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Fish cultivation has always been done in the open.

This method faced problems that are both

unfriendly to business and the environment. Lately, new technologies are emerging that allows
the raising of fish indoors where farmers can control production parameters in such a way that
they help the business and the environment.
Aquaculture has largely and traditionally been done in open ponds and through the use of nets, and
cages in the ocean, river or stream.
The problems posed by this production system, particularly the use of nets and cages, are, mainly: the
potential for escape of farmed fish into natural waters resulting to competition with wild fish and the
dilution of wild fish breed; and the release into coastal water of a large amount of fish excrement that may
contain chemicals. And because these systems are open to the elements, they are greatly affected by the
weather. Another problem posed by this system to fish farmers is the lack of possibility to control the
factors that influence production.
Solutions to these problems are being offered by new systems of farming fish indoors. These are usually
sophisticated systems that may even allow the automatic collection, and processing of wastes so that
they are converted into usable forms such as crop fertilizer. An indoor fish farm can be one with several
tanks filled with thousands of galloons of water and equipped with high-tech filters and control
mechanisms. Another indoor system that is gaining popularity is the recirculating aquaculture system. In a
flow-through operation, water is used only once and then flushed out together with all the wastes
contained in it. In a recirculating system, water is treated and reused.

Advantages of an Indoor System

The fish stock is protected from predators, weather changes and natural calamities

With high control over temperature, water quality and feeding, it is possible to produce fish faster
and at any time during the year

Closed, indoor aquaculture systems are often considered as more friendly to the environment
because they require less water and result to less waste. As an alternative to marine aquaculture,
it doesnt result to the pollution of coastal waters with drugs, chemicals and antibiotics

It avoids the usual danger of fish escapes associated with traditional open net pens and cages
system of fish farming in coastal waters

It allows higher stocking densities, requiring smaller spaces and lesser management needs. As
such, it can save a farm owner labor and time to manage a farm

It allows production facilities to be near the market, saving transportation costs

Indoor Fish Farming Disadvantages

An indoor system, however, is not without its tradeoffs. One being that it requires constant supply of
electricity to operate. Also, it needs infrastructure work to set up, which also needs some energy input.
Infrastructure and energy use translates ultimately to cost. In addition, if the fish raised in enclosed
systems are carnivorous, they would require the capture of a large amount of other fish for their diet. This
aspect of aquaculture is criticized as being unsustainable.
Overall, indoor fish farming system offers the possibility for a fish farmer to have more control over his
farm and researches are being done to mitigate the disadvantageous aspects of this method.

If you are thinking of owning a fish farm, understand the specific steps that need to be
taken to achieve success:

Business and financial plan: Make a business plan and a marketing strategy. Find out how much
you will be required to invest. Next step would be to juggle loan options. Also make a
calculation of the break even and the interest plan of the loan.

Statement showing Financial Analysis for Composite Fish Culture in New Ponds(Indicative)
(Amt in Rs)
A. Cost

Year 1

Year 2

1. Fixed Costs


2. Recurring Costs













Year 3

1. Income from sale of fish
2. Net Income
3. NPV Costs


4. NPV Benefits


5. NPV

6. BCR


25 %

Rate of Refinance
NABARD provides refinance assistance for fish culture to commercial banks,
cooperative banks and regional rural banks. The rate of refinance is fixed by
NABARD from time to time.
Rate of Interest
Interest rate to be charged to the ultimate borrowers would be as indicated by
bank/RBI/NABARD from time to time depending on quantum of loan amount and the
agency providing the loan.

Obtain a business license/Incorporation: Obtain a business license and register your company.
Type of fish: Decide on the type of fish you would like to breed. Do you want more than one
type of fish? It is better to check fish variety in that region.

Fish species involved in composite fish culture

Depending on the compatibility and type of feeding habits of the fishes, the following types of fishes

Indian as well as Exotic varieties have been identified and recommended for culture in the composite
fish culture technology :
Species Feeding habit Feeding zone
Indian Major Carp

Zoo plankton feeder

Surface feeder



Column feeder



Bottom feeder

Exotic carps
Silver carp

Phytoplankton feeder

Surface feeder

Grass carp


Surface, column and marginal areas

Common carp


Bottom feeder

Choosing a Pond
A fish pond should have enough space for the fishes to swim. There has to be a
system to control the temperature of the water and create a habitat that suits that
particular breed of fish. For example, if the fish needs warmer water, you should have
lakes and ponds for the fish as well as a way to maintain the temperature of water.
Clean the pond periodically.
The area under tanks and ponds available for warm fresh water aquaculture is
estimated to be 2.85 million ha. In additition 0.78 million ha of swamps, beels, etc.
and low lying water logged area not good for agriculture as also any agriculture land
can be converted for fish farming. Out of the total inland fish production around 60%
is contributed by the culture sector. The average productivity from ponds at present is
to the tune of 2160 kg/ha/year. This shows the tremendous scope for fish culture in the
country. The area of 4.56 lakh ha brought under scientific fish culture by 1997-98 is
only 16% of the potential area of tanks and ponds available for development showing
immense possibilities for horizontal expansion of composite fish culture.
Selection of Pond:

The main criteria to be kept in mind while selecting the pond is that the soil should be water retentiv
adequate supply of water is assured and that the pond is not in a flood prone area. Derelict, semi dere
or swampy ponds can be renovated for fish culture by dewatering, distillation, repair of the
embankments and provision of inlet and outlet. The pond may be owned by the individual or taken o
lease in which case the lease period should be more or coterminous with the repayment period. The
eligible items of pond development are as follows:


Distilling of existing ponds


Deepening of shallow ponds.


Excavation of new ponds.


Impoundment of marginal areas of water bodies.


Construction / repairs of Embankments.


Construction of Inlets / Outlets.


Any other item like civil structures, watchmen huts, water supply arrangements /
electricity supply arrangements etc. depending on requirements of the project based o
its size etc.

Find market: For finding a market to sell your fish, know the small shops from big stores and the
transport medium to carry live as well as dead fish.

With inputs from NABARD bankable model

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