development is terminated and crowned by an incarnation as a saint. In subsequent
incarnations he strives to become a mental self." K 1.34.17
The art of living is the chief interest of the mystic. (K 3.6.4)

NADIS (Skt) Threads of etheric matter which together form a network in the etheric
envelope. They shape and vitalize their organic counterparts, the nerves.
NATURAL KINGDOMS The most comprehensive successive stages in the monads
evolution and expansion are called natural kingdoms. There are twelve natural

kingdoms: six in the solar system (worlds 4349) and six in the cosmic worlds (142).
The five lower natural kingdoms are natural kingdoms in a more restricted sense; the
seven higher ones are called divine kingdoms. The six kingdoms belonging to the solar
system are:
the mineral kingdom 49:5-7
the vegetable kingdom 49:7-48:7
the animal kingdom 49:7-47:7
the essential kingdom 49:7-45:4
the manifestal kingdom, first or lowest divine kingdom 49:7-43 (K 1.32.1)
NATURE BEING Evolutionary being belonging to the deva evolution and at stages of
development corresponding to the vegetable and animal kingdoms as well as the lowest
human stages. In the normal case, a nature being has no lower envelopes than the
etheric. Nature beings work as builders of organisms for monads of the human
evolution. Of old, nature beings are divided into four groups according to the four
"elements": gnomes (earth), undines (water), sylphs (air), salamanders (fire). The pixies,
fairies, trolls, etc. of folklore have reference to nature beings.
NEOPHYTE Beginner in esoteric studies, one newly co-opted into an esoteric
knowledge order.
NIRMANAKAYA (Skt) Particular category of second selves who have kept their first
triads. Their task is to accumulate higher energies and transform them for use in worlds
NIRVANA (Skt) World 45 and its consciousness. (K 1.9.4)
"Nirvana is not the extinction of the self, not the end but the beginning, an entering into
a higher natural kingdom." K 1.2.18, 5.33.14
NOUMENON (Greek) Mental reality in contrast to physical reality (phaenomenon). (K
5.4.19, 5.28.16)

OBJECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS The ability of consciousness to directly observe "its"
own kind of matter. Instances are the sense perceptions of the organism in the physical
world. Objective self-consciousness implies simultaneous awareness of the self as the
centre of perception: "I am seeing this."
"Sense" is another word for objective consciousness. (K 1.17.2)
OBJECTIVISM To doubt the existence of the external world, or that we can apprehend
it as it is in its given physical reality, is to doubt ones own common sense and all
correct apprehensions of reality.
The fact that there are superphysical material worlds in which we apprehend material
reality differently, several ever higher states of aggregation of cosmic matter, does not

in any way refute the physical apprehension of reality, the only correct one in the
physical world. K 5.43.8f
OBJECTIVIZATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS Only the coarsest matter offers
sufficient resistance for the subjective monad consciousness to learn to discriminate
between the opposites of inner (subjective) and outer (objective) reality, and to acquire
active consciousness, which is the prerequisite of self-consciousness in all kinds of
reality. After that, the monad is able by self-activity to acquire the requisite qualities and
abilities in ever higher natural kingdoms in ever higher worlds. K 4.7.4
In the three lowest natural kingdoms, the monads eventually learn to apprehend outer
Immensely slowly through the three lowest kingdoms, the monads come to see
themselves as something separate from everything else. K 1.33.2
OCCULTISM An older term for superphysics.
OMNIPOTENCE Complete control of the matter and motion aspects within a world.
The monad reaches the lowest kind of omnipotence in the first divine kingdom (in
world 43 and 44 in the solar system).
Omnipotence is possible only through absolutely faultless application of the laws in
their entirety. K 1.41.3, 4.11.7
OMNISCIENCE Omniscience does not mean that the individual knows everything, but
that he is able, when need be, quickly to find out anything he wants to know in his
worlds, independently of space and past time. K 1.35.8
The lowest kind of omniscience, that the monad reaches in the first divine kingdom (in
the worlds 43 and 44 in the solar system).
Anyone who possesses knowledge of all laws in all worlds is omniscient. K 4.11.7
ORGANISMS Monad envelopes in the physical world consisting of its three lowest
molecular kinds (49:5-7), organized into cells, tissues, and organs.
In our solar system there are organisms on our planet only. On the other planets also
the lowest envelope (49:5-7) is an aggregate envelope. K 1.13.3
It is by no means necessary for the monad to develop through organic envelopes. In
actual fact, most monads (those following the parallel deva evolution, for instance) have
never had other bodies than aggregate envelopes consisting of atoms and molecules
held together electromagnetically, such as man has in all worlds except in the visible.
K 4.8.5
OUTPOURINGS, THREE (T.) Three processes of manifestation as seen from the
viewpoint of the first self. The first outpouring: the process of involvation, the
composition of matter down to world 49. The second outpouring: involution down to
world 49, evolution (up from world 49), which has now reached world 47. The third
outpouring: the voluntary "descension" of perfected second and third selves to world 46
and 44, respectively, to facilitate, as Augoeides and Protogonoi, respectively, the
evolution of first selves (human beings).

PAPER POPE Just as the Roman Catholic Church has a pope invested with infallible
authority for the believers, so the Protestant Churches have the Bible as their paper
PARALLEL EVOLUTIONS After the mineral kingdom, evolution parts into three
parallel lines, of which only one (the so-called human evolution) leads the monads to
the human kingdom. The two others are summed up in the term the "deva evolution".
The purpose of the parallel paths of development is the education of specialists in the
work of manifestation: the "human evolution" specializes in the consciousness aspect
and educates supervisors of evolution, the two others aim primarily at the motion and
matter aspects and educate administrators of the Law and formers of matter.
PARAMAHAMSA (Skt) 46-self, initiate of the fourth degree. Synonym: Arhat.
PARANIRVANA World 44, the submanifestal world, in the solar system.
PASSIVE CONSCIOUSNESS (Skt, T.) World 44, the submanifestal world, in the solar
PASSIVE CONSCIOUSNESS Consciousness that has not yet acquired the ability of
self-activity, initiative, will. Passive consciousness must be activated by vibrations
coming in from without, emitted by self-active evolutionary beings.
The elementals of involution have only passive (mirroring) consciousness. Instances of
elementals are mans emotional and mental envelopes, which can be activated by the
human monad. (K 2.9.2, D 2.11)
PERIODICITY, LAW OF "The cosmic energies are uninterruptedly active. But in the
solar systems their activity is increased and decreased in accordance with a periodicity
inevitable for the pertaining material processes (the so-called law of periodicity), the
rhythm of which varies with every world, every kind of matter, every kind of material
"This law of periodicity is what makes everything within the solar systems and in the
relations of the systems to each other proceed in regularly recurring periods, or cycles,
that can be determined mathematically." K 2.12.4f
PERSONALITY (T.B.) Has reference to:
1. Mans self-consciousness in his organism (with etheric envelope), emotional and
mental envelopes.
2. The first triad.
3. The envelope of the first triad, the lesser causal envelope (47:3), the triad envelope.
PHAINOMENON (Gr.) Physical reality.
PHILOSOPHY "Philosophy is limited to physical reality and therefore, physically, all
philosophy remains physicalism and, superphysically, subjectivism: speculations
without reality content. In order to speak about the superphysical one must have factual
knowledge of the superphysical worlds." K 5.38.2

"The philosophers have not yet managed to solve the basic problem of existence: trinity;
the three equal, inseparable aspects of existence. Ever since the Greek sophists, the
whole history of philosophy has been dominated by the subjectivist way of looking at
things." K 5.43.21
PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS Physical consciousness (49) is the lowest kind of
consciousness. Mans physical consciousness is partly the organisms different kinds of
sense perceptions, partly the
PHYSICAL SELF Human monad that has its consciousness concentrated on physical
reality and small activation of emotional and mental consciousness. Also called
PHYSICAL WORLD Atomic world 49 in the cosmos and solar system. Within the
planets it is divided into two molecular worlds: the physical etheric world (49:2-4) and
the "visible world" (49:5-7).
PHYSICALISM The view that limits its understanding of reality to the physical world
and so tries to explain all reality within the limits of physical reality.
"This view has been called philosophical or scientific materialism. More properly it
ought to be called physicalism, since it took into account physical matter only, and there
is a whole series of ever higher material worlds."
"The physicalist is wrong in assuming that the visible world is the only existing one,
that organisms are the only forms of life, that the organisms sense organs are man's
only means of apprehending the material external world." K 5.10.2,4
PHYSICALIST Term referring to two different things:
1. An adherent of physicalism, a "materialist".
2. A physical self.
PLANE (T.B.) Atomic kind with six molecular kinds. Atomic world with six molecular
worlds. "Plane" is a less appropriate term, since the worlds are multi-dimensional and
they all exist in the same space. They are not situated in layers, as the term "plane"
PLANETARY CHAIN (T.B.) Seven-globe.
"A great mistake [by Judge] is his assertion that the planetary chain does not consist of
seven separate globes. Judges saying that by this is meant the higher worlds of our
planet, is incorrect. K 3.5.16
PLANETARY DEVELOPMENT "The planets in the solar system undergo seven
different processes of development, divided into seven periods of activity and passivity
called eons (Sanskrit: kalpas with manvantara and pralaya)." K 2.13.4
PLANETARY ENERGIES The planets receive energies from each other. Each planet
represents predominantly someone of the seven cosmic types.
PLANETARY GOVERNMENT "Into the planetary government can enter individuals
who have attained the second divine kingdom. The head of the planetary government

belongs to the third kingdom.

"Like all governments in still higher kingdoms, the planetary government is divided into
three main departments dealing with the three fundamental functions concerning the
aspects of matter, motion, and consciousness. They have the ultimate responsibility that
all the pertaining processes of nature work with unfailing precision. They see to it that
all receive what they need for their consciousness development and that implacable
justice is done to all in accordance with the law of sowing and reaping." K 1.39.1f
Our planet received its own government about 21,7 million years ago. (K 3.1.4)
PLANETARY HIERARCHY "The individuals of the fifth and sixth natural kingdoms
constitute the hierarchy of our planet, which has acquired atomic consciousness in the
planetary worlds 46 and 45 as well as 44 and 43.
"The hierarchy is divided into seven departments, each of which works with its
specialized energy that functions in accordance with the systemic law of periodicity.
"The hierarchy supervises evolution in the lower kingdoms, taking an especial interest
in those at the stage of humanity who with onepointed purpose seek to acquire the
twelve essential qualities in order the better to serve life." K 1.38.1ff
About 21 million years ago, the planetary government transferred to our planet
individuals who were given the special mission of supervising the development of
human consciousness. Members of this planetary hierarchy incarnated in mankind. (K
PLANETARY HISTORY "The work of the planetary hierarchy can be read in the
planetary history of the consciousness development of the four lower natural kingdoms,
which goes on in the physical world. This history is to its full extent preserved in the
collective memory of the submanifestal world." K 2.17.3
PLANETARY RULER The head of the planetary government, the highest developed
monad in our planet. Has attained the third divine kingdom (29-35).
PLANETARY WORLDS "The four lower solar systemic worlds (46-49) are also called
planetary worlds." K 1.11.2
POST-EXISTENCE OF THE SOUL The continued existence of the soul after the death
of the body.
POTENTIAL CONSCIOUSNESS The unconsciousness of the monad, its
consciousness not yet awakened. This potential consciousness is awakened (actualized)
in the cosmos. (K 1.15.2)
Opposite: Actualized consciousness.
PRAKRITI (Skt) Matter
PRALAYA (Skt) Period of passivity at the beginning of which all lower matter is
Opposite: Manvantara.
PRANA (Skt, T.B.) Etheric energy (49:1-4), in the last analysis originating in the
worlds 36-42. Five kinds of prana periodically vitalize mans etheric envelope recurring
periodically at intervals of two hours. (K 2.12.7, P 2.20.8)

PREDICTION "Everything that happens is the result of causes that can lie however far
back in time. In order to be able to foresee the future, one must have knowledge of those
factors in the past which have not yet been released. The uncertainty consists in not
knowing about factors that may arise between the moment of prediction and the definite
event itself. The future most often appears as a manifoldness of different possibilities.
Which of these is to be realized is uncertain." K 3.5.20
PRE-EXISTENCE OF THE SOUL The existence of the soul prior to the formation of
the body.
PRIMARY MATTER When primordial atoms have been introduced into the cosmos
from chaos, they form the compounded atomic kinds 2-49. These atoms have rotatory
motion. Therefore, this first matter is called rotatory matter or primary matter. In worlds
43-49, the atoms of primary matter are further composed to form 42 molecular kinds.
Primary matter has only potential consciousness. Primary matter exists in all the worlds
Synonym: involvatory matter. (K 1.7, 6.8.18; P 2.9, 2.4.3)
PRIMORDIAL MATTER "Primordial matter is matter proper. Primordial matter is not
atomic but of homogenous consistency, with the two seemingly contradictory
qualifications: absolute density and absolute elasticity. In primordial matter exist
potentially all known and unknown qualities of life, which find expression in atomized
manifestational matter." P 2.60.1
Primordial matter is at the same time limitless space. In this unmanifested primordial
matter, "beyond space and time", there is an unlimited number of cosmoses. (K 1.5)
"Primordial matter is unconscious." P 2.60.4
PRINCIPLE THINKING The second kind of thinking from below (47:6). Mostly
makes real phenomena absolute, since concepts are absolute.. (K 1.20.4f)
PRINCIPLES Bodies or envelopes. In T. and B. the organism is sometimes included
sometimes excluded. It is said that the organism "is not a principle", which means that it
has not been formed directly through some triad unit (as has the etheric envelope) but
through reflexive action from the etheric envelope.
PROOFS OF THE CORRECTNESS OF HYLOZOICS "There are five proofs, for those
who need them, of the correctness of hylozoics (its agreement with reality), each one of
them by itself wholly sufficient, being of matchless logical tenability. These five are:
the logical proof, the proof by explanation, the proof by prediction, the proof by
clairvoyance, the experimental proof." K 1.3.4
PROTOGONOS (Gr.) Pythagorean term for a category of devas having 44- and 43consciousness. Their tasks in connection with the human evolution consist, among other
duties, in being in charge of the third triads until the second selves can take possession
of them.
PURE REASON (T.B.) Essential consciousness (46:1-7).

QUASI-OCCULTISM The planetary hierarchy asserts emphatically that man cannot on
his own acquire knowledge of higher worlds than the physical. All true knowledge of
superphysical reality is a gift from the planetary hierarchy. Ever since esoterics began to
be publicized in 1875, people ignorant of esoterics (also discarnate people in the
emotional world) have put together their own systems on the basis of esoteric facts they
have misunderstood and complemented with their own fanciful speculation. The result
of this ongoing distortion has been that most of what is today presented as esoterics
must be called quasi-occultism.
Quasi-occultism is a phenomenon at the emotional stage (the stages of civilization and
culture). Anyone who has reached the mental stage and has acquired perspective
thinking possesses sufficient common sense to see through the attractive illusions of
prospects of absurdly rapid spiritual development which are part and parcel of the
typical offers of the quasi-occult movements. If, in addition, he has come in contact
with esoterics, he immediately realizes that it is incomparably superior as an
explanation. This power of discrimination does not exist at the emotional stage
(including the levels of the mystic).
It is important to understand that quasi-occult teachings do not primarily satisfy mans
mental needs (knowledge) but his emotional ones (comfort). At a transitional stage, they
may be of great therapeutic value, help people to overcome repulsive emotionality.
Therefore, the esoterician wishes neither to oppose those movements nor to convert
their followers. On the other hand, he informs about the factual conditions to the benefit
of those who in their individual development are in the process of leaving the emotional
stage and are grateful for the aid given them for their liberation.
QUATERNARY MATTER Higher kind of evolutionary matter, individual matter.
Before the monad can become quaternary matter, it must have been in succession
primary (involvatory and evolvatory) matter, secondary (involutionary, elemental)
matter, and tertiary (lower evolutionary) matter. Examples of quaternary matter are the
monads in the natural kingdoms of evolution.
QUIETISM "We do not achieve freedom through quietism, through omitting to act. No
development will be brought about through inactivity, idleness, through begging the
deity to do what it is our dharma to do. We free ourselves by acting, by taking a positive
attitude to everything we meet with, by letting the divine powers act in us and through
us, which they unfailingly will do as soon as we remove the obstacles to their
reception." K 7.9.7

RACES On each globe mankind develops in seven successive (in time partially
overlapping) root-races. By analogy with this, each root-race develops seven sub-races
and each sub-race seven branch-races or nations. The life-time of a nation has been

calculated at 30 000 years. We are presently in the fifth sub-race of the fifth root-race.
(P 2.36)
RAJA YOGA "Raja yoga is concerned with the consciousness aspect of existence, in its
esoteric part extending far beyond consciousness in the human worlds. There would be
a certain justification for calling it the science of attention." K 7.17.1
RAY (T.B.) Fundamental type. See DEPARTMENT
REAPING, THE LAW OF "The law of reaping says that all the good and evil we have
initiated in thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds are returned to us with the same effect.
Every consciousness manifestation has an effect in manifold ways and entails either
good or bad sowing which will ripen and be reaped some time." K 1.41.13
"If man lives in accordance with the laws of life, his development will progress as
rapidly as possibly, without friction, harmoniously, with the greatest possible degree of
happiness. But every mistake as to the laws of life (known or unknown ones) entails
consequences calculated eventually (the number of incarnations is up to him) to teach
the individual to discover the laws and apply them correctly. If he has caused suffering
to other beings, he is himself to experience the same measure of suffering. This is the
law of uncompromising justice which no arbitrary grace can free him from.
"It is part of mans dharma that he must do all he can to reduce the suffering in the
world, for all beings and in all circumstances. Those who refuse to help when they can,
are guilty of an omission that has consequences and by no means the least ones.
"The Brahmins conception of karma as being inevitable destiny, that one stands in the
way of karma by trying to relieve suffering and distress, is evidence of fatal ignorance
of life. Nobody can stand in the way of a law. If anyone is to suffer, no power in the
world can prevent that. The suffering we have caused to others can be made good
through voluntary sacrifice in future lives." K 7.8.4ff
REASON Subjective consciousness. "Reason is the faculty of imagination, abstraction,
conception, reflection, deduction, judgement, etc." K 1.17.3
"Reason is the instrument for working up the content of sense. Reason obtains all its
reality material and knowledge material from sense." K 5.25.10
REBIRTH (Reincarnation) "Man is reborn as a man (never as an animal), until he has
learned everything he can learn in the human kingdom, and has acquired all the qualities
and abilities necessary to enable him to continue his consciousness expansion in the
fifth natural kingdom. Rebirth explains both the seeming injustices of life (since in new
lives the individual has to reap what he has sown in precious lives) and the innate, latent
understanding and the once self-acquired abilities existing as predispositions." K 1.34.4
REGIONS The planets different kinds of molecular matter physical 49:2-7,
emotional 48:2-7, causal-mental 47:2-7 interpenetrate, exist in the same space. In
addition, each higher molecular kind extends beyond the lower kinds, so that it forms its
own "layer" in a concentrical grouping of the different matters round the centre of the
planet. These "layers" are called regions. The analogy with mans organism and aura is
There are six physical, six emotional, and six causal-mental regions in our planet. The
physical planet with its atmosphere is only the inmost dense material nucleus of a
considerably larger globe.

RELIGION "The emotional task of religion has been that of freeing man from fear and
anxiety, of giving him faith in life and in the power of good; and of mysticism in all
religions that of granting enduring bliss and the peace that passeth all understanding."
K 1.43.1
"The emotional world with its hatred (48:5-7) and love (48:2-4) is the world of
religion." K 5.45.11
REMEMBRANCE ANEW "Everything which we are able immediately to grasp,
comprehend, understand, we have assimilated in previous incarnations. Also qualities
and abilities once acquired remain latently, until they are given opportunities to develop
in some new incarnation." K 1.1.36
"Remembrance anew is the ability to resuscitate the vibrations received or emitted by
the envelopes."
"The primordial atoms memory is indestructible though latent. In order to remember
anew it is necessary to renew the contact with previously experienced reality. Causal
selves and higher selves are able to do this in the planetary and cosmic globe
memories." K 1.23.2,4
"Everything we have once learned and worked up (!) we are unable to lose. Whatever
we have known and been able to do is there latently. Knowledge becomes instant
understanding in later lives. Qualities and abilities acquired are there as predispositions.
They can be actualized quickly if need be, if the interest is there, and an opportunity for
re-acquisition is offered." K 5.8.14
You cannot, "as the esoterically ignorant at times imagine, revive what is latent in the
subconscious by being absorbed into oneself. Knowledge previously acquired is reacquired through studying anew the same subject-matter in new incarnations. The new
brain knows nothing of what the old brain knew, but must be impregnated anew with
mental molecules." K 6.7.12
REPULSION The characteristic quality of vibrations in the three lower molecular kinds
in the emotional world (48:5-7) of our planet. The individual apprehends the pertaining
consciousness as various kinds of expressions of hatred (contempt, anger, fear, etc.)
"Development in monads of repulsive basic tendency can take a wrong course, this
showing already in parasitism of plants and in predacity of animals." K 4.11.4
RIGHT, CONCEPTION OF "An individuals independent conception of right indicates
his level of development attained and understanding of life acquired." K 5.9.30
"All conception of right ultimately rests on the understanding of the meaning and goal
of life and of its conformity to law. Its lawfulness can be seen in the principle of
reciprocity: an eye for an eye among barbarians and do as you would be done by
among the civilized." K 5.28.24
"Since the conception of right comes from the life view, which in its turn is based on the
world view, the general disintegration of systems had led to a disintegration of the
concepts of right and justice, and thus to general lawlessness. People often feel
profoundly uncertain as to what is right and wrong. They are not even certain that right
and wrong are anything but old superstition." K 5.37.2
"It is always a matter for the individual whether he will adhere to anyone of the many
collective conceptions or take his own standing. We cannot hope for a universal
conception of the best way to realize the meaning of life until mankind has managed to
solve the problems of existence." K 5.46.6
"The individuals conception of right is determined by his individual character, and

belongs to his level of development. The understanding of a certain conception of right

is innate." P 3.16.7
RISHIS (Skt) Teachers at the temple schools of Atlantis. They were members of the
planetary hierarchy. (K 7.3.1)
ROBOT ACTIVITY "The expressions of mans emotional and mental consciousness
can be divided into two groups: self-activity and robot activity (including habitual
thinking: automatized emotional and mental associations originally his own).
"Over 80 per cent of most people's consciousness activity is emotional and mental robot
activity." K 2.9.5f
THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER was instituted in 1375 by Christian Rosencreutz at the
request of the planetary hierarchy. This original, true Rosicrucian Order has never
divulged its teaching and has never recruited members publicly. It has remained secret.
ROUND (T.B.) The passage of the processes of evolution and involution round the
seven globes of our seven-globe. A round lasts one eon (4320 million years). (P 2.46)
RUPA (Skt "having shape", T.B.)

SAHASRARA-PADMA-CHAKRA (Skt) The crown centre.
SAINT Emotional genius, man on the highest level of the higher emotional stage, or the
stage of culture. The saint has attained the emotional ideal of a loving relationship to all
living things. However, it remains to realize the mental ideal knowledge of reality and
the purpose of action before the self is finished with the human kingdom. (K 1.34.17)
"When the self can maintain itself in the highest emotional consciousness (48:2), the
individual is what Christian mysticism calls a saint." K 7.17.12
SAMADHI (Skt "contemplation"). The highest stage in esoteric meditation, in which
consciousness merges with the object of meditation.
"True samadhi requires in the first place the ability to centre the monad-the self in the
innermost crown chakra. In genuine samadhi the organism is fully active, directed by
the lowest triad, while the monad, centred in one of the three units of the second triad, is
active elsewhere, centred in one of the three worlds of the triad." K 7.11.11
SCALING DOWN The cosmos consists of 49 atomic worlds, seven series of seven
worlds in each series. Worlds 1 7 is the basis and prototype of all lower worlds.

"The lower septenary series are thus scaled down replicas of those immediately above
them. This scaling down is a result of the increased density of primordial atoms and is
especially noticeable in the case of the aspects of consciousness and motion." K 2.2.4
SCHEME (T.B.) A 49-globe, a succession of seven seven-globes.
SCIENCE "The task of science is to explore physical, but not superphysical reality.
Without the facts of esoterics, mankind will remain ignorant of 46 of the 49 cosmic
worlds, science will be able to explore only the 49th." K 1.43.2
"Natural science seeks to explore visible, physical reality. Thereby its task is given and
at the same time its inevitable limitation. Science is physicalism."
"Science makes its way slowly, advancing step by step, by ascertaining facts. These
facts are summed up in theories and are explained be hypotheses. Both theories and
hypotheses are continually being changed through newly ascertained facts. Facts,
theories, and hypotheses are joined together into a thought system which is regarded as
scientific truth. These temporarily ruling systems of orientation, which show how far
research has advanced, are continually being changed because of new facts with new
theories and hypotheses. Facts that cannot be fitted into the prevailing systems of
theories and hypotheses, are regarded as doubtful. Facts that it is not possible to
ascertain by the methods of research used by scientists, are not regarded as facts. It
follows from this that the most important quality of an hypothesis is not its being true,
but its being probable: acceptable to science with its tremendously limited ability to
explain." K 5.42.1,3
SECOND HUMAN TYPE "The second type is that of the wise man, of him possessing
knowledge, insight, and understanding. He is the born teacher, able and willing to unite
conflicting conceptions and individuals, etc." K 2.7.10
SECOND SELF Monad having objective self-consciousness in any of the three units of
the second triad, individual of the fifth kingdom. They are divided into causal selves
(47:1), essential selves (46:1) and superessential selves (45:4).
SECONDARY MATTER "Primary matter is rotatory matter. The atom rotates round its
axis with enormous rapidity. To this motion is added, through the process of involution,
a cyclic spiral motion (which the ancients called the elemental essence), in which the
atom revolves round a central, focal point in a constantly ascending spiral.
"The rotatory motion of the atom of primary matter makes the formation of molecules
possible. The rotatory cyclic spiral motion of secondary matter makes it possible to
form aggregates, material forms. This makes it possible to construct and progressively
differentiate the series of ever higher, ever more refined forms of life, which serve to
afford consciousness, step by step, with the different organs it needs for the slow
activation of molecular consciousness.
"Secondary matter is called involutionary or elemental matter." P 2.9.4ff (K 6.8.18)
-SELF The term -self in reference to an individual (a 45-self, for instance) indicates the
highest world in which he has acquired full subjective and objective self-consciousness
and ability of self-activity.
By first, second, and third selves are meant monads that have self-consciousness and

ability of self-activity in their first, second, and third triads, respectively. Man is a first
self. The individuals in the fifth natural kingdom are second selves; and those in the
sixth natural kingdom, third selves.
SELF, THE "By the term monad is meant the individual as a primordial atom and by
self the individuals consciousness aspect.
"The term self is also applied to those envelopes in which the monad has acquired selfconsciousness, with which the self identifies itself, at the time regarding them as its true
self. The self is the centre in all self-apprehensions. Attention indicates the presence of
the self." K 1.15.3f
SELF OR SELF-REALIZATION, LAW OF "The law of self says that every monad
must itself acquire all the qualities and abilities requisite for omniscience and
omnipotence, from the human kingdom and onwards: understanding of law and the
responsibility following upon this." K 1.41.11
SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS The monads consciousness of being a self. Is conquered in
the human kingdom and is subsequently never lost when entering ever greater
consciousness collectives.
SENSE "Objective consciousness, the apprehension by consciousness of objective
material reality in all worlds." K 1.17.2
"Sense is direct, immediate, unreflective experience of reality. The attempt of the
subjectivists to explain this psychologically is illogical and misleading, a confusion of
logical and psychological problems... After testing, sense is always proved right. Our
mistakes begin with doubting the correctness of sense, with incorrect working up by
reason, with hypotheses and other kinds of guesswork." K 5.25.10
"Physical sense is the ability of apprehending objectively the objective material realities
in the visible, physical world. During his physical incarnation, man lives in five
different material worlds, since he has a material envelope in all five. It remains for the
normal individual, in the course of development and during thousands of incarnations,
to acquire objective consciousness in all his five envelopes, thus beside physical sense
to acquire also physical etheric, emotional, mental, and causal sense." K 6.8.3
SENZAR, SENSA (Tib.) Ancient symbolic language used by initiates of all nations.
SEPARATION OR ISOLATION, LAW OF "says that every being must in order to
develop the self-reliance and self-determination of individual character become
conscious of itself as something separate from everything else. The human stage marks
that phase of development during which the atomic consciousness is isolated from the
consciousness of other beings." P 3.2.17
SERVICE "According to the planetary hierarchy, the serving attitude to life is the
easiest, safest, quickest path to the fifth natural kingdom. All kingdoms capable of it
have as their foremost task of life serving those at lower stages of development, so that
they will be able to reach higher ones. Without this help there would be no evolution, or
evolution would take tremendously longer time. "He who gives shall receive." Those
who serve mankind unselfishly are given more and more opportunities of doing so.

Service itself develops all requisite qualities and abilities, frees from emotional illusions
and mental fictions." K 7.20.3 (K 7.15.15, 7.23.7ff)
hierarchy (not government) is divided into seven departments. In each department there
are four degrees consisting of 43-selves, 44-selves, 45-selves, and 46-selves."
"The seven departments in the planet are replicas of the seven departments of the solar
system and, to a certain degree, also of the seven types constantly recurring in the
cosmic kingdoms." K 2.6.2,5
The types of the planetary hierarchy are also called the seven planetary types in
contradistinction to the seven cosmic and seven human types.
SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL ENERGIES From the seven highest cosmic worlds (1-7)
"emanate all the material energies which form matter and the worlds and make the
cosmos a living whole constantly changing." K 2.11.7
SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TYPES "The monads are introduced into the cosmos from
chaos via one or another of the seven highest cosmic worlds. This sets a certain stamp
on them from the beginning, so that seven types of monads can be distinguished.
"The first three types of the septenary series are the most pronounced expressions of the
three aspects. The first type is the extreme force type (aspect of motion), the second
type represents the consciousness aspect, and the third type the matter aspect. The four
others are differentiations of the first three in more composed matter.
"Types 1, 3, 5, 7 are rather expressive of the objective side of existence; types 2, 4, 6, of
its subjective side.
"With each lower cosmic kingdom (septenary series of atomic worlds), the types
undergo modifications conditioned by the material composition. The types thus prove
different in different in different worlds." K 2.5.1-4
SEVEN HIGHEST WORLDS IN THE COSMOS "The cosmic worlds are built out
from above..." "The seven highest worlds are formed first. They are the foundation of
everything in the cosmos. They constitute the cosmic groundplan, the pattern for the
repeated septenary division of atomic worlds. The lower septenary series are thus scaled
down replicas of those immediately above them." K 2.2.4
"The seven highest cosmic worlds (1-7) constitute the foundation of everything in the
cosmos. They are made up of monads which have gone through the process of
manifestation in another cosmos, have learnt to handle dynamis (the eternally blind
omnipotence of primordial matter, the source of all power) and in their turn are now
building out the cosmos and directing the process of manifestation." K 2.11.6
SEVENTH HUMAN TYPE "The seventh type is the man of order with a marked sense
of everything belonging to procedure, ceremony, ritual, etc." K 2.7.15
SHAMBALLA (Skt) The physical (although in 49:2 at the lowest) headquarters of the
planetary government, situated in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia.
SHIVA (Skt, T.B.)

1. One of the "persons" in Trimurti. Symbolizes the motion aspect and its kind of
collective beings.
2. Devaraja of world 43.
SIXTH HUMAN TYPE "The sixth type is the mainly emotional imaginative man in the
spheres of religion, literature, etc. with traits of fanaticism and well-marked sympathyantipathy." K 2.7.14
SIXTH NATURAL KINGDOM Also called first divine kingdom. "The lowest divine
kingdom is made up of those individuals who have acquired envelopes and
consciousness in the two highest systemic worlds (43 and 44). They have at their
disposal the two highest collective consciousnesses of the solar system. They are
omniscient in the solar system, independently of space in that globe and its past time.
One realizes that they have complete mastery of the aspects of matter and motion and of
the Law within the worlds 43-49." K 1.36
SKANDHAS "Manifestations of consciousness activate the matter in the envelopes.
Constant vibrations (habits, tendencies, etc.) retain permanent atoms (Sanskrit:
skandhas). On the dissolution of the envelopes they enter into the causal envelope and
follow it at reincarnation, constituting the latent fund of experiences (predispositions,
talents, etc.)." K 1.23.3 (K 1.34.24)
SLEEP "Ordinary sleep is obtained when the emotional envelope, together with higher
envelopes, leaves the organism and its etheric envelope." K 7.11.12
SOKRATEAN REALIZATION The realization that man cannot on his own (by selftaught clairvoyance, meditation, speculation) attain to knowledge of reality and life.
That realization is the result of sufficient experience of mankinds collected ignorance,
through history, in theology, philosophy, science, and, in our times, occultism. The
Sokratean realization is a condition of a successful study of esoterics.
SOLAR ANGEL (T.B.) Has reference to Augoeides. Synonyms: the Soul (sometimes),
the Ego (sometimes), the Son of Mind, Manasa Deva, Manasa Putra (sometimes),
SOLAR SYSTEMS Are globes in the cosmos. Those globes are replicas of the cosmos
enormously down-scaled with everything that implies in all respects, especially
"The solar systems have seven worlds composed of the seven lowest atomic matters
(43-49)." K 1.9.3
SOLAR SYSTEMIC DEVELOPMENT "Every solar system undergoes three different
stages of development corresponding to the three aspects: those of matter,
consciousness, and motion. In each of the three periods the solar system undergoes a
complete remoulding." K 2.13.3
Our solar system is halfway through the second stage.
SOLAR SYSTEMIC ENERGIES The solar systems make up a widely branched-out
network for distribution of cosmic energies, which are coming in from worlds 36-42. (K

"The solar systems of higher degrees transmit the cosmic energies to those of lower
degrees. Our solar system is of the second degree. The energies from other solar
systems reach the planets via the sun, which has the task, among others, of transforming
the atomic energies into molecular energies." K 2.13.5
SOLAR SYSTEMIC GOVERNMENT "To enter into the solar systemic government it
is necessary to have attained the third divine kingdom. It supervises, of course,
everything in the solar system, receives directions from higher governments and gives
directions to the planetary governments.
"It also transmits knowledge received concerning the cosmos and the Law to the extent
that this is necessary to the fulfilment of the functions." K 1.40.1f
SOLAR SYSTEMIC WORLDS The seven lowest cosmic worlds (43-49) are called
solar systemic worlds, since the solar systems are made of their matter.
"The three higher worlds of the solar system (43-45) are common to all who in the solar
system have acquired objective consciousness in the respective kinds of matter."
"The four lower systemic worlds (46-49) are also called planetary worlds." K 1.11.1f
SOUL (B.) The following seven distinct meanings of the word soul are to be found in
the B. literature:
1. Consciousness in general (the consciousness aspect).
2. The causal envelope and its passive consciousness.
3. The second triad and its passive consciousness (which is passive until the monad has
become a second self).
4. The human monad in general (often called the "human soul").
5. The monad having attained self-consciousness in the causal envelope (the monad as a
causal self).
6. The monad having attained self-consciousness in the essential envelope (the monad
as a 46-self).
7. Augoeides (a 46-self of the deva evolution).
SPACE "Space, not being space in the absolute sense of the word, is limitless
primordial matter. In the cosmic sense, space is always a globe." K 1.8.1f
There are 49 kinds of matter in cosmos, its 49 dimensions. (K 1.8)
SPIRIT (T.B.) Vague term used by esotericians in the following senses:
1. Will, in contrast to matter. (P 2.62.3)
2. Consciousness in general and in contrast to matter. (K 1.4.1, 3.2.10f)
3. The three higher of a septenary whereas the four lower are called "matter". (P 2.62.3 )
4. The 45-envelope and -consciousness of the monad. (K 1.16.8, 3.4.11)
5. The third triad, its consciousness and will. (P 2.62.5)
STHULA (Skt) Physical matter.
SUBCONSCIOUS "The monads subconsciousness contains, in their latent state, all the
monads perceptions and worked-up experiences ever since the monad's consciousness
was awakened to life. Each incarnation deposits, as it were, its own layer of
consciousness. All this is preserved as rudiments of qualities and abilities, usually

manifesting as possibility of understanding. For these rudiments to be actualized it is

necessary that they be developed in each new incarnation, a process that is nevertheless
increasingly easier."
"Man is constantly receiving impulses from his subconsciousness." K 1.23.3,5
SUBJECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS That limited consciousness which experiences only
itself, thus not the matter and motion aspects in "its" world. Mans feelings and thoughts
are subjective.
Reason is another word for subjective consciousness. (K 1.17.3)
SUBJECTIVE WORLDS, KINDS OF MATTER etc. (B.) "A further confusion of ideas
has been caused by terming the material reality invisible to the normal individual
subjective, as opposed to the visible reality as objective. There is no subjective matter.
Just the first apprehension of matter is subjective. Everything that belongs to the
consciousness aspect is subjective, everything that belongs to the matter aspect is
objective." 2.62.12
SUBJECTIVISM "Consistent subjectivism leads to complete disorientation in
existence, sovereign arbitrariness, lack of principle, and irresponsibility." K 5.37.1
"Attempting to explain external, objective, material reality by sense perceptions is
typical of the modern subjectivists, whether they call themselves psychologicists of
"To doubt the existence of the external world, or that we can apprehend it as it is in its
given physical reality, is to doubt one's own common sense and all correct apprehension
of reality." K 5.43.6,8
SUBMANIFESTAL SELF, 44-SELF Monad having its highest kind of envelope and
self-consciousness in the submanifestal world of the solar system (44).
SUBMANIFESTAL WORLD Atomic world 44 in the cosmos and the solar system.
Molecular world 44:2-7 in the solar system.
SUB-PLANE (T.B.) Molecular kind.
SUFFERING "Life is joy, happiness, bliss in the mental and all higher worlds." K
"Suffering exists only in the three lower molecular kinds of the physical and emotional
worlds (48:5-7; 49:5-7), and then only as bad reaping after bad sowing." K 1.35.20
SUNS "The suns are transformers that convert atomic matter into molecular matter.
What we see is just an external physical gaseous envelope." K 1.9.2
"The energies from other solar systems reach the planets via the sun, which has the task,
among others, of transforming the atomic energies into molecular energies. These seven
main kinds of molecular energies, like all septenaries, can be divided into three higher
and four lower. The three circulate interplanetarily; the four are distributes to the
planets, in which process the principle of circulation is also employed, so that the
planets receive energy from each other." K 2.13.5
The sun as an esoteric symbols has reference to the second triad, its kinds of

consciousness and energy. "Solar Lords", "Solar Angels", etc. refer to such devas as are
self-conscious in 45 or 46.
SUPERCONSCIOUS "To the superconscious belong all not yet self-activated domains
of consciousness in the molecular kinds of the individual's different envelopes.
Development consists in self-activating consciousness and thereby to acquire selfconsciousness in these molecular kinds." K 1.22.4
SUPERESSENTIAL SELF, 45-SELF Monad having its highest kind of envelope and
self-consciousness in the superessential world of the solar system. The superessential
self belongs to the fifth natural kingdom.
"As regards consciousness, a 45-self is to a man as a man is to a plant." K 1.35.15
SUPERESSENTIAL WORLD Atomic world 45 in cosmos and the solar system.
Molecular world 45:2-7 in the solar system.
SUPERPHYSICS All reality beyond the physical visible (49:5-7) and physical-etheric
(49:1-4) is superphysical. The lowest superphysical reality is the emotional (48:1-7).
Only esoterics is able to furnish a superphysics, a science of the superphysical. Mans
own speculation, clairvoyant "revelations" etc. of that reality have proved untenable and
SUTRATMA (Skt, "thread-soul") The current of energy connecting the three triads with
each other and conveying those higher energies without which lower envelopes would
not be able to exist. The sutratma has its lowest anchorage in the heart centre of the
etheric envelope. When this anchorage is loosened at the end of incarnation, physical
death is definitive.
SYSTEM "is thoughts way of orienting itself. Facts are largely useless until reason can
fit them into their correct relationships (historical, logical, psychological, or causal
ones)." K 1.1.34
SYSTEM THINKING "The highest kind of consciousness in the mental envelope
(47:4) is still inaccessible to mankind. Its manifestations consist in among other things
concretization of causal ideas involving simultaneous thinking by systems instead of
concepts." K 1.20.6

TELEPATHY "The simplest explanation of telepathy is that all consciousness is
collective and common to all to the extent that they have acquired the ability to
apprehend. We all have a share in the collective consciousness." K 2.9.12
TERTIARY MATTER Evolutionary matter in a first phase with incipient self-active
consciousness. Instances are all matter in the physical world (49:2-7) and, where higher
worlds are concerned, the triad atoms and molecules as well as the matter of the centres

of human envelopes. The self-activity of tertiary matter does not imply selfconsciousness, which is possible only for quaternary matter.
THEOLOGY "Theology lies within the domain of subjective consciousness, and its
dogmas belong to the superphysical. Religion is that feeling, attraction, which has no
need for reason, or at any rate is impaired if it is locked up in untenable conceptions of
reason." K 5.45.1
THEOSOPHY "Theosophy is a summary of facts that used to be imparted in the
esoteric knowledge orders. The term of theosophy came into being when the term of
gnostics has changed because the quasi-gnosticians of the third century A.D. had begun
falsely putting their quasi forward as being esoteric gnostics.
"These are the facts that constitute theosophy. Beyond them, the views of the various
theosophical authors are not theosophy."
"The best summary of the facts of theosophy was made by A. E. Powell in five
"The original task of the Theosophical Society was to proclaim universal brotherhood.
Mankind, however, in not yet ripe to realize the principles of tolerance, freedom of
opinion and expression, The Society has split up into several sects, all disputing about
what they believe to be theosophy and which "facts" are hypotheses or facts from the
hierarchy. Their dependence on authority shows that they have not understood, just
believed that they understand.
"The esoteric facts that have been given out after 1920 have not been communicated
through the Theosophical Society." K 6.3.16f,15,18f
THIRD HUMAN TYPE "The third type is the thinker, philosopher, mathematician
(often the unpractical theorist), who examines everything from every side, etc." K
THIRD SELF Monads having objective self-consciousness in someone of the three
units of the third triad, individuals in the sixth natural kingdom (first divine kingdom).
They are divided into superessential selves (45:1), submanifestal selves (44:1), and
manifestal selves (43:4).
THOUGHT The monads active consciousness in the mental envelope (47:4-7). There
are four ever higher main kinds of thinking: inference thinking, principle thinking,
perspective thinking, system thinking, each one having many subdivisions. (K 1.20.2ff)
THOUGHT, LAW OF "This is this" of the law of identity is also the fundamental law
of the correct perception of reality by thought: let this be this, such as sense perceives it,
in each world separately. (P 1.32.10)
THOUGHT-FORMS When a man thinks, a portion of his mental envelope is ejected
into the surrounding mental world where it immediately assumes a form that is
determined by the content and quality of the thought. (P 2.11.8)
THREE ASPECTS, RELATIVE SIGNIFICANCE OF "The relative significance of the
three aspects to each other is constantly being shifted in the process of manifestation. In

the lower natural kingdoms the matter aspect appears to be the only one. With each
higher kingdom the consciousness aspect grows more and more in significance, so
greatly that the matter aspect (which of course always remains the basis that can never
be lost) comes to seem utterly insignificant. But since with each higher kind of atomic
consciousness the blind omnipotence of dynamis gradually manifests more clearly, the
motion aspect (also called the will aspect) finally comes to predominate." K 2.11.12
THREE ASPECTS OF EXISTENCE "Existence is a trinity of three equivalent aspects:
matter, motion, and consciousness. None of these three can exist without the other two.
All matter has motion and consciousness." K 1.4.4, 4.1.2
TIME "Time simply means continuation, continued existence. Time is various ways of
measuring motion, various kinds of processes of manifestation. Physical time is
determined by the rotation of the earth and its circling round the sun." K 1.8.5
"Time lacks dimension. Using a line to symbolize time was a failure, a thoroughly badly
chosen simile which has given raise to many misconceptions. Only space has
dimension. Time is that unity which links the past to the present and the future. Time is
durability, continued existence, duration. Objective time is always connected with space
in a succession of events. It is a measure of processes and therefore can be divided into
periods, or time-cycles. Time is both objective and subjective. The cosmos (in
primordial matter) consists of manifestational matter and is that which we can term
space in which all worlds exist. Time is a way of measuring the total process in which
all events occur. Space as well as time can be divided into units however small and, for
us, are ways of measuring and grading."
"The past exists in the present. To a causal self, there is no past of the planetary atomic
worlds 47-49, nor is there to a 43-self of the systemic atomic worlds 43-49." K 5.36.3,5
TOTAL CONSCIOUSNESS, COSMIC "Since the ultimate components of the universe
are primordial atoms, cosmic total consciousness is an amalgamation of the
consciousness it all primordial atoms, as the ocean is the union of all drops of water." K
TRANCE The condition of unconsciousness resulting as the monads temporarily leaves
the envelopes where it has its achieved waking consciousness. Trance may occur in
mediumism or in meditation.
TRANSCENDENT Reaching beyond. Transcendent divinity: se GOD
TRANSFORMATION, LAW OF "All material form (atoms, molecules, aggregates,
worlds, planets, solar systems, aggregates of solar systems, etc.) are subject to the law
of transformation. They are being formed, changed, dissolved, and re-formed." K 1.31.1
TRANSMIGRATION "The transition of the monads from the mineral to the vegetable
kingdom and thence to the animal and human kingdoms is called transmigration. It
cannot work backwards. Reversion from a higher natural kingdom to a lower one is
absolutely precluded." K 1.33.1
"In order to pass from a lower to a higher natural kingdom, the monad has to learn to
receive and adapt itself to the vibrations from ever higher molecular kinds. At first these
vibrations fulfil the necessary functions of vitalization in the monads envelopes." K

TRIAD (T.B.) Second triad (45:4, 46:1, 47:1).

TRIAD CHAIN The triad chain is composed of three connected triads. Is also called the
monad ladder. (P 2.15)
TRIAD ENVELOPE That lesser part of mans causal envelope which is separated at
incarnation to enclose the first triad and merges again with the greater causal envelope
at the end of incarnation. Consists of 47:3 matter.
TRIAD UNITS An atom or a molecule composing a triad. The three triads consist in all
of nine triad units. (P 2.15)
TRIADS Permanent triplets of evolutionary atoms and molecules that accompany the
monad, functioning as its instruments during the entire evolution from the mineral
kingdom to the sixth natural kingdom inclusive. During this entire evolution, the monad
has three units.
The firsts triad consists of a mental molecule (47:4), an emotional atom (48:1), and a
physical atom (49:1). The second triad consists of a superessential molecule (45:4), an
essential atom (46:1), and a mental atom (47:1). The third triad consists of a manifestal
molecule (43:4), a submanifestal atom (44:1), and a superessential atom (45:1).
Evolution in the solar system (43-49) is evolution in and through triads. The monad
activates its triads from below. It is always involved in the physical atom of the first
triad. In the animal kingdom, the monad passes to the emotional atom, and in the human
kingdom (at the mental stage) to the mental molecule. The transition to the fifth natural
kingdom implies a transition to second triad mental atom, whereupon the first triad can
be dispensed with. The transition to the sixth natural kingdom implies a transition to the
third triad 45-atom, whereupon the second triad is dispensed with as well. As long as
the second and third triads are inactive, they are held in trust by collective beings
belonging to the deva evolution. (P 2.15f)
TRIMURTI (Skt, T.B.) Trinity. The three aspects motion or power, consciousness,
matter, and also the three kinds of collective beings. In symbolism, Shiva = the motion
aspect, Vishnu = the consciousness aspect, Brahma = the matter aspect.
TYPE ACTIVITY "The solar systemic and planetary energies are always type energies,
and the effects they have on the different types in the different kinds of matter and
consciousness differ accordingly. When activity of one type dominates, it sets it mark
on individuals and collectivities in their individual characters. The result is that every
process is to some extent individual and can never again produce anything exactly
similar, never achieve exactly the same result." K 2.13.8
TYPES, DIVISION INTO "The division into types works thoroughly, in many ways
and in innumerable kinds of combinations. Strange as it may seem, every solar system,
every planet, every aggregate expresses one of the seven types especially. Every
individual belongs to one, all man's envelopes can be of different types.
"Individual character also makes itself felt, so that every individual, despite his type, is
something unique, which fact conduces to greater understanding and makes cosmic
unity more fully vibrant." K 2.5.8f

ULTIMATE SELF The self-consciousness of the monad.
UNCONSCIOUS "According to esoterics, the unconscious is partly subconsciousness,
partly superconsciousness. The subconscious is the latent memory of past experiences.
The superconscious consists of a long series of domains of consciousness as yet not
conquered." K 6.6.2
UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE "The understanding of life requires a fund of
systematized experiences. This is the foundation that is acquired during the long process
of mental development at the stage of barbarism." K 5.9.10
UNITY, LAW OF "The law of unity says that all monads make up a unity and that
every monad for superindividual consciousness expansion must realize its unity with all
life." K 1.41.9
UNITY, STAGE OF The essential stage, the first superhuman stage, where the monad
activates consciousness in its essential envelope (46:1-7).
UNIVERSAL MIND (T.B.) Various kinds of collective consciousness in general, often
referring to the planetary collective 46- or 47-consciousness including the globe
UNIVERSAL SOUL Ancient symbol of the cosmic collective consciousness.
UNMANIFESTED The unmanifested is non-composite matter, thus non-atomized
primordial matter as well as non-involved primordial atoms.

VARUNA (Skt, T.B.) Deva raja for world 48.
VEGETABLE KINGDOM The second natural kingdom, or the lowest but one.
"In this kingdom the monad acquires the ability to distinguish between attractive and
repulsive vibrations, thereby having achieved contact with the emotional world (48:7).
Vegetable monads develop most quickly by being consumed by animals and men,
thereby being subjected to the strong vibrations in their emotional envelopes. By
learning to perceive these vibrations they become able gradually to attain higher levels
in their kingdom." K 1.33.6

VEGETABLE MONAD The monad during its evolution in the vegetable kingdom is
called vegetable monad.
"When the mineral monads have succeeded in acquiring physical etheric consciousness,
they pass to the vegetable kingdom. Consciousness first manifests itself as a tendency to
repetition, becoming a tendency to organized habit, or nature. When consciousness is
increased, there arises a striving after adaptation. The vegetable monads become animal
monads through acquiring emotional consciousness." K 4.8.3
"The vegetable monads develop through the plants being devoured by animals and men
and in this being subjected to the forceful emotional vibrations in these animal bodies."
K 4.11.5
VIBRATIONS "are the result of higher kinds of matter penetrating lower kinds. This
fact has given rise to the idea that everything consists of vibrations." K 1.27.2 (K
VISHNU (Skt, T.B.) One of the "persons" in Trimurti. Symbol of the consciousness
aspect and its kinds of collective beings. Deva raja of world 44.
VISIBLE WORLD Molecular world, the three lower states of aggregation of the
physical world (49:5-7).
The visible world can be said to be the special world of minerals as regards
consciousness. (K 1.11.5)
Mans envelope in the physical world, when he is incarnated in it, is the organism (49:57). (K 1.14.1)
VITAL FORCE in the organism "depends on five different kinds of etheric energies
replacing one another at twenty-four minute intervals, thus recurring periodically at
intervals of two hours." K 2.12.7

WAKING CONSCIOUSNESS "In his organism mans waking consciousness consists
of sense perceptions, feelings, thoughts, and manifestations of the will."
"Waking consciousness is thus a tiny fraction of the monad's possibility of
consciousness." K 1.22.2,6
Opposite: unconscious.
WILL "The will is dynamis acting through active consciousness. Active consciousness
is thus the ability of consciousness to let dynamis act through it. The will is energys
individualized mode of acting through consciousness, in doing which the essential
things for ever higher kinds of worlds are the consciousness content's accordance with
law, accordance with plan, purposefulness, one-pointedness of purpose." K 1.28.1
There are as many kinds of will as there are kinds of active consciousness.
"The different kinds of will are acquired simultaneously with full subjective and
objective self-consciousness in the respective worlds, or with the self's ability of
centring itself in the pertaining envelopes." K 1.29.2

"Physically, mans "will" is vitality and ability of activity; emotionally, attraction and
repulsion; mentally, motive (usually motive for action) adhered to."
"Will is determined by motives and that the strongest motive will win." K 7.6.6f
WILL (T.B.) "Originally, the will was the symbolic term for the motion aspect (the will
"Will meant the ability of consciousness to let dynamis act through it. The higher the
kind of consciousness, the greater the possibility of dynamis. The highest consciousness
is also the highest power.
"In their apparently hopeless lack of terms esoteric authors have used will for the
highest kind of consciousness in both the fifth and sixth natural kingdoms, thus for both
45- and 43-consciousness." K 7.6.2,4f
WILL TO UNITY "The will to unity is no will to uniformity, no standardization into
robotism. The will to unity does not fight against other views or against dissidents. It is
so rational that it need never fear criticism. It leaves everybodys fiction in peace, for it
knows how to find unity in diversity. The individual has a natural right to exist, to be
different from all others, to be an individual with individuality. In its deepest sense,
freedom is individuality. Without freedom there is no individual character, no selfreliance, no self-determination, no development. The will to unity is the strongest
defence of freedom, for this will must be built on freedom as its basis..." "The will to
unity is the only rational basis, and the only basis tenable in the end, of society and of
culture. That idea is the basic idea of this book.
"The will to unity is not least the will to a national culture. Such a culture must emerge
from that collective self-reliance and self-determination which the will to unity fosters
in a nation." P 1.1.3,7f
WORKING HYPOTHESIS A hypothesis, an assumption you use for practical reasons,
until you can replace it with ascertained facts.
"At mankinds present stage of development, esoteric knowledge cannot be more than a
working hypothesis where most people are concerned. But the further mankind
develops, the more obvious its incomparable superiority will become." K 1.1.33, 4.11.8
WORLD, LORD OF THE (Skt, T.) The planetary ruler, head of the planetary
government. His name is Sanat Kumara.
WORLD TEACHER, THE (T.B.) The head of the second department of the planetary
hierarchy (department of education). The same as bodhisattva. The present holder of the
office is 43-self Christos-Maitreya. (K 3.1.28)
WORLD VIEW "The world view is our total knowledge of the matter aspect of reality.
The world view includes the physical and natural sciences and their offshoots."
"Without a world view, a knowledge of reality, the necessary basis of life view is
lacking. A rational conception of reality is all the more important since the life view is
of fundamental, indispensable importance." P 3.1.1f
WORLD VIEW AND LIFE VIEW "The thinking man wishing to obtain a conception
of existence acquires a world view as regards external objective material reality and a

life view as to emotional and mental life belonging to internal, subjective

consciousness." K 5.40.1

YOGA "The original yoga methods were elaborated by rishis in Lemuria and
Atlantis..." "Of the five methods of development most widely known, two are direct:
physical hatha yoga (a risky forcing-house method that has claimed countless victims)
and mental raja yoga. Three are indirect: gnana yoga (development of reason), bhakti
yoga (ennoblement of emotion), and karma yoga (devoted service)." K 6.5.1f
"Yoga can be most simply defined as the striving to activate physical, emotional, and
mental consciousness." K 7.15.2
YUGA (Skt, T.) Time-period of varying length. There are four kinds of yuga
corresponding to the gold, silver, copper and iron ages in Western mythology: Satya
yuga (1 728 000 years), Treta yuga (1 296 000 years), Dvapara yuga (864 000 years),
and Kali yuga (432 000 years). A complete cycle from Satya yuga through Kali yuga
(4,32 million years) is called a Maha yuga.

ZODIACAL PERIOD Esoterically, the cultural development of mankind is not
continuous but discontinuous-cyclical. It is divided into 12 zodiacal periods of some
2500 years each. In the year 1950 began the zodiacal period of Aquarius as the vernal
equinox entered into the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius.

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